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2011高考英语(外研版)总复习 学案:MODULE2 A JOB WORTH DOING(必修5).doc

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1、Module 2A Job Worth Doing 基础自主回顾.课标单词1_(主动)提出(愿意做某事)(vi.)2_遵守(vt.)3_合同;契约(n.)4_长久的;永久的;永恒的(adj.)5_申请(vi.)6_必不可少的;绝对重要的(adj.)7_感激的;感谢的(adj.)offerrespectcontractpermanentapplyessentialgrateful8_可获得的(adj.)9_要求;需要(n.)10_遭受(痛苦)(vi.)11_令人满意的(adj.)_感到满意的(adj.)_使满意(v.)_满意(n.)_令人满意的(adj.)12_充满压力的;紧张的(adj.)_压

2、力(n.)13_指挥(vt.)_指导者,导演,指挥(n.)_指挥,指导,方向(n.)availabledemandsuffersatisfyingsatisfiedsatisfysatisfactionsatisfactorystressfulstressdirectdirectordirection14_冻住;冻僵(vi.)_冰箱(n.)_极冷的(adj.)_结冰的;冻住的(adj.)15_签字;签署(vt.)_签字(n.)_信号(n.)16_需要(vt.)_(同义词)需要(v. & n)_需要(n.)17_传统的(adj.)_传统(n.)freezefreezerfreezingfroze

3、nsignsignaturesignalrequiredemandrequirementtraditionaltradition.常用短语1_以为理所当然2_对产生影响3_作为的回应4_与有关5_尤其;特别6_平均7_理论上;从理论上来说take. for grantedhave an effect onin response tobe related toin particularon averagein theory8_实际上;在实践中9_站好位置以备10_注意到11_申请in practicetake uptake notice ofapply for.重点句型1The drop is

4、_ great _ anyone inside the vehicle is lucky to survive.这次坠崖是如此不一般以致车上的每个人都幸存下来。答案:so; that2Every morning he climbs up to the bend _.每天早上他爬到那个弯道处,手中举着一个圆形的大木板。答案:with a large circular board in his hand.3Sometimes drivers give him a tip, _ he has just enough money to live on.有时候,驾驶员们给他小费,因此他有足够的钱来生活下

5、去。答案:so that4He _ a lorry load of bananas _ he came off the road at a bend and fell three hundred metres down the mountain.他正驾驶着一辆满载香蕉的卡车,突然在一个拐弯处偏离车道坠落到山下300米处。答案:was driving; when.模块语法1(2009北京海淀第一学期期中练习)When Mark opened the door, he saw a woman standing there. He _ her before.A. never saw B. had n

6、ever seenC. never sees D. has never seen答案:B2(2009北京东城高三教学目标检测)The year 2002 _ remarkable changes in Shanghais landscape.A. sees B. has seenC. saw D. had seen答案:C3(2009北京宣武高三质检)Has Sam finished his homework today?I have no idea. He _ it this morning.A. did B. has doneC. was doing D. had done答案:C4(20

7、09重庆部分重点中学高三模考)I _ you not to move my dictionary, now I cant find it.A. asked B. askC. was asking D. had asked答案:D5(2009湖南毕业班综合练习)What were you doing when Tony phoned you?I had just finished my work and _ to take a shower.A. had started B. startedC. have started D. was starting答案:D6(2009黄冈中学阶段测试)It

8、is said in the book that Thomas Edison (18471931) _ the worlds leading inventor for sixty years.A. would be B. has beenC. had been D. was答案:C7(2009江苏海安中学调研考试)George and Lucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding?No, I _. Did they have a big wedding?A. was not invitedB. have not been inv

9、itedC. hadnt been invitedD. didnt invite答案:A 考点探究解密考 点 解 读 1offer vt. & vi.(主动)提出;提供;出价n.提供精讲拓展:offer sb. sth.offer sth. to sb.提供给某人某物offer to do sth.主动提出做某事offer money for sth.出钱买东西offer sth. for money开价卖东西offer advice/suggestions/congratulations/the price提出劝告/建议/表示祝贺/出价accept ones offer接受某人的建议误区警示

10、:offer后不能接动名词作宾语,经常接名词、代词、不定式等。I have been offered a large sum of money to go away, but I am determined to stay here.有人曾向我提供大笔款项让我搬迁,但我决定留在这里。He offered me 300 dollars for that television.他向我出300美元买那台电视机。My classmates offer to help me with my English.我的同学愿意帮我学英语。朗文在线:Offer some coffee to the guests.

