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1、高一(上)语法填空专项练习体裁说明文词数255限时10 分钟Language often seems so skillfully.Language often seems so skillfully(1)(draft)that one can hardly imagine it asanything(2)(此题 2 空)the perfected handiwork of a master craftsman.How else couldthis instrument make so much out of barely three dozen measly morsels of sound?

2、In themselves,these configurations(构 造)of mouth-p,f,b,v,t,d,k,g,sh,a,e and so on-(3)(amount)to nothing more than a few haphazard(随意的)spits and splutters,random noises withno meaning,no ability to express,no power to explain.But run them through the cogs and wheelsof the language machine,and(4)(let)i

3、t arrange them in some very special orders,and there is nothing(5)these meaningless streams of air cannot do:from sighing theinterminable boredom of existence to(6)(unravel)the fundamental order of theuniverse.(7)(extraordinary)thing about language,however,is that one doesnt have to be agenius to se

4、t its wheels in motion.The language machine allows just about everybody-from pre-modern foragers(搜寻食物的人)in the subtropical savannah,to post-modern philosophers in thesuburban sprawl-(8)(tie)these meaningless sounds together into an infinite varietyof subtle senses,and all apparently without the slig

5、htest exertion.Yet it is precisely this deceptiveease which makes language a victim of its own success,since in everyday life its triumphs areusually taken for granted.The wheels of language run so smoothly that one rarely bothers(9)(stop)and think about all the resourcefulness and expertise that mu

6、st(10)(go)intomaking it tick.Language conceals art.【参考答案与解题思路】1.drafted考查非谓语动词:动词的-ed 形式解析:由前面的副词 skillfully 修饰的过去分词,解释为“精雕细琢”。2.other than考查介词短语解析:“除了”。3.amount考查谓语动词短语解析:amount to 解释为“相当于”。4.let考查祈使句解析:与前面的“run”并列,两句都是祈使句。5.that第1页考查主从复合句,从句引导词解析:定语从句。6.unraveling考查非谓语动词:动词的-ing 形式解析:to 后面的介词宾语使用动

7、名词,解释为“阐明”。7.The most extraordinary考查形容词最高级解析:语言最与众不同的地方。8.to tie考查非谓语动词:动词不定式解析:The language machine allows just everybody to tie these meaningless soundstogether.“允许某人做某事”。9.to stop考查非谓语动词:动词不定式解析:bother to do sth.“特地去做某事”。10.have gone考查情态动词解析:must have done 表示对过去的肯定推测。体裁说明文词数342限时10 分钟Changxing I

8、slandWhat is the closest island to Shanghai?If you answer“Chongming Island”,then you are wrong.Itshould be Changxing Island,(1)is located between Congming Island and PudongNew District.As to administration(行政管理),it(2)(belong)to Baoshan District.With a large area of forests and fresh air,this island

9、enjoys reputations of“Clean Island”and“Longevity Island”.Its unique natural environment and rich natural resources make ChangxingIslands tourism industry fully(3)(develop).There are many places of interest there,such as Shanghai Orange Grove,Mongolian Village RaceTrack,Hanging Beads Park(Chuizhu Yua

10、n),Shanghai Stunt Center,Xianfeng Resort,and etc.Travelers can take bus No.5,51,116,522,728,848 and 849 to Wusong dock(4)youcan take a ship to Changxing Island.Travelers can also take Shenchong(Line 2)Shuttle Bus,(5)o perating hour is from 6:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m.to Changxing Island.If travelers prefer

11、 toreach the island with their own cars,ferries which can carry cars should be a great choice.Changxing Island,also known as“the Hometown of Oranges”is a great place for vacation.Onceyou and your family members or friends reach the island,you can drive to the Orange Grove Resortto enjoy(6)The orange

12、s grown in the grove looks bright and smooth,and they arevery juicy and sweet.Once in late autumn season,golden oranges hanging on the branches look第2页very tempting.The thousand acres of oranges there(7)give a total production of 1.75million kilograms annually.Another place famous for oranges is Sha

13、nghai Orangerie Resort locatedin Qianwei Farm,in the central part of Changxing Island.(8)the 1980s,the Orange ArtFestival has been held on this farm each autumn,attracting tens of thousands of admiring visitors.(9)being the famous“orange town”,Changxing Island is a great place for visitors to enjoyr

14、afting or going to the riverside to enjoy the wonderful scene written in a poem by Wang Bo,(10)famous poet in Tang Dynasty.【参考答案与解题思路】1.which考查主从复合句解析:本题考查定语从句。which 指代先行词 Changxing Island,在定语从句中充当主语。2.belongs考查动词的时态与语态解析:belong to 意为“属于”,应该使用主动结构(不能用被动)。其次,此处讲的是客观事实“长兴岛隶属宝山区管辖”,故使用一般现在时,填写 belongs。

15、3.developed考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查 make done(使被)。此处 make 的宾语是 Changxing Islands tourismindustry(长兴岛的旅游业),与所填词 develop 形成被动关系(旅游业被发展)。故采用被动结构,make developed。4.where考查主从复合句解析:本题考查定语从句。先行词 Wusong dock(吴淞码头)在定语从句中充当地点状语,youcan take a ship to Changxing Island at Wusong dock,所以此处 at which 衔接从句。现在由于只挖了一个空,可采用关系副词 w

16、here 来替代。5.whose考查主从复合句解析:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m.(申崇二线的运行时间是从早上六点到晚上七点),所以此处使用whose 来连接上下句。6.yourselves考查代词解析:此处考察词组 enjoy oneself(玩得高兴)。由于前文提及 you and your family members orfriends,可见此处应当采用复数形式。7.can考查情态动词解析:本题考查情态动词的用法。根据句意,“那里上千亩的橘子能够每年生产 175 万公斤”,故填 can。第3页 8.Since考查连词解析:后文有现在完成时 has been held作为提示,再

17、根据句意“自从二十世纪八十年代以来,每年秋天农场都举行橘子节”,可知,本处填写 Since 较为合适。9.Besides考查介词解析:本处考察上下文的逻辑分析能力。前面讲长兴岛是著名的“橘子之乡”,后面讲长兴岛也是个享受竹筏漂流的地方,两者是“同时包括在内”的关系。因此,填写 besides,表明“在长兴岛既可享受美味的橘子,还可玩漂流等亲水项目”。10.a考查冠词解析:此处填写冠词 a,构成 a famous poet(一位著名的诗人),来作为前文 Wang Bo的同位语。体裁说明文词数424限时11 分钟Hot Drinks Linked to CancerNext time you ma

18、ke yourself a hot cup of tea or coffee,you might want to let it cool down a bitbefore drinking.Researchers say letting your hot drinks cool off(1)help you avoidsome kinds of cancer.In fact,the United Nations cancer research agency decided(2)(list)hot drinks with lead,gasoline and exhaust fumes as po

19、ssibly carcinogenic.In other words,each one could cause cancer.The International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC)is part ofthe World Health Organization(WHO).The IARC published the findings in the medical journalLancet Oncology.Researchers at IARC found evidence that drinks at temperatures above

20、65 degreesCelsius,when(3)(swallow),can cause cancer of the esophagus.The researchers examined findings from other studies(4)t ea and coffee were oftenserved at 70 degrees Celsius or above.Those studies were completed in Iran,China and SouthAmerica.In developed countries,health experts(5)(link)esopha

21、geal cancer tosmoking and alcoholic drinks in many studies.However,this form of cancer is(6)(common)in areas where people drink beverages at very high temperatures.In Europe and the United States,many people drink coffee and tea at temperatures around 60 degreesCelsius.And they often add milk which

22、lowers the temperature considerably.(7)tea-drinkers in Iran and mat-drinkers in South America often enjoy their beverages at closer to 70degrees Celsius.Mat is a tea-like brew made by(8)(steep)the leaves of the yerbamate plant in near-boiling water.The researchers note that South Americans not only

23、drink their mat very hot,they also drink itthrough a metal straw.This sends the scalding liquid directly(9)the throat.Thefindings,however,are good news for coffee drinkers.第4页In 1991,the World Health Organization listed coffee as possibly carcinogenic.WHO officialshave since changed their position o

24、n that listing.They now suggest that the temperature of your hotdrink is a greater risk factor than the actual drink itself.Christopher Wild is the director of the IARC.When he spoke with the AFP news agency,he saidthe results suggest that drinking very hot beverages is one probable cause of esophag

25、eal cancer andthat it is the temperature,(10)(此题 2 空)the drinks themselves,that appears to beresponsible.The National Coffee Association called the change great news for coffee drinkers.But how common is esophageal cancer?Worldwide,it is the eighth most common cancer.Cancerof the esophagus killed ab

26、out 400,000 people in 2012.【参考答案与解题思路】1.could考查情态动词解析:文章第一句说你下次喝一杯热茶或热咖啡之前,你或许可以先冷却一下。接下来说研究者指出让热饮冷却一下能够帮助你避免某些类型的癌症。表示能够的情态动词,而且表达委婉的语气,因此用 could。2.to list考查非谓语动词中的动词不定式解析:本题考查动词 decide 的用法,“decide to do sth”表示决定做某事,该句的意思是美国癌症研究部门决定将热饮和铅,汽油等一同列入容易致癌的名单中。3.swallowed考查非谓语动词中的动词-ed 形式。解析:研究人员指出 65 摄氏度

27、以上的热饮,当被吞咽时,容易导致食道癌,因为主语热饮“drink”和动词“swallow”吞咽之间是被动关系,所以用 swallowed 4.where考查主从复合句,(考查从句引导词,比如:which,that)解析:本题考查限定性定语从句的引导词,先行词是 other studies,定语从句中缺少表示地点的状语,所以用 where。意思是研究人员也检查了茶和咖啡通常在 70 摄氏度以上饮用的研究。5.have linked考查动词的时态与语态解析:根据这句话的意思,在发达国家,健康专家在许多研究中已经表明食道癌和抽烟喝酒有关。所以用现在完成时,表示从过去开始的动作持续到现在,对现在的影响

28、。6.more common考查形容词与副词(比较级和最高级)解析:承接上句,相比发达国家,然而,在一些人们经常饮用高温饮品的地区,食道癌更为常见。所以用比较级。7.However第5页考查连词(并列连词,考查上下文逻辑关系)解析:前一句说在美国和欧洲,人们主要喝 60 度左右的饮品,但是在伊朗和南美人们喜欢喝七十度以上的饮品。用 However 表示转折。8.steeping考查非谓语动词中的动词-ing 形式解析:巴拉圭茶是一种像茶的酿造酒,通过将巴拉圭树的叶子浸泡在接近沸腾的水中,介词by 后面跟动词-ing 形式,所以用 steeping 9.into考查介词解析:该句的意思是南美人将

29、滚烫的水从金属的茶壶里直接倒入喉咙里喝,考查“send into”倒入 10.rather than/instead of考查介词解析:根据本句的意思 Christopher Wild 认为可能是热饮的温度而不是热饮本身导致了食道癌,所以填介词 rather than/instead of。体裁说明文词数267限时10 分钟McDonalds Szechuan Sauce Will Return This WinterLate Sunday,McDonalds released a statement promising to bring back the limited-edition sa

30、uceagain at a date to be determined.“Yesterday,we were truly surprised at the(1)(amaze)curiosity and passion that the community showed to welcome back Szechuan Sauce,(2)(此题两空)it was just for one day.”the company said in a statement.“And our super-limitedbatch(批次),though well-intentioned,clearly was

31、far from enough(3)(meet)customers demands.”(4)(announce)that it was going to“make this right”,McDonalds promised that this dipping sauce would return in a great quantity in the near future.“Were bringing more,a lot more,(5)(此题两空)Szechuan Sauce(四川辣酱)will beavailable to any fan at a nearby McDonalds,”

32、the company said.McDonalds Szechuan sauce,(6)was a limited edition condiment tied to the release of Disneys famous cartoon Mulan in1998,has seen its profile rise thanks to Rick&Morty,a cartoon sci-fi sitcoms(情景剧)made byThe Adult Swim series(7)the main character complaint about the unavailability ofS

33、zechuan Sauce.That led(8)McDonalds later promise to bring back this weekend.The only problem was(9)demand exceeded(超过)supply,which made many Rick&Morty fans angry.“I personally thought it was a sauce that was trying too hard in a world where withMcNuggets sauce you just want something to taste like

34、honey or like a BBQ sauce,”co-creator DanHarmon told about the sauce.“It was(10)sauce that was trying to prove it was differentand it tasted much better than an ordinary sauce should be.”第6页【参考答案与解题思路】1.amazing考查非谓语动词-ing 形式解析:本题填写现在分词 amazing(令人惊讶的),修饰 curiosity and passion(好奇心与热情)。2.even if/even t

35、hough考查连接词词组解析:首先,根据“后文是一句完整的句子 it was just for one day”可知,此处需填入连词。又根据句意“即使它(四川辣酱)只发售一天,社区对欢迎四川辣酱回归的好奇心与热情让人感到惊讶”,可判断,此处应填 even if 或 even though 3.to meet考查动词不定式解析:本题考查 be enough to do结构,故填 to meet。整个句群 was far from enough to meetcustomers demands的句意为“远远不够满足顾客的需求”。4.Announcing考查非谓语动词-ing 形式解析:句子的主干部

36、分为 McDonalds promised that ,promised 是全句的谓语,故横线处的 announce 应使用非谓语形式。此处句意为“麦当劳宣布它将让一切好起来”,是主动的,故填 Announcing。5.so that考查连接词词组解析:首先,根据“后文是一句完整的句子 Szechuan Sauce will be available to any fan at a nearbyMcDonalds”可知,此处需填入连词。再根据前文 Were bringing more,a lot more(我们正在生产更多辣酱)可知,此处所填连词“表结果”(生产更多辣酱,以至于人人都能吃到了)

37、,故填 sothat。6.which考查主从复合句解析:本题考查定语从句。所填词修饰先行词Szechuan sauce,在从句中充当主语,应选用关系代词。又因为横线前有逗号(非限定性定语从句),故只能填 which,不能填 that。7.where考查主从复合句解析:本题考查定语从句中的先行词。所填词修饰先行词series(连续剧),在从句中充当状语(in the series the main character complaint about),故填写关系副词 where(相当于 inwhich)8.to考查介词解析:本题考查固定搭配 lead to(led 是 lead 的过去式形式),

38、意为“导致”9.that考查主从复合句第7页解析:本题为“表语从句”。填写 that 在句中补充当任何成份,起到连接主从句的作用。上下文句意为“唯一的问题是,供大于求”。10.a考查冠词解析:前文已经出现过一次 it was a sauce that was trying ,形成重要提示。故此处也填写a,与之形成对称。体裁说明文词数553限时8 分钟Overweight Asian-Americans Seen More AmericanWhat does an American look like?Nearly 1,300 Americans,mostly college students,

39、were askedthat question for a recent study in Psychological Science.They were shown pictures of people andasked by University of Washington researchers who looked American to them.(1)Over-weight Asian-Americans were more likely to be seen as Americans than normal weight Asian-Americans,the researche

40、rs said.Researchers who worked on the study believe this all fits intocommon stereotypes.(2)And one common stereotype is that Asians are thin andmost Americans are heavy,the researchers said.Sapna Cheryan is aco-author of the study.She alsoteaches psychology at the University of Washington.She said

41、the findings show an unusual benefitfor overweight Asian-Americans.She noted that overweight people often face discrimination.ButCheryan said that being overweight makes Asian-Americans seen more American.That makes themless likely to face discrimination directed at those believed to be foreign,she

42、said.Cheryan said herinterest in ethnic and racial stereotypes goes back to her youth in Urbana,Illinois.She is Indian-American and remembers people would praise her mother because she spoke English so well.Itwas as if they did not expect a woman who appeared to come from a foreign country to speakE

43、nglish,she said.Cheryan also remembers worrying when friends would come over to her house.She was embarrassed that her family served Indian food.The food seemed different compared toAmerican favorites such as pizza and Doritos.The research on how people see Asian-Americans isa follow-up of her 2011

44、research.Itfound Asian-Americans were three times as likelyto orderAmerican food after being asked if they spoke English than if they had not been asked that question.(3)Cheryan said.This is not always a good thing for Asian-Americans.She notesthat traditional American food often contains more calor

45、ies and fat than many Asian dishes.TheCenters for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 34.5 percent of white Americans areconsidered obese,or very overweight.For Asian-Americans,the percentage is 11.7 percent.ForAfrican-Americans,the percentage of obesity is 48 percent and for Latino Americ

46、ans,thepercentage is 42.5 percent.The new University of Washington study showed people photos ofpeople from different racial and ethnic groups to see if weightinfluenced their opinions.Among the第8页questions asked:How likely is this person to have been born outside the U.S?Another,How likelyis it tha

47、t this persons native language is English?Weight did make a difference in how peopledecided whether Asian-Americans were Americans.Those questioned by the University ofWashington researchers also looked at pictures of Latinos,whites and African-Americans.(4)This supported their opinion that people b

48、elieved to be from foreign countries wherepeople are believed to be mostly thin are considered more likely to be American if they areoverweight.The researchers noted that many Americans believe Latinos are overweight.As a result,overweight Latinos are not seen as more likely to be Americans-as was t

49、he case with Asian-Americans.A.A stereotype is a belief,often untrue,that many have about a group of peopleB.The suggestion is that maybe people avoid foods that are stereotypical of their ethnic group sothat they would fit in betterC.The researchers found that weight did not influence whether they

50、saw whites,African-Americansand Latinos as being AmericansD.The most surprising answer was how people saw Asian-AmericansE.Most Asian-Americans answer the question without hesitationF.Some stereotypes derive from discrimination against certain group【参考答案与解题思路】1.D考查前后段落之间关系,比如:作为过渡句解析:第一段指出华盛顿大学的研究人员

