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1、山东省日照市莒县2020-2021学年高二英语下学期期中试题(含解析)注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、考生号、科类填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。2. 一、二部分选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。3. 三、四部分必须用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置,不能写在试卷上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷

2、上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the woman making?A. Chocolate cakes.B. Orange juice.C. Chocolate banana cookies.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Whats that

3、 smell? Are you making a chocolate cake? I smell something differentpears?W: No, Im making chocolate banana cookies. At first, I was going to use the oranges, but I think these will taste better.2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What did the woman do today?A. She cleaned the car.B. She bought an umbrella.C. She

4、listened to the weather forecast.【答案】A【解析】【原文】M: I saw you washed the car today. I guess Ill bring my umbrella to work.W: Why would you do that? M: It always rains right after you wash the car.3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】When does the man usually do exercise?A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the

5、evening.【答案】A【解析】【原文】M: I usually work out at 6:00 in the morning. But sometimes, I go after dinner around 7:00. When do you go to the gym?W: My mornings are too busy. I have to wait until I get off work at 3:00 p.m.4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Fathe

6、r and daughter.B. Classmates.C. Teacher and student.【答案】C【解析】【原文】W: This piece is too difficult for me. Can I practice an easier one at home?M: Your piano playing will improve a lot if you try to master this song. W: OK. I hope my parents wont get tired of hearing the same thing all week!5. 【此处可播放相关

7、音频,请去附件查看】What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Preparing for a test.B. Eating during an exam.C. Getting a medical exam.【答案】B【解析】【原文】W: Can we eat food during the test?M: Only drinks are allowed, unless you have a medical excuse. W: I need to eat every hour, or my blood pressure will drop.第二

8、节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】6. Who started to make birthdays important holidays?A. The womans grandparents.B. The mans grandparents.C. The

9、womans parents.7. What does the womans mother do for the womans birthday?A. She gives her a gift of jewelry.B. She cooks some special food.C. She makes some beautiful clothes.【答案】6. A 7. B【解析】【原文】M: What is the biggest holiday that your family celebrates? For my family, its the New Year.W: That is a

10、 big one for us, too. But even more important are birthdays. M: Oh, why is that? W: I think my grandparents started the tradition. They met and got married when they were older. They thought they would not be able to have children. When their first baby was born, they were so happy! They decided tha

11、t every birthday for their children would be a big event. M: So that tradition passed on to your parents?W: Right. Even now, my parents take the day off work to celebrate my birthday with me. My mother cooks a special dinner, and my father gives me beautiful clothes or jewelry.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播

12、放相关音频,请去附件查看】8. Why didnt the man need to study the local language?A. He already spoke it well.B. He could communicate in English.C. He didnt want to talk to local people.9. How did the baker feel about the man at first?A. Happy.B. Angry.C. Afraid.10. What was the result of the language problem?A. I

13、t became a funny story.B. It got the travelers into trouble.C. It encouraged the man to study more.【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A【解析】【原文】W: How was your summer trip?M: It was great! My friend and I traveled throughout India. W: Sounds hot. How did you get along without studying the local language?M: Most peopl

14、e there speak English. But there were some remote places in the mountains where we had to learn a few words to communicate. Usually, it was easy. One time, though, it got a little awkward. I was asking a baker for some bread, and I said “I want money” instead of “I want bread”. The words for money a

15、nd bread were so similar that I got them mixed up.W: How did the baker react?M: He looked a little scared but my friend quickly cleared up the confusion. We ended up becoming friends with the guy, and he introduced us to more young people. Whenever we told the story of our meeting, it would make eve

16、ryone laugh.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】11. What kind of food does the woman cook?A. Thai.B. Chinese.C. Vietnamese.12. What does the man think of the new Chinese market?A. Its too big.B. It has good deals.C. It has few foreign products.13. When is the best time to visit the market according t

17、o the man?A. Saturday.B. Sunday.C. Monday.【答案】11. C 12. B 13. A【解析】【原文】M: Have you been to the new Chinese market?W: No, I only shop at small, local stores. That place looks huge. M: You should really go. It has everything you could need to make your Vietnamese food, too. They have imported items fr

18、om several countries. The vegetables are pretty fresh, and the meat is of good quality.W: But how are the prices?M: There are great deals, especially for dried foods. I bought a 10-pound bag of rice for five dollars. And I found two pounds of special noodles for a dollar. There are hundreds of sauce

19、s in jars. I even found a Thai sauce there that I couldnt find anywhere else. I think youll be very happy with what you find at this market.W: Well, I will check it out on Monday. I wonder if they have the pho noodles that I like a lot.M: Probably. You should go on Saturday instead. Thats when they

20、have the best deals. W: I hate crowds. Everyone will be going at that time. M: Then try Sunday morning. But I dont think the sales last all weekend.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】14. Where does the conversation take place?A. At a store.B. At school.C. At home.15. How did the man get the mud?A. H

21、e dug it up from the backyard.B. He brought it from the Dead Sea.C. He bought it from an online company.16. What is the main color of the mud in the backyard?A. Brown.B. Grey.C. Black.17. Why does the girl agree to use the mud?A. She wants her skin to feel younger.B. She has some skin problems.C. Sh

22、e is starting to get wrinkles.【答案】14. C 15. C 16. A 17. B【解析】【原文】W: Whats that on your face, Dad? You scared me! I thought you were someone who broke into the house!M: Its mud. Its good for your skin.W: You mean, you just went out in the backyard and picked up some mud from the ground, and then put

