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《精品》2013-2014学年高中英语外研版选修七 同步练测MODULE 4SECTON AREADING AND VOCABULARY WORD版含解析.doc

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1、MODULE 4 Music Born in America Section A READING AND VOCABULARY 建议用时满分实际用时得分错题档案45分钟60分.用适当的介词填空(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分)1. The company is _ decline because of bad management.2. Here is a fresh approach _ handling your money.3. She tried to set her thoughts _ order but found her mind had lost its strength

2、.4. I got bored _ my job as a magazine publisher.5.As it turned out,she liked seeing people dance _ her music.6. Other researchers are eager to experiment _ the technique.7.For much of the early part of the conversation,I just sat there _ silence.8. This helps you to be aware of time and concentrate

3、 your mind _ the immediate task.9. I met him _ the block party a couple of months ago.10.City life is attractive to young people,but its different _ my case.11. _ seeing me, Mary asked me to walk quickly, smiling.12. The population of the town is _the decline.根据汉语意思完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.People _

4、_ (讨厌) when you dont say what you mean.2.Those suffering from infectious disease _ _ _ (被分离) the other patients.3.It was said that this kind of tool was invented _ _ _ _ _ (在19世纪初期).4.I would like to _ _ _ (利用) this opportunity to express my thanks for your help.5._ _ (受到强有力的影响) by my grandpa when I

5、 was a child,I have also come to love listening to Beijing Opera.6.Do North Africans _ _(由组成) the largest and poorest immigrants?7.The small town _ _(发展成) one of our great cities.8.The good news soon_ _ (传到) every corner of the country.9.Stop being so impulsive (冲动的) about your decision. You must _

6、_ _ _(三思而后行).10.He _ _ _ _ _ _(应该正在等) us there when we headed for the airport.11.The boy _ _ _ _(编了一个故事) ,which was not true.12.It ought _ _ _ _ _ _ (是我而不是你) that sign the letter.13.这个手术由哪位医生来做?Which doctor is _ _ the operation?14.他很失望,因为在2008年的北京奥运会上他表现不佳。He was disappointed because he _ _ _ _ in t

7、he 2008 Beijing Olympics.15. 联合国由多少个国家组成?How many countries does the UN_ _?.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.Do you know what water _?Yes. Hydrogen and oxygen.A. consists ofB. makes upC. makes up ofD. consists in2.How do you find the talk given by Mr Smith?_ .A. Very wellB. ExcitedC. BoringD. Not at all3. Y

8、ou should take _ of every chance to make more benefits.A. disadvantageB. advantageC. useD. energy4. Surfing the Internet is a new way to relax oneself that_ in the late 1990s.A. occurred toB. broke outC. emergedD. existed5.Though he is ill,he has not quit _.A. smokeB. to smokeC. smokedD. smoking6. A

9、 large sum of money has been raised for the _ of the poorly-educated children in the mountainous areas.A. profitB. favorC. advantageD. benefit7.Jane,would you like to join us for a film?Sorry. I must tidy up the rooms taking _ of the childrens absence. I couldnt make it when they are in.A. careB. ch

10、argeC. possessionD. advantage8.I heard the school had invited a famous man to give us a lecture right?Yes. Its Mr Shi, _ writer and _ boss of a big international company.A. the; aB. the; theC. a; aD. a; /9. All their efforts to protect the giant panda are not _ because its number is increasing year

11、by year.A. in orderB. in vainC. in declineD. in return10. The only son Mrs Lee is devoted to _ abroad for further study. So she lives alone now.A. will goB. having goneC. goD. has gone11. At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.A. approachesB. meansC. methodsD. wa

12、y12.After she lost the election,her influence on the public was in _.A. deadlineB. declineC. decorateD. declare13.After the long talks,possible solutions _.A. existedB. disappearedC. emergedD. attained14. Uncle Tom_ an interesting story for the children.A. made upB. made outC. made fromD. made of15.

13、 Lets fight against the difficulty _.A. face to faceB. side by sideC. shoulder to shoulderD.B and C. 翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)1.你该打扫自己的房间了! _2.约翰不是一个勤奋的学生,因为这是他第三次迟到了。 _3.我第一次上台表演时,害怕得一句话也说不出来。 _4.我们到电影院时,电影已经开始了。 _5.我决定给她写信而不是打电话。 _.阅读填空(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)The Andes (安第斯山脉) regions of South America have

14、a wide variety of musical traditions. Huayno is the name given to the traditional music of the Andes. While there is a long tradition of musical heritage in the Andes,todays music is influenced by the Native South Americans,the Spanish,and the Africans brought to the area as slaves. Music in the And

15、es is part of everyday life,such as music for agricultural labour,for building houses,for funerals,and for marketing cattle,sheep and goats. There are also a large number of traditional dances and traditional dance songs.Lyrics of the songs are in both Spanish and Quechua (盖丘亚语),the subjects of whic

16、h include the earth,the seasons,harvest time,love,family,children and the stars. Types of instruments include flutes,native guitars and drums. Waltzes are popular in Peru. While it is true that they have European roots,waltzes have developed into a unique form in Peru. Salsa music is more popular on

