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1、广东省中山市第一中学2019-2020学年高二英语上学期第三次段考试题(含解析)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AConsidering the temperate climate in England, most tourists like to visit London between April and September. Tourists also enjoy what London has to offer during Christmas.Getting arou

2、nd LondonTransportation in London is divided into zones, meaning the further you intend to go, the more expensive it will cost you. Youll find one of the best subways here, with single rides starting at about $ 2.5. You can also use taxis (keep in mind that black cabs do not accept smart cards), boa

3、ts, buses as well as commuter trains (市郊火车). To avoid any trouble, you can get yourself a smart card and perhaps load it with $ 50 dollars to cover your weekly travel budget.London WeatherTo enjoy warm weather in London, plan your visit in July as it is the hottest month. January is the coldest mont

4、h in London.What you should Know Before Visiting LondonUnlike most cities in Europe, life in London is a bit more expensive. Also, make sure you plan ahead so that you dont miss out on the best tickets, hotels and offers.BEST OF LONDONSEALIFE London AquariumEnjoy a spectacular experience with underw

5、ater creatures at SEALIFE London aquarium. It is perfect for a family fun day.The Coca-Cola London EyeA major feature of Londons skyline the The Coca-Cola London Eye boasts some of the best city views from its 32 capsules. Youll definitely enjoy the breathtaking experience.Sherlock Holmes MuseumA pe

6、rfect place to visit if you love books and music.1. The peak month to visit London is most likely to be _A. JanuaryB. MarchC. MayD. October2. What is good about a smart card?A. It can be paid for any transport means.B. It can cover any expenses.C. It is available online.D. It is convenient.3. If you

7、r family want to see a variety of fish, you will go to _.A. SEALIFE London AquariumB. The Coca-Cola London EyeC. Sherlock Holmes MuseumD. London Canal Museum【答案】1. C 2. D 3. A【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章详细介绍了去伦敦旅游的时间、交通、气候和几个著名景点。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中的Considering the temperate climate in England, most tourists

8、like to visit London between April and September.可知,考虑到英国温和的气候,大多数游客喜欢在4月到9月之间去伦敦旅游。由此可知,多数游客喜欢在4月到9月期间去英国旅游,这是旅游高峰期。四个选项中May在此区间。故选C。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据Getting around London部分中的To avoid any trouble, you can get yourself a smart card and perhaps load it with $ 50 dollars to cover your weekly travel budge

9、t.可知,为了避免任何麻烦,你可以给自己弄一张智能卡,也许还可以在上面充上50美元来支付你每周的旅行预算。由此可知,智能卡乘车时比较方便。故选D。【3题详解】细节理解题。根据BEST OF LONDON部分中的Enjoy a spectacular experience with underwater creatures at SEALIFE London aquarium. It is perfect for a family fun day.可知,在伦敦海洋水族馆享受与水下生物的壮观体验。这是一个完美的家庭娱乐日。由此可知,如果一家人想看各种水生动物,去SEALIFE London aqu

10、arium是一个很好的选择。故选A。【点睛】细节理解题具体方法与步骤如下:1. 略读材料,大概了解原文,掌握中心或主旨。本文详细介绍了去伦敦旅游的时间、交通、气候和几个著名景点。2. 按文章的体裁,作者写作的组织模式及有关的信息词。如for example, first, second等预测应该到何处寻找自己所需要的事实。3. 将精力放在寻找你所需要的细节上。快速通篇跳读,全文扫视,找到细节出处,待找到含细节句子时,放慢速度,仔细核对比较内容,直至找到答案。如第1小题,根据第一段中的Considering the temperate climate in England, most touri

11、sts like to visit London between April and September.可知,考虑到英国温和的气候,大多数游客喜欢在4月到9月之间去伦敦旅游。由此可知,多数游客喜欢在4月到9月期间去英国旅游,这是旅游高峰期。四个选项中May在此区间,为正确答案。第2小题,根据Getting around London部分中的To avoid any trouble, you can get yourself a smart card and perhaps load it with $ 50 dollars to cover your weekly travel budget