11、端些咖啡给客人。They have offered us 75,000 for the house.他们已向我们出价7.5万英镑买这幢房子。Ive been offered a job in advertising.有一份广告工作聘请我去做。She offered to drive me to the station.她表示愿意开车送我去车站。词语辨析:offer, provide与supply这三个词都有“提供”的意思。offer指主动提供帮助、服务或令人向往之物,可接动词不定式作宾语,也可接双宾语,即offer sb. sth.或offer sth. to sb.。provide表示无主动

12、慷慨之意地为人或物提供需要或有用的东西,仅仅是出于某种责任,主要提供所需之物,尤其是生活必需品。常用短语:provide sb. with sth.或provide sth. for sb.。supply主要指定期供应,含有连续不断地供给之意。常用短语:supply sb. with sth.或supply sth. to sb./sth.。命题方向:offer接双宾语(offer sb. sth.)的用法。其中表示人的宾语称为间接宾语,表示物的宾语称为直接宾语。改成被动语态时有两种形式:sb.beoffered sth.sth.beoffered to sb.。活学巧练:(2009辽宁五校联

13、考)You _ only half the price, how would the seller sell the jacket to you?Aspent BpaidCcharged Doffered答案与解析:D句意:你仅出半价,店员怎么会把这件夹克卖给你呢?charge“收费”,不符合题意。应是先讲价(offer some money)而后才能花钱(spend)或付钱(pay),所以A、B两项不合题意。故选D项。2direct adj.直的,不弯曲的;直接的,坦白的,恰好的vt. & vi.指导;指引;指向;命令adv.直接地;一直精讲拓展:direct/show sb. to som

14、eplace为某人指去的路direct sth. to sb.对某人说;写给某人in a direct line成一条直线in direct contact with sb.与某人直接联络direction n方向;方位;指挥in the direction of朝方向director n导演,主任directory n姓名地址录,电话簿directly adv.直接地,立即误区警示:副词direct和directly的区别:direct的意思是“径直地;直接地”,多用于表面意思,没有比喻义。directly着重指对事物的直接影响,不着重实际距离,多用比喻义。direct和straight作副

15、词的区别:表示“直接去某地”时,用direct或straight。direct侧重“直接”,中途不停;而straight侧重“直”,不拐弯,无ly形式。The plane flies direct to London.飞机直飞伦敦。Go straight to the second crossing.一直向前走到第二个十字路口。朗文在线:She has direct control over the business.她直接控制着这个企业。None of them has ever directed serious attention to the problem.他们中间从来没有人认真地注意

16、过这个问题。Esther decided to contact the manager direct.艾丝特决定直接和经理联系。命题方向:direct作动词和形容词的用法,以及副词形式directly用作连词引导时间状语从句的用法。活学巧练:(2009北京/黄冈模拟)The teachers encouragement doesnt _ mean your progress, so you should try your best as well.A. necessarily B. directlyC. formally D. hopefully答案与解析:A考查副词用法。句意:老师的鼓励未必

17、意味着你的进步,所以你还应该努力。not necessarily为固定短语,意为“未必;不一定”,正好符合题意。3apply vt.申请,应用vi.申请,适用;专心;集中精力精讲拓展:be applied to适用于;应用于;施加于;用来表示apply for申请;请求,接洽apply oneself to致力于;集中精力做某事apply sth. to把运用于apply to关系到,牵涉到;适用于;运用于;向询问;与接洽applied adj.应用的,实用的application n请求,申请,申请表,应用;应用程序,应用软件applicative adj.可适用的;合用的applicati

18、vely adv.可适用地朗文在线:I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.我申请了四所大学,全都录取我了。Fletcher applied for the post of Eliots secretary.弗莱彻申请艾略特的秘书一职。Stephen would do very well if only he applied himself.只要专心致志,斯蒂芬会做得很好的。命题方向:apply表示“适应”和“申请”所构成的不同句型,apply oneself to和apply for。活学巧练:He wen

