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浙江省百校2021届高三下学期3月模拟联考英语试题 PDF版含答案.pdf

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1、2020-2021 学年高三百校 3 月联考英语试题(考试时间 120 分钟。共 8 页。满分 150 分。)第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.Where does the man want to go?A.The woods.B.The seaside.C.A park.2.Whos the woman most probably?A.The

2、mans teacher.B.The mans classmate.C.The mans neighbour.3.How often will Jocelyn take dance lessons next month?A.Three times a week.B.Twice a week.C.Once a week.4.Why did the woman arrive late?A.Her car broke down.B.She went there by bike.C.She was stuck in traffic jams.5.Whats the reason why the man

3、 moved to a new house?A.Because its near his workplace.B.Because it has a good view of hills.C.Because its cheap and comfortable.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.What

4、s wrong with the car?A.It stopped sometimes.B.The engine is overheated.C.The tire needs some air.7.Whats the relationship between the speakers probably?A.Repairer and customer.B.Husband and wife.C.Boss and secretary.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8.What is womans favorite music?A.Jazz music.B.Rock music.C.Class

5、ical music.9.What will the woman arrange this Friday evening?A.A course of classical music.B.A party for her music teacher.C.A drum performance for her husband.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10.Whats the woman doing?A.Making a survey.B.Making a travel plan.C.Making new friends.11.When was the man supposed t

6、o reach Lhasa originally?A.At 4:00 a.m.B.At 7:00 a.m.C.At 11:00 p.m.12.What was the man disappointed with about the hotel?A.Its breakfast.B.Its location.C.Its room.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13.Where is the conversation take place probably?A.In a company.B.In a shopping mall.C.In a cinema.14.How did Pau

7、l feel when seeing Deborah?A.Puzzled.B.Embarrassed.C.Excited.15.Why is Deborah in Manchester?A.She is working there.B.She is travelling there.C.She is attending a meeting.16.What is Deborah going to do next?A.To have a dinner.B.To see a movie.C.To buy a new skirt.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17.Where did

8、 the woman realize her wallet was missing?A.At the gym.B.At the bakery.C.At the golf court.18.What is not included in the womans wallet?A.Her Visa card.B.Her drivers license.C.Her membership card.19.Who found the womans wallet at last?A.A worker who cuts the grass.B.A kid who washes the golf cart.C.

9、A guy who works in a restaurant.20.How did the woman reward the guy at first?A.To buy him a beer.B.To give him money.C.To treat him to a round of golf.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMost of my life I had lived in a Black and Latino communi

10、ty.Neither of my parents had made it pastmiddle school and I was the first in my family to ever set foot on a college campus.By contrast,most ofmy peers came from generations of college educated family and had grown up in rich,white suburbs.Instead of sharing with others how I was feeling,I isolated

11、 myself and thought I could get through it if Ijust focused on studying.During the weeks leading up to my sophomore year winter break,I finallydecided I would drop out.Fortunately,that wasnt the end of the story.I found strength and guidance tocontinue through to graduation.Counseling(咨询)provided me

12、 a space to release and process my emotions.My counselor providedme books and other resources to understand what I was experiencing and she helped me feel empowered.Volunteering with a campus organization that guided children in Chicago housing projects providedme a consistent reminder for why I was

13、 in college.My interactions with students who reminded me somuch of my own friends back home inspired me to commit to working for access to higher education forlow-income youth.I also got involved with a summer urban internship(实 习 生)program,where Icooperated with a group of student leaders to start

14、 a conference to dialogue about issues of race and class.Knowledge is empowering.I read books and intentionally chose courses to learn more about topicsrelated to immigration,race,social class and urban education.These courses and books helped me gain amuch deeper understanding of my own racial expe

15、riences of oppression(压制).Most importantly,I wasempowered with the knowledge I needed to word against injustice and inequality.21.Why did the author decide to drop out in the second college year?A.He found it hard to concentrate on study.B.His rich white peers pushed him too hard.C.His family couldn

16、t afford the tuition anymore.D.He set himself apart from others and suffered mentally.22.The following helped the author feel empowered EXCEPT _?A.Gaining knowledge from books and courses.B.Volunteering in programs and interacting with people.C.Cooperating with his own friends back home in programs.

