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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION A LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORD版含答案.docx

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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION A LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORD版含答案.docx_第1页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION A LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORD版含答案.docx_第2页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION A LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORD版含答案.docx_第3页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION A LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORD版含答案.docx_第4页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语人教版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION A LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORD版含答案.docx_第5页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家UNIT 2WILDLIFE PROTECTIONSection AListening and Speaking课后篇巩固提升必备知识基础练.单句填空1.The supplies were transported to the local people(immediate) the earthquake happened.答案immediately2.Branagh won two awards for his screen (adapt) of Shakespeares Henry the Fifth.答案adaptation3.Many people tra

2、vel to the country on tourist visas,and then stay and work there (illegal).答案illegally4.We must find a way to resolve these problems it is too late.答案before5.Education has been given a high-priority(rate) by the new administration.答案rating6.The government has taken a series of measures to protect wi

3、ld animals from (extinct).答案extinction7.We sincerely hope they can play a key role in protecting the(endanger) species being harmed.答案endangered8.As the economy develops,the(live) conditions of the people have been improved accordingly.答案living9.He slowed the bleeding by applying(press) to the wound

4、s until the police and ambulance arrived.答案pressure10.The research paper published is primarily(concern) with factors affecting employee performance.答案concerned.短语填空adapt to,under pressure,at an alarming rate,be aware of,on average,make progress,concerned about,on earth,die out,end up1.Rising temper

5、atures are now causing these glaciers to melt .答案at an alarming rate2.Half of the 6,000-7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely by the next century.答案die out3.He realised unless he went on like that,he would achieving nothing.答案end up4.I think it important for everyone toall the po

6、sitive and negative effects of coffee.答案be aware of5.The common cold is a good example:women,get fewer colds than men.答案on average6.Chinese is not easy to learn but with right methods you canquickly.答案make progress7.Nowadays people are morethe environment where they live.答案concerned about8.Tom is se

7、veral years junior to Alice,but he can his new surroundings much easier.答案adapt to9.Many students are to keep up with their schoolwork.答案under pressure10.I really dont know what they have done in the laboratory.答案on earth.完成句子1.The police told the little boys (不要踢足球) in the street.答案not to play foot

8、ball2.If we keep on destroying the forests,some of the animals will be (处于危险中) dying out.答案in danger of3.We must (采取必要的措施) to prevent the rivers from being polluted.答案take necessary measures4.Not knowing the language of the country,he found it difficult (适应) the life there.答案to adapt to5.Wild animal

9、s (正在被猎杀) and their habitats are getting smaller and smaller.答案are being hunted关键能力提升练.阅读理解A(2021山东德州高一期末)As autumn goes about its business of steadily ruining the garden,ready for the winter shut down,its time for us to start planning some spring colour.At the top of the list marked “easy”,we have

10、bulb planting,with the ever popular tulip(郁金香) being the flower we will turn to most frequently.There really arent many requirements in special gardening skillsbut to maximise your successes,there are a few simple guidelines for you.When to plantYoud better plant your tulip bulbs between September a

11、nd November.Youll know this because your local garden center is likely to have cleared space for large buckets loaded with bulbs promising a huge variety of colourful blooms.Choosing your siteTulips look best in borders or containers,planted with greenery neighbours.As a couple of tulips tend to hav

12、e a lost and lonely look to them,so either give them a patch where you can create an oasis of colour,or combine them with an area of other plants where their cheerful blooms will brighten the scene.Caring for your tulipsThe bulbs in your borders wont need much attention,except watering if the ground

13、 dries out,which rarely happens during a tulips lifetime.For extra healthy plants,give them the occasional feed when they start growing.Container grown tulips will almost certainly need watering.And youll need to move them into a shelter to avoid too much water if there are signs that theyre already

14、 getting saturated with rain.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章对如何种植郁金香进行了详细说明。1.Why does the author recommend tulips in the passage?A.They are the only sign of spring colour.B.They are easy to grow and keep.C.They are the biggest gardening success.D.They can bloom throughout the winter.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,因为郁金香容易

