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1、Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up&Learning Tip基础测评巩固一、单项填空1The shapes of the mountains away into the night.A.fearB.fadedC.flewD.filled答案:B解析:fade away“逐渐消失”,而fear表示“害怕”,fly表示“飞行”,fill表示“充满”。2I heard about the story that an old man managed to cross the river by himself.Wonderf

2、ul.A.in amazementB.to our amazementC.amazed atD.amazing答案:A解析:in amazement “吃惊地”,作状语;to our amazement “使我们惊讶的是”,作状语;be amazed at作谓语。3(2011山东高考)Are you going to Toms birthday party?.I might have to work.A.It dependsB.Thank youC.Sounds greatD.Dont mention it答案:A解析:考查交际用语。It depends “视情况而定”;Thank you“谢

3、谢你”;Sounds great“听起来不错”;Dont mention it“别客气,没关系”,可用来回答感谢和道歉。句意:你打算去参加汤姆的生日聚会吗?那要看情况,或许我得工作。根据句意A项正确。4achievement,last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing,grade.A.In terms ofB.In case ofC.As a result ofD.In face of答案:A解析:本题考查介词短语辨析。句意:就成就来说,上周在这里举行的WTO部长级会议尽管没有失败

4、,但也收效甚微。in terms of表示“就而言”。in case of“万一”;as a result of“作为的结果”;D项缺少the,in the face of “不顾;面对;在前面”。5No matter how frequently ,the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world.A.performedB.performingC.to be performedD.being performed答案:A解析:本题考查过去分词的用法。句意:不论演过多少遍,贝多芬的作品仍然吸引着全世界的人们。前半句是No

5、 matter how frequently they are performed的省略,works与perform之间是被动关系。6Faced with a bill for $10,000,.A.John has taken an extra jobB.the boss has given john an extra jobC.an extra job has been takenD.an extra job has been given to John答案:A解析:分词短语的逻辑主语应该和主句的主语保持一致。句意:面对一万美元的账单,约翰又找了一份工作。根据Faced with判断主语应

6、该是人,面对账单的不是老板,而是约翰。7In any relationship,you have to or you wont make progress.A.make a promiseB.make a compromiseC.make an acquaintanceD.make a remark答案:B解析:句意:在任何关系中,你都得作出让步,否则,你不会有进步。make a compromise“作出让步”。二、将下面的从句改为分词形式1Prices of daily goods that are bought on the Internet can be lower than stor

7、e prices.答案:Prices of daily goods bought on the Internet can be lower than store prices.2If he had been treated well,it might have taken him a shorter time to recover from the operation.答案:Treated well,it might have taken him a shorter time to recover from the operation.3The research is so designed

8、that once it is begun nothing can be done to change it.答案:The research is so designed that once begun nothing can be done to change it.4Unless you are invited to speak,you should remain silent at the conference.答案:Unless invited to speak,you should remain silent at the conference.5If he is given mor

9、e help,hell make greater progress in English studying.答案:Given more help,hell make greater progress in English studying.三、句子翻译1他有很多熟人,因此,他没有费劲就找到了他的目的地。答案:He has a large number of acquaintances,so he had no trouble in finding his destination.2这个旧教室不安全,应予废弃。答案:The old classroom is unsafe,so it should

10、 be abandoned.3几天前,那个令人讨厌的狗被带走了。答案:The disgusting dog was taken away the other day.4他们觉得与她妥协更明智。答案:They found it wiser to compromise with her.5当我们从海港起航时,光线逐渐变暗,音乐声逐渐减弱。答案:The lights and music faded out as we set sail from the harbor.四、完形填空He was known everywhere as a great artist.People 1 from miles

11、 around to admire his beautiful2.His name was Pygmalion,and he lived long,long3in Athens,Greece.Pygmalion4his art for many years.His desire 5 excellence made him spend months6a single work of art.He would not stop7 he felt it was perfect.8the years passed,his work became9.Pygmalion painted flowers w

12、hich looked10 natural that people tried to 11them.He painted fruits which looked so12that people wanted to eat them.Everyone 13 looked at the pictures he had painted was 14 by their beauty.As the years passed it15 only his pictures that made him famous,Pygmalion16 made perfect pieces of sculpture(雕塑

13、).He could take a plain piece of wood17 stone and make it beautiful.He could make a rough stone as18 as glass.He worked long and hard to make his statues(雕像)as real as possible.Often visitors who came to see his work began talking to someone.They were surprised when that person didnt19.They were eve