23、it on your face? M: No. I bought some mud online. It comes from the Dead Sea in the Middle East. Do you see the color? Its a beautiful grey color because of its many minerals. The mud in the backyard is mainly brown. And the soil is black. The Dead Sea is famous for its health benefits. People go th

24、ere from all over the world to swim in its water. Many companies ship the mud to people like me, who cant take a trip there. W: Does your face really feel different after you take the mud off?M: Yes, it feels my skin is many years younger. Some of my wrinkles are even going away. Do you want to try

25、it?W: Well, Im only sixteen years old. I dont think I need to feel younger.M: But Ive noticed your face is very oily sometimes, and that other times its very dry. This mud is sure to help you with that. It clears up your skin and leaves your face looking bright and fresh.W: Ill try it. Ive been feel

26、ing bad about my looks lately. Maybe this will help!听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】18. What classes can visitors take in Bali according to the speaker?A. Diving.B. Swimming.C. Fishing.19. Why do some scientists come to Bali?A. To study volcanoes.B. To study the sea creatures.C. To study traditiona

27、l artworks.20. What does the speaker think is good to do during Chinese New Year?A. Drink traditional coffee.B. Do some shopping.C. Visit Buddhist temples.【答案】18. A 19. A 20. C【解析】【原文】One destination that is becoming popular with Chinese tourists is Bali. It is a beautiful island of Indonesia. There

28、 is a rainy season that is perfect for swimming. One of the main attractions is Balis diverse sea life. There are some creatures that dont exist anywhere else in the world. Visitors who dont know how to dive can take classes while theyre on vacation here. The island is also home to several active vo

29、lcanoes. Many scientific groups come to study them. Even though tourism is on the rise, most of the population still works in agriculture and the fishing industry. Bali also has many traditional artworks. Some popular products for sale include clothing with special designs, wood sculptures, and orga

30、nic coffee. A great time to visit the island is during one of its many festivals. Since ancient times, the culture of Bali has had a lot of influence from not only Indian but also Chinese culture. Chinese New Year is widely celebrated by Indonesians who are of Chinese origin. The island of Bali has

31、many ancient Chinese Buddhist temples that are especially good to visit during the holiday.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATo give you a helping hand, weve put together a guide to the best Halloween theme park events in the UK thi

32、s year, which run from Oct 15 until Nov 2. Check out our top picks below.Paultons Park Happy HalloweenThis theme parks Peppa Pig World will be transformed with Halloween decorations, not to mention that Peppa and George will be in their best costumes and heading out to meet guests. There will be ple

33、nty of fun activities and special events throughout the park too, including a live performance filled with music. Tickets are 35.75 per person.Drayton Manor ParkThis parks Thomas Land will boast some fun decorations, and the rides will offer plenty of thrills for little terrors! Be sure to book in a

34、dvance to take advantage of our great value: for 90 offer for families. Otherwise, tickets for people aged 12-59 cost 39.50, and tickets for those aged 4-11 and 60+ cost 29.5 when booked online the same day.Legoland Windsors BrickAt the Legolands Brick Show, guests can expect “songs from the superna

35、tural and dazzling dances guaranteed to get everyone in the Halloween spirit”. Other highlights will include fancy dress competitions for kids, special trails and heaps of fun decorations around the park. Tickets start from 33 when booked online, which include access to the theme parks rides and att

36、ractions.Chessington Adventures ResortNew for the year will be the Forgotten Forest, an enchanting adventure with special characters. You may also want to check out the parks terrifying rollercoasters, as well as the Creepy Caves. Tickets from 29.50 when booked 5+ days in advance.21. What can visito

37、rs do in Paultons Park during the Halloween season?A. Take pictures with Peppa and George.B. Enjoy the Legolands Brick Show.C. Have a thrilling trip in Thomas Land.D. Ride on the terrifying rollercoasters.22. By pre-booking for Drayton Manor Park, a couple and their 10-year-old twin boys should pay

38、_.A. 90.B. 118.C. 138.D. 143.23. Where should visitors go if they want to take part in fancy dress competitions?A. Paultons Park.B. Drayton Manor Park.C. Legoland Windsors Brick.D. Chessington Adventures Resort.【答案】21. A 22. A 23. C【解析】【分析】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四个万圣节主题公园的情况,包括特色活动和票价等信息。【21题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中

39、“This theme parks Peppa Pig World will be transformed with Halloween decorations, not to mention that Peppa and George will be in their best costumes and heading out to meet guests.(这个主题公园的小猪佩奇世界将会被万圣节的装饰所改变,更不用说小猪佩奇和乔治会穿上他们最好的服装去见客人)”可知,在万圣节期间,游客可以在Paultons Park和佩奇和乔治合影。故选A。【22题详解】细节理解题。根据Drayton M

40、anor Park部分中“Be sure to book in advance to take advantage of our great value: for 90 offer for families. (一定要提前预定,以充分利用我们巨大价值:家庭只需90英镑)”可知,如果提前预定Drayton Manor Park,一对夫妇和他们10岁的双胞胎儿子应该支付90英镑。故选A。【23题详解】细节理解题。根据Legoland Windsors Brick 部分中“Other highlights will include fancy dress competitions for kids,

41、 special trails and heaps of fun decorations around the park.(其他的亮点包括孩子们的换装舞会比赛,特别的小径和公园周围的一堆有趣的装饰)”可知,游客若要参加换装舞会比赛,应去Legoland Windsors Brick。故选C。BLouise Gluck has been no stranger to awards over her long and storied career, since her first publication in 1968. In 1993, she won the Pulitzer Prize fo

