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人教版高中英语必修二《UNIT 2 THE OLYMPIC GAMES》名师精练:UNIT2__基础检测题 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、名师精练:Unit2 基础检测题.语法和词汇知识1(2012高考陕西卷)The trip shouldnt take more than an hour._.It is at least two hours.AI guess soBThats itCYou must be joking DIt depends2On _ Earth Day,people are requested to follow_ rules of “reduce,reuse and recycle”Athe;/ B/;/C/;the Dthe;the3Putin has won the Russians presiden

2、tial election as expected,over which many hold the opinion that he _it in terms of his contribution to the country.Apermits BdeservesCadmits Dpreserves4So severe was the earthquake _ the country had to start a huge rescue operation.Aand BsoCthat Das5He works very hard in order to get himself_ into a

3、 key university.Aaccepted BreceivedCannounced Dadmitted6I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real_.Aexchange BbargainCtrade Dbusiness7Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise._,our minds are developed by learning.AProbably BLikelyCSimilarly DGenerally8Sam _some knowledge of

4、the computer just by watching others working on it.Abrought up Blooked upCpicked up Dset up9The young man couldnt afford a new car._,he bought a used one.ABesides BOtherwiseCInstead DStill10He ought to have been warned of the danger._,but he wouldnt listen to me.ASo did he BSo he didCSo it was with

5、him DSo he was11How much did he charge you _the service?Luckily,its _ nothing.Afor;of Bfor;forCfor;/ Dof;/12Next Sunday,we are visiting a modern factory that lies in _ was a temple twenty years ago.Athat BwhichCwhat Dwhere13You can take your little son to watch the game. Each ticket _ one adult and

6、one child.Aallows BpermitsCpromises Dadmits14Being_ customers of the store,the three housewives come here for a drink every two days.Acommon Bordinary Cregular Dusual15He has been acting very strangely these days. I cant _his actions at all.Aask for Baccount forCcall for Dstand for.完形填空Harris accomp

7、anied his friend George to his favorite newsstand. George _1_the man selling the newspapers politely,but he received _2_service.The man never even _3_when he requested the late night edition. George politely smiled,_4_the newspaper,which was thrown rudely in his direction,and wished the man a pleasa

8、nt weekend.“Does he always _5_ you so rudely?” when walking down the street Harris asked.“Yes,unfortunately,he does,”George _6_.“And are you always so kind and friendly to him?”“Yes,I am!” George _7_ as they turned a corner.“Why are you so nice when he is so unfriendly to you?” _8_ a look of deep th

9、ought,George explained,“Because I dont want him to _9_ how I am going to act.”Then,who decides how you are going to act? Is it the _10_ people in your life that determine your _11_? When we allow our conflicts to control us,we behave _12_getting rid of our difficulties is our only priority (最重要的事)Th

10、erefore,it doesnt really _13_ how we treat one another.For example,we often hear people say “This person is causing me unhappiness right now so I dont _14_ exercising patience,selfcontrol and loving kindness._15_,I want to let them know how _16_ I am as a result of their actions.”However,they forget

11、 that trials (令人伤脑筋的事) will eventually weaken. But the way we handle _17_will influence our lives for a long time. Will you only respond to the _18_ trials or will you be more _19_ about the lasting value of what kind of person you are becoming? Who decides the _20_ you will act when the pressure is

12、 on?1.A.paidBgreetedCquestioned Dcharged2A. unfriendly BfinancialCpolite Dillegal3A. stayed up Bgave upClooked up Ddressed up4A. accepting BsellingCrequesting Dreading5A. expect BdirectCaffect Dtreat6A. complained BrepliedCcriticized Dadded7A. commented BcontinuedCguaranteedDdemanded8A. At BForCWith

13、 DTo9A. realizeBignoreCwonder Ddecide10A. difficult BfamiliarCeasygoingDmodest11A. minds BqualitiesCresponse Dattempt12A. even thoughBso thatCas long as Das if13A. matter BworkCapply Dstress14A. look after Bcare aboutChear of Dask for15A. Therefore BThusCInstead DBesides16A. grateful BangryCashamed

14、Dsurprised17A. conflicts BeffortsCbehaviors Dgoods18A. major BseriousCfunny Dtemporary19A. curious BparticularCconcerned Dexcited20A. reason BtimeCplace Dway.阅读理解A study in Norway has found that students who stayed in school longer than others their same age scored higher on intelligence tests.In th

15、e middle of the nineteen fifties,the government began requiring students to attend school until the age of sixteen instead of fourteen. Communities had almost twenty years to make the change. So some students went to school for seven years while others went for at least nine years.This difference ga