14、n more surprised20they realized they were talking to a statue.It always gave Pygmalion pleasure when people were surprised this way.1A.wentB.cameC.wanderedD.hung答案:B解析:People came from miles around.“人们从周围数英里来到这里”。而go表示“去”,wander表示“徘徊,流浪”,hang表示“徘徊”。2A.work B.job C.treasure D.person答案:A解析:work在此处指“作品

15、”,而不是“劳动”。其他三个选项没有“作品”之意,与句意不符。3A.since B.before C.ago D.after答案:C解析:long,long ago“很久以前”,固定搭配。4A.practiced B.worked C.exercised D.acted答案:A解析:practiced his art for many years“搞了很多年的艺术”。practice表示“实践,实行,开业从事”;work表示“工作”;exercise表示“练习”;act表示“扮演,行动”。5A.at B.on C.in D.for答案:D解析:desire后常跟“for+名词”,或接不定式,表

16、示某方面的愿望。6A.on B.for C.during D.in答案:A解析:spend time on sth.“在某事上花费时间”,固定搭配。7A.since B.when C.after D.until答案:D解析:此处考查not.until.结构,“直到才”,直到他感到完美才停止。8A.As B.When C.While D.After答案:A解析:as引导一个时间状语从句,表示“随着时间的推移”。9A.well B.better C.good D.more答案:B解析:.his work became better “他的作品越来越好”。这是与以前相比较。10A.very B.so

17、 C.as D.really答案:B解析:此题考查so.that.结构,“如此以至于”。11A.smell B.look C.see D.buy答案:A解析:句意:他画的花是如此逼真,以至于人们想闻一闻。只有smell这一动作才能说明他的作品水平高。smell“闻”;look“看”;see “看见”;buy “买”。12A.true B.real C.good D.like答案:B解析:real表示某物是真的,而不是假的,true 表示某事是真实的,而不是蓄意捏造的。“他画的水果非常逼真,人们想吃”,与上文的闻一闻相对应。13A.when B.which C.who D.whom答案:C解析:

18、who looked at the pictures he had painted是定语从句,修饰Everyone。everyone指人,不能由when和which引导其后定语从句,而whom不能在从句中作主语。14A.delighted B.amused C.enjoyed D.drawn答案:D解析:be drawn by sth.“被某事吸引”。此处指大家都被图画的美丽所吸引。delight表示“使高兴”;amuse的含义是“使欢乐”。15A.was B.wasnt C.werent D.were答案:B解析:此处考查 not only的用法。不仅仅是他的画使得他出名,暗示还有其他的事情

19、。16A.however B.either C.yet D.also答案:D解析:在这四个副词中,只有also用于句中。either 可以表示“也”,用于否定句的句末。17A.and B.or C.neither D.nor答案:B解析:or表示“或者”,wood or stone “木头或石头”。18A.good B.nice C.smooth D.pretty答案:C解析:as smooth as glass “像玻璃一样光滑”。用smooth(光滑的)与前面的rough(粗糙的)相呼应。19A.speak B.talk C.answer D.say答案:C解析:句意:他的雕塑如此逼真,参

20、观的人们向“那人”说话,“那人”不回答。speak“讲话”;talk“谈话”;answer“回答”;say “说”。20A.when B.after C.before D.until答案:A解析:when引导一个时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”,本句句意为“当他们意识到他们在和一座雕塑说话的时候,他们更为吃惊”。五、书面表达假设你是李华,是高二的学生,昨天在英语课上你用英语回答了老师的提问,老师很高兴,说:“棒极了!多聪明的孩子!你的英语已经提高了,你若再用功会有更大的进步!”这是两年来,你第一次受表扬,很受感动,下决心一定要把英语学好。这件事就是“皮格马利翁效应”的例子。现在请把这一个好消息写

21、成电子邮件,发给你在美国的叔叔。写作指导主题:telling the uncle about being praised by the teacher必备词汇:be amazed at,improve,go on working hard,put ones heart into,so.that.,make up ones mind必备句型:.its the first time that I have ever been praised.If you put your heart into it,youll make greater progress.I was so moved that I

22、 made up my mind to.参考范文:Dear Uncle,Im glad to tell you its the first time that I have ever been praised by my English teacher.Yesterday,I answered a question in English.My English teacher was amazed at that.She said,“Wonderful!Well done.Your English has improved,but you still need to go on working hard.If you put your heart into it,youll make greater progress.” I was so moved that I made up my mind to practise reading and writing.Do you really think thats true?Yours,Li Hua


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