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2013年高考英语一轮复习课时作业36:UNIT 1 A LAND OF DIVERSITY(新人教版选修8广东专用).doc

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1、课时作业(三十六)选修8Unit 1A land of diversity 限时:30分钟 .完形填空Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together. However, I was not thinking about the golden chain when I had to help people who _1_ their way and parked in front of my house.I was growing tired of helping so many people. Almost eve

2、ry _2_ I was awaken during a sound nights sleep and had to _3_ someone out. Many times I was _4_by some penniless motorists who did not even thank me for the help that they received and some even complained that I could have done more.One day, a young man with a weekold beard climbed out of a _5_ au

3、tomobile. He had no money and no food. He asked if I could give him some _6_, offer him gasoline and a meal. I told him that if he wanted to work for me, he could cut the grass, but _7_ the work wasnt necessary.Though sweaty and hungry, he worked hard. After working all day, he sat in the shade to c

4、ool himself. I thanked him for his work and gave him the money he _8_. I then offered him some _9_ money for a task particularly well done, but he shook his head, _10_.I never saw him again. He probably thinks I helped him out that day, but that is not the way it was. I didnt help him. He helped me

5、to _11_ people again to repay their trust in me. He helped me to once again want to do something for those who are _12_. I wish I could thank him for _13_ some of my belief in the basic goodness of others and for giving me back a little of the _14_ I had lost. Because of him, I once again felt part

6、of a golden chain of kindness that _15_ us to others.I may have fed his body that day, but he fed my soul.1A.fought BfoundCmade Dlost2A.morning BafternoonCnight Devening3A.bring BhelpCcarry Ddrive4A.taken for granted Bput up withCturned down Dtaken up with5A.fashionable BfamousCflashy Dshabby6A.mone

7、y BfoodChelp Dwork7A.actually BspeciallyCparticularly Dgenerally8A.asked BbeggedCneeded Dcharged9A.old BextraCsmall Dgood10A.accepted BreceivedCrefused Ddenied11A.believe in Bwatch overClook after Dcare about12A.in trouble Bin dangerCin tears Din fear13A.forgetting BlosingCrestoring Dfinding14A.weak

8、ness BstrengthCoptimism Dpessimism15A.adapts BadjustsCdevotes Dconnects.阅读理解AWhether youre headed to another country for business or pleasure, it is likely that you need to keep in touch with family or business partners in the United States. But if you plan to do that using your cell phone, you coul

9、d have an unwelcome surpriseUS cell phones dont work abroad. US companies use different forms of technology, not like most of the international community, including Europe.However, there is an easy, costeffective solution to staying in touch while youre traveling. You can rent a phone that is guaran

10、teed to work in the countries youre visiting. Roadpost offers a 30day cell phone rental plan that includes free incoming calls, free voicemail and call waiting services.The service is convenient and simple. You can place your order online and your phone will be shipped to arrive on the date you want

11、. If an unexpected business trip comes up, Roadpost can provide nextday delivery for most cities. In addition to the phone, Roadpost provides a spare battery, travel charger and a leather carrying case. When your phone is shipped from Roadpost, you receive an email confirmation that contains your in

12、ternational cell phone number so you can leave it with family members and business partners; Roadpost even provides business cards preprinted with your international phone number.Those who dont want to be without email while traveling can rent an international BlackBerry. It can be hard to stay in t

13、ouch by email when traveling. With an international BlackBerry, you can email as much as you like, without worrying about an expensive bill. If youre traveling to very remote areas, you may want to consider renting a satellite phone: Because they receive their signals from satellites, and these phon

14、es work anywhere on the planet, including oceans and mountains. When you return, simply ship the phone or BlackBerry back to Roadpost using the return kit the company provides.16According to the text, Roadpost probably is_.Aan organization that offers some free servicesBa person who offers some advi

15、ce to foreign touristsCa company that rents cell phones to Americans going abroadDa person who makes travel plans for Americans17The first paragraph mainly tells us that _.AAmericans need to change their cell phonesBEuropean form of technology is different from AmericasCUS cell phones dont work abro

16、adDAmericans who go abroad will meet an unwelcome surprise18Which of the following will help you a lot in mountainous areas?ABlackBerry. BThe return kit.CEmail. DSatellite phones.19According to the text, it can be inferred that_.Aan international BlackBerry is mainly used to send emailBRoadpost can

17、offer cell phones used in different areasCyou should select a bag to send your cell phoneDRoadposts service is inconvenient and complicated20Which of the free services can you get from Roadpost?AVoicemail.BSending email.CShipping the phone back.DCall waiting services.BAmerican culture is unique beca

18、use it is formed and developed under certain conditions.The major factors contributing to the making of this nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity(多民族) and plural religion, which is quite different from other nations in the world.What is more, these eleme

19、nts are still influencing the American culture.The early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of America. From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west.The frontiersmen looked for a land of rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and freedom.Actually

20、they looked for a better life.So individualism(个人主义), selfreliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage(遗产) of America.In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to America three times.They brought their own

21、 culture to America and later on,different cultures were mixed together.Thus the unique American culture is formed,a common cultural life with commonly shared values.The fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the right of individuals to practice their own religion is at the center of

22、religious experience in the United States.The great diversity of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism; almost all of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United States.Nowadays, we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American society.Ame

