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2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:MODULE 4 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——复习被动语态和BY+V--ING形式 WORD版含答案.doc

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2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:MODULE 4 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——复习被动语态和BY+V--ING形式 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:MODULE 4 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——复习被动语态和BY+V--ING形式 WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:MODULE 4 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——复习被动语态和BY+V--ING形式 WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:MODULE 4 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——复习被动语态和BY+V--ING形式 WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:MODULE 4 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——复习被动语态和BY+V--ING形式 WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:MODULE 4 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——复习被动语态和BY+V--ING形式 WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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2019-2020同步外研英语必修四新突破讲义:MODULE 4 SECTION Ⅲ GRAMMAR——复习被动语态和BY+V--ING形式 WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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1、Section Grammar复习被动语态和byv.ing形式语 境 自 主 领 悟 先观察原句Rice is also grown in many other Asian countries.Researchers were brought in from all over China to develop the new system.The research was supported by the government.In Pakistan rice will be grown in many parts of the country.The new hybrid rice has

2、been developed by the Yuan Longping Hightech Agricultural Company of China.The shop closes at 6:00 pm every day.The apple tastes good.The new product by the company sells well.Open the door by winding the handle.People usually greet each other by shaking hands.后自主感悟1.句采用了一般现在时的被动语态,其构成形式为:am/is/ared

3、one。2.句采用了一般过去时的被动语态,其构成形式为:was/weredone。3.句分别用了一般将来时和现在完成时的被动语态。4.句中谓语动词以主动形式表示被动意义。5.句中,byv.ing形式表示通过方式。1各种时态的被动语态的构成被动语态表示主语为动作的承受者,只有及物动词才有被动语态,被动语态由“be及物动词的过去分词”构成。(1)一般现在时被动语态的构成:am/is/aredoneBefore you leave the lab,make sure the electricity is turned off and the windows are shut.在你离开实验室之前,要确

4、保电源被切断,窗户被关好。(2)一般过去时被动语态的构成:was/weredoneThe foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the children.孩子们热烈地欢迎外宾。(3)一般将来时被动语态的构成:shall/willbedoneMore space explorations will be made in the future by the Chinese people.中国人民在将来将进行更多的太空探索。(4)现在进行时被动语态的构成:am/is/arebeingdoneThey are living with their par

5、ents for the moment because their own house is being rebuilt.他们现在暂时和父母一起居住,因为他们自己的房子正在重建。(5)过去进行时被动语态的构成:was/were beingdoneAfter school we went to the readingroom to do some reading,only to be told that it was being decorated.放学后,我们去阅览室看书,结果却被告知阅览室正在装修。(6)现在完成时被动语态的构成:has/have beendoneLi Hua has bee

6、n elected monitor of our class to take the place of Ma Li.李华已取代马丽,被选为我班班长。(7)过去完成时被动语态的构成:had beendoneWhen we got on the spot of the accident,we were told that the injured had been sent to the nearest hospital.当我们到达事故现场时,我们被告知伤员已经被送往最近的医院。(8)将来完成时被动语态的构成:will/shallhave beendoneOn her next birthday,A

7、nn will have been married for twenty years.到下一次过生日的时候,安结婚就要满二十年了。(9)含有情态动词的被动语态的构成:情态动词bedoneThe boy feels very hot on the forehead,so he must be sent to hospital at once.这个男孩的额头摸起来很热,所以必须被立刻送往医院。即时训练1用所给词的被动语态填空More efforts,as reported,will be made (make) in the years ahead to accelerate the supply

8、side structure reform.Did you enjoy the party?Yes,we were treated (treat) well by our hosts.Despite the previous rounds of talks,no agreement has been reached (reach) so far by the two sides.2使用被动语态时应注意的情况(1)不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态(take place,break out,come true,belong to,date from,happen等)。A fire broke out

9、 in his house yesterday.昨天他家着火了。(2)含有介词或副词的及物动词短语变为被动语态时,介词或副词不可省略(look after,look for,take care of,put off,break into等)。The children are taken good care of in the kindergarten.孩子们在幼儿园里被照顾得很好。(3)带复合宾语(宾语宾补)的动词变被动语态时,一般把复合结构中的宾语变成主语,而把宾语补足语(在被动语态中叫作主语补足语)放在动词之后。We always keep the classroom clean and

10、tidy.The classroom is always kept clean and tidy by us.我们总是保持教室干净而且整洁。名师点津see,watch,hear,notice,listen to,look at,make等感官动词或使役动词后作宾补的不定式不带to,但这类动词(watch和notice除外)的主动语态变为被动语态时,不定式符号to必须加上。A girl saw my wallet drop when she passed by.My wallet was seen to drop by a girl when she passed by.一个姑娘路过时看到我的钱

