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2016-2017学年高一英语外研版必修2练习:MODULE 6 FILMS AND TV PROGRAMMES WORD版含答案.docx

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1、第六模块测评(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。W:Whats wrong with me,doctor?M:Nothing serious,but it wouldnt do you any harm to have a few days rest.1.What does the man mean?A.She should

2、 take more exercise.B.Shed better have a few days rest.C.She is badly ill.答案:BW:When will you be free this month,Mr White?M:Let me see.Maybe I wont be free until next Saturday.2.On which day will Mr White be free?A.This Saturday.B.Next Friday.C.Next Sunday.答案:CM:Excuse me,how much is it to post a le

3、tter by ordinary mail?W:Only 80 cents,Sir.3.Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.At a bookstore.B.At a post office.C.At a supermarket.答案:BW:Thank you so much for the lovely evening,Jim.Frank and I had such a good time.M:Youre quite welcome.Thank you for coming.Wed been looking forw

4、ard to seeing you.4.How many people are mentioned in the dialogue?A.At least four.B.Only three.C.More than five.答案:AM:Im interested in that chair.How much do you want for it?W:$25.M:Thats too much.What about $15?W:No,thats not enough.But I can let you have it for $20.5.At which price may the man buy

5、 the chair in the end?A.$15.B.$25.C.$20.答案:C第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。M:Have you travelled much in Britain?W:No,not much.But I travel quite a lot in London every day.M

6、:What do you think of London traffic?W:I think the London underground is OK,because its fast and comfortable.But I also like your London buses,especially for short journeys.M:But dont you think the buses are rather slow?W:Yes,I do.Particularly in rush hours.M:What about London taxis?W:Taxis often ge

7、t us in traffic jams,and besides,theyre too expensive.M:Well,what do you think is the best way to travel in London?W:The London underground,I think.6.What are the two speakers talking about?A.The building of London.B.The traffic of London.C.Travelling in Britain.答案:B7.What does the woman think of th

8、e London taxi?A.Rather slow.B.Comfortable.C.Too expensive.答案:C8.In the womans opinion,what is the best way to travel in London?A.By bus.B.By underground.C.On foot.答案:B听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。W:Mike!Look at the floor!M:Whats wrong with it?W:Whats wrong with it?Its dirty!M:Oh.W:Its dirty because you never wip

9、e your shoes.M:Im sorry about it.W:What are you looking for now?M:My cigarettes.W:Well,they are not here.They are in the dustbin.M:In the dustbin?Why?W:Because theres cigarette ash everywhere in the house.M:I dont drop ash on the floor,you know.W:Oh,yes,you do!Anyway,cigarettes are a waste of money.

10、I hate them.M:Maybe they are,but I earn the money!I work eight hours a day.Remember?W:Well,what about my money then?M:What do you mean “your money”?You dont go to work,do you?W:No,I dont go out to work,but I work fifteen hours a day here!M:Well,housework is different.W:Oh,I see.So housework is diffe

11、rent,is it?Housework doesnt matter!Well,you do it then.Ill go.M:Hey,wait a minute,Pat,Pat.9.Who are the two speakers?A.A man and his servant.B.A man and his wife.C.A man and his sister.答案:B10.What does the man always do?A.The man helps with the housework.B.The man makes the room dirty.C.The man ente

12、rs the room without taking off his shoes.答案:B11.Why does the woman go away?A.The man doesnt give her money for her work.B.The man drops cigarette ash everywhere in the house.C.The man doesnt think housework is important.答案:C听第8段材料,回答第12、13题。W:Good afternoon.M:Good afternoon.Have you got any records

13、of modern guitar music?W:Weve got a lot of them.Which ones are you looking for?M:Im looking for some records of Julian Bream.I saw them in your window last week but there are different records now.W:Excuse me,arent you American?M:No,Im Canadian.My father gave me the same records.But I broke them.The

14、y were in my suitcase.I sat on my case and broke the records.I came here last week and saw the records.W:Lets look for the records.I put some new records in the window yesterday.I took the Bream records out and I put them on that shelf.Yes,the records are over here on the shelf.M:How much are those

15、three?W:Theyre four pounds fifty pence.12.Whats the man looking for?A.Some records of guitar music.B.Some tapes of modern music.C.Some records of modern piano music.答案:A13.Why does the man want to buy some records of Julian Bream?A.He enjoys them.B.He damaged the records his father gave him in his s

