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《创新方案 》2015届高三英语(湖北专版)一轮讲义:必修4UNIT 2 WORKING THE LAND.doc

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1、必修四 Unit 2Working the land晨背三部曲(状语从句)经典佳句1当提到妈妈一词时,我相信我们都有很多话要说。When it comes to the word “mother”, I think we all have a lot to say. 2有时,一个微笑是那样的有力以至于它给人们巨大的勇气。Sometimes a smile is so powerful that it gives people great courage.3此外,有爱的地方就有希望。Besides, where there is love, there is hope.4一旦你开始学习英语,你就

2、应该把它学好。Once you have begun to learn English, you should learn it well.5除非我们采取有效措施,否则在短期内我们不能建成一个和谐而又美丽的社会。We cant build a harmonious and beautiful community in a short time, unless we take effective measures.6一些在学校全得A的学生结果在社会上并没有被期望的那样成功。Some allA students in school have turned out not to be as succ

3、essful in society as they were expected.热身体验句式仿写1If_we_talk_less_and_do_more (如果我们少说多做), it will do us a lot of good.2.Ive been a panda lover since_I_was_a_child (从小时候起)3Besides, your online friends cant help you in_case_you_get_into_trouble_(万一你有麻烦),because you know nothing about their identities.词

4、海拾贝 基础记忆1struggle vi.& n斗争;拼搏;努力2expand vt.& vi. 使变大;伸展3circulate vt.& vi. 循环;流传4freedom n. 自由;自主5therefore adv. 因此;所以;因而6occupation n. 工作;职业;占领7regret vt. 遗憾;惋惜n. 遗憾;懊悔8focus n. 焦点;中心点vt. 集中;聚焦9comment n. 评论;议论vi.& vt. 表达意见;作出评论10reduce vt. 减少;减缩;使沦落11hunger n饥饿;欲望vt.& vi.(使)饥饿hungry adj.饥饿的;渴望得到的1

5、2export vt.& vi.输出;出口import (反义词)vt.& vi.输入;进口13discovery n发现;发觉discover vt.发现;发觉discoverer n发现者14summary n总结;摘要;概要summarize vt.总结15equip vt.& vi.配备;装备equipment n设备(不可数)16confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难confusing adj.令人迷惑的confused adj.感到迷惑的confusion n迷惑语境记忆17Our school offers good equipment and you will be well e

6、quipped with knowledge and skills for your future job.(equip)18He was really confused by the confusing problem which also confused other people for a long time.(confuse)19The discoverer of electricity was Franklin; like many discoveries,_it benefits us greatly.(discover)篇章记忆People struggled against

7、hunger for several decades, but to their regret, they still couldnt increase the output of grain production.Therefore hunger was a disturbing problem then.短语互译 1.幸亏;由于,因为thanks_to2使摆脱或除去 rid_._of3对感到满意 be_satisfied_with4宁愿;宁可 would_rather5逐渐增强;建立;开发 build_up6lead to 导致;造成(后果)7focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于8k

8、eep . free from/of 使免受(影响、伤害等);使不含(有害物)9make a difference 有关系;有影响10for sale 待售.句型一览 1.if so状语从句的省略形式If_so (如果这样的话), what did you do to grow them?2the序数词名词动词不定式In 1973, he became the_first_agricultural_pioneer_in_the_world_to_grow_rice (世界上第一位种植水稻的农业先锋)that has a high output.3make itadj.动词不定式This spe

9、cial strain of rice makes_it_possible_to_produce (使生产成为可能) 20% more of the crop in the same fields.4would rather do . 宁愿做He would much rather (宁愿做) keep time for his hobbies.语法自测动词ing形式作主语和宾语完成句子1We should make laws to prevent factories from sending smoke into the air without being_dealt_with.(deal)

10、我们应该制定法律,严禁工厂未经处理就将烟排往空气中。2Being_exposed_to/Exposing_themselves_to_different languages and cultures does a lot of good to children.(expose)接触不同的语言和文化对孩子们大有裨益。3Keeping_plants_alive during long land transport or sea voyages is a big challenge, causing explorers to find solutions.(keep)在长途的陆地或海洋运输中使植物成

