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1、仿真模拟卷二时间:120分钟满分:150分本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)。第卷(选择题共90分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,共40分)第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1(2014南昌二中月考)We have been looking at houses,but havent found_ we like yet.Aones Bone Cthem Dit解析考查代词。句意:我们一直在看房子,但是还没有找到我们喜欢的房子。指代a house,用one,ones指代可数名词的复数,them特指可数名词的复数,it

2、特指前面提到的单数名词或不可数名词,所以选B。答案B2(2014陕西五校联考)Ken,_,but your radio is going too loud.Oh,Im sorry.Ill turn it down right now.AIt doesnt hurt to ask BIm crazy about itCIm really tired of it DI hate to say it解析考查交际用语。It doesnt hurt to ask问一下也无妨;Im crazy about it我对此着迷了;Im really tired of it我真的厌倦了;I hate to say

3、 it我不愿意这样说(但不得不说),根据语境可知,我不愿意这样说,但是你的电视声音实在太大了。故选D。答案D3(2014重庆第四十二中学月考)As he never raises a finger to help me with the dinner,I_the thanksgiving meal from this afternoon till now.Ahave been preparing BpreparedChad been preparing Dprepare解析考查动词时态。句意:因为他从不动手帮我做饭,从今天下午到现在我一直在准备感恩节的食物。时间是from this after

4、noon till now.可知准备食物这个动作是从过去一直到现在,用现在完成进行时,故选A。答案A4(2014河北唐山摸底)A direct air route_ Chongqing and San Francisco is expected to open next month.Alinking Bbeing linked Clink Dlinked解析考查非谓语动词。句意:连接重庆和旧金山的直飞航线有望下个月开通。此处主语a direct air route和link之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。根据句意选A。答案A5(2014湖南六校联考)He has been talented

5、 at designing and creating things_ he was young.Awhen Bbefore Csince Dwhile解析考查连词。句意:从小时候他就一直很擅长设计和创造东西。when当时候;before在前面;since自从;while虽然,因为和现在完成时连用,用since引导时间状语从句,故选C。答案C6(2014黑龙江哈三中二模)_ the speed limits,or youll get fined $ 200 for speeding.AIf you dont keep to BKeeping toCTo keep to DKeep to解析考查固

6、定句型。句意:请遵守限速的规定,否则你会因超速而被罚款200美元。把握关键词or,or 是一个连词,连接两个并列句,此处构成固定句型:祈使句and/or 简单句。A项是一个if引导的从句,B、C都是非谓语动词,由此排除A、B、C。故D正确。答案D7(2014天津十二校二模)_ in the regulations is that you_ other people the password of your email account.AWhat is required;not tellBAs is required;shouldnt tell CIt is required;not tellD

7、It requires;shouldnt tell解析考查主语从句和虚拟语气。句意:规则要求的是,你不应该告诉别人你的邮箱密码。本题第一空是what所引导的主语从句what is required in the regulation,what在句中做主语。因为第一空中有动词require,后面的从句要使用“should动词原形”构成的虚拟语气,should可以省略。答案A8(2014山东诸城调研)Our special thanks go to thousands of volunteers,without_ tireless work,none of this would be possib

8、le.Awhose Bwhich Cwhom Dthat解析考查定语从句。句意:非常感激成千上万的志愿者们,没有他们不知疲倦的工作,这些都是不可能实现的。整个句中有两个主语,两个谓语,句子必须要有连接词,whose在定语从句中做定语修饰主语或宾语。故选A。答案A9(2014郑州四十七中月考)Would you please lend me some money?_I have a very tight budget.ANo problem BOut of questionCNo way DOut of respect解析考查交际用语。句意:请问你能借给我一些钱吗?不可能,我手头很紧。No pr

9、oblem.没问题;Out of question.毫无疑问;No way.想都别想;Out of respect.出于尊敬。此处关键要理解tight budget的意思是“手头紧”,由此判断出选C。答案C10(2014江苏盐城中学二模)Many parents_ challenging conversations with their children later this month to help them recover from the panic.Ahave had Bwill be havingChave Dwill have had解析考查动词时态。句意:在这个月晚些时候,很多