16、ve researchers the chance to see if the additional schooling had any effect on intellectual development.All young men in Norway must take a test of their cognitive ability at age nineteen in preparation for required military service. This is commonly called an IQ,or intelligence quotient test. The r

17、esearchers compared the test results of one hundred and seven thousand young men to their years of school. Taryn Ann Galloway is a researcher at the University of Oslo.“The young men who were basically forced to stay in school for two years longer actually did have higher IQs. So,based on that,we we

18、re able to say that increasing compulsory schooling did actually have an effect on their cognitive abilities as measured at nineteen years of age.” Taryn Ann Galloway says.The average IQ is one hundred. Most people score between eightyfive and one hundred fifteen.Ms.Galloway says students who attend

19、ed school for nine years scored seven points higher than those who attended for seven years. Those who went for eight years scored about four points higher.Taryn Ann Galloway says,“So thats still quite large.”The findings appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.Another recent s

20、tudy,in the journal Nature,found that IQ scores can rise or fall during the teenage years. In two thousand four,researchers from University College London tested thirty-three young people aged twelve to sixteen. They repeated the tests four years later. They found increases or decreases of as much a

21、s twenty points.Professor Cathy Price says the differences in performance could be the result of some teens being early or late developers. But she says it is equally possible that education played a part. She sees a lesson for educators:“We have to be careful not to write off poorer performers at a

22、n early stage when in fact their IQ may improve significantly given a few more years.”1According to the passage,in Norway _.Ateens stay at school longer than those in other countriesBstudents usually begin school at 7Cthe public must carry out the requirement at onceDthe government did a lot of thin

23、gs to improve students IQ2Young men in Norway must take an IQ test at 19 _.Ato help researchers do a study on intellectual developmentBto see whether their IQ scores rise or fallCto prepare for the required military serviceDto be allowed to graduate from the school3How did the researchers do their s

24、tudy?ABy comparison.BBy asking questions.CBy giving examples. DBy discussion.4From what Cathy Price says,we can know that _.Ait is important to start educating earlierBwe shouldnt jump to conclusions about teens performanceCthe IQ will be improved as one agesDeducators must try to improve teens IQ5W

25、hat is the best title of the passage?AEducation quality is determined by studying timeBThe IQ is developing faster as one is getting olderCBeginning school late does harm to studentsDMore school may mean higher IQ参考答案.语法和词汇知识1【解析】选C。考查交际用语。句意:这次旅行不应该超过一个小时。开玩笑,至少需要两个小时。You must be joking.“你一定是在开玩笑”,

26、符合语境。I guess so.“我想是吧”;Thats it.“就是这样”;It depends.“看情况而定”。2【解析】选C。考查冠词的用法。Earth Day是专有名词,意思是“地球日”,其前面不用加冠词;第二空后面的rules指特定的一些规则,因此其前用定冠词。3【解析】选B。句意:普京,如人们所料,赢得了俄罗斯的总统大选,对此许多人认为就他对国家的贡献而言,这是他应该得到的。deserve值得,应该得到;permit允许;admit承认,允许入内;preserve保存,保留。4【解析】选C。题干实际上使用的是so.that(如此以致于)这一结构,只是so部分放在了句首,主谓倒装。5

27、【解析】选D。句意:他为了让自己能被重点大学录取而刻苦学习。admit sb.into./sb.be admitted into“录取某人进入,允许某人进入”;accept“接受”,receive“收到”,announce“宣布”,均不与into搭配。6【解析】选B。句意:我只花了10美元就买了一条裙子,真合算。exchange“互换”;bargain“便宜货,廉价货”;trade“贸易”;business“生意”。结合前面给出的信息“只花了10美元”,言外之意花钱不多,所以本题选择B项。7【解析】选C。句意:我们的身体因锻炼而健壮。与之相似,我们的心理因学习而得到改善。similarly副词

28、,常用来提出相似的话题。8【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:Sam只通过观看别人操作电脑便学到了一些电脑知识。bring up抚养;look up抬头看,查询;pick up好转,开车接人,认出,学会;set up建造,搭起。根据句意故选C项。9【解析】选C。考查副词辨析。句意:那个年轻人买不起新车,便买了一辆二手车。instead相反,取而代之;besides此外;otherwise否则;still仍然。根据句意C项正确。10【解析】选D。考查特殊句式。 so主语助动词/系动词/情态动词表示“确实如此”。根据答语后半句可知空处表示他确实被警告了,因此选D项。11【解析】选B。考查介词。第