11、活下来是个巨大的挑战,这要勘探者找出解决的办法。4We are considering taking_measures to deal with the environmental problems.(measure)我们正在考虑采取措施解决环境问题。1.struggle vi.& nC斗争;拼搏;努力;挣扎struggle for为而斗争struggle with/against sb./sth. 与作斗争struggle to do sth. 努力做某事struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来Some women want to get what they want by

12、finding a rich husband, which can save them 20 years of struggle.一些女性想嫁个有钱的丈夫以得到她们所想要的,这样她们能少奋斗20年。The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle to be heard.在餐桌上孩子们大声谈话以至于我必须努力被听到。【对点练习】根据英汉提示完成小片段农民一直都得为了生存而努力。他们经常与恶劣的天气作斗争来争取更好一点的收成。他们中的一些人甚至不得不离开家乡到城市打工,努力增加他们的收入。Farmers al

13、ways have to struggle_for a living.They often struggle_against/with the bad weather for a better harvest.Some of them even have to leave their hometowns and go to work in cities, struggling_to_increase their income.2.equip vt.& vi.装备;配备(1)equip . with . 用装备be equipped with 装备着equip . for sth./to do

14、sth. 为了而装备be well/poorly equipped 设备精良的/较差的(2)equipment n. 装备;设备(不可数名词)a piece of equipment 一件设备It is often said that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.(全国卷)人们常说,人天生具有说话的能力。Equipped with new scientific farming methods, they have been able to use less farmland than in the past.因为掌握了科学的农耕新方

15、法,现在,他们可以使用比过去更少的农田进行耕种。【对点练习】完成句子Our laboratory is_well_equipped and most of its equipment is from America.(equip)我们的实验室装备良好,大部分设备来自美国。To find a good job, I need to continue my education, equipping_myself_with rich knowledge.(equip)为了找到一个好工作,我需要继续我的学业,用更丰富的知识来武装自己。3.regret vt.遗憾;惋惜 n遗憾;懊悔(1)regret后

16、悔做了某事regret to say/tell/inform . that . 遗憾地说(告知)regret that . 遗憾(2)with great/deep regret 很遗憾to ones regret 让某人感到遗憾的是He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently.(江苏高考)他不后悔说那些话,但他觉得本可以用不同的方式来表达。We think, much to our regret, that we will not be able to vis

17、it you next year.让我们深感遗憾的是,我们认为明年不能去拜访你了。【语境串记】I regretted to tell him that he had been dismissed.To my surprise, he said to me, “I have no regrets. I only regret having taken the wrong job.”我遗憾地告诉他他被解雇了。使我惊奇的是,他对我说:“我没有什么遗憾。我唯一后悔的是选错了工作。”【对点练习】完成句子To_my_great_regret,_we have not much time left to d

18、iscuss the problem.(regret)我感到非常遗憾的是我们没有多少时间讨论这个问题了。I regret_to_tell_you that your problems are beyond my power.Youll have to turn to some other one, Im afraid.(regret)我很遗憾地告诉你,你的问题超出了我的能力范围。恐怕你得求助别人了。Robert is indeed a wise man.How I regretted not_taking/having_taken_his_advice.(take)罗伯特确实是一个聪明的人。我

19、多么后悔没听他的建议。4.focus vt.& vi.集中(注意力);聚焦 nC,U焦点;中心点(1)focus on/upon集中(注意力、精力等)于focus ones attention/mind on . 把注意力集中在 (2)the focus of attention/concern注意力/关注的焦点Any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well.(2013新课

20、标卷任务型阅读)要想公共演讲效率更高,你做的任何训练应该始终专注于你已经做得很好的事情的积极方面。She is a person who wants to be the focus of attention.她是一个想成为关注焦点的人。【联想发散】想一想表示“集中(注意力、精力等)于”的短语还有哪些?pay_attention_to_sth.put_ones_heart_into_sth.fix_ones_attention_on_sth.concentrate_ones_attention_on_sth.【对点练习】用focus的相关短语完成下列句子我鼓励小组成员集中精力于他们能做的事情。I