51、给被试人员展示照片并询问哪个照片更像美国人,第二段的第一句话是超重的亚裔美国人比正常体重的亚裔美国人看上去更像是美国人。因此答案是 D 选项,令人吃惊的结果是人们如何看待亚裔美国人,作为过渡句,承上启下。2.A考查前后句子之间关系,比如:空格在一个段落中间解析:前一句是研究者认为这个结果符合常见的偏见现象,后一句是并且一种常见的偏见就是亚洲人很瘦而大多数的美国人很胖。所以这两个句子中间的句子应该解释什么是偏见,偏见就是一种对一群人的观念,而这种观念经常是错误的。3.B考查前后句子之间关系,比如:空格在一个段落中间解析:前一句是研究发现当亚裔美国人点餐时,当被问道是否会说英语时,会比不被问时,点

52、美国食物的概率多两倍。这表明了他们可能为了更好地融入美国社会,刻意避免买他们民族的食物。4.C考查前后段落之间关系,比如:作为过渡句解析:上一段说体重确实作为人们判断亚裔美国人是否作为美国人的一个重要标志,而研究者发现体重并没有影响他们判断白人,非洲裔和拉丁裔是不是美国人。下一段说这也支持了第9页来自身材偏瘦国家的外国人,当他们超重时会被认为更像美国人的观点。因此选择C第10页体裁说明文词数655限时10 分钟Running in Cold Weather Improves PerformanceCold weather during winter months may keep many p

53、eople from leaving home and running in theopen air.However,a new study shows that the drop in temperature is a good reason to run.In fact,researchers say,running in cold weather helps improve ones performance.Many people say runningin the winter can be difficult.Two reasons are the low temperatures

54、and bitter winds.Yet manyrunners might find it easier than running in hot weather.That could be(1)lowertemperature reduce stress on the body.When you run in cold weather,your heart rate and the bodysdehydration levels are lower than in warmer conditions.The body needs less water on a cold daythan in

55、 warm weather.This information comes from sports scientists at St.Marys University inLondon.John Brewer is a professor of(2)(apply)sport science at St.Marys.Forthis study,he and other researchers put a group of people into a room they called an environmentalchamber.The researchers then recreated sum

56、mer and winter weather conditions in the room.Thetest subjects(3)(ask)to run 10,000 meters under both conditions.Brewer says he andhis team recorded biological measurements of the runners.Weve got a group of subjects into theenvironmental chamber,weve changed the conditions(4)(replicate)the summer o

57、rwinter and weve got them to run a 10k under both of those conditions and taken variousmeasurements on each runner whilst theyve been completing their 10k.Brewer says everymovement runners make produces heat.He explains that one way in which we lose heat is bysweating.That heat builds up in the body

58、 and can be really damaging(5)you can losethat heat.One of the mechanisms by which we lose heat is through sweating,but we also lose heatby transporting the blood to the surface of the skin(6)it can lose heat out into theexternal environment.Now,that puts more strain on the heart,particularly in hot

59、 conditions becauseits much harder to lose heat when the external environment is warm as well.And that increasedstrain,adds Brewer,can be considerable.Running in higher temperatures results in faster heartrates.We found,for example,that heart rates were about 6 percent higher in the hotter condition

60、s.We found that the runners dehydrated by around 30,38 percent more in(7)hotterconditions.And they found it about 30 percent easier-the test of their thermal regulation,how theyfelt,(and)their perception of heat-was around a third lower when they were running in coldconditions.The body does not have

61、 to work as hard to pump blood to the skins surface.Brewersays that means running in cooler temperatures requires less energy.He adds that serious runnerscould cut valuable seconds(8)their personal best times by choosing to run in thewinter.If you look at top-level sports,if you look at the likes of

62、 Mo Farah running 10Ks andwinning world and Olympic championships;the difference between success and failure is seconds,and its certainly not minutes.We can be very confident that in cooler conditions you can certainlyslice a decent percentage of time off your personal best.Several websites note tha

63、t(9)(important)thing for people who run in cold conditions is to wear the right clothing.Keeping as dry第11页as possible is the key issue when exercising in low temperatures.Wear mittens on your hands(10)(此题 2 空)gloves.Wear shoes that will keep you from falling.And especially,wear more thanone layer o

64、f clothing to keep sweat away from your skin.So,if you are a runner,dont let winterweather keep you indoors.Simply get ready for the low temperatures and start running.【参考答案与解题思路】1.because本题考查连词解析:上一句提到“许多人觉得在天冷的时候跑步比天热的时候更容易”,本句的下半句说“更低的温度可以减少身体的压力”,其实是在解释上一句的原因。所以用 because 表示原因。2.applied本题考查非谓语解析:

65、apply 的过去分词 applied 可以用作形容词,意为“应用的”。applied sport science 是一门学科,意为“应用运动科学”。3.were asked本题考查动词的时态与语态解析:本句意为“测试对象对要求在两种天气条件下跑 10000 米”。动作发生在过去,所以用过去时。主语 test subject 是被要求去跑的,所以用被动态。所以此处填were asked。4.to replicate本题考查非谓语动词解析:replicate 意为“复制”。“研究者改变气候条件的目的是为了模拟夏天和冬天”,动词的不定式可以用来表示目的,所以用 to replicate。5.unl

66、ess本题考查连词解析:unless 意为“除非”。本句意为“储存在身体内过多的热量是有害的,除非你能散去它们”。6.where本题考查主从复合句解析:此处 where 是关系副词,引导定语从句,并且在从句中作地点状语,先行词是 the surfaceof the skin。7.those本题考查代词解析:that/those 可以作指示代词,指代前文中已经出现过的内容。前文中已经出现过 hotconditions,而且又是复数,所以用 those。8.off本题考查介词解析:cutoff表示“从什么中切掉什么”。此处意为“从自己最宝贵的时间的时间里抽出一些”。第12页 9.the most

67、important本题考查形容词解析:根据文意,此处表达的是最高级的意思,所以用most 的最高级。10.instead of本题考查连接词词组解析:mittens 指连指手套,而 gloves 指一般的手套。此处是说“在冷天跑步的时候,建议戴连指手套而不是普通手套”。体裁说明文词数503限时10 分钟Fruits,Vegetables Can Lower Blood PressureWe may not need another study telling us that fruits and vegetables are good for our bodies.Butresearch an

68、d studies can help us to understand how foods affect our bodies in good ways andbad.Researchers at the University of Southern Californias Keck Schoolhave found(1)great reason to eat more fruits and vegetables.They say that potassium-rich foods like sweetpotatoes,avocados,spinach and bananas could he

69、lp to lower your blood pressure.High bloodpressure,(2)hypertension,is an international problem.Experts at the World HealthOrganization say more than one billion people suffer from high blood pressure.The condition causes51 percent of deaths(3)stroke and 45 percent of deaths due to heart disease.Heal

70、thofficials in the U.S.say heart disease and stroke together kill more Americans each year than anyother cause.Years of research(4)(link)sodium,or salt,intaketo increased bloodpressure.So,officials advise people to use salt in moderation.Experts at the United States Centersfor Disease Control and Pr

71、evention say Americans get most of their sodium-about 75%-fromprocessed foods and eating at restaurants.This is a good reason to eat fresh food(5)(prepare)at home.Alicia McDonough is a professor of cell andneurobiologyat the Keck School ofMedicine.She led this recent study.McDonough says that eating

72、 less sodium is a well-known wayto lower blood pressure.But she also says evidence suggests that eating more potassium may havean equally important effect on hypertension.For her research,she examined studies that looked atthe link between potassium and sodium.McDonough found that people who ate mor

73、e potassiumgenerally had lower blood pressure unconnected to how much sodium they ate.Her researchsuggests that the body does creates a balance,using sodium to control potassium levels in the blood.When dietary potassium is high,she says,kidneysexcretemore salt and water,(6)increases potassium excre

74、tion.This process cleans the kidneys.She explains that as humansevolved,they ate a diet rich in potassium,but low in sodium.This has lead us tocravesodium,notpotassium.(7)you eat a typical Western diet,she says,your sodiumintakeis highand your potassium intake is low.She adds that this greatly incre

75、ases your chances of(8)(develop)high blood pressure.McDonough published her study in the April 2017 issue of第13页theAmerican Journal ofPhysiology-EndocrinologyandMetabolism.Health experts at the CDC agreethat eating enough potassium each day can help balance out some of the harmful effects that highs

76、odium intake can have on blood pressure.(9)they also say that eating less sodiumis important as well.On its website,the CDC lists these fruits and vegetables-and other foods-as being good sources of potassium.But how much potassium should we eat each day?A 2004 studyby the Institute of Medicine show

77、s adults(10)eat about 4.7 grams of potassium aday to lower blood pressure.McDonough says eating about 60 grams of beans would provide 50percent of that.【参考答案与解题思路】1.another考查形容词解析:原文第一段说我们不需要另外的研究告知我们水果和蔬菜对我们的身体有益,但是研究可以帮助我们理解水果和蔬菜是如何对我们的身体产生好处和坏处的。接下来第二段说一项新的研究就给了我们多吃水果蔬菜的另一个重要原因是可以降血压。故在名词 reason

78、前填形容词 another。2.or考查连词(并列连词,考查上下文逻辑关系)解析:高血压,或者专业名称叫做 hypertension,是一个世界范围内的大问题。所以填连词or,表示选择关系。3.from考查介词解析:前一句提到世界健康组织统计每年超过10 亿人死于高血压,接着说高血压造成了 51%的人死于中风,45%的人死于心脏疾病。表示表示死的原因,die 后既可接介词 of,也可接from,两者的区别是:若死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因),一般用介词 of.如:die of illness(heart trouble,cancer,a fever,etc);若死因不

79、是存在人体之内或之上,而是由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因),一般用介词from.如:die from anearthquake(a traffic accident,a lightning,a stroke,etc)4.have linked考查动词的时态与语态解析:根据这句话的意思,多年的研究已经将钠,或者是盐的摄入量和高血压联系在一起,所以用现在完成时,表示从过去开始的动作持续到现在,对现在的影响。5.prepared考查非谓语动词中的动词-ed 形式。解析:上文最后一句专家说美国人大约 75%钠的摄入量来源于加工食品和在餐馆的食品。所以下文说因此我们有充分的理由吃家里准备的新鲜

80、的食物。因为 food 和 prepare 之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词充当后置定语。6.which第14页考查主从复合句,(考查从句引导词,比如:which,that)解析:本题考查非限定性定语从句的引导词。前一句McDonough 女士说身体会利用钠来控制血液中钾的含量从而达到一种平衡。后面一句说当饮食中钾的含量升高,肾脏会排泄出更多的盐和水,从而加速钾的排泄。Which 引导非限定性定语从句,做主语,代指盐和水。7.if考查连词(并列连词,考查上下文逻辑关系)解析:本句是条件状语从句。意思是如果你是西方国家的饮食习惯,那么你的钠的摄入量偏高,而钾的摄入量偏低,所以选择连词 if。8.d

81、eveloping考查非谓语动词中的动词-ing 形式解析:承接上文,McDonough 女士说,这种高钠摄入量的饮食方式会增加高血压的患病几率。of 介词后面跟动词-ing 形式,所以用 developing 9.However考查连词(并列连词,考查上下文逻辑关系)解析:前一句健康专家指出每天饮食中摄入足够的钾会减少钠对身体的负面影响,但是专家指出减少钠的摄入量也是非常重要的。用 However 表示转折。10.should考查情态动词解析:提问是“How much potassium should we eat each day?”用“Adults should eat”回答。意思是 2

82、004 年的研究表明成年人每天应该摄入 0.4 克的钾。体裁说明文词数770限时13 分钟What you can learn from Einsteins quirky habitsLike it or not,our daily habits have a powerful impact on our brains.Many of the worlds mostbrilliant scientific minds were also fantastically weird.From Pythagoras outright ban on beans toBenjamin Franklins

83、naked air baths,the path to greatness is paved with some truly peculiar habits.But what if these are more than superficial facts?Scientists are increasingly realizing thatintelligence is less about sheer genetic luck than we tend to think.According to the(1)(late)review of the evidence,around 40%of

84、what distinguishes the brainiacs from the blockheadsin adulthood is environmental.Like it or not,our daily habits have a powerful impact on our brains,shaping their structure and changing the way we think.Of all historys great minds,arguably themaster of combining genius with unusual habits was Albe

85、rt Einstein so what better person to studyfor clues to mind enhancing behaviors to try ourselves?He taught us how to squeeze energy outof atoms,so maybe,just maybe,he might be able to teach us a thing or two about how to squeezethe most out of our tiny mortal brains.Could there be any benefits in(2)

86、(follow)Einsteins sleep,diet,and even fashion choices?GOOD SLEEP第15页Its common knowledge that sleep is good for your brain and Einstein took this advice(3)(seriously)than most.He reportedly slept for at least 10 hours per day nearly one and a halftimes as much as the average American today(6.8 hours

87、).But can you really slumber your way toa sharper mind?The author John Steinbeck once said:“It is a common experience that a problemdifficult at night is resolved in the morning(4)the committee of sleep has worked onit.”Many of the most radical breakthroughs in human history,including the periodic t

88、able,thestructure of DNA and Einsteins theory of special relativity,have supposedly occurred while theirdiscoverer was unconscious.The latter came to Einstein while he was dreaming about cows beingelectrocuted.But is this really true?DAILY WALKBesides,Einsteins daily walk was sacred to him.While he

89、was working at Princeton University,New Jersey,hed walk the mile and a half journey there and back.He followed in the footsteps of(5)diligent walkers,including Darwin who went for three 45minute walks every day.These constitutionals werent just for fitness theres mountains of evidence that walking(6

90、)boost memory,creativity and problem-solving.EATING SPAGHETTISo what do geniuses eat?Alas,its not clear what fuelled Einsteins extraordinary mind,(7)theinternet somewhat dubiously claims it was spaghetti.He did once joke that his favorite things aboutItaly were“spaghetti and mathematician Levi-Civit

91、a”,so well go with that.Its well known thatthe brain is a food-guzzling greedy guts,consuming 20%of the bodys energy though it onlyaccounts for 2%of its weight.Just like the rest of the body,the brain prefers to snack on simplesugars,such as glucose,which(8)(break)down from carbohydrates.Sugars can

92、givethe brain a valuable boost,but unfortunately this doesnt mean binging on spaghetti is a good idea.SMOKING A PIPEToday,the many health risks of smoking are widely known,so this is not a habit that it would bewise to follow.But Einstein was a(9)(harden)pipe smoker,known as much aroundcampus for th

93、e cloud of smoke which followed him as for his theories.He famously loved to smoke,believing it“contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgment in all human affairs.”Hedeven pick cigarette butts off the street and stuff the remaining tobacco into his pipe.NO SOCKSNo list of Einsteins eccentric

94、ities would be complete(10)a mention of his passionateaversion to socks.“When I was young,”he wrote in a letter to his cousin and later,wife Elsa,“Ifound out that the big toe always ends up making a hole in a sock.So I stopped wearing socks.”【参考答案与解题思路】1.latest考查形容词与副词解析:这句话的意思是应该是“根据对证据的最新回顾”,late

95、意思是“最近的,刚刚发生的”,第16页由句意可知 late 应该用最高级 latest。2.following考查非谓语动词解析:这句话的意思是“在遵循爱因斯坦式的睡觉、饮食以及时尚选择方面能有好处吗?”,介词 in 后通常用动词的-ing 形式。3.more seriously考查形容词与副词解析:比较级标志词 than 表明这句话应该用比较级,seriously 的比较级为 more seriously。4.after考查连词解析:根据句意“一种常见的经验是,在睡眠委员会工作之后,晚上的困难问题在早上就解决了”,故填 after“在之后”。5.other考查代词解析:根据句意,“爱因斯是跟

96、随其他勤奋人的脚步”,故填 other“其他的”。6.can考查情态动词解析:根据句意“走路能够增强记忆力,提高创造性和解决问题的能力”,故填 can。7.though考查连词解析:根据句意,“尽管不清楚是什么给爱因斯坦的超常的大脑提供能量,但是网上有传言是意大利面”,前后是转折的关系,故填 though。8.have been broken考查动词的时态与语态解析:have been broken 是现在完成时的被动语态,根据句意“大脑更喜欢吸收简单的糖分,例如葡萄糖,这些已经被碳水化合物分解的糖类”。9.hardened考查为非谓语动词解析:动词-ed 形式表示形容词,由句子结构可知,此句

97、需要一个形容词,故填hardened。10.without考查介词解析:根据句意,“不提及爱因斯坦对袜子的憎恨,则他的古怪行为还没列完”,故填 without。体裁说明文词数378限时9 分钟Zimbabwes“Friendship Bench”a Possible Model for Mental Health TreatmentHealth workers in Zimbabwe are helping people with mental health problems through a newprogram.Experts say the treatment could serve

98、as a model for other countries in Africa.Doctorsestimate that about one quarter of Zimbabweans suffer(1)depression or anxiety.But第17页there are only 12 psychiatrists in the country of 14 million people.Psychiatrists are doctors whotreat mental or emotional problems.The University of Zimbabwe,the Lond

99、on School of Hygieneand Tropical Medicine and Kings College London worked together(2)(create)a newkind of treatment.Dr.Victoria Simms works at the London School of Hygiene and TropicalMedicine.We cant possibly go the route of training psychiatrists and psychologists(3)it would take 15 years.How are

100、we going to provide treatment?So,doctors created a simple buteffective program.They placed wooden seats which they call Friendship Benches-outsideseveral health clinics in the city of Harare.Dr.Simms says people(4)the chance tomeet on the benches for six sessions with health workers.They call these

101、workers grandmotherhealth providers.So the patient explains(5)all their problems are and its opening upthe mind in the sense of(6)(allow)the patient to see that they can do something abouttheir problems.The Friendship Bench study involved more than 550 patients.After six months,only 14 percent of th

102、e patients in the Friendship Bench group said they were still(7)(depress).That compares to 50 percent of those who did not receive treatment.Those who receivedthe treatment were also five times(8)(likely)to have suicidal thoughts.Dr.DixonChibanda is with the University of Zimbabwe.He is one of the f