29、一空,charge.for.表示“(向)收费,开价”;第二空,for nothing表示“免费”。故选B项。12【解析】选C。分析句子结构可知,填入的关系词应引导宾语从句并在从句中作主语,故选C项。A、D项不能在宾语从句中作主语;B项含义不符。13【解析】选D。根据语境可知,每张票可以允许一个成人和一个孩子入场。admit可指“允许进入,使能进入”,符合句意。allow和permit虽有“允许”之意,但只能说permit/allow sb.to do sth.;promise意思是“允诺”,不符合题意。14【解析】选C。从the three housewives come here for a

30、 drink every two days可知三位家庭主妇是这家店的常客,故用regular,表示“定期的,常规的”。15【解析】选D。句意:这些天来他行为一直很古怪。我根本无法忍受他的行为。ask for“要求”;account for“说明”;call for“要求”;stand for“忍受”。故选D。.完形填空【解题导语】当我们的友善被粗鲁地对待时,当我们的好心被无情地践踏时,我们该如何应对呢?是以牙还牙还是以德报怨,本文给出了答案。1【解析】选B。George有礼貌地和卖报纸的人打招呼(greeted)。2【解析】选A。但George得到的却是不友善的(unfriendly)服务。4

31、空后面的“which was thrown rudely”是线索提示。3【解析】选C。当George要最新的晚报时,他连头都没抬(looked up)。stay up“熬夜”;give up“放弃”;dress up“打扮”。4【解析】选A。George微笑着接受了(accepting)那份被粗鲁地扔过来的报纸。5【解析】选D。Harris问:“他总是这么粗鲁地对待(treat)你吗?”expect“期待”;direct“指导”;affect“影响”。6【解析】选B。George答道(replied):“是的,不幸的是,他总是如此。”complain “抱怨”;criticize “批评”;a

32、dd “补充说”。7【解析】选B。George继续(continued)说:“是的,我总是对他很友好。”comment“评论”;guarantee“保证”;demand“要求”。8【解析】选C。带着(With)深思的表情,George解释道9【解析】选D。George解释道:“因为我不想让他来决定(decide)我随后的行为。”第三段的第一句的“decides”是线索提示。10【解析】选A。那么,谁能决定你随后的行为呢?是生活中你遇到的那些能决定你的反应(response)的难相处的(difficult)人吗?11【解析】选C。参见上题解析。12【解析】选D。当我们容许冲突控制我们时,摆脱困境

33、似乎(as if)成了唯一重要的事。even though“即使”;so that“以便”;as long as“只要”。13【解析】选A。因此,我们彼此如何对待真的不那么重要(matter)了。14【解析】选B。例如,我们经常听到有人说:“这个人现在让我不开心,我不在乎(care about)耐心、自控力和慈爱了。”15【解析】选C。“反而(Instead),我想让他们知道因为他们的所作所为,我多么生气(angry)。16【解析】选B。参见上题解析。17【解析】选A。但是我们处理冲突(conflicts)的方式会影响我们的生活很长时间。12空前面的“conflicts”是线索提示。18【解析

34、】选D。你将仅仅应对当前暂时的(temporary)令人伤脑筋的事还是更关心(concerned)你会成为哪种人的长久价值?19【解析】选C。参见上题解析。20【解析】选D。当压力来临的时候,谁决定你回应的方式(way)呢?.阅读理解【解题导语】在学校多学习两年会让你的智商更高,因此延长义务教育的时间是有必要的。【长难句解读】We have to be careful not to write off poorer performers at an early stage when in fact their IQ may improve significantly given a few m

35、ore years.句中when是连词,意思是“既然,如果”。句意:我们必须谨慎,不要认定在早期表现差的人一定会失败,实际上再过几年他们的智商可能会得到显著提高。1【解析】选B。事实细节题。根据第二段可知,在挪威,学生通常7岁开始上学。由第二段第二句话可知C项错误;A、D项在文章中没有相关细节。2【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第四段可知,C项符合文意。其他项表述错误。3【解析】选A。细节理解题。由第五段第一句可知,研究人员把10.7万年轻人的认知能力测试结果和他们的上学时间作了比较,从而得出研究结果,故A符合题意。4【解析】选B。事实细节题。阅读Cathy Price的话可知,我们必须谨慎,不要认定在早期表现差的人一定会失败,实际上再过几年他们的智商可能会得到显著提高。所以B项“我们不应该对青少年的表现匆匆下结论”符合文意。5【解析】选D。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍研究人员通过对挪威政府延长学生接受义务教育的时间对孩子智商发展的影响的调查,发现上学时间更长的学生智力测验得分更高。故D项“上学越多可能意味着智商越高”符合文意。


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