42、r her collection of poems, The Wild Iris. And on Oct 8 she became the 16th woman to win the Nobel Prize in literature with the Nobel prizes first awarded in 1901.Gluck was honored for her unmistakable poetic voice that, with simple beauty, makes individual existence universal. Often said to be an au

43、tobiographical poet, drawing from the inner parts of her life, “Gluck is not to be regarded as a confessional(忏悔) poet. She seeks the universal,” Nobel Committee Chair Anders Olsson said in a statement.Gluck, 77, the author of 12 poetry collections, has been able to turn her life experiences into un

44、iversal themes covering life, loss and isolation(孤独). Because of this, readers have often found her poetry to be “dark”. However, there is much more than darkness in her voice, as noted by Olsson. “It is direct and . also a voice full of humor,” he said.For example, in her poem Snowdrops, she uses t

45、he coming of spring after winter to show rebirth of life after death. She leads readers down a depressing path only to reconnect with the light at the near end. At the conclusion of the poem, readers are left to feel the “cool wind of the new world” as they watch a new spring. This is often the case

46、 in Glucks poetry, being able to feel joy even after not having done so for a long time.Although shes already a well-known writer, experienced in exploring pain and healing(愈合), Gluck did feel honored to be given the famed Nobel award. However, when asked what the prize means to her, the lyric poet

47、responded by saying, “Its too new I dont know really what it means.” Her only hope is that she can preserve her daily life.24. What do we know about Louise Gluck?A. She had her first collection published in 1993.B. Her poems are based on life experiences.C. The Wild Iris won her the Nobel Prize.D. S

48、he is a successful confessional poet.25. What does Olsson think of Glucks poems?A. They are too dark for readers.B. They focus on individual existence.C. They are frank and humorous in style.D. They are mainly about human personality.26. Why does the author mention Snowdrops in Paragraph 4?A. To sho

49、w the features of Glucks poetry.B. To introduce the main plots of this poem.C. To describe Glucks creativity in choosing themes.D. To explain Glucks purpose in writing Snowdrops.27. How does Gluck feel about winning the Nobel Prize?A. She is not qualified for the prize.B. She cant believe she got th

50、e prize.C. It makes a difference as expected.D. It may disturb her daily life.【答案】24. B 25. C 26. A 27. D【解析】【分析】这是一篇人物类新闻报道。本文主要讲述了第16位女性诺贝尔文学奖得主Louise Gluck的诗歌写作成就、影响和写作特点等。【24题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“Gluck, 77, the author of 12 poetry collections, has been able to turn her life experiences into universal

51、themes covering life, loss and isolation(孤独).( 77岁的Gluck是12部诗集的作者,她能够把自己的生活经历变成涵盖生活、失去和孤独的普遍主题。)”可知,她的诗是以生活经历为基础的,故选B。【25题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“ there is much more than darkness in her voice, as noted by Olsson. “It is direct and . also a voice full of humor,” he said.( 正如Olsson所指出的,她的声音里不仅仅有黑暗。“它是直接的,而且”他

52、说,“声音里也充满了幽默。”)”可知,Olsson认为她的诗歌是坦率和幽默的,故选C。【26题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段“This is often the case in Glucks poetry, being able to feel joy even after not having done so for a long time.( 在Gluck的诗歌中经常出现这种情况,即使很长时间没有这样做,也能感到快乐。)”可知,作者在第四段提到了Snowdrops,以显示Gluck诗歌坦率和幽默的特点。故选A。【27题详解】细节理解题题。根据最后一段“However, when asked

53、what the prize means to her, the lyric poet responded by saying, “Its too new I dont know really what it means.” Her only hope is that she can preserve her daily life.( 然而,当被问及这个奖项对她意味着什么时,这位抒情诗人回答说,“这太新了,我不知道它真正意味着什么。”她唯一的希望就是能保住自己的日常生活。)”可知,Gluck认为这可能会扰乱她的日常生活,故选D。CThere you are in your favorite c

54、lothing store. You dont really need to buy anything, but everything is so cheap and stylish! Before you know it, you leave the store with bags and bags of new clothes.On the surface, this doesnt seem so bad. However, there are a lot of hidden costs behind the cheap price tags (标牌). To put it plainly

55、, the fashion industry is terrible for the planet. Not only does it use up a lot of resources, but it also heavily pollutes the environment with chemicals, microplastics and unwanted waste.Fashion is one of the least sustainable industries on the planet, commented Michael Stanley-Jones. “Weve all be

56、come our own waste managers, hoarding fashion waste in our houses,” he noted.It doesnt just take up space in our cupboards, though. It also ends up in landfills(垃圾场), too. But, thankfully, the fashion trend tides are changing. People are increasingly examining their own consumption and what changes

57、they can make to become sustainable, Jane Fellner, founder and CEO of sustainable fashion seller Loopster, told the Guardian.In particular, with its typically lower prices and rare fashion finds, shopping secondhand has become an increasingly popular and eco-friendly option. According to online rese

58、ller ThredUp, the secondhand market is predicted to reach $80 billion by 2029. And, although fast fashion will continue to grow 20 percent over the next 10 years, secondhand fashion is expected to grow an unbelievable 185 percent in that same amount of time. Fellner continued: “Secondhand has become

59、 more socially acceptable. Thrifting ( 节约) is now massive on TikTok.”The only true sustainable way to shop is to not shop at all, unless youre buying clothes that already exist.28. What does the fashion industry bring about?A. Peoples love for fast fashion.B. Damage to the earth.C. Cheap price tags.

