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九年级英语全册 专题复习三 句子运用 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 专题复习三 句子运用 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 专题复习三 句子运用 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第4页
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1、专题三句子运用一、句型转换。每空一词。1Ellen has already bought some flowers.(改为否定句)(2020,新疆)Ellen hasnt bought any flowers yet2Hollys mother made delicious zongzi yesterday.(改为感叹句)What delicious zongzi Hollys mother made yesterday!3I improved my Chinese a lot with_the_teachers_help(对画线部分提问)How did you improve your Ch

2、inese a lot?4Jim will come back from his vacation in_two_or_three_days(对画线部分提问)(2020,乐山)How soon will Jim come back from his vacation?5The students were having great fun in the park when it rained suddenly.(改为同义句)The students were enjoying themselves in the park when it rained suddenly.6I was playin

3、g with my phone when my mother came in.(改为否定句)(2020,重庆)I wasnt playing with my phone when my mother came in.7The dictionary cost him 120_yuan(对画线部分提问)How much did the dictionary cost him?8He takes a bus to school every day.(改为同义句)He goes to school by bus every day.9The foreigner visited the Great Wa

4、ll of China yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)(2020,黔西南州)Did the foreigners visit the Great Wall of China yesterday?10You shouldnt tell lies to others and learn to be honest!(改为祈使句)Dont tell lies to others and learn to be honest!11Qomolangma is higher than any other mountain in the world.(改为同义句)Qomolangma is the h

5、ighest mountain in the world.12Jeff asked his students,“Do you know it is important to protect the earth?” (改为间接引语)Jeff asked his students if/whether they knew it is important to protect the earth.13David can hardly speak Chinese.(改为反意疑问句)(2020,达州)David can hardly speak Chinese,can he?14Chinese doct

6、ors saved many patients all over the world.(改为被动语态)Many patients all over the world were saved by Chinese doctors.15That is his old house.He lived there for twenty years. (合并为一句)That is his old house in which he lived for twenty years.二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。16中国是世界上河流最多的国家之一。(2020,甘肃)China is one of th

7、e countries which have the largest number of rivers.17阅读有趣的东西是学习语言的诀窍。Reading something interesting is the secret to language learning.18人们广泛认为亚历山大格拉汉姆贝尔发明了电话。Its widely believed that telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.19公共场所禁止吸烟。No smoking in public areas.20凯特决定去社区工作,而不去度假。(2020,广州)Ins

8、tead of going on vacation,Kate decided to work in the community.21在我们的帮助下,小鸟终于回巢了。With our help,the baby bird got back to its nest in the end.22学好英语,以便我们能够与世界分享中国故事。Learn English well so that we can share Chinese stories with the world.23从这里走到白云山顶大约要花一小时。It takes about an hour to get to the top of t

9、he Baiyun Mountain from here.24明年广州将会使用更多智能出租车。More smart taxis will be used in Guangzhou next year.25流溪河的水多么清澈啊!How clear the water in the Liuxi River is!26我很好奇你在艺术节唱了哪首歌。I wonder which song you sang at the art festival.27面对困难时如果你不放弃,你就应该为自己感到骄傲。(2020,新疆)If you never give up when in trouble,you sho

10、uld be proud of yourself.28无现金支付已经改变了我们的生活方式,它真的很方便。Cashless payment has changed the way of our life and it is really convenient.29不要只是等待暴风雨过去,要学会在雨中起舞。(2020,重庆)Dont just wait for the storm to pass.Learn to dance in the rain.30瞧!我们大多数长得和老师一样高啦!Look!Most of us have grown as tall as our teachers!31他们如

11、此努力地投入到抗击新冠肺炎的工作中,以至于忘记了自我。They worked so hard against the COVID19 that they forgot about themselves.32你听说过抖音没有?一款深受年轻人喜欢的小程序。(2020,乐山)Have you ever heard of TikTok,a video app popular among young people?33由于虚拟现实科技,人们不必亲临其境即可游览国内外名胜。Because of VR technology,people can visit places of interest both a