21、 encouraged group members to focus_on what they could do.基础数学的教学一直是我们特别关注的焦点。The teaching of basic mathematics has been the focus_of_our_particular_attention.5.reduce vt.减少;减缩;使沦落(1)reduce . to . 减少到reduce . by . 减少了(2)be reduced to 沦落为;陷入某种状态That is the only way we can imagine to reduce the overuse

22、 of water in students bathrooms.(上海高考)那是我们能想出的减少学生浴室过度用水的唯一方式。Believe it or not, the rich man should be reduced to a beggar.信不信由你,那位富人竟然沦落为乞丐。【对点练习】介词填空We cant accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%.The number of students in our school has been reduced to 2,000.All the buildings in the

23、town have been reduced to ruins after the earthquake.ment n评论;议论 vi.& vt.表达意见;作出评论(Have you got any comments to make about the cause of the disaster?你对灾难的起因作何评论?The spokesman refused to comment on the matter.发言人拒绝对这件事发表评论。【对点练习】用comment的相关短语完成下列句子老师经常谈论那两个孩子的不同之处。The teacher often comments_on/upon h

24、ow different the two boys are.先生,你会辞职吗?无可奉告!Will you resign, sir?No_comment!7.rid . of . 使摆脱;使免除Its not easy to rid oneself of a bad habit.要改掉一个坏习惯不容易。be rid of摆脱(表状态)get rid of 摆脱;扔掉(表动作)I was glad to be rid of the car when I finally sold it.把车卖掉时,我很庆幸终于脱手了。Were moving, so we have to get rid of a l

25、ot of old furniture.我们要搬家了,所以我们得扔掉许多旧的家具。【对点练习】句型转换How can I rid the room of the bad smell?How can I get rid of the bad smell in the room?John plans to give up smoking in two months.John plans to get rid of/rid himself of smoking in two months.8.build up逐渐增强;建立;开发;增多Its said that shes built up a ver

26、y successful business.据说她创办了一家非常成功的企业。与副词up搭配的其他短语:add up加起来come up (问题)出现;走近(某人)pick up 捡起;学会take up 拿起;开始;从事look up 向上看;查找eat up 吃光;吃完It didnt take me long to pick up the basic knowledge of the language.我没费多长时间就学会了这门语言的基础知识。Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都开始以园艺为嗜好。【对点练习】写出下

27、列句中build up 的含义All the pressure built up and he was off work for weeks with stress.增多,加大The Stevens played a key role in building up the company.(逐步)建立Taking exercise helps us build up our body and keep a clear mind.增进;锻炼【真题印证】(2013浙江高考)Bears _ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energ

28、y enough to last them through their winter sleep.Apack upBbuild upCbring up Dtake up解析:选B考查动词短语辨析。句意:熊在整个夏季和秋季积累脂肪,以便能使它们在冬眠的时候有足够的能量。build up“集聚;积累”,符合句意。pack up“收拾行李”;bring up“抚养”;take up“从事;占据”。9.lead to导致;造成(后果);通往This will probably lead to trouble in the future.这以后将可能导致麻烦。As we all know, all ro

29、ads lead to Rome.众所周知,条条大路通罗马。lead sb. to do sth.使某人做某事lead/live a . life 过样的生活lead . into . 把领进lead the way 引路;带路lead up to 通向This has led scientists to think out other solutions to the problem.这就使得科学家不得不想其他解决问题的方法。【对点练习】根据英汉提示完成小片段他带路,把我们领到了西藏的一个小村庄。在那里,我们发现当地人过着幸福的生活。He led_the_way,_and led_us_to

30、 a village in Tibet, where we found the local people leading_a_happy_life.expand vt.& vi.使变大;伸展expand . into 把扩展(发展、膨胀)成expand on/upon 阐述,详谈thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为thanks to构成的短语可以表达正面意思(近于原意“感谢”),也可表达讽刺意味(近于讽刺意味的“感谢”)。be satisfied with be content/pleased with 对感到满意confuse vt. 使迷惑;使为难confuse A with/and B