16、uitcase.C.He saw them in the shop window the week before.答案:B听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。M:Could I speak to you for a few minutes,Mrs Brown?W:Im very busy at the moment.Cant you wait until tomorrow?M:Uh.well,its rather important.And it wont take long.W:All right,then.What is it?M:Its a personal matter.Uh,you s

17、ee,she is ill and has to go to hospital.W:Im sorry to hear that.But why do you want to talk to me about it?M:Because.because we have a baby and theres nobody to look after her while shes in the hospital.W:Who?Your wife?M:No,no.My daughter.W:Oh,I see.But I still dont understand what all this has to d

18、o with me.M:But thats what Im trying to explain.Id like to stay at home for a few days.W:But why?M:To look after my daughter,of course.W:I thought you said she was going to hospital.They will look after her there,wont they?M:Oh,no.Its my wife whos going to hospital!Not my daughter.W:Really?I thought

19、 you said it was your daughter.Youre not explaining this very clearly at all.14.Who is busy?A.Mrs Brown.B.The mans wife.C.The man himself.答案:A15.Whos going to look after the mans daughter?A.The nurses.B.The man.C.The mans wife.答案:B16.Whats the possible relationship between them?A.Colleagues.B.Employ

20、er and employee.C.Neighbours.答案:B听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。The population of the United States has more than doubled since 1920.The amount of land for farms has not increased very much.If there are more Americans to be fed,you might think each one must eat less,but that is not true.People in the United Stat

21、es are better fed today than in 1920.Today more food can be grown because machines are used.Horses have not been used as farm labour for many years;trucks and other machines are used instead of horses.When horses were used,it was necessary to grow food for them on large areas of farm land,but very l

22、ittle food is needed for horses now.The land which was used for that purpose can now grow food for human beings instead.This is just one of many ways in which American life has been changed by machines.17.What is the change of the population in the United States according to the speaker?A.It has har

23、dly increased.B.It has been more than twice as much as that in 1920.C.It has been reduced.答案:B18.Why can more food be grown for human beings today?A.Because machines are widely used.B.Because the farmers work harder than before.C.Because land has increased.答案:A19.When have horses not been used for f

24、arm labour?A.In 1920.B.Before 1920.C.After 1920.答案:C20.Whats the speaker mainly talking about?A.The changes that machines brought to the field of farming in the USA.B.Theres little food needed for horses nowadays.C.People in the USA are better fed today.答案:A第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅

25、读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIn the 1930s,an American man named Richard Hollingshead,Jr.thought of an idea that brought together his two favourite interests:cars and movies.Richard wanted to start a business where people could watch movies from their cars.So in his driveway,Richard first put a

26、 machine,called a movie projector,on the hood(折叠式车篷)of his car.Then he tied a sheet(床单)between two trees.The sheet was like the white screen used in theaters.Richard played a movie on the “screen” using the movie projector.Sound for the movie came from a radio placed behind the sheet.Next Richard wa

27、nted to test whether the sound could be heard from the car.He rolled his car windows up and down to find the best way to hear the movie.Finally he used his water sprinkler(洒水器)at the car to test whether the movie could be seen and heard in the rain.Every test he tried was a success.In 1933 he was re

28、ady to open the first drive-in movie theater.The theater was as big as a football field.There was enough room for about 400 cars.The screen was 30 feet high and 40 feet wide.Audiences were placed next to the screen so the sound could be heard.Right away,Richards idea of a drive-in movie theater was

29、a hit.The cost to see a movie was just 25 cents per person.Over the years,changes were made to these theaters.By the 1950s there were about 5,000 drive-in movie theaters across the country.They remained popular until television came along.Today there are fewer than 800 drive-in movie theaters.People

30、 who live near them,though,still enjoy this fun activity.Drive-in movie theaters still give people the same joy as they did more than 80 years ago.21.The second paragraph tells us.A.why Richard liked drivingB.how Richard drove his carC.how Richard tested his ideaD.why Richard wanted to succeed答案:C解析

31、:段落大意题。本段的first,Then,Next,Finally以及Every test he tried等描述了理查德测试他结合汽车和电影的想法的过程,故选C项。22.What can we learn about the first drive-in movie theater?A.It got into deep trouble.B.It was highly thought of.C.Its ticket price was very high.D.It was built on a football field.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的“Right away,Rich

