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1、Module 10Units 12时间:30分钟.单项填空1Early to bed and early to rise _ a man healthy, wealthy and wise.Amake BmakesChave made Dwill make答案B由and连接的两个不定式、动名词或主语从句,若表示的是一件事时谓语动词通常用单数。2Why dont you go for _ walk? Itll give you _ appetite for your lunch.Aa;/ Ba;an C/;the D/;an答案Bgo for a walk意为“去散步”;an appetite

2、for.意为“对的欲望”。 3Its important to write these goals down, rather _ think about them.Aspecially BgraduallyCoriginally Dmerely答案Dmerely意为“仅仅,只是”符合题意。4Which do you enjoy _ your weekend, swimming or fishing.Aspending Bbeing spentCspend Dto spend答案Dto spend作目的状语。5Dont talk in the meetingroom, _?Ado you Bwi

3、ll youCcan you Dmust you答案B祈使句的反意疑问句一般用will you。6Virtue and crime are before you;_ leads you to happiness,_ to misery.Athe former;latter Ba former; a latterCthe former;the latter Dformer;latter答案Cthe former.,the latter.意为“(两者中)前者,后者”。7How do you find your trip to Hainan?Lots of sunshine, wonderful f

4、ood, and amazing nightlife_ a great vacation.Aalthough BhoweverCaltogether Dbesides答案C破折号后的内容表示总结,因此用altogether。8During the tenday vacation, they traveled to many parts of France _ their own expense.Aon BwithCat Din答案Cat ones own expense意为“自费”。 9Maybe you have been to many famous restaurants, but no

5、where else _ on such nice ducks.Ayou can feast Bcan you tasteCyou can taste Dcan you feast答案Dnowhere是表示否定意义的副词,位于句首时句子应用部分倒装语序;feast意为“尽情地吃,饱餐”,接宾语时要用介词on。10Walk faster, _ you may catch up with your friends ahead.Aor BbutCand Dyet答案C这是“祈使句and.”句型。11The twins were so much alike that we had great trou

6、ble _ one from the other.Adistinguishing Bto distinguishCdistinguish Ddistinguished答案Ahave trouble (in) doing sth意为“做某事有困难”。 12The newlydiscovered star was named _ a Chinese astronomer _ honour of his contributions to astronomy.Aas;in Bafter;forCas;in Dafter;in答案Dname after.意为“以命名”;in honour of.意为“为

7、纪念”。13A large park _ here now.They hope to finish it in three months.Ais built Bwill be builtChas been built Dis being built答案D一个大公园现在正在被修建,用现在进行时的被动语态。14The manager ordered that the work _ at once.Abe done Bshould doCcould do Ddoes答案A在suggest, insist, order, demand, request, advise等后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用(sh

8、ould)动词原形,should可以省略,此处用被动形式。15Several weeks had gone by _ I realized the painting was missing.Aas BbeforeCsince Dwhen答案Bbefore引导的状语从句,符合题意。.完形填空I recently heard a story about a famous scientist who had made several very important medical breakthroughs.He was being interviewed by a reporter who aske

9、d him _1_ he thought he was able to be so much more _2_ than the average person.He _3_ that it all came from a(n)_4_ with his mother that occurred when he was about 2.He had been trying to remove milk from the fridge when he _5_ the slippery(光滑的) bottle,its contents running all over the kitchen floo

10、r.When his mother came in,_6_ shouting at him or giving him a lecture,she said,“Robert,what a great and wonderful _7_ you have made! I have _8_ seen such a huge pool of milk.Well,the damage has already been _9_.Would you like to get down and _10_ in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”

11、Indeed,he did.After a few minutes,his mother said,“Robert,whenever you make a mess like this,eventually you have to _11_ everything to its proper order.So,how would you like to do that? We could use a sponge(海绵),a towel or a mop.Which do you prefer?” He chose the sponge.His mother then said,“You kno

12、w,what we have here is a _12_ experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two _13_ hands.Lets go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can make it.” The little boy learned that if he _14_ the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands,he could carry

13、 it without dropping it.What a wonderful _15_!This scientist then remarked that it was at that moment that he knew he didnt need to be _16_to make mistakes.Instead,he learned that mistakes were just _17_ for learning something new,which is,_18_,what scientific experiments are all about.Even if the e

14、xperiment “doesnt_19_,” we usually learn something _20_ from it.1A.why Bwhat Cwhen Dhow答案:A全句意思是“他接受记者采访,问他为什么比普通人更有创造力。”2A.capable Bable Ccreative Doriginal答案:C从上文的 had made several very important medical breakthroughs 可知应选creative3A.responded BreactedCrecalled Dreminded答案:A记者问,他回答。故选responded4A.co

