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1、上海市松江区2020届高三英语二模考试试题(含解析)(满分140分,完卷时间120分钟)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only

2、once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A. The broadcast.B. The weather.C. The latest news.D. The holiday【答案】B【解析】【原文】W: The broadcast says theres going to be

3、 a thunderstorm today.M: I dont believe it, Look, the sun is out.Q: What are they discussing?2.A. She enjoyed her holiday very much.B. She neednt have worked hard for the exam.C. She did a good job in the exam.D. She worked hard and earned a lot of money.【答案】C【解析】【原文】M: Congratulations. You certainl

4、y did quite well and I must say you deserve that grade.W: Well. I really studied hard for that exam. Ive been preparing for it for more than a month Now, I can relax for a while.Q: Why was the woman so happy?3.A. Playing a gameB. Riding a horse.C. Taking a photo.D. Watching TV【答案】C【解析】【原文】W: Raise y

5、our head a little bit and smile a little. You look wonderful posing like that.M: Wait a minute, Let me put on a cowboy hat.Q: What are the speakers doing?4.A. The woman didnt get the result of the match.B. There was little about the soccer match on TV.C. The result of the soccer match wasnt announce

6、d.D. The result was not available in the newspaper.【答案】A【解析】【原文】M: Mary. have you heard who won the soccer match?W: I missed it and I havent had enough time to read a newspaper.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?5.A. In a grocery store.B. At a bank.C. In a repair shop.D. At a hotel.【答案】C【解析】

7、【原文】W: How long will it take you to fix the TVM: Ill call you when its ready.Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place?6.A. Lend his car.B. Drive her there.C. Telephone Lisa.D. Call her a taxi.【答案】D【解析】【原文】W: If Lisa doesnt return my car in 15 minutes time. Im afraid Ill be late for t

8、he baseball game.M: Would you like me to get a taxi for you?Q: What did the man offer to do?7.A. Boss and secretary.B. Interviewer and interviewee.C. Manager and clerk.D. Teacher and student.【答案】B【解析】【原文】M: Now, you applied for the job as a secretary. Why do you choose our company?W: Well, first, yo

9、ur company enjoys a good reputation and I hope I can improve my ability in every aspect.Q: Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?8.A. Their taste in books is different.B. She doesnt like to read.C. She only reads books that he doesnt like .D. The library isnt open lately.【答案】A【解析】

10、【原文】M: Read anything interesting lately?W: Nothing you would like.Q: What does the woman mean?9.A. She is tired of driving in heavy traffic.B. She enjoys it because she is good at driving.C. She doesnt mind it as the road conditions are good.D. She is quite unhappy to have to drive such a long way.【

11、答案】C【解析】【原文】M: I hear you drive a long way to work every day.W: Oh. yes. Its about 60 miles. But it doesnt seem that far, the road is not bad and theres not much traffic.Q: How does the woman feel about driving to work?10.A. He cant get the books on the list.B. He lacks time to take the course.C. He

12、 doesnt like history at all.D. He must read a lot of books.【答案】D【解析】【原文】M: I think this history course is interesting. But its very difficult. Ill never get through the reading listW: Dont worry. Youll find the time somehow.Q: Why is the man worried?Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear t

13、wo short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of them. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the

14、 best answer to the question you have heard.Questions are based on the following passage.11. A. Wash his hands thoroughly.B. Practice eating pie quickly.C. Avoid eating much food.D. Prepare the right taste of pic12. A. On the table.B. Under the bottom.C. On his lap.D. Behind his back.13. A. Swallowi

15、ng the pie with water.B. Holding the pie in the right position.C. Eating from the outside toward the middle.D. Looking sideways to see how fast your neighbour eats.【答案】11. C 12. D 13. C【解析】【原文】County fairs are a tradition in New England towns. They offer great entertainment. One popular event is the

16、 pie-eating contest. If you want to take part in the contest, it is a good idea to remember these guidelines: First. Make sure your stomach is nearly empty of food. Eating a whole pie can be hard if you have just finished a meal. Next, it is helpful to like the pie you are going to cat. The cream ty

17、pes are a good choice. They slide down the throat more easily. Placing your hands in the right position adds to the chances of winning. There is a temptation to reach out and help the eating process. This will result in becoming disqualified, dont just sit on your hands If your hands are tied behind

18、 your back you will not be tempted to make use of them. Now you are ready to show your talent at eating pies. The object. of course is to get to the bottom of the pie plate before the other people. It is usually better to start at the outside and work toward the middle. This method gives you a goal

19、to focus on. Try not to notice what the other people near you are doing. Let the cheers from the crowd spur you on. But do not look up. All you should think about is eating that pie.Questions:What should a person do before entering a pie-eating contest?Where is the person advised to put his hands du

20、ring the contest?What suggestion is offered for eating up the pie quickly?Questions are based on the following passage.14. A. How to do the gardeningB. How to get birds to a garden.C How to take care of birds.D. How to feed birds in a garden.15. A. Shelter. food and water.B. Fruit water and insectsC

21、. Plants. shelter and food.D. Plants. seeds and insects.16. A. Not to observe them.B. Not to approach them.C. Play with them regularly.D. Play some music for them.【答案】14. B 15. A 16. B【解析】【原文】One of the great joys of gardening is to share a garden with birds. And it has become more and more popular

22、in Britain. A few methods can help to attract birds to a garden.All birds depend on plants for shelter and food. So as a general rule. the more plants in the yard, the more birds will come. They can turn to these plants when they need sleep and they can play between plants. And remember that differe

23、nt birds need different plants. Therefore. we should try to plant a variety of plants in our garden in order to invite birds.Birds eat seed,fruit or insects. So the garden with such food is welcomed by the birdsBesides, another sure way to attract birds to a garden is to provide water. The best way