31、把A与B混淆be confused about . 对感到困惑keep . free from/of 使免受(影响、伤害等); 使不含(有害物)free from/of 无的;免除的;不受的约束【对点练习】结合以上短语完成下列句子老师对学生们取得的成绩感到非常满意。The teacher was_quite_satisfied_with what the students had achieved.把表面盖好,免落尘土。Keep the surface free_from/of dirt by putting a cover over it.注意不要把数量与质量混淆。Be careful no

32、t to confuse_quantity_with_quality.多亏了新技术,我们才能够尽可能快地传递信息。Thanks_to the new technology, we can pass information as soon as possible.我不太理解你的推论,你能详谈吗?I dont quite follow your reasoning.Can you expand_on/upon it?1.If_so,_what did you do to grow them?如果这样的话,你做了些什么来种植这些植物?【句型透视】(1)if so“如果这样的话”,是if引导的条件状语

33、从句的省略形式,表示肯定意义;如果表示否定意义,则用if not。Some of you may have finished Unit One. If so, you can go on to Unit Two.(江西高考)你们中的一些人可能已经完成第一单元,如果这样的话,你们可以继续第二单元。I think theres a train at midday.If not, youll have to wait till 12:30.我想正午会有一班火车。要是没有,你只好等到12点半了。(2)if构成的其他形式的省略:if ever如果有过/发生过的话if any 如果有的话if possib

34、le 如果可能的话if necessary 如果有必要If possible, try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.如果可能的话,尝试每天都在同一时间睡觉和起床。【对点练习】用if的省略形式完成下列句子大家感到冷吗?如果不,我们把窗户打开吧。Is everybody feeling cold?If_not,_let us open the windows.那个小女孩,如果有过也是很少向她哥哥寻求保护。The girl seldom, if_ever,_turned to her brother for protect

35、ion.如果有必要的话,我将亲自去那儿一趟。If_necessary,_Ill go there myself.2.He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.他宁愿把时间花在自己的爱好上。【句型透视】句子would rather (not) do sth. “宁愿(不)做”,与之相关的其他句型还有:would rather从句would rather have done 本来想做而未实现I would rather you didnt . 常用来表示拒绝别人的要求Would you rather stay at home or go out

36、to have a picnic with us?你是待在家里还是和我们一起出去野餐?Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the streets.他宁愿在街上乞讨,也不愿以这种不正当的手段挣钱。【对点练习】.用所给动词的适当形式填空I would rather you had_finished (finish) your homework yesterday.She would rather you came (come) tomorrow than today.句型转换I prefer to play

37、football rather than play basketball.I would play football rather than play basketball.Id rather play football than paly basketball.用所给单词的适当形式填空1In some poor African areas, many children died of hunger (hungry) every year.2Farmers in China used to live a hard life and were always disturbed (disturb)

38、 by hunger.3For decades, they struggled (struggle) to search for ways to increase rice harvests, but without success.4We were told to keep all our sports equipment (equip) in the lockers downstairs.5The people there enjoy complete freedom (free) of speech.6Like many discoveries (discover), atomic po

39、wer can be used for good or evil.7He returned from Paris and found his office was under someone elses occupation (occupy)8Im still a little confused (confuse) about what happened.句型转换1Thanks to Dr Yuans research on the hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice what they did before.Thanks to

40、Dr Yuans research on the hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.222% of the worlds population have rid themselves of hunger.22% of the worlds population have got rid of hunger.3Most of the farmers say they are quite content with their lives.Most of the farmers say they

41、are quite satisfied with their lives.4Her fathers death was caused by heart failure.Heart failure led to her fathers death.5I hope you will protect yourself from tobacco and alcohol.I hope you will keep yourself free from/of tobacco and alcohol.6The number of employees was reduced from 40 to 25.The