12、.可知,为了避免任何麻烦,你可以给自己弄一张智能卡,也许还可以在上面充上50美元来支付你每周的旅行预算。由此可知,智能卡乘车时比较方便。第3小题,根据BEST OF LONDON部分中的Enjoy a spectacular experience with underwater creatures at SEALIFE London aquarium. It is perfect for a family fun day.可知,在伦敦海洋水族馆享受与水下生物的壮观体验。这是一个完美的家庭娱乐日。由此可知,如果一家人想看各种水生动物,去SEALIFE London aquarium是一个很好的选

13、择。BHaving experienced a shocking electrical accident, which caused him to become both blind and deaf, James Francos world became completely dark and quiet for almost ten years. The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his life. His family, e

14、specially his wife, did their best to tend and comfort him and finally he regained the will to live.One hot summer afternoon, he was taking a walk with a stick near his house when a thunderstorm started all at once. He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet, but he was struck by the lightning

15、. Witnesses thought he was dead but he woke up 20 minutes later, lying face down in muddy water. He was trembling badly, but when he opened his eyes, he could hardly believe what he saw: a tree and muddy road. When Mrs. Franco came running up to him, shouting to their neighbors to call for help, he

16、could see her and hear her voice for the first time in nearly ten years.The news of James regaining his sight and hearing quickly spread and many doctors came to examine him. Most of them said that he regained his sight and hearing from the shock he got from the lightning. However, none of them coul

17、d give a compellent answer as to why this should happen. The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that, since James lost his sight and hearing as a result of a sudden shock, perhaps, the only way for him to regain them was another sudden shock.4. The reason why James attempted to kill

18、 himself was that _.A. a terrible electrical accident happened to himB. nobody in the whole world cared about himC. he was struck by the lightning once moreD. he had to live in a dark and silent world5. What was James doing when he was struck by the lightning?A. Sheltering from the rain under a tree

19、.B. Putting an end to his life.C. Taking a walk with a stick.D. Lying on the ground.6. What does the underlined word “compellent” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Gradual.B. Wrong.C. Convincing.D. True.7. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. A Terrible Electrical AccidentB. What a Sudd

20、en ShockC. An Unforgettable AdventureD. James Franco and His wife【答案】4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B【解析】本文是人物故事类,讲述James Franco因为受到电击,失明失聪,生活在黑暗寂静的世界里,他几次都想自杀,但有一次他在树下躲雨的时候,意外被闪电击中,却恢复了视力,医生也不能确定具体原因。【4题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an en

21、d to his life. 失去视力和听力使他非常悲伤,他曾几次试图结束自己的生命。故选D。【5题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet, but he was struck by the lightning他站在一棵大树下以免避雨,但是他被闪电击中了。故选A。6题详解】词义猜测题。根据最后一段The only reasonable explanation given by one doctor was that, since James lost his sight and hearing as a re

22、sult of a sudden shock, perhaps, the only way for him to regain them was another sudden shock. 一位医生给出的唯一合理的解释是,由于詹姆斯的视力和听力是由于一次突然的电击而丧失的,因此,他恢复视力和听力的唯一方法可能是另一次突然的电击。所以前面提到的是没有人给出令人信服的答案。故选C。【7题详解】主旨大意题。文章讲述James Franco因为受到电击,失明失聪,生活在黑暗寂静的世界里,他几次都想自杀,但有一次他在树下躲雨的时候,意外被闪电击中,却恢复了视力,医生也不能确定具体原因。所以整篇短文都是围

23、绕他的两次被电击讲述的。故选B。CThis could be the perfect gift for the partner, who embarrasses you on the dance floor. Smart socks, which can teach to dance, may be the answer for anyone with two left feet.The socks have been developed as a running tool to help runners improve their skills. Thanks to the socks, u

24、sers can accurately record not only how far and fast they run but also how well. It means the user maximizes their performance, and reduces damage to body and prevents hurt. The hi-tech socks are made of special fibers that watch the movements of your feet. They look, feel and can be washed like nor

25、mal clothes.Sensors (传感器) record each movement and send it by an ankle transmitter (脚踝发射器) to a smart phone. Then a “virtual coach” application shows the information and can tell the user what they are doing wrong, and help to improve skill in any task with feet.The socks should be useful to athlete

26、s and weekend joggers. “People think running is so easy and of course everybody can do it but not necessarily safely and well,” Dr. Davide Vigano said. A recent study showed that between 60 and 80 percent of runners got hurt per year. This is pretty much more than any other human activity. Researche