17、 the coasts of Peru and is also the number one type of music in other South American countries although it is typically thought of as a Cuban form. Soca is a form of music popular in the Caribbean area. It is dance music,with a rhythmic one-two beat. A form of dance similar to soca but more popular

18、in the south is the meringue (默朗格舞).The words to the song are sung in Spanish or a different Latin American language. The dances and the rhythms are similar,however. The most famous dance and song of Argentina is the tango,which began in the mid-19th century. Tango is more than musicit contains a pa

19、rticular language,certain usage and customs. Before the arrival of the Spanish,the main instruments used in the Andes were wind instruments,especially flutes and drums. The biggest Spanish influence on musical instruments is in the form of guitar-based instruments. Along with guitars,the Spanish bro

20、ught instruments such as harps (竖琴),mandolins (曼陀林),violins,flutes,and oboes (双簧管)to South American.Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the passage.1. _is the name given to the traditional music of the Andes.2.South American music is affected by the Native South Americans,the Africans

21、and _.3. Soca is a form of music popular in _ area.4. _ is the most famous dance and song of Argentina.答案与解析. 1. in2.to3.in4. with5.to6.with7. in8.on9.at10. in11.On/Upon12.on. 1. hate it2.were separated from3. in the early 19th century4. take advantage of5. Strongly influenced6.consist of7. develope

22、d into8.spread to9. look before you leap10. was supposed to be waiting for11. made up a story12. to be me rather than you 13. to perform14. had not performed well15.consist of.1. A 句意:“你知道水是由什么构成的吗?”“知道,氢和氧。” consist of由构成,符合句意。make up 编造,弥补;be made up of由组成;consist in存在于。2. C very well(身体)很好;excite

23、d(某人)感到兴奋的;boring 令人厌烦的,乏味的;not at all不客气。结合题干及各选项的意义可知C项切题。3. B take advantage of.利用 4. C 句意:网上冲浪是20世纪90年代末出现的一种新休闲方式。occur to 后须接宾语;break out爆发;emerge出现,为不及物动词;exist存在,表示状态。结合句意和选项可知C项符合题意。5. D quit当“停止”讲时,其后接sth.或doing sth.。6. D 句意:为了帮助山区没有受到良好教育的孩子们,(我们)已经募集了一大笔钱。for the benefit of“为了帮助”,符合句意。7.

24、 D 考查名词辨析。答语句意:“对不起,我必须趁孩子们不在家的时候打扫房间。他们在的时候我没法干活。”care “照顾,照料”;charge “掌管,主管”;possession “拥有,具有”,均不符合语境。 advantage “有利条件,有利因素”,构成短语take advantage of “利用,利用的机会”,符合句意。8. D 考查冠词的用法。表示一个人有两种身份或职业时,只在前面的名词前加冠词即可。9. B 考查短语辨析。in order “有序地”;in vain “徒劳”;in decline “在减少”;in return “作为(对的)回报”。根据句中提供的信息“大熊猫的

25、数量在逐年增加”可知他们保护大熊猫的努力并没有白费,故in vain为正确答案。10. D 考查时态。根据句法结构可知“Mrs Lee is devoted to”为定语从句,修饰先行词son,省略了定语从句的关系词that,所填选项要在句中作谓语,故选D。11. A 本题考查名词辨析。approach侧重“待人接物或思考问题的方式”;means指“为了某种目的或可以得到结果的方法”;method则指“合乎逻辑的成系统的方法”;way为普通用语。它们常见的搭配也有所不同:the approach to (doing) sth.; the means of (doing) sth.; the m

26、ethod of (doing) sth.; the way to do sth./of doing sth.。从以上两方面归纳可知选A。12. B 本题考查形近词辨析。deadline意为“最后期限”;decline意为“下降,降低”;decorate意为“装饰”;declare意为“宣布”。in decline“下降”,为固定短语。根据句意“竞选失败后,她对公众的影响力在下降”可知选B。13. C 本题考查动词辨析。attain为及物动词,意为“获得”,根据句意可知应用被动语态,故首先排除D项。A、B、C三项均为不及物动词。exist意为“存在”;disappear意为“消失”;emerg

27、e意为“出来,出现”。句意为“经过长期的谈判,可能的解决方法出现了”,故选C。14. A 本题考查make的固定短语的辨析。make up “编(故事、对话等)”;make out “辨认出;理解”。句意为“汤姆叔叔给孩子们编了一个有趣的故事”,故选A。15. D side by side与shoulder to shoulder都有“肩并肩地”之意;face to face表示“面对面地”。根据句意“让我们肩并肩地跟困难作斗争吧” 知 选D。. 1. Its about/high time you cleaned your room!2.John is not a diligent stud

28、ent,for it is the third time he has been late.3.The first time I performed on stage,I was so afraid that I could not say a word.4.By the time we arrived at the cinema,the film had already started.5. I decide to write to her rather than (to) telephone her. 1. Huayno2.the Spanish3. the Caribbean4.Tango


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