60、D. Sufficient resources.29. What does the underlined word “hoarding” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Sorting.B. Avoiding.C. Storing.D. Recycling.30. What does Jane Fellner think of secondhand fashion?A. It is gaining popularity.B. It has defeated fast fashion.C. It makes people attractive.D. It is h

61、uge among young people.31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Young Consumers HabitsB. A Stylish Fashion ManagerC. The Fashion IndustryD. Sustainable Fashion Trend【答案】28. B 29. C 30. A 31. D【解析】【分析】本文是说明文。文章介绍了时尚产业所造成的危害,以及二手商品的受欢迎,呼吁人们进行可持续购物。【28题详解】细节理解题。根据第二自然段“To put it

62、 plainly, the fashion industry is terrible for the planet. Not only does it use up a lot of resources, but it also heavily pollutes the environment with chemicals, microplastics and unwanted waste. (简单地说,时尚业对地球来说是很可怕的。它不仅消耗了大量的资源,而且还用化学物质、微塑料和不需要的废物严重污染了环境)”可知时尚业给地球造成危害。故选B。【29题详解】词句猜测题。根据第四自然段的“It

63、doesnt just take up space in our cupboards, though. It also ends up in landfills(垃圾场), too. (但它不只是占用我们的橱柜空间。它们也会被扔进垃圾填埋场)”可知,我们购买了许多衣服,囤积在橱柜,并且最终都成了垃圾,结合划线句“Weve all become our own waste managers, hoarding fashion waste in our houses(我们都已成为了自己的废物管理者,在家里boarding时尚垃圾)”可知,这些囤积在房间里的衣服,最终让我们成为自己的垃圾管理者,由此

64、推知,划线词表示“囤积”,与store“存储”意思相近。故选C。【30题详解】推理判断题。根据第五自然段“Fellner continued: “Secondhand has become more socially acceptable. Thrifting (节约) is now massive on TikTok.”(费尔继续说:“二手的商品已经变得更被社会接受。节约现在在抖音上是规模巨大的。)”可推知,费尔认为二手时尚将会越来越受欢迎。故选A。【31题详解】主旨大意题。根据最后一段的“The only true sustainable way to shop is to not sho

65、p at all, unless youre buying clothes that already exist.( 唯一真正可持续的购物方式是根本不购物,除非你买已经存在的衣服)”以及前文的对于时尚产业和二手市场的讲述可知,本文主要讲述时尚产业造成的危害,以及二手市场的流行,呼吁人们可持续购物。因此推断D项“可持续的时尚趋势”为点明主旨,最佳标题。故选D。DNew international research reveals the far-reaching impacts of forest cover loss on global biodiversity. The study, led

66、 by the University of Edinburgh and the University of St Andrews, investigated the impacts of forest loss on species and biodiversity over time and around the world, revealing both losses and gains in species.Focusing on biodiversity data spanning(跨越) 150 years and over 6,000 locations, the study, p

67、ublished in Science, reveals that as tree cover is lost, plants and animals are responding to the transformation of their natural habitats.Bringing together over 5 million records of the numbers of different plants and animals with information on both historic and contemporary peaks in forest loss,

68、the researchers discovered both immediate and delayed effects of forest loss on ecosystems.The pace at which biodiversity responds to forest loss varies from a few years, as is the case for light-loving plants and insects, to decades for long-living trees and larger birds and mammals. Gergana Daskal

69、ova, a Ph.D. student in the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh and lead author of the study, said, “Changes in the biodiversity of the planets forests matter because they will reflect how these landscapes look, the types of species they support and the benefits that forests provide

70、 for society like clean air and water.”Maria Dornelas, a co-senior author from the School of Biology at the University of St Andrews, continued, “Humans are undoubtedly changing the planet. Yet, global analyses of how biodiversity is changing over time are revealing biodiversity changes are nuanced(

71、有细微差别的) and variable.”She added, “With a better understanding of the different ways, both positive and negative, in which forest loss influences biodiversity, we can improve future conservation and restoration of global ecosystems.”32. What did the international research find?A. Species suffer losse

72、s as tree cover is lost.B. Historic and contemporary peaks in forest loss vary.C. Forest loss cannot impact ecosystems immediately.D. Plant and animal species are reacting to forest cover loss.33. Why are there immediate and delayed effects of forest loss on ecosystems?A. Effects of forest loss are

73、difficult to notice.B. Insects adapt to forest loss quite slowly.C. Species respond to forest loss at different paces.D. There are different degrees of forest loss in history.34. What do we know about the changes in forests biodiversity?A. They make no difference.B. They worsen the landscapes.C. The

74、y have a great effect on society.D. They cause damage to types of species.35. With a better understanding of effects of forest loss, we should _.A. call on people to change natureB. find ways to make global analysesC. pay attention to the negative effectsD. improve protection of global ecosystems【答案

75、】32. D 33. C 34. C 35. D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍新的国际研究揭示了森林覆盖损失对全球生物多样性的深远影响,进而呼吁我们应该改善对全球生态系统的保护。【32题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“Focusing on biodiversity data spanning(跨越) 150 years and over 6,000 locations, the study, published in Science, reveals that as tree cover is lost, plants and animals are responding to