15、种植,所以作者推荐郁金香。2.Which of the following is a requirement for growing tulips?A.Planting them alone.B.Growing them in special containers.C.Watering them when necessary.D.Keeping them off longtime sunlight.答案C解析细节理解题。根据Caring for your tulips部分第一句“The bulbs in your borders wont need much attention,except

16、watering if the ground dries out,which rarely happens during a tulips lifetime.”可知,在种植郁金香时需要在必要的时候给它们浇水。3.What does the underlined word “saturated” in the last paragraph probably mean?A.Very clean.B.Completely wet.C.Much taller.D.A little dry.答案B解析词义猜测题。根据Caring for your tulips部分最后一句中的“And youll nee

17、d to move them into a shelter to avoid too much water(你需要把它们转移到一个遮蔽处,以避免太多的水)”可知,郁金香不能淋雨,以免水太多。所以saturated意为“完全湿润”。B(2021广东汕尾高一期末)A camera has captured footage of two wild giant pandas in a national park in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province.The clips,taken in the Xuebaoding section of the Giant Pand

18、a National Park,include two pandas wandering in the daytime and moving alone at night.It is particularly rare to see two wild giant pandas walking together,the administration of the park said on Friday.In the video,a giant panda walked up to a tree and sniffed it carefully.Then a second panda,lookin

19、g like a quiet “little girl”,approached,looking at the ground,perhaps in search of food.Later,the first panda turned around,rubbing its bottom back and forth as if scratching or dancing,a typical marking behaviour in animals.After that,it lay on the ground,waving its hands and feet around,as if to a

20、muse its companion.According to a staff member at the administration,the camera was set up on Dec.23,2019 in a location that was often visited by the furry animals.Wildlife protection experts said the video was likely taken in April,the breeding(繁殖) season for wild giant pandas.The two adult pandas

21、were very harmonious together,with no fighting,leading to the conclusion that they were probably a male and a female engaged in courting and playing.In 2017,China announced a plan to build the Giant Panda National Park to help the endangered animals strengthen their relations,bringing together panda

22、s on six mountains in three provinces,Gansu,Shaanxi and Sichuan.【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道,讲述了在大熊猫国家公园内的摄像头捕捉到大熊猫在繁殖期的特殊行为。4.The underlined word “clips” in Paragraph 2 probably means “”.A.camerasB.national parksC.giant pandasD.videos答案D解析词义猜测题。根据第三段第一句“In the video,a giant panda walked up to a tree and sniffed

23、 it carefully.(视频中,一只大熊猫走到一棵树前,仔细闻了闻。)”可知,这是拍摄于雪宝顶的几段视频。由此推断出,画线词的意思是“视频”。5.Why did the first panda wave its hands and feet?A.To help itself lie on the ground.B.To attract the female panda.C.To ease the discomfort.D.To search for food.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“After that,it lay on the ground,waving its h

24、ands and feet around,as if to amuse its companion.(之后,它躺在地上,挥舞着它的手脚,好像在逗它的同伴。)”可知,第一只熊猫挥动手脚是为了求偶。6.What can you infer from Paragraphs 5-6?A.Pandas often like to fight in April.B.Only adult pandas can live in harmony.C.Giant pandas were better protected after 2017.D.China started to help all the enda

25、ngered animals in 2017.答案C解析推理判断题。根据第五段中的“The two adult pandas were very harmonious together”以及第六段提到的“2017年,中国宣布了建设大熊猫国家公园的计划,以帮助濒危动物,将甘肃、陕西和四川三省六座山上的大熊猫聚集在一起”可知,从2017年以后,大熊猫得到了更好的保护。7.Where can you most probably read the passage?A.In a fashion magazine.B.In a travel brochure.C.In a storybook.D.In a newspaper.答案D解析推理判断题。本文具有时效性、真实性和准确性三个典型特点,交代了在大熊猫国家公园内的摄像头捕捉到大熊猫在繁殖期的特殊行为,交代了时间、地点、相关主体和事件发生过程,所以文章应出自报纸。- 5 - 版权所有高考资源网


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