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2022届新高考英语人教版一轮复习课后练习:第1部分 选修6 UNIT 1 ART WORD版含解析.DOC

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2022届新高考英语人教版一轮复习课后练习:第1部分 选修6 UNIT 1 ART WORD版含解析.DOC_第1页
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1、第一部分选修6 Unit 1.完形填空(2020年7月浙江卷改编) Ive been farming sheep on a hillside for 54 years.I use a small tractor to get about.My dog Don always sits beside me in the passenger seat.One morning I _1_ a lost lamb when I was in the top field, near where a motorway cuts through my land.The lamb had become sepa

2、rated from its mother,so I jumped out of the tractor to _2_ it while Don stayed in his seat.Lamb and mother reunited, I turned back to the tractor only to see it move suddenly away from me.This was so _3_ because I had put the handbrake on when I jumped out.Obviously Don had somehow made the _4_ mov

3、e.My heart froze in my chest as I saw the tractor heading towards the _5_. I ran desperately but failed to _6_. It crashed through a wooden fence and disappeared.The _7_ thing I saw was Dons face,looking calmly back at me.Heart in mouth,I reached the fence and looked over.The tractor was _8_ against

4、 the crash barrier in the central reservation,having miraculously(奇迹般地) crossed the _9_ road with fast-flowing traffic.I couldnt see Don,but as I _10_ the tractor he jumped out onto the road,apparently _11_,and dashed back to me.The police _12_ and the motorway ran normally again.I couldnt quite bel

5、ieve my _13_ it turned out no one got badly hurt,but the outcome could have been _14_ .Don was given a special _15_ that night I didnt want him thinking I was angry with him.()1.AdroppedBspottedCcarried Dreturned()2.Aask about Bplay withCtend to Drun into()3.Aunexpected BdangerousCembarrassing Ddiff

6、icult()4.Alamb BvehicleCseat Dfence()5.Acrowd BmotorwayCfield Dhill()6.Atake off Bcatch upChold back Dget out()7.Areal BbestCbasic Dlast()8.Aresting BrunningCparking Dturning()9.Asteep BlongCrough Dbusy()10.Aabandoned BapproachedCrecognized Drepaired()11.Aunclean BuncertainCunhurt Dunhappy()12.Aarri

7、ved BrepliedCsurvived Dwaited()13.Aability BdreamCluck Didea()14.Acommon BconfusingCdesirable Dawful()15.Ameal BtestCjob Dlesson【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了作者和自己狗狗的一次有惊无险的经历。1B前文交代作者是一位牧羊人,根据空后的“a lost lamb”可知,作者发现了(spot)一只跑丢的小羊。Adropped掉落;B.spotted发现;C.carried携带;D.returned返回,归还。2C作者跳下拖拉机自然是想去照顾(tend to)小羊。

8、tend to sb./sth.“照顾某人/某物,照料某人/某物”,符合题意。Aask about询问;B.play with与玩耍;C.tend to 照顾;D.run into偶然遇见。3A“我”转身回来的时候,猛地发现车子突然离“我”而去,结合下文“我出来的时候已经拉了手刹”可知,这个事情是作者没有想到的(unexpected)。Aunexpected想不到的;B.dangerous危险的;C.embarrassing令人尴尬的;D.difficult困难的,难对付的。4B此处说的是拖拉机,即车辆(vehicle)。5B由后面的“the motorway ran normally aga

9、in”可知是冲向高速公路(motorway)。6B根据上文的“ran desperately”和下文的拖拉机冲过一个木栅栏然后就不见了可知,作者没能追上(catch up)它。Atake off起飞;B.catch up 追上;C.hold back忍住;D.get out出去。7D根据上文的disappeared可知,此处描述作者在拖拉机消失前看到的最后(last)一幕是狗狗回头镇静地看着他。8A根据下文的“against the crash barrier”可知,拖拉机被防撞栏挡住,停了下来。rest against“停靠”,符合语境。此处考查了rest的熟词生义:rest v休息(被)支

10、撑,(使)倚靠。9D根据“with fast-flowing traffic”可知,拖拉机穿过了交通繁忙的(busy)高速公路。Asteep陡峭的;B.long长的;C.rough崎岖的;D.busy繁忙的。10B当作者靠近(approach)拖拉机的时候,狗狗跳了下来。Aabandoned抛弃;B.approached靠近;C.recognized认出;D.repaired修理。11C狗狗自己从车上跳下来,很明显并未受伤(unhurt)。12A警察到(arrive)了,高速公路又正常运行了。13C根据下文的“it turned out no one got badly hurt”可知,作者真