76、 the transformation of their natural habitats.(这项发表在科学(Science)杂志上的研究关注了跨越150年、6000多个地点的生物多样性数据,揭示了随着树木覆盖的消失,动植物正对其自然栖息地的变化做出反应。)”由此可知,新的国际研究发现植物和动物物种正在对森林覆盖的减少做出反应。故选D。【33题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段“The pace at which biodiversity responds to forest loss varies from a few years, as is the case for light-loving

77、plants and insects, to decades for long-living trees and larger birds and mammals.(生物多样性对森林消失的反应速度从几年到几十年不等,比如喜光的植物和昆虫,到长寿的树木和大型鸟类和哺乳动物。)” 由此可知,生物多样性对森林消失的反应速度不同,造成森林消失对生态系统有立即和延迟的反应。故选C。【34题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段“Gergana Daskalova, a Ph.D. student in the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh

78、 and lead author of the study, said, “Changes in the biodiversity of the planets forests matter because they will reflect how these landscapes look, the types of species they support and the benefits that forests provide for society like clean air and water.”(爱丁堡大学地球科学学院的博士生、该研究的主要作者吉尔加纳达斯卡洛娃(Gergan

79、a Daskalova)说,“地球森林生物多样性的变化很重要,因为它们会反映出这些景观的样子,它们所支持的物种类型以及森林为社会提供的好处,比如清洁的空气和水。” )”由此可知,森林生物的多样性给社会提供好处,所以它们对社会有很大的影响。故选C。【35题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段“She added, “With a better understanding of the different ways, both positive and negative, in which forest loss influences biodiversity, we can improve futur

80、e conservation and restoration of global ecosystems.(她补充说,“通过更好地了解森林丧失影响生物多样性的不同方式,包括积极的和消极的,我们可以改善未来对全球生态系统的保护和恢复。” )” 所以为了更好地了解森林损失的影响,我们应该改善对全球生态系统的保护。故选D。第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。As the saying goes, “No man is an island.” _36_If you dont, you will

81、have a much harder time attracting luck and getting what you want. If you do, you can have more time to do the things you really want or get through a difficult or unpleasant period of time._37_ Show your kindness and generosity to them, and they will return the favor. The Law of Reciprocity(互惠) wor

82、ks like a charm. Your mother may have told you many things that fall under this law when you were a kid. For instance, she may have told you that if you wanted friends, you needed to be friendly. Your mother actually was telling you about the Law of Reciprocity without you or her even knowing about

83、it. _38_ The more you help others gain what they are looking for, the more you will be helped. It may not seem like this is the case on the surface, but you can not give without receiving back._39_ Do acts of kindness unconditionally. Dont demand from others, saying something like, “I have done so m

84、any favors for you, and now I want you to return the favor.” _40_ Just do good things. Even if people dont remember or appreciate what you have done, the universe will certainly give you the reward that you deserve.A. So how can you get help from others?B. Thus you dont have to take the trouble to d

85、o things by yourself.C. No, thats not the way.D. So always depend on people you can trust.E. In fact, the Law of Reciprocity will help you achieve a lot of success.F. Its true that in order to succeed, you have to get help from other people.G. However, dont go about being nice expecting something in

86、 return.【答案】36. F 37. A 38. E 39. G 40. C【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。主要说明没有人是孤独存在的,我们都会得到别人的帮助,并且要不求回报地帮助别人。【36题详解】上文“As the saying goes, No man is an island.( 正如谚语所说:“没有人是一座孤岛”)”。下文“If you dont, you will have a much harder time attracting luck and getting what you want. If you do, you can have more time to do

87、the things you really want or get through a difficult or unpleasant period of time.(如果你不这样做,你将很难获得好运,也很难得到你想要的东西。如果你这样做了,你可以有更多的时间去做你真正想做的事情,或者度过一段艰难或不愉快的时期。)”因此设空处承上启下,每个人都需要得到其他人的帮助,所以F项:“Its true that in order to succeed, you have to get help from other people.(为了成功,你必须得到别人的帮助,这是事实。)”,符合题意,故选F。【3

88、7题详解】下文“Show your kindness and generosity to them, and they will return the favor.(把你的善意和慷慨展示给其他人,他们也会回报你的。)”空格位于段首,可以推测出空格内容是关于如何获得帮助,故A项:“So how can you get help from others?(所以如何从其他人哪里获得帮助?)”符合题意,所以选择A。【38题详解】上文“Your mother actually was telling you about the Law of Reciprocity without you or her

89、even knowing about it.(你母亲实际上是在你或她都不知道的情况下告诉你互惠法则。)”所以与E项中的“the Law of Reciprocity”相呼应,且符合题意,故选E。【39题详解】下文“Do acts of kindness unconditionally.(无条件的做事情。)”可以推测出本空在强调无条件,不求回报,故G项:“However, dont go about being nice expecting something in return.(不要为了得到回报而对人友善。)” 符合题意,故选G。【40题详解】上文“Dont demand from othe

90、rs, saying something like, I have done so many favors for you, and now I want you to return the favor.( 不要苛求别人,说我为你做了许多,现在我想要你还给我)”,后文“Just do good things. Even if people dont remember or appreciate what you have done, the universe will certainly give you the reward that you deserve.(只要做好事。即使人们不记得或不

91、欣赏你所做的一切,宇宙也会给你应得的回报。)”因此设空处承上启下,不要要求别人回报,显然这样是不对的,所以选择C。第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When my aunts children were small, she decided to get them a puppy. Her neighbors dog had given _41_ to a couple of puppies a few wee