103、ounders of the Friendship Benchprogram.He said that the program has many benefits.Not only a mental health sort of package,but a package(9)actually improved outcomes of things like hypertension,diabetes and,and adherence to medication for people living with HIV.Friendship Benches are now placed in 6

104、0clinics in Harare and two other cities.The Canadian government is helping to pay for the programsexpansion through its Grand Challenges Canada aid program.Researchers say the program couldbe a model for mental health efforts in poor areas(10)in wealthier countries.【参考答案与解题思路】1.from本题考查介词。解析:suffer

105、from为固定搭配,意为“受之苦”,from 之后通常接疾病、痛苦、悲伤等。2.to create本题考查动词不定式。解析:work together to do意为“一起做”3.because本题考查单个连词。解析:从句与主句之间是因果的逻辑关系,“我们不能够遵循培训精神病学家和心理学家的路径,因为这需要花费 15 年时间”,所以本题应填表示因果关系的连词“because”。4.were given本题考查动词的时态与语态。解析:根据句意,人们应当是被给予机会。5.what第18页本题考查主从复合句。解析:从句为缺少宾语的 explain 的宾语从句,因此应由“what”引导。6.allow

106、ing解析:本题考查动词的-ing 形式。介词 of 后应当接动词的-ing 形式,因此答案为 allowing。解析:本题考查动词的-ing 形式。介词 of 后应当接动词的-ing 形式,因此答案为 allowing。7.depressed本题考查动词的-ed 形式。解析:前面有 be 动词 were,暗示此处填词应该充当表语,动词的-ing、-ed 形式才可做表语,结合句意应该选择-ed 形式,即 depressed,意为“压抑的”。若选择“depressing”意为“令人压抑的”,不符合句意。8.less likely本题考查形容词比较级。解析:根据句意应当为接受治疗的人们有更少的自杀

107、念头,所以应当填less likely。9.that本题考查主从复合句。解析:此题中的从句为同位语从句,补充说明“package”的具体内容,同位语从句用“that”引导。10.as well as本题考查连接词词组。解析:题干中有三个空,前后两个短语 poor areas 和 wealthier counties 是并列关系,所以应当填 as well as 连接。体裁Take steps now to set yourself up for financial success.If you make these smart money moves now,youll be(1)(likel

108、y)to have remorse about not taking control of your finances sooner.Create a budget you can stick to“Having the discipline to budget every month will ensure yourfinances(2)(tune)finely and that you are in control of your money,”said JamiePomeroy,a Minnesota financial advisor and founder of FinancialG

109、.(3)trick,he said,is to find a method of budgeting that you like and stick with it.Pomeroy recommends thatyou give every dollar a home in the budget-(4)its for necessary expenses,savings orincidentals.You could also consider using a 50-30-20 budget,which allots 50 percent of yourincome for needs,30

110、percent for wants and 20 percent for savings and debt.Improve yourcreditBuilding good credit will likely pay off down the line.“A good credit score is important forobtaining lower rates on large purchases,such as a car or a home,”said Shannon McLay,a financialplanner and founder of The Financial Gym

111、.“Even though you might not be ready to make thesepurchases,you should work on your credit score now(5)when you are,you will obtainthe attractive interest rates you want.”Build an emergency fundYou need a reserve of cash thatseasily accessible(6)(cover)unexpected expenses and help you get through fi

112、nancial第19页说明文词数379限时11 分钟emergencies without having to rack up debt,ask friends and family for money or tap your retirementaccount.Get a handle on your debtFocus on paying off your highest-rate debts first-likely creditcard debt-so youll pay less in interest over time.Before you start paying down d

113、ebt,understand(7)you have accumulated it,Kay said.Was it(8)you had a major medicalexpense or borrowed heavily to cover the cost of college?”If this is your normal way of living,itstime to take stock and think about why,”Kay said.Plan for the“(9)-ifs”You canalleviate some of your financial worries by

114、 identifying your worst-case money scenarios,and(10)(prepare)for them,Kay said.Creating an emergency fund to cover expenses if youre outof work is a good place to start.【参考答案与解题思路】1.less likely考查形容词与副词比较级解析:本句含义为“如果你现在做出这些明智的理财举动,那你就不太有可能后悔没早点控制钱财。”2.are tuned考查动词的时态与语态解析:ensure 后面的宾语从句使用一般现在时态,are

115、tuned finely意思为“被相当好地调整”。3.The考查冠词解析:the trick 指“秘诀”。4.whether考查连词,上下文逻辑关系解析:or 是暗示。5.so that考查连接词词组解析:结果状语从句。6.to cover考查非谓语动词:动词不定式解析:目的状语,意为“为了涵盖意外的开支”。7.why考查主从复合句,从句引导词解析:宾语从句,本句表示“在你开始还债之前,先弄明白你为什么累积了这些债务”。8.because考查连词,上下文逻辑关系解析:回答上一题中的问题。Was it because是因为某事吗?9.what考查主从复合句,从句引导词第20页解析:what-if

116、s,“如果发生某事将会怎么样”。10.preparing考查非谓语动词:动词的-ing 形式解析:by identifying and preparing.体裁说明文词数276限时10 分钟What is Sustainable Agriculture?The goal of sustainable(可持续发展的)agriculture is to meet societys food needs withoutcompromising(危及)the ability of future generations(1)(meet)their own needs.People(2)(devote)t

117、o sustainable agriculture try to accomplish three main goals in theirwork:a healthy environment,economic profitability,and social and economic equality.Everyperson involved in the food system growers,food processors,sellers,consumers,and wastemanagers(3)play a role in ensuring a sustainable agricult

118、ural system.Thereare many practices commonly used by people working in sustainable food systems.Growers usemethods to promote soil health,reduce water use,and lower pollution levels on the farm.Sellersand consumers look for environmentally friendly foods(4)are good for farmworkers health and strengt

119、hen the local economy.Researchers in sustainable agriculture combinebiology,economics,engineering,chemistry,community development,and many other subjects.However,sustainable agriculture is not only(5)collection of subjects,but also aprocess of negotiation(协商):a push and pull between the interests of

120、 an individual farmer and(6)of people in a community as they work to solve complex problems about how we growour food.Agriculture has changed greatly,especially(7)the end of World War II.Food productivity has greatly increased(8)(此题 2 空)new technologies,increased chemical use and government policies

121、 that favored maximizing production.Thesechanges allowed fewer farmers with(9)(reduce)labor demands to produce themajority of the food.(10)these changes have had many positive effects and reducedmany risks in farming,there have also been significant costs,including topsoil depletion,groundwater poll

122、ution,the decline of family farms,the neglect of farm laborers living and workingconditions and the increasing costs of production.【参考答案与解题思路】1.to meet本题考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查 ability to do sth,固定搭配。2.devoted本题考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查“非谓语”。这句话的主干部分是 people try to accomplish three main goals(try 是句子的谓语),而所填部分则是修饰 peop

123、le 的定语结构,应当使用非谓语。由于 devote第21页的相关搭配是“be devoted to(被动)”,所以本题填写过去分词 devoted。3.can本题考查情态动词解析:本题考查“情态动词”。全句的主干部分是 Every person involved in the food system canplay a role in ensuring a sustainable agricultural system.句意为,每个参与食品系统的人都能够在确保农业系统的可持续发展中发挥作用。4.that/which本题考查主从复合句解析:本题考查“定语从句”,修饰先行词 environmen

124、tally friendly foods(环保食品)。先行词在从句中置于 are good for 之前充当主语,故本题填写关系代词 that 或 which。5.a本题考查冠词解析:本题考查 a collection of,固定搭配。6.those本题考查代词解析:本题考查“代词”。此处填写 those,用于指代 the interests。前文的 the interests of anindividual farmer 与本题的 those/the interests of people in a community 形成并列关系,置于between and 结构之中。7.since本题考

125、查单个连词解析:前文有使用了现在完成时 has changed,可对本题形成提示,填写 since。此处句意为,农业已经发生了巨变,尤其是自从二战以来。8.because of/due to/owing to本题考查连接词词组解析:此处句意为,由于新科技、增加了化学药品的使用和政府的政策,食品生产效率大幅提高。上下文是因果关系,且后文均为名词短语,故此处填写because of 或 due to 或 owingto。9.reduced本题考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查“非谓语”。reduced 是过去分词,意为“已经减少的”,充当定语,修饰后文的labor demands。10.Although

126、/Though/While本题考查单个连词解析:本题考查“连词”。后文先讲农业上的改变带来了积极的效果(positive effects),后半句却谈及各种人类所付出的代价。可见,上下文是转折关系,此处应当填写 although 或 though或 while,意为“虽然”,引导让步状语从句。体裁第22页说明文词数286限时10 分钟What People Like to Watch Through the Day?It seems that people prefer their breakfast with the company of a comedy,a new study has f

127、ound.Netflix(网飞公司)has analyzed the viewing patterns of its customers and found 34 percent ofsubscribers(订阅者)(1)access the platform at 6 am are choosing classic comediesand sitcoms(情景喜剧).It has also been discovered that users enjoy dramas during their lunch break,exciting films(2)the dinner table and

128、 documentaries for a late night snack.WatchingTV series is said(3)(start)when Netflix made the bold move of releasing an entireseason of House of Cards in 2013.(4)(此题 2 空)consumers are no longer limitedby television schedules,they are able to watch any genre(类型)at any time of the day.“For years ourl

129、ives have had to fit around television.And now its the other way around,”said Cindy Holland,vice-president of Netflix.“Weve given consumers control and found(5)interesting to see the behaviors that emerge when viewers arent tied to a schedule.”Netflix hasgathered data from users across 22 countries

130、to see(6)types of series people areenjoying during certain parts of the day.Around 6 a.m.,(7)many people are still soundasleep,34 percent of subscribers are watching comedies such as How I Met Your Mother andFriends.But once lunch time(8)(pass),many users will switch over tomore serious shows.Across

131、 the world,drama accounts for 47 percent of viewing between noon and2 p.m.,which is five percent(9)(high)than the rest of the day The study has also foundthat midday streaming is especially popular in Brazil(10)people are 25 percentmore likely to watch at this time compared with the rest of the worl

132、d.【参考答案与解题思路】1.who本题考查点为主从复合句,考查定语从句的引导词。解析:本题考查“定语从句”。先行词 subscribers 在后方定语从句中充当主语,且 subscribers是指人,故填写关系代词 who。此处的意思为有百分之三十四的订阅者会在早晨6 点钟打开Netflix 平台,他们一般都会看经典喜剧或者情景喜剧。2.at本题考查点为介词,考查搭配。解析:本题考查“介词搭配”。at the table 意为“在桌边吃饭”。此处的意思为这项新调查也发现用户们喜欢在午餐间隙看剧,晚餐间隙喜欢看电影,再晚些时候则喜欢看纪录片。3.to have started本题考查点为动词时

133、态。解析:本题考查“不定式完成时结构”。be said to have done 意为“据说已经发生”。后文谈到的是 2013 年的情况,故时态确定为“过去发生”的事情,应采用不定式完成时结构。4.Now that本题考查点为主从复合句,考查状语从句的引导词。解析:本题考查“状语从句”。now that 意为“既然”,衔接上下文因果关系。此处句意为,既第23页然消费者不再受电视节目单的限制,他们就可在一天的任何时候观看任何类型的节目。5.it本题考查点为代词。解析:本题填写 it,是“形式宾语”,构成 find it interesting to do 的结构。It 指代后面 seethe b

134、ehaviors that emerge when viewers arent tied to a schedule,意思是当观看者不再按照播放计划表选择自己想看的节目时会出现的一些行为举止。6.what本题考查点为主从复合句,考查定语从句的引导词。解析:本题考查“宾语从句”。此处句意为,Netflix 收集了 22 个国家的用户数据,来观察人们在享受哪种类型的电视剧,根据句意,填写 what(有些同学可能会误填 which。which 通常用于有选择范围的语境,而此处却没有)7.when本题考查点为主从复合句,考查定语从句的引导词。解析:本题考查“定语从句”。先行词 6 a.m.代入从句中,

135、需补充介词 at,构成 at 6 a.m.结构,在定语从句中充当时间状语,故填写关系副词when(相当于 at which)。8.passes本题考查点为动词的时态。解析:本题考查“时态”。所填词汇谓语 once 引导的条件状语从句中,需要“主将从现”,故采用一般现在时。9.higher本题考查点为形容词的比较级。解析:本题考查“比较级”。后面的 than 就是提示。10.where本题考查点为主从复合句,考查定语从句的引导词。解析:本题考查“定语从句”。先行词 Brazil 代入从句中,需补充介词 in,构成 in Brazil 结构,在定语从句中充当地点状语,故填写关系副词where(相当

136、于 in which)。体裁说明文词数341限时10 分钟The Relocation of the Main Hall of Shanghais Yufo TempleA project to move part of Shanghais Yufo Temple(玉佛寺)was successfully completed on Sept.9th,2017.Mahavira Hall(1)(build)around 1918 was shifted 30.66 meters to thenorth along with the three huge Buddhist statues and

137、other cultural heritage inside the hall.Afterreaching its new position,the 18.2m-tall pavilion,weighing over 1,000 tons,was raised by just overa meter.The temples abbot(住持)Jue Xing pushed a button to elevate the pavilion for the final 10millimeters,(2)marked the completion of the challenging project

138、.A total of 20,000bricks donated by worshipers were laid beneath the pavilion.To mark its historic move,the templethen officially unveiled(揭开)a new pavilion of the Ksitigarbha,one of Mahayana Buddhisms four第24页main bodhisattvas.The new pavilion,which is much(3)(large)than the formerone,can hold thou

139、sands of worshipers and monks to pray together.On the completion day of theproject,people gathered there to celebrate(4)successful move of the main hall andthe new pavilions unveiling.The reason(5)the main hall of the temple inShanghai was moved 30.66 meters to the north was that the temple planned

140、to create more space forthe 2 million visitors it attracts every year.And now,the project has some 500 square meters ofspace in the main square,doubling(6)its former size was,for worshipers and visitors topray.Previously,the main square in front of the pavilion was often packed,especially during the

141、Spring Festival and significant days(7)the first and 15th day of each lunar month.But now comes the good news.Safety concerns caused by tightly packed crowds will be addressedby the extra space,according to the temple.Actually,a renovation project(8)(launch)by the temple by 2014(9)the citys housing

142、quality watchdoghighlighted its safety concerns,and pointed out that the main hall in the temple had been damagedby insects,which threatened its structure.The main pavilion was thus sealed(10)advance to prepare for the moving project.【参考答案与解题思路】1.built考查非谓语动词解析:本题考察“非谓语”。本题所在句的“谓语动词”是题后的 was shifted

143、,故第 1 题要填写“非谓语”用于充当定语,修饰前文的Mahavira Hall(再根据逻辑分析,Mahavira Hall 应当是“被建造”的,故最终确定答案为 built。2.which考查主从复合句解析:本题考察“定语从句”。填入which 在定语从句中充当主语,定语从句修饰前面一整句话。全句的句意为“主持按下按钮来抬升大殿的最后 10 毫米,这标志着这个充满挑战性项目的完工。”3.larger考查形容词与副词(比较级和最高级)解析:本题考察“形容词比较级”。本题后文有 than,提示本题应当填写比较级。4.the考查冠词解析:本题考察“定冠词 the”,用于特指此次“平移玉佛寺大殿的工

144、程”。5.why考查主从复合句解析:本题考察“定语从句”。先行词 reason 在定语从句中充当原因状语(the main hall of thetemple in Shanghai was moved 30.66 meters to the north for the reason),故填写关系副词 why(相当于 for which)第25页 6.what考查主从复合句解析:本题考查“宾语从句”。引导词在从句中置于was 之后,充当表语。整句话句意为,这个工程建成了 500 平方米的主广场,两倍于过去的尺寸。7.like考查介词解析:本题考查“介词”。填写 like(像,诸如),用于举例。

145、整句话句意为,大殿前的主广场通常挤满了人,尤其是在“春节期间”以及诸如“每个月农历初一、十五”这样的重要日子。8.had been launched考查动词的时态与语态解析:本题考查“时态”。后文 by 2014(by+过去时间)可对本题形成提示,需填写过去完成时。9.when/after考查主从复合句解析:本题考察“从句引导词”的填写。本题有两种理解方式:第一种,可将后文看作“定语从句”修饰先行词 2014。2014 在定语从句中充当时间状语(in 2014 the citys housing quality),故填写关系副词(相当于 in which)。第二种,可将后文看作“时间状语从句”

146、,填写 after,整句话的句意为“城市房屋质量监督机构强调了其安全问题后,寺庙的大修工程在 2014 年启动了)10.in考查介词解析:本题考查“介词搭配”。in advance 意为“提前”。体裁说明文词数363限时10 分钟Shop Assistants Mistake Brings$10 Million to Lotto Player in New YorkThe 18th January was the luckiest day in Jerry Kajfaszs life as he won the amazing$10 million“Win for Life Spectacul

147、ar”lotto jackpot(六合彩大奖).Kajfasz(1)hardly believe thathis Saturday routine to go to Depew One Stop on Broadway to buy the scratch-off(刮刮乐)NewYork Lottery tickets would change his life forever and put him in the headlines.At the beginning,the clerk in the shop made a mistake and handed him a$20“Win fo

148、r Life Spectacular”New YorkLottery ticket,(2)the customer returned and bought the scratch-off tickets he wanted.The things that happened afterwards totally changed Kajfaszs life.After he left the store,he gotthinking:“I kept winning seven small rewards in a row.I would remain to be lucky(3)I hit the

149、 big one.”At that time,he had around$25 in his hands,so he decided to go back and buythe ticket that was handed to him by mistake,and it was this exact ticket(4)broughthim super luck.Kajfasz scratched off the ticket,while he was still in the store,(5)(notice)a“10”as one of the winning numbers on the