11、包掉了。即时训练2完成句子这项比赛每四年在不同的国家举行一次。The game takes place every four years in a different country.我们在实验室做了许多有趣的实验。Many interesting experiments are carried out in our laboratory.我们经常听到他弹吉他。He is often heard to play the guitar.3主动形式表示被动意义的用法(1)某些连系动词,如look,sound,smell,feel,taste,prove等,可用主动形式表示被动意义,因为连系动词为不

12、及物动词,它们没有被动语态形式。That dog looks dangerous.那只狗看起来很危险。(2)某些可用来表示主语内在“品质”或“性能”的及物动词,如:lock,shut,open,move,read,write,sell,wash,clean,catch,draw,cut,drink,eat等常用主动形式表示被动意义。这些词后常有副词修饰,如well,easily等。The cloth washes well and is comfortable to wear.这种布很容易洗而且穿起来很舒服。(3)need,require,want,deserve等词,当主语为物时,接动名词的

13、主动形式,表示被动意义,其含义相当于动词不定式的被动形式。The flowers need watering or they will die.The flowers need to be watered or they will die.这些花需要浇水,否则它们会死。(4)形容词worth后面跟动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。The picturebook is well worth reading.这本图画书很值得一读。(5)在“主语be形容词(for sb.)to do”结构中,句子的主语与构成不定式的动词存在逻辑上的动宾关系,且形容词表示主语的特征或性质,不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。常

14、见的形容词有:easy,hard,difficult,important,interesting,strange,impossible,comfortable,dangerous等。This article is difficult to read.I need someone to explain it to me.这篇文章很难读懂。我需要一个人给我解释一下。(6)不定式作定语修饰名词,与前面的名词有动宾关系,且句中有不定式的逻辑主语时,用动词不定式主动形式表示被动意义。I have a lot of homework to do this afternoon.今天下午我有很多的家庭作业要做

15、。Please give me something to eat.请给我些东西吃。(7)某些动词不定式如to blame,to let等,作表语时用主动形式表示被动意义。The boy was to blame for what he had done.这个男孩为他的所作所为受到了批评(责备)。即时训练3用所给词的适当形式填空A Midsummer Nights Dream opens (open) at the Theatre Royal on 19th June,and then tours throughout Scotland.As a result of the serious fl

16、ood,twothirds of the buildings in the area need repairing (repair)The stone is heavy for the boy to lift (lift)4byv.ing形式(1)by v.ing形式,表示以某种方式来达到某种目的He passed the exam by working hard.通过努力学习,他通过了考试。(2)by表示“方式”的其他用法by交通工具,如:by car/bus/bike/plane等。I go to school by bike every day.我每天骑自行车去上学。bythe具体的时间

17、或度量名词,如by the day/hour/year/kilo /metre/dozen (按打)等。He is paid by the hour.他按小时得到报酬。即时训练4用by doing形式改写下列句子You can reach there if you take a bus.You can reach there by taking a busStudents learn things when they do exercises after school.Students learn things by doing exercises after school.单句语法填空1He

18、 hoped that he would be given (give) a more suitable job.2If the agreement is reached(reach), the war will come to an end soon.3Oh, the milk tastes(taste) strange. Do you think its OK to drink?4Dont lose heart! The problem can be prevented (prevent) from getting worse.5What was given(give) to the vi

19、llage school as a present last month?6Shakespeares play Hamlet has been made (make) into at least ten different films over the past years.7The hotel succeeded in attracting more guests by improving(improve) the service.8We are confident that the environment will be improved (improve) by our further

20、efforts to reduce pollution.9The government announced that six highways had been built (build) by the end of last year.10A dinner party was being held (hold) in celebration of the great achievements she had made when I called her yesterday.单句改错1We encouraged to think for ourselves, which is quite di

21、fferent from what I have experienced before. encouraged前加are2The water was felt cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. 去掉was3One learns a language by making mistakes and correct them. correctcorrecting4I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my further education

22、. offered前加been5The computer needs repaired at once.repairedrepairing6The children are taught how to operate the machine now. are后加being7Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables and high quality oil are using for cooking. usingused8Lots of studies have been shown that global warming has already become a very serious problem. 去掉been9I told that there would be someone to meet me at the station, but there wasnt any. told前加was10He lost his ability to speak, so he had to communicate with others by used sign language. usedusing


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