92、ks earlier and so my aunt arranged to _42_ one of the puppies once they had been weaned(断奶).The day came to bring home the little puppy and the children were_43_; they named it Shorty happily and _44_ welcomed it, preparing its food and a comfortable _45_ in a basket. The next day the children gave

93、it some milk before kissing it goodbye and_46_ for school. When they returned, they were _47_ to discover that Shorty was missing. They _48_ the whole house inch by inch, _49_ it was nowhere to be found. A few hours later, the _50_ who sold them the puppy came over carrying Shorty,_51_. He explained

94、 that the mother dog had slid into my aunts house and carried the puppy back to his home.For a number of days my aunt and her neighbour tried _52_ to keep the puppy in his new home, because each day the mother dog would_53_ it from the tiny bed. Finally, my aunts neighbour gave up and offered her a

95、refund.I came to realize that mothers love is flowing all over the places you can imagine _54_ in the kingdom of animals. By the way, if you would like to keep a puppy as a _55_ you might as well keep the mother dog at a distance.41 A. riseB. birthC. wayD. attention42. A. buyB. borrowC. stealD. rent

96、43. A. cautiousB. cheerfulC. awkwardD. allergic44. A. merelyB. frequentlyC. immediatelyD. temporarily45. A. bedB. seatC. netD. bag46. A. looking outB. heading offC. taking awayD. coming up47. A. alarmedB. relievedC. interestedD. ashamed48. A. discoveredB. cleanedC. searchedD. explored49. A. soB. tho

97、ughC. orD. but50. A. parentB. friendC. relativeD. neighbor51. A. praisingB. apologizingC. promisingD. blaming52. A. in vainB. in turnC. on purposeD. on time53. A. feedB. kissC. biteD. fetch54. A. justB. yetC. evenD. still55. A. guestB. guardC. friendD. guide【答案】41. B 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. A 46. B 47

98、. A 48. C 49. D 50. D 51. B 52. A 53. D 54. C 55. C【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者的阿姨从邻居家为孩子们买来一只小狗,但狗妈妈每天溜进阿姨家将小狗带走,他们最后只能让小狗回到妈妈的身边。作者由此意识到,母爱流淌在你可以想象的所有地方,甚至在动物的王国里。【41题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:她邻居的狗几周前生了几只小狗,所以我阿姨安排在小狗断奶后买一只。A. rise上升,提高;B. birth出生,诞生;C. way方式,方法;D. attention注意力。根据“so my aunt arranged to _2_ one

99、of the puppies once they had been weaned(断奶).”可知,阿姨要等到小狗断奶后买一只,所以在这之前应该是这只狗生下了小狗。give birth to为固定用法,意为“生,娩出”。故选B。【42题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. buy买;B. borrow借;C. steal偷;D. rent租赁。根据“Finally, my aunts neighbour gave up and offered her a refund.”可知,阿姨打算在小狗断奶后买一只。故选A。【43题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:把小狗带回家的那天到了,孩子们兴高采烈。A

100、. cautious小心的,谨慎的;B. cheerful令人愉快的;C. awkward糟糕的;D. allergic过敏的。根据下文“they named it Shorty happily”可知,孩子们高兴地给这只小狗起名字,所以孩子们是高兴的。故选B。【44题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们高兴地给它起名叫Shorty,并立即欢迎它的到来,为它准备了食物,还在篮子里给它铺了一张舒适的床。A. merely仅仅;B. frequently频繁地;C. immediately立刻,马上;D. temporarily暂时地。根据上文“they named it Shorty happily

101、”和下文“preparing its food and a comfortable _5_ in a basket.”可知,孩子们先是高兴地给这只小狗起名字然后又给它准备食物和床,所以孩子们是立即欢迎这只小狗的。故选C。【45题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. bed床;B. seat座位;C. net网;D. bag包。根据下文“the mother dog would_13_ it from the tiny bed.”可知,萌宠驾到,孩子们应该是给小狗安排睡觉的地方。此处是信息词bed的词汇复现。故选A。【46题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:第二天,孩子们给它喝了一些牛奶,然后和它

102、吻别,然后去上学。A. looking out当心;B. heading off启程,离开;C. taking away带走;D. coming up出现,发生。根据下文“When they returned, they were _7_ to discover that Shorty was missing.”可知,孩子们是启程去学校。故选B。【47题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:回来后,他们惊恐地发现Shorty不见了。A. alarmed惊恐的;B. relieved感到宽慰的;C. interested感兴趣的;D. ashamed羞愧的。根据“that Shorty was mis

103、sing”可知,小不点不见了,孩子们应是感到惊慌的。故选A。【48题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们一寸一寸地搜遍了整座房子,但还是没有找到。A. discovered发现;B. cleaned打扫;C. searched搜索,搜查;D. explored探索。根据“it was nowhere to be found.”可知,孩子们在家里搜寻小狗。故选C。【49题详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意同上。A. so因此;B. though尽管;C. or或者;D. but但是。上文“They _8_ the whole house inch by inch(他们一寸一寸地找遍了整栋房子)”和下文“

104、 it was nowhere to be found.(哪儿也找不到)”形成转折关系,需用连词but连接。故选D。【50题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:几小时后,把小狗卖给他们的邻居抱着Shorty过来道歉。 A. parent父母;B. friend朋友;C. relative亲戚;D. neighbor邻居。根据上文“Her neighbors dog had given _1_ to a couple of puppies a few weeks earlier and so my aunt arranged to _2_ one of the puppies once they ha