10、父母会和孩子进行有挑战性的对话来帮助他们克服恐慌。由时间later this month可知用将来时,排除A、C两项,D是将来完成时,不符合句意,B项是将来进行时,可以表示未来的计划,故选B。答案B第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2014沈阳教学质监)He lost his arms in an accident,where his father lost his life.Because his father was the main_11_of support for the

11、 family,since then,he has had to totally_12_his brother.Except for writing with his_13_,he himself could do nothing else.One late night at school,he got diarrhea(肠胃炎)His brother_14_him into the toilet and then went back to wait.But being so_15_,his brother fell asleep,leaving him there for two hours

12、_16_the teacher on duty discovered him.Later,they had problems and often_17_Then one day,his brother wanted to live his own life.So he was heartbroken and didnt know_18_to do.A_19_misfortune happened to a girl,too.One night her mother,who suffered from mental illness,_20_So her father went out looki

13、ng_21_her mother,leaving her alone at home.She tried to prepare meals,only to overturn the kerosene(煤油)light on the stove,_22_a fire which took her hands away.Though her sister wanted to take care of her,she chose to be completely_23_Once she wrote:“I am lucky.Though my wings are broken,my heart can

14、_24_fly.”One day,the boy and the girl were invited to a television interview program.They were asked to write something with their toes.The boy wrote:My brothers arms are my arms,_25_the girl wrote:Broken wings,flying heart.They had both experienced the same hardship,but their different attitudes de

15、termined the_26_of their life.Life is_27_because disasters can strike at any time.How you handle misfortune is the true_28_of your character.If you choose only to complain and escape from the hardship,it will always_29_you everywhere.But if you decide to be strong,it will_30_out to be a fortune on w

16、hich new hopes will appear.【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要讲述了两个有着同样遭遇的年轻人在困难面前所采取的不同态度,从而启迪我们:抱怨和逃避是不能解决问题的,而积极面对,变得更加坚强,生活反而会更加多姿多彩。11A.source Bresource Corigin Dprofit解析考查名词辨析。句意为:因为父亲曾经是支撑家里的主要(经济)来源。source源泉;resource资源;origin起源;profit利润。根据语境可知,答案A符合语境。答案A12A.insist on Bdepend on Ctake on Dcarry on解析考查动词短语

17、辨析。句意为:自从那时起,他不得不完全依赖(depend on)自己的兄弟。此处与倒数第二段中的“My brothers arms are my arms”相呼应,由此可知答案B符合文意。insist on坚持;take on展现;carry on执行,均不符合语境,故排除。答案B13A.hands Btoes Cmouth Darms解析考查名词辨析。句意为:除了用他的脚趾头(toe)写作之外,他什么也不能做。与倒数第二段中的“They were asked to write something with their toes.”相呼应。答案B14A.brought BforcedCacco

18、mpanied Dthrew解析考查动词辨析。句意为:他的兄弟陪着(accompany)他去上厕所,然后回来等他。bring带来;force强迫;throw扔,均不符合语境,故排除。故答案选C。答案C15A.long Bworried Crelaxed Dtired解析考查形容词辨析。句意为:但是由于如此地劳累(tired),他的兄弟睡着了,留他一个人在那里待了两个小时。根据常识可知,在深夜里陪一个有残疾的人去厕所,会感到疲倦,故答案D符合语境。long长的;worried担忧的;relaxed放松的,均不符合语境,故排除。答案D16A.when Bafter Csince Duntil解析考

19、查连词辨析。句意为:直到(until)值班老师发现了他。when当时候;after在之后;since自从。答案D17A.quarreled Bchatted Cdiscussed Dtalked解析考查动词辨析。 句意为:后来他们之间出现了问题,经常吵架(quarrel)。此处与本句中的“later,they had problems”相呼应,所以答案A符合语境。chat聊天;discuss讨论;talk谈话,均不符合语境,故排除。答案A18A.which Bwhere Chow Dwhat解析考查连词辨析。句意为:因此他心都碎了,不知该怎么办。what to dohow to deal wi