150、 top,and a matching“10”among the numberson the bottom.(6)(big)surprise came when he saw the word“Life”,written below第26页his matching number,meaning that he won$10 million.Kajfasz called his wife Anne and their twochildren,Jackie and Frank,right after he got his ticket validated(兑换).He decided to use

151、 a tonedifferent(7)his usual calm one,in order to make it special.Frank,his son,recalled that his father didnt tell him(8)had happened until he turned up at homewith some champagne and informed the family of the good news.Kajfasz is the 14th Erie Countyresident(9)(win)at least$10 million from the Ne

152、w York Lottery.Kajfaszs futureplans include taking care of his family,as well as keeping his old promise to take his mother to hercountry of origin Poland,(10)she wants to visit some family members.Jackie,hisdaughter,said lightheartedly:“Weve always had a joke that he had a horseshoe somewhere onhis

153、 body.”【参考答案与解题思路】1.could考查情态动词解析:本题此处句意为,Kajfasz 赢得了六合彩大奖,而他对此几乎不能相信,故填 could。2.which考查定语从句解析:定语从句修饰先行词 New York Lottery ticket,它在后方从句中充当 return 的宾语,由此确定本题填写关系代词。根据横线前面有逗号可知,本题考查非限制性定语从句,只能填 which,不能填 that 了。3.until考查状语从句解析:本题前文交代,中奖者先前不断地中小奖。因此他坚信,自己能一直保持好运,直到自己中了大奖,故填 until。4.that考查强调句型解析:强调句型的特点

154、是,将原文中的 it was that 一起去掉,剩下的句子是完整的。itwas that 中间的部分,即是作者想要强调的部分。5.noticing考查非谓语动词的-ing 形式解析:本题前方的 while he was still in the store 是穿插进来的状语从句,与本题无关。全句主干部分的谓语动词是scratched,故此处应当填写非谓语动词。此处句意为“注意到一个 10”,是主动含义,由此确定填写现在分词 noticing。6.The biggest考查形容词最高级解析:文章交代,Kajfasz 赢得了大奖,这是最令人惊讶的事情,故填写最高级。7.from考查介词搭配第27

155、页解析:本题考查 be different from 短语(与不同)。8.what考查宾语从句解析:本题 tell 引导宾语从句,what 在宾语从句中置于 had happened 前,充当主语。9.to win考查非谓语动词不定式解析:本题句意为,Kajfasz 是第十四位赢得$10 million 大奖的居民,应当填入主动形式的非谓语动词,充当定语,来修饰名词 resident。置于为何填 to win 而不填 winning 的原因在于,名词前方有 14th 修饰(当名词被序数词修饰时,需采用不定式结构来充当定语)10.where考查定语从句解析:本题定语从句修饰先行词 Poland,

156、把它代入后方从句时,需补充介词 in 形成状语结构(in Poland),故本题填写表地点的关系副词 where(相当于 in which 结构)。体裁说明文词数319限时10 分钟Colonel Harland SandersHarland Sanders initiated the business of Kentucky Fried Chicken.Now,the KFC business hasbecome one of the largest retail food service systems in the world.However,at first he had diffic

157、ulty(1)(sell)his chicken.In fact,his famous secret chicken recipe was rejected 1,009 times(2)a restaurant accepted it.(3)great hardship he went through!But how(4)he succeed in the end?Here comes the story.When Harland Sanders was six in 1896,his father died.His mother was thus forced to go to work,a

158、nd he had to look after his youngerbrother and a baby sister.At the age of 12,his mother remarried and he left his home for a job on afarm.He then took(5)a series of jobs over the next decades,such as a streetcarconductor and a soldier,etc.When he was 40,Harland Sanders began cooking for hungry trav

159、elers(6)stopped at his service station.He didnt have a restaurant then,but served folks onhis own dining table in the living quarters of his service station.As more people started coming forfood,he moved across the street to a motel(7)142 people could be seated.Overthe next nine years,he perfected h

160、is recipe and developed the basic cooking techniques still(8)(use)today.As Sanders fame grew,the governor made him a Colonel(上校)in 1935 in recognitionof his contributions to the states food industry.Confident of the quality of his fried chicken,theColonel devoted(9)to the chicken authorizing busines

161、s that he started in 1952.He traveled across the country from restaurant to restaurant,cooking batches of chicken forrestaurant owners,which made his chicken(10)(famous)ever all over thecountry.In the end,they reached an agreement that stipulated(规定)a payment to him of five centsfor each chicken sol

162、d by the restaurant.By 1964,Colonel Sanders had possessed more than 600authorized outlets for his chicken in the United States and Canada.第28页【参考答案与解题思路】1.selling考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查 have difficulty(in)doing结构。根据句意,Sanders 在卖鸡时遇到了困难,主动结构,故填写 selling。2.before考查主从复合句解析:本题考查“状语从句”。根据时间顺序进行分析,先发生的是“Sanders 的秘

163、密配方先被拒绝(was rejected)了数千次”,随后发生的是“有一家饭店最终接受了他的配方”,故本题填写before。本题可能会误填 until,瞬间动词(reject)应当与 not until 结构连用,故填写 until并不合适。3.What考查感叹句解析:本题考查“感叹句”。感叹句结构为“What+(a/an)+adj.+n.+主谓!”,故此处填写what(感叹句还可以用 How,其结构为“How+adj.+主谓!”)4.could考查情态动词解析:本题考查“情态动词”。作者在此处提出设问“他是如何能够取得成功的呢?”,时态对应过去,故填写 could 较为合适。5.up考查介词

164、解析:本题考查固定搭配 take up,意为“从事”。6.who考查主从复合句解析:本题考查“定语从句”。先行词 hungry travelers(指人)在定语从句中,置于 stop 前,充当主语,故本题填写 who。7.where考查主从复合句解析:本题考查“定语从句”。先行词 motel 置于在定语从句中,可构成in the motel结构,充当状语,故此处填写关系代词 where(相当于 in which)。8.used考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查“非谓语”。句子主干为 Over the next nine years,he perfected his recipe anddevelop

165、ed the basic cooking techniques,后方插入非谓语结构 still used today充当定语,修饰先行词 cooking techniques。由于“烹饪技术(cooking techniques)”是“被使用”的,故此处填写过去分词 used(表示被动含义)。9.himself考查代词第29页解析:本题考查 devote oneself to doing 结构,故填写 himself。10.the most famous考查形容词与副词(比较级和最高级)解析:本题考查“最高级”。后文的 ever 是本题的重要提示。整句话的句意为“他走遍各个餐馆,为餐馆老板们做

166、了几批鸡肉,这使他的鸡肉成为全国最为知名的鸡肉。”体裁说明文词数339限时11 分钟Top 10 Most Eccentric ArtistsWhen it comes to art,opinion is divided-some people dont understand it at all and have no ideawhy anyone would pay so much for it,(1)others really see what the artist is trying toconvey.Art,(2)beauty,is in the eye of the beholder

167、.However,when it comes tothe artists themselves,opinion isnt very divided at all.Its pretty much universally acknowledged(3)artists are eccentrics(怪人),and the more weird the individual,the better the art.VanGogh(1853-1890)was a post-impressionist whose works(4)(regard)as classicsnow,but he was large

168、ly unappreciated in his time and suffered frequently with bouts of(发作,发病)mental illness.Shortly(5)he committed suicide,he went into a fit of depressionthat only lifted when he painted,and then he went into a state of very great happiness.The ups anddowns of the mood(6)(push)him to extreme action bef

169、ore-after a quarrelwith fellow artist Paul Gauguin1888,he had cut off parts of his ear and been sent to hospital in acritical state.Gauguin visited Van Gogh and said“His state is worse;he wants to sleep with thepatients,chase the nurses,and wash himself in the coal bucket.”Two years later,he was dea

170、d,(7)(leave)a body of over 2000 works behind him.(8)influential butmoody artist is Michaelangelo.He slept with his shoes on,rarely ate or drank until he had to andwasnt interested in personal hygiene(卫生).For him,the art was everything.He lived inanincredibly simple way,saying“However rich I may have

171、 been,I have always lived like a poorman”.Still,his devotion to art(9)(pay off),with his Sistene Chapelceilingconsidered among the greatest works of art of all time,along with his sculpture of David.He justdoesnt sound like the easiest person(10)(get)along with.【参考答案与解题思路】1.while考查单个连词解析:本题考查连词 whil

172、e,前后两句话关系为转折和对比,由 while 连接两句话表示对比。2.like考查介词解析:此处解释为“艺术,就像美丽一样,存在于观赏者的眼中”,like 意为“像一样”。3.that第30页考查主从复合句,具体为主语从句连词解析:句首 it 为形式主语,空格处由于不缺少任何有意义的词汇,所以用连词that。4.are regarded考查动词的时态和语态解析:此处译为“后印象派的作品今天被视为经典”,通过句意可以得出答案为 are regarded。be regarded as 意为“被认为是”。5.before考查单个连词解析:本题考查时间状语从句连词,根据句意“在他自杀前不久,他曾陷入

173、了一种抑郁状态,这种情绪只有在他作画时才得以消除”,可以得出答案是 before。6.had pushed考查动词的时态和语态解析:本句时间状语为before,用过去完成时,可以得出答案为had pushed,表示“在梵高陷入抑郁之前,他情绪的起起落落就让他有过极端的行为”。7.leaving考查非谓语动词中动词的-ing 形式解析:分词充当伴随状语,表示结果。该句意为“两年后梵高逝世,留下了超过两千件作品。”8.Another考查代词解析:another 此处表示“另一(事物或人)”。注意句首首字母大写。9.paid off考查动词的时态和语态解析:括号中的 pay off 解释为“有了回报

174、”,无被动语态,此处由于描写的是过去的事情,所以答案为 paid off。10.to get考查非谓语动词中的动词不定式解析:由于被修饰词 person 前有 the earliest 修饰,所以用不定式充当定语。第31页体裁说明文词数242限时9 分钟The Four Corners MonumentThe Four Corners Monument is the only place in the United States where you(1)bein four different states at the same time-Arizona,Colorado,New Mexico

175、 and Utah.This is theplace(2)the corners of the four state meet.A granite(花岗岩)and brass monument,which(3)(locate)in the desert on the Navajo Indian Reservation(纳瓦霍印第安人保留区),has been erected to mark the spot.The novelty of these intersecting boundariesmakes Four Corners a popular tourist destination.(

176、4)its remote location and lackof basic facilities,hundreds of tourists pour past the admissions gate every hour(5)the site provides unique photo opportunities.The original marker,a simple cement pad,(6)(build)in 1912 after government surveys showed the location of the terminal of the four statebound

177、aries.The monument was rebuilt and upgraded in 1992 with a bronze disk(7)(fix)in granite.Each of the state boundaries spreads out from the disk and each states seal restswithin that states boundary.Navajo vendors sell handmade jewelry,crafts and traditional Navajofoods nearby.The Monument seems(8)(a

178、rouse)strong emotions in people.Visitors are either extremely pleased with running from state to state and having their picture(9)(take),or they are vastly disappointed to see so little(10)they havedriven so far out of their way.【参考答案与解题思路】1.can考查情态动词解析:根据句意“四角纪念碑是唯一一个你可以同时身处美国四个州的地方”,答案为 can。情态动词 c

179、an 后接动词原形。2.where考查主从复合句中的定语从句连词解析:通过句子成分分析,可以看出定语从句the corners of four states meet 和被修饰词 theplace 之间,缺少介词,因此用关系副词 where。where 在句中等于 in which。3.is located考查动词的时态和语态解析:“坐落于,位于.”的表达为 be located in,结合上下文可以判断出时态为一般现在时。4.Despite考查介词解析:根据上下文,可以看出本句逗号前和主干之间的转折关系,因此答案为 despite,意为“尽管它地处偏远,缺乏基础设施”。注意句子开头首字母要大

180、写。5.because第32页考查主从复合句中的状语从句连词解析:根据上下文得知前后是因果关系,故用 because。空格处解释说明游客蜂拥而至是因为四角纪念碑提供了独特的拍照机会。6.was built考查动词的时态和语态解析:本句时间副词为 in 1912,可知需用一般过去时。pad 和 build 是被动关系,可以得出答案为 was built.7.fixed考查主从复合句解析:本题考查 with 引导的伴随状语。由于 disk 和 fix 是被动关系,所以这里用 with+动词过去分词,表示一种伴随的状态,所以答案是fixed。8.to arouse考查动词不定式解析:本题需要掌握 s

181、eem 一词的用法,seem to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“似乎,好像”。本句意为“纪念碑似乎唤起了人们强烈的感情”。9.taken考查分词做宾语补足语解析:此题考查 have sth.done结构,英语中最常见的接宾语补足语的动词有:5 看(look at,see,watch,notice,observe);3 使(make,let,have);2 听(listen to,hear);1 感觉(feel)。此外还有 find,catch,keep。10.after考查单个连词解析:本题考查时间状语从句连词,此处译为“在跑了很远之后,看到如此少的东西,他们深感失望”。根据句意填 aft

182、er。第33页体裁说明文词数293限时8 分钟Hairstyles with Bangs That Never Go Out of StyleThey say that the best way to deal with a breakup is to get a haircut.So,what kind of a haircutshould you get?Go in for the seasons hottest trend-bangs!Yes,they are back!Bangs are adefinite bet when it comes to(1)(upgrade)your lo

183、ok.But,just like face structures,bangs,too,come in a variety of styles.Straight bangs cover the forehead and help to make a largeforehead appear small.A normal ponytail can look fashionable when(2)(combine)with straight bangs.The length of straight bangs is generally short or medium.These are somewh

184、atcommon,but popular(3)they can be combined with different hairstyles.Forbangs that need to be angled,you may need to grow them a little(4)(long).Thesetypes of bangs(5)(brush)towards one side of the face.They require more combingand sometimes,the use of gel or other hair products if you really want

185、the bangs to stay in place.Side-swept bangs,(6)give the face a slimming effect and take away the focus from theforehead,look lovely on a round or heart-shaped face.Bangs with partings(头发分缝)can provide(7)entirely new look.If you have curly hair,you can go in for short bangs and part themin the middle

186、.If you have long straight hair,you can choose parted long bangs(8)(bring)a definition to your face.Actually,you can style the bangs according to your mood or justuse a cute clip and tie them up in the center.(9)bangs involve the monthlytrim in addition to flat irons or curlers,they add charm(10)any

187、 normal hairdo andgo best with any face,be it oval,round,heart-shaped or square.【参考答案与解题思路】1.upgrading考查介词解析:本题考查 when it comes to 的用法,to 为介词,后面跟动名词。bined考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查分词做时间状语。主句主语 a normal ponytail 和括号中动词 combine 的关系为被动,用 combine 的-ed 形式作状语。3.because考查连词解析:本题考查原因状语从句连词。下文内容是对上文的解释说明,“因为可以和不同的发型搭配,所

188、以刘海很受欢迎。”4.longer考查形容词解析:本题考查形容词的比较级。此处表示“头发需要留长一点,刘海才能往一侧梳。”5.are brushed第34页考查动词的时态与语态解析:本题考查动词的时态和语态。横线部分为整句话的谓语,纵观全文,时态为一般现在时;因为是“梳刘海-brush bangs”,所以语态为被动语态。6.which考查主从复合句解析:本题考查非限制性定语从句连词,which 指代上文出现的 side-swept bangs。7.an考查冠词解析:本题考查冠词的使用,此处解释为“一个全新的面貌”。8.to bring考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查不定式充当目的状语。9.Alth

189、ough/Though/While考查连词解析:本题考查让步状语从句连词,此处解释为“尽管刘海需要每个月修剪,但是它给发式增添了很多魅力。”10.to考查介词解析:本题考查介词,add A to B为固定搭配。体裁说明文词数373限时10 分钟Dont Drink Expired WaterWhat if bottled water has been stored there for years?Can you really crack open one of those bottlesand expect to swallow it down risk-free?Perhaps not.Wa

190、ter bottles all have expiration dates.Youveprobably seen them-little black dotted numbers(1)(mark)when you should throwyour water because its gone bad.Wait Heres(2)we get confused.How can watergo bad?It cant.Water,(3)oxygen or steel or any other naturally occurringsubstance,is simply a chemical comp

191、ound;its ageless.However,humans have taken to(4)(store)natural-occurring water in plastic,artificial,flimsy containers,and the bottles can go bad.The plastic compounds can break down over time and leak into your water-and there are a fewother things(5)you didnt know about bottled water.Plastic isnti

192、mpermeable(不可渗透的).Algae or bacteria-not the good kind-seep in and grow inside your bottled waterif you leave it for too long.This can still happen(6)(此题 2 空)the bottle isclosed.So if youve waited long enough,once you finally open up that purified water,youre alsolikely(7)(find)a bacteria-ridden bree

193、ding ground for harmful organisms.But to behonest with you all,there are ways to solve this.Firstly,you can boil your water(8)you drink it.This will effectually kill anything that(9)(live)inside.Secondly,the plastic compounds that can leak in might make your water taste funny,but they arent usually第

194、35页harmful for you to drink.Still,its best to replace those bottles at least once every two years,because(10)would much rather be safe than sorry.【参考答案与解题思路】1.marking本题考查非谓语动词,动词的-ing 形式。解析:通过句子成分分析,可知破折号后的 little black dotted numbers 为上文 them 的同位语,因此可以判断出横线部分到句末为定语,修饰numbers.2.where本题考查主从复合句,从句引导词。

195、解析:根据句意“这是我们糊涂的地方。”,判断连词为 where。3.like本题考查介词。解析:本句主干为“Water is simply a chemical compound.”,中间部分的句意为“和氧气等一样”,得出空格处填 like。4.storing本题考查非谓语动词,动词的-ing 形式。解析:句中的 take to 解释为“习惯于”,“喜欢”,to 为介词。5.that本题考查主从复合句,从句引导词。解析:本句主干为 There are a few other things,后为定语从句,修饰 things。6.even if/though本题考查主从复合句,从句引导词。解析:根