27、rs say the technology can also be developed to teach people how to dance, play sports such as golf, or even to help to teach women to walk better in high heels.Mr. Vigano said, “People could all benefit from the idea. We have had interest from all sorts of sports, like skiing, football, cycling and

28、golf. Anything where you have to use your feet can use it. It could even be put in high heels to help women walk in them safely.”Socks are just the start, and the technology could be used in gloves, hats and boots. The socks, anklet and software package, are expected to be sold for around120, which

29、will go on sale in March.8. What does the underlined part “anyone with two left feet” refer to?A. People who are disabled.B. People who are interested in dancing.C. People who are not good at dancing.D. People who invented the socks.9. Whats special about fibers that the socks are made of?A. They fe

30、el much softer than normal clothes.B. They can monitor the movement of feet.C. They are expensive to produce.D. They act as a smart phone for users.10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the socks?A. They can improve the skill of running.B. They can help women walk better in high heels.C.

31、 They can teach people to dance well.D. They can be worn for days without washing.11. According to Dr. Vigano, _.A. everyone can make good use of the smart socksB. users can run as fast as they like with the socksC. 60 to 80 percent of runners would like to buy the smart socksD. no runners will get

32、hurt, thanks to the socks【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. A【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍一种即将上市的高科技袜子,它可以帮助人们跳舞、走路、跑步等各种体育活动。【8题详解】词义猜测题。根据划线部分前的This could be the perfect gift for the partner, who embarrasses you on the dance floor.可知,这可能是送给在舞池里让你尴尬的舞伴的完美礼物。由此可知,划线部分指的是“不擅长跳舞的人”。故选C。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中的The hi-tech socks

33、 are made of special fibers that watch the movements of your feet.可知,这种高科技的袜子是由特殊纤维制成的,可以观察你的脚的运动。由此可知,制成这种袜子的原料纤维能够监控你的脚步移动。故选B。【10题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,这种袜子可以帮助运动员和跑者避免受伤、教人们跳舞以及教穿高跟鞋的女性走路,并没有提到这种袜子可以穿很多天都不用洗。故选D。【11题详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的People could all benefit from the idea. We have had interest from

34、 all sorts of sports, like skiing, football, cycling and golf. Anything where you have to use your feet can use it.可知,人们都可以从这个想法中受益。我们对各种运动都有兴趣,比如滑雪、足球、自行车和高尔夫球。任何需要用到脚的地方都可以用。由此可知,Vigano博士认为每个人都可以充分利用这款智能袜子。故选A。DThe kindly “Chinese Fortune Grandpa” wearing Han Chinese clothing and holding a fortune

35、 bag debuted (亮相) at the Imperial Ancestral Shrine in Beijing on the day after Christmas. The final image of the Chinese gift-giver was selected through a global design competition against “Santa Claus”, according to a report byGuangming Daily.Many Chinese cities have been filled with Christmas neon

36、 lights, Christmas songs, Christmas trees, and the images of “Santa Claus”in recent days. As a matter of fact, foreign festivals are becoming more popular than certain traditional Chinese festivals among the Chinese people, particularly the youth. “Certain traditional festivals have died out because

37、 people have forgotten their spiritual meanings, ”said noted writer Feng Jicai. More and more Chinese people are beginning to exchange gifts on Valentines Day and Christmas. However, many of them know nothing about Chinese New Year pictures or sugarcoated figurines (小糖人), and have never heard suona

38、music. Certain folk customs on the Dragon Boat Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, and other traditional festivals have gradually disappeared. Under such circumstances, even the “Chinese Fortune Grandpa” is unlikely to defeat “Santa Claus”.However, it is not a bad thing to some extent. It constantly remind

39、s people to restore the “true face” of traditional festivals. China has listed traditional Tomb Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival as legal holidays, which brings more paid leaves to the public, and helps to awake the public awareness of traditional festivals.In modern societ

40、y, festival is a carrier of culture and its meaning largely depends on their understandings and usages by people. Compared with foreign festivals, traditional Chinese festivals are not inferior (次于) in cultural meanings, but lack of fashion sought by modern people. If people do not appreciate the hi

41、storical culture contained by traditional festivals, and only take pleasure-seeking as the most important, the significance of traditional festivals will fade away and the inheritance (继承) of fine traditional culture will be cut off.12. The second paragraph implies that _.A. traditional festivals sh