105、d been weaned”可知,此处是信息词neighbor的词汇复现。故选D。【51题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. praising赞美;B. apologizing道歉;C. promising承诺;D. blaming责备。根据下文“He explained that the mother dog had slid into my aunts house and carried the puppy back to his home.”可知,邻居把小狗卖给了阿姨,而小狗又被大狗带回去了,由此可知,邻居是过来给阿姨道歉的。故选B。【52题详解】考查固定短语辨析。句意:好几天来,我

106、的阿姨和她的邻居都想把小狗养在它的新家,但都失败了,因为每天狗妈妈都会把它从小床上抱出来。A. in vain徒劳;B. in turn依次,轮流;C. on purpose故意地;D. on time准时。根据“Finally, my aunts neighbour gave up and offered her a refund.”可知,阿姨和邻居的努力都是白费力气。故选A。53题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. feed喂养;B. kiss亲吻;C. bite咬;D. fetch取来,取回。根据“it from the tiny bed.”可知,狗妈妈每天都会把小狗领走。故选D。【

107、54题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我开始意识到母亲的爱在你所能想象的所有地方都在流动,甚至在动物的王国里也是如此。 A. just仅仅,只是;B. yet然而;C. even甚至;D. still仍然。根据上文“I came to realize that mothers love is flowing all over the places you can imagine(我开始意识到,母爱流淌在你可以想象的所有地方)”母爱应该是人类才有的,以及下文“in the kingdom of animals.(在动物王国里)可知,甚至在动物王国里也流淌着母爱,这里表示一种递进关系。故选C。【55

108、题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:顺便说一下,如果你想养一只小狗作为朋友,你不妨和它的妈妈保持一个距离。A. guest客人;B. guard警卫;C. friend朋友;D. guide向导,导游。根据生活常识可知,人类养狗通常是作为陪伴自己的朋友的。故选C。第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It wasnt until the rise of the Ming Dynasty in 1368 that the Great Wall of China we know today_56_(build).

109、 The Ming Dynasty had to deal with a great number of attacks from minority tribes(部落), so it made extensive additions to the wall.The_57_(long) and complexity of the Ming wall beat all the former ones. The dynasty also_58_(add) double and triple walls in some places_59_(strengthen) previously built

110、structures and confuse attackers. In fact, in many places the wall is wide enough on top for someone to drive a car on it, _60_(reach) about 6.7 meters. Although the wall has a remarkable girth(周长), its not visible from outer space _61_ the old myth says. If that were true, major highways would be v

111、isible too many are much _62_ (large) than the Great Wall.Construction on the Great Wall was _63_ ongoing and successful effort under the Ming Dynasty until the 17th century, when it could no longer defeat the efforts of the Manchu. This takeover,_64_ brought down the Ming Dynasty and gave rise to t

112、he Qing Dynasty, _65_(effective) stopped the Great Walls development, which spanned more than 2,000 years.【答案】56. was built 57. length 58. added 59. to strengthen 60. reaching 61. as 62. larger 63. an 64. which 65. effectively【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文,介绍了明长城的兴衰历史。【56题详解】考查时态和语态。句意:直到1368年明朝兴起,我们今天所了解的中国长城才建成。

113、分析句子成分可知,所设空处作谓语,所给词“build(建造)”与主语 “the Great Wall of China”之间为被动关系,所以应用被动语态,根据时间状语“until the rise of the Ming Dynasty in 1368”可知,应用一般过去时态,综上,故填was built。【57题详解】考查名词。句意:明长城的长度和复杂程度超过了以前的所有长城。分析句子成分可知,所设空处与其后的“and complexity”并列,在句中作主语,所以应用名词,故填length。【58题详解】考查时态。句意:明朝还在一些地方增加了双层和三重城墙,以加强以前建造的建筑,迷惑攻击者

114、。分析句子结构可知,所设空处作谓语,根据上下文语境可知,应用一般过去时态,故填added。【59题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:明朝还在一些地方增加了双层和三重城墙,以加强以前建造的建筑,迷惑攻击者。根据句意可知,此处作目的状语,应用不定式形式,故填to strengthen。【60题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:事实上,在很多地方,墙的顶部足够宽,可以让人在上面开车,达到6.7米。分析句子成分可知,“_5_ (reach) about 6.7 meters”作伴随状语,所给词“reach(达到)”与主语the wall之间为主动关系,所以应用现在分词形式,故填reaching。【61题详解】考查

115、连词。句意:尽管这堵墙很长,但从外太空并不像古老的神话所说的能看见它。分析句子结构可知,“ _6_ the old myth says”为方式状语从句,根据句意,该处可译为“正如,像一样”,故填as。【62题详解】考查比较等级。句意:如果这是真的,那么大型高速公路也可能看见了,有许多比长城大得多呢。分析句子成分,所设空处作表语,应用形容词,再根据其后的比较对象“than the Great Wall”可知,此处应用比较级形式,故填larger。【63题详解】考查冠词。句意:在明朝时期,长城的建造是一项持续而成功的努力,直到17世纪,它再也不能打败满族的行动。根据句意可知,“ongoing an

116、d successful effort(持续而成功的努力)”为泛指,ongoing发音以元音音素开头,所以应用不定冠词an,故填an。【64题详解】考查定语从句。句意:这一更迭导致了明朝的垮台和清朝的崛起,实际上阻止了长城长达2000多年的发展。分析句子成分可知,“_9_ brought down the Ming Dynasty and gave rise to the Qing Dynasty”为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“This takeover”,该先行词,指物,在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词which引导。故填which。【65题详解】考查副词。句意:这一更迭导致了明朝的垮台和