196、据上下文可知,此处表转折。7.to find本题考查非谓语动词,动词不定式。解析:本题考查 likely 一词的用法,sb./sth is likely to do。8.before本题考查主从复合句。解析:根据上下文可知,此处表“在喝水前将水煮沸”。9.is living/live本题考查动词的时态和语态。解析:本题应用现在进行时态或一般现在时态。10.you本题考查代词。解析:纵观上文,可以发现文中指人的代词为you。体裁说明文词数334第36页限时9 分钟A Woman Has Given 1,300 Haircuts to the HomelessWhen Felisha Ruehme

197、rs friends kept following her in Facebook posts about a man who giveshaircuts to the homeless,she took it as a sign.Ruehmer,(1)went to school forcosmetology,said she decided to make a Facebook post in 2016 to see whether others would helpif she decided to give haircuts to the homeless(2)“When I woke

198、 up and checkedthe post,many people(3)(volunteer)to help and given ideas about how I couldmake it come together,”Ruehmer said.“I felt like God was calling me to do it so I said Ill do thisif you show me how.”Ruehmer decided to host her first event to give out free haircuts in Aiken,S.C.,in February

199、2016.She also had several volunteers and hairstylists(4)(take)part.After she and her team got prepared,she went to local shelters to spread her event andeventually 106 people came.“It makes me feel like I am respectable again as an average person.”said one man(5)hair was cut by Ruehmer.Since then,Ru

200、ehmerv(6)(give)1,300 haircuts to the homeless as part of her job,and she also provides the homeless withshowers,food,and clothes.“If you think about(7)good you feel when you getyour hair done,they are thinking about eating,so the hairstyle is one of the(8)(important)things in a homeless persons mind

201、,”Ruehmer said.“But,a good haircut(9)give them the confidence in standing up and instead of feeling like they are losers.”Ruehmer has traveled to 17 states in an RV since she began her mission.Last month,she opened aheadquarters for the organization.The 37-year-old said she wants to continue to give

202、 back and totravel to different communities to help.In terms of Ruehmer,(10)it needs so little effortsto be good to people,what they do are planting seeds of giving back,which will finally do good tothe whole society.【参考答案与解题思路】1.who考查主从复合句解析:此处考查点是定语从句。先行词 Ruehmer(人名)在后方定语从句中充当主语(Ruehmerwent to sch

203、ool),故填 who。2.herself考查代词解析:根据句意,她“亲自”给无家可归的人理发,故填写反身代词 herself。3.had volunteered考查动词的时态与语态解析:本题所在句是前文 when 引导的“时间状语从句”的“主句部分”,因此确定为填写“谓语”。再根据语境,“很多人志愿提供帮助”发生在“醒来查看帖子”之前(后文还有 given,可辅助判断此处应当填写完成时)可判断,使用过去完成时,故答案确定为had volunteered.4.take第37页考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查点是 have sb do 结构,故填写动词原形。5.whose考查主从复合句解析:此处考查

204、点是定语从句。先行词 the man 在后方定语从句中构成从属结构(the manshair was cut by),故填写 whose。6.has given考查动词的时态与语态解析:前文有 since then 提示此处应当填写“现在完成时”,又根据句意 Ruehmerv 给 1300 人做理发,故填写 has given。7.how考查主从复合句解析:此处考查点是名词性从句。Think about 后的宾语从句中由感叹句式“how+adj.+主谓结构”可知,此处应填 how。8.least important考查形容词与副词解析:本题考查点是形容词最高级。首先,前面有the 提示此处应当

205、填写最高级。再根据前文“流浪者首先最在乎的是有东西吃”可知,他们更关注基本的生存需求,对于发型好坏并不看重,故确定为 least important,而非 most important。9.can考查情态动词解析:根据句意,理好发可以“给流浪者自信心站起来”,故填 can。10.although/though/while考查连词解析:根据句意,“虽然对人好不需要花太多的功夫,但这就在他人心中种下了感恩的种子”可知,此处填写 although(或 though 或 while)较为合适。体裁说明文词数322限时10 分钟Techs Effects on Kids a Concern at Con

206、sumer Electronics ShowColorful letters are a mainstay of a childs toy box.Square Panda,an early learning technologycompany,places(1)on a screen for a child to spell out of work.This is a gamecalled Lagoon,which is designed to help kids build their letter recognition.Kathryn Green worksfor Square Pan

207、da and she has a two-year-old who never played with a tablet or phone(2)receiving a Square Panda.She thought it was pretty incredible and actually scary in some way tosee how quickly her son(3)(draw)to it and knew what to do.At CES,theannual world renowned Consumer Electronics Show,(4)the tech indus

208、try showsoff its wares,there was an ambivalence about technologys effects on children.Kathryn Green says第38页“As a society of course that suffers a long time,we need to start to set our own rules(5)(此题 2 空)depending on the industry to set them for us.But I think you can depend on them tomake the tool

209、s,so that you can set your rules easily.”For John Shi a longtime tech executive,themoment of realization came(6)his kids received laptops and just disappearedbehind the screens.Since then,John(7)(create)a series of interactive gamesthat does not use screens because he thinks tech executives should m

210、ake products and services theywill let their own kids use.He doesnt want to develop(8)will just simply suck inchildrens time without providing benefits,or any product that really just take them away from socialinteractions,parentsandteachersbecauseitwillactuallymakethem(9)(isolate).With more kids us

211、ing more smart phones,tablets and AP Ps,is it all of the parents(10)(set)limits or does the tech industry share some responsibility?Undoubtedly,the industryhas a big opportunity to say that they will educate you.As long as you trust them,they will get youcovered.Actually,they do owe it to people.【参考

212、答案与解题思路】1.them考查代词解析:根据句意:色彩鲜艳的字母是孩子们玩具箱里不可或缺的玩具,Square Panda,一家早教科技公司,别出心裁地把它们放在屏幕上让孩子们拼出单词。them 指代色彩鲜艳的字母。2.until考查连词解析:根据句意:凯瑟琳格林就职于 Square Panda 公司,她也是一名两岁孩子的母亲,她的孩子从未接触过平板电脑和手机,直到孩子两岁才有一台Square Panda 的电子产品。3.was drawn考查动词的时态与语态解析:draw 与主语为被动关系。根据句意:她觉得看到他很快被玩具吸引并且知道怎么玩,这让人难以置信了,甚至在某种程度上让人有点害怕。4

213、.where考查主从复合句解析:定语从句关系副词 where,指代 the annual world renowned Consumer Electronics Show(一年一度的世界消费电子展)。5.instead of考查介词解析:根据句意:作为一个长期存在的社会,我们需要着手制定自己的规则而不是依靠这个行业为你设置规则。空格后为 ing 分词,“而不是”用 instead of。6.when考查主从复合句第39页解析:根据句意:对长期从事技术管理工作的约翰而言,当他的孩子们拿到电脑,就像钻进电脑一样时,他就意识到了这一点。7.has created考查动词的时态与语态解析:时间状语 s

214、ince then,用现在完成时。句意为:自此,他创造了一系列不使用屏幕的互动游戏。8.what考查主从复合句解析:what 引导宾语从句。句意为:他不想研发那些单纯浪费孩子时间却没有任何益处的东西。9.isolated考查非谓语东西解析:此处考查过去分词作宾补。Isolated 与宾语 them 为被动关系。10.to set考查动词不定式解析:此处考查动词不定式作目的状语。句意为:是所有的父母都应该设定限制,还是科技行业需要承担一些责任?体裁说明文词数507限时10 分钟How Will Machines and AI Change the Future of Work?A.estimat

215、edB.potentialC.financialD.accountE.forcingF.interactionG.issuedH.predictionsI.identifiesJ.artificialK.abandonedHow Will Machines and AI Change the Future of Work?Several recent studies examined howmachine automation and artificial intelligence(AI)will change the future of work.Some estimatespredict

216、these technologies could displace up to 30 percent of workers worldwide by 2030.One studywas published by PricewaterhouseCoopers,an international company providing(1)andtax services.It predicted about 38 percent of American jobs could be at high risk for automation bythe early 2030s.In Germany,up to

217、 35 percent of jobs could be at risk.The company said about 30percent could be affected in Britain and 21 percent in Japan.The risk of being displaced will greatlyincrease for workers with less education,PricewaterhouseCoopers said.It(2)that in Britain,up to 46 percent of workers without a college d

218、egree could be at risk due toautomation.This would drop to about 12 percent for workers with undergraduate degrees orhigher.“New smart machines have the(3)to replace our minds and to movearound freely in the world,”the study said.It added that the greatest job displacement is expectedto come in the

219、areas of transportation,storage,manufacturing and retail.The Rand Corporationrecently(4)its own report on the future effects of automation and AI on jobs and第40页the workplace.Osonde Osoba was a co-author of the report.He noted that fears over machinestaking jobs from humans goes back centuries In 16

220、th century England,Queen Elizabeth famouslyrefused an inventors request for a patent(专利)for a device to make material for clothing.TheQueen explained that the device would lead to major job losses,(5)affectedworkers to become“beggars.”Osoba agrees there will be major job disruptions due to AI andaut

221、omation,especially for lower skilled workers.But he told VOA he believes the future problemshave been overestimated without historical evidence to back up the(6)“Its not somuch that the jobs are getting displaced,its more like tasks are getting displaced and jobs arereconfiguring over time to(7)for

222、that automation.”He added that it will be verydifficult for companies to completely automate most jobs,because they require a worker to performmany different duties and to react to unexpected situations.The RAND report(8)three job types that will be very difficult to replace with a machine.These inc

223、lude jobs dependingon human motor skills,positions requiring creative thinking and actions,and jobs dealing withintense social(9)There are recent examples of companies like Google and Facebook using AI to limit certain kinds of content.Osoba says this can be problematic for machines,which do not und

224、erstand cultural norms in the population.“So that understanding of cultural norms,or social norms or ethical norms,thats not something thats easy at least so far we havent foundthat easy to program into(10)intelligence.”【参考答案与解题思路】1.C考查点是形容词 financial解析:根据句意“一家提供金融和税务服务的国际公司”,financial 意思是“财经的、财政的”,

225、因此正确选项是 C。2.A考查点是动词 estimate解析:根据句意“据估计,在英国,高达百分之四十六没有大学学位的工人会因为自动 化面临(失业的)危险”,estimate 做动词意思是“估计、估量、评价等”,因此 正确选项是 A。3.B考查点是名词 potential解析:根据句意“新的智能机器有以下潜能:取代我们的思想并在世界各处自由地移动”,potential 当名词,意思是“潜力、潜能”,因此正确选项是 B。4.G考查点是动词 issue解析:根据句意“兰德公司最近发布了一份关于自动化和人工智能对工作和工作场所的 未来影响的报告”,动词 issue 意思是“发布、发表”,因此正确选项

226、是 G。5.E考查点是动词 force第41页解析:根据句意“女王解释说,这台设备将导致有重大影响的失业,迫使受影响的工人 成为乞丐”,此处用的是 force 的-ing 形式,充当非谓语,意思是“强迫、迫使”,因此正确选项是 E。6.H考查点是 prediction 与 predict解析:根据句意“但他对美国之音说,他相信未来(可能出现)的问题被高估了,没有历史性的证据来支持这些预测”,prediction 是 predict 的名词形式,意思是“预 测、预见”,因此正确选项是 H。7.D考查点是动词 account解析:根据句意“与其说是工作岗位被转移了,倒不如说是任务被取代了,而工作岗

227、位 会随着时间的推移被重新配置”,account 这里作动词,account for 意思是“来解释,说明”,因此正确选项是 D。8.I考查点是动词 identify解析:根据句意“兰德公司的报告指出了三种很难用机器替代的工作类型”,identify 当 动词,意思是“认为、认同、识别”,所以正确选项是 I。9.F考查点是 interaction 与 interact解析:根据句意“这些(工作)包括需要运用人类的运动技能(才能胜任的)工作,要求有创造性思维和行为的职位,以及处理大量社会互动的工作”,social interaction 意思是“社会互动、社会交流”,所以正确选项是 F。10.J

228、考查点是形容词 artificial解析:根据句意“因此,对文化规范,社会规范或道德规范的理解,并不是一件容易的 事,至少到目前为止,我们还没有发现可以很容易地将其转化为人工智能(的途径)”,固定搭配 artificial intelligence 意思是“人工智能”,所以正确选项是 J。体裁From bankers to factory staff,employees in the west face the bleak prospect of losing their jobs asglobal recession starts(1)(bite).For colleagues in the

229、 East the pain is more likelyto come through a pay cut.Human resource experts say cultural differences explain(2)Asian firms try harder to keep jobs in difficult times,which will stop unemployment and may helpkeep Asian economies afloat at a time of slowing exports.The East Asian attitude may also m

230、ake iteasier for firms to recover quickly from the economic downturn since they will not need to rehireor train new staff,leaving some experts(3)(predict)Western shift(4)Eastern flexibility.“In the Confucian attitude,the right thing(5)(do)is to share第42页说明文词数302限时10 分钟the burden.There is the sense o

231、f collective responsibility whereas in the West,its more about theindividual survival,”said Michael Benotlel,associated professor of organizational behavior atSingapore Management University.Steven Pang,Asian Regional Director for Aquent,aheadhunting firm,said in many East Asian companies there was

232、responsibility“to take care of themembers of the family and go through the pain together”(6)(此题 2 空)that meantcausing losses.US firms from General Motors to Goldman Sachs plan to lay off workers by thethousand.But at the Asian units of Western multinationals,job cuts will probably be(7)(severe).Japa

233、ns jobless rate was 4 percent in September,up from 3.8 percent in January,(8)Hongkongs was flat at 3.4 percent.But US unemployment(9)(expect)to have jumped to 6.3 percent last month from below 5 percent in January.Experts say that(10)there are noticeable differences in labor practices in East and We

234、st,the gap will narrowas more firms become more multinational and competition forces firms to adopt the best practicesof rivals from abroad.【参考答案与解题思路】1.to bite/biting考查非谓语动词:动词不定式或-ing 形式解析:开始做某事:start to do something 或 start doing something。2.why考查连词解析:文化差异能够解释为什么在经济不景气时期,亚洲的公司更努力保住工 人们的工作。3.predi

235、cting考查非谓语动词:动词的-ing 形式解析:leave sb.doing 使得某人处于某状态。4.to考查介词解析:the shift to sth.向某物转变。5.to do考查非谓语动词:动词的不定式形式解析:该做的事。6.even if/even though考查连接词词组解析:亚洲公司认为有责任照顾员工即使是要付出损失。7.less severe考查形容词比较级解析:根据全文的大意,亚洲公司更考虑保住员工的工作,因此裁员不会像西方那么严重。8.while考查单个连词,上下文逻辑关系第43页解析:连词,“与此同时”。9.was expected考查动词的时态与语态解析:预计:ex

236、pect to do something。10.although/though/while考查单个连词,上下文逻辑关系解析:此处表让步,“尽管”。尽管东西方有差异,但是鸿沟会缩小。体裁说明文词数505限时11 分钟The Benefits of Baby TalkBaby talk.It is how many adults speak to babies:slowly,using shorter sentences,talking at ahigherpitch,and putting moreemphasison certain vowels.Examples include,“Where

237、 are yourshoooes?”And,“Oh,this tastes gooood.”New research from Princeton University in New Jerseyfound(1)else special about how adults-in this case mothers-speak to their veryyoung children.“We found for the first time that mothersshifttheir vocal timbre,”said Elise Piazza,a postdoctoral researcher

238、 at Princeton Universitys Neuroscience Institute.Timbre is(2)makes a sound appear different than words or music with the same pitch and loudness.Piazza added:“Timbre is best defined(3)theuniquequality of a sound.Barry Whitessilkyvoicesounds different from Tom Waitsgravellyone-even if theyre singing

239、the same note.”Using specialequipment,Piazza and other Princeton researchers found that mothers shared similar changes intimbre when speaking to babies.Piazza offers this example from the research.First,a mother talkingto her baby.“A bunny and a mouse.”And here is the same mother talking to an adult

240、.He had fourteeth coming in at once.”Piazza explains how people change their timbre.“Timbre is influenced byyour entirevocaltractfrom your vocal cords all the way up to your lips,”she said.“When youmove your tongue and lips(4)(make)different vowels(ba,bi,bo),youreactually changing timbre,”she said.T

241、he researchers tried to capture the sounds mothers used withtheir babies at home.“We chose to record mothers playing with and reading to their own babies justlike they(5)at home,”Piazza said.She wanted the discussions to be as natural aspossible.The research offers new ways to show differences betwe

242、en how adults speak to babies,(6)(compare)to fellow adults.The research was not limited just to English speakers.Researchers listened to discussions in nine other languages:Mandarin,Polish,Russian,Spanish,Cantonese,German,Hebrew,French and Hungarian.Piazza said the research can be used to learnmore

243、about(7)people discuss different situations.For example,she said,it couldinclude how people change their timbre when(8)(speak)to friends or managers atwork;how candidates speak to voters;and how people speak to their boyfriends,girlfriends andspouses.The Princeton research follows(9)(early)research

244、on baby talk.In 2014,researchers from the University of Washington and University of Connecticut looked at thousands第44页of verbal discussions between parents and babies.They compared regular speaking voices and babytalk.Patricia Kuhl is co-director of the University of Washingtons Institute for Lear

245、ning&BrainSciences and a co-author of the baby talk report.She said researchers found that use of baby talkled to better early language development.The more parents emphasized certain vowels(such as inthe phrase how are youuuu?)and raised the pitch of their voices,the more the one-year-oldsbabbled,K

246、uhl said.Babbling,(10)is making sounds that do not make sense,isconsidered an early step to word production.【参考答案与解题思路】1.something考查代词解析:本题考查点是 something else,句意为找到了一些特别的东西。2.what考查主从复合句解析:本题考查点是表语从句引导词,此处 what 引导表语从句,在从句中充当主语。3.as考查介词解析:本题考查点是固定搭配 be defined a,根据句意“音色的最佳定义是一个声音的独特质感”,be defined as