17、D.Counseling for mental support and professional guidance.23.What can be inferred from the passage?A.An urban internship program is a must for college students.B.The author gradually figure out the purpose of college study.C.The counselors provided professional guidance on the issues of race.D.Start

18、ing a conference is the only way to word against injustice and inequality.BTomatoes are the second-most eaten vegetable in the United States,following potatoes.People eat$60 billion worth worldwide every year,which is a lot.But how should tomatoes be stored in your kitchen?Chefs and Italians have lo

19、ng left tomatoes atroom temperature,while safety-minded types use the refrigerator.Now a new study in Frontiers in PlantScience determines once and for all what the best practices are for storage of tomato.Researchers at the University of Gottingen grew a variety of tomatoes and then imitated thecom

20、mercial three-day harvest-to-consumer storage practices.Once they arrived at“home”,the tomatoeswere stored either in the refrigerator or at home temperature and then evaluated by a dozen experiencedfood assessors.Those assessors were trained at identifying things such as green-grassy smell,tomato-ty

21、pical smell,tomato-typical flavor,sweetness,sourness,juiciness,firmness,aftertasteThe tomatoes also underwent agreat number of analysis,including taste by an“electronic tongue”known as the e-tongue.Their findings:It doesnt matter.No significant differences in flavor were found betweenrefrigerators-s

22、tored and counter-stored tomatoes.What matters is how long the tomato is at your house,the variety of the tomato,and the temperatureof your refrigerator.The cultivars(品种)had a much higher impact on the flavor than the storage.Youshould eat them within four days.“The shorter the storage period,the be

23、tter it is for the flavor and relatedcharacteristics,”says the lead author Larissa Kanski,a doctoral candidate in agricultural sciences.Makesure to pay attention to the temperature,as previous studies have shown harmful effects of storing tomatoesat 39 degrees F.In short,for tasty tomatoes,buy tomat

24、oes that taste good,store them however you want,and eat themwithin four days.24.Whats the main idea of the text?A.A research on how to store tomatoes in a proper way.B.The key elements influencing the flavor of tomatoes.C.Various storage ways of keeping tomatoes in the market.D.The differences betwe

25、en fridge-stored and counter-stored tomatoes.25.Which of the following statements would Larissa Kanski probably agree with?A.The flavor of tomatoes is changing with temperature.B.Its better to eat tomatoes within four days for good flavor.C.Tomatoes qualities are closely related with storage pattern

26、s.D.The e-tongue plays an essential part in analyzing the tomatoes.26.Where is the passage probably taken from?A.A news report.B.The Internet.C.An advertisement.D.A research report.C“We are running out of space and the only places to go to are other worlds Spreading out may bethe only thing that sav

27、es us from ourselves.Im convinced that humans need to leave Earth.”These are thewords of the famous scientist Stephen Hawking,spoken at a science festival in Norway in 2017,a yearbefore his death.Hawking was not alone in this view.Many experts feel that the only way for humanity to last far intothe

28、future is to colonize(移民于)other planets.That way,if a terrible disease,nuclear war or some otherdisaster strikes Earth,civilization as we know it would still have a chance.Mars is one of the mostattractive destinations.NASA,the United Arab Emirates,the private company SpaceX,and theorganization Mars

29、 One all have plans to send humans there.“Either we spread Earth to other planets,or werisk going extinct,”SpaceX founder Elon Musk said at a conference in 2013.But not everyone agrees that colonizing Mars or any other planet is such a great plan.The mostcommon argument against going is that its jus

30、t too expensive or dangerous.It will take huge amounts ofmoney and other resources just to get people there,let alone set up a place for them to live.Its not evenclear if humans could survive on Mars.One of the biggest dangers there is deadly radiation that ruins theplanet.Maybe all the time and mon

31、ey people would pour into a Mars mission would be better spent on moreurgent projects here on Earth,like dealing with poverty or climate change.Some experts argue thathandling a problem like an asteroid(小行星)strike or disease outbreak while staying here on Earth wouldbe much easier and less expensive

32、 than surviving on a new planet.In addition,moving to a new planet could harm or destroy anything that already lives there.Marsseems uninhabited,but it could possibly host micro-organism like.Human visitors may destroy this life orpermanently change or damage the Martian environment.Some feel thats

33、too much of a risk to take.27.Why did the author mention NASA,the United Arab Emirates,SpaceX and Mars One?A.To stress the risk of dying out on Earth.B.To provide evidence for Hawkings theory.C.To show growing intention of moving to Mars.D.To explain the advanced technology in astronomy.28.What can

34、we learn from the passage?A.It is costly and risky to colonize Mars.B.Civilization is difficult to maintain on Earth.C.Poverty is the most urgent problem to handle.D.All the time and money should be spent on Earth.29.What does the underlined word“uninhabited”mean in the last paragraph?A.not steady t