11、不敢相信自己的好运气(luck)。14D此处用虚拟语气表示假设,这个事故的结果本可能很可怕(awful)。Acommon常见的;B.confusing令人困惑的;C.desirable令人向往的。15A根据下文的解释说明,作者不想让狗狗觉得自己生气了,可推测作者给了狗狗一顿好饭(meal)作为安慰。.阅读理解A(2021年山东省决胜新高考名校交流联考)If youve been missing afternoon drink outings to bars, restaurants, or pubs, this Withlocals Virtual Aperitivo(意大利小吃) Lesso

12、n with a Roman Local is a great way to still experience a fun, social activity while sipping(抿一口) on some delicious drinks.Your instructor teaches you how to make a traditional Italian aperitivo in real time, and talks about Italian culture in a private, online setting that you can experience right

13、from home.What To ExpectStop at: RomeIt is a fun virtual experience with a local from Rome.Pour yourself a drink(or two)and join a local host or a class on how the Romans spend their afternoons.Ingredients(材料)list and Aperitivo workshop included.Excited to get started? Please have these ingredients

14、ready before we start the class!Duration: 1 hourAdmission Ticket FreeFrequently Asked QuestionsThe answers provided below are based on answers previously given by the tour provider to customers questions.Q:What is the maximum group size during Withlocals Virtual Aperitivo Lesson with a Roman Local?A

15、: This activity will have a maximum of 10 travelers.Reviews by Viator travelersAmazing class and host!Adi, Jun.2020Bea is an incredible host! She guided us through the class very well and gave us a lot of historical context on everything we made.The crostini recipes were delicious, and the aperitivo

16、s were amazing, and most of all, we loved learning about the culture and history behind all of it.()1.What can travelers experience in Withlocals Virtual Aperitivo Lesson?ATalking about the local culture online.BTaking a face-to-face class.CStaying with a Rome local.DMaking a traditional French aper

17、itivo.()2.What would you do for Withlocals Virtual Aperitivo Lesson?AArrange a schedule for two hours.BBook a ticket in advance.CPrepare ingredients before class.DJoin any group as you like.()3.What is the Viator traveler Adi content with?AThe patience of the host.BThe gains from the class.CThe size

18、 of the class.DThe drinks and food.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了与罗马当地人一起上意大利小吃课的整体情况、准备工作、常见的问题以及参与者的反馈等信息。1A细节理解题。由第一段最后一句可知,参与课程的人可以在家里在线谈论意大利当地的文化。故选A项。2C细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“Please have these ingredients ready before we start the class (在我们开始上课之前,请把这些配料准备好)!” 可知,课前要准备好配料。故选C项。3B推理判断题。由最后一段第二句“She guided us thr

19、ough the class very well and gave us a lot of historical context on everything we made.”可知,Adi会对自己的收获,特别是对学习到的其背后的文化和历史感到满意。故选B项。B(2021年山东省师范大学附属中学二模)Taking a break during the workday is important but how often do we actually make the time to do it?For most, an eight-hour workday just doesnt seem li

20、ke enough and we end up sacrificing moments of peace to make room for more moments of productivity, but according to a new study, skipping that lunch break. could actually be hurting our performance.Amazing as it may seem, taking time away from work to enjoy a short walk or a few minutes of mindful

21、thought throughout the day can actually have positive effects on your end of day concentration and help you feel less tired after you are off work.Scientists tasked workers in intellectually (智力上地) demanding fields education, engineering and finance with taking a short 15-minute walk or doing 15 min

22、utes of mindful thinking during their lunch breaks every day for two weeks.The participants were asked to report how they were feeling near the end of the day during, before and after the study.They also filled out a short questionnaire every night, asking how much they enjoyed their lunch break. Th

23、e results:those who took a break to walk or mindfully relax were significantly less stressed and able to perform better at the end of the workday than those who took no breaks.Mindful relaxation in particular helped people feel less anxious at the end of the day.According to the study, walk in natur

24、e can lead to “attention restoration”recovery from cognitive(认知的)overload after focus and mindful relaxation can increase our positive feelings, relieve stress and start focus.So the next time you think you should skip your lunch break to get that big project done, take a breath and consider giving

25、yourself a moment of peace.It might just make you a more productive employee.()4.What phenomenon is mainly described in the first paragraph?AOverwork for productivity.BBetter performance on jobs.CInappropriate working ways.DPeaceful work environment.()5.What may make people more relaxed after work?A