117、清朝的崛起,实际上阻止了长城长达2000多年的发展。分析句子成分可知,所设空处作状语,修饰其谓语部分“stopped the Great Walls development”,所以应用副词,故填effectively。第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(满分 15 分)66. 假定你是李华,上周六你班组织了浮来山植树活动。请你为校英语报写一篇报道,内容包括:1. 参加人员;2. 劳动过程;3. 活动感受。注意:1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。An Unforgettable Tree-Planting Activity_【答案】Last S

118、aturday, A tree-planting activity was held by our class at the Fulai Mountain. All the teachers and students participated.Early in the morning, we rode bikes to our destination. And then, we began to work immediately, some digging holes, some carrying and planting young trees, and others watering th

119、em. What wonderful teamwork! We enjoyed trees standing straight in the soil, with a strong feeling of satisfaction. Before leaving, we took photos to honor our green action.Tired but happy, we went home with a sense of responsibility. If everyone plants a tree each year, our planet will become much

120、more beautiful.【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生为校英语报写一篇报道,介绍上周六你班组织的浮来山植树活动。【详解】1.词汇积累参加:take partparticipate骑车:pedalride bikes满意:contentsatisfaction责任:dutyresponsibility2.句式拓展简单句变复合句原句:We enjoyed trees standing straight in the soil, with a strong feeling of satisfaction.拓展句:We enjoyed trees standing straig

121、ht in the soil, which gave us a strong sense of satisfaction.【点睛】高分句型1 And then, we began to work immediately, some digging holes, some carrying and planting young trees, and others watering them. (运用了独立主格结构)高分句型2 Tired but happy, we went home with a sense of responsibility. (运用了形容词作状语)第二节(满分 25 分)6

122、7. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Fathers Day ChessIt was Dales third Sunday volunteering at the retirement home. He had thought it would be a good way to give back. But today he just felt tired. While on a short break, Dale took a walk through the garden. There were people sitting on benches,

123、 chatting together. A woman sat knitting, looking very pleased with herself. The strands of brightly-colored yarn disappeared quickly through her hands.Across the courtyard, there was a man sitting alone at a table with a chessboard in front of him. Dale watched with curiosity as the man would stare

124、 at the pieces, then move them, and then would do the same from the other side of the board. On his way home after the day had ended, Dale found himself thinking about the man. How he was hunched over in deep thought, playing a game against himself. How odd, he thought.Each Sunday, Dale would see th

125、e man doing the same thing. While everyone else talked with one another or happily carried on, the man would sit, slightly bent over and scratching his chin. His eyes rarely came off of the chessboard. One Sunday, Dale went to the garden on his break expecting to see the man at his normal spot. But

126、he wasnt there. It was Fathers Day and there were many visitors at the home. Dale shrugged and thought the man must be busy with his family.That afternoon, Dale was mopping the hallways when he happened to pass by the mans room. The door was slightly open and he could see the man sitting in a chair

127、next to the window, peering out at the courtyard. Dale knocked lightly and asked to come in.The man nodded. Dale saw a collection of framed photographs on the bedside table. “Are those your children?” he asked.“Yes theyre all grown and live far away. They have their own kids now,” he replied. Dale,

128、not wanting the man to be alone on Fathers Day, had an idea.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Para. 1: He went outside and got the chessboard from the table._Para. 2: Dale was glad that he volunteered._【答案】Para. 1:He went outside and got the chessboard from the table. “Shall we play chess toget

129、her? The man hesitated. He stared at the chessboard sinking into his thoughts. It took a while before the old man finally shared his thoughts with Dale. In the past, he often played chess with his children, which were some of his fondest memories. However, they all died because of a car accident and

130、 the old man has been alone ever since. Sorry, I lied to you, the man choked, eyes brimming with tears. “Thank you for your kind help.”Para. 2:Dale was glad that he volunteered. Deeply touched, he now understood why the man preferred to play chess alone, and why he sat silently in his room on Father

131、s Day. He carefully placed all the pieces on the chessboard and said, Sir, Im sorry for your loss. But as you may notice, I come here every Sunday. If you wish, you can play chess with me, as you did with your children. A flicker of a smile crossed the mans face. Taking a deep breath, he settled him

132、self opposite to Dale and moved a piece.【解析】【分析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了Dale在养老院做志愿者时注意到了一个孤独的父亲,每天都在下棋,他还发现这个人一个人过父亲节。于是这天Dale主动提出和老人下棋,老人告诉了Dale自己的孩子因为车祸去世的事情,最后Dale提出每周都可以和他下棋。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“他走到外面,从桌上拿起棋盘。”可知,第一段可描写老人告诉Dale自己孩子去世的遭遇。由第二段首句内容“Dale很高兴他做了志愿者。”可知,第二段可描写Dale得知真相后的心理活动以及Dale提出每周都可以和老人下棋。2.续

133、写线索:Dale拿起棋盘老人告知自己经历Dale高兴自己当了志愿者Dale提出陪老人下棋3.词汇激活行为类陷入沉思:sinking into his thoughts / be lost in thought去世:die/ pass away坐下:settled himself opposite to / sit down情绪类高兴:glad / happy最爱的:fondest / favorite【点睛】高分句型1 In the past, he often played chess with his children, which were some of his fondest memories. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)高分句型2 Deeply touched, he now understood why the man preferred to play chess alone, and why he sat silently in his room on Fathers Day. (运用了why引导宾语从句)


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