32、ards idea of a drive-in movie theater was a hit.”可知,第一家汽车电影院广受欢迎。23.What would be the best title for the text?A.Go to the MoviesB.Share Your InterestsC.Drive to See MoviesD.Learn to Start a Business答案:C解析:标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了汽车电影院的历史及现状,再根据第一段的“where people could watch movies from their cars”可知,C项做标题最符合本文主

33、旨。B导学号37860028Imagine for a moment one of those nights when you just cant fall asleep and you have to get up early the next morning for a very important meeting of which you are the keynote speaker.Your alarm clock goes off early in the morning,waking you from what little sleep you had.You stumble o

34、ut of bed,have a quick shower,grab a coffee and some toast,and off to fight the traffic on the way to work.Does that sound like the start of a terrible day?Most would answer“yes”.Few people,however,would answer“no”.These are the people who are,in my opinion,blessed with a gift.A gift that determines

35、 how they view their life.These people live with “an attitude of gratitude”.For them,the situation described could be worse.Much worse.For example,think of a man who doesnt have a bed,let alone a roof over his head.When he is awoken from what little sleep he is able to get,it is by the rain falling

36、on his cold body.He stumbles to his feet and begins his journey to work in his bare feet.His work is in the field of survival.He searches through garbage cans for scraps of half-rotten food to eat and odd bits of clothes to keep him warm.The purpose of this example is to show that we all have so muc

37、h to be grateful for.Even in times when it seems that nothing could be worse,there is always a reason to be grateful.And when you feel a sense of gratitude,you feel a sense of happiness and content.My challenge to you today is to learn to look for the good in every situation and live with“an attitud

38、e of gratitude”.24.The author gives the example in the first two paragraphs to show that.A.modern people are just too busyB.a lot of people have sleep problemsC.a lot of people are carried away by the fast pace of modern lifeD.we have a lot to feel grateful for答案:D解析:细节理解题。文章最后一段第一句明确指出,作者用这个例子来说明无论

39、在什么情况下,我们都有很多可感激的东西。25.What kind of people are blessed with a gift according to the author?A.People who can remain calm in a terrible day.B.People who hold a keynote position in work.C.People who are grateful for what they have.D.People who can give help to some poor people.答案:C解析:细节理解题。在文章第二段中作者解释说

40、,心怀感激的人的生活是满足而快乐的,这是上天赐予的最好的礼物。26.The author would probably agree that.A.we should have the ability to turn every bad situation to our advantageB.we should look for the good in every situation no matter how bad it isC.it is difficult for people to learn to feel grateful in lifeD.it is impossible to

41、feel grateful in times when nothing could be worse答案:B解析:推理判断题。在文章最后,作者建议我们学会在任何环境中寻找美好的东西,从困境中寻找光明。27.What could be the best title for the passage?A.Live with an Attitude of GratitudeB.Think of the People in a Poorer ConditionC.Dont Get Yourself off Your Feet in Modern SocietyD.There Are More Peopl

42、e Just Like You答案:A解析:主旨大意题。文章论述的中心就是我们要学会感恩,无论在什么处境中都要心怀感恩之心对待生活。文章最后一句作者再次申明此观点。因此正确答案为A项。CWe are looking for two female lead actresses.They can be from any foreign country,but must be extremely beautiful,university students in London,and aged between 19 and 23.Auditions(试镜)will be held in London

43、on May 26th.Shooting(拍摄)will take place in London for two days at the beginning of June.Aml Ameen,Najan Ward and Jason Maza have been cast(选派扮演)as the male leads.The film will be distributed(发行)to 60 different film festivals across the globe over the next 18 months.It is written and directed by Aml

44、Ameen whose first Hollywood role is in a film called Red Tail directed by George Lucas.Short introduction to the filmTwo handsome young men get to talk to two pretty girl students in a West End bar.Within 10 minutes the girls ask the men to walk them back home;it turns out to be the beginning of a s

45、trong friendship.RoxanneRoxanne is 20 years old and in her second year of university.She lives in an apartment with her best friend Hannah,who studies at the same university with her.Since starting university she has gotten into music,and dreamt of becoming a musician.HannahHannah is 21 years old.Sh