20、th为固定搭配,意为“如何应对”,故答案D符合语境。答案D19A.related Bfamiliar Csimilar Dsame解析考查形容词辨析。句意为:一个女孩发生了类似的(similar)不幸。此处与最后一段第一句中的“They had both experienced the same hardship”相呼应。答案C20A.gone BdisappearedCmissed Ddismissed解析考查动词辨析。句意为:一天晚上,她精神异常的妈妈突然不见(disappear)了。此处与下文中的“So her father went out looking_her mother”相呼应

21、,故答案B符合语境。gone过去分词不作谓语;miss作谓语时后面应接宾语;dismissed解散,不符合语境,故排除。答案B21A.back Binto Cfor Dat解析考查介词辨析。句意为:因此爸爸出去找(look for)妈妈,扔下她一个人独自在家。look back回望;look into调查;look at看,均不符合语境,故排除。故答案选C。答案C22A.causing Bmaking Ccatching Dleading解析考查动词辨析。句意为:她想做饭,结果却弄翻了壁炉上的煤油灯,引起了(cause)大火。那场大火夺去了她的双手。make造成;catch抓住;lead通往,

22、均不符合语境。答案A23A.confident BresponsibleCreliable Dindependent解析考查形容词辨析。句意为:尽管她的姐姐想去照顾她,但是她选择了完全独立(independent)地生活。与第一个故事中主人公依赖于兄弟形成对比,且和本句的句意转折关系相呼应,故答案D符合语境。confident自信的;responsible负责的;reliable可依赖的,均不符合语境。答案D24A.never Bstill Cyet Deven解析考查副词辨析。句意为:我很幸运,尽管我的翅膀被折断了,但是我的心依旧(still)可以飞翔。此处与本句的转折关系相呼应,故答案B符

23、合语境。never绝不;yet然而;even甚至,均不符合语境,故排除。答案B25A.as Bwhen Cwhile Dthough解析考查连词辨析。句意为:那个男孩写到:我兄弟的胳膊就是我的胳膊。然而(while)那个女孩写到:折断的翅膀,飞翔的心。本句中的两个分句之间在逻辑上是对比关系,故答案C符合语境。答案C26A.nature Bsuffering Cend Dbackground解析考查名词辨析。 句意为:他们都遭遇类似的磨难,但是他们对磨难的不同态度决定了他们生活的本质(nature)。suffering受苦;end结束;background背景。答案A27A.unpredicta

24、ble BunbelievableCunbearable Duncomfortable解析考查形容词辨析。句意为:生活是不可预测的(unpredictable),因为灾难随时会发生。此处与本句中的“because disasters can strike at any time”相呼应。答案A28A.exam Bcheck Ctest Dquiz解析考查名词辨析。句意为:如何应对不幸是对品格的真正考验(test)。exam测试;check检查;quiz问题,比赛。答案C29A.change Bfollow Cfail Dcheat解析考查动词辨析。句意为:如果你选择了抱怨和逃避,那么你走到哪里

25、,不幸就会跟到(follow)哪里。change变化;fail失败;cheat欺骗,均不符合语境,故排除。答案B30A.go Bset Cfind Dturn解析考查动词辨析。句意为:但是,如果你因此而变得坚强,那么新的希望就因此而产生。turn out to be为固定搭配,意为“结果证明是”,符合语境,故答案选D。答案D第二部分阅读理解(共两节,共50分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共20小题;每小题2分,共40分)A(2014山西山大附中月考)Imagine putting a seed in a freezer,waiting 30,0

26、00 years,and then taking the seed out and planting it.Do you think a flower would grow?Amazingly,scientists have just managed to do something very similar.They found the fruit of an ancient plant that had been frozen underground in Siberiaa region covering central and eastern Russiafor about 31,800

27、years.Using pieces of the fruit,the scientists grew plants in a lab.The new blooms have delicate white petals.They are also the oldest flowering plants that researchers have ever revived from a deep freeze.“This is like regenerating a dinosaur from tissues of an ancient egg,” said Jane ShenMiller,a

28、biologist of University of California,Los Angeles.The plant has a long history.Back when mammoths and woolly rhinoceroses walked on the land,an Arctic ground squirrel buried seeds and fruits in an underground chamber near the Kolyma River in northeastern Siberia.The ground became permafrost,a layer

