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2016-2017学年高中(北师大版)英语选修6课时作业4 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、课时作业(四)Unit 16Stories.语法填空1I kept trying to_Jims attention by speaking aloud.答案:attract2Mr Smith who is_(tire) of the_(bore) speech started to read a novel.答案:tired;boring3As we all know,Americans are often _(awkwardly) with chopsticks.答案:awkward4The_(hard) you try,the_(well) you will do in the comi

2、ng final examination.答案:harder;better5The shy girl felt _(tension) and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.答案:tense6The_(instantly) she heard the news that they lost the game,tears came down Kates face.答案:instant7What he said just now reminded me_ that American professor.答

3、案:of8Its when things _wrong that you mustnt quit.答案:go9The husband rushed to the hospital_(direct) he heard that his wife was injured.答案:directly10They_(applaud) when the curtain rang down for the final time.答案:were applauding.翻译句子1你动身越早,回来就越早。(the more.,the more.)_答案:The earlier you start,the soone

4、r you will be back.2他一听到敲门声就去开门。(directly)_答案:He made for the door directly he heard the knock.3这使我想起去年发生的那起事故。(remind.of.)_答案:This reminds me of the accident which happened last year.4我一到站台,火车就开动了。(the instant)_答案:The instant I reached the platform,the train began to move.5我担心要出什么事了。(go wrong)_答案:I

5、 am a bit worried that something might go wrong.完形填空I am quite a shy person and I dont speak much in class.Last month,however,something happened that_1_everybody,especially me.Our school always_2_an endofyear play,and this year it was the story of King Arthur.I have never_3_in any of these playsI ha

6、ve always been prompter (提词员)Its my_4_to remind the actors when they_5_their lines (台词)It usually means that I_6_everybodys lines by the end of the rehearsals (排演)But the day before the play,something_7_happened!The boy,who was playing the wizard Merlin,had fallen ill the night before.The teacher sa

7、id to me,“Can you_8_Merlin?You are the only_9_who knows the lines.We think you can do it.” I was absolutely_10_,but the teacher persuaded me first to try the_11_on.Only then did I realize that no one would_12_me at all,because Merlin_13_a long hat and beard!So I spent all that day rehearsing with th

8、e teacher_14_I felt a bit more confident.The following day I was so nervous that I couldnt stop_15_.But when it started,I relaxed a bit,and after a while,I_16_began to enjoy it.It went very_17_.At the end of the play,I_18_my hat to greet the audience.Everybody held their breath and clapped their han

9、ds warmly when they realized it was me.Never have I felt so_19_.Now I am a lot less_20_,and next year Ill be in the play again.语篇解读本文是记叙文。一次意外将作者由幕后推向台前,演出取得了巨大的成功,也让作者克服了害羞的心理。1A.movedBdisappointedCsurprisedDworried解析:根据上文“我”很害羞及最后一段的Everybody held their breath and clapped their hands warmly when t

10、hey realized it was me可知,一场意外的表演,让每个人,尤其是“我”自己感到“吃惊(surprised)”。答案:C2A.reviewsBpresentsCwatchesDreports解析:由本句的this year it was the story of King Arthur以及下段的内容可知,学校每年都会“上演(presents)”一出年终剧。答案:B3A.actedBsucceededCimprovedDspoken解析:根据下文的I have always been prompter可知,“我”只是做给别人提示台词的工作,从来没有在这些戏剧中“表演(acted)

11、”过。答案:A4A.interestBturnCorderDjob答案:D5A.forgetBlearnCwriteDargue解析:根据上文的I have always been prompter可知,“我”的“工作(job)”是给别人提示所“忘(forget)”的台词。答案:A6A.hearBguessCrepeatDknow解析:“我”是提词员,因此“知道(know)”每个演员的台词。下文的You are the only.who knows the lines也是提示。答案:D7A.unfairBstrangeCunexpectedDfunny解析:由下文的The boy,who wa

12、s playing the wizard Merlin,had fallen ill the night before可知,演出前演员生病不能到场,是一件“意想不到的(unexpected)”事。答案:C8A.findBunderstandCteachDplay解析:由下文内容可知,扮演巫师梅林的演员缺席,老师让“我”“扮演(play)”这个角色。答案:D9A.actorBkingCwizardDperson解析:由上文的I have never acted in any of these playsI have always been prompter可知,“我”不是演员,只是一个知道所有演

13、员台词的提词员。故此处person较符合语境。答案:D10A.happyBshockedCangryDexcited解析:由文章首段的I am quite a shy person and I dont speak much in class可推测出,“我”从未演出过,当老师委以重任时,“我”觉得很“吃惊(shocked)”。答案:B11A.costumeBlinesCroleDways解析:由下文的Only then did I realize that no one would.me at all,because Merlin.a long hat and beard可知,老师说服“我”试