15、incidence BexperienceCmatter Dconflict答案:B下文讲的是一次经历,故选experience5A.fell Blost Cescaped Ddropped答案:D没有拿住牛奶瓶,故选dropped, fall是不及物动词,不接宾语。6A.rather than Binstead ofCother than Din place of答案:B母亲没有责备,故选instead of7A.picture Bmass Cmap Dmess答案:D牛奶洒了一地,故选mess8A.rarely Bhappily Cfrequently Dangrily答案:AI have

16、 rarely seen such a huge pool of milk.我很少见过这样一汪牛奶呢。此处可见母亲的幽默及放松孩子情绪的做法。9A.obtained Bsuffered Cdone Dreceived答案:Cdo damage 造成损坏。故选done10A.jump Bplay Cenjoy Ddraw答案:B这里母亲注意孩子喜欢玩耍的天性。告诉他在清除洒掉的牛奶前,可以在里面玩耍一会。故选played11A.recover Breturn Crestore Dregain答案:Crestore 恢复 restoreto its proper order 恢复到应有的样子12A

17、.failed Bsuccessful Cfantastic Dpainful答案:A孩子没有拿住牛奶瓶,故选failed13A.strong Btiny Cthin Dweak答案:B孩子是手小,与前面的 a big milk bottle 对比,故选tiny14A.controlled Bpossessed Cseized Dgrasped答案:Dgrasp 抓,拿;control 控制;possess 拥有;seize 夺取15A.example Bteaching Clesson Dinstruction答案:C从上文可以看出,母亲教孩子怎样拿住一个大牛奶瓶。故选lesson16A.a

18、nxious Bnervous Cfearful Dafraid答案:D全句意思是“这位科学家说,就是在这个时候他知道他不必害怕犯错误。”17A.situations BopportunitiesCoccasions Dturns答案:Bmistakes were just opportunities for learning something new.犯错误是学习新东西的机会。18A.after all Babove all Cfirst of all Din all答案:Aafter all 毕竟,意思是新东西毕竟才是科学实验真正意义所在。19A.do Bfinish Cgo Dwork

19、答案:Ddoesnt work 没成功,失败20A.worthy Bcostly Cvaluable Dinteresting答案:C全句的意思是“即使实验失败了, 我们也可以从里面学到有价值的东西。”.任务型阅读Do you know how to have a good relationship?Many people repeat the same problems over and over in their relationships and wonder why they never succeed.This article will look at some of the hab

20、its of highly successful relationships.Communication is the foundation of every good relationship.Dont assume that. hes happy,shes fulfilled,you want kids,etc.At heart,dont assume anything.Talk about it!When you first start seeing one another,it may be all about physical attraction,but long term rel

21、ationships are based on love and communication.Many people think that communication is telling the other person what they think.But,the truth of the matter,listening is every bit as important as talking.Listen to what your partner is telling you in words.But also “listen” to his or her tone and body

22、 language.Where do you want to be in a year?In 5 years?At the end of your life?Having shared goals is key to having a good relationship.If you want kids soon and your partner doesnt,you may be in for some strife.If you are on career track and your partner wants you to be home at 5:00 for dinner,ther

23、e will probably be fights in your home.You should do some things together.Do you both like hiking,bowling,or singing?Get involved in activities that allow you to spend time doing things together.This will cement your bond.You can even “do things” from the sidelines.If one partner enjoys softball and

24、 the other is not athletic,he or she can sit in the bleachers and cheer the team on. How to have a good relationship requires that you give your partner space to pursue his or her interests too.Face it,most guys care less about scrapbooking but many women love it.Similarly,most women dont understand

25、 the joys of a days fishing.While these may be stereotypes,you can probably identify some things in your relationship that the other person doesnt enjoy.So,give yourselves permission to pursue your passions independently.When you first meet a woman or man,you wonder whether he or she matches your de

26、sires.Its all about “me”But,if you want the relationship to work,its got to be about “us”And,that means learning to give.Be willing to entertain her clients even if you think they are a bore just because she needs you to.Be willing to pick up his dry cleaning even though thats a “stereotype”that you

27、 dont want to fall intobecause he needs you to.Some people are more comfortable with giving than taking.But being in a relationship means depending on the other person to complete you.So,dont be afraid of taking out of the relationship those things which your partner is willing and able to give.If you follow these habits,you should have no difficulties in having a good relationship.答案:1.problem/worry/concern2.habitsmunicate 4.listen5.Share6.Participate7.personal8.give9take10.contributes


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