19、t to the American Embassy many times to apply _ his visa.Awith BinCfor Dat答案与解析:Capply to sb. for sth.向申请。4respect vt.&n.尊敬;尊重;方面;问候He has great respect for statesmen.精讲拓展:show/pay respect for向表示尊敬with respect to sth.涉及、提供或关于某物earn the respect of赢得的尊敬pay respect to关心in all respects无论从哪方面来看in respect

20、 of关于,就来说without respect to不考虑,不管respecting adj.关于,说到注意:respectable尊敬的,可敬的,品行端庄的,体面的,有身份的,常用作定语。 respectful有礼貌的,表示尊敬的,常用作be respectful to sb.这一结构中。respective个别的,各自的,类似于separate,其副词为respectively。活学巧练:(1)Please allow me to express our warm welcome to our respected guests!(替换)_(2)I_(尊重)your opinions.(3

21、)Childrenshouldshow_respect_fortheir teachers.(替换)_(4)Only by taking turns to speak can we get the chance to speak and to be listened to_(尊重地)honouredrespectpay respect forwith respect(5)My father sends his respects to you.(替换)_(6)He is a_(可敬的)teacher, and we should be respectful to him.(7)After the

22、 party we all went off to our respective rooms.(替换)_regardsrespectableown5demand n要求vt.要求;需求vi.询问精讲拓展:in demand需求,广受欢迎make demands on需要,要求meet/satisfy ones demands满足需求by popular demand应公众要求on demand一经要求demand sth.要求知道,查问demand sth. from/of sb.向某人要求demand to know/see.要求了解demand that(从句)要求朗文在线:The gov

23、ernment refused to give in to the demands of the terrorists.政府拒绝对恐怖分子提出的要求作出让步。The job makes great demands on my time.这项工作需要我花很多时间。Ford have increased production in order to meet demand.福特公司为了满足需求,已提高了产量。Her books are in great demand at the moment.目前她的书非常畅销。命题方向:demand后接that宾语从句时,虚拟语气的用法。活学巧练:翻译句子(1

24、)有人要和你谈一谈。_(2)老师要求学生放学后把教室的门窗关好。_(3)我要求你立刻答复。_Someone demanded to have a talk with you.The teacher demands the students shut all thewindows and doors of the classroom after school.I demand an immediate answer of/from you.6suffer vt.遭受,经历,忍受vi.受痛苦,受损害精讲拓展:suffer the consequences承担后果,受到惩罚suffer a defe

25、at/damage/injury/loss/pain遭受失败/损坏/伤痛/损失/痛苦suffer for.因而吃苦头suffer from.患病;(因)而遭受痛苦sufferer n受苦(难)者;受害者;患者,病人suffering n苦楚adj.受苦的,患病的误区警示:suffer可指变差,变坏,变糟,这里只作不及物动词。The ferry operators denied that safety would suffer if costs were cut.渡轮经营者们否认了降低成本就会影响安全的说法。朗文在线:I know Ill suffer for it in the morning

26、, but give me another gin.我知道我明天早上会因此而难受,不过,还是再给我来一杯杜松子酒吧。The car suffered severe damage in the accident.汽车在事故中受到严重损坏。If you break the law, you must be prepared to suffer the consequences.如果你犯法,你就要准备为此承担后果。命题方向:suffer直接接宾语与suffer from后接宾语的不同。活学巧练:介/副词填空(1)His grandfather is suffering _ cancer.答案:fro

27、m汉译英(2)他的健康因过度工作而受到伤害。答案:(2)His health suffers from overwork(3)要细心,否则我们的工作会受损失。答案:(3)Be careful or our work will suffer. 7available adj.可获得的,可利用的;有效的,有空的精讲拓展:make sth. available to/ for.使可以享受某物,使买得起某物avail vi. & vt.有利,有益;有助;n.效用,帮助,利益avail oneself of利用朗文在线:The lawyer is not available now.律师现在没空。Thes

28、e tickets are available on the day of issue only.这些车票仅在发售当天有效。We avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to you.我们借此机会向你们表示衷心的感谢。活学巧练:(1)In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to onefifth the total _ for living expenses.A. acceptable B.

