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1、00:00.01A:Three_five_one _four_one_two_zero00:02.23351_412000:04.47B:Five_nine_one_seven_four_eight_six00:06.54591_748600:08.62A:Hello.This is the SBC Corporation.May I help you?00:11.21喂,这是SBC公司,我能帮你什么忙吗?00:13.79B:Hello,This is Mr.Green speaking.00:15.44喂,我是格兰先生。00:17.08A:Good morning.SBC Corporati

2、on.May I help you?00:19.59早上好,SBC公司,我能帮你什么忙吗?00:22.10B:Could you please give me the international division.00:24.45请帮我接国际部好吗?00:26.80A:Hold on a minute,please.00:27.92请稍候。00:29.05B:Can you please connect me with the export department?00:31.06请接出口部好吗?00:33.07A:Hold the line a moment,Ill connect you.0

3、0:35.17稍候,我帮你接过去。00:37.28May I speak to.Mr.Chen please?00:38.65我能和陈先生讲话吗?00:40.02A:Ill connect you to him.00:41.42我接过去给他。00:42.81B:Would you please transfer me to the production department?00:44.71请转生产部好吗?00:46.60A:Ill put you through.00:47.57我帮你接过去。00:48.54Ill ring him for you.00:49.66我帮你转给他。00:50.

4、78Ill get him for you .00:52.09我帮你转给他。00:53.39Just a moment,please.00:54.61请稍候。00:55.82Just a second,please.00:56.97请稍候。00:58.12One moment,please.00:59.15请稍候。01:00.19Whos calling,please?01:01.27请问你是谁?01:02.35May I ask whos calling?01:03.57请问你是谁?01:04.78May I tell him whos calling?01:06.06我能告诉他是谁打来的吗

5、?(即:请问你是谁?)01:07.34May I let him know whos calling?01:08.77我要让他知道是谁打来的?01:10.19May I have your name,please?01:11.43请问你的姓名?01:12.67I cant hear you very well.Please speak a little louder.01:15.05我听不清你讲的话,请大声一点。01:17.43Please speak a little more slowly.01:19.07请说慢一点。01:20.72May I have your name again,p

6、lease.01:22.49再次请问您尊姓大名?01:24.27This is Mitchell Gallagher.01:25.79我是米契尔加拉赫尔。01:27.30Im sorry,could you repeat that,please?01:28.95对不起,请再说一遍好吗?01:30.59I beg you pardon.01:31.65请再说一遍。01:32.71Im sorry,we seem to have a bad connection.01:34.79对不起,好像电话线路不好。01:36.86Could you spell your name,please?01:38.

7、23请你拼出你的姓名好吗?01:39.60Could you please tell me how your name is spelled?01:41.64请你告诉我你的名字怎样拼好吗?01:43.68How do you spell you name,please?01:45.08请问你的姓名如何拼出?01:46.48Thats J_O_V_A_N_O_I_C_H,Jovanovich.01:51.45那是J_O_V_A_N_O_V_I_C_H,Jovanovich.01:56.43J_O_V_A_N_O_V_I_C_H,Ive got it .Thank you.02:00.97J_O_

8、V_A_N_O_V_I_C_H,我知道了,谢谢。02:05.52A:What can I do for you,Mr.Brown?02:06.82布朗先生,有什么地方我能为你效劳吗?02:08.13B:Could I have the order department,please?02:09.53请接预订部好吗?02:10.93A:Who do you wish to speak to,sir?02:12.23先生,你希望和谁讲话?02:13.54B:Id like to speak to the department manager,please.02:15.05我想和该部门的经理进话。0

9、2:16.57A:That would be Mr.Lin.02:17.78那里林先生。02:19.00B:May I speak to Mr.Xu?02:20.21我能和许先生讲话吗?02:21.43A:Can I ask what youre calling in reference to ?02:23.10请问关于什么事?02:24.77B:Can I tell him what its in reference to ?02:26.87我能告诉他(即:请问)有什么事?02:28.98What number have you dialed?02:30.31你打多少号码?02:31.64I