46、e met Roxanne in their first year,and has also become interested in music.Successful applicants(申请人)will have their cost paid,and receive a copy of the finished film.Apply now.28.From the passage we learn that the two actresses must be .A.under nineteenB.good musiciansC.university studentsD.from Eng

47、land答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的叙述,招聘的这两个女演员必须“extremely beautiful,university students in London,and aged between 19 and 23”,由此可知只有C项符合。29.What do we know about Red Tail?A.It is starred by George Lucas.B.It is directed by Aml Ameen.C.It will be shot in early June.D.It is a Hollywood production.答案:D解析:细节理解题。根

48、据第二段最后一句“It is written and directed by Aml Ameen whose first Hollywood role is in a film called Red Tail directed by George Lucas.”可知D项正确。30.We can infer that the film is mainly about .A.friendship and dreamsB.success and happinessC.young peoples musical careerD.young peoples university life答案:A解析:推

49、理判断题。根据第三段的内容可知,两男两女在West End bar邂逅,从而引发了一段“strong friendship”。所以A项为最佳答案。31.The successful applicants will .A.get a great deal of moneyB.play roles in some filmsC.meet a lot of famous actressesD.have a copy of the finished film答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知正确答案为D项。A、B、C三项均没有体现。DVolunteering has become an i

50、mportant part of school life.Many schools organize voluntary clubs for students to join.Some students join charity organizations directly.We visit the elderly,help collect money on Flag Days,give performances and organize events,all for charity.So,why do we do it?We all know we contribute(捐献) a lot,

51、but is it all one way?Is there no reward for all this effort?The answer is,of course,that volunteers often get even more from their work than what they put into it!For a start,there are so many different organizations that need help.For example,many young people love working with animals so they joi

52、n a group that looks after poor pets.Some people are so concerned about the pollution that they are ready to spend their weekends cleaning beaches and picking up rubbish in public places.Do you enjoy meeting other people,whatever their age or appearance?You can spend time with the elderly,give a han

53、d in classes for the disabled(残疾的) or help care for little children.Volunteering does need more than just interest.It is very important that you keep your promise and do not only show up when a particular event suits you.With your help,the group can more easily plan future events.It may surprise you

54、 that when volunteers are asked about why they join in volunteering,they usually say that it is not just because they are interested in doing it.They think they are doing something meaningful as they can help others.They also think volunteering is a way to pass their free time without spending any m

55、oney.Although it may be hard,the benefits they get from it are very important.In a recent school survey,over 50% of students said that volunteering helped them make many friends.Over 40% replied that it was very useful in building up their confidence.Get ready now.You may start by joining a voluntee

56、r club at school,or choosing an organization you are interested in.You will get more than you expect!32.Which of the following questions is the same as“is it all one way?”A.Does volunteering give anything back to students?B.Are volunteers willing to contribute all the time?C.Do students all take par

57、t in one activity?D.Is all the work meaningful?答案:A解析:句意理解题。根据第二段的“We all know we contribute a lot”和“Is there no reward for all this effort?”可推知,“我们已经付出了很多,这样的付出有没有回报?”与A项意思相同。33.The third paragraph mainly wants to tell us that.A.many organizations are newly set upB.most people want to do volunteeri

58、ngC.volunteering work can be different and excitingD.volunteers can do work concerning their interests答案:D解析:段落大意题。根据第四段首句“Volunteering does need more than just interest.”可知第三段主要讲了志愿活动的兴趣问题。34.It is important for students to be responsible for volunteering so that.A.they can stay interestedB.they ca

59、n take part in future eventsC.the organizations can plan their activitiesD.they are able to show up when they like答案:C解析:事实细节题。根据第四段最后一句可知,履行承诺,有助于志愿者组织安排他们的活动。35.What do most volunteers think of volunteering in a recent school survey?A.It is hard and painful.B.It costs nothing at all.C.It is a way

60、to make friends.D.It makes them more confident.答案:C解析:事实细节题。根据倒数第二段“.over 50%.helps them make many friends.”可知答案。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tips for memorising poemsIf your teacher wants you to recite a long poem,you can learn it by dividing it into different parts