29、 availableC. advisable D. applicable答案与解析:B句意:一个学生花在住房上的费用通常应控制在可支配生活费用总额的五分之一。acceptable可接受的;advisable明智的,可取的;applicable适当的,合适的,常和to搭配。(2)(2009安徽休宁中学模拟)Hello! May Flower Hotel. Can I help you?Do you have a room _ for this weekend?A. accessible B. presentC. absent D. available答案与解析:D考查形容词辨析。availabl

30、e可获得的;accessible易进入的;present出席,在场的;absent缺席的。根据题意,可知选D。8take.for granted认为理所当然He takes everything his mother does for him for granted.精讲拓展:take it for granted that.认为理所当然granted/granting that假定;就算grant sb. permission to do准许某人做(某事)grant sb. a request同意某人的请求注意:take it for granted that中it作形式宾语,that从句为

31、真正宾语。类似的还有:see to it that(负责处理),depend/rely/count on it that指望等。如果that从句换为what从句,则将it去掉,即构成句式take for grantedwhat从句。朗文在线:Losing my job taught me never to take anything for granted.失业使我认识到决不能认为什么事都是理所当然的。You cant take it for granted that theyll behave themselves.你不能想当然地认为他们会检点自己的行为。Take your time, we

32、 still have much time available.慢慢来,我们还有很多时间。活学巧练:(1)I_(认为想当然)that you knew how to operate that machine.(2)_(即使)that you have made some progress, you should not be conceited.(3)They_(准许)him permission to go.(4)He _(认为理所当然)what I did for him.took it for grantedGrantedgrantedtook it for granted9in res

33、ponse to作为的回应In response to your inquries, we regret to inform you that we cant offer help.精讲拓展:in reply to作为的回应in answer(to)作为回应make no/little/some response没有/很少/有些反应respond to回答,回应be responsible to/for sb./sth.对某人/某事负责bear responsibility for对负有责任take the responsibility for /of doing sth.负起做某事的责任朗文

34、在线:She opened the door in response to the knock at the door.听到敲门声,她打开了门。Yi Jianlian made no response to the question that reporter asked.易建联对那个记者的问题未作回答。They eagerly responded to the Partys call to work in the border regions.他们积极地响应党的号召,到边疆去工作。活学巧练:(1)The doctor came at once_(接到)my phone call.(2)The

35、 car_(灵敏)the controls.(3)You must make yourself personally_(应该)paying these bills.in answer toresponds well toresponsible for 10have an effect on/upon对产生作用,对发生影响精讲拓展:have no/little/much/great effect on/upon对没有/几乎没有/有很大/有重大影响have the effect of产生的结果,作用bring/put sth. into effect 使生效,实行,实施come into effe

36、ct 生效,开始实施take effect 开始起作用,见效朗文在线:Her parents have a great effect on her. 她的父母对她的影响很大。Her fathers criticisms had the effect of discouraging her completely.她父亲批评的结果是使她完全丧失了信心。New control is to come into effect next month.下月开始实施新的管理措施。The aspirins soon take effect. 阿司匹林药片见效快。活学巧练:单句改错(1)Punishment ha

37、d very little affect on him.答案:(1)affecteffect改写句子(2)What the teacher said affected me greatly. What the teacher said _.答案:(2)had much effect on me11复习动词的形式(2)1一般过去时与过去进行时的用法比较(1)一般过去时表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,往往表示动作已完成;而过去进行时则表示过去某个时间正在进行的动作,表示动作的未完成性。试比较:Mary wrote a letter to her friend last night.玛丽昨

38、晚给她的朋友写了一封信。(信写完了)Mary was writing a letter to her friend last night.玛丽昨晚在给她的朋友写信。(信不一定写完)I read a novel last night.昨天晚上我看了一本小说。(指已经看完了)I was reading a novel last night.昨天晚上我在看小说。(指看了一些)少数动词如:rain, work, feel, wear, cough等用一般过去时并不表示动作的完成,这时用两种时态在意义上差别不大。例如:It rained (was raining)all day yesterday.昨天

39、下了一天的雨。(2)过去进行时和一般过去时都可以表示过去某段时间内发生的动作或情况,但过去进行时通常用来说明短暂的动作和状态,侧重于动作持续时间的长度;而一般过去时则只说明过去发生了某事的事实。例如:I often went to swim while I was living in Qingdao.我在青岛住的时候经常去游泳。I lived in Qingdao for ten years.我曾在青岛住了10年。I was running downstairs when I saw her.我正往楼下跑的时候看到了她。The river ran down to the sea.这条河一直流向

