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广东省佛山市高明区第一中学2017届高三英语模块一词汇巩固练习 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、高三模块一词汇巩固练习 ( unit 1)I. 单词填空,根据中文或所给单词的首字母填写单词(15分):1. I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise _. (否则)2. It is the most important to keep calm when handling the u_ matter.3. After graduating from university, she has been working as an _(会计)4. They are making a _ on whether students shou

2、ld wear school uniforms.(调查)5. Sleeping too late will _ (影响) our health.6. There are some c_ shops around our community, which makes it _ for us to do shopping. (方便)7. The weather f_ says that its going to stay hot for the rest of the week.8. _that it rains, shall we continue the sports meeting ? (假

3、如) 9. After the big earthquake on March 11,2011, many countries as well as China offered _ to Japan.( 支持)10. I have something_ to discuss with you.(私人)11. Nowadays ,many young people like watching _ (动画片)12. The secretary came in, with some _ in her arm. (文件)13. The singer is recording some _ (古典的)

4、music in the radio _ (工作室).14. To keep fit, she is on a d_.15. She used to live in a r_ village surrounded by big mountains.II.根据括号里的词,写出恰当的词(25分):1.All I want is to have a _ (peace) and quiet time to spend my tea time.2.Many people complain that their jobs are uninteresting and _(stress).3.They are

5、 trying to make sure that chickens are free of _ (sick)4.I dont know what that _ (organize) can do for us.5.As an _, they hope that their _ can attract peoples attention and accept them (advertise).6.What equipment will you need for your _ (present)?7.Downtown will be very _ (crowd) at this time of

6、the day.8.We can see a windmill in the _ (distant).9. Are you _ with doing a lot of _ homework every day ?(bore)10. Fishing is his favorite _. He knows it helps to _ him and many people find fishing _ and they often wear a _ smile after catching a fish.( relax)11. In Huangzhou many v_are doing _ wor

7、k during G20 summit.(volunteer)12. These buses are never on time and the passengers are always _. Last week some passengers made a _ to the bus company about it .( complain)13. He _ his English classes to other classes because his English teacher should not show_ for any one of his pupils. (prefer)1

8、4. Wedding is a _ occasion so it is impolite to be dressed _ ( formal)15. At weekends, there are many _ _ along the green lane.( cycle)III. 中译英练习(30分)。1. 他们很快就要大学毕业了,因此他们决定举行一个舞会庆祝毕业。 ks5uks5uks5uKS5U2. 自从2000年开始做起生意来, Jack一直要面临各种挑战(take up)。3. 作为国际贸易专家,他很擅长贸易谈判。(expert) 4. 国庆期间,我宁愿在家休息,也不去旅游,因为各个景区

9、挤满了来自全国各地人 (prefer to).5. 正如所料,他是第一个到达学校的人。(the first)6. 出席上星期在上海举行的会议的专家们提出了解决环境污染的方法(put).7. 如果没有这样的好妻子,我就不可能过上这样的生活。 8. 他用不到半小时的时间洗漱、穿衣、吃早餐 。9 . 他很少有时间娱乐及参与其它活动。(seldom, 倒装)9. 如果无所事事,我会觉得无聊。我喜欢忙碌。IV改错(20分):1. He normally wakes up about 10 minute before the alarm clock go off.2. A large part of th

10、e day takes up by meetings and phone calls . 3. Over the past 10 years, the price went up by 10%.4. Hard work leads to success and laziness results in failure.5. Every one supposes to fasten his belt in the plane6. John find working as a policeman stressed.7. I cant stand people smoke around when Im

11、 eating.8. The survey says that the average fifteen-year-old get 5 dollars pocket money9. She is getting 3 dollars every Saturday.10. 9% of girls tell us that they are telephoning their friends and talk to them in the evening and the same number listening to music Keys I: 1. otherwise 2. urgent 3. a