35、o keep.B.not fit to live on.C.not easy to approach.D.not safe to set foot on.30.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Mars,Our Future Planet.B.Moving to A New Planet.C.Should We Colonize Mars?D.Stay Home or Outer Space?第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有

36、两项为多余选项。There are many friends that will come into your life-some will gradually lose touch,some will begetting closer,and some you will actively choose not to be friends with.31But your old friendsseem to stick around,and no matter how near or far they are,they continue to be a part of your life.Fr

37、om old friends we learn how much we grow.32They encourage us to do better and eventhey force us to do better.We know that if were happy with who weve become,they may play a role inthat process.The sense of freedom that comes with old friends is new friends failing to bring.You dont need tomake a goo

38、d impression with people who know you well.33The youth is often filled with many playful moments and careless choices.There is a vividrecollection of difficult periods that you have been through.With old friends,you realize true friendships are difficult to create,to cultivate,and to hold onto.34Old

39、 friends hold a mirror in front of us and allow us to see how far weve gone,and how far we stillhave to go to achieve our goals.35Old friends remind us that the past is both good and bad,andthat the future is something to look forward to.No matter how time goes by,when were with our oldfriends,we wi

40、ll feel at home-where we can be stupid and happy with people who love us.A.When youre a child,making friends does not require too much effort.B.With old friends there is often great laughter when you share your past.C.They are the people who have similar experience and simple innocence.D.This fact n

41、ot only exists in our schooldays,but also will continue to the years to come.E.Old friends show us all the parts that we still need to change,even if some of the parts we may neverchange.F.Theyre the people whove usually witnessed everything from our major accomplishments to our smallmistakes.G.The

42、profound gratitude that you have for having a friend long enough to call them an“old friend”feelswonderful.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节完形填空(共 20 小题,每题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Life is meant to be lived.No excuses.No reservations.No holding back.An inspirin

43、g story about violinist Fritz Kreisler tells how he once36a beautiful violin hewanted to acquire.When he finally37the money for the violin,he returned to buy it and learnedthat it had already been sold to a(n)38.He went to the new owners home in order to try to39him to sell the violin.But the collec

44、torsaid it was one of his40possessions and he could not let it go.Disappointed Kreisler turned toleave,but then41a favour.“May I play the instrument once more42it is placed tosilence?”43was given and the great musician began to play.The violin sang out a piece of qualitymusic,so44that the collector

45、himself could only listen in wonderment.“I have no45tokeep that to myself,”he said after the musician finished.“The violin is yours,Mr.Kreisler.Take it intoworld,and let people46it.”William Arthur Ward said,“If you believe in prayer,pray;if you believe in serving,serve;if youbelieve in giving,give.”

46、For you and I are fine violin-our music is47to be heard.I want to live my life that way-to take it into the world and live it48.Id rather burn outthan rust out(锈尽).Id rather be used up than die not having done49I can.Im not talking about50ourselves out on over-activity.Happiness is51found inexcessiv

47、e(过度的)busyness.But it is found in52our lives in others.Say yes when asked for ahand.Volunteer some time for a worthwhile organization and53an hour with a lonely relative.In the end,I know that my54is not only about my ability or my inability.It is about my55.My life is meant to be lived.36.A.came ov

48、erB.came acrossC.came aboutD.came up37.A.raisedB.foundC.storedD.provided38.A.relativeB.ownerC.merchantD.collector39.A.encourageB.commandC.persuadeD.remind40.A.valuelessB.preciousC.expensiveD.important41.A.showedB.didC.wonD.asked42.A.beforeB.unlessC.sinceD.until43.A.AssistanceB.PriceC.PermissionD.Inv


50、ady52.A.devotingB.changingC.investingD.absorbing53.A.spendB.costC.takeD.pay54.A.businessB.hardnessC.kindnessD.happiness55.A.participationB.existenceC.responsibilityD.difference第卷第三部分语言运用(共两节,满 分 45 分)第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Enjoying great fame at home and a

51、broad for his excellent artistic achievements,the famous Pipamaster Fang Jinlong56(honor)by many titles,but he calls himself as a“chameleon(变色龙)”inmusic.Indeed,like a dragon57(wander)around the world of Chinese traditional folk music,hetransforms his role in performance,conducting,composing and soci

