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2019新课标英语艺考生文化课冲刺点金课件:UNIT NINETEEN .ppt

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1、Unit Nineteen.重点词汇必背 每个单元20个,其中重点单词15个,重点短语5个。.核心词汇运用 从本单元的重点词汇中选出核心单词7个和核心短语3个进行了精讲。.语法突破对高考的各语法知识点进行精讲,并对该考点进行分析和训练。或.题型突破 对高考中的题型的进行分析,对它的解法进行归纳,并对该题型进行针对性训练。.作文模板必背 针对高考各话题列出模板,供考生记忆。另配有【冲刺练】单元综合练习是对命题的一种预测和对高考试题的提前演练。一、重点单词1.government gvnmnt n.政府;统治;治理;政治,政体2.gradual grdul adj.逐渐的;逐步的3.graduat

2、e grdjueit v.毕业 n.毕业生;大学毕业生4.grasp gra:sp v.抓住;领会,掌握,了解5.grateful greitfl adj.感激的,感谢的;令人愉快的;可喜的6.greet gri:t v.问候;向致意;迎接;对作出反应7.guide gaid n.向导,导游;入门书 v.引导,指导8.handle hndl n.柄,把柄,把手 v.处理;对付;操纵;操作;运用;管理;经营9.handsome hnsm adj.英俊的,清秀的,潇洒的;俊俏的10.harmony ha:mni n.融洽,和睦,协调,和谐;和声,和音11.harvest ha:vist v.收获;

3、收割;获得 n.收获;收获期;收成;结果12.hate heit v.憎恨,恨;讨厌,不喜欢;不愿 n.怨恨,憎恶13.hire hai v.租用,雇用;出租 n.租金;租用;雇佣14.honest nist adj.诚实的,正直的,公正的15.hono(u)r n n.荣誉,光荣 v.尊敬,给予荣誉二、重点短语16.go(out)for a walk/picnic 去散步、野餐17.go over 复习,检查,查看,改变立场18.go through 遭受,经历,通过;被批准19.grow up 长大,兴起,风行20.had better 最好构词 govern v.统治;治理governo

4、r n.统治者;管理者;州长用法 government spokesman 政府发言人 under the government 在政府管辖下例句 The abandoned boy was brought up by the government.这个被遗弃的孩子是由政府抚养大的。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)政府会考虑他的赔款要求。The _ would consider his claim for money.(2)他是个在政府内有一定影响力的人。He is a man of some influence in the _.(3)他们要求自治权。They demand the ri

5、ght to _ themselves.Keys:(1)government(2)government(3)govern一、重点单词 1.government n.政府;统治;治理;政治,政体 2.graduate v.毕业 n.毕业生;大学毕业生 构词 graduation n.毕业;毕业典礼 用法 a graduate in 专业的毕业生a graduate of 大学的毕业生graduate in 毕业于系 例句 He will graduate from Beijing University in May.五月份他将要毕业于北京大学。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)我的儿子希望从大

6、学的法律系毕业成为律师。My son hopes to _ law,so as to become a lawyer.(2)他是医科毕业生。He is a _ medicine.Keys:(1)graduate in(2)graduate in3.guide n.向导,导游;入门书 v.引导,指导 构词 guidance n.引导,指导,导航 用法 tourist/tour guide 导游be guided by sth.以为领导guide sb.in his studies 指导某人学习guide sb.to a place 领某人到某地 例句 He will guide you to t

7、he top of the mountain.他将带领你们登上山顶。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)作为一名大学毕业生,我正在谋求一份当导游的工作。As a university graduate,I am seeking a job as a _.(2)政府要引导人们向兴旺的道路上走。The government should _ people along the path of prosperity.Keys:(1)tourist/tour guide(2)guide4.handle n.柄,把柄,把手 v.处理;对付;操纵;操作;运用;管理;经营 构词 handler n.处理者,处

8、理器,经理人handlebar n.手把 用法 handle with care 小心轻放 例句 Do you know how to handle the machine?你知道怎样操作这台机器吗?操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)这辆车开起来很灵活。This car _ easily.(2)我们不经销那一类书。We dont _ that sort of book.(3)我转了转拉手,把门打开。I turned the _ and opened the door.Keys:(1)handled(2)handle(3)handle5.hate v.憎恨,恨;讨厌,不喜欢;不愿 n.怨恨,憎

9、恶 构词 hatred n.仇恨;憎恨;敌意;怨恨hateful adj.可恨的 用法 hate to do不愿意做hate doing 不喜欢或讨厌做 例句 The boys hate doing homework on Sundays.男孩们讨厌在星期日做家庭作业。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)很抱歉,我得告诉你:我把你的自行车给弄坏了。I _ tell you,but I have damaged your bike.(2)爱与恨是基本情感。Love and _ are basic emotions.(3)我讨厌年轻人吸烟。I _ young people smoking.Keys

10、:(1)hate to(2)hate/hatred(3)hate6.honest adj.诚实的,正直的,公正的 构词 honesty n.诚实,正直honestly adv.诚实地 用法 be honest with sb.对某人坦诚相待to be honest/honestly speaking老实说,说实在的(作状语)例句 He has an honest face.他有一张坦诚的脸。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)做老实人,说老实话,办老实事。Be _ thinking,speech and action.(2)说真的,我一点也不知道他的计划。_,Ive no idea about