12、ccount 4. survey 5. affect 6. convenience, convenient 7. forecast 8. Suppose/ supposing 9. Support 10. personal 11. Cartoons 12. documents 13. Classical, studio 14. diet 15. remote II: 1.peaceful 2. stressful 3. sickness 4. organization 5. Advertiser, advertisements 6. presentation 7. crowded 8. dis

13、tance 9. bored, boring 10. relaxation, relax, relaxing, relaxed 11. volunteers, voluntary 12. complaining, complaint 13. prefers, preference 14. formal, informal15. cyclists, cycling III:1. They will graduate from university soon, therefore they decide to hold a party to celebrate their graduation.2

14、. Since he took up business in 2000 , Jack has been facing different challenges.3. As an expert on international trade, he is expert in / at trade negotiation。4. During the National Holiday, I prefer to stay at home rather than go traveling for all the scenic spots are crowded with people around the

15、 country.5. As was expected, he was the first to arrive at the school.6. The experts attending the conference held in Shanghai last week put forward a solution to environment pollution.7. I couldnt live this lifestyle without a good wife.8. It takes him less than half an hour to wash, get changed an

16、d have breakfast( He spends less than half an hour (in ) washing, getting changed and having breakfast.9. Seldom does he have time for fun and other activities.10. I get bored if there is nothing to do. I like being busy .IV:改错1 go-goes 2 takes-is taken 3 went- has gone 4 and-while5 supposes- is sup

17、posed 6 find-finds, stressed-stressful 7 smoke- smoking 8 get-gets 9 is getting-gets10 are telephoning- telephone , listening- listen模块一(unit 2)一、词汇填空1. What the teacher said was _ (绝对地) right.2. More than 10 people _ in the traffic accident. ( injury)3. It was _(慷慨的) of her to contribute such a lar

18、ge sum of money.4. The madman was _ (暴力的) and had to be locked up.5. The_ (探险家) who are going to e_ the Arctic are preparing a lot of scientific instruments.6. Who is the new tennis c_ in the world? 7. What was the name of the first Russian a_ to do a spacewalk?8. C_ is very important when we are in

19、 an emergency.9. Crowds of people are marching along the street, p_ against the war.10. A law is being drawn up to prevent the domestic _ (暴力行为)11. What _(省) was the _ (宇航员) ?12. We all expressed our _ for the firefighters _ deed.(admire)13. The r_ between he and his parents is not good for they oft

20、en quarrel. 14. He did well in _(促销) the new product and _ (晋升)last week. We all congratulate him _ _( 升职)ks5uks5uKs5u15. The _ (共和国) _ in 136. (成立)16. She has a gift for creating an _ ( 氛围) for her students which allows them to communicate freely with each other. 17. The _ (运动员 )performed better th

21、an expected in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, especially Chinese Womens Volleyball team,二、根据句子意思完成句子1. We are strongly against too much _ (violent) and crime on TV.2. He is a _ (report) from Xinhua agency.ks5uks5uks5uKS5U3. Youll get more _ (skill) at this job as you go along.4. we can _on the young ma

22、n to do it as he is_.( rely)5. It is difficult for me see something _ (usual) in the picture 6. _, I made a right decision making a _ in the end . (fortune)7. Your encouragement made me more _ (confidence) of my future.8. What _ me most was that the boy had an _ appetite for American country music.(

23、 amaze)9. As the youngest_, I had to _ in the writing contest against 20 other top students for the annual writing award. I must be _ to be the winner.( compete)10. He couldnt breathe _ a machine at first, but after 10 years hard work and _(courage ) from people , he learnt to breathe _ (独立) , _ ( s

24、tart) a new life _ great _, ( courage) which _ ( courage ) many other disabled people.11. He _ ( influence) by Gandhis ideas about _(peace) protests. He made speeches to encourage black people to fight for _(平等) right with the white , one of which started _ the words “ I have a dream-”12. Farmers al