10、m afraid youve dialed the wrong number.02:33.20恐怕你打错了。02:34.75Theres no one here by that name.02:36.40这里没有这个人。02:38.04Im sorry,hes tied up at the moment.02:39.69对不起,他此刻正在忙。02:41.33Im sorry,hes busy at the moment.02:43.16对不起,他此刻正在忙。02:44.99Im sorry,hes not available at the moment.02:47.07对不起,他此刻没空。02

11、:49.14Im sorry,he cant come to the phone at the moment.02:51.25对不起,他此刻无法接电话。02:53.35A:Im sorry,hes not at his desk.02:54.93对不起,他不在办公位上。02:56.51B:Could you tell him to call me back as soon as possible?02:58.55请告诉他尽快回我的电话好吗?03:00.58A:Im sorry,hes away from his desk.03:02.39对不起,他离开办公桌了。03:04.19B:Will y

12、ou ask him to call me back in about an hour?03:05.70请告诉他大约一小时后回我的电话好吗?03:07.22A:Im sorry,he just walked away from his desk.03:09.35抱歉,他刚离开办公桌。03:11.48A:Im sorry,hes not in at the moment.03:13.12对不起,他不在。03:14.77B:May I leave a message?03:15.55我能留言吗?03:16.34A:Im sorry,hes our of the office now.03:17.9

13、2对不起,他现在不在办公室。03:19.50B:Please leave a message that I called.03:20.80请留话说我打过电话给他。03:22.11A:Im sorry hes away from the office.03:23.66抱歉,他离开办公室了。03:25.22Im sorry,hes not in the office now.03:27.69对不起,他现在不在办公室。03:30.16Im sorry,hes just left.03:31.77抱歉,他刚离开。03:33.39Im sorry,he hasnt come to the office

14、yet.03:35.16对不起,他还没有来办公室。03:36.92Im sorry,hes out of town now.03:38.29对不起,他现在出城去了。03:39.66Im sorry,hes out of town on a business trip.03:41.83抱歉,他外出做生意了。03:44.00Im sorry,hes out of town for a few days.03:46.22对不起,他出城几天。03:48.44Im sorry,he has someone with him right now.03:50.20对不起,他现在有客人。03:51.97Im

15、sorry,he has a visitor right now.03:53.86抱歉,他现在有客人。03:55.76Im sorry,he has someone in his office right now.03:58.32对不起,现在有客人在他办公室。04:00.88Im sorry,hes giving an interview now.04:02.95抱歉,他正在面谈。04:05.03Im sorry,hes in a meeting now.04:06.86对不起,他正在开会。04:08.69Im sorry,hes in conference now.04:10.51抱歉,他正

16、在开会。04:12.34Im sorry,hes on another line at the moment.04:14.12对不起,他正在接另外一部电话。04:15.90Im sorry,hes on the plone at the monent.04:17.76抱歉,他正在接电话。04:19.63Im sorry,his line is busy at the moment.04:21.92对不起,他正在打电话。04:24.20Im sorry,hes gone home for the day.04:25.98抱歉,他回家了。04:27.76Im sorry,hes out for t

17、he rest of the day.04:29.62对不起,他下班休息了。04:31.49B:This is Mr.Agnelli.Would you put me through to Mr.Lou,please?04:34.83我是埃格尼利先生,请转罗先生好吗?04:38.18A:Im sorry,hes out at the moment,Would you like to talk to someone else in the same section?04:41.40抱歉,他现在不在,你能和同部门其他人讲吗?04:44.63Im sorry,but he is not at his

18、 desk now.Wont anyone else do?04:47.11对不起,但他现在不在,找别人可以吗?04:49.59B:May I speak to Mr.Chen,please?04:51.15我能和陈先生讲话吗?04:52.70A:Mr.Chen is in conference right now.Would you like to speak with Mr.Xu?04:55.63陈先生现在正在开会,找许先生和你谈好吗?04:58.55Mr.Liu is not here at the moment.Can Mr.Chang help you?05:00.98刘先生现在不在

19、,张先生帮你好吗?05:03.41Mr.Lin is out right now.But Mr.Wang is handling his calls.05:06.51林先生出去了,但王先生可以处理他的电话。05:09.60Mr.Fan is not here at the moment.Mr.Li might be able to help you.05:12.63范先生现在不在,李先生大概可以帮你。05:15.66B:Im calling in reference to the shipment.05:17.19我打电话是谈有关发货的事情。05:18.72A:Let me transfer