14、穿“演出服(costume)”。答案:A12A.tellBrecogniseCwarnDstop答案:B13A.makesBlikesCwearsDpulls解析:由下文的when they realized it was me可知,“我”穿上演出服才发现人们很难“认出(recognise)”“我”来,因为巫师梅林“戴着(wears)”高帽、“蓄着(wears)”胡须。答案:C14A.untilBwhenCunlessDas解析:“我”用一整天的时间排练,“直到(until)”感觉到有一点信心。答案:A15A.shakingBworkingClaughingDrunning解析:由本句的I w

15、as so nervous与下文的But when it started,I relaxed a bit可知,“我”因为紧张而禁不住“发抖(shaking)”。此处描述作者首次演出时紧张的心情。答案:A16A.stillBevenCyetDalso解析:由下文的next year Ill be in the play again可推测出,“我”“甚至(even)”开始享受表演的过程。答案:B17A.easilyBlateCslowlyDwell解析:由下文的Everybody held their breath and clapped their hands warmly可知,演出很“顺利(w

16、ell)”。答案:D18A.picked upBbrought outCtook offDlooked for解析:由下文的they realized it was me可知,“我”“摘下(took off)”帽子向观众致敬。答案:C19A.sorryBsilentCafraidDproud解析:演出的成功,让“我”感受到了从未有过的“自豪(proud)”。答案:D20A.smartBshyCcuriousDsweet解析:由首段的I am quite a shy person以及文末的next year Ill be in the play again可知,现在的“我”不太“害羞(shy)”

17、了。答案:B.阅读理解Back in 1996,I had been working as a public radio reporter for several years,when I met a teenager named Josh Cutler.Josh has a rare brain disorder (紊乱)Because of his disease,Josh sometimes saysor yells (叫喊)things that he cant control.Josh was just starting his second year in high school

18、when he agreed to work with me on a story about his disease.I gave Josh a tape recorder so he could keep a record of his daily life.This took a lot of courage for Josh.But there was one thing he couldnt bring himself to do:record at school.Josh and I agreed that an important part of his story would

19、involve talking to kids at school about his disease.But Josh Just couldnt do it.He was afraid the microphone (麦克风) would make him look stupid,and no one would want to be interviewed.On one occasion,Josh brought the equipment to school for recording,but he kept the microphone hidden inside his school

20、bag the whole time,with the tape rolling.Then one day,after months of excuses,Josh got brave.During lunch he pulled out the microphone.What happened next was a total surprise.Josh tells it best:“Everyone tried their best to take the chance and started asking me questions about my disease.It was weir

21、d because,before that,I had never really talked about it to anyoneexcept my mom and dad.”Recently,Josh told me that was one of the most important days of his life.The tape recorder allowed Josh to explore his diseaseand himselfin a way he had never done before.Now Josh says he wants to keep doing ra

22、dio diaries until hes eighty years old.语篇解读本文是记叙文。文章讲述了患有语言障碍的Josh用录音机记录他的生活的故事。1When the author met Josh Cutler in 1996,_.Athe author was a professional journalistBJosh was receiving treatment in hospitalCthe author pitied Joshs unfortunate situationDJosh dreamed of becoming a teenage journalist解析:

23、推理判断题。从段首的Back in 1996,I had been working as a public radio reporter for several years,when I met a teenager named Josh Cutler可知。答案:A2Why did Josh get a tape recorder from the author?ATo treat his disease.BTo work with the author.CTo bring fun to his classmates.DTo record the authors experiences.解析:

24、细节理解题。根据第二段的he agreed to work with me on a story about his disease.I gave Josh a tape recorder so he could keep a record of his daily life可知。答案:B3The underlined word “weird” in the second paragraph means“_”AunfortunateBunpopularCuncertainDunusual解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段段末的Everyone.started asking me questions

25、about my disease.before that,I had never really talked about it to anyoneexcept my mom and dad可知,同学们争先恐后地询问Josh的病情,这是他始料未及的,因为在此之前除了跟他的父母谈论外,他再没跟其他人说过。因此此处应该是说同学们的反应让Josh觉得很不寻常。答案:D4What can be inferred from the last paragraph?AJosh recovered from his disease.BJosh is a partner of the author.CJosh is fond of recording his daily life.DJosh found a medicine to treat his disease.解析:推理判断题。从文章最后一段的Josh says he wants to keep doing radio diaries until hes eighty years old可知,Josh喜欢上了用录音机记录他的生活。答案:C


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