247、意为被定义为的。4.to make考查动词的时态与语态解析:本题考查点是动词不定式,根据句意“当你移动自己的舌头和嘴唇(想要)发出不同的元音”,所以填不定式。5.would考查情态动词解析:本题考查点是情态动词 would,根据句意“我们选择记录母亲与孩子玩耍和给自己的孩子读书 的情况,就像她们平时在家会做的那样”,would 表示推测,可能会。pared考查动词的时态与语态解析:本题考查点是动词 compare 的时态与语态,根据句意“这项研究提供了一种新的方法来显示成 年人对婴儿说话的方式与成年人同成年人说话方式的不同之处”,此处用 compare的被动形式 表示被比较。7.how考查主从

248、复合句解析:本题考查点是从句引导词 how,根据句意“Piazza 说,这项研究可以用来了解人们是如何讨论 不同情况的”,how 在此处引导宾语从句。8.speaking考查非谓语第45页解析:本题考查点是动词 speak 的-ing 形式,根据句意“它可以包括,人们在与朋友或是工作场合的 经理交谈时是如何改变他们自己的音色的”,speak 的主语与从句的主语是一致的,因此用动词 的主动形式即可。9.earlier考查形容词与副词解析:本题考查点是形容词与副词的比较级,根据句意“普林斯顿大学的研究与早期关于婴儿说话的 研究基本一致”,earlier research 表示早期的研究。10.wh

249、ich考查主从复合句解析:本题考查点是非限制性定语从句引导词,which 在此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是 babbling,which 在从句中充当主语成分且不能用 that 替代。体裁说明文词数300限时12 分钟Chinese Poetry TV Show Has Been a Surprising HitWu Yishu,a 16-year-old high school girl from High School Affiliated to Fudan University,becamefamous throughout the country in early 2017.She

250、 was not a pop star or a movie star,(1)theone who grabbed the publics attention for her broad knowledge of classical Chinese poetry.Duringa poetry reciting contest(2)(hold)by CCTV,Wu Yishu defeated a PhD studentfrom Peking University to win the fourth round of the championship,(3)greatlysurprised th

251、e audience.The quiz contest named“Chinese Poetry Conference”became a dark horsein terms of popularity after it(4)(air)during the Spring Festival holiday that year.It(5)(stand)out from a sea of variety shows(综艺节目)and dazzling celebrations,which had been filling Chinese television screens,to become a

252、hot topic on the internet.Competitorsaged from as young as eight(6)over 60 came from all backgrounds and walks of life,including engineers,students,farmers,doctors,editors and delivery couriers.To our great surprise,even foreign fans of Chinese poetry took part,(7)(come)from countries includingSinga

253、pore,Thailand and the United States.All of them gathered in Beijing for the event to showtheir deep love for classical Chinese poetry.Classical Chinese poetry can date back to the Springand Autumn Period of almost 3,000 years ago.Chinas history has seen great poets(8)(appear)like Du Fu and Li Bai in

254、 the Tang Dynasty.Enjoying(9)variety of forms,genres(体裁)and themes,the art of poetry in China is one of the shining beacons(指路明灯)of thecountrys literature and culture.It was the knowledge of classical poems and literature(10)was once an absolute prerequisite(先决条件)for ancient Chinese scholars and off

255、icials,whichshows its importance to the fabric of the nation.【参考答案与解题思路】1.but第46页考查单个连词解析:本题考查not but 结构,指出“武亦姝同学”不是什么明星,而是一名通过诗词知识来赢得公众注意的学生。2.held考查非谓语动词解析:后文出现的 defeated 是句子的谓语,因此本题应填入“非谓语”来充当定语,修饰 poetryreciting contest。又根据句意“诗词大会是被中央电视台举办的”(被动),从而最终判断本题应填入过去分词 held。3.which考查主从复合句解析:本题考察定语从句。填写

256、which,用于修饰前文“武亦姝战胜了北大博士”这句话,which在定语从句中充当主语。4.was aired/had been aired考查动词的时态与语态解析:本题括号内关键词 air 是动词,意为“播出”。根据句意“节目在春节假期期间被播出之后,中国诗词大会在热度方面成为了一匹黑马”,此处应使用被动结构。时态方面,“播出”发生在“成为黑马”之前,故使用过去完成时(after 引导的时间状语从也可使用过去时用于表示“过去的过去”)。5.stood考查动词的时态与语态解析:根据句意“中国诗词大会从综艺节目中崭露头角”以及整段的过去时语境,可确定,本题应填 stood。6.to考查介词解析:

257、本题考查 be aged from to 结构(年龄从到不等)。句中的 aged 是被动的非谓语结构。ing考查非谓语动词解析:前文的 took 是句子的谓语,因此本题应填入“非谓语”来修饰全句的主语部分 foreignfans of Chinese poetry。根据据句意“中国诗歌的外国粉丝来自各个国家”(主动),最终判断,本题应填入现在分词 coming。8.appear考查动词不定式解析:本题考查 see sb do 结构。语法含义为“看到某人做某事的全过程”或者“看到某人经常做某事”。此处句意为“中国历史见证了很多著名诗人的出现”,属于“看到某人做某事的全过程”的含义。本题容易误写

258、appearing(see sb doing 意为“看到某人正在做某事”)9.a考查冠词第47页解析:本题考查词组 a variety of,意为“多种多样的”10.that考查强调句解析:如果将 It was 和横线处一起去掉,可发现,剩下的句子是完整的(句意为,古典诗歌和文学知识曾是中国古代学者和官员的绝对先决条件)。由此可判断,本题在考察强调句型,故填 that。第48页体裁说明文词数424限时10 分钟Your Stomach and Brain Are ConnectedA new study provides more evidence that there is a(1)(dee

259、p)connection betweenourgutand our brains than we used to believe.The findings suggest thatprobiotics so-calledgood bacteria that aid in digestion may also help to lessen symptoms ofdepression.There areabout 300 to 500 bacterial species that live in the human gut.Many help with digestion and keeptheg

260、astrointestinalsystem(2)(work)right.Scientists say these probiotics play apart inneuralactivity that controls digestion.In addition,there is also new evidence that showsprobiotics(3)also affect a persons mental state,ormood.Premysl Bercik is aresearcher at Ontario Canadas McMaster University.Bercik

261、is interested in the connection(4)the gut and the brain through the millions of bacteria that live in the gastrointestinaltract.Artists concept depicting microbes in the gut instigating changes in brain.(CalTech)Berciknotes that between 40 and 90 percent of people with irritable bowel syndrome,or IB

262、S,also sufferfrom symptoms ofanxietyand depression.Doctors do not yet know(5)causes IBS.Itcauses stomach pains and can interfere with the bodys waste removal process.The difficultyanddiscomfortof the condition alone might cause depression.However,research led by Berciksuggests that the presence or l

263、ack of gut bacteria may affect a persons mood.What we found wasthat the patients(6)were treated with this probiotic bacterium improved their gutssymptoms,but also surprisingly decreased their depression scores.That means their mood improved.And this(7)(associate)also with changes in the brain imagin

264、g.What Bercikdescribes is a small,early study of 44 IBS patients who also had anxiety or depression.Half of thepatients received a daily probiotic.The(8)half received an inactive substancecalled aplacebo.The patients were then followed for 10 weeks.At the start of the study,theresearchers scored the

265、 levels of depression and anxiety in the patients.Then the patients looked at amix of happy and sad images.At the same time,imaging devices recorded the brain reactions tothose images.It showed the researchers what parts of the brain were active in connection with theimages.At six weeks,64 percent o

266、f patients taking the probiotic had a decrease in their depression scores.The depression scores also dropped in 32 percent of the patients taking placebos.A second imagingstudy showed changes in multiple brain areas(9)(involve)in mood control,in thepatients who felt better.Bercik says larger studies

267、 are needed(10)(confirm)thefindings.However,I think that it shows a great promise.I mean new treatments,not only forpatients with functional bowel disorders like irritable bowel syndrome,but also it may offer somenew treatments for patients with primarypsychiatric disorderslike depression or anxiety

268、.【参考答案与解题思路】第49页 1.deeper考查形容词的比较级解析:文章第一句话“一项新的研究为大脑和肠道之间存在比我们过去认为的更深的联系提供了更多证据。”因为出现了 than,故填形容词 deep 的比较级 deeper。2.working考查非谓语动词中的动词-ing 形式。解析:考查“keep sth doing”(保持做某事),意思是人体的肠道中有大约 300 到 500 的细菌,其中许多细菌帮助消化和保持胃肠系统正常工作。3.can考查情态动词解析:科学家说能控制消化的有益菌在神经活动中起作用。除此之外,有新的证据也表明有益菌也能影响一个人的心理状态和情绪。根据意思填情态动词

269、can。4.between考查介词解析:根据这句话的意思,Bercik 对于大脑和肠道之间通过胃肠道细菌建立的联系有很大的兴趣。所以用 betweenand(两者之间)5.what考查主从复合句,(考查从句引导词,比如:which,that)解析:本题考查宾语从句,what 引导宾语从句做主语。意思是“研究者还不知道是什么引起了过敏性大肠综合症”6.who考查主从复合句,(考查从句引导词,比如:which,that)解析:本题考查限定性定语从句,先行词是 patients,在定语从句中做主语,所以用 who 做引导词,意思是“目前科学家的发现是那些用有益菌治疗的病人不仅改善了他们肠道综合症也减

270、轻了抑郁的状况”。7.was associated考查动词的时态与语态解析:前一句说,这意味着患者的情绪得到改善。这也和脑显像的变化联系在一起。考查 beassociated with(和联系在一起;与有关)8.other考查形容词解析:综合这段话,前期的实验有 44 名患者,一半每天服用有益菌,另外一半服用一种安慰剂,所以用 other(另外的)9.involved考查非谓语动词中的动词-ed 形式。解析:本题的意思是“第二幅脑显像显示了涉及控制情绪的脑区变化”。be involved in表示涉及,卷入,involved 是过去分词但具备形容词的意思,表示涉及的。10.to confirm

271、第50页考查非谓语动词中的动词 不定式解析:Bercik 说需要更大规模的研究来证实目前的发现。动词不定式表目的。第51页体裁说明文词数513限时10 分钟Walking The Wonder DrugIf you want to get healthy or stay healthy,there is one easy activity to add to your day walking.Walking is the(1)(close)thing we have to awonder drug,says Thomas Friedman.Friedman is the director of

272、 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States.Andhe is not alone in considering walking a great exercise.Health experts at the Mayo Clinic,theAmerican Heart Association,the Arthritis Foundation,Harvard Medical School and many(2)health research groups agree.You may think that s

273、imply taking a walk is not enough(3)(make)a big difference.You might think that you need do somethinggstrenuouslikerunning to stay healthy.Well,a new study says that is not true.It finds that walking may be as goodfor us as running.Running is a high-impactactivity and(4)be hard on the body.So,many p

274、eople cannot run.Walking,it seems,has all of theadvantagesand none ofthedisadvantagesof running.Walking quickly,orbriskly,can lower your risk of high blood pressure,high cholesterol and diabetes.Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory inCalifornia did the study.Over(5)six-year perio

275、d,they studied about 33,000 runnersin the National Runners Health Study and just over 15,000 walkers in the National Walkers HealthStudy.The researchers found that the same energy(6)(use)for brisk walkingandvigorousrunning resulted in similar reductions in risk for high blood pressure,high cholester

276、ol,diabetes,and possiblycoronaryheart disease over the studys six years.The study also found that themore people walked or ran each week,the more their health benefits increased.Walking is easy,funand accessible.Dr.Russell Pate is a professor of exercise science at the Arnold School of PublicHealth

277、at the University of South Carolina.He commented on the study on the associations website.Pate says the health benefits of walking are not all or nothing.(7)your goal is towalk for 30 minutes a day,you can split that into three 10 minute walks.Walking,he adds,has thelowest dropout rate of any exerci

278、se.People who start walking regularly usually stick with it.Patesays(8)many other health experts say:Walking is one of the easiest and safestexercises a person can do.With walking,he says,there is nolearning curve.That means you do notneed to learn a lot to get results.Walking requires no special sk

279、ills or equipment.You can do itanywhere.It fits easily(9)your daily schedule.You can walk at work.You can parkfather away from a store entrance.You can take the stairs(10)(此题两空)theelevator.Walking is a great exercise for beginners.If you are out of shape or getting back into shapeafter an illness or

280、 accident,walking is perfect.You can do a little at a time,or as we like to say,takebaby steps.Best of all,you can easily change where,when and how you walk.You can walk withyour friends,co-workers,family or your dog.Or you can walk alone.The faster,farther and moreoften you walk,the greater the ben

281、efits.第52页【参考答案与解题思路】1.closest本题考查形容词解析:根据语境,结合空格前有 the,提示此处应该用形容词的最高级,所以填 closest。2.other本题考查形容词解析:前文提到的 the American Heart Association,the Arthritis Foundation和 Harvard MedicalSchool 都属于健康研究机构,所以此处应该填 other,表示除这些以外其它的健康研究机构。3.to make本题考查非谓语动词解析:此处用动词不定式表示目的。4.can本题考查情态动词解析:情态动词 can 可以表示“可能”,此处意为“跑

282、步可能给身体造成负担”。5.a本题考查冠词解析:over a six-year period表示“经过六年时光”。six-year 用作形容词,修饰 period。period是单数,所以冠词用 a。6.used本题考查非谓语动词解析:根据句意,主语energy 应该用被动态。此处用动词的-ed 形式作定语,相当于一个被动语态的定语从句。7.If本题考查单个连词解析:根据语境,此处用 if 引导条件句。8.what本题考查主从复合句解析:此处 what 引导一个宾语从句,在主句中充当宾语,在从句中也充当宾语。9.into本题考查介词解析:fit into 表示“适合,适用于”。10.inste

283、ad of本题考查连接词词组解析:根据语境,本句是想表达“你应该走楼梯而不是乘电梯”,所以用 instead of。体裁说明文词数295限时11 分钟Dont Drink Expired Water第53页What Ifbottled water has been stored there for years?Can you really crack open one of those bottlesand expect to swallow it down risk-free?Perhaps not.Water bottles all have expiration dates.Youvep

284、robably seen them-little black dotted numbers(1)(mark)when you should throwyour water because its gone bad.Wait Heres(2)we get confused.How canwater go bad?It cant.Water,(3)oxygen or steel or any other naturally occurringsubstance,is simply a chemical compound;its ageless.However,humans have taken t

285、o(4)(store)natural-occurring water in plastic,artificial,flimsy containers,and the bottles can go bad.The plastic compounds can break down over time and leak into your water-and there are a fewother things(5)you didnt know about bottled water.Plastic isnt impermeable(不可渗透的).Algae or bacteria-not the

286、 good kind-seep in and grow inside your bottledwater if you leave it for too long.This can still happen(6)(此题 2 空)the bottle isclosed.So if youve waited long enough,once you finally open up that purified water,youre alsolikely(7)(find)a bacteria-ridden breeding ground for harmful organisms.But to be

287、honest with you all,there are ways to solve this.Firstly,you can boil your water(8)you drink it.This will effectually kill anything that(9)(live)inside.Secondly,theplastic compounds that can leak in might make your water taste funny,but they arent usuallyharmful for you to drink.Still,its best to re

288、place those bottles at least once every two years,because(10)would much rather be safe than sorry.【参考答案与解题思路】1.marking考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查点是分词做后置定语。通过句子成分分析,可知破折号后的 little black dottednumbers 为上文 them 的同位语,因此可以判断出填空的部分到句末为定语,修饰 numbers。2.where考查从句引导词解析:本题考查点是表语从句引导词。根据句意“这是我们糊涂的地方”,we get confused是个完整 的句子

289、充当表语,从句中不缺少主语成分,所以用连接词where。3.like考查介词解析:本题考查点是 like。本句主干为“Water is simply a chemical compound”,中间部分的句意 为“和氧气或钢铁或其他自然存在的事物一样”,得出空格处填 like,表示像一样。4.storing考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查点是动名词,句中的take to 解释为“习惯于”,“喜欢”,to 为介词,所以后面接 动词-ing 形式。5.that考查从句连词第54页解析:本题考查点是定语从句连词。本句主干为 There are a few other things,后为定语从句,that

290、引导 的定语从句修饰 things,且 that 充当 know 的宾语。6.even if/though考查从句连词解析:本题考查点是让步状语从句连词,根据句意“(即使)瓶子被盖住,这个过程依然会发生”,推 测上下文,此处是表转折,所以选 even if/though。7.to find考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查点是 likely 一词后面的动词形式,有固定用法:sb./sth is likely to do,所以填 to find。8.before考查从句连词解析:本题考查点是时间状语从句连词,根据上下文可知,此处表示“在喝水前将水煮沸”,所以填 before。9.is living/l

291、ives考查动词的时态和语态解析:本题考查定语从句中动词的时态和语态,根据句意“煮沸能有效地杀死水里的细菌”,主句用到 的是将来时,定语从句陈述的是事实,用现在时即可,所以现在进行时或者一般现在时都可以,注意要用动词的单三人称形式。10.you考查代词解析:本题考查点是代词 you。观察上文,例如“But to be honest with you all,there are ways tosolve this”可以发现文中指人的代词为 you,所以此处填 you。体裁Often,it is only the estrangement(疏远)of foreign tongues,with th

292、eir many exotic and outlandishfeatures,(1)brings home the wonder of languages design.One of(2)(showy)stunts that some languages can pull off is an ability to build up words of breath-breakinglength,and thus express in one word(3)English takes a whole sentence to say.The Turkish word sehirlilistireme

293、diklerimizdensiniz,to take one example,means nothing less thanyou are one of those whom we cant turn into a town-dweller.(In case you were wondering,thismonstrosity really is one word,not merely many different words(4)(squash)together-most of its components cannot even stand up on their own.)And if