11、 his plan.(3)他十分坦率地给我讲了他的故事。He was very _ tell me his story.Keys:(1)honest in(2)To be honest/Honestly speaking(3)honest to7.hono(u)r n.荣誉,光荣 v.尊敬,给予荣誉 构词 honourable adj.荣誉的,体面的,可敬的 用法 in honour of 为纪念,为庆祝honour sb.with 授予 例句 We honour scientists.我们尊敬科学家。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)他是祖国的光荣。He is _ to his count

12、ry.(2)很荣幸能在此发言。Its my _ make a speech here.(3)他被誉为劳动模范。He _ as a model worker.Keys:(1)an honour(2)honour to(3)is honoured二、重点短语比较 check over 仔细检查look into 调查例句 Go over your work carefully before you hand it in.交作业前要仔细检查一下。操练 填入适当的词组使句子完整。(1)我们再检查一下这些数字吧。Lets just _ these figures again.(2)请把作业检查一遍,把错

13、误改正。Please _ our work and correct any mistakes.(3)汤姆考试前复习课文。Tom _ the text before the exam.Keys:(1)go/check over(2)check/go over(3)went over8.go over 复习,检查,察看,改变立场9.go through 遭受,经历,通过;被批准 比较 undergo 经历put through 接通(电话)pass 通过 例句 The child is going through a difficult phase.那孩子正经历困难的阶段。操练 填入适当的词组使句

14、子完整。(1)我们公司正经历困难时期。Our firm _ a bad time.(2)穿过拱门,沿著那条路走。_ the arch and follow the path.(3)我再也不愿体验那种令人不快的经历。I would never _ that unpleasant experience again.Keys:(1)is going through(2)Go through(3)go through10.grow up 长大,兴起,风行 比较 grow into 成长为;渐成;变为grow up into长大成为 例句 That little girl has grown(up)in

15、to a pretty woman.小女孩已长成一个漂亮的女人。操练 填入适当的词组使句子完整。(1)他已成长为22岁的青年了。He has _ a young man of twenty-two.(2)在很短时期中,他成长为一名伟大的共产主义战士。In a short period of time he _ a great communist fighter.Keys:(1)grown(up)into(2)grew into 一、常用强调句的概念和种类 二、It is/was that/who 句型 三、其他形式的强调句 强调成分主语、表语、宾语、状语【强调句高考考点分析】从近几年高考题来看

16、,强调句到目前为止还没有在语法填空中考查过。但我们不能放松。强调句在写作中可以丰富写作句式,提高文章气势。【强调句同步练习】一、单项选择()1.It is what you do rather than what you say matters.A.that B.what C.which D.this A(It is.that.强调句型,强调主语。)()2.was Mr.Smith that we saw in the museum last Sunday.A.It B.HeC.ThisD.ThatA(It was.that.强调句型。)()3.It was with the help of

17、Mrs.Lin I realized my dream.A.whoB.whom C.how D.thatD(It was.that.强调句型,强调方式状语。)【强调句同步练习】()4.It is in the office on the fourth floor we have our teachers meeting.A.whereB.thatC.in whichD.on whichB(It is.that.强调句型,强调地点状语。)()5.It was on October 1st new China was founded.A.whichB.when C.asD.thatD(It was

18、.that.强调句型,强调时间状语。)()6.Was it because he was ill Li Lei asked for one-day leave?A.andB.thatC.whyD.soB(It was.that.强调句型的疑问形式,强调原因状语。)【强调句同步练习】()7.I didnt see Lucy last night.But she come here.A.doesB.doesntC.did D.didnt C(助动词did+come。强调谓语。译为:我昨晚没有看见Lucy。但是她确实到这儿来了。)()8.is not everybody is ready to he

19、lp the old.A.It;all B.It;thatC.There;whoD.There;thatB(It is.that.强调句型的否定形式,强调主语。)()9.that you managed to find Lao Lis house?Oh,an old lady showed us the way.A.Where was itB.What was it C.How was it D.Why was itC(强调句,强调是如何找到老李的房间的。)【强调句同步练习】()10.It was I met my first teacher in Hong Kong.A.many years

20、 thatB.many years beforeC.many years ago thatD.many years whenC(It was.that.强调句型,强调时间状语。)二、语法填空:用适当的词完成下列句子。1.was Nanny who cleaned the classroom yesterday.It(强调句。)2.It was in the street I met her father.that(强调句,填引导词。)3.It was he was seriously ill that the old man died.because(强调句强调的部分是because引导的原因

21、状语从句。)【强调句同步练习】4.I do believe that he is honest man.an(honest元音开头。)5.What earth did she say in the meeting?on(on earth究竟。起强调作用。)6.It was on October 1st,1949 he joined the Party that he was killed.when(强调句强调部分包括when引导的定语从句。)7.They did go to see you yesterday,failed to meet you.but(表转折关系。)【强调句同步练习】8.I

22、t was not his mother came back for work that the boy went to bed.until(It was not until.that.直到才。)9.Where (be)it that you found your lost pen?was(强调句,强调地点。)10.It is Mr.Wu who (teach)us English this term.is teaching(考查被强调部分的时态。“这个学期是吴老师在教我们英语。”)高考话题:购物(shopping)网购的利弊Nowadays many people prefer to sho

23、p online.Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.Firstly,it is convenient for us to shop online instead of going outside.Secondly,it helps save much time,when we can do more other important things.Whats more,we can buy much cheaper products from the Internet which can be sent to our home.But its negative aspects are also obvious.One of the disadvantages is that we are not sure whether the goods we buy are in good quality or fit us.Through the above analysis,I believe that the positive aspects of shopping online far overweight the negative ones.(100 words)


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