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1、限时测试(11)专题特训(完形填空)A 体裁:记叙文话题:人生经历时间:15分钟Once upon a time,two brothers,who lived on adjoining farms,fell into conflict.Then the long collaboration(合作)fell _1_conflict.Very early one morning there was a _2_ on the older brothers door.He opened it to find a man with a carpenters _3_“Im _4_ a few days w

2、ork,”he said.“Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there.Could I help you?”“I do have a _5_ for you.Look across the creek at that farm.Thats my neighbour,_6_,its my younger brother.Last week there _7_ a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river bank and now there is a cree

3、k between us.Well,see that pile of lumber by the barn? I want you to build me a _8_,so I wont need to see him or his place _9_,”said the older brother.The carpenter said,“I think I _10_ the situation.Show me the nails and the posthole digger and Ill be able to do a job that _11_ you.”The older broth

4、er helped the carpenter get the materials _12_ and then he was off for the day.The carpenter worked hard all that _13_About sunset when the older brother _14_,the carpenter had just finished his job.The older brothers eyes opened _15_ and his jaw dropped.There was no fence there at all;instead there

5、 was a bridge stretching from _16_ side of the creek to the other.His younger brother was _17_ the bridge,his hand outstretched.The _18_ brothers then met in the middle of the bridge,taking each others hand and embraced.They then turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox _19_ his shoulder.“No,wa

6、it.Please stay a few days.Ive a lot of other projects for you,”said the older brother.“Id love to stay on,”the carpenter said,“but,I have many more bridges to _20_”【语篇导读】一对和睦相处的兄弟之间爆发了矛盾,当推土机铲平草地,开辟出一条小溪,两人的矛盾似乎已无可挽回。此时,一个木匠出现了,他在小溪上架起了一座桥,使兄弟两人重归于好。1A.off Binto Cfrom Ddown解析由兄弟俩之间发生了冲突可推出他们兄弟俩长期的合作

7、破裂了。fall down失败,崩溃。答案D2A.knock Bnoise Csound Dvoice解析根据下文提到的他开了门,发现有一个人,可知应该是他听到敲门声后去开的门,故选A。答案A3A.car Bhammer Ctoolbox Ddriver解析文章下文提到They then turned to see the carpenter hoist his toolbox on his shoulder.可知那个人应该是带着一个木匠工具箱。答案C4A.looking up Blooking downClooking at Dlooking for解析根据下一句Perhaps you wo

8、uld have a few small jobs here and there.Could I help you?可知木匠是在找工作。look for寻找;look up往上看;look down往下看,瞧不起;look at看。答案D5A.present Bjob Cassistant Dsaw解析根据下文让木匠建篱笆墙可知,“我确实有一个工作给你”。故选B。present礼物;assistant助理;saw锯。答案B6A.in fact Bin timeCin the end Din danger解析那是我的邻居,实际上是我的弟弟。in fact实际上;in time及时;in the

9、end最后;in danger处于危险之中。答案A7A.had BwasChappened Dappeared 解析上周在我们的农场之间有一片草坪。此处考查there be句型。故将A、C、D排除。答案B8A.river BhouseCbridge Dfence解析根据下文的暗示可知“我”想让木匠建一道篱笆墙,故选D。答案D9A.anymore BsometimeCanyway Dsomehow解析我不需要再看到他或他的那个地方了。not.anymore不再。答案A10A.realize BunderstandCrecognize Dregret解析我理解(你建一道篱笆墙是为了不与你弟弟来往)

10、这种状况。答案B11A.consults BannoysCpleases Dadmires解析我可以干一件让你满意的工作,下文也提到让他们兄弟二人和好了,故选C。consult咨询;annoy惹恼;admire羡慕。答案C12A.hard BdifficultCeasy Dready解析哥哥帮木匠把材料准备好。get sth ready意为:“将准备好”。答案D13A.day ByearCnight Dmonth解析根据上下文的提示可以看出,木匠干了一整天。答案A14A.went Breturned Cleft Drest解析上文提到哥哥帮木匠将材料准备好就离开了,到太阳落山的时候应该是回来了

11、,故选B。答案B15A.wide Bnarrow Csmall Deasily解析本来让木匠建的是篱笆墙,而他建的却是桥,故哥哥感到非常吃惊,应该是睁大了眼睛,张大了嘴巴,故选A。答案A16A.one Banother Csome Dany解析桥从小溪的一边延伸到了另一边。此处考查one.the other。答案A17A.coming on Bcoming acrossCcoming down Dcoming in解析弟弟正从桥的另一边走过来。过桥应该用come across,故选B。答案B18A.three Bfour Ctwo Dfive解析根据上下文的暗示可知应该是兄弟两人在桥中间相遇,

12、握手,拥抱。答案C19A.in Bdown Cup Don 解析木匠扛起工具箱,扛工具箱应该是在肩膀上,故选D。答案D20A.repair Bdamage Cbuild Dtear解析根据文章语境我们可以推出木匠是说有更多的桥要建。此处用build。repair修理;damage破坏;tear撕掉。答案CB 体裁:记叙文话题:人文交际时间:13分钟My friend Jenny from Germany spent some time traveling in India.She _1_ the country so much that she always got attracted by