42、number of employees was reduced by 15.7There are 32 computers in the language lab of our school.The language lab of our school is equipped with 32 computers.8The new product quickly became popular because of a national advertising campaign.Thanks to a national advertising campaign, the new product q

43、uickly became popular.根据汉语提示,选用练习、中的句子,加入适当过渡词后联句成篇1中国的农民曾经过着很艰苦的生活,并一直饱受饥饿的困扰。2几十年来,他们努力寻找能够提高粮食产量的方法,但收效甚微。现在,情况有所改变。3多亏了袁博士的杂交水稻研究,农民们种出的粮食比以前多了一倍。这意味着世界22%的人口摆脱了饥饿。4大多数农民都很满意现在的生活,宁愿待在农村当农民。Farmers in China used to live a hard life and were always disturbed by hunger.For decades, they struggled

44、to search for ways to increase rice harvests, but without success.Now, things have changed.Thanks to Dr Yuans research on the hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before, which means 22% of the worlds population have got rid of hunger.Most of the farmers say they are now qui

45、te satisfied with their lives and would rather be farmers in the countryside.多项选择1(2014孝感高三质检)The plan wasnt illegal in itself but it would _ some doubtful practices.Aturn toBlead toCappeal to Dadapt to解析:选B考查动词短语辨析。句意:这项计划本身并不违法,但它在具体实施中会带来一些问题。turn to“求助于”;lead to“导致”;appeal to“吸引;感染;诉诸”;adapt to“

46、适应”。故选B。2It is hoped that China and the US can _ common interests to better serve the two peoples.Aexpand BapproveCafford Darrange 解析:选A句意:人们希望中美双方扩大共同利益,更好地造福两国人民。expand“扩张;使变大”;approve“批准”;afford“提供;买得起”;arrange“安排”。3(2014黄石高三检测)If we just bring over products developed for the US market, we will s

47、oon be _ to just competing on price.Amade BintendedCreduced Dforced解析:选C考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我们只是把为美国市场开发的产品拿过来,那么我们将很快沦落到只能打价格战的境地。be reduced to doing“沦落到”。4(2014泉州模拟)When filling in the form, the old man with a beard wrote “farmer” in the space marked “_ ”Anationality BcharacterCoccupation Dproduction解析:

48、选C句意:填表时那位留着胡须的老人在标有“职业”的空白处填写了“农民”。occupation“职业”,符合句意。nationality“国籍”;character“性格”;production“产量”。5Running a company is not _ a matter of hiring people they also need to be trained. Asimply BpartlyCseriously Dequally解析:选A考查副词词义辨析。simply“单单;只是”,partly“部分地”;seriously“严重地”;equally“平等地”。根据语境选A。6(2014

49、南平一中模拟)To be mentally healthy, you need to _ good relationship with each other. Atake up Bput up Cbuild up Dhold up解析:选C考查动词短语辨析。句意:为了精神健康,你们相互之间需要建立良好的关系。build up“建立;树立”,符合句意。take up“从事;拿起;占据”;put up“建造;搭起;举起”;hold up“阻挡;使停顿”。7Whats the matter with John?He has been sitting there for hours.A postcar

50、d from his father _ an attack of homesickness in him.Atook up Bset offCbrought in Dbuilt up解析:选B句意:“约翰怎么啦?他一直坐了好几个小时了。”“父亲寄来的明信片使他想家。”take up“拿起;占据;从事”;set off“出发;引起;使爆炸”;bring in“带来;引进”;build up“逐渐建立”。根据句意选B。8(2014湖北七市联考)It is a good idea to make a brief _ of the main points of your speech to get y

51、ourself across to the audience.Acomment BsummaryCguide Dframework解析:选B考查名词词义辨析。句意:为了让观众更好地理解你,对演讲的主要内容做个简短的总结是一个好主意。summary“概括;总结”,符合句意。comment“评论;意见;批评”;guide“指南;导游”;framework“框架;准则”。9(2014亳州模拟)Weve reached our goal of 500,000 yuan for the victims of the earthquake, _ the generosity of the public.A