61、.Here are a few tips for memorising the poem.The first step is to start learning it.Begin by reading the poem line by line at least five times.36 If you find some words which you do not know,look them up in the dictionary.37Thats because the lyrics have a tune to them.Though you do not have to set t

62、he poem to a tune,reading it more than once will help you in understanding its rhythm(韵律).Here,you will also understand the areas where you have to pause and the exact pronunciation.Then close the book and try to recall the poem.38However,you do not have to worry if you are not able to recall anythi

63、ng.The next step is the actual memorisation process.Break the poem into several parts and then repeat each one of them line by line.After you do this many times,try to recite the line without looking into the book.39Once you have memorised the poem,keep on practising till you are able to recite the

64、poem fluently(流利地).40Memorising a poem is not at all difficult if you put your mind and heart into it.A.Let the words of the poem do the work.B.Most of us find it easy to memorise a song.C.A poem will live or die depending on how it is read.D.Try to understand each and every word of the poem.E.Repea

65、t this process till you can repeat the whole poem by heart.F.You may remember some words,lines,or may be nothing at all.G.Practising in front of your family,friends,or teachers can also be helpful.答案:36.D37.B38.F39.E40.G第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,

66、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2015全国课标高考)My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend.On the way,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said,“41my job.Family to Feed.”At this store,a 42 like this is not normal.My 10-year-old noticed him and made a 43 on how bad it must be to have to st

67、and 44 in the cold wind.In the store,I asked each of my kids to 45something they thought our “friend”there would 46.They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice.Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a 47.I thought about it.We were 48on cash ourselves,but.well,sometimes49from our need instead

68、of our abundance is 50 what we need to do!All the kids 51something they could do away with for the week.When we handed him the bag of 52,he lit up and thanked us with 53 eyes.When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for 54his family might need,he burst into tears.This has been a wonder

69、ful 55 for our family.For days the kids have been looking for others we can 56!Things would have played out so 57if I had simply said,“No,we really dont have 58to give more.”Stepping out not only helped a brother in 59,it also gave my kids the 60taste of helping others.Itll go a long way with them.4

70、1.A.LostB.ChangedC.QuitD.Finished答案:A解析:根据后面的“Family to Feed.”可以推断出,这位男子失业了,同时还需要抚养家人,所以他上街乞讨。42.A.conditionB.placeC.sightD.show答案:C解析:作者在此处想要说明的是,上文描述的男子乞讨的情景并不常见。sight在此处意为“景象,情景”,符合语境。condition“条件,环境”;place“地方”;show“展览,表演”。43.A.suggestionB.commentC.decisionD.call答案:B解析:make a comment on sth.是固定搭配

71、,意为“评论某事”。作者10岁的孩子注意到了那名乞讨的男子并进行了评论。44.A.outsideB.proudlyC.byD.angrily答案:A解析:根据前面的“how bad”以及后面的“in the cold wind”可知,这名男子是站在外面进行乞讨的。45.A.drawB.sayC.arrangeD.pick答案:D解析:进入商店后,作者要求每个孩子挑选他们觉得我们的这位“朋友”最可能重视的东西。pick在此处意为“选择,挑选”。46.A.orderB.supplyC.appreciateD.discover答案:C解析:appreciate在此处意为“重视,欢迎”,符合语境。or

72、der“订购”;supply“提供,供应”;discover“发现”。47.A.dollarB.jobC.hot mealD.gift card答案:D解析:根据下文第54空所在的句子中的“When I handed him the gift card”可知,此处作者17岁的孩子建议送给乞讨的男子一张代金卡。48.A.easyB.lowC.softD.loose答案:B解析:low在此处是形容词,意为“少的,缺少(钱)的”,说明作者一家也不富裕,经济也很拮据。49.A.givingB.savingC.spendingD.begging答案:A解析:根据下文内容可知,作者的儿子想把这张代金卡送给


74、手中。53.A.sleepyB.wateryC.curiousD.sharp答案:B解析:当作者一家把那袋子食物递给乞讨的男子时,他非常高兴,眼含热泪感谢我们。watery意为“湿润的,水汪汪的”。54.A.whoeverB.whateverC.whicheverD.whenever答案:B解析:作者把代金卡也送给了那名男子,并告诉他可以用来购买家人可能需要的任何东西。55.A.experienceB.exampleC.messageD.adventure答案:A解析:根据下文内容可知,帮助乞讨男子的事情对于作者一家来说一直是一次美好的经历。56.A.rely onB.respectC.lea