40、大海。2一般过去时与过去完成时的用法比较(1)一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,而过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已完成的动作或状态,即“过去的过去”。当强调过去某一动作发生在另一动作之前时,常用此时态。试比较:The class had already begun when I came to school.当我来到学校时,已经开始上课了。He had gone home before I got to his office.我到达他的办公室时,他已经回家了。(2)一般过去时与过去完成时都可以和确定的表示过去的时间状语连用,但侧重点有所不同。试比较:They had finis

41、hed the work at five oclock.在五点钟的时候他们已经完成了那项工作。They did the work at five oclock.他们是在五点钟做那项工作的。上述第一句只说明工作在五点钟时已经完成,并未说明工作是什么时候做的;第二句就明确告诉我们,工作是在五点钟时做的。(3)在带有after或before引导的时间状语从句的复合句中,由于从句的动作和主句的动作发生的先后顺序已经非常明确,所以可用一般过去时代替过去完成时。例如:He called on me soon after he had returned.他回来不久便来拜访我。The train(had) l

42、eft before I got to the station.我到达车站时火车已开走了。(4)对于一连串的过去动作,其发生的先后顺序,有时可以用动词的词汇意义来表示,无需再用过去完成时。例如:He came in and said hello to everyone.他进来向每一个人问好。活学巧练:(1)Have you finished your composition already?Yes. I _ it in twenty minutes.Ahave finished BfinishedCwill finish Dhad finished答案:B(2)What _ when the

43、gang broke in? I _ the TV and was going to bed.Awere you doing; was turning offBdid you do; has turned offChad you done; was turning offDwere you doing; had turned off答案:D(3)The traffic accident wouldnt have happened yesterday, but the driver _ really careless.Ahad been BisCwere Dwas答案:D(4)Have you

44、seen Michael recently?Yes, in fact I saw him this morning. I _ him for two years.Ahaven t seen Bhadnt seenCdidnt see Ddont see答案:B(5)Toms father had not spoken to him since his marriage, because he considered Tom _ a mistake in marrying so young a girl.Ahad made BmadeCwould make Dwas making 答案:A 考 题

45、 演 练 1.Do you have enough to _ all your daily expenses?Oh yes, enough and to spare.A. cover B. spendC. fill D. offer答案与解析:A本题结合语境考查动词词义的辨析。cover在此处意为“支付;够之用”。问句句意:你有足够的钱来支付日常开销吗?2Dont worry if you dont understand everything. The teacher will _ the main points at the end.A. recover B. reviewC. requir

46、e D. remember答案与解析:B考查动词词义辨析。recover恢复;review复习,回顾;require要求,需要;remember记忆,记住。句意:如果你没理解所有知识的话,不用担心,老师会在结束时把重要的知识点再回顾一下。3_, the pay isnt attractive enough, though the job itself is quite interesting.A. Generally speaking B. On the contraryC. In particular D. To be honest答案与解析:D考查固定短语的意义辨析。句意:说实话,尽管这项

47、工作本身很令人感兴趣,但薪水却没那么吸引人。A项“一般说来”;B项“相反”;C项“尤其是”;D项“说实话”。4Ken, _, but your TV is going too loud.Oh, Im sorry. Ill turn it down right now.A. Id like to talk with youB. Im really tired of thisC. I hate to say thisD. I need your help答案与解析:C本题考查交际用语。注意培养用英语思维的习惯。首句句意为:Ken,我真不想这样说,。A项意为我想和你谈谈;B项我非常厌烦;D项我需要你

48、的帮助,均不合句意。5She _ have left school, for her bike is still here.A. cant B. wouldntC. shouldnt D. neednt答案与解析:A“情态动词have done”结构为高考考查的重点,要牢记“各个情态动词have done”表示的意义及其用法。句意:她不可能离开了学校,因为她的自行车仍然在这儿。cant表示不可能;wouldnt have done表虚拟;shouldnt have done本不该做(却已做了);neednt have done本没必要做(但已做了)。6Have you known Dr. Ja