29、of soil that stays frozen for a long time.Recently,Russian scientists dug out the old squirrel hole and found the plant remains 38 meters below the surface.Back at the lab,the team fed nutrients to tissue from three of the fruits to grow shoots.Then the scientists transferred the shoots to pots fill

30、ed with soil.The plants produced seeds that could be used to grow even more of them.Its important for scientists to know that plant tissues can still be revived after being frozen for a long time.Thats because many researchers are trying to preserve the seeds of modern plants by freezing them and th

31、en storing them in giant lockers at various spots around the globe.One such endeavor,an underground facility in Norway,is called the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.It stores hundreds of thousands of frozen seeds.If a plant ever goes extinct,scientists could bring it back by taking its seeds from the Sva

32、lbard or other storage lockers.“No one knows how long they are able to live for,but freezing is basically the format for many plant conservation attempts nowadays,” Jane ShenMiller said.Its a good thing that at least some plants are tough enough to survive in the experience.【语篇导读】最近,科研人员在俄罗斯的西伯利亚地区发

33、现了一些在低温冷冻条件下被埋在地下3万多年的植物果实,并成功培育出了新苗。这个发现无疑有着巨大的意义,它将引领科学家们进一步研究植物的种子究竟可以存活多久这一课题。31How were seeds and fruits originally in the underground chamber?AThey were placed there by an animal.BThey were trapped there during the Ice Age.CThey were planted there by ancient farmers.DThey were buried there aft

34、er the earthquake.解析细节理解题。由第四段的第二句可知,当初是松鼠把它们埋在地下的,故选A项。答案A32Which of the following was NOT used to recreate the ancient plant?AModern nutrients. BParts of the fruits.CIts frozen seeds. DPlant pots with soil.解析细节理解题。由第五段可知,在培育新苗时没有用冷冻的种子。答案C33Why are scientists interested in this discovery?AIt helps

35、 them learn how plant life has changed in the past 30,000 years.BIt can help guide future efforts to protect endangered plants life.CIt can provide directions for where to 1ook for other ancient plants.DIt proves that all plant life can survive for thousands of years when frozen.解析推理判断题。由第六段的第二句可推知,

36、这一发现对于保存濒危植物种子的研究有着重大意义。答案B34The purpose of the passage is to_Adiscuss a plant conservation effortBintroduce some ancient plantsCoutline some causes of global warmingDdescribe a scientific research project解析写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文意在介绍一个科研项目,故答案为D项。答案DB(2014银川一中模拟)I was reading these interesting stories behi

37、nd a group of great logos(标识)in the world.Personally Nike is my favorite oneits so simple.And I liked the stories behind them,which made me forget all other things.McDonalds,Apple,MercedesBenz and Adidas own great logos as well,and they are among my favorites.NikeIn the Greek myth,Nike is the goddes

38、s of victory and the source of inspiration for soldiers.This logo represents the wing in the famous statue of the Greek goddess.Nikes logo was designed by Carolyn Davidson in 1971 for $35,and was registered as a trademark in 1995.McDonaldsThe logo was designed in 1962 by Jim Schindler to resemble th

39、e archshaped(拱形的)sign on the side of the companys then walkup hamburger stand.Later on,the two golden arches were combined together to form the MThe McDonalds name was added to the logo in 1968.AppleThere are different stories behind Apples logo.The first logo was a reference to the religious story

40、of Adam and Eve,in which the apple represented the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.One year later,the second logo was designed in 1977 by Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne,and it described Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree.This logo didnt stay long.One year later it was replaced almost immediate

41、ly by graphic designer Rob Janoffs “rainbow apple”,a rainbowcolored silhouette(轮廓)of an apple with a bite taken out of it.And then the rainbowcolored apple was replaced by the onecolored logo in 1998.It has not been changed so far.Mercedes BenzThe MercedesBenz logo,which was originally created by Go

42、ttlieb Daimler in 1909,consists of a simple description of a threepointed star that represents its rule of the land,the sea and the air.The company was founded by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach.Mercedes is the name of Maybachs elder daughter,while Benz came as a result of a combination with Be

43、nz,Cie and DMG in 1926.AdidasThe Adidas logo,which was created by the founder of the company Adi Dassler,represents mountains,pointing towards the challenges that are seen ahead and goals that can be achieved.The logo was used for the first time in 1967.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明性的文章。文章结构非常清晰,开头概括了全文的中心大意,介绍了世界上