42、ould co-exist with foreign festivalsB. all the Chinese festivals are disappearing in the near futureC. western festivals are constantly impacting on our festivalsD. the Chinese people have the public awareness of traditional festivals13. We can learn from the passage that _.A. an image designed by t

43、he Chinese people will be displayedB. the Chinese gift-giver was intended to symbolize traditional cultureC. many foreigners know nothing about Chinese festivalsD. the Chinese are beginning to exchange gifts on the Mid-Autumn Festival14. Many Chinese youth dislike traditional festivals because they

44、think _.A. traditional festivals are out of fashion nowB. the historical culture is more difficult to understandC. western festivals contain more cultural meaningsD. the inheritance will cut off their contact with western festivals15. What would be the best title of the passage?A. Gone are Chinese T

45、raditional FestivalsB. True Face of Chinese Traditional CultureC. Foreign Festivals Popular with ChineseD. Chinese Fortune Grandpa VS Santa Claus【答案】12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D【解析】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要是讲述了中国的“中华福爷爷”和“圣诞老人”的较量。西方节日对我们的节日有着持续的影响,外国节日在中国人当中,特别是在年轻人当中,正变得比某些中国传统节日更受欢迎。在圣诞节过后的第二天,北京出现了一尊中华福寿星的塑像。他身

46、穿汉服、手持福袋,像在发送礼物一样,人们认为这样能唤起人们保护中国传统节日的意识,有助于弘扬中华民族的传统文化。【12题详解】推理判断题。推理判断题。根据第二段第二句As a matter of fact, foreign festivals are becoming more popular than certain traditional Chinese festivals among the Chinese people, particularly the youth.可知,事实上,外国节日在中国人当中,特别是在年轻人当中,正变得比某些中国传统节日更受欢迎。由此可知,这反映了西方节日对我

47、们的节日有着持续的影响。故选C。【13题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段中的It constantly reminds people to restore the “true face” of traditional festivals. China has listed traditional Tomb Sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival as legal holidays, which brings more paid leaves to the public, and helps to awake the pu

48、blic awareness of traditional festivals.可知,它不断提醒人们要还原传统节日的“真面目”。中国将传统的清明节、端午节和中秋节列为法定假日,给公众带来更多的带薪假期,有助于唤醒公众对传统节日的认识。由此推知,中国的送礼者“中华福爷爷”是传统文化的象征。故选B。【14题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Compared with foreign festivals, traditional Chinese festivals are not inferior (次于) in cultural meanings, but lack of fashion soug

49、ht by modern people.可知,与外国节日相比,中国传统节日在文化意义上并不逊色,但缺乏现代人所追求的时尚。由此推知,许多中国年轻人不喜欢传统节日,因为他们认为传统节日现在过时了。故选A。【15题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段The kindly “Chinese Fortune Grandpa” wearing Han Chinese clothing and holding a fortune bag debuted (亮相) at the Imperial Ancestral Shrine in Beijing on the day after Christmas. The

50、final image of the Chinese gift-giver was selected through a global design competition against “Santa Claus”, according to a report byGuangming Daily.可知,慈祥的“中华福爷爷”身穿汉服,手拿福袋,于圣诞节后的第一天亮相北京皇族祠堂。据光明日报报道,中国送礼人的最终形象是在全球设计大赛中与“圣诞老人”竞争中选出的。由此可知,本文主要是讲述了中国的“中华福爷爷”和“圣诞老人”的较量。D项Chinese Fortune Grandpa VS Santa

51、 Claus(中华福爷爷vs圣诞老人)适合做本文最佳标题。故选D。第二节 七选五(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出正确答案。选项中有两项为多余选项Ive always been interested in why we do the things we do, so last year I decided Id like to study psychology. Most courses I found, however, were either too expensive, too long or were impossible to combine

52、with work. I was about to give up _16_.At first, I had no idea what they were talking about, but they explained that a MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course a new type of course offered completely online to thousands of people, which is designed so that anyone can follow it, regardless of age, locati

53、on or education _17_. You can search for hundreds of different subjects, and can usually watch a short introduction video to get an idea of what the course is about._18_. At first, I didnt know what to expect or how much time I might spend studying. Each week there were video lectures to watch and r

54、eadings to do as well as some short assignments. The lectures were really interesting and easy to follow, and it was great to be able to watch them again or pause them to go and do something else. Most MOOCs have online forums (论坛), too, where students can discuss what they are learning. These are o

55、ften really fascinating because there are so many different opinions, _19_. If you read everything on the forums, you wont have time to finish the lectures!_20_. There is a huge range of courses on offer in hundreds of subjects, and you have the chance to learn new things and be in contact with many

56、 different types of people, all from the comfort of your own home. Why not check out a MOOC and start learning something new today?A. but they are very time-consumingB. all you need is an Internet connectionC. when a friend suggested that I try a MOOCD. I chose a six-week Social Psychology courseE.