49、ckson for a long time?Yes, since she _ the Chinese Society.A. has joined B. joinsC. had joined D. joined答案与解析:D解题时要注意一些固定句式中的时态和搭配问题。考查主句用现在完成时,since引导的从句用一般过去时这一结构。7There are plenty of jobs _ in the western part of the country.A. present B. availableC. precious D. convenient答案与解析:B考查adj.的用法以及与句意的结合

50、。available意为“可得到的,可利用的”。句意:在这个国家的西部地区,有很多工作可找。8Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?Yes, I did. You know, my brother _ in the match.A. is playing B. was playingC. has played D. had played答案与解析:B考查动词的时态。句意:你昨天看篮球赛了吗?看了。你要知道,我的弟弟在那场比赛中上场打球。故此处应该用过去进行时态。9Shall we go out for a walk?Sorry. This i

51、s not the right _ to invite me. I am too tired to walk.A. moment B. situationC. place D. chance答案与解析:A考查名词的辨析。句意:我们出去散散步好吗?对不起,这不是邀请我的合适的时间,我太累了而不想去散步。A项“某一时刻,片刻”;B项“情形,状况”;C项“地方”;D项“机会”。Module 2A Job Worth Doing.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空combine.within response toin demand ofdoublein progressrelate toloo

52、k forward toopen upapproachsuffer from1Now there are still many Africans who_ hunger.答案:are suffering from2Many seaside cities in our country_ to foreign countries.答案:open up3_his invitation, I had a present sent to him first.答案:In response to4We_ more money to help the children out of school.答案:are

53、 in demand of5The income of farmers in our village_ in five years.答案:will be doubled6If you_ what you learned in the textbook_ the experiment, youll understand it better.答案:combine.with7The letter he has been_ for a long time came at last.答案:looking forward to8The little boy cried loudly to see a be

54、ggar_ to him.答案:approaching9At the meeting_, they are discussing an important problem.答案:in progress10This matter has nothing to do with the case. You shouldnt_ them_ each other.答案:relate.to.单项填空1. A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left _.A. un

55、satisfied B. unsatisfyingC. to be unsatisfying D. being unsatisfied答案与解析:A题干后半句的意思是“但不能让读者感到不满意”,be left unsatisfied中unsatisfied是形容词作主语补足语,修饰the reader。2He was very angry to see the fridge he had _ went wrong again.A. had repaired B. have repaired C. got to repaired D. got repaired 答案与解析:A这个句子中有一个定语

56、从句修饰fridge,see后面的宾语从句的句子主干为the fridge went wrong again。把定语从句拿出来为:he had had the fridge repaired。先行词fridge提前后,空白处应填had repaired。故答案为A项。3If you like, I can do some shopping for you. Thats a very kind _.A. offer B. serviceC. point D. suggestion答案与解析:A这里offer的意思是“提议,提供”。其中B项service意为“服务”;C项point意为“要点”;s

57、uggestion意为“建议”,词义都不恰当。4At such _ altitude, it is almost impossible for living things _.A. /; to live B. a; to live inC. an; to live D. an; to live at答案与解析:Caltitude是可数名词,具体指某一海拔高度时,要用冠词;后一个空to live作状语,后面不用介词。5The little boy is very thin and often gets ill because he is too _ about food.A. worried B

58、. specialC. particular D. care答案与解析:C这里的四个选项中只有A、C项能和be构成系表结构与about连用,根据语境,只能用be particular about,意思是“对挑剔”。6What about your income in the factory?_ two thousand yuan every month.A. On average B. In usualC. In average D. On general答案与解析:A这几个短语只有on average是正确的短语,意思是“平均起来”,general不能和on连用,in general是“一般

59、来说”。7You must combine what you have learned with practice and never _ for granted.A. have something B. take somethingC. have anything D. take anything答案与解析:D此句是由and连接的并列句,后面的并列句为否定句式,所以用anything。另外,用take是固定搭配。8How do you know the effect the machine _ your illness if you dont try it?A. had on B. has

60、onC. takes D. take on答案与解析:Beffect后面的the machine has on your illness是定语从句,关系代词that省略。A项时态错误;C项和effect搭配成take effect,意思是“生效”。9To her parents delight,her study is _. Which of the following is wrong?A. progressing B. making progressC. getting along D. getting on答案与解析:Bprogress意思是“进步,进展”;get along和get o

