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2019新课标英语艺考生文化课冲刺点金课件:UNIT THIRTY-THREE .ppt

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1、Unit Thirty-three.重点词汇必背 每个单元20个,其中重点单词15个,重点短语5个。.核心词汇运用从本单元的重点词汇中选出核心单词7个和核心短语3个进行了精讲。.语法突破对高考的各语法知识点进行精讲,并对该考点进行分析和训练。或.题型突破 对高考中的题型的进行分析,对它的解法进行归纳,并对该题型进行针对性训练。.作文模板必背针对高考各话题列出模板,供考生记忆。另配有【冲刺练】单元综合练习 是对命题的一种预测和对高考试题的提前演练。一、重点单词 1.routine ru:ti:n n.常规;惯例;例行公事;电脑程序 adj.既定的;例行的;老一套的 2.rude ru:d adj

2、.无礼的,粗鲁的;野蛮的 3.ruin ru:in v.(完全地)毁坏,毁掉;使破产 n.破产;身败名裂;(复)废墟;遗迹 4.sale seil n.卖,出售;销售;贱卖,拍卖 5.satisfy stisfai v.使满足;使满意;使确信 6.schedule edju:l n.计划表;进度表;日程表;时刻表 v.将列表安排;预定 7.science sains n.科学,自然科学 8.scold skuld v.责备,斥责;责骂 9.scream skri:m v.尖叫;尖叫着说 n.尖叫声;刺耳的声音 10.search s:t v.搜查;探索;调查;检查 n.搜查;查找;检索 11.

3、seldom seldm adv.很少,难得,不常 12.select silekt v.选择,挑选,选拔 adj.挑选的;精选的;上等的 13.sentence sentns n.句,句子;判决 v.判决,宣判 14.separate sepreit v.分开,隔离,分离 15.serious siris adj.严肃的,严重的,认真的 二、重点短语 16.point to/at 指向,指着 17.praise sb.for sth.因某事赞扬某人 18.prefer.to.宁愿不愿 19.prepare for为做准备 20.prevent/stop sb.from doing sth.阻

4、止某人做某事 构词 ruined adj.破坏的;毁坏的 用法 ruin of sb.s health 某人健康的衰退 ruin of sb.s hopes 某人希望的破灭 例句 The castle has fallen into ruin.城堡已坍塌了。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)地震后,这个城市成了废墟。The city was _ after the earthquake.(2)如果你继续这样下去,你会自己毁了自己。If you go on like this,youll _ yourself.Keys:(1)in ruins (2)ruin 一、重点单词 1.ruin v.(

5、完全地)毁坏,毁掉;使破产 n.破产;身败名裂;ruins 废墟;遗迹;in ruins 破败不堪2.sale n.卖,出售;销售;贱卖,拍卖 构词 salesman,saleswoman n.销售人员;女销售员 用法 on sale减价出售 for sale待售,供出售 例句 Theres no sale for watches of that kind nowadays.如今那种手表已无销路。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)他们房子外面有一块写着“待售”字样的牌子。Theres a“_”sign outside their house.(2)这种洗发水今天减价出售吗?Is this s

6、hampoo _ today?Keys:(1)For Sale (2)on sale 3.satisfy v.使满足;使满意;使确信 构词 satisfied adj.感到满意的 satisfying adj.令人满意的 用法 be satisfied at/with 对感到满意 例句 Nothing will satisfy an ambitious man.有野心的人永远不会满足。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)我对比赛的结果感到十分满意。I am quite _ the result of the competition.(2)和他们一起劳动是使我们感到最满意的一项活动。Workin

7、g with them was our most _ activity.Keys:(1)satisfied with (2)satisfying 4.science n.科学,自然科学 构词 scientific adj.科学的 scientist n.科学家 用法 science fiction 科幻小说 graduate in science 理科毕业生 例句 Do you think cooking is an art or a science?你认为烹饪是一门艺术还是一门科学呢?操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)在科学上,一种发现往往为另一种发现铺平道路。In _,one disco

8、very often paves the way for another.(2)他们从事科学研究。They were employed in _ researches.Keys:(1)science (2)scientific 5.search v.搜查;探索;调查;检查 n.搜查;查找;检索 构词 searcher n.搜索者,检查官 用法 search after 追求 search for 搜索,搜寻 例句 He spent his life searching after truth.他一生探求真理。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)他的房间立刻受到搜查。_ was made at

9、once of his room.(2)要想找珍珠,就得下深海。He who would _ pearls must dive below.Keys:(1)A search (2)search for 6.separate v.分开,隔离,分离 seprit adj.单独的;独立的;分开的;分离的 构词 separately adv.分开地;个别地 用法 separate.from 使从分开 例句 Nothing can separate them from each other now.现在什么也不能把他们彼此分开了。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)我们最好把好的和坏的分开。Wed be

10、tter _ the good ones from the bad ones.(2)我们没有单独的饭厅。We dont have a _ dining room Keys:(1)separate (2)separate 7.serious adj.严肃的,严重的,认真的 构词 seriously adv.严肃地;认真地 用法 take it serious 认真对待这事 例句 I was pretty serious in what I said at dinner.我晚餐时说的话是认真的。操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。(1)她总是对工作很认真。She is always _ her work

11、.(2)形势正在变得严重。The situation is becoming _.Keys:(1)serious about (2)serious 二、重点短语 比较 point out 指出 例句 The finger of the clock points to twelve.钟的指针指向十二点。操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。(1)在你指向我的污点之前,先洗干净你的指头吧。Clean your finger before you _ my spot.(2)那件事我找不出具体原因来。I cant _ any one particular reason for it.Keys:(1)point