12、t home and abroad instead of going there in person.34他一口气吹灭了蜡烛,希望许的愿望能实现。He blew out all the candles in one go,hoping that the wish he had made would come true35我们应该思考如何把中国文化介绍给全世界。(2020,达州)We should think about how to introduce Chinese culture to the world.36我们永远不要拿不属于我们的东西。We should never take any

13、thing that doesnt belong to us.37她没有待在家里过春节,而是去了武汉当志愿者。Instead of staying at home for the Spring Festival,she went to Wuhan to be a volunteer.38他很担心他的教练可能将他从球队开除。He was really worried that his coach might kick him off the team.39他几乎从不生病的母亲死于新冠肺炎,真是令人遗憾。Its such a pity that his mother who hardly ever

14、 fell ill died of COVID19.40这对双胞胎兄弟有一个共同点:面临困难时他们从不轻易放弃。(2020,黄石)The twin brothers have one thing in common:they never give up easily when they face difficulties.41你房间的灯还亮着。你离开之前不要忘记把它们关掉。The lights in your room are still on.Dont forget to turn them off before you leave.42与在湖里游泳相比,我更喜欢乘船游览仙岛湖。我认为在湖里

15、游泳不安全。I prefer taking a boat trip on the Xiandao Lake to swimming in it.I dont think it is safe to swim in a lake.43电视节目最强大脑不仅励志而且有趣。非常值得观看。The TV program Super Brain is not only encouraging but also interesting.It is well worth watching44他为父母感到自豪。因为他们不久前志愿参加了抗击新冠肺炎的战役。He is proud of his parents,bec

16、ause both of them volunteered to take part in the battle against COVID19 not long ago.三、根据汉语意思(及句末括号内单词提示)完成下列句子。每空词数不限。45你们多久上一次劳动课?(2020,十堰)How_often do you have a labor class?46李梅很勤奋,她习惯于晨读。Li Mei is hardworking and she is/gets_used_to morning reading.47他去过子胥湖很多次。He has_been to Zixu Lake many tim

17、es.48如果你不戴口罩,就不允许上公交车。If you dont_wear a mask,you will not be allowed to get on the bus.49这群年轻人对知识充满渴望。This group of young men are_thirsty_for knowledge.50别灰心,生活充满了惊喜和希望。Dont lose heart.Life is full_of/filled_with surprise and hope.51在夜市,人们可以花更少的钱买到他们想要的东西。At night markets,people can spend_less mone

18、y on what they want.52中国人认为红色能够给他们带来好运。(luck)(2020,宜昌)Chinese people think that the color red can bring_good_luck_to them.53观看沏茶和喝茶一样令人享受。(enjoyable)Watching the tea preparation is just as_enjoyable_as drinking the tea itself.54网课期间,我们多数人都很认真地做作业。(do)Most of us did_(our)_homework very carefully when

19、 we had classes online.55我们珍惜日常生活中与家人和朋友在一起的时光。(everyday)We value the time we spend with our family and friends in_(our)_everyday_lives/life56我弟弟每天很早起床去上学。(get)(2020,黄冈)My brother gets_up very early to school every day.57我们不能过多依赖手机。(depend)We shouldnt depend_on mobile phones too much.58通过与同学交流你会找到更好

20、的学习方法。(communicate)You can find better learning methods by communicating_with your classmates.59对全世界来说,齐心协力抗击新冠肺炎很重要。( pull)It is important for the whole world to_pull_together against COVID19.60中国在很多国家已经建立了5G基站。(set)China has_set_up 5G stations in many countries.61有时孩子们被分成三组来玩游戏。(divide)Sometimes t

21、he children are_divided_into three groups to play games.62我妹妹对地理感兴趣。(be)(2020,襄阳)My sister is_interested_in_geography63当我们走进社区的时候,志愿者们正在分发一些新鲜蔬菜。(give)When we came into the community,the volunteers were_handing_out_some_fresh_vegetables64任何有发烧症状的人必须尽快与其他人彻底隔离。(separate)Anyone_who_has_a_fever_must_be_completely_separated_from others as soon as possible.


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