24、is to put water on the ground in the open. Most birds love to bathe and drink at this level. However, always remember they are very nervous all the time. Therefore,when they are drinking the water on the ground. You should keep a distance from them or they will never come and visit again.Questions:W

25、hat is the main idea of the passage?What are the three general ways to attract birds?What are people encouraged to do when birds are drinking water in the yard?Questions are based on the following passage.17. A. They are planning activities for the weekend.B. They are looking for an apartment in the

26、 city.C. They are complaining about the urban living environmentD. They are discussing living places and childrens education.18. A. The natural environment is beneficial to children.B. The countryside is a perfect place for weekends.C. There is much to do besides work and study.D. Its convenient for

27、 people to go anywhere.19. A. There is a lot to see and do for children and adults.B. The children are too young to benefit from city life.C. There isnt enough for children to see and do in the city.D. Even adults themselves cannot go everywhere in the city.20. A. She is a full-time housewife.B. She

28、 does not care for her children.C. She lived in the suburbs as a child.D. She will go to a museum next weekend.【答案】17. D 18. A 19. A 20. D【解析】【原文】M: You like living in the city, dont you?W: Oh. I love it. Its so convenient. I can take the bus to work or the subway or the taxi. And there is so much t

29、o do.M: I know what you mean. Id like to live in the city but to live in the suburbs is better for children.W: Well, there are a lot of things about suburban living. But, as a working woman. I think a city has all the conveniences, including the best food and fastest newsM: But there are more trees

30、grass and fresh air in the suburbs.W: Yeah, but living in the city. Its convenient to go everywhere. There are lots of movie houses, theaters and so on. You can take them to the suburbs on the weekends.M: Yeah, children are the right age. There are lots of things for them here.W: You are right. They

31、 are at the library in Brooklyn. And they come back home for lunch, then go uptown to the Museum of Natural History. There is so much for young people to see and do.M: Not just for young people. What about me? Ive never been to the Museum of Natural HistoryW: Neither I have I. When I was a child. I

32、used to go to the Museum of Art.M: Ive been there several times, twice with children.W: Well. I have an idea. Next weekend, we go to the Museum of Natural History.M: OK. Thats really a very nice idea.(Now. listen again. please!)Questions:What are the two speakers talking about?What does the man thin

33、k of living in the suburbs?Which is true about the mans opinion of the city?What do we know about the woman according to the conversation?II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the

34、 blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.After graduation, Susan was asked to become the executive director of the Floating Hospital. She hesitated at first, as it was a demanding job and she wo

35、ndered whether she could handle it. But on second thoughts, she agreed to take the job. _21_ this job turned out rewarding, she soon got tired of it. _22_ (seat) at her desk one day, she wanted to go down to the New School for Social Research all of a sudden. Since she always believed intuition(直觉)

36、was an advantage she _23_ trust, she decided to have a go.Without any plan, she titled the course Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. Susan was nervous as she faced the first session of the twelve-week course. The two hours went on smoothly, but she then _24_ (challenge) with a new fear, for she didnt k

37、now what to present the next week. But surprisingly, every week she found she had more to say. Her confidence level growing, she realized. She had equipped _25_ so much over the years about getting over fear and her students were drinking it up. At the end of the course, they were amazed at _26_ shi

38、fting their thinking really changed their lives.Susan eventually decided to write a book based on the course she had taught. She faced many obstacles. And after _27_ (reject) by four agents and various publishers, she unwillingly put the proposal in a drawer.After three years of writing, one day she

39、 went through the drawer _28_ she held her much-rejected book proposal. Picking it up, she had a sharp sense that she held something in her hands many people needed to read. Therefore she set out with much determination _29_(find) a publisher who believed in her book the same way she did. This time,

40、 she succeeded. She succeeded beyond her wildest dreams.She was so happy that she followed her heart and never gave up overcoming fears which stood _30_ her way.【答案】21. While / Though/ Although 22. Seated 23. could / should 24. was challenged 25. herself 26. how 27. being rejected 28. where 29. to f

41、ind 30. in【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了Susan克服恐惧,坚持自己梦想。坚持做自己最喜欢做的事。最后成功的故事。【21题详解】考查连词。前面的句子讲述工作的待遇不错,后面的句子讲的是:她很快就厌烦了。显然前者是后面的一个“让步”,这里是一个让步状语从句。While / Although / Though都是“尽管、即使”的意思,引导一个让步状语从句。故填While / Although/ Though。【22题详解】考查非谓语动词。分句部分无主语,故用非谓语动词做状语。seat的逻辑主语为后句的“she”,与seat表示主动关系。seat的非谓语常用seated的形

42、式表示某种状态。故填seated。【23题详解】考查情态动词。句意:因为她总是相信本能是一种她可以信任的优势。本题考查情态动词can表示能力的用法。又因为语境是过去时,故填could。【24题详解】考查被动语态。句意:两个小时过的很顺利,但是之后她受到了一些新恐惧的挑战。She和challenge 之间是被动关系。这里句子的语境是过去时。且主语是第三人称单数,故填was challenged。【25题详解】考查固定短语。句意:她意识到关于克服恐惧,她自己已经武装了多年了。固定短语 equip oneself(整装;预备自己)。故填herself。【26题详解】考查宾语从句。介词后的从句称为“宾

43、语从句”。若从句部分的第一个词为形容词(shifting:不断变化的),则可根据“肯定句”的解题方法解题:去掉主+谓,从句前部剩余部分还有名词就用what ; 若剩余部分没有名词就用how。故填how。【27题详解】考查非谓语动词。分句部分没有主语,故填非谓语。reject的逻辑主语是she。主语与reject之间表示被动,因为放在after这个介词后,所以需要用being done的形式。故填being rejected。【28题详解】考查定语从句。从句部分不缺主语(she)和不缺宾语(her much-rejected book proposal)。根据定语从句的要求:若从句主语和宾语不缺