52、as for Baccording toCinstead of Dthanks to解析:选D句意:由于公众的慷慨解囊我们已经为地震灾民募捐到50万元。thanks to“幸亏;由于”,符合句意。as for“关于”;according to“根据”;instead of“代替”。10(2014随州高三质检)The Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman on Thursday urged Japan to stop making irresponsible _ on the incident in waters off the Diaoyu Islands.Acomment

53、s BexplanationsCarguments Ddebates解析:选A考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个外交部女发言人周四敦促日本停止对在钓鱼岛海域所发生的事件的不负责任的评论。make comments on“对进行评论”。.完成句子1While shopping, people sometimes cant help being_persuaded_into_buying_something they dont really need.(persuade)购物时,人们有时经不住劝说买些他们并不真正需要的东西。2Some necessary equipment as well as foo

54、d and clothes has_been_sent_to the disasterhit area since the floods occurred.(send)洪水暴发后,一些必需的装备、食品及衣物已被送往受灾地区。3(2014武汉市部分学校调研)Frequently_changing_your_position from one to another may be seen as a sign of nervousness.(change)频繁地改变你身体的位置是紧张的表现。4The wrong decision will cost him everything for_which_

55、he_has_struggled for years.(struggle)这项错误的决定将会使他丧失他为之奋斗好多年的一切。5I would rather you_began_to_do_the_work at once by yourself.(begin)我宁愿你立刻自己开始做这项工作。6She does exercise every day, reducing_her_weight by 10%.(reduce)她坚持天天锻炼,把体重降低了10%。7Microsoft is believed to_be_focusing_on a new mobile phone operating s

56、ystem.(focus)人们相信,微软正在致力于一种新的手机操作系统。8Being_accused_of_cheating_customers caused an immediate failure of this restaurant due to the loose management and lack of commercial conscience.(accuse)由于这家店管理松散,缺乏商业良知,在被指控欺骗顾客后立刻身败名裂。9It is really lucky for me to_have_been_brought_up in such a small mountain v

57、illage with a great sense of friendliness and voluntary service.(bring)我很幸运在这样一个极具友善感和无私奉献精神的小山村里长大。10It is because your ideas are out of step with the times that_you_find_it_hard to keep up with it.(find)正是由于你的思想与时代不同步,你才会认为很难跟上时代的步伐。.阅读理解AWalking in a farmers market often brings one to explore new

58、 food options, and now more locallyfarmed protein choices are available to help bridge the gap between our meals and the farms from which they originated. More and more local small farms are popping_up in opposition to factory farms.Todays commercial farms do not fit the image that comes to mind whi

59、le happily singing along to Old MacDonald. Instead, most of the nations food comes from CAFOs, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, where animals are kept in tightly enclosed conditions as they are fattened up and readied to be killed for food.Fortunately, knowing exactly where ones food comes fr

60、om has led to an increase in the availability of what is known as “grassfed” beef. Technically, all cattle are grassfed for at least a limited amount of time, but what makes the meat significant is that it is grassfinished, not forcefed corn, soy or grains. This change in diet makes all the differen

61、ce since corn is not part of the cows traditional diet, and therefore causes major health issues for it. To deal with the health issues, antibiotics (抗生素) are used and some of the antibiotics used to treat the cattle are similar to those given to humans, so they can decrease the effectiveness of med

62、icine when a consumer is sick.A healthier diet for the cattle leads the meat to lower in both fat and calories. And when cooking grassfed beef, youd better use a slightly lower temperature to make it more delicious.1The underlined phrase “popping up” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_”Aimproving Bfadi

63、ngCprofiting Dappearing解析:选D词义猜测题。根据文章第一句的“more locallyfarmed protein choices are available to help bridge the gap”可知,越来越多的当地小农场正在出现。故选D项。2The song Old MacDonald describes _.Aanimals raised freely on local farmsBanimals kept in tightly enclosed conditionsCcommercial farms providing fast foodDcommerc

