1、Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars 菜 单 英语必修3 Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars 菜 单 英语必修3 古今中外的历史上有很多的科学家致力于探索宇宙的奥秘。意大利的科学家伽利略 伽得雷(15641642)就是其中非常著名的一位。他是文艺复兴后期伟大的天文学家、力学家、哲学家、物理学家、数学家,也是近代实验物理学的开拓者,被誉为“近代科学之父”。让我们更细致地了解他吧。美文导读话题链接 Unit 4 Astro
2、nomy:the science of the stars 菜 单 英语必修3 Galileo Galilei was born nearPisa in 1564-the same year in whichShakespeare was born and the yearin which Michelangelo(米开朗基罗)and Calvin(加尔文)died.He enteredPisa University as a medical studentin 1581,and became a professor ofmathematicsatPadua,whereheimproved t
3、he telescope(望远镜)andwas the first to use it for astronomy.Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars 菜 单 英语必修3 At the time that Galileoarrived at the University of Pisa,some arguments had started upon one of Aristotles(亚里士多德的)“laws”of nature,thatheavier objects fall faster thanlighter ones.Imagine Ar
4、istotle atthe top of a building,droppingtwo balls,one twice as heavy asUnit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars 菜 单 英语必修3 the other.According to his words,the heavier oneshould fall faster than the lighter one.At that timeAristotles words had been accepted as a truth,andtherehadbeenfewattemptstoact
5、uallytestAristotles conclusions by actually conducting anexperiment!Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars 菜 单 英语必修3 However,Galileo decided to have a try.He neededto be able to drop the objects from a great height.Theperfect building was right at hand-the Tower of Pisa,54 meters tall.Galileo cli
6、mbed to the top of thebuilding carrying a variety of balls of different sizesand weights,and dropped them from the top.They alllanded at the base of the building at the same time(itwas said that the experiment was witnessed by a hugecrowd of students and professors).It proved thatAristotle was wrong
7、.No matter what the difference isin weight,objects will fall at the same speed.Unit 4 Astronomy:the science of the stars 菜 单 英语必修3 Read the text and try to tell if these sentences are true(T)or false(F).1.Galileo and Shakespeare were born in the same year.2.It was in Pisa University that Galileo improved thetelescope.3.In Aristotles opinion,heavier objects fell fasterthan lighter ones.4.Galileo did an experiment to prove that Aristotle waswrong.5.There were only few people watching Galileosexperiment.6.Two objects different in weight cant fall at thesame speed.答案 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.F