57、it is difficult to find a course to combine with workF. But the advantages of MOOCs for busy people today are obviousG. In fact, that seems to be one of the problems of this new way of studying【答案】16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. F【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。本文作者起初想学心理学,但是发现大部分课程要么太贵,要么太长难以与工作相结合。后来在朋友的推荐下,参加了网课MOO

58、C。根据自己的亲身体验向大家推荐网课MOOC这个课程面向大众,设计简单而且只要能上网就可以上课。【16题详解】考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据第二段第一句At first, I had no idea what they were talking about, but they explained that a MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course(起初,我不知道他们在说什么,但是他们解释MOOC是一个开放的大众网课。)可知,第一段最后一句应该是提出本文的主题MOOC。故选C。【17题详解】考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。本段主要介绍MOOC的特点。

59、前句提到which is designed so that anyone can follow it, regardless of age, location or education(每人都可以参加,不管年龄,地方或学历),根据前面介绍的Massive Open Online Course可知,只要能连接网络就行,故选B。【18题详解】考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。第三段主要介绍了作者参加MOOC的经历,故选D。【19题详解】考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据后句If you read everything on the forums, you wont have time to f

60、inish the lectures!提到如果你要是把论坛上的东西都读完,你就没时间完成讲座了,可知网上论坛太耗费时间。故选A。【20题详解】考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据下文you have the chance to learn new things and be in contact with many different types of people, all from the comfort of your own home(你有机会学习新的东西,接触不同类型的人,所有你需要的是待在舒适的家里)可知,本段主要是讲这类网课的优势。上一段最后提到了网上论坛太耗费时间。所以本段伊

61、始应该有转折之意,故F选项合适。But the advantages of MOOCs for busy people today are obvious(但是MOOC网课对于繁忙人士的优势是明显的)。故选F。【点睛】七选五题型主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。这种题一般可从以下方面来做:(1)看首段,跳过空格快速通读全篇,了解文章大意。首段的末句一般是全文的主题所在,首段的末句对于快速掌握文章的主题具有重要意义。以本文第一小题为例,根据第二段第一句At first, I had no idea what they were talking about, but

62、 they explained that a MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course“起初,我不知道他们在说什么,但是他们解释MOOC是一个开放的大众网课。”可知第一段最后一句应该是提出本文的主题MOOC。故选C。(2)精读空格前后两句,利用各种衔接手段选择正确的选项填入空格。七选五空出的是整个句子,而这些句子与句子之间,必然有一种联系,因此我们可以通过选项中某个名词或动词跟空前或空后的一致性或者相关性来确定这两个句子之间有一种关联性,从而选择正确的答案。如第4小题根据后句If you read everything on the forums, you wo

63、nt have time to finish the lectures!提到如果你要是把论坛上的东西都读完,你就没时间完成讲座了,可知网上论坛太耗费时间。故选A。第二部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分 45分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The morning had been a disaster. My tooth was _21_, and Id been in an argument with a friend. Her words

64、still hurt: “The trouble with you is that you wont _22_ yourself in my place. Cant you see things from my point of view?” I shook my head _23_ and felt the ache in my tooth. Id thought I could _24_ out till my dentist came back from holiday, but the pain was really _25_. I started calling the _26_in

65、 the phone book, but no one could see me _27_. Finally, at about lunchtime, I got lucky.“If you come by right now,” the receptionist said, “the dentist will _28_ you in.” I took my purse and keys and _29_ to my car. But suddenly I began to doubt about the dentist. What kind of dentist would be so _3

66、0_ to treat someone at such short notice? Why wasnt he as busy as the others?In the dentists office, I sat down and _31_. I saw nothing but the bare walls and I became even more _32_. The assistant _33_ my nervousness and placed her warm hand over my ice-cold one.When I told her my _34_, she laughed