64、ial farms providing unpopular food解析:选A细节理解题。根据第二段第二句中的“Instead”可知,上句中的“Old MacDonald”应该和第二句中的“where animals are kept in tightly enclosed conditions”表述的内容相反,故选A项。3Some medicines are less effective for beef consumers probably because _.Asome cattle feed on grainsBall cattle eat grassCsome medicines a

65、re used to treat sick cattleDsome antibiotics are given to both cattle and people解析:选D细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句可知,为了不让牛生病,给牛用了抗生素,这些抗生素与用在人身上的抗生素相似,所以当人生病的时候,药力就减弱了。故选D项。4We can infer from the text that _.Afood from local farms can help add to the variety in our daily mealsBsoy or grains are on the list of t

66、raditional diets of the cattleCcorn for the cattle leads the meat to lower in both fat and caloriesDlower temperature makes grassfed beef more delicious解析:选A推理判断题。根据第一段第一句中的“more locallyfarmed protein choices are available to help . they originated”可推知A项正确。B(2014福州质检)If you see a group of people dan

67、cing and singing on the street or in the railway station, you dont need to feel surprised. They are a flash mob (暴民). Who are they? Are they mobs? Dont be confused by their name. Actually, a flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period

68、 of time, and then quickly disappear.They are usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communications networks. The messages may be sent to friends, who send to more people. At a predetermined time, they gather and perform some activities such as exchanging books, coming toge

69、ther to look at the sky, waving their hands and yelling something at the top of their voice for 30 seconds. Then, they quickly disappear before the police can arrive. Using mobile phones, the flash mobs can change its place if the first one has been cancelled for any reason.Bill Wasik, senior editor

70、 of Harpers Magazine, organized the first flash mob in Manhattan in May 2003 and the first successful flash mob gathered on June 3, 2003. Wasik claimed that he created the flash mob as a social experiment designed to laugh at fashion seekers and stress the cultural atmosphere of wanting to be an ins

71、ider or part of “the next big thing”Flash mob gatherings can sometimes shock people. Such an activity might seem amusing and magical, but it also might frighten people who are not aware of what is taking place. Undoubtedly, flash mob can serve as good political tools and have great potential, such a

72、s using them to advertise a product.The flash mob is now becoming more and more popular. People use it to do many things. Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to come together to create a memory.5What is NOT the feature of the flash mob?AIt can get together quickly.BIt can ch

73、ange its place freely.CIt can do activities suddenly.DIt can injure people seriously.解析:选D细节理解题。根据文章的第一段最后一句“Actually, a flash mob is a group of people who gather suddenly . and then quickly disappear.”和第二段最后一句“Using mobile phones, the flash mob can change its place if the first one has been cancell

74、ed for any reason.”可知,D项不是快闪族的特点,故答案选D。6How do flash mobs inform one another?By using the Internet By writing lettersBy yelling By waving handsBy using mobile phones By holding a meetingAB CD解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“They are usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communication

75、s networks.”和第二段最后一句“Using mobile phones .”可知,答案B符合文意。7Why did Bill Wasik create the flash mob?ATo advertise some products.BTo help people make friends.CTo laugh at fashion seekers.DTo create some memories.解析:选C细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句“Wasik claimed that he created the flash mob as a social experiment desi

76、gned to laugh at fashion seekers .”可知,答案C符合文意。8What can we learn about the flash mob from the passage?ABill Wasik organized the first successful flash mob in May, 2003.BPeople are encouraged to take a more active part in an activity.CFlash mobs tend to do something illegal for a short time.DFlash mo

77、b gathering can frighten all the people present.解析:选B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to come together to create a memory.”可推知:人们由此被鼓励积极参与活动,故答案B符合文意。阅读理解解题技法(四)词义猜测的四种题型1根据文中所提供的语境,找出逻辑关系,如并列关系、同位关系、解释关系、因果关系等。2所猜测的词义往往隐含在上文或下文中,因此正确理解上下文是推出答案的关键。【品味赏析