294、that sounds like someone-off freak,then consider Sumerian,the language spoken on the banks of the Euphrates some5,000 years ago by the people who invented writing and thus(5)(enable)thedocumentation of history.A Sumerian word like munintumaa(when he had made it suitable forher)might seem rather trim

295、(6)(compare)to the Turkish colossus above.What is第55页说明文词数344限时10 分钟so impressive about it,however,is not its lengthiness but rather the reverse-the thrifty(节俭的)compactness of its construction.The word is made up of different slots,each(7)(correspond)to a particular portion of meaning.This sleek des

296、ign allows single sounds to conveyuseful information,and in fact even the absence(8)a sound has been enlistedto express something specific.If you were to ask which bit in the Sumerian word corresponds to thepronoun it in the English translation when he had made it suitable for her,then the answer wo

297、uldhave to be nothing.Mind you,a very particular kind of nothing:the nothing that stands in the emptyslot in the middle.The technology is so fine-tuned then(9)even a non-sound,when carefully(10)(place)in a particular position,has been invested with aspecific function.Who could possibly have come up

298、with such a nifty(俏皮的)contraption(奇怪的机械装置)?【参考答案与解题思路】1.that考查强调句解析:强调句的结构一般是 it is.that.,此处考查强调句。2.the showiest考查形容词最高级解析:此处指“某些语言可以实现的最炫的特技”。3.what考查主从复合句,从句引导词解析:express 后的宾语从句中 say 缺少宾语,并且指物。4.squashed考查非谓语动词:动词的-ed 形式解析:后置定语,“被挤压着的”。5.enabled考查动词的时态与语态解析:与前面的 invented 并列谓语,时态一致。pared考查非谓语动词:动词的

299、-ed 形式解析:分词作状语,“当被和某物比较时”。7.corresponding考查非谓语动词:动词的-ing 形式解析:独立主格。correspond,动词,意为“与相对应”。8.of考查介词解析:the absence of sth.“当某物不在场时”。第56页 9.that考查主从复合句,从句引导词解析:结果状语从句。10.placed考查非谓语动词:动词的ed 形式解析:分词作状语。第57页体裁说明文词数383限时10 分钟Twitter Plan to Police Hate Speech and SymbolsDays after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey

300、promised there would be more aggressive rules coming toTwitter,the company outlined its policy changes in an email to its Trust&Safety Council onTuesday.The email,first reported on by Wired and obtained by CNN Tech,(1)(detail)where the policy updates stand-including plans to treat hateful imagery an

301、d hate symbolson the platform(2)sensitive media.As with adult content and graphicviolence on the platform,the content(3)(blur)and individuals will need tomanually opt(4)(view).But what Twitter considers to be a hate symbol isntdetailed in the email.Two other new categories that Twitter broke out:Vio

302、lent groups,ororganizations(5)use or have historically used violence to advance their causes,(6)(此题 3 空)tweets that glorify or condone violence.The company says that it alreadytakes action against threats like Im going to kill you(though how effective it has been at doingthis has been up for debate)

303、.But,as part of the policy update,it said it will soon take action againsttweets that are perhaps(7)(vague),but no less threatening,such as Murdering makes sense.That way they wont be a drain on social services.The company,which is toeing a sensitive line as it works to police harassment on its plat

304、form while(8)(position)itself as a service that celebrates free speech,notes these three new categories will befleshed out in more detail.It said it plans to roll out the(9)(finalize)updates inthe coming weeks.We hope our approach and upcoming changes,as well as our collaboration withthe Trust and S

305、afety Council,show how seriously we are rethinking our rules and how quickly weremoving to update our policies and how we enforce(10)Twitter said in astatement.The swift action comes after an outcry from users last week when actress RoseMcGowans account was temporarily blocked for violating Twitter

306、polices.Twitter said she tweeteda phone number.McGowan had been very engaged on the platform in the wake of the HarveyWeinstein scandal.This is just the latest complaint against the company,though,which has longbeen criticized for not taking effective action against hate speech and harassment on its

307、 platform.【参考答案与解题思路】1.details考查动词的时态和语态解析:detail,动词,表示“详细说明”。该句主语为“the email”,单数,所以用动词用单数形式达到语法一致。并且结合第二段最后一句“But what Twitter considers to be a hate symbol isntdetailed in the email.”的时态可知,用一般现在时为宜。2.as考查介词解析:treat as(把视为处理)。“treat hateful imagery and hate symbols on the platform第58页as sensitive m

308、edia”意思是:把平台上的仇恨意象和标志是做“敏感媒体”处理。3.will be blurred考查动词的时态和语态解析:blur,动词,“使模糊”。根据句意和后文将来时态“will need to”可知,成人内容和图画暴力将会被模糊处理。4.to view考查非谓语动词的不定式形式解析:opt to do sth.(选择做某事)。“individuals will need to manually opt to view”意为:用户需要手动选择查看。5.that考查主从复合句解析:定语从句“that use or have historically used violence to adv

309、ance their causes”(使用或曾经使用过暴力来推进他们的目的)做“Violent groups,or organizations”(暴力团体或组织)的后置修饰语,关系代词 that 指代“Violent groups,or organizations”,在定语从句中做主语。6.as well as考查连接词词组解析:as well as(和;以及)。从前文“Two other new categories”(两个新类别)可知,“tweets that glorify or condone violence”(“颂扬”和“纵容”暴力的贴文)是和“Violentgroups,or o

310、rganizations”并列的另一个类别,所以用类似并列连词 as well as。7.more vague考查形容词比较级解析:从并列连词“but”可是该空与后面的“no less threatening”(威胁性不更弱)为转折关系,所以用比较级 more vague(更模糊)。8.positioning考查非谓语动词的-ing 动词形式解析:带从属连词while的-ing分词分句“positioning itself as a service that celebrates free speech”(自我定位为一个主张言论自由的服务提供商)做主句的时间状语从句。9.finalized考查

311、非谓语动词中的-ed 动词形式解析:动词 finalize(使定案)的过去分词形式finalized 做 updates 的前置修饰语,表示被动和完成意义。10.them考查代词解析:人称代词 them 回指前文的 our policies。体裁说明文词数355限时10 分钟Kittiwake added to the list of British birds facing global extinction and plastic is第59页partly to blameThe kittiwake has been added to the list of British birds f

312、acing global extinction,withplastic,pollution,climate change and overfishing(1)(blame)for catastrophic declines thiscentury.The familiar seabirds used to nest in their millions around UKs shores but now only around300,000 breeding pairs remain.It is the first British bird(2)(add)to the IUCNsRed List

313、 where plastic has been a factor in its decline.Kittiwakes have been known to drown infishing nets(3)oil pollution and plastic litter can kill chicks in the nest.Since2000 bird populations(4)(drop)by 87 percent in Orkney and Shetland,and by 96per cent on St Kilda in the Western Isles.TheRSPB(Royal S

314、ociety for the Protection of Birds)saidplastics and pollution made survival even(5)(hard)for populations which werealready struggling to feed themselves and their young.Laura Bambini,the RSPB Scotlands seabirdrecovery officer said,“Some efforts are underway to protect important seabird foraging area

315、s ininternational waters,but there is much more we could do around the UK(6)(protect)our internationally important and increasingly threatened seabird populations.”Globally,the speciesis thought to have declined by around 40 per cent since the 1970s,justifying todays uplisting fromLeast Concern to V

316、ulnerable.In the North Sea,sandeels provide a vital food source for breedingseabirds and they are crucial to the breeding success of kittiwakes.(7),they areheavily fished to be used for animal feed and fertiliser.(8)(Rise)sea temperaturesdue to climate change also threaten sandeels,so kittiwake food

317、 supplies could be affected by bothlocal and large-scale processes.“We need to ensure that the future management of the sandeel fisheryis sustainable.(9)our internationally important populations of seabirds are going tocope with climate change,then we need to make sure industrial fisheries are not a

318、dding to theirproblems”,said DrEuan Dunn,the RSPBs Marine Policy Specialist.“This is an example of whyfisheries policy is vital to the health of our seas.Our thinking on fisheries and marine protectionmust be as joined up as the seas(10)which we all rely.【参考答案与解题思路】1.blamed考查非谓语动词解析:第一考查 with 复合结构,此

319、处应填写非谓语动词。第二考查句式A is blamed for B,将 B 归咎于 A;A 对造成 B 负有责任。句意为“本世纪灾难性的 kittiwake 数量下降归咎于塑料、人口、天气变化、过量捕杀”句意为故本题填写 blamed。2.to be added考查非谓语动词解析:the first 修饰的名词,后置定语由不定式充当,又因为句意为“被加入国际自然保护联盟的红名单”,故填 to be added。3.while考查连词第60页解析:考查 while 表示对比的用法。一方面 Kittiwakes 在渔网中溺死,而另一方面油污染和塑料废弃物又杀死在巢里的幼雏。4.have dropp

320、ed考查动词的时态解析:since 是现在完成时的时间状语。鸟数量降低是主动语态,故用现在完成时的主动态have dropped。5.harder考查形容词比较级解析:even 后加比较级,make survival even harder 使得生存更加困难。6.to protect考查非谓语动词解析:动词不定式做目的状语。句意为“在英国,为了保护在国际上占有重要地位但却不断受到威胁鸟类,我们还能做更多的事。”7.However考查连词解析:前后句是转折关系,故用 however。8.Rising考查非谓语动词解析:动词的-ing 形式做定语,rising sea temperatures 表

321、示持续上升的海水温度。9.If考查连词解析:条件状语从句用 if 引导。10.on考查介词解析:介词加关系代词引导的定语从句,先行词是seas,因有 rely on sth.故用 on which 引导本定语从句。体裁说明文词数707限时10 分钟Death Rates Rising for Middle Age Whites with Little EducationA new study from Princeton University economists says white middle-aged Americans withoutcollege educations are dy

322、ing at higher rates.Professors Anne Case and Angus Deaton wrote thestudy.It finds that men and women older than(1)younger than retirement age aredying from what one expert calls deaths of despair.These include deaths from suicide,drugoverdose or alcohol-related diseases.They say this is caused by th

323、e loss of middle-income jobs forthose(2)a college degree.The economists also say that fewer job opportunitieshave created other problems for this group.The researchers say they are(3)(likely)than those with college degrees to be unemployed,unmarried or suffer from poor health.This is a第61页story of t

324、he collapse of the white working class,Deaton said in an interview.The labor market hasvery much turned against them.The study continues research in 2015 that first documented anincrease in deaths among middle-aged whites.Case and Deaton found that since 1999,white menand white women ages 45 through

325、 54(4)(suffer)from a sharp increase in deathsof despair.These include suicides,drug overdoses,and alcohol-related deaths,(5)(此题 2 空)liver failure.Case and Deaton sayin their study that there is a relationship betweenrising death rates and changes in the job market since the 1970s.They said that men

326、without collegedegrees are less likely(6)(receive)better pay over time,a trend consistent with menmoving to lower and lower skilled jobs.Other research has found that Americans with only highschool educations are less likely to get married or buy a home.They are also more likely to getdivorced if th

327、ey do marry the study says.Its not just their careers that have gone down the tubes,but their marriage prospects,their ability to raise children,said Deaton.Thats the kind of thing(7)can lead people to despair.Angus Deaton won the Nobel Prize in economics in 2015for using surveys to study how people

328、 spend their money and to learn more about their behavior.White Americans are the most affected.The issues(8)(identify)by Case andDeaton may be causing a change in the trend of improving life expectancies.However,theresearchers say it is not clear why these problems are affecting whites more than Af

329、rican-Americansor Hispanics.Case and Deaton note that many Hispanics are in a much better situation than theirparents or grandparents,who were born in another country.This could create a greater sense ofoptimism.The professors also added that African-Americans may have become more resilient toeconom

330、ic difficulties(9)they have a long history of suffering problems in the jobmarket.The researchers also noted that a life expectancy division among people with differenteducation levels is growing.While death rates for middle-aged whites without a college degree arerising,the Princeton professors say

331、 the rates for whites with a college education are falling.Thesetrends,the researchers say,are found across the United States.West Virginia and Kentucky arereportedly most affected.However,areas such as the state of Maine,the city of Baltimore andeastern Washington state also appear to show the tren

332、ds identified in the study.The research alsofound these trends exist in rural areas,in small cities and in some large urban areas.Case and Deatonsay death rates for middle-aged people in Europe with limited education are falling.And they addthat this is the case in most countries.Case and Deaton als

333、o note that government programs to helppeople with disabilities are not responsible for the increase in middle-aged deaths.Some of theseprograms,the researchers say,are permitting more Americans to stop working.They say that socialprograms in Europe usually provide more benefits than the ones in the

334、 U.S.And the researchers sayEurope has not seen a similar increase in middle-aged deaths.Case and Deaton say that changingthese trends could take years.To help prevent middle-aged deaths,they say,doctors should cut backon(10)(provide)opium-based pain drugs to patients.The study was published inProce

335、edings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States.It also appears on the websiteof The Brookings Institution,a public policy organization.第62页【参考答案与解题思路】1.but考查单个连词中的并列连词解析:从 older 和 younger 的反义词关系中可推知前后为转折关系,用并列连词but 表示。2.without考查介词解析:without 引导的介词词组充当人称代词 those 的后置修饰语。3.more likely考

336、查形容词比较级解析:than 提示比较级结构。根据前文“have created other problems”(引起其它问题)可知,未接受大学教育的人比接受过大学教育的人更容易遇到失业,独身,健康状况差等问题。4.have suffered考查动词的时态与语态解析:根据时间状语 since 1999(自从 1999 年)可知,应使用动词的现在完成时,并结合white men and white women 作复数主语,可知填 have suffered。5.such as考查介词。解析:liver failure(肝功能衰竭)是 alcohol-related deaths(由酒精引起的死亡

337、)的一种形式,所以前后为举例关系,且 liver failure 为名词,则考虑使用在前面介词 such as。6.to receive考查非谓语动词中的动词不定式解析:be likely to do.可能做某事;be less likely to do.较不可能做某事 7.that考查主从复合句解析:that 引导的定语从句做先行词 the kind the thing 的后置修饰语,先行词在定语从句中做主语。8.identified考查非谓语动词中动词的-ed 形式解析:-ed 分词分句“indentified by Case and Deaton”做名词词组 the issues 的后置

338、修饰语。且the issues 与 identify 为被动关系,所以用动词的-ed 形式。9.because考查主从复合句解析:该空前的分句意思是“非裔美国人可能在面对经济问题是更有韧性”,该空后的分句意思是“它们很长一段时间在就业市场中遭遇各种问题。”可知,后半个分句是前半个分句的原因,所以用从属连词 because,引导一个原因状语从句。10.providing考查非谓语动词中动词的-ing 形式第63页解析:该句意思是“他们认为,为了减少中年死亡人数,医生应该减少向患者提供基于鸦片的镇痛药物。”词组动词 cut back on(减少)后接名词或-ing 分词。体裁说明文词数368限时9

339、 分钟Los Angeles Police Departments Explore Use of DronesDrone ownership by local police and public safety agencies across the U.S.has greatly increasedsince 2014.The Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College in New York published the studyresults in April,(1)found that at least 347 state and

340、local police,fire and emergencyagencies now have drones and are exploiting various ways to use them.But there is debate aboutwhether local police should be using drones,also(2)(know)as unmanned aircraftsystems,or UAS.The Los Angeles Police Department,or LAPD,is considering a pilot program(3)(experim

341、ent)with drones in different situations.Some groups have organized a campaignagainst drone use by local law enforcement.Ha mid Khan,an immigrant from Pakistan,fears theuse of drones is(4)example of how some local security agencies have moved tomilitarize police forces.Drones are currently being test

342、ed by the Los Angeles County SheriffsDepartment.Captain Jack Ewell is with the departments Special Enforcement Bureau.He says UAS(5)act as a second pair of eyes for officers,(6)(allow)them to get a viewof aparticularsituation too dangerous to immediately put a human into.The LAPD is seeking tobegin

343、a test program for drones.Horace Frank,deputy chief of the LAPDs Counter-Terrorism andSpecial Operations Bureau,says drone use(7)(limit)and LAPD has absolutely nointention of weaponizing the UAS.Some people in Los Angeles think it a good idea for police touse drones to fight crime while others distr

344、ust how police will use drones and fear their privacycould be violated.(8)both the LAPD and Los Angeles Sheriffs Department saythey do not plan to use UAS for observation purposes,people are still concerned that policies rulinghow and when police use drones will expand over time.Ewell says his depar

345、tment(9)(take)steps to make its police drone activities very public and transparent,never going(10)the guidelines ever set.The LAPD is expected to hold public hearings in coming months to discussits plans for a one-year pilot drone program.Police officials will also have to receive approval fromthe

346、Federal Aviation Administration before carrying out the program.【参考答案与解题思路】1.which考查主从复合句解析:此处考查点是定语从句。从句补充说明先行词 study results,发现至少 347 个州和当地的警局、消防局和紧急中心现在拥有无人机,并且正在开发各种使用的方法。2.known考查非谓语动词第64页解析:具体考查点是动词的-ed 形式,过去分词作定语。过去分词 known 修饰,相当于定语从句 which are known.。此处句意为:但是有关于当地警局是否应该使用被称为无人驾驶飞行器的无人机的辩论。3.