44、几个著名商标后的故事,包括Nike,McDonalds,Apple,MercedesBenz和Adidas。35What does the author think of the stories of the great logos?AThey are boring.BThey are out of date.CThey are attractive.DThey are practical.解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“interesting stories.I liked the stories.favorites.”可知。答案C36What does Nikes logo stand

45、 for?AThe goddess of victory.BThe source of inspiration for soldiers.CThe statue of the Greek goddess.DThe wing of the Greek goddess.解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知答案。答案D37We can learn that Apples present logo is_Athe religious story of Adam and EveBa bitten apple with only one colorCNewtons sitting under an appl

46、e treeDthe rainbowcolored bitten apple解析细节理解题。根据文章第四段可知答案。答案B38_ stands for the rule of the land,the sea and the air.ANikes logoBApples logoCThe MercedesBenzs logoDThe Adidas logo解析细节理解题。根据文章第五段中的“that represents its rule of the land,the sea and the air”可知。答案CC(2014西北工业大学附中模拟)Welcome to the world of

47、 multitaskinga place where the measure of a person is how many jobs they can perform at the same time.In fact,if experts are to be believed,multitasking is a disastrous idea.One of the opponents of multitasking is Dr.Clifford Nass,a professor at Stanford University.“People who multitask frequently a

48、re less able to pay attention;theyre worse at managing their memory.” he said.In his opinion,the loss that we get with multitasking is harmless in some situations,for example,part of doing business in the digital world;but you cant do serious work like writing,thinking or solving an important proble

49、m this way.You do worse even as you think youre doing better.All the time the research points to a simple fact:the brain cannot cope.When you stop midway through composing a report to check an email,you force your brain to stop and regroup.It is like pressing the pause button during a movie,meaning

50、the film takes longer to watch.And as for Dr.Nass,the problems extend beyond the brain.Young people who frequently multitask are not as socially and emotionally healthy as those who dont.They just feel more emotionally satisfied and the feeling is so good and they are bound to desire it again.Todd O

51、ppenheimer,a writer said “Weve become a very shortterm society and dont reward people for taking a lot of time on something.” He fears we may end up losing the next generation of great thinkers.“Its really unfortunate because the longterm challenges of our world environmental issues,financial issues

52、 require people to think wisely about the longterm consequences of what they do.And its no coincidence that the kind of people who do think longterm dont multitask.”【语篇导读】这是一篇科普文。研究人员发现,同时做很多事情的人做事不专一,不仅会导致事倍功半,而且还会影响人们的社交与情感健康。39According to Dr.Nass,multitasking _Amakes the performance emotionally

53、affected onlyBcontributes to memorizing various thingsCmay result in losing the next generation of great thinkersDcan be performed using digital tools解析细节理解题。关于同时做很多事,第二段说在有些情况下,比如在数字化的世界里做生意(doing business in the digital world)是无害的,因此选D。文章说同时做很多事会影响我们在人际交往和情感方面的健康(A错),会使我们记性更差(B错),一位叫Todd的作家说这样可能会使

54、我们失去一位未来一代伟大的思想家(C错)。答案D40From the passage,we can tell _Athe loss that we get with multitasking is harmlessBwe mistakenly believe that were doing better by switching between tasksCmultitasking does harm to us in every areaDfor every task you add to your multitasking,you can finish your goal more qui

55、ckly解析推理判断题。文章开头说,“欢迎来到同时做很多事的世界,在这里,对一个人的衡量标准是他能同时开展多少项工作”,接着说,这个想法实际上害人不浅,因此B项正确;从第二段可知A、C错,因为multitasking有时是无害的,有时则会妨碍我们;第二段最后一句通过打比方的方式告诉我们,这样会使事情做得更慢(D错)。答案B41Which of the following is a multitasking addict?AYou turn your cellphone to silence when youre out to dine with friends.BYou watch from

56、start to finish without distraction when playing a DVD.CYou have your office desk covered with paperwork from various unfinished projects.DYou feel that when you try to do too much at once,the result always suffers.解析推理判断题。从本题四个选项的陈述看,A、B、D都是专心做一件事,C项说办公桌上放着各种没有完工的项目的文书工作,这里的various unfinished proje