52、al activities and always keepsenthusiasm.In addition to inheriting traditional Chinese culture,he is also58(energetic)engaged inthe popularization and transmission of folk music and advocates the way of59(combine)of fashionand market for folk music.Besides Pipa,he can play many other instruments.“My

53、 father worked in traditional Chinese opera,60there were always lots of folk instruments around the house from61I was a young child.Learning a musical instrument is a lot like learning a foreign language.Picking up62firstlanguage can be quite difficult,but as you learn more it gets63(easy),”he said

54、in an interview.As a Chinese musician,Fang Jinlong64(leave)his footprints in some countries and regions ofAsia,Europe,Africa and Oceania so far.He hopes to use folk music as a call65peace andhappiness in the world.第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节应用文写作(满分 15 分)假定你是李华,下个月即将参加某外国语大学的入学英语面试,希望向你校外教 David 请教相关事宜,邮

55、件内容包括:1.面试技巧;2.注意事项。注意:1.词数 80 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。第二节读后续写(满分 25 分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。I like all kinds of chocolate.Best of all,though,I like bitter baking chocolate.My mother had boughta bar of it,and somehow I couldnt stop thinking about it.I was helping my father on the farm.It was ri

56、ght then I got the idea.I could cut a chunk(大块)ofchocolate.My mother would be sure to miss it,but before she had any idea who had done it,I could admitId taken it.Probably I would not even get a spanking(打屁股)from my dad who was always severe on meand taught me to be a man of good character.I waited

57、until my mother was out feeding the chickens.Then I told my father I thought Id go in for adrink of water.I got the bar down but I heard my mother coming just when I had the knife ready to cut it.So I slipped the chocolate into my shirt and left quickly.Before I went back to help my father,I went to

58、 thebarn(谷仓)and hid the chocolate there.On the way out for the cows,I calmed down a little and could think better.I told myself that I hadntreally stolen the whole bar of chocolate,because I meant to take only a little piece.If I put back the wholebar,I wouldnt have done anything wrong at all.I near

59、ly decided to put it all back.But just thinking about that chocolate made my tongue almost tastethe smooth bitterness of it.I got thinking that if I sliced(切)about half an inch off the end with a sharpknife,my mother might never notice it.Suddenly,I remembered what my father had said once-some of th

60、e family money was minebecause I had helped to earn it.Why wouldnt it be all right to figure the bar of chocolate had been boughtwith my own money?That seemed to fix everything.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 词左右;2.至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语、Paragraph 1:That night I co

61、uldnt sleep._Paragraph 2:By moonlight,just as I was about to cut it,my father said,“Son!”_2020 学年浙江省高三百校联考英语试题参考答案录音原文:Text 1W:Its a beautiful day.We should go for a walk in the woods.I bet a lot of people will be having a picnicthere today.M:There will be too many people.A drive to the seaside woul

62、d be better.(1)Text 2W:If I were your teacher,I would give an A for your speech.M:Thank you for your help,Ms.Daisy.My mom said we were so lucky to live next to you.(2)Text 3M:Your daughter Jocelyn dances so well.Does she attend any dancing classes?W:Yes,she takes dance lessons on Friday and Saturday

63、 every week.But from next month on,she willgo to the class on Sunday too.(3)Text 4M:Hi,Lucy.Why are you so late?Is the traffic held up?Or is there anything wrong with your car?W:Actually,I got here on my bike.(4)I am sick of the bus.Its too crowded.My car is limited today.Text 5W:Wow!I can see the h

64、ills from your windows.Is that the reason you moved to this area?M:No.I came here because it meant Id have an easier journey to work.(5)Its not cheap to live here,unfortunately,but Ive got loads of space.Text 6M:The car isnt running smoothly.Id like to have a look at it.W:Whats the matter with it?M:

65、I am not sure,It could be the tire.Lets stop here.W:How about the tires?M:Nothing serious.The right one needs some air.(6)W:What about the engine?M:Its not overheated.W:Thank goodness.Lets get in.We can get home on time to prepare for Toms birthday party first.(7)Text 7M:Are you interested in music,

66、Mrs.Rogers?W:Yes,Im taking a course of classical music now,but jazz is my favorite.(8)And my husband iscrazy about rock music.M:You play the violin,dont you?W:A little bit,but my husband is much better than me.He can also play the drums quite well,which helearned from my uncle.M:Really?I hope I can

67、hear your husband play some day.W:Why not come to our house this Friday evening?We are having a party to welcome my musicteacher.(9)M:Thank you.Id love to.Text 8W:Hello.I work for Sunny Tour Holidays and Im interviewing people about their holidays.Wouldyou mind answering a few questions for our surv

68、ey?(10)M:No,not at all.W:Thanks a lot.First,could you tell me about your last holiday?Any difficulties?M:Well,our plane didnt take off on time.It was delayed five hours,so we didnt get to Lhasa untilfour in the morning(11)and we were very tired when we got there.But we managed to book a car at theai

69、rport through a car rental platform and it dropped us off at the hotel in time around 7 oclock for breakfast.So that was all right.W:And how was the hotel?M:Well,we were a little disappointed with the room.(12)But the Potala Palace was just a stones throwaway.W:And how important are holidays to you?

