1、基本信息课题:U1L5Writing workshop写作课第二课时学科英语年级高一授课教师:教材:北师大版新教材必修1主题:人与自我A Personal Email (一封私人邮件)指导思想与理论依据: 普通高中英语课程标准(2017版)指出:“高中英语课程应充分发展课程的育人功能。发展学生的语言能力、文化品格、思维品质和学习能力等英语学科核心素养。”在主题意义的引领下,以语篇为依托,整合性地学习语言知识和文化知识,通过学习理解、应用实践、迁移创新等一系列促进语言、文化、思维融合发展的活动,帮助学生以主动、合作、探究的学习方式,运用所学语言知识和听说读写看等语言技能,以及多种学习策略,获取文
3、主体部分主要由三段构成,第一段是问候语;第二段是邮件的主要部分,具体介绍王莹在高中的学习和课外活动情况,让好友从多个方面了解自己全新的高中生活;第三段是结束语,简要介解释自己结束邮件的理由及期待收到对方的回信。由于是好友之间的个人邮件,因此使用非正式文本的写作方式,语言上使用了大量非正式的口语表达,如hi,Guess what,Right, you know等。作者在描述高中生活时使用了一系列短语,例如:adapt well to, the same. as.,be different from.,twice a week, attend a competition,look forward
4、to, what is happening with you.在描述中应用了一些介词,例如: for different subjects, In the same class with Zijun, In the Dancing Club. 作者意图: 通过阅读这篇邮件,作者想让学生了解并熟悉朋友间邮件常用的文体语言,在实际生活中正确使用非正式表达,书写个人邮件,达到交际目的。学习者分析:本课授课对象为高一6班,平行班,学生英语水平中等,词汇量、语言理解能力都有待提高,但能够掌握文章大意和提取相应细节信息。学生对于写个人邮件介绍自己学校生活的话题很熟悉,但对这种邮件的基本结构和文体语言还不能
5、很好地把握,需要老师引领学生分析所给范文以获取所需信息和语言。学习目标确定在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 明确写作内容,为写作做好准备;2. 了解范文的关键信息和结构;3. 判断邮件的写作对象(如朋友家人等)及写作风格(如正式,非正式)间的关系,并归纳总结个人邮件的语言特点(如缩写、标点符号、非正式用语等)及基本结构(如标题、问候,主要信息介绍、结束理由、祝福语等);4. 使用简单句结构书写邮件基本信息教学设计:教学目标教学活动与步骤设计意图1.依据写作框架与讨论要点列出写作提纲。Step1 Answer the following questions based on what we ha
6、ve learnt.1 To whom are you going to write a personal email?2 In which way are you going to write in the email, formal or informal?3 What examples can you give to show this writing style?4 What is the proper format of a personal email?Answers:1 We write a personal email only to someone we are close
7、to, like our friends and family.2,3 We write in an informal way in a personal email, using simple and informal expressions like dont, well and special punctuations like dashes(-) to show our feelings.4 We use a proper email format with a subject line, a greeting, questions to ask, information to giv
8、e and end with a reason appropriately.Step 2 Complete the outline of your email based on the format and sentences we have discussed.Step3 Talk to your partner about the key information in your outline by asking each other questions.1 What questions do you want to ask at the beginning?2 What informat
9、ion about your life do you want to share in your letter?3 What are your reasons to finish your writing?通过问答激活学生上一节课所学知识,为下面的写作实践做准备。给学生提供样文儿结构,初步构思写作内容。鼓励学生通过同伴间分享交流,获取更多写作信息,开阔思;引导学生通过问答进一步巩固对邮件结构的理解。2.完成书信的初稿。Step4 Use your outline and the Writing Help in activity 5 to write the first draft.提供机会,让
10、学生应用相关结构句型和特定语言体验写作的真实过程。3. 和同伴一起完成Peer Editing Sheet, 并在课上分享写作内容。Step5When you finish, edit your email in pairs according to Peer Editing Sheet on your handout.1 Is it an email to a family member or close friend?2 Is the email written in a proper email format? For example, does it have a subject li
11、ne, greetings, some questions, and also information provided?3 Does it end with a reason appropriately?4 Does the writer use simple and informal language?5 Mark any spelling, punctuation or grammar errors.6 Mark any unclear expressions. Give suggestions if you can.7 Underline the expressions you like.引导学生依据评价标准客观的评价同伴作品,同时对自己的作品进行反思、改进。Step6Recommend an email that you would like to show in the class and point out the part that impresses you most.为优秀作文提供展示的机会,明确写作的各方面要求如何得到落实。HomeworkFinish your second draft based on the editing opinions.Send it to your friend and me.