44、,则缺状语。从句部分缺状语应该用关系副词,且本题的先行词为drawer,表示地点。故填where。【29题详解】考查非谓语动词。find所处的简单句中已经有动词set out, 所以提示词需填非谓语。根据句意,她带了很多的决心,目的是为了找一个出版商。此处可用 to do 表示目的。故填 to find。【30题详解】考查固定短语。句意:她很开心的是,她坚持梦想并且从没有放弃克服阻碍她的恐惧。固定短语:stand in ones way (阻碍)。故填in。【点睛】关于非谓语动词无主语和祈使句无主语之间的区别。英语中,祈使句也是没有主语的,其句子的动词要用动词原形。但是祈使句一定要表“命令、建

45、议、请求”等语气。因此我们可以判断,如分句无主语且并不表达某种“命令、建议、请求”等语气。则一般就必须用非谓语了。例如:第2题和第7题。都没有主语且不表示某种语气。故都需填非谓语。Section BDirections: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.A. released B. event

46、ually C. delivering D.address E. act F. formerly G. fascination H. sighting I. inquiring J. undertaken K. misidentifiedFrom the early 1950s until 2009, a department in the United Kingdoms Ministry of Defence (MoD) documented and investigated reports of UFOs. Now, more than a decade after the program

47、 ended, many of those _31_ classified files about UFO will be made available to the public for the first time.Previously, some MoD files about UFOs had been published online at the U.K. National Archives (国家档案馆) website,The Telegraph reported. However, all of the agencys UFO reports will be _32_ thi

48、s year on “a dedicated gov.uk web page”, spokesperson for the British Royal Air Force (RAF) told The Telegraph.The decision came after PA Media, a British news agency, filed a request for the UFO files under a/an _33_ on information, according to The Telegraph. MoD officials decided “it would be bet

49、ter to publish these records, rather than continue _34_ documents to the National Archives.” the RAF spokesperson said.The UKs _35_ with UFOs began around 1950, urging the MoD to form the Flying Saucer Working Party to _36_ the phenomenon, according to the UK. National Archives. UFOs in the early 19

50、50s even captured the attention of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who sent a memo to his air minister in 1952 _37_ : “What does all this stuff about flying saucers amount to? What can it mean? What is the truth?” The flying saucer group concluded that UFOs were delusions (错觉) or _38_objects , rec

51、ommending that “ no further investigation of reported mysterious phenomenon in the air be _39_.” Nevertheless, other MoD divisions continued the work of official UFO investigation in the UK.After MoD enacted a policy change on Dec.1st, 2009, the agency no longer recorded or investigated any UFO _40_

52、, according to the report. But what they did findincluding many recent UFO reports that were previously available only as hard copieswill be published online within the next few months, said Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator for the MoD.【答案】31. F 32. A 33. E 34. C 35. G 36. D 37. I 38. K 39. J 40

53、. H【解析】这是一篇说明文。讲述了英国人对UFO的情结,以及对UFO现状的认识。【31题详解】考查动词。句意:现在,在该项目结束十多年后,许多关于UFO的正式机密文件将首次向公众开放。分析句意可知,该处需要一个副词来修饰后面动词classified。在结合语境,此处F项符合题意。故选F项。【32题详解】考查动词。句意:然而,该机构的所有UFO报告将于今年在“英国政府专用网页”上公布。分析句子结构,主语是report, 谓语动词和will be应该构成被动。所以,该处要填入动词的过去分词。根据语境released合适。故选A项。【33题详解】考查名词。句意:据每日电讯报报道,这一决定是在英国新

54、闻机构PA 根据一项信息法案提交UFO文件请求后做出的。分析句子结构,此处的a/an后修饰一个名词。在结合语境,此处E项符合题意。故选E项。【34题详解】考查动词。句意:最好是公布这些记录,而不是继续向国家档案馆提交文件。分析句子结构,此处的continue 后面经常接doing形式,译为继续做某事。所以此处要填入动词的doing形式。在结合语境,此处C符合题意。故选C项。【35题详解】考查名词。句意:英国人对UFO的痴迷始于1950年左右。分析句子结构,此处的The UKs后需要加一个名词来被s修饰。在结合语境,此处G符合语境。故选G项。【36题详解】考查动词。句意:敦促MOD成立飞碟工作组


56、该处应该填进相似的词。在结合语境,此处K符合语境。故选K项。【39题详解】考查形容词。句意:飞碟小组建议“不要对报告的空中神秘现象进行进一步的调查。”分析句子结构,此处需填入一个动词与前面的be动词构成被动关系。所以此处要填入一个动词的过去分词。在结合语境,此处J符合语境。故选J项。【40题详解】考查名词。句意:据报道,在2009年12月1日国防部颁布了一项政策改变后,该机构不再记录或调查任何UFO目击事件。分析句子结构,此处需填入一个名词被any UFO 修饰。在结合语境,此处H符合语境。故选H项。III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:

57、For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.An artificial intelligence can accurately translate thoughts into sentences, at least for a limited vocabulary of 250 words. The system

58、may bring us a step closer to _41_ speech to people who have lost the ability.Joseph Makin at the University of California, San Francisco, and his colleagues used deep learning algorithms(算法) to study the brain _42_ of four women as they spoke. The women, who all suffer from a certain kind of brain

59、disorder, already had electrodes attached to their brains to monitor disease attacks.Each woman was asked to read aloud from a set of sentences as the team _43_ brain activity. The largest group of sentences _44_ 250 unique words. The team fed this brain activity to a network algorithm related to ne

60、rves, training it to _45_ regularly occurring patterns that could be linked to repeated aspects of speech. These patterns were then fed to a second network, which tried to turn them into words to _46_ a sentence.Each woman repeated the sentences at least twice, and the final repetition didnt form pa