25、ways have to _ a living. They often _ bad weather for a better harvest. Some of them even have to leave their hometown and go to work in cities, _ increase their income. ( struggle)13. We should be _ _ ourselves .(信心)二、 英译汉1. 2. 14. His speeches about his experiences not only drew public attention t

26、o research into back injuries but also encouraged a lot of people living with all kinds of problems.3. 15.I am far too busy with living to think of giving up.4. 汉译英1. 在因战争分别了30多年后,上星期,这对双胞胎终于又见面了。(separate)2. 我为自己是个中国人而自豪(proud)。3. 使他惊奇的是,篮子里的蛇开始随着音乐跳起了舞 。(amaze)4. 直到水井里的水不再适合饮用时,村民才意识到保护环境的重要性( com

27、e to do sth. 倒装句)5. 越来越多的人参与志愿工作和慈善活动。(involve)6. 所有学生都应该独立完成作业。(suppose)7. 她们已经表达了在网球生涯结束好对设计工作非常感兴趣。(keen, end)8. 她们父亲一直对她们很严格,努力训练她们互相比赛。(compete)9. 那位演说家获得了诺贝尔和平奖,因此,人们将因他为黑人/的获得平等权利所做的事情而永远记住他。ks5uks5uKs5u10. 购物者很少向商场经理或零售商店投诉,因此有些经理通常是最后听到投诉的。(倒装句)Key:1. After having been separated from each o

28、ther by the war, the twins met again2. I am proud of being a Chinese.3. To his amazement, the snake in the basket is dancing to music.4. Not until the water from the well was not fit for drinking did the villagers came to realize the importance of keeping the environment.5. More and more people get

29、involved with voluntary work and charity.6. Each student is supposed to finish his/ her homework on his/ her own.7. They have already expressed a keen interest in working in design after tennis careers come to an end.8. Their father has always been very strict with them, training them hard to compet

30、e against each other.9. The lecturer received the Nobel Peace Prize and he will always be remembered as a great person for what he did for black people.ks5uks5uks5uKS5U10. Seldom do shoppers complain to the store manager or a retail store,therefore some managers are often the last to hear complaints

31、.模块一(unit 3)一、 词汇填空:1. The law forbids the sale of a_ to people under 18.2. They _ (听) a lecture on space yesterday.3. How can I apply for a _ (奖学金)?4. Ive met her on several _ (场合) recently.5.Your room is in a m_. Youd better make it tidy.6.You should have invited her to your graduation c_.7.These

32、films are suitable for a_ only.8. He finally got a good job with a good s_ in a company.9.Thank you again for giving us this o_ to serve you.二、 词形转换1. The _ (tradition) breakfast in this area includes bacon and eggs.2. 17. He was not satisfied with the _ of the hotel.( serve).3. 18.I send you my war

33、mest _ (congratulate) on your success.4. 19.She has decided to take the _ (enter) exam.5. 20.If I were you, I would accept the _ (invite).6. 21.My mother bought many decorations to _ my room with them.7. 22.He has made an important _ (contribute) to the companys success.8. 23.They tried to increase

34、_ (produce) by introducing advanced technology.9. 24.They are discussing whether the law _ to the case (apply) .10. 25.That_ (retire ) woman is a baby-sitter.11. 英译汉1. The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth month of Chinese lunar calendar and it is said that the moon is its

35、 biggest and brightest on this day.2. 17. Nowadays, most lanterns come in many shapes and sizes.3. 18. A long silk ribbon that links the crowns made of flowers is a symbol of a long and happy life for the couple.4. 汉译英1. 新鲜的空气和阳光非常有利于我们的健康。(contribute)2. 计算机的发明标志着一个新时代的开始。(mark;新时代:a new era)3. 看到报上的广告,Jane 写了封信到报社应聘编辑的工作。(报社:the newspaper)4.Keys:1.fresh air and sunshine contribute to our health greatly.2.The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.3.Seeing the ad in the newspaper, Jane wrote a letter to the newspaper to apply for the job as an editor. 版权所有:高考资源网()


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