70、M:Oh,we always look forward to going on holiday.We always make sure we can get away at least once ayear.Text 9W:Well,hello there,Paul!Wow!Long time no see!It is great to see you again.M:Deborah!It is you.Hello!What a coincidence!I have not seen you in ages!(14)It is great to seeyou again.What are yo

71、u doing in Manchester?Are you just visiting?W:I just got a new job in Manchester in finance,(15)so I am here shopping for some new clothes.(13)Hey,what do you think of this skirt?M:Hmm well,you remember how much my wife loves black.See?She has got the same skirt as you!W:Your wife has always had gre

72、at taste in clothes!Well,this is a small world.M:We must keep in touch.You still have my mobile number?W:No.I lost my phone.Here is my new number.M:Ok,I will save your number.W:Great.Oh,I have to go.I made an appointment with my friends to see a movie.(16)Give me a ringso we can arrange dinner somet

73、ime.M:For sure.Take care.Bye.Text 10W:I almost had a complete disaster yesterday,but I just missed it.I went to the gym around noon andworked out for an hour.When I stopped by the bakery to pick up some bread for dinner,Idiscovered I didnt have my wallet with me.(17)I went home,but it wasnt there,ei

74、ther.Then Iremembered I had had it with me on the golf course the day before.I had two hundred dollars in it,myVisa card,and my drivers license.(18)I decided to go back to the golf course and try to get my walletback.I needed to fill up the car with gas to the course,but luckily,I had a bank card at

75、 home.When Ifinally got there,I asked around the changing room,but no one had seen it.Then I asked the people in therestaurant and they didnt have it,either.My last chance was the kids outside who wash the golf carts.Andthey told me one of workers found it when he was cutting the grass in the mornin

76、g.(19)I offered totreat the guy to a round of golf,but he said he plays there for free,anyway.(20)Finally,he said if Icame back,I could buy him a beer.I told him he had a deal.参考答案:第一部分听力15 BCABA610 CBABA1115 CCBCA1620 BBCAC第二部分阅读理解第一节2123 DCB2426 ABD2730 CABC第二节3135 DFBGE第三部分语言运用第一节完形填空3640 BADCB41

77、45 DACDB4650 ABDCC5155 BCADA第二节56.is bination60.so61.when62.the63.easier64.has left65.for第四部分写作第一节应用文写作One possible version:Dear David,Im Li Hua,a student in your class.Im writing to consult you about my English admission interviewby Shanghai International Studies University next month.Language prof

78、iciency is of vital importance for such an interview,so Im in urgent need of yourprofessional guidance in my oral English.Besides,any constructive advice on interview techniques will behighly appreciated.Finally,if there are any dos and donts in terms of dressing,manners and so on,pleasedo let me kn

79、ow.Exceedingly anticipate your reply at your earliest convenience.Yours Sincerely,Li Hua第二节读后续写One possible version:Paragraph 1:That night I couldnt sleep.The thought of tasting the smooth bitterness of the chocolate made mewide awake,tossing and turning in bed.Finally I got up and slipped out into

80、the yard secretly with a knifein my pocket.Then I trotted into the barn and couldnt wait to take out the chocolate immediately,brimming with sheer excitement mingled with nervousness.By the light of the moon,I cautiously openedthe packing paper,the tempting smell entirely indulging myself in it with

81、out noticing my father enteringbehind.Paragraph 2:By moonlight,just as I was about to cut it,my father said,“Son!”Dismay and scare beating me out ofbreath,I grabbed up the bar of chocolate and hid it in my pocket before I turned around.I stood theremotionlessly,head down in shame,wondering a spanking was probably inevitable.Great to my surprise,my father came up to me,tapped my shoulder and said“You could have had it if youd asked for it,but Iwont have you being sneaky about things.”A strong sense of guilt taking hold of me,I looked up in hiseyes and nodded with agreement.


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