61、rt of the training data, _47_ the researchers to test the system.Each time a person speaks the same sentence, the brain activity associated will be similar but not exactly the same. “Memorizing the brain activity of these sentences wouldnt help, _48_ the network instead has to learn whats similar ab

62、out them so that it can generalize to this final example,” says Makin. Across the four women, the AIs best performance was an average translation error rate of 3 per cent.Makin says that using a small number of sentences made it _49_ for the AI to learn which words tend to follow others. For example

63、, the AI was able to _50_ that the word “Bear” was always likely to follow the word “Teddy” in a certain set of sentences, from brain activity alone.The team tried transforming the brain signal data into _51_ words at a time, rather than whole sentences, but this _52_ the error rate to 38 per cent e

64、ven for the best performance. “So the network clearly is learning facts about which words go together, and not just which brain activity _53_ with which words,”says Makin.This will make it hard to scale up the system to a/an _54_ vocabulary because each new word increases the number of possible sent

65、ences, reducing _55_. Sophie Scott at University College London says we are a long way from being able to translate brain signal data comprehensively.41. A. assigningB. conveyingC. restoringD. introducing42. A. systemsB. signalsC. signaturesD. symbols43 A. illuminatedB. discoveredC. measuredD. stopp

66、ed44. A. consisted ofB. adjusted toC. agreed withD. focused on45. A. simplifyB. identifyC. intensifyD. justify46. A. understandB. formC. describeD. judge47. A. allowingB. inspiringC. instructingD. advising48. A. becauseB. soC. ifD. but49. A. quickerB. slowerC. easierD. tougher50. A. splitB. reflectC

67、. decodeD. tear51. A. individualB. commonC. modifiedD. technical52. A. increasedB. decreasedC. leveledD. degraded53. A. furnishedB. mixedC. associatedD. armed54. A. passiveB. activeC. limitedD. expanded55. A. tendencyB. currencyC. accuracyD. fluency【答案】41. C 42. B 43. C 44. A 45. B 46. B 47. A 48. B

68、 49. C 50. C 51. A 52. A 53. C 54. D 55. C【解析】【分析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要描述了一项关于人工智能可以将人类大脑的信号转化成词汇、句子的研究。文章花了大篇幅来描述研究的过程。最终表明将人类大脑的信号彻底的翻译出来还需一段很长的路要走。【41题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个系统让我们更进一步去重建那些失去说话功能的人的语言能力。A. 分配、分发;B. 传达、传递;C. 恢复、重建;D. 介绍、引进。根据前句An artificial intelligence can accurately translate thoughts into sent

69、ences, at least for a limited vocabulary of 250 words可知,人工智能能够精确将想法翻译成句,虽有字数限制。因此推断它有助于恢复那些失去说话能力的人讲话能力。故选C项。【42题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:加利福利亚大学的Joseph Makin和他的同事运用深入学习算法来研究4个女性说话时的脑部信号。A. 系统;B. 信号;C. 签名、鲜明特征;D. 符号、象征。根据后文第11题The team tried transforming the brain signal data into.可知,他们对4个女性在讲话期间的脑部信号进行研究。故选B

70、项。【43题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:当这个团队在对他们的脑部活动进行测量之时,每个女性被要求大声朗读一组句子。A. 照亮、阐明、启发;B. 发现;C. 衡量、丈量、测量;D. 停止、阻止。根据上文The women, who all suffer from a certain kind of brain disorder, already had electrodes attached to their brains to monitor disease attacks可知,每个实验女性的脑部都安装了一个电极来监视脑部疾病的发作。故可以了解这个装置也可用来测量脑部的活动。故选C项。【44

71、题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:最大的句群包括了250个独一无二的单词。A. 由组成;B. 调整、调节;C. 同意;适合;D. 专注于。句子由单个的词组成。故选A项。【45题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个团队将脑部的活动注入了有关神经的算法网络中,训练这种算法去识别经常出现的与语言的重复方面有关的模块。A. 简化;B. 验证、识别;C. 使加强;D. 证明合法。根据后文提及的AI能够破译一些词汇,能清楚的学习一些事实,可知这种算法可用来识别某些常见的模块。故选B。【46题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些模块之后被注入第二个网络,这个网络尝试将他们变成词形成句子。A. 理解;B. 形成;C

72、. 描述;D. 判断。根据前句The largest group of sentences consisted of 250 unique words可知,句子由词构成;多个词形成句子。故选B项。【47题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:每个女性至少重复句子两次,之后的最后一次的重复不形成训练的数据的一部分,以允许研究者们测试系统。A. 允许;B. 鼓舞、激发;C. 指导;D. 建议。分析句意可知,最后的重复不构成训练数据的一部分,是为了让研究人员对系统进行测试。故选A。【48题详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:记忆这些句子的脑部活动是没有用的,所以这个网络不得不去了解他们之间的相似点是什么以至于他能

73、将最后一个例子一般化。A. 因为;B. 所以;C. 如果、是否;D. 但是。根据语境,因为记忆脑部活动没有意义所以它才不得不去了解其它。故选B项。【49题详解】考查形容词辨析及其比较级。句意:Makin说使用少量句子能够让AI更轻松的学到哪些词易于跟着其他词。A. 更快的;B. 更慢的;C.更轻松的;更简单的;D. 更艰难的。根据后句For example, the AI was able to decode that the word “Bear” was always likely to follow the word “Teddy” in a certain set of sentenc