57、cts属于multitasking。故选C。答案C42The author mainly wants to tell us _Athe less you switch,the better you doBit is more efficient to do things all in a mixed wayCit takes longer for us to become a great thinkerDwe shouldnt be lazy if we want to accomplish many tasks解析主旨大意题。全文通过斯坦福大学一位教授的话告诉我们,同时做很多事不仅不能提高工

58、作效率,反而对我们的健康不利,因此A项“角色转换越少,做的就越好”是本文的主题。答案AD(2014湖北孝感高级中学调研考试)“I dont think I can do this any more.” “Yes, you can. You only have five more radiation treatments to go. ” I held my wife Becky close.Ever since the breast cancer diagnosis(诊断), she had tried hard to be strong for the kids and for me. Wh

59、en her diagnosis came, my first thought was there was no way I could lose my wife. The doctors assured us the cancer was discovered early so we were feeling positive.Becky had received an operation and was recovering from it. After six weeks of radiation therapy(治疗), she was facing her final five tr

60、eatments. She was weak and tired, in low spirits. Seeing her suffering, I felt so helpless and powerless.As soon as I was outside, longheld frustration and anger erupted in me like a volcano. I took a hammer and suddenly was swinging as hard as I could, beating heavily on the front porch(门廊). While

61、doing so, I imagined I was beating my wifes cancer. With all my strength, I destroyed the porch.During the treatment, my wife had been very brave. She said she had it easy, but I dont think it was easy for her.Seeing the porch gone, Becky shook her head at the window. I came into the room, not knowi

62、ng how she would react to what I had done.“Becky, are you mad at me?” She looked at me in surprise. “For what?” I pointed at the gate. “For tearing down the porch.” She laughed. “Look how sunny this room is now. I love that its bright in here.”“You comforted me in my darker hour, Vince. Youve found

63、a way to deal with your own frustration. By destroying the porch, you let the sunshine in.”As I looked around the brightened room, I realized the light that filled the space was the light of hope that shone so bright after the darkness. We never did rebuild the porch.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者的妻子被诊断得了癌症,他一直陪

64、在妻子的身边,决心要治好她的病,他很理解妻子的痛苦,在压抑很久后,用毁坏门廊发泄,而他的妻子也很理解他,两人的爱是建立在相互理解基础之上的。43When the diagnosis came out, _Athe author had little hope that his wife would surviveBthe author was determined to save his wifes lifeCthe authors wife refused to receive radiation treatmentsDthe author felt lucky that his wifes

65、 disease was not serious解析细节理解题。根据第二段后两句可知,当诊断来的时候,作者决心要救妻子的命。故选 B。答案B44The author went outside to destroy the porch because _Ahe wanted to release his frustrationBhe was disappointed with his wifeChe intended to let sunshine inDhis wife didnt like it at all解析细节理解题。根据第四段前两句可知,作者破坏门廊是因为他想释放长期的压抑和沮丧。答

66、案A45How did the authors wife feel about him seeing the porch gone?ASympathetic BAngryCUnderstanding DHappy解析推理判断题。根据倒数第二段知,作者的妻子很理解他的这种做法。故选C。答案C46What lesson can we learn from the passage?ATragedy cannot separate loving couple.BA day without sunshine is like night.CTrue love is based on understandi

67、ng.DNothing is impossible for a willing heart.解析主旨大意题。根据全篇文章可知,作者的妻子被诊断得了癌症,他一直陪在妻子的身边,决心要治好他的病,他很理解妻子的痛苦,在压抑很久后,用毁坏门廊发泄,而他的妻子也很理解他,两人的爱是建立在相互理解基础之上的。故选C。答案CE(2014湖北孝感中学月考)Some colors people see late at night could cause signs of clinical depression.That was the finding of a study that builds on ear

68、lier study findings.They show that individuals who live or work in low levels of light overnight can develop clinical depression.Doctors use the word “clinical depression” to describe severe form of depression.Signs may include loss of interest or pleasure in most activities,low energy levels and th