347、to experiment考查非谓语动词解析:具体考查点是动词不定式,动词不定式作目的状语。洛杉矶警察部门正在考虑一个飞行项目,在不同情况下和无人机一起试验。4.another考查代词解析:根据句意,一个巴基斯坦移民担心无人机的使用会是当地安全部门向警力军事化转变的另一个例子。5.can考查情态动词解析:根据句意,队长说到无人驾驶飞行器能够作为军官的第二双眼睛。6.allowing考查非谓语动词解析:具体考查点是动词的-ing 形式,现在分词作定语。现在分词 allowing 修饰,相当于定语从句 which allows.。根据句意,无人驾驶飞行器允许军官观察到过于危险的情况,以便立即派人介

348、入。7.will be limited考查动词的时态与语态解析:此处考查谓语动词。根据句意,无人机的使用将要被限制。8.Though/Although考查单个连词解析:根据句意,尽管警察部门说他们不会将无人驾驶飞行器作为监视目的,人们仍然担心规定无人机使用的时间和方法的政策会随着时间扩大。两句为让步关系,因此正确答案为Though/Although。9.has taken考查动词的时态与语态解析:此处考查谓语动词。根据句意,Ewell 说到他的部门已经采取措施使警用无人机的活动公开和透明。10.beyond考查介词解析:根据句意,Ewell 说到他的部门已经采取措施使警用无人机的活动公开和透明

349、,不会超过所设定的指导准则。第65页体裁说明文词数308限时7 分钟You cant walk down the street without passing so-called“smart-phone zombies(僵尸)”.They aretoo absorbed in their screen(1)(watch)where they are going.Almost four in tenpeople admit suffering a technology-related small accident after paying more attention to theirelect

350、ronic device than the pavement.Now the city of Honolulu,Hawaii has decided its time to takeimmediate action and make(2)illegal to cross the road while using a mobile phone.Those(3)(catch)using phones,tablets or other electronic devices at crossing points could face afine of up to$100.Honolulu is the

351、 first major U.S.city to ban(4)is calleddistracted walking.It comes after a study found there had been more than 11,000 injuries in theUnited States resulting(5)phone-related distraction while walking between2000 and 2011.(6)(explain)the decision,mayor Kirk Caldwell said,“We hold theunfortunate hono

352、r of being a major city with more pedestrians being hit in crosswalks than almostany other city in the country.”Under the fine systems,whoever(7)(break)this lawfor the first time will get a fine of$15-$35.People breaking the law for a second or third time willget a$99 fine.The law,(8)is called the D

353、istracted Walking Law,does permit anexception.Pedestrians may use such devices in the street to call emergency services and rescueworkers,such as firefighters and police officers.If you still want to text while walking,you couldavoid(9)(fine)in Honolulu by using a voice-controlled digital assistant

354、such asSiri or Google Assistant.Oryou could just wait(10)you are again,safely,off the street.【参考答案与解题思路】1.to watch考查固定搭配解析:本题考查点是不定式结构“tooto”,此处译为“太全神贯注于手机屏幕而没有注意看路”,所以填 to watch。2.it考查从句引导词解析:本题考查点是 it 作形式宾语,illegal to cross the road while using a mobile phone 是真正的 宾语,此时 it 仍只起先行引导作用,本身无词义。3.caught

355、考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查点是分词做后置定语,通过句子成分分析,可知本句主干为“Those could facea fine of up to$100”,中间部分为定语,修饰 those,译为“那些被逮住边过马路边用手机的人”。4.what考查从句引导词解析:本题考查点是 what 引导的宾语从句,what 在引导的宾语从句中充当主语。第66页 5.from考查介词词组解析:本题考查点是介词词组,result from 为固定搭配,此处译为“使用手机分心而引起的伤害”。result in 是“生出的结果”,就是“引起”;而 result from 是“因而起”,这两个短语表 示的 因果关系不

356、同。例如:Success results from hard work.Hard work results in success.。6.Explaining考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查点是分词充当时间状语,分词动作一发生,谓语动作紧跟着发生,这时用现在分词的一 般式 作时间状语,其逻辑主语为句中的主语,此句中“Kirk Caldwell 市长解释这一决定(说),作为 一个中心城市,我们很惭愧我们的居民在过马路时的受伤率比其他城市都要高一些”,注意 首字母大写。7.breaks考查动词的时态和语态解析:本题考查点是动词 break 的时态和语态,根据句意“任何第一次违反法律的人将会被处以 15-

357、35 美元的罚款”,后半句是将来时,前半句用一般现在时即可,注意单三人称变化。8.which考查从句引导词解析:本题考查点是非限制性定语从句引导词,此处which 指代上文提到的 the law,which引导非 限制性定语从句,中间用逗号隔开,此处不能填that。9.being fined考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查点是动名词,需要注意动名词的被动形式,此处译为“避免被罚款”。10.until考查从句引导词解析:本题考查点是时间状语从句连词,此处译为“你可以等到过了马路再打电话”。体裁说明文词数356限时10 分钟Face book Opens to Children Under 13 fo

358、r MessagingFor the first time,Face book is opening its service to children under age 13.The social media gianthas launched a new app(1)(allow)young children to send messages through Facebook.The free service,called Messenger Kids,must be activated by the childs parents.Parents canthen create a profi

359、le for the child as an extension of their own Face book account.Parents mustapprove all requests(2)people can connect with the child.Children aged 6-12 areallowed to use Messenger Kids,(3)is currently only available for users in theUnited States.The app(4)(release)merely for Apples iOS operating sys

360、tem so far,for use on I Pads,I Phones and the iPod touch.More devices will be added in the future.The appallows children to send photos,videos and text messages and make video calls.Colorful pictures,第67页drawings and sounds can(5)(add)to messages.Face book does not allowchildren under age 13 to crea

361、te their own Face book accounts.(6),experts estimatemillions of children under 13 may already be on Face book after using false information to signup.Face book says it created Messenger Kids(7)(fill)a need for a messagingapp for children that gives parents full control.The company said it believes t

362、he new app willprovide a“fun,safer solution”for children to communicate with family and friends.Face book saidit developed the app after speaking with thousands of parents,major parental groups and childdevelopment experts.The Center for Digital Democracy praised Face book(8)creating a“walled garden

363、”approach to the new messenger service.The steps(9)(take)show that Face book is taking“a leadership role in developing responsible corporate practicesthat could be the basis for industry-wide guidelines,”the group said in a statement.But the groupadded that it was still too early to fully understand

364、 the effects such technology(10)(have)on young peoples psychological and social development in the days to come.It urged parents,educators and company officials to closely monitor such services as they grow and to make changesas needed.【参考答案与解题思路】1.allowing本题考查非谓语动词解析:现在分词做定语,与其修饰的词有逻辑上的主谓关系,所以此处用al

365、lowing。2.before本题考查单个连词解析:此处 before 引导时间状语从句,译为:“人们在和孩子取得联系之前,必须要由父母先通过请求”。3.which本题考查主从复合句解析:关系代词 which 引导非限定性定语从句,指代 Messenger Kids,并在定语从句中充当主语。4.has been released本题考查动词的时态与语态解析:so far 提示应用现在完成时,而主语 app 与 release 之间应该是被动关系,所以用 hasbeen released,表示“被发布”。5.be added本题考查动词的语态解析:此处用 be added 表示被动关系。6.Ho

366、wever本题考查单个连词第68页解析:根据上下文语境,两句间是转折关系,故用however 连接。7.to fill本题考查非谓语动词解析:此处用动词不定式作目的状语。8.for本题考查介词解析:固定搭配 praise for sth 表示“因为某事而夸赞某人/物”。9.taken本题考查非谓语动词解析:过去分词做后置定语,译为“所采取的步骤”。10.would have本题考查动词的时态解析:本句主句为过去时,而从句中有 in the days to come。结合语义,应用过去将来时。体裁The 2017 commencement speech given by Mark Zuckerb

367、erg at HarvardI love this place.Thank youall for coming out in the rain,the pouring rain.We gonna make it worth for you.President Faust,Board of Overseas,faculty,alumni,friends,proud parents,members of the ad board,and graduatesof the greatest university in the world,I(1)(honour)to be with you today

368、 because,lets face it,you accomplished something I never could.If I get through this speech,itll be the firsttime I actually finish something at Harvard.Class of 2017,congratulations!Im un unlikely speakertoday,not just(2)I dropped out,but because were technically in the samegeneration.We walked thi

369、s yard less than a decade apart,studied the same ideas and slept throughthe same Ec10 lectures.We(3)have taken different roads to get there,especiallyif you came all the way from the Quad,but today I want to share what Ive learnt about ourgeneration and the world were all building together.But first

370、,these last couple of days have broughtback a lot of good memories.How many of you remember exactly where you were,what you weredoing when you got that email telling you that you got into Harvard?I was playing Civilization andI ran downstairs,got my dad,and for some reason,his first reaction was(4)(

371、video)me opening the email.That could have been a really really sad video.But I swear gettinginto Harvard is the thing my parents are most proud of me for.How many of you remember yourfirst lecture at Harvard?Mine was Computer Science 121 with the incredible Harry Lewis.I waslate so I threw on a T-s

372、hirt and didnt realize until afterwards I put it inside out and backwards withmy tag(5)(stick)out the front.I couldnt figure out why no one would talk to me-except one guy,KX Jin,he just went with it.We start doing our problem sets together,and nowhe runs a big part of Face book.And that,class of 20

373、17,is why you should be nice to people.Butmy best memory from Harvard was meeting Priscilla.I had just launched this prank website Face第69页说明文词数721限时10 分钟mash,and the ad board wanted to“see me”.Everyone thought I was gonna get kicked out.Myparents drove here to help me pack my stuff.My friends threw

374、 me a going away party.Who doesthat?(6)luck would have it,Priscilla was at that party with her friends.We metin line for the bathroom in the Pfoho Bell tower,and in(7)must be one of the alltime romantic lines,I turned to her and said:“Im going to get kicked out in three days,so we needto go on a dat

375、e quickly.”Actually,any of you graduating today can use that line.Im getting kickedout today,we need to go date fast.I didnt end up getting kicked out-I did that to myself.Priscillaand I started dating.And,you know,that movie made it seem like Facemash was so important tostarting Face book.It wasnt.

376、But without Face mash I would never(8)(meet)Priscilla,and shes the most important person in my life,so you could still say itwas the mostimportant thing I built in my time.Weve all started lifelong friendships here,and some of us evenfamilies.Thats why Im so grateful to this place.Thanks,Harvard.Tod

377、ayI want to talk aboutpurpose.But Im not here to give you the standard commencement about finding your purpose.Were millennials.Well try to do that instinctively.Instead,Im here to tell you finding yourpurpose isnt enough.The challenge for our generation is to create a world(9)everyone has a sense o

378、f purpose.One of my favourite stories is when John F Kennedy visited theNASA space center,he saw a janitor holding a broom and he walked over and asked what he wasdoing.The janitor replied:“Mr.President,Im helping put a man on the moon.”Purpose is thatsense(10)we are part of something bigger than ou

379、rselves,that we are needed andthat we have something better ahead to work for.Purpose is what creates true happiness.【参考答案与解题思路】1.am honoured考查非谓语动词:动词的-ed 形式解析:be honored to do sth.“做某事非常荣幸”。2.because考查连词解析:not because,but because“不是因为,而是因为”。3.may/might考查情态动词解析:在肯定句中表示推测,“可能”。4.to video考查非谓语动词:动词不定

380、式解析:他的第一个反应是要去拍我的录像。5.sticking考查非谓语动词:动词-ing 形式解析:stick 在此处是不及物动词,解释为“戳出”,本词块是独立主格现象。第70页 6.as考查介词解析:as luck would have it,“碰巧,真幸运”。7.what考查主从复合句,从句引导词解析:介词 in 后面的宾语从句中缺少主语,指代某物。8.have met考查虚拟语气解析:虚拟语气,与过去相反,这里填 have met。9.where考查主从复合句,从句引导词解析:此句是定语从句,先行词是 world,where 是地点副词。10.that考查主从复合句,从句引导词解析:th

381、at 引导同位语从句。体裁说明文词数325限时9 分钟Group Helps US Children Learn About Healthy FoodsOur story begins at the John Burroughs Elementary School in Washington,DC.The schoolskindergarten students are staying late today-an hour after classes normally end.The boys and girlsare tasting kale,a vegetable that many of

382、 them are eating for the first time(1)(此题 2 空)seeking help with reading skills or mathematics.The schools teachers are also learningabout eating healthier.Dionne Hammiel says she(2)(encourage)to eat vegetablesshe never thought she would like.She hopes teachers and students will keep a healthy diet f

383、or therest of their lives.The program is taught by young people like Karen Davison,(3)isa member of Food Corps,a non-profit group which gets money from the Americorps nationalservice program.Food Corps was set up five years ago,(4)(send)more than 180young Americans to 500 schools across the United S

384、tates to teach students about nutrition and howthey can eat healthy foods both at school and at home.(5)the beginning of theschool year,Ms.Davison has spent each day in this Washington,DC classroom to give thekindergarteners vegetables many of them have never tasted and teach them where their food c

385、omesfrom and how they can choose to eat healthier meals.She believes that the groups work is especiallyimportant in the fight against childhood obesity because the child obesityy ratein the United Statesis twice(6)it was 30 years ago.In January,President Barack Obamas wifeMichelle invited Food Corps

386、 cofounder Debra Eschmeyer to lead the governments Lets Moveprogram(7)(launch)in February,2010,whose goal is(8)(reduce)childhood obesity through healthy eating and exercise.She is worried about increasing obesity第71页levels among American children.As obesity levels increase,(9)do the risks ofdiabetes

387、,heart disease and asthma.Mrs.Obama has been devoted to putting(10)(healthy)foods in schools and urging young people to exercise.【参考答案与解题思路】1.instead of考查介词解析:根据句意,男女生们正在品尝一种很多人都是第一次吃的蔬菜,而不是寻求阅读或数学方面的帮助。instead of 解释为“而不是”。2.has been encouraged考查动词的时态与语态解析:根据句意,Dionne Hammiel被鼓励吃她从未想过会喜欢的蔬菜。动词 encou

388、rage 与主语形成被动关系,且表示动作的完成,因此填现在完成时的被动形式。3.who考查主从复合句解析:此处考查点是定语从句。先行词 Karen Davison在从句中为主语,因此填关系代词 who。4.sending考查非谓语动词解析:具体考查点是动词的-ing 形式,现在分词作伴随状态。FoodCorps 输送 180 名美国年轻人到 500 所学校教授学生营养的知识。5.Since考查连词解析:根据句意,自从学年开始,Ms.Davison 每天都在这个教室里。句中用了现在完成时,因此用 since 引导时间状语。6.what考查主从复合句解析:考查点是名词性从句。what 为表语从句中

389、的表语,句意为美国的儿童肥胖率是30 年前的两倍。根据句意:奥巴马夫人致力于为学校提供更健康的食物。7.launched考查非谓语动词解析:具体考查点是动词的-ed 形式,过去分词作定语,相当于定语从句 which was launched.。句意为:美国政府在 2010 年 2 月发起的“让我们动起来”的活动。8.to reduce考查非谓语动词解析:具体考查点是动词不定式,动词不定式作目的状语。句意为:活动的目的是要通过健康饮食和锻炼降低儿童肥胖。9.so考查连词第72页解析:根据句意:随着肥胖水平的增长,糖尿病和心脏病的危险也在增长。So 位于句首的倒装句,解释为“也”。10.healt

390、hier考查形容词与副词解析:此处考查点是形容词比较级,根据句意指更健康的食物,应填 healthy 的比较级。第73页体裁说明文词数319限时7 分钟Hairstyles with Bangs That Never Go Out of StyleThey say that the best way to deal with a breakup is to get a haircut.So,what kind of a haircutshould you get?Go in for the seasons hottest trend-bangs!Yes,they are back!Bangs

391、are adefinite bet when it comes to(1)(upgrade)your look.But,just like face structures,bangs,too,come in a variety of styles.Straight bangs cover the forehead and help to make a largeforehead appear small.A normal ponytail can look fashionable when(2)(combine)with straight bangs.The length of straigh

392、t bangs is generally short or medium.These aresomewhat common,but popular(3)they can be combined with different hairstylesFor bangs that need to be angled,you may need to grow them a little(4)(long).These types of bangs(5)(brush)towards one side of the face.They requiremore combing and sometimes,the

393、 use of gel or other hair products if you really want the bangs tostay in place.Side-swept bangs,(6)give the face a slimming effect and take awaythe focus from the forehead,look lovely on a round or heart-shaped face.Bangs with partings(头发分缝)can provide(7)entirely new look.If you have curly hair,you

394、 can go infor short bangs and part them in the middle.If you have long straight hair,you can choose partedlong bangs(8)(bring)a definition to your face.Actually,you can style thebangs according to your mood or just use a cute clip and tie them up in the center.(9)bangs involve the monthly trim in ad

395、dition to flat irons or curlers,they add charm(10)any normal hairdo and go best with any face,be it oval,round,heart-shaped or square.【参考答案与解题思路】1.upgrading考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查点是 when it comes to 后面的动词形式,to 为介词,后面接动名词,所以填upgrading。bined考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查点是非谓语动词形式,主句主语a normal ponytail 和括号中动词 combine 的关系为 被动,用

396、 combine 的-ed 形式作状语,所以填 combined。3.because考查从句连词解析:本题考查原因状语从句连词,下文内容是对上文的解释说明,“因为可以和不同的发型搭配,所 以刘海很受欢迎”,所以填 because。4.longer考查形容词解析:本题考查点是形容词的比较级,此处表示“头发需要留长一点,刘海才能往一侧梳”,第74页所以填 long 的比较级 longer。5.are brushed考查动词的时态和语态解析:本题考查点是动词brush 的时态和语态,答案要求填的部分为整句话的谓语,纵观全文,时态 为一 般现在时;因为是“梳刘海-brush bangs”,所以语态为被

397、动语态。6.which考查从句连词解析:本题考查点是非限制性定语从句连词,which 指代上文出现的 side-swept bangs,which在 从句中充当主语成分且不能用 that 替代。7.an考查冠词解析:本题考查点是冠词 an 的使用,表示泛指,此处解释为“一个全新的面貌”。8.to bring考查非谓语动词解析:本题考查点是动词 bring 的不定式充当目的状语,所以填 to bring。9.Although/Though/While考查并列连词解析:本题考查点是让步状语从句连词的选择,此处解释为“尽管刘海需要每个月修剪,但是它给发 式增添了很多魅力”,Although/Though/While 都可以,注意首字母大写。10.to考查介词解析:本题考查点是介词 to,add A to B为固定搭配,故填介词 to。第75页


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