74、es, from brain activity alone可知,人工智有能力破译某些特定句子中的词和词的关系。故选C项。【50题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,单从大脑的活动而言,人工智能能够破译在某些特定的句中,“熊”这个词总是跟在“泰迪”后面。A. 分离、分开、劈开;B. 反映、反思;C. 破译;D. 撕毁。根据上文可知,人工智能能够轻松的知道某些词会比较容易放在一起的。而本句刚好是针对上句举的例子。和上句有关联。故选C项。【51题详解】考查形容词辨析。句意:这个团队尝试,每次将大脑的信号数据转化为单个的词而不是整个句子。A. 独自的、单个的;B. 普通的;C. 改进的、修改的、改良的

75、;D. 工艺的、科技的、技术上的。根据本句话的后半段rather than whole sentences可知,要填的词和后面的而不是的内容相反。后面讲整个句子,前面讲的应该是单个的词。故选A项。【52题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是这次尽管是最好的表现,错误率却增加到了38%。A. 增加;B. 减少;C. 使同等、瞄准、拉平;D. 分解、削减、降低身份。根据后文,每个新词都会增加可能句子的数量,从而减少精确性。减少精确性故会增加错误率。故选A项。【53题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:Makin说“所以这个系统清楚的学到的事实是:哪些词是在一起的而不仅仅是哪一个脑部活动和哪些词有关”。A.

76、 furnish with供给,提供;B. mix with 与混合;C. associate with和有关;D. arm with 武装、装备。分析句子可知,网络学习的是哪些词在一起,而不是哪些大脑活动和哪些词有关。故选C项。【54题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。这将使扩展系统以扩展词汇变得困难。A. 消极的、被动的;B. 积极地 、活跃的;C. 有限的;D. 扩大的,展开的。根据后句because each new word increases the number of possible sentences可知,新词增加了新句的可能性。故选D项。【55题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:因为每

77、个新词都会增加可能句子的数量,从而减少精确性。A. 倾向;B. 货币、通货;C. 精确性;D. 流畅性。根据后句Sophie Scott at University College London says we are a long way from being able to translate brain signal data comprehensively可知,彻底的将大脑信号翻译出来还有很长一段路要走。中间还有很多问题要解决。同时在第7题提到了:错误率有时候会达到38%。精确度不够。故选C项。【点睛】完形填空的解题技巧有很多,其中之一就是要学会根据上下文,来学会“推敲”出最佳的选项。

78、同学们对于某些比较模糊的选项一定不要急于解题,可以通过上下文的语境来查找信息。例如:第2题,问的是大脑的什么?这道题的答案一直到了第11题才出现了“复现”。故选B项。还有第3题,问了的是研究团队对大脑的活动怎么啦?这道题只能根据前句的提示“她们的脑部安装了电极来追踪脑部疾病的发作”才能选的出来。故选C项。Section BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them th

79、ere are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage your have just read.(A)Have you ever heard of Nollywood? Nollywood is the name of the Nigerian (尼日利亚的) film industry. Nigeria is one of the largest film industries in the world

80、based on the quantity of films produced, placing them right below Indias Bollywood and above USAs Hollwood!Born in around 1992. Nollywood is the youngest compared with the other two “woods”, and uses new forms of financing and production. Now its in adulthood. and bigger productions have become more

81、 regular. However, this was not always the case. Although movie theaters were rare in Nigeria during earlier period, original stories were not. Despite lack of funds and experience, self-made directors began to use commercial video cameras to shoot their movies and sold them for home viewing. Even t

82、hough this resulted in movies with low production value, the original stories instantly made them a hit. Today, the film industry is the largest employer after agriculture and makes up 5% of Nigerias GDP.Nigeria is a big player in the industry and it is constantly improving its craft, taking on new

83、challenges. Nollywood is known mainly for its comedies and dramas, but we are increasingly seeing horror movies and musicals.Although sometimes heavily criticized for low production values. Nollywood continues to grow fans worldwide. Nigerian movies now make up 11% of Nigerias non-oil exports! The a

84、verage movie is produced in 7-10 days on a budget between 7,000-12,000 (Hollywoods average is around 60 million per movie with one year production time).This is changing, however, as more filmmakers are receiving proper training and are aiming to make films up to the international standard.56. What

85、is the advantage of Nollywood?A. Commercial support.B. Original stories.C. Dominant comedies.D. Fast production.57. Which of the following statements about “woods” is NOT true according to the passage?A. Bollywood produces more films than the other two “woods”.B. Nollywood is known as the youngest a

86、mong the three “woods”.C. Hollywood s budget for an average movie is much less than Nollywoods.D. It takes much less time to produce a Nollywood film than a Hollywood one.58. We can infer from the passage that _.A. Nollywoods contribution to Nigeras GDP is second only to agricultureB. Nollywood make

87、s fewer comedies and dramas than horror movies and musicalsC. movies made by Nollywood occupy more than 11% of Nigeria s export industryD. more filmmakers in Nollywood are attempting to improve the quality of its films59. The passage mainly talks about _.A. films worth enjoying in Nigeria.B. major d

88、ifferences among the “woods”.C. promising future of Nollywood.D. features and changes of Nollywood.【答案】56. B 57. C 58. D 59. D【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章描述了尼日利亚的Nollywood。讲述了它过去的发展历史,现在的情况和以后的发展趋势。【56题详解】细节理解题。根据第2段 Although movie theaters were rare in Nigeria during earlier period, original stories were not可知,N

89、ollywood在早期缺的是电影院但是原创的故事却不缺。故选B项。【57题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段The average movie is produced in 7-10 days on a budget between 7,000-12,000(普通电影在7-10天内制作,预算在7000-12000英镑之间) (Hollywoods average is around 60 million per movie with one year production time(好莱坞用一年的制作时间,平均每部电影约为6000万英镑).可知,诺尔伍德的电影制作费用比好莱坞的少,因此可知好莱坞普