12、 at (2)point to 8.point to/at 指向,指着9.praise sb.for sth.因为某事赞扬某人 比较 receive/win praise for 因为某事得到或赢得赞扬 例句 He was praised for his modesty.他以自己的谦虚赢得别人的赞扬。操练 填入适当的介词组句子完整。(1)他因获得该奖而受到同事们的称赞。He received _ his colleagues for winning the prize.(2)他们对玛丽出色的工作给予赞扬。They _ Mary _ her good work.Keys:(1)praise fr

13、om (2)praised,for10.prevent/stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 比较 keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 例句 They should try to keep/prevent/stop prices from rising.他们应该设法阻止价钱上涨。操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。(1)没有人能够阻止他去冒险。Nobody can _ him _ running the risk.(2)什么都不能阻止他前往。Nothing can prevent him _.Keys:(1)prevent/stop from (2)

14、from going .题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词一、语法填空题型分析给的词都是实词,一般有四个动词,另外两至三个为词类转换,包括形容词和副词的比较等级。动词考查谓语动词(时态、语态)和非谓语动词(现在分词、过去分词、不定式和动名词)。.题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词二、谓语动词如果句中有没有谓语,首先满足要有谓语的条件。1.When the teacher came in,she _(read)an interesting novel.2.-Why not drive your car here?-My car broke down yesterday and it _(repa

15、ir).3.We _(know)each other for many years.4.My bike _(steal)last night.Can you lend me some money to buy a new one?5.My homework _(finish)in two hours.Keys:1.was reading 2.is being repairing 3.have known 4.was stolen 5.will be finished.题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词三、非谓语动词如果句中已经有了谓语动词,则填非谓语动词。1._(look)at my clas

16、smates faces,I read the same excitement in their eyes.2.Can you imagine _(live)in such a wonderful place?3.She hates to see letters _(write)in pencil.4.It is necessary for us _(learn)how to act in such circumstance.5._(read)in bed is bad for your eyes.Keys:1.Looking 2.living 3.written 4.to learn 5.R

17、eading.题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词四、代词1.I have a cat._(it)name is Mimi.2.When the twins were children,they taught _(them)English.3.His bag is bigger than _(I).4.The old man used to tell _(we)stories in the afternoon.5.I can do my homework by _(my).Keys:1.Its 2.themselves 3.mine 4.us 5.myself.题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词

18、五、高考题再现1.(2015年全国卷II)The adobe dwellings(土坯房)61(build)by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even the most modern of architects and engineers.2.(2015年全国卷II)In addition to their simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their ability to“air condition”a house wi

19、thout 64(use)electric equipment.3.(2015年全国卷II)When a new day breaks,the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough 66(cool)the house during the hot day.1.built2.using3.to cool.题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词4.(2015全国卷I)A study of travelers 68(conduct)by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of

20、 the top 10 destinations in the world.5.(2015全国卷I)Abercrombie&Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it regularly arranges quick getaways here for people 70(live)in Shanghai and Hong Kong.6.(2015年全国卷II)This cycle 68(go)day after day:the walls warm up.7.(2015全国卷I)It was raining lightly when I 61(arr

21、ive)in Yangshuo just before dawn.4.conducted5.living6.goes7.arrived.题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词8.(2015全国卷I)Yangshuo 67 (be)really beautiful.9.(2015全国卷I)A few hours earlier,Id been at home in Hong Kong,with 63 (it)choking smog.10.(2016全国卷)But my connection with pandas goes back 64 my days on a TV show in the m

22、id-1980s,65 I was the first Western TV reporter 66(permit)to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.8.is9.its10.permitted.题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词11.(2016全国卷)My ambassadorial duties will include 67(introduce)British visitors to the 120-plus pandas at Chengdu and others at

23、 a research in the misty mountains of Bifengxia.12.(2017全国卷)They are required 63(process)the food that we eat,to recover from injury and for several other bodily functions.13.(2017全国卷)Fast food 67(be)full of fat and salt;by 68(eat)more fast food people will get more salt and fat than they need in th

24、eir diet.11.introducing12.to process 13.eating.题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词14.(2017全国卷)This included digging up the road,63(lay)the track and then building a strong roof over the top.When all those had been done,the road surface was replaced.15.(2017全国卷)Steam engines 65(use)to pull the carriages and it must ha

25、ve been fairly unpleasant for the passengers,with all the smoke and noise.16.(2017全国卷)Later,engineers 68(manage)to construct railways in a system of deep tunnels(隧道),which became known to the tube.14.laying15.were used16.managed.题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词17.(2017全国卷)This development was only possible with th

26、e 69(introduce)of electric-powered engines and lifts.18.(2018年全国卷)You dont have to run fast or for long 62(see)the benefit.19.(2018年全国卷)You may drink,smoke,be overweight and still reduce your risk of 63(die)early by running.17.introducing18.to see19.dying.题型突破-语法填空给词之动词和代词20.(2018年全国卷)While running

27、regatesalstly cant make you live forever,the review says it 64(be)more effective at lengthening life than walking,cycling or swimming.21.(2018年全国卷)If you are time poor,you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as other sports,so perhaps we should all give 70 a try.20.is21.it高考话题:科

28、学技术(science and technology)科技发展的利与弊 Science and technology are important to mankind.They have played a significant role in the development of the world.Whats more,with the convenience provided by them,were able to pursue a more comfortable life.However,despite all the advantages,science and technolo

29、gy may cause problems.They are reported to have been used illegally in some countries to achieve evil ambitions.And we shall never forget that it is science and technology that give birth to destructive weapons.If we make the best of them and dont abuse them,science and technology can perform their advantages and benefit us all.(100 words)


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