67、 and said, “Dont worry. The dentist is very good.”“How long do I have to wait for him?” I asked _35_.“Come on, he is coming. Just lie down and _36_. And enjoy the artwork,” the assistant said.“The artwork?” I was _37_.The chair went back, suddenly I smiled. There was a beautiful picture, right where

68、 I could enjoy it: on the ceiling. How _38_ the dentist was! At that moment, I began to understand what my friend _39_ by her words.What a _40_!21. A. shakingB. weakC. achingD. flexible22. A. takeB. putC. haveD. play23. A. violentlyB. merelyC. stubbornlyD. consequently24. A. holdB. breakC. cutD. put

69、25. A. absoluteB. unbearableC. unreliableD. formal26. A. receptionistsB. managersC. nursesD. dentists27. A. entirelyB. slightlyC. absolutelyD. immediately28. A. fitB. takeC. pullD. come29. A. closedB. rushedC. pushedD. guided30. A. eagerB. cautiousC. braveD. loyal31. A. look upB. look forC. look aft

70、erD. looked around32. A. terrifiedB. concernedC. worriedD. satisfied33. A. translatedB. resistedC. admittedD. noticed34. A. fearsB. intentionC. considerationD. arrangement35. A. terriblyB. impatientlyC. extremelyD. respectively36. A. relaxB. sleepC. observeD. refer37. A. affectedB. frustratedC. disa

71、ppointedD. puzzled38. A. foolishB. terribleC. considerateD. considerable39. A. attachedB. meantC. intendedD. pretended40. A. reliefB. regretC. successD. loss【答案】21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B 36. A 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. A【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己

72、牙疼去看牙医的经历。牙医为了减轻病人看病时的痛苦,在天花板上设计了一幅美术作品让病人欣赏,由此作者感悟到:要设身处地为他人着想。【21题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的牙齿在痛,我和一个朋友吵了一架。A. shaking晃动的;B. weak虚弱的;C. aching疼痛的;D. flexible灵活的。根据下文felt the ache in my tooth可知,作者牙疼(aching)。故选C。【22题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:你的问题是你不愿设身处地为我着想。A. take带走;B. put放置;C. have拥有;D. play玩耍。短语put yourself in my

73、place,原文的意思是表达换位思考,把你放在(put)我的位置。故选B。【23题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我固执地摇了摇头,感到牙疼。A. violently暴力地;B. merely仅仅;C. stubbornly固执地;D. consequently结果。根据语境,作者固执地(stubbornly)摇头,不同意他的看法。故选C。【24题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我原以为我能坚持到我牙医度假回来,但疼痛实在难以忍受。A. hold握住;B. break打破;C. cut切割;D. put放置。根据下文I started calling the _6_in the phone boo

74、k, but no one could see me _7_.可知,作者本认为可以坚持(hold out)到自己的牙医度假回来。故选A。【25题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我原以为我能坚持到我的牙医度假回来,但疼痛实在难以忍受。A. absolute绝对的;B. unbearable难以忍受的;C. unreliable不可靠的;D. formal正式的。根据下文I started calling the _6_in the phone book, but no one could see me _7_.可知,这里指的是牙痛不可忍受(unbearable),所以开始找其他的医生看病。故选B

75、。【26题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我开始给电话簿上的牙医打电话,但没有人能立即接待我。A. receptionists接待员;B. managers经理;C. nurses护士;D. dentists牙医。根据下文the dentist will可知,作者只能在电话本里查牙医的电话,给牙医(dentists)打电话,但是没有人可以接待他。故选D。【27题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我开始给电话簿上的牙医打电话,但没有人能立即接待我。A. entirely完全地;B. slightly轻微地;C. absolutely绝对地;D. immediately立即。根据后文Finally, a

76、t about lunchtime, I got lucky.可知,作者开始打电话都没有人可以立即(immediately)给作者看牙齿,直到午餐时间作者才找到医生。故选D。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:“如果你现在过来,”接待员说,“牙医会给你安排时间的。”A. fit安装;B. take带走;C. pull拉;D. come来。此处考查短语fit sb./sth. in表示“找到见某人或做某事物的时间”。故选A。【29题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我拿着我的钱包和钥匙冲到我的车里。A. closed靠近;B. rushed急忙;C. pushed推;D. guided指导。作者好