90、通电影的预算比诺尔伍德的少得多是不对的。故选C项。【58题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段This is changing, however, as more filmmakers are receiving proper training and are aiming to make films up to the international standard可知,Nollywood正在发生变化,制片人们接受培训,电影制作接近国际水平。因此推断在Nollywood,更多的电影制作人正试图提高电影质量。故选D项。【59题详解】主旨大意题。通读文章可知,文章的第1和第2段描述的是Nollywood

91、电影产业的特点;而第3和4段车侧重描述的是它现在的变化。故选D项。(B)Heres the bad news: Men are hurting, and, according to many researchers, masculinity (男子气) is what is hurting them and making it hard for them to maintain friendships. Society tells men to hide their feelings and expects them to be aggressive, so many men lose the

92、ir friendship when growing up. The good news is that those skills can be recovered!There are a lot of experts who can help, and heres what they recommend:1.Accept your own desire and normalize it for the people in your life. Way, an expert, recommends sharing articles about masculinity and friendshi

93、p so that you can start these conversations! Concentrate on them and dont forget you have the entire Internet at your fingertips, friend!2. Model vulnerability. Say the thing that frightens or worries you, like “Im afraid nobody will go to my party,”or”I miss my grandma every day.” Doing so will mak

94、e it easier for other people to follow your lead. We are all on the elevator to a society where emotional availability is normalized, and I want you to press “door open”.3. Ask more questions. People sometimes feel they might be prying (爱打听的) if they ask someone about themselvesespecially when their

95、 friend is sharing something tough. But if you get curious in moments of vulnerability you will open the door to all kinds of growth in your relationship. Take the opportunity to really see your friend and show them they matter by following up.4. Get close with the children in your life. Ways resear

96、ch says that the top priority that helps children (especially boys) grow up to have enriching friendships is to be close with an adult relative who was not afraid to express emotions. So, if you are a father,stepfather,or thinking about becoming one, or if you have nieces or nephews, take the opport

97、unity to be close to them and help them grow up to be good friends, too.60. What is the common concept of being a man?A. To have no friends at all.B. To maintain friendships.C. Not to show true feelings.D. Not to hurt others aggressively.61. Which is NOT recommended according to the passage?A. A man

98、 should show his vulnerability in front of his fellows.B. A man should accept and normalize peoples desire in his life.C. A man should take the opportunity to be close to child relatives.D. A man should show his friends they matter by asking questions.62. What might be the best title of the passage?

99、A. Ways to Help Men Have Friendship.B. How to Express True Feelings.C. Ways to Become a True Man.D. How to Be Brave to Have Friends.【答案】60. C 61. B 62. A【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章花了很大的篇幅介绍了4种方法,教男生如何拥有友情。【60题详解】细节理解题。根据第1段Society tells men to hide their feelings and expects them to be aggressive, so many men lo

100、se their friendship when growing up可知,整个社会认为男性要隐藏自己真正的情感且要表现出咄咄逼人的样子。故选C项。【61题详解】细节理解题。根据第1种方法的第一句:接受你自己的欲望,并为你生活中的人使之正常化。而选项B偷换概念,变成将别人的欲望正常化。故选B项。【62题详解】主旨大意题。根据第1段最后一句话The good news is that those skills can be recovered!以及There are a lot of experts who can help, and heres what they recommend可知,一些

101、男性的交际技巧能得到恢复,且有许多能帮忙的专家给了一些建议。接着文章就介绍了4种方法。故选A项。(C)No student of a foreign language needs to be told that grammar is complex. By changing the order of the words and by adding a range of auxiliary verbs (助动词) , we are able to communicate variations in meaning. We can turn a statement into a question,

102、 state whether an action has taken place or is soon to take place, and perform other word tricks to convey delicate differences in meaning. Besides,grammar is universal and plays a part in every language, no matter how widespread it is. So the question which has confused many linguists is: who creat

103、ed grammar?At first, this question would appear impossible to answer. To find out how grammar is created,someone needs to be present at the time of a languages creation, documenting its emergence. Some linguists are able to trace modern complex languages back to earlier languages, but to know the fo

104、rming of complex languages, the researcher needs to observe how languages are started from scratch. Amazingly, however, this is possible.Some recent languages evolved due to the Atlantic slave trade. At that time,slaves from different nations were forced to work together. Since they could not learn

105、each others languages. they developed a pidgin. Pidgins are strings of words copied from the language of the landowners. Little grammar is found in them,and in many cases it is difficult or a listener to infer when an event happened, and who did what to whom. Speakers need to use circumlocution (迁回曲

106、折的说法) in order to make themselves understood. Interestingly,however, all it takes for a pidgin to become a complex language is for a group of children to be exposed to it. Slave children did not simply copy words from their elders, they adapted them to create a language. It included new word orders

107、and grammatical markers. Complex grammar systems merging from pidgins are termed creoles, which are invented by children.Some linguists believe that many of the worlds most established languages were creoles at first. The -ed ending in English past tense may have evolved from “did”,”It ended”, which

108、 was first used by kids, may once have been “It end-did”. Therefore. it would appear that even the most widespread languages were partly created by children. Children appear to have been born with grammatical machinery in their brains. which can serve to create logical, complex structures, even when

109、 there is no grammar present for them to copy.63. What does paragraph 1 mainly tell us?A. Language learners know that grammar is of complexity.B. One cal do a lot with his good command of grammar.C. Grammar is both complex and universal in languages.D. Linguists face a question in creating confusing

110、 grammars64. The underlined expression “from scratch” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _A from the very beginningB. in ancient culturesC. by copying something elseD. by using written information65. What can be inferred about the slaves pidgin language?A. It contained a complex grammar system.