75、rn fromD.help答案:D解析:因为上文讲述的是帮助他人的经历,所以此处表示作者的孩子们一连好几天到处寻找我们能够帮助的人。57.A.suddenlyB.vividlyC.differentlyD.perfectly答案:C解析:此处使用了虚拟语气,表示作者的假想:如果自己当初不同意帮助乞讨的男子,情况会完全不同。58.A.timeB.powerC.patienceD.money答案:D解析:根据常理可知,帮助乞讨的人主要需要付出金钱,而不是时间、能力或耐心,所以此处应选money。59.A.fearB.loveC.needD.memory答案:C解析:in need是固定短语,意为“

76、需要帮助的”。作者一家帮助了一位需要帮助的人。60.A.strongB.sweetC.strangeD.simple答案:B解析:根据常理可知,帮助他人会给人带来甜蜜的滋味和快乐的感受,所以此处应选sweet。第卷第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。导学号37860029We are what we eat because what we eat every day has 61. great impact on our health.Therefore,we shou

77、ld make every effort to change our bad eating habits.62. we all know,baked or fried food may be 63.(taste),but eating too much will 64.(probable)result in some illnesses.Moreover,some food that costs us a great deal of money and is not healthy is junk food.65.(compare) with people in the West,Chines

78、e people used to eat more grain and vegetables,but 66.(little) meat,which is a good eating habit.However,things are quite different now.With the rapid economic 67.(grow) of our country,we now are eating a lot of food that is high in sugar and fat.We 68.(run) the risk of eating out without considerin

79、g the balance of our diet.The food we choose affects our health,so we must keep 69. mind that the food we choose should give 70.(we) the nutrients we need.答案:61.a62.As63.tasty64.probably65.Compared66.less67.growth68.are running69.in70.us第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下

80、作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。As a service dog,Sandys job is help manage a medical condition I have.My condition can be dangerously.When something bad happen,Sandy will

81、 tell my parents immediately.Of course,I help take care of Sandy,too.I feed him,walk him,but even take him just about everywhere I go.If I dont bring Sandy to me,he will get upset.Once he stays with my grandparents for a few hours while my parents and I went to the beach.Sandy was upset in the whole

82、 time.He never stopped look for me.When I got home,he was such happy that he rushed to me.I love his dog very much.答案:第一句:helpto help第二句:dangerouslydangerous第三句:happenhappens第五句:butand第六句:towith第七句:staysstayed第八句:去掉in第九句:looklooking第十句:suchso第十一句:hismy第二节书面表达(满分25分)请根据下面的提示,用英语介绍电影珍珠港。片名珍珠港(Pearl Ha

83、rbor)导演迈克尔贝(Michael Bay)主演本阿佛莱克(Ben Affleck),乔什哈奈特(Josh Hartnett)和凯特贝金赛尔(Kate Beckinsale)制片国家以及时间美国,2001年剧情介绍Rafe (Ben Affleck)和Danny (Josh Hartnett) 是自小的好兄弟,二战期间,他们一起加入了美国空军部队。Rafe与军中护士Evelyn (Kate Beckinsale)坠入爱河。Rafe自告奋勇前往英国参战。不幸的是,Rafe的飞机被德军击落,生死未卜。Evelyn与Danny萌生爱情。然而,Rafe并未死。日军偷袭珍珠港,Rafe与Danny一

84、起参战。注意:1.短文须包括以上要点,可适当发挥;2.词数:100左右。参考范文:Pearl Harbor is a 2001 American war film directed by Michael Bay.The three main characters are Rafe played by Ben Affleck,Danny played by Josh Hartnett and Evelyn played by Kate Beckinsale.Rafe and Danny had been good friends since childhood.During World War

85、,they joined the US Air Force.Rafe met Evelyn who was a navy nurse and the two fell in love.However,Rafe volunteered to leave for England.Soon word came that Rafe was shot down and presumed to have been killed.Evelyn and Danny developed feeling for each other and soon began their own relationship.However,Rafe unexpectedly returned to Pearl Harbor,having survived the crash.Rafe and Danny were rivals in love but they fought together.Pearl Harbor is an unforgettable war film but also a story of justice and love.I think its well worth seeing.


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