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上海市崇明区横沙中学高二英语上海牛津版上册《UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY ALL AROUND READING》学案 WORD版缺答案.doc

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上海市崇明区横沙中学高二英语上海牛津版上册《UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY ALL AROUND READING》学案 WORD版缺答案.doc_第1页
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上海市崇明区横沙中学高二英语上海牛津版上册《UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY ALL AROUND READING》学案 WORD版缺答案.doc_第2页
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上海市崇明区横沙中学高二英语上海牛津版上册《UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY ALL AROUND READING》学案 WORD版缺答案.doc_第3页
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上海市崇明区横沙中学高二英语上海牛津版上册《UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY ALL AROUND READING》学案 WORD版缺答案.doc_第4页
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上海市崇明区横沙中学高二英语上海牛津版上册《UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY ALL AROUND READING》学案 WORD版缺答案.doc_第5页
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上海市崇明区横沙中学高二英语上海牛津版上册《UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY ALL AROUND READING》学案 WORD版缺答案.doc_第6页
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上海市崇明区横沙中学高二英语上海牛津版上册《UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY ALL AROUND READING》学案 WORD版缺答案.doc_第7页
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上海市崇明区横沙中学高二英语上海牛津版上册《UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY ALL AROUND READING》学案 WORD版缺答案.doc_第8页
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上海市崇明区横沙中学高二英语上海牛津版上册《UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY ALL AROUND READING》学案 WORD版缺答案.doc_第9页
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1、Unit 5 Virtual RealityLanguage points:1. step n.(1)_e.g. 小心脚下!_请根据我的步骤操作电脑。_通过自己的努力,他的英语逐渐提高。_(2)步骤,手段,措施_ 采取行动e.g. 应当采取更多措施来解决这个问题。_(3)台阶v. 迈步Smith先生拿着一杯咖啡步入会议室。_踩踏抱歉我踩了你的脚。_2. thanks to类似意义的词组有:_多亏了我朋友的推荐,我找到一个很好的餐厅。_3. as if天似乎要下雨了。_他说话的强调好像老板似的。_4. reach vi / vt(1) _e.g. 两位领导人把手伸过桌子握手。_我看见那个小孩伸手

2、去拿玩具。_(2)够得着林小姐不够高,拿不到书架上的那本书。_必须把药放在孩子够不到的地方。_(3) 联系到请帖必须在明天送达所有出席聚会的客人。_(5)达成,得出达成共识_ 达成谅解_得出结论_他们的会谈没有达成任何协议。_(6)达到这个项目的成本高达数千美元。_n. 伸手可达的距离药品必须放在小孩够不到的地方。_5. distinguish(1)区别,分别 (常与from, between连用)我们很难区分这两台笔记本电脑。_她的细心使她有别于她的妹妹。_你能区别英式英语和美式英语吗?_(2)使杰出 oneself班长在考试中成绩优异,因而显得突出。_这个演员在一部电影中一举成名。_(3)

3、adj _;_那些图案很难识别。_6. data (u.) (pl.) 资料,数据_ 数据库_ 数据处理_ 一组数据7. manufacture : produce 制造 大量生产manufacture shoes cookers (炊具)_ n. 制造商, 制造厂8. architect :建筑师,设计师_ 这个飞机场的设计师_ : n. 建筑学_十八世纪的建筑风格_ adj. 建筑学的,建筑上的_ 建筑学的成就architecturally adv. 9. inspect : to examine inspect luggage _: n. 检查员_: n. 检查,视察10 . mediu

4、m (pl.)_1) . 媒介,方法,手段空气是传声的媒介._报纸,电视,广播等有影响的宣传工具_2) . 艺术表演形式他喜欢的艺术是戏剧。_ multiple-media _ 11. commit v._ 犯罪 _ 自杀_ 受诺言的约束 _ 表达个人意见_ 致力于政府致力于改进国家卫生服务系统。_12.image 图象;形象;翻版/ 化身eg. 硬币上有女王的头像。_公司需要为自己打造一个新形象。_他简直就是他父亲的翻版。_13.observe _ n. _警察看到那个贼进入银行。_你通常是如何庆祝感恩节的?_遵守交通规则是我们每个人的职责。_14.face sth / be faced w

5、ith / face up to她清楚地知道她所面临的情况。_联合国希望各国政府勇于面对金融危机。_面对证据,他不得不坦白。_15. Concern(1)涉及,有关这个事情事关国家安全。_(2)使担心,使挂念,使担忧请不要担心我的疾病。_流感的蔓延开始困扰当地政府。_n. 关心,担心我们为你的健康很担心。_adj. _忧心忡忡的官员开了个会来讨论下一步该怎么办。_Prep. Concerning 关于= about练习一1、She asked me to help her, she couldnt move the heavy suitcase herself.A、realized B、onl