111、B. It was first created by the slaves landowners.C. It was based on a lot of different languages.D. It was difficult to understand, even among slaves.66. What can be concluded from the last paragraph?A. The English past tense system is inaccurate.B. English was probably once a kind of creole.C. Ling

112、uists have proven that English was created by children.D. Children use English past tenses differently from adults.【答案】63. C 64. A 65. D 66. B【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章探究了语言中(包括英语在内),语法来源的可能性。【63题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段中的No student of a foreign language needs to be told that grammar is complex和 Besides,grammar is univer

113、sal and plays a part in every language可知,在语言学习中,所有学生都知道语法很复杂,并且知道在每种语言中语法很普遍。故选C项。【64题详解】词义猜测题。根据文章第2段中首先提到“要了解语法是如何产生的,就需要有人在一种语言诞生时在场,记录它的出现。”后又提到“一些语言学家能够将现代复杂的语言追溯到早期的语言”故根据上下文的逻辑可知,为了了解复杂语言的形成,研究者需要观察语言是如何从零开始的。故选A项。【65题详解】推理判断题。根据第3段Little grammar is found in them,and in many cases it is diffi

114、cult or a listener to infer when an event happened, and who did what to whom可知,因为pidgin language缺乏语法,所以很难理解其表达的含义。故选D项。【66题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段可知:一些语言学家认为,世界上许多最古老的语言一开始都是克里奥耳语。在英语过去式中,-ed结尾可能是由“did”演变而来的。因此可以推出英语可能曾经是一种克里奥尔语。故选B。Section CDirections: Complete the following passage by using the sentences

115、in the box. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two sentences more than you need.A period of important agricultural development began in the early 1700s in Great Britain and the Low Countries(Belgium, Luxembourg. and the Netherlands, which lie below sea level). _67_One of the mo

116、st important of these developments was an improved horse-drawn seed drill invented by Jethro Tull in England. Until that time,farmers sowed seeds by hand. Tulls drill made rows of holes for the seeds. By the end of the 18th century, seed drilling was widely practiced in Europe. Many other machines w

117、ere developed in the United States. _68_ At about the same time,John and Hiram Pitts introduced a horse-powered thresher (脱粒机) that shortened the process of separating grain and seed from straw. John Deeres steel plow (犁), introduced in 1837, made it possible to work the tough soil with much less ho

118、rsepower.Along with new machines,there were several important advances in selective farming. By selectively breeding animals (breeding those with desirable traits), farmers increased the size and productivity of their livestock. Plants could also be selectively bred for certain qualities. In 1866, G

119、regor Mendels studies in heredity (遗传) were published in Austria. _69_ His work paved the way for improving crops through genetics.New crop planting methods also evolved during this time. Many of these were adopted over the next century or so throughout Europe. For example,the Norfolk four-field sys

120、tem, developed in England,proved quite successful. It involved the yearly rotation (轮作) of several crops, including wheat, turnips, barley, clover, and ryegrass. _70_ Moreover, this method enabled farmers to grow enough to sell some of their harvest without having to leave any land unplanted.Not all

121、 parts of the world benefited from these developments instantly. However,farmers in other parts such as Australia and Africa continued to use old ways of agriculture for a long time.A. This could add desired nutrients to the soil thanks to the rich variety of crops.B. Over centuries, the growth of a

122、griculture contributed to the rise of civilizations.C. In experiments with pea plants, he learned how traits were passed from one generation to another. D. In the 1830s Cyrus McCormicks harvesting machine helped modernize the grain-cutting process.E. This helped to produce extra food to trade for ot

123、her goods and allowed people to work at other tasks.F. New agricultural inventions dramatically increased food production in Europe and European colonies.【答案】67. F 68. D 69. C 70. A【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章描述了人类历史上关于农业耕种技术,农业收割技术,和农业育种技术等的几个重大的发展。【67题详解】上文提到“18世纪是英国和低地国家农业发展的一个重要时期”。承接上文,F选项“新的农业发明极大地提高了欧洲和欧洲殖

124、民地的粮食产量。”切题。故选F项。【68题详解】上文提到“在美国许多其他的机器被发明”而下文“大约在同一时间,John和Hiram Pitts引进了马力脱粒机,缩短从稻草分离谷物和种子的时间。”D选项“在19世纪30年代,Cyrus McCormick 的收割机帮助实现了谷物收割过程的现代化。”可以承接上文又和下文并列。故选D项。【69题详解】上文提到“1866年,孟德尔的遗传研究在奥地利发表”。承接上文,C选项“在用豌豆做的实验中,他了解了特征是如何代代相传的。”切题。该选项的he对应上文中的Gregory Mendel。该选项也可对应下句的his work。故选C项。【70题详解】上文提到

125、“它涉及年度轮作几种作物,包括小麦、萝卜、大麦、苜蓿、黑麦草。”承接上文,A选项“由于农作物种类丰富,这可以给土壤增加所需的养分”切题。该选项中的“农作物种类丰富”对于上文提到的“小麦、萝卜、大麦、苜蓿、黑麦草”。故选A项。IV. Summary Writing71.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.N

126、ow, it may seem strange to learn from someone who writes about pretty dresses every day, but you dont have to be pretty and you dont have to spare no effort to be pretty just to please others.You dont have to feel bothered for your plain looking that makes you unnoticed. After all, every one of us,

127、whether charming or not, is a drop in the ocean and you dont owe prettiness to anyone.Admittedly, Im not saying that you shouldnt be pretty if you want to. Being pretty is pleasant, fun, refreshing and satisfying, making people feel delighted and smile at you unconsciously. But in terms of importanc

128、e, prettiness stands several steps down from happiness, is way below health, and if done as an obligation, can be far away from independence.But what does you-dont-have-to-be-pretty mean in everyday terms? It means you dont have to blame your parents for not giving you the world-desired appearance a

129、nd that you dont have to apologize for wearing things that are held to be “unflattering” or “unfashionable”especially if, in fact, they make you happy on some level deeper than just being pretty does. As long as you are clean, covered enough, and have bandaged any open wounds,you can wear any color