61、n是“进展”的意思,B项应该用人作主语。10Most museums are just for looking. But today some of them have the things for you to touch. The _ say, “_!”A. signs; Do touch B. notices; To touchC. signals; Be touching D. signs; No touching答案与解析:A根据题干可知,博物馆有些展品专门让参观者触摸,所以提示牌写的应该是“Do touch”。do表示强调,意思是“一定”。notice的意思是“通知”;signal

62、意思是“信号”,不符合语境。11Although he has worked for almost two hours,he doesnt feel _ tired.A. a little B. a bitC. a bit of D. a little bit of答案与解析:B四个选项中只有A、B两项能修饰形容词;C、D两项修饰名词。根据该题语境,应该用not a bit,意思是“一点也不”。因为前面是让步状语从句。12This photo of mine was taken_stood the famous Eastern Bright Pearl in Shanghai.Awhich B

63、in whichCwhere Dthere答案与解析:Cwhere引导地点状语从句。状语从句是一个倒装句。13No one will accept your requirement that the work_by five oclock.A. be finished B. should finishC. will be finished D. is finished答案与解析:A句中“requirement”暗示that引导的同位语从句,用should动词原形或省略should。14In our childhood, we were often _ by Grandma to pay att

64、ention to our table manners.A. demanded B. remindedC. allowed D. hoped答案与解析:Bremind提醒。提醒吃饭时要有礼貌。demand要求;hope不跟不定式作主语补足语;allow允许,意思不恰当。15_ such heavy pollution, it may be too late to clean up the river.A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered答案与解析:A句中having suffered 是现在分词完成形式作状语,表示动作

65、完成,C、D两项形式不对,B项表示动作与主句的动作同时进行。.翻译句子1你的建议在理论上听起来不错,但实际上行得通吗?(in theory; in practice)答案:Your suggestion sounds fine in theory, but would it work in practice?2我今天身体不好。多亏天气糟糕,比赛被推迟了。(thanks to)答案:I dont feel well today. Thanks to the bad weather, the match has been put off.3一位新经理被任命来管理这项工程。(direct)答案:A

66、new manager has been appointed to direct the project.4We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English, talk with others or foreigners in English and act as others interpreters. 答案:当我们可以说点简单的英语,用英语与别人或与老外交流或作别人的翻译时,我们就

67、可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感。5How to protect child fans who web from unsuitable material online while encouraging them to use the Internet has long been discussed.答案:人们一直在讨论在鼓励孩子们使用互联网的同时,如何保护上网成痴的孩子们不受网上不良内容的影响。.完形填空Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned twelve, a white gardenia(栀子花)was delivered t

68、o my house. No card or note came with it. _1_to the flower shop were always uselessit was a cash_2_. After a while I stopped trying to_3_who the sender was and just delighted in the beauty and perfume(芳香)of the white flower. But I never _4_imagining who the sender might be. Some of my_5_moments were

69、 spent daydreaming about it.My mother asked me whether there was someone for whom I had done a(n)_6_kindness who might be showing_7_. Perhaps the neighbor I helped when she was_8_a car full of groceries. Or maybe it was the old man_9_the street whose mail I helped to get during the _10_so he wouldnt

70、 have to venture(冒险)down his icy steps. As a teenager,_11_, I had more fun guessing that it might be a_12_who had noticed me_13_I didnt know him.One month before my high school graduation, my father died of a heart attack(心脏病). He was_14_some of the most important events in my life. I became complet

71、ely_15_in my upcoming graduation and the dance. When my father died, I_16_the dance and the dress for it. The next day before the dance, I found a dress on the sofa. I didnt _17_if I had a new dress or not, but my mother did.She wanted her children to feel_18_and lovable, imaginative, believing that

72、 there was a magic in the world and_19_in the face of hard times. Actually mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenialoveable,_20_and perfect. The gardenia stopped coming when my mother died.1A.Calls BQuarrelsCMessages DLetters2A.service BdealCbargain Doffer3A.recognize Bima

73、gineCwonder Ddiscover4A.failed BstoppedCsucceeded Denjoyed5A.saddest BpainfulChappiest Dloneliest6A.special BcommonCvaluable Dimportant7A.concern BattitudeCinterest Dappreciation8A.repairing BwashingCunloading Dstarting9A.across BthroughCfrom Donto10A.spring BsummerCautumn Dwinter11A.though BanywayC