69、oughts of death or suicide.In the new study,American investigators designed an experiment that exposed hamsters(仓鼠)to different colors.The researchers chose hamsters because they are nocturnal,which means they sleep during the day and are active at night.The animals were separated into four groups.O

70、ne group of hamsters was kept in the dark during their nighttime period.Another group was placed in front of a blue light,a third group slept in front of a white light,while a fourth was put in front of a red light.After four weeks,the researchers noted how much sugary water the hamsters drank.They

71、found that the most depressed animals drank the least amount of water.Randy Nelson heads the Department of Neuroscience at Ohio State University.He says animals that slept in blue and white light appeared to be the most depressed.“What we saw is that these animals didnt show any sleep uneasiness at

72、all but they did mess up biological clock genes and they did show depressive sign while if they were in the dim red light,they did not.”Randy Nelson notes that photosensitive(感光的)cells in the eyes have little to do with eyesight.He says these cells send signals to the area of the brain that controls

73、 what has been called the natural sleepwake cycle.He says theres a lot of blue in white light.This explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters seeing red light or darkness.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。美国的研究人员通过动物实验发现,通宵在昏暗的光线下生活和工作的人可能会患上重度抑郁症。47Researchers u

74、se hamsters in the experiment because _Athey are similar to humans in dealing with colorsBthey are easy to observe and studyCthey are sensitive to colors like human beingsDthey are active at night and sleep during the day解析细节理解题。第二段说,选择仓鼠作为实验对象是因为它们白天睡觉,夜间活动,因此选D。答案D48What sign shows that the hamste

75、rs are depressed?AThey drink less sugary water.BThey dont sleep well.CTheir eyesight becomes worse.DTheir energy level becomes low.解析细节理解题。第四段说,研究人员发现喝糖水最少的仓鼠最为抑郁,因此选A。答案A49_ tends to cause hamsters to be depressed.ADim light BRed lightCBlue light DDarkness解析细节理解题。第五段说,在蓝色和白色灯光下睡觉的仓鼠表现得最为抑郁,因此选C。答案C

76、50What can help people who work late at night to avoid being depressed?ANot being exposed to dim red light when using computers.BEquipping their computer screen to put it more in the reddish light.CLiving or working in low levels of light overnight.DGoing to see doctors of clinical depression regula

77、rly for help.解析推理判断题。最后一段说,生活在蓝色和白色灯光下的仓鼠比生活在红色或黑暗中的仓鼠更抑郁,因此在红色光线中工作能防止抑郁,故B项正确。答案B第二节根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)(2014四川绵阳市一诊)Good afternoon, may I help you?Yes, I am interested in a onebed room. _51_ _52_ How about a twobed room?Well, I am a student and I have to consi

78、der the cost. _53_ 150 a month. The onebed room is250 while the twobed room is400 a month.A little bit expensive for me._54_ But actually I have to tell you that the onebed room doesnt have a dish washer. All of the twobed rooms do.Ah, I see. When could I see the room? How about later this afternoon

79、?That would be fine. _55_ AI will be looking forward to seeing you then.BNone are left at this time.CAbsolutely not!DDo you have any?EIts my pleasure.FHow much more would a twobed room cost me?GYes, it is.51解析这是一名旅客和宾馆前台服务员的通话,因为是想住宿,想住一个单人间,所以应该问“有吗?”所以D正确。答案D52解析根据前句问有吗?再根据后句How about a twobed roo

80、m?双人床的怎么样可知,应该回答一个也没有了,所以B正确。答案B53解析根据后句答语150 a month.可知,上句应该是问价钱,所以F正确。答案F54解析根据后句But actually I have to tell you that the onebed room doesnt have a dish washer.,关键词是but,先肯定,后转折,所以G正确。答案G55解析根据前后文内容,双方谈好了,作为前台服务员说的话应该是礼貌和令顾客高兴的,所以A正确。答案A第卷(非选择题共60分)第三部分写作(共三节,共60分)第一节阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,并按照

81、题目要求用英语回答问题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。(2014四川雅安中学模拟)My name is Clara. I still remember that chilly December day, sitting in science class. Id finished a worksheet early and picked up a TIME for Kids magazine. A piece of news caught my eye: NASA was holding an essay contest to name its Mars rover(火星探测器). Before I