77、不容易约到牙医看牙齿,急忙(rushed)拿着钱包和钥匙向车跑去。故选B。【30题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:什么样的牙医会如此急切地在这么短的时间内给人治疗?A. eager热心的,渴望的;B. cautious谨慎的;C. brave勇敢的;D. loyal忠诚的。为什么这个大夫这么热心(eager),可以立刻给作者治病,他不像其他大夫那么忙吗?故选A。【31题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:在牙医的办公室里,我坐下来环顾四周。A. look up查阅;B. look for寻找;C. look after照顾;D. looked around看看四周。在诊所里,作者四周看看(looke

78、d around),只看到光秃秃的墙壁。故选D。【32题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除了光秃秃的墙壁,我什么也看不见,我更加担心了。A. terrified害怕的;B. concerned关心的;C. worried担心的;D. satisfied满意的。由上文语境可知,作者本来就很疑惑,此时看到办公室光秃秃的墙壁,作者更加担心(worried),后文nervousness也体现了作者的担忧。故选C。【33题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:助理注意到了我的紧张,用她温暖的手抚摸着我冰冷的手。A. translated翻译;B. resisted反抗;C. admitted承认;D. noti

79、ced注意到。根据上文可知,作者紧张了,本空表示医生的助手注意到(noticed)了作者的紧张。故选D。【34题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我告诉她我的恐惧时,她笑着说:“别担心。牙医很好。”A. fears害怕;B. intention意图;C. consideration考虑;D. arrangement安排。根据后文Dont worry. The dentist is very good.可知,作者告诉了助理自己的恐惧(fear)。故选A。【35题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:“我得等他多久?”我不耐烦地问。A. terribly糟糕地;B. impatiently无耐心地;C. e

80、xtremely非常;D. respectively分别地。作者牙痛的要命,所以就有点不耐烦地(impatiently)问。故选B。【36题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:躺下来放松一下。A. relax放松;B. sleep睡觉;C. observe观察;D. refer涉及。作者现在是紧张、担心、害怕,所以助理让作者躺下来放松(relax)一下。故选A。【37题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“艺术品吗?”我迷惑不解。A. affected受影响的;B. frustrated沮丧的;C. disappointed失望的;D. puzzled困惑的。在此种情况下,让自己欣赏艺术品,作者感到有点

81、迷惑(puzzled)。故选D。【38题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这位牙医考虑得多么周到啊!A. foolish愚蠢的;B. terrible糟糕的;C. considerate体贴的;D. considerable相当大的。根据前文的描述可知,这个诊所的安排实际上是非常的体贴(considerate)人。故选C。【39题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那一刻,我开始明白我的朋友的话是什么意思。A. attached附上;B. meant意思是,意味着;C. intended打算;D. pretended假装。作者开始理解一开始朋友说“换位思考”的话的意思了。故选B。【40题详解】考查名

82、词词义辨析。句意:总算松了一口气!A. relief如释重负,减轻;B. regret遗憾;C. success成功;D. loss减少。作者看到天花板的画,意识到这位医生非常体贴,因此感觉松了一口气。表示“如释重负”(relief)。故选A。第二节 语法填空(共10题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)A阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The only _41_ (survive) of a shipwreck was washed up on a small island _42_ no one lived. He prayed each day for

83、his rescue, and after every prayer he stared at the horizon, _43_ (search) for help. But nobody seemed to be coming. Exhausted, he eventually decided to build a small _44_ (wood) hut (小屋) to protect himself from the weather, and to store his few valuable possessions. But then one day, after hunting

84、for food, he arrived home to find his little house _45_ fire, the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had happened: everything was lost. He burst into tears and _46_ (think) life had played a joke on him. Early the next day, however, he was awoken by the sound of something that was approaching th

85、e island. _47_ ship had come to rescue him! The weary man was curious about _48_ his rescuers had found him. “We saw your smoke signal,” they replied.When things are going bad, people can get discouraged. But we shouldnt lose heart, because with a little bit of good luck, _49_ can overcome even the

86、worst misfortune the world throws our way. For all the bad things we might experience, life often provides us _50_ optimistic solutions.【答案】41. survivor 42. where 43. searching 44. wooden 45. on 46. thought 47. A 48. how 49. we 50. with【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了在一场船难中,唯一的生存者随着潮水,漂流到一座无人居住的小岛上,并在小岛上求生的故事。【4