26、Their walk with their colleagues.BTheir good food for lunch.CTheir timely relaxation.DTheir whole devotion.()6.Why did the scientists test the workers?ATo check their physical health.BTo see the effect of lunch break.CTo see how long they relax daily.DTo check if they live an active life.()7.What is

27、 the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo tell how to perform better.BTo show the importance of attention.CTo introduce the life of employees.DTo advise people to take a lunch break during work.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。研究表明,适当的午休有助于减少工作压力和提高工作效率。4A主旨大意题。根据第一段“an eight-hour workday just doesnt seem like enoug

28、h and we end up sacrificing moments of peace to make room for more moments of productivity” 一天工作八小时似乎还不够,我们会牺牲片刻的平静来为更多的工作时间腾出空间。可知人们工作时间太长。故选A项。5C推理判断题。根据第二段“taking time away from work to enjoy a short walk or a few minutes of mindful thought throughout the day can actually have positive effects on

29、 your end of day concentration and help you feel less tired after you are off work.” 可知,从工作中抽出时间来散散步,或者花上几分钟思考一下,这对你在一天结束时的专注力有积极的影响,还能让你下班后感觉不那么累。所以及时的放松有助于人们工作之后更加轻松。故选C项。6B推理判断题。根据第三段“The results:those who took a break to walk or mindfully relax were significantly less stressed and able to perfor

30、m better at the end of the workday than those who took no breaks.” 可以看出第二段提出的放松之后,人们的工作压力更小,表现更好,所以科学家测试工作者是为了看看午休的影响。故选B项。7D目的意图题。根据最后一段可知,下次当你认为你应该跳过午餐休息去完成那个大项目时,深呼吸,考虑给自己片刻的安宁。作者写这篇文章的目的就是建议人们工作的时候午休。故选D项。.语法填空(2021年山东部分重点中学新起点摸底联考)You may often see young people in Asian countries wear their mas

31、ks in public.What makes them do so? Asians often wear face masks to prevent ones own germs or sickness from spreading in public places.In many Asian countries, people value collectivism, 1._ means they will try their best to make a 2._(contribute) to their group.Amid the novel coronavirus outbreak,

32、Asians will wear masks to prevent both 3._(they) and others from being infected which will ultimately benefit the whole group.Apart from physical protection, masks 4._(evolve) into social firewalls among young people in Asian countries already as well.Young people are more concerned about their priv

33、acy than their parents and grandparents.In public such as on a crowded subway, 5._ (hide) their faces with masks can sometimes help them gain some privacy.For some young girls, wearing masks can give them confidence and 6._ sense of security when they dont have enough time to do makeup.7_this reason

34、, wearing masks has become a fashion trend among young people.They wear them, along with audio headsets, to signal a lack of desire 8._ (communicate) with those around them, according to Quartz.Not only 9._ (use) to prevent the spread of disease, masks have indeed made their way into the mainstream

35、and are here to stay in Asian 10._ (country)【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲了亚洲的年轻人戴口罩是为了防止疾病传播、保护隐私以及带来安全感等。1which考查关系代词。关系词在从句中作主语,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,用which引导该从句。故填which。2contribution考查名词。该空作make的宾语,用名词,前面有不定冠词修饰,用名词单数。故填contribution。3themselves 考查人称代词。句意:在新型冠状病毒爆发中,亚洲人将戴上口罩,防止他们自己和其他人被感染,这最终将使整个群体受益。表示“他们自己”。故填t

36、hemselves。4have evolved考查时态。根据already可知,这里表示过去的动作或状态持续到现在,用现在完成时,masks是复数,谓语动词用复数。故填have evolved。5hiding考查动名词。分析句子结构,“5._ (hide) their faces with masks”作句子主语,用动名词。故填hiding。6a考查冠词。句意:对于一些年轻女孩来说,当她们没有足够的时间化妆时,戴口罩可以给她们信心和安全感。a sense of “的感觉”,该短语是固定短语。故填a。7For考查介词。for this reason是固定短语,句子第一个单词首字母大写。故填For。8to communicate考查不定式。 a desire to do sth.“做某事的愿望”, 此处用不定式作定语。故填to communicate。9used考查过去分词。use与其逻辑主语masks之间是被动关系,用过去分词。故填used。10countries考查名词复数。句意:口罩不仅被用来防止疾病的传播,而且已经成为主流,并在亚洲国家流行开来。“亚洲国家”是复数意义,用名词复数。故填countries。


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