78、】题型一、猜测代词的正确指代代词指代题考查考生依据语境逻辑推断人称代词和指示代词意义的能力。人称代词指代判断题要求考生对it, they, them, he, she等人称代词的正确指代进行判断;指示代词指代判断题主要考查考生对this, these, that, those等指示代词指代意义的判断能力。认真分析历年高考试题不难发现代词指代判断题常出现在人物变换多、动作转换频的语境中。典例(2013山东高考阅读理解D第二段)Sparrow failed to grow for another two years, until a new CEO, Carl Pearson, decided t

79、o build up its market share. He did a survey, which showed that consumers who already used Sparrow restaurants were extremely positive about the chain, while customers of other fastfood chains were unwilling to turn away from them. Sparrow had to develop a new promotional campaign. 72What does the u

80、nderlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refer to?ACustomers of Sparrow restaurants.BSparrow restaurants.CCustomers of other fastfood chains.DOther fastfood chains.,Sparrow【点拨领悟】已有的顾客对连锁店抱有积极的态度,而其他快餐店的顾客不愿意离开别的快餐店。由句中“while”可以看出语境为并列关系;故them应该代指后者,即其他的快餐连锁店,故选D项。题型二、猜测生词词义典例(2013新课标卷阅读理解C第三段)The CRFs p

81、roduce is “green”, made within the country and divided into 10 lines, with the Alcohol Series being the most popular.The Exotic Series with Sichuan pepper, red bean (豆), cheese and other flavors also does well and is fun to taste. And for chocolate_snobs,_who think that they have a better knowledge

82、of chocolate than others, the Connoisseur Series uses cocoa beans from Togo, Cuba, Venezuela, and Ghana, among others.47The words “chocolate snobs” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to people who _.Aare particular about chocolateBknow little about cocoa beansClook down upon others Dlike to try new flavo

83、rs,【点拨领悟】非限制性定语从句(who think that they have a better knowledge of chocolate than others .)对“chocolate snobs”起解释和说明的作用;由此可知这些人对制作巧克力的原料很挑剔,所以选A。题型三、猜测熟词新义典例(2013福建高考阅读理解A第一段)When I was 12, all I wanted was a signet (图章) ring. They were the “in” thing and it seemed every girl except me had one. On my 1

84、3th birthday, my Mum gave me a signet ring with my initials (姓名首字母) carved into it. I was in heaven.56The underlined word “in” in the first paragraph probably means “_”AfashionableBavailableCpractical Drenewable【点拨领悟】第一句“当我12岁的时候,我想要一枚图章戒指”;画线词后面的“it seemed every girl except me had one(除了我,几乎每个女孩都有一

85、枚这样的戒指)”解释了这枚戒指的特点;由语境和上下文的解释可推断“in”的意思为fashionable“流行的,时髦的”,唯有如此才能说明作者期望拥有一枚这样的戒指,故选A。题型四、猜测普通词汇的特殊含义一些十分普通的词汇在特殊场合下会有特殊的含义,解题时应认真阅读,仔细分析特定词汇所在句和邻近句,弄清作者的表达目的和写作意图,揭示其在特定语境中的言外之意,从而正确推断该词的真正含义。典例(2013江西高考阅读理解C第二段)Listening well also requires total concentration upon someone else.An essential part o

86、f listening well is the rule known as “bracketing”Bracketing includes the temporary giving up or setting aside of your own prejudices and desires, to experience as far as possible someone elses world from the inside, stepping_into_his_or_her_shoes.Moreover, since listening well involves bracketing,

87、it also involves a temporary acceptance of the other person.Sensing this acceptance, the speaker will seem quite willing to open up the inner part of his or her mind to the listener.True communication is under way. The energy required for listening well is so great that it can be accomplished only b

88、y the will to extend oneself for mutual growth.66The phrase “stepping into his or her shoes” in Paragraph 2 probably means _.Apreparing a topic list firstBfocusing on ones own mindCdirecting the talk to the desired resultsDexperiencing the speakers inside world【点拨领悟】语境所提供的信息为“倾听需要全身心投入,需要放弃自己的偏见或愿望,尽可能地体验别人的内心世界”。“stepping into his or her shoes”是对“to experience as far as possible someone elses world from the inside”的总结和诠释,故答案选D。


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