130、or style you please, holding your heads high,if it makes you happy.Prettiness, its sad to say, can have a shelf life. Its so tied up with youth that, at some point (if youre lucky), youre going to have to graduate from prettiness, sometimes before you know it. But you wont even get there if you thin

131、k you have to follow all the signs that say “this way to prettiness”. You get there by travelling the route you find most interesting._【答案】You neednt be obsessed with prettiness. Being pretty is inferior to being happy, healthy and independent. In daily life. dont feel sorry for not having pretty ap

132、pearance or wearing pretty things. You can choose what you like as long as they keep you clean and decent. Prettiness has a lifespan and being yourself is the surest way to it.【解析】【分析】本文考查概要写作。【详解】本文是一篇读写任务型的作文,要求写出文章的主题大意和要点,要写全要点,抓住重点,要使用自己比较熟悉的词汇、短语和句型,恰当使用过渡词和连接词,以使文章连贯、流畅。要尽量使用高级词汇和句型、各种从句以及非谓语

133、动词等高级形式,以体现较高的写作水平。本文写作时人称以第三人称为主,时态采用一般现在时。V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English using the words given in the brackets.72. 她感觉太无聊了,于是把这本杂志从头到尾看了一遍。 (so that)_73. 没有良好的信用记录,你将无法从银行获取贷款。(qualify)_74. 每周六早晨,我们都雷打不动地去郊区远足,以增强体质,磨练意志。(a rule)_75. 全国上下团结一心,科学家们夜以继日地研制药品

134、,相信战胜灾难的日子近在咫尺。 (before)_【答案】72. So bored did she feel /was she that she read the magazine from cover to cover. 73. Without a good credit record, you wont be qualified to get/ for a loan from the bank 74. We make it a rule to go hiking/ go on an excursion in the suburbs every Saturday morning in ord

135、er to build ourselves up physically / build up our body and exercise willpower (build ourselves up physically and mentally). 75. People all over the country are united and scientists are doing research on medicine(s) day and night / around the clock, and/ so it is believed that it wont be long befor

136、e the disaster is overcome.【解析】【72题详解】考查部分倒装。分析句子可知,so.that 译为“如此.以至于”。当so放句首,so后面的句子要部分倒装。既将助动词/be动词/情态动词放在主语前面。故翻译为:So bored did she feel /was she that she read the magazine from cover to cover.【73题详解】考查动词短语。分析句子可知,主语为you,谓语为 be qualified to 或be qualified for,宾语为a loan,from the bank表示地点状语。在根据其他汉语提

137、示,故翻译为:Without a good credit record, you wont be qualified to get/ for a loan from the bank 。【74题详解】考查动词短语。分析句子可知,主语为we, make it a rule “定为常规”; go hiking “去远足”,every Saturday morning为时间状语,in order to build ourselves up physically / build up our body and exercise willpower (build ourselves up physica

138、lly and mentally)为目的状语。在根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为:We make it a rule to go hiking/ go on an excursion in the suburbs every Saturday morning in order to build ourselves up physically / build up our body and exercise willpower (build ourselves up physically and mentally)。【75题详解】考查It + wont be +一段时间+before+其他。分析句子可

139、知,it is believed that为形式主语,真正的主语要表达“用不了多久就会战胜灾难”。It + wont be +一段时间+before+其他。可译为:用不了多久就.。在根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为:People all over the country are united and scientists are doing research on medicine(s) day and night / around the clock, and/ so it is believed that it wont be long before the disaster is overco

140、me。VI. Guided Writing76.Directions: Write a English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.你是李明,你在读高一的表弟张丰依旧在进行居家学习。他在学习时容易分心,总是忍不住打网络游戏或看网络小说,于是发电子邮件向你求助,请你结合自己的经验回复他一封电子邮件,谈谈你是如何集中精力开展居家学习(homeschool yourself during the COVID-19 outbreak)的。_【答案】Dear Zhang

141、 Feng,I am very sorry to hear that you cant concentrate yourself on your study when you are homeschool yourself during the COVID-19 outbreak. To be honest, it actually very easy to divert your attention from your study as a result of the games and the network novels. So if you want to have an effici

142、ent time to your study, I think the following suggestions will be of great help.First of all, you should have a fix time to study. During the planned time, you can do nothing except the study. Whats more, you have better have your friends study together through the Internet. It will feel great to ha

143、ve someone battle with you. Last but not least, a strong willpower is fundamental when you study alone. A plan which is based on your daily schedule should be observed strictly.May my suggestions can address your problems and if you have any further problems, you can contract me without any hesitati

144、on. Yours Li Ming【解析】【分析】这是一篇应用文。要求考生写一封回信,对其表弟没办法集中精力开展居家学习的情况提出建议。【详解】第一步:审题体裁:应用文。时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时和将来时。结构:总分法。要求:对于表弟无法集中精力开展居家学习的情况,根据自己的情况提出建议。第二步:列提纲(重点短语)sorry to hear;divert your attention from;have an efficient time;be of great help;should be observed strictly。第三步:连词成句1.I am very sorry to

145、hear that.2.To be honest, it actually very easy to divert your attention from your study as a result of the games and the network novels.3.So if you want to have an efficient time to your study.4I think the following suggestions will be of great help.5.A plan which is based on your daily schedule sh

146、ould be observed strictly.根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。第四步:连句成篇1.表示文章结构顺序:First of all; Whats more; Last but not least。2.表示并列补充关系: as a result of; and;to be honest。【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯。复合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了主从复合句,如:A plan which is based on your daily schedule should be observed strictly. 这边使用了一个限制性定语从句。使用了一些固定词组,如:concentrate yourself on;be of great help;battle with you;address your problems等。文章思路清晰,层次分明,上下句转换自然。为文章增色添彩。


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