20、this call to the man in charge.05:20.80我转给承办人员。05:22.87A:Hes at our other office,so you might try to catch him there.05:25.19他在我们的另一个办公室,你打到那里可以找到他。05:27.50B:Can I have that number?05:28.57我能有那边的电话吗?05:29.64A:Certainly.Its 814_4345.05:32.17当然,是8144345。05:34.71B:Hes at our other office.Could you call

21、 him there?05:36.68他在我们另一个办公室,你能打到那边吗?05:38.65A:Hes at our other office.Would you mind calling him there?05:40.94他在我们另一个办公室,你介意打到那边吗?05:43.22Hes out of the office now,he should be back after lunch.05:45.63他现在离开了办公室,午餐后应该会回来。05:48.03Hes not here,but he should be back at any moment.05:50.69他不在这里,但他随时会

22、回来。05:53.36Hes not in right now,but I expect him back any moment.05:56.10他现在不在,但随时都会回来。05:58.84Hes not here,but I expect him back by 3 oclock.06:01.13他不在这里,但我想他3点会回来。06:03.42Hes not here now,but he should be back very soon.06:05.90他现在不在,但他应该很快会回来。06:08.38Hes not here.He said hed be back by 2.06:10.5

23、9他不在,他说他两点会回来。06:12.79B:I really need to speak to him now.06:14.30我真的需要现在和他讲话。06:15.80A:I see.Ill have him call you as soon as he calls in.06:17.93我知道。他若打电话进来我会要他立刻打电话给你。06:20.06A:Ill have him call you as soon as hes back.06:21.77他一回来我就要他立刻打电话给你。06:23.48B:Yes,please.My phone number is 814_4345.06:27

24、.57好的。我的电话号码是8144345。06:31.65A:I see.Thank you for calling,Mr.Benjamin.06:33.52我知道,谢谢你来电话本杰明先生。06:35.39A:Im sorry,hes tied up at the moment.Shall I have him call you when hes available?06:38.18对不起,他现在没空,我叫他有空时回你电话好吗?06:40.98B:Im not good at English,so I will have someone who speaks it better call yo

25、u back.06:45.02我英文讲的不好,所以我找讲的比较好的人回电话给你。06:49.05A:I really need to speak with him now.06:50.53我真的需要现在和他讲话。06:52.00B:I see.Ill try to contact him.May I have your phone number,please?06:55.60我知道,我想办法联络到他,请问你的电话号码?06:59.19A:Could you call back in 10 minutes?07:00.69请你10分钟后再打好吗?07:02.19B:Could you call

26、again in 30 minutes?07:03.73请你在30分钟后再打来好吗?07:05.27A:Could you get back to me in an hour?07:06.88请你在一小时后再给我电话好吗?07:08.49B:Would you mind calling back around 4 oclock?07:10.20请你在大约4点钟来电话好吗?07:11.91A:Just a moment,please.Im afraid hes not here now.Shall I take a message?07:14.63请稍等一会,我想他现在不在,要我留话吗?07:1

27、7.34B:No,thank you.Just tell him I called.07:18.79不,谢谢,只要告诉他我打过电话了。07:20.24A:Im afraid hes out.Is there any message?07:21.80我想他出去了,要留话吗?07:23.35B:I see.This is rather urgent,so Id appreciate it if hed call me back immediately.07:27.10我知道,这是急事,如果他能立刻回电话给我,我会很感激的。07:30.85Im sorry,Mr.Chen is out.Can I

28、take a message?07:33.21对不起,陈先生出去了,要我留话吗?07:35.58B:Please tell him to call me back as soon as he gets in.07:37.44他一回来请转告他立刻回电话给我。07:39.31A:Can I tell him why youre calling?07:40.60我能告诉他你为何打电话来呢?07:41.90B:Is there anything youd like me to tell him?07:43.43有什么事要我告诉他的吗?07:44.95A:Would you like to leave a message?07:46.43你要留话吗?

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