6、y to realize C、but realized D、realizing2、I wonder if this is the computer you want .A、to have repaired B、to have it repaired C、it to be repaired D、to repair it3、Do you know the difficulty he had so many children at school?A、keep B、to have kept C、keeping D、kept4、 with the picture,Mary tore it into pi

7、eces and settle down to sraw another one.A、Dissatisfying thoroughly B、To thorough dissatisfy C、Being thoroughly dissatisfied D、To be completely dissatisfied5、Experts think we wont have clean water to drink unless something soon,but much remains about environment protection.A、would be done;doing B、is

8、 done;to be done C、will be done;to do D、is done;to do6、Dont worry about him,Mom.Hes a man for all emergencies.A、preparing B、being prepared C、having prepared D、prepared7、 is a good form of exercise for 60th young and old.A、The walk B、Walking C、To walk D、Walk8、He is such a man who is always fault with

9、 other people.A、putting B、seeking C、finding D、looking for9、-Is Bob still performing?-Im afraid not.He is said the stage already as he has become an official.A、to have left B、to leave C、to have been left D、to be left10、He us to come to the meeting,but we didnt.A、persuaded B、tried to persuade C、advise

10、d D、either B or C11、He turned and went to sleep again, that it was still early.A、to think B、and thought C、thinking D、thought12、I hate their complaints all day.One of these days Ill tell them what I really think.A、paying attention to B、to talk about C、listening to D、to have heared13、The flu is believ

11、ed by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.A、causing B、being caused C、to be caused D、be have caused14、John Smith, by two companies,is planning to have a third try.A、being turned down B、refused C、having been turned down D、to be refused15、 the best in a recent s

12、cience competition,the three students were awarded scholarship 21,000 dollars.A、Having judged;to total B、Judged;totaling C、To be judged;totaled D、Judging;would total练习二1、John ofen attends public lectures at the University of Oxford,mainly his English.A、to improve B、improving C、having improved D、to h

13、ave improved2、Rainforests and and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.A、being cut B、are cut C、to be cut D、are being cut3、She left him, in that house again.A、determined never to set B、not to be determined to put C、determining not placing D、not having dete

14、rmined by fixing4、 pity on the snake led to his own death.A、The farmer to take B、The farmer taking C、The farmers taking D、The farmer took5、The flowers sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A、to smell B、smelling C、smelt D、to be smelt6、When first to the market,these

15、products enjoyed great success.A、introducing B、introduced C、introduce D、being introduced7、 we humans are alone in the universe,scientists have scanned the sky for outer space signals and sent messages out into space.A、We wonder if B、Having known that C、To find out whether D、Not knowing why8、Zhang Ho

16、ng is said by heart 2000 words up to now.A、that she has learned B、to have learned C、to learn D、having learned9、”I hope the dialogue,”said the spokesman,” between the two presidents next week will give us some active signals.”A、making B、to make C、to be made D、made10、All things ,the planned trip will

17、have to be called off.A、considered B、be considered C、considering D、having considered11、 in the mountains for a week,the two students were finally saved by the local police.A、Having lost B、Lost C、Being lost D、losing12、They on the program for almost one week before I joined them,and now we it as no go

18、od results have come out so far.A、had been working;are still working B、had worked;were still workingC、have been working;have worked D、have worked; are still working13、Last summer I took a course on .A、how to make dresses B、how dressed be made C、how to be made dresses D、how dresses to be made14、Once

19、what to do,these computers will show great power in carrying it out.A、to teach B、teaches C、teaching D、taught On the evening of June 21, 1992, a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes entered the beautiful hall of the Bell Tower Hotel in Xian with his bicycle. The hotel workers received him and telep

20、honed the manager, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel ball before though they lived in “the kingdom of bicycles.” Robert Friedlander, an American, arrived in Xian on his bicycle trip across Asia which started last December in New Delhi, India. When he was 11, he read the book Marco Polo

21、and made up his mind to visit the Silk Road. Now, after 44 years , he was on the Silk Road in Xian and his early dreams were coming true. Robert Friedlanders next destinations (目的地) were Lanzhou, Dunhuang, Urumqi, etc. He will complete his trip in Pakistan.1. The best headline(标题) for this newspaper

22、 article would be . A. The Kingdom of Bicycles B. A Beautiful Hotel in Xian C. Marco Polo and the Silk RoadD. An American Achieving His Aims 2. The hotel workers told the manager about Friedlander coming to the hotel because . A. he asked to see the manager B. he entered the hall with a bike C. the

23、manager had to know about all foreign guests D. the manager knew about his trip and was expecting him3. Friedlander is visiting the three countries in the following order, . A. China, India, and Pakistan B. India, China, and Pakistan C. Pakistan, China, and IndiaD. China, Pakistan, and India 4. What made Friedlander want to come to China? A. The stories about Marco Polo .B. The famous sights in Xian . C. His interest in Chinese silk.D. His childhood dreams about bicycles .5. Friedlander can be said to be . A. cleverB. friendlyC. hardworkingD. strongminded


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