74、therefore Dindeed12A.friend BsupermanCteacher Dboy13A.as if Beven thoughCin case Dso that14A.considering BexpectingCmissing Dpreparing15A.disappointed BuninterestedCdiscouraged Dconcentrated16A.forgot BlostChated Dexpected17A.wonder BbelieveCcare Dknow18A.contented BrespectedCthanked Dloved19A.troub

75、le BbeautyCdifficulty Dlove20A.strong BbeautifulCsmelly Dlucky答案与解析:1A这里作者说“我给花店打电话询问”,用call to the flower shop,如果表示花店的信息应该是messages from the flower shop,而且不符合上下文的语境。2B这里用deal表示“交易”,如Its a deal.(咱们成交。)。文中句意可理解为:这是现金交易,对方没有留下任何信息。3D我就不再去探询谁是送花人。4B我虽然不再去寻找送花人是谁,但是我时刻在想是谁给我送花的。5C从上下文判断显然用happiest,想到有人给

76、我送的栀子花我就觉得高兴快乐。6A妈妈问我是不是我对某人特别有恩,所以他总是送花给我。7D送花给我,以表明他对我的感激(appreciation)和谢意。8C从语境判断,这是我的猜想,邻居买回来一车的日常用品,我帮他从车上拿东西。9Aacross the street意为“穿过马路”。10D既然是街上结冰了,那么一定是冬天。11A从上下文判断,这里不是加强语气,也不是表示承接,而是作者在猜测另外一种可能性,用副词though表示“不过”。12D下文有him,而且作者是在作现实的猜测而不是幻想有什么超人,因此用boy。13B本句用even though引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”我可能不认识他

77、。这里作者少女怀春,在作各种猜想。14C就在我要毕业的时候父亲去世了,他看不到我人生重要的一部分了。15B这时我沉浸在失去亲人的痛苦中,对于毕业典礼和随后的舞会都不感兴趣了。16A我这时早已忘了这些东西,还在失去亲人的悲痛中。17C此时我已不在乎穿不穿新衣服出席舞会和典礼了。18D联想前面提到的有人送花给我,母亲希望我是可爱而又被人爱的孩子。19B从全文的内容判断,这里作者说就像栀子花一样,在困难时期依然有美丽的存在。20A上文提到面对困难保持坚强,本空前面有lovely,后面有perfect,那么这里应该填与“可爱”不一样的另外一种素质,因此选strong。.七选五根据短文内容, 从短文后的

78、选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。_1_ When a starving man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when an executive gets a new sports car, visions of country clubs and pleasure beats dance into view.The many wants of mankind might be regarded as making up several levels._2_The fir

79、st and most basic level of wants involves food. Once this want is satisfied, a second level of wants appears: clothing and some sort of shelter. By the end of World War II these wants were satisfied for a great majority of Americans. _3_ It included such items as automobiles and new houses. By 1957

80、or 1958 this third level of wants was fairly well satisfied. Then, in the late 1950s a fourth level of wants appeared: the “lifeenriching”level. While the other levels involve physical satisfactionthe feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation of the human bodythis level stresses mental needs for

81、recognition, achievement and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called “luxury” items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical care, and entertainment. _4_One this level, a greater percentage of consumer spending goes to services, while on the firs

82、t three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of wants as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level? A fifth level probably would involve wants that can be achieved best by community action.

83、Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime and prejudice. _5_ In this way, we can enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.AThen a third level appeared.BHuman wants seem endless.CWhen there is money enough to satisfy one le

84、vel of wants, another level appears.DThere are several levels of wants in ones life.EAt this stage, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure.FAlso included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothing.GDifferent people have different wants on each level.答案:15BCAFE.书面表达5月1日

85、,高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue和Zhang Hua去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100120个词的新闻报道。1时间、地点、人物、活动;2老人们的反应;3简短评论。注意:报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不计词数)。Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly_By Chen Jie, School Newspaper参考范文:Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderl

86、yOne May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, students from Class Three, Grade Two, went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then, they started working at once

87、, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives.By Chen Jie, School Newspaper


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