23、rican family is typically parents and their unmarried children.Middleaged and elderly people generally do not live with their married children.The people in America have a very strong desire to start a new life in a new place.Quite a number of people change residences every year.The average American

24、 moves fourteen times in his lifetime.21American culture is unique because of the following factors EXCEPT_.Ahard environmentBethnic diversityCplural religionDadvanced modernization22We can learn from this article that_.Athe frontiersmen left important society values for American cultureBthe early i

25、mmigrants brought about the unique American cultureCpeople in the world once rushed to America because of its unique cultureDthe American family members dont get along well with each other23Whats the authors attitude towards American culture?AHe is critical of it.BHe admires it very much.CHe just st

26、ates the facts.DHe looks down upon it.24The last paragraph is about_.Athe family structure in American societyBthe influence of the three elements in the current American societyCthe new lifestyle of American familyDthe reason why American people like to change residences25What might be the most sui

27、table title of this article?AThe immigrants in AmericaBWhy American culture is unique?CThe influence of American cultureDPlural religion and American culture答案课时作业(三十六) .这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者通过帮助别人改变了自己的看法,并悟出了一定的人生哲理。1D考查动词短语的搭配。fight ones way“努力前进”;find ones way“找到路”;make ones way“前进”;lose ones way“迷路”。根

28、据作者的意思是帮助别人,应该是“迷路的人”。故选D项。2C考查语境。从下文的I was awaken during a sound nights sleep看出,应该是在“晚上”。故选C项。3B考查语境。文章的开始就说作者在帮助别人,此处指“在晚上帮助别人”。故选B项。4A考查动词短语辨析。take for granted“视为理所当然”;put up with“忍受”;turn down“拒绝,把音量调小”;take up with“开始与交往,采纳”。句意:很多次,那些身无分文的骑摩托车的人对我对他们的帮助认为是理所当然的从下文的some even complained that I co

29、uld have done more也可看出答案。5D考查语境。从本句的with a weekold beard climbed out of和下文的He had no money and no food.看出答案。fashionable“流行的”;flashy“闪光的”;shabby“破旧的”。D项符合题意。6D考查语境。从下文的I told him that if he wanted to work for me, he could cut the grass看出答案。故选D项。7A考查副词辨析。actually“事实上”;specially“专门地”;particularly“特别地”;

30、generally“一般地”。句意:事实上这份工作不需要(被做)。故选A项。8C考查动词辨析。ask“问,要”;beg“乞求”;need“需要”;charge“索取”。句意:作者给他所需要的钱。9B考查语境。从本句的后半部分for a task particularly well done看出,作者另外多给他钱。extra“另外的,附加的”,符合题意。故选B项。10C考查语境。从本句中but he shook his head看出,他拒绝了。refuse“拒绝”,符合题意。故选C项。11A考查动词短语辨析。believe in“相信”;watch over“看守,监视”;look after“

31、照顾”;care about“关心”。他帮助作者再次相信别人以报答他们对作者的信任。A符合题意。12A考查语境。从本句中的He helped me to once again want to do something for those看出答案。故选A项。13C考查动词辨析。forget“忘记”;lose“失去”;restore“恢复,归还”;find“发现”。句意:我希望我能为再次相信别人的好意而感谢他。restore符合题意 。14C考查语境。与第二段的I was growing tired of helping so many people.形成对比。作者找回了失去的乐观。optimis

32、m“乐观”。故选C项。15D考查语境。与文章的第一句Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.相照应。connectto“把与相连”。故选D项。.A本文主要介绍美国的一家提供租用手机服务的公司Roadpost公司的一些基本情况。16C推理判断题。由全文内容可知,Roadpost是一个为出国的美国人提供租用手机服务的公司。17C主旨大意题。文章第一段指出,美国的手机系统不同于世界其他地区。因此,出国的人如果想通过手机联系就必须更换手机。18D细节理解题。文章第五段提到,在山区最好使用卫星电话,也就是利用卫星传输

33、信息的手机。19B推理判断题。通读全文尤其是最后一段可知,Roadpost能够提供适合于不同地方的手机。20A细节理解题。可以利用排除法,文章最后两段并没有指出发送邮件和返还手机时是否收费,故B和C错误;再根据文章第二段最后一句可知,D项不是免费的。B本文是一篇议论兼说明的文章,向我们说明了美国独特的文化形成的原因等。21D细节理解题。用排除法。第一段第二句说明美国独特文化形成的主要因素是hard environment, ethnic diversity(多民族)and plural religion,而没有提到advanced modernization。故选D。22A细节理解题。由第二段

34、的叙述尤其是最后一句可知,美国的早期移民为美国文化留下了包括individualism(个人主义), selfreliance, and equality of opportunity在内的社会价值观(society values)。故选A。23C作者态度推断题。纵观全文可以看出,作者只是客观地叙述了美国独特的文化形成的原因、背景,以及当今影响美国文化的三大因素等,并没有对此作出评论,故选C。24B段意推断题。在该段中,第一句是该段的中心句,全段围绕该句向我们介绍了三大因素对当今美国社会的影响。故选B。25B主旨大意题。纵观全文可以看出,文章开篇点题,首句即为文章的主题:American culture is unique because it is formed and developed under certain conditions.然后,全文围绕这一主题展开论述,向我们讲述美国独特文化形成的原因。故选B。


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