13、it.While there,she _2_ with Leela,her friend who was Indian.Aside from the _3_ that she got as a foreigner,Jenny always had _4_ problems.It was so difficult for her to communicate and converse in this new environment and culture.One day,a _5_ thing happened.Along with Leela,she went to visit an orph

14、anage(孤儿院)All the children there were _6_;each one fell somewhere between the ages of fifteen days to oneandahalf years old.After some initial hesitation,Jenny _7_ went to the kids and sat beside them.After some time,one of the kids smiled at her.Her mind _8_ a little,and she immediately was drawn t

15、owards that child.She slowly held the child and started _9_ a rhyme in German.The small child continued to _10_ and started repeating after her.The words that escaped the little mouth were much _11_ from those that Jenny hummed,but the rhythm was the same.Jenny sang a little more and the child _12_

16、it again.On and on they went.Wanting to join in all the _13_,another kid went up to Jenny and started humming the rhyme.They _14_ a million smiles together.Noticing Leelas eyes on her,she blurted(脱口而出)an explanation _15_ from her heart:“See,I dont have language problems here.We speak,we _16_!”That d

17、ay,it was _17_ for Leela and the others in the orphanage to see such a heartwarming,languageless connection.In that moment,she _18_:were all simply human,and we have the _19_ to connect with each other.Its simple,and _20_ deep inside.【语篇导读】到国外旅游语言不通是大问题,但有时即使语言不通也能交流。Jenny就有过这么一次有趣的经历。1A.expected Bd

18、reamedCloved Ddefended解析由该句中的“.that she always got attracted by it(她总是被它所吸引)”可知,她“热爱”这个国家。答案C2A.worked BstayedCaccompanied Dagreed解析Jenny与印度女孩Leela(她的朋友)在一起,故用stay。accompany为及物动词,不可与with连用。答案B3A.gazes Bpresents Cshocks Daids解析她在印度属于外国人,所以受到了(当地人的)注视、关注。gaze“凝视,注视”,符合语境。答案A4A.learning Bhearing Cexcha

19、nge Dlanguage解析从下文中的“It was so difficult for her to communicate and converse in this new environment and culture.”以及15空后的“I dont have language problems”可知,这是指“她总会遇到语言障碍”,D项正确。答案D5A.strange Bfunny Cvital Dterrible解析Jenny总是遇到语言障碍,而下文中在孤儿院发生的事却没有因语言不通而受影响,这着实令人感到奇怪,故用strange。答案A6A.naughty Btiny Clively

20、 Dnoisy解析根据空后的“each one fell somewhere between the ages of fifteen days to oneandahalf years old”可知,这些孩子都很“小”,故用tiny。答案B7A.happily BimmediatelyCexcitedly Dslowly解析因为迟疑了一会儿,所以Jenny是“慢慢地”走向孩子们,坐在他们旁边。答案D8A.relaxed Bhesitated Cwandered Dslipped解析由一个孩子对她微笑以及下文中她立即被那个孩子吸引并抱住那个孩子可知,她(紧张的)思想“放松”了一些。答案A9A.r

21、eading Bsinging Cwriting Dentertaining解析根据下文中的“Jenny sang a little more”可知答案为B。答案B10A.grow Bquarrel Cshout Dsmile解析上文提到小孩的微笑吸引了她,那么此刻这个小孩继续做的事情应是向她“微笑”。答案D11A.various Bdifferent Csimilar Dunlike解析从这个小孩的嘴里吐出的词虽与Jenny哼唱的词不同,但旋律是相同的。与后面的the same相对,此处应选different。答案B12A.repeated Brenewed Cresponded Dremo

22、ved解析根据上文中的“started repeating after her”可知答案,此处表示“再次重复”。答案A13A.party Bsport Cgame Dfun解析上文提到Jenny与孩子玩得很好,另一个孩子想加入进来一起玩耍。the fun 指代上文的欢乐场景。答案D14A.made Bshared Cprovided Dwore解析“a million smiles together”为夸张手法,指的是他们一起“分享”快乐。答案B15A.straight Bdeeply Cjust Dabruptly解析由“she blurted(脱口而出)an explanation”可知,

23、这是直接发自心里的声音,故选择straight。答案A16A.conduct BvalueCcommunicate Dconquer解析这是Jenny在向朋友炫耀:看,我在这里没有语言问题了。我们说话了,我们在交流!文中第一段“It was so difficult.environment and culture.”也是提示。答案C17A.amazing Binspiring Camusing Dtiring解析那一天,Leela和在场的其他人看到这种感人的、很少用言语的交流,都感到很惊奇,故用amazing。答案A18A.understood BconsideredCproved Dmurm

24、ured解析这时,她明白了:我们是人,我们有能力相互交流。understand“理解,明白”;consider“考虑”;prove“证明”;murmur“低语,低声抱怨”。故选择A。答案A19A.mind Btechnique Cability Dmeans解析参见上题解析。答案C20A.leads to Bcomes fromCbreaks out Dsets off解析我们都有与他人交往的本能,这种本能来自人的内心深处。lead to“导致,引起”;come from “来自”;break out “爆发”;set off “出发”。故选择B。答案B重点词语链接(1)escape v意外发出(声音);逃走 A deep sigh escaped his lips.他不由深深地叹了一口气。He broke down the locked door and escaped.他砸开上锁的门后逃走了。(2)fun n有趣的经历(活动),娱乐。Everyone joins in the fun.每个人都来一起玩。


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