82、 even knew anything else about it, a single word flooded my 11yearold mind, Curiosity.I couldnt want for the bell to ring so I could get started on my essay. That afternoon, I raced home, sat down at the computer, and typed until my fingers ached. “Curiosity is an everlasting flame that burns in eve

83、ryones mind.”Five months later, my mom received a phone call, and immediately, a wide smile spread across her face.On August 5, 2012, at 10:31 pm., the rover named Curiosity touched down safely on the surface of Mars, and I was honored to have a frontrow seat in NASA.Curiosity is such an important p

84、art of who I am. I have always been fascinated by the stars, the planets, the sky and the universe. I remember as a little girl, my grandmother and I would sit together in the backyard for hours. Shed tell me stories and point out the stars, Grandma lived in China, thousands of miles away from my ho

85、me in Kansas, but the stars kept us together even when we were apart. They were always there, yet there was so much I didnt know about them. Thats what I love so much about space.People often ask me why we go to faraway places like Mares. My answer is simple because were curious. We human beings do

86、not just hole_up in one place. We are constantly wondering and trying to find out whats over the hill and beyond the horizon. 56How did Clara get the new about the essay contest? (no more than 10 words) _57Why did Clara have a frontrow seat in NASA? (no more than 10 words) _58What does Clara remembe

87、r about the time spent with Grandma? (no more than 15 words) _59What does the underlined phrase “hole up” mean? (1 word) _60In your opinion, why is curiosity important? (no more than 20 words)_答案56.By reading a Time for Kids magazine./ From a Time for kids magazine.57She won the essay contest held b

88、y NASA./ She named the Mars rover “Curiosity”/ “Curiosity” was chosen as the name of the Mars rover.58She sat together with Grandma listening to her stories about the stars./ Her grandma told her stories about the stars./ They sat together talking about the stars.59Stay/Remain/Live/Hide.60Curiosity

89、is important because it leads to discovery or invention./ With curiosity, we keep asking questions and exploring the world unknown./ Curiosity drives us through our lives so that we never stop wondering about the things beyond our knowledge.第二节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个

90、单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每句不超过两个错误;2每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;3只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 (2014郑州市质检)One cold evening during the holiday season,a little boy about six or seven was standing out in the front of a store window.The little child has no shoes and hi

91、s clothes were just rags.A young woman passes by saw the little boy and could read the desire in his pale blue eyes.She took the child by the hand and led him into the store.There she bought her some new shoes and a complete suit of warmly clothing.They came back outside into the street,so the woman

92、 told the child to come home and have a happy holiday.The little boy looked her and asked how she was God.She smiled and replied that she was just one of his child.答案One cold evening during holiday season,a little boy about six or seven was standing out in the front of a store window.The little chil

93、d hashad no shoes and his clothes were just rags.A young woman passespassing by saw the little boy and could read the desire in his pale blue eyes.She took the child by the hand and led him into the store.There she bought herhim some new shoes and a complete suit of warmlywarm clothing.They came bac

94、k outside into the street,soand the woman told the child to comego home and have a happy holiday.The little boy looked at her and asked how whether/if she was God.She smiled and replied that she was just one of his child children.第三节书面表达(共35分)(2014太原二模)假设你叫张涛,你在澳大利亚的笔友Bill的生日即将到来。请你给他写一封电子邮件,表示祝贺。邮件

95、要包括以下要点:1祝他生日晚会上玩得愉快;2介绍你班上周日的爬山活动,并附几张照片;3询问Bill的近况及大学专业的选择。注意:1.内容包括所有要点,但不要逐条翻译;2可适当发挥,使行文连贯;3词数:120左右;4开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Bill,Happy birthday!_Yours,Zhang Tao【参考范文】Dear_Bill,Happy_birthday!I hope youll have a great birthday party and wish you all the best.Last Sunday my class went to climb a m

96、ountain in the suburbs of Taiyuan,where we had a wonderful time and enjoyed a relaxing spring day.It was like a rest from our busy school life.And it was a really unforgettable trip.Some photos taken that day will be attached to this email and please share my happiness.How are things going with you,Bill?Youll start your university life this year.Have you decided what youll major in at university?Please keep me updated on anything important with you.Yours,Zhang_Tao


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