88、。根据短语on fire表示“着火”。故填on。【46题详解】考查动词时态。think在句中作谓语动词,根据上文He burst into tears and可知,此处为一般过去时。故填thought。【47题详解】考查冠词。ship为可数名词,此处表示泛指,应用不定冠词,且ship为辅音音素开头的单词,应用a,句首字母要大写。故填A。【48题详解】考查连接词。句意:这个疲惫的人很好奇他的救援人员是如何找到他的。本句为宾语从句,从句中缺少方式状语,表示“如何”用how引导。故填how。【49题详解】考查代词。句意:但是我们不应该失去信心,因为只要有一点点好运气,我们就能克服世界上最严重的不幸。

89、此处做主语表示“我们”应用代词we。故填we。【50题详解】考查介词。根据短语provide sb. with sth.表示“提供某人某物”。故填with。B阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。Learning English used to be about developing four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. After all, thats _51_ the exams are designed - with four skills tested s

90、eparately.But over the years, educators have come _52_(realize) that these four skills should never have been separated, but practiced all at once. And the best way to do that is, perhaps, through public speaking.According to Mei Deming, a professor of English at Shanghai International Studies Unive

91、rsity, giving a speech in an international language _53_(require) a speaker to integrate(使成为一体) knowledge and content _54_(mental) and express the result systematically. Speakers must draw on the beauty of the language as a whole in order to communicate with an audience.This is why the annual China

92、Daily “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition has been gaining in popularity since it began in 1996. “This competition has worked _55_ a model for developing students public-speaking skills in English and provided ideas for English teaching in schools and in learning in a broader se

93、nse,” said Mei.Shi Guohua, _56_ English teacher at Shanghai Qibao High School, held a similar view. He said that key competence in acquiring English today comes from the ability to express oneself rather than in simply passing exams.He also _57_(stress) that communication should go both ways since t

94、raditional English speaking education has focused too much on getting messages out while _58_(ignore) the receiver of these messages the audience. “Its important to understand the audience and build the link between the content being delivered and the interests of the audience,” he said. “Its also i

95、mportant to create an impressive opening to a speech.”As China continues to play an important role in global conversations, there will be more _59_(chance) for young Chinese people to present China and tell attracting stories. And in order to tell Chinese stories _60_(well), we first need to develop

96、 a more overall English skill. Working on public speaking is, perhaps, the place to start.【答案】51. how 52. to realize 53. requires 54. mentally 55. as 56. an 57. stressed 58. ignoring 59. chances 60. better【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。学习英语过去就是关于四项技能的培养:听,说,读,写,主要是因为考试把四项技能分开测试。如何才能把四项技能高度地结合起来呢?本文作者告诉我们一个方法公开演讲。

97、【51题详解】考查名词性从句。句意:毕竟,这就是考试如何被设计的四项技能分开测试。根据句意可知,此处为how引导的表语从句,表示方式。故填how。【52题详解】考查不定式作宾语。句意:但是,多年来,教育专家们开始意识到。此处考查动词搭配:come to realize开始意识到。故填to realize。【53题详解】考查第三人称单数。句意:用一门国际语言演讲需要演讲者把知识和内容做到精神上的统一。此处是在论述一般性的事实规律,故应使用一般现在时,且后句Speakers must draw on the beauty of the language as a whole in order to

98、 communicate with an audience.有提示。故填requires。【54题详解】考查副词。句意:用一门国际语言演讲需要演讲者把知识和内容做到精神上的统一,并把结果系统地表述出来。此处用副词修饰动词integrate,故填mentally。【55题详解】考查介词。句意:这项比赛已经成为了培养学生用英语公共演讲技能的典范。此处考查动词与介词的搭配:work as充当,担任。故填as。【56题详解】考查不定冠词。句意:石国华,上海七宝中学的一名英语老师。English首字母音标为元音,故填an。【57题详解】考查一般过去时。句意:他也强调,交流应该双向进行。结合上下文语境He

99、 said that key competence in acquiring English.,以及he said. “Its also important to create an impressive opening to a speech.”可知,使用了一般过去时。此处时态应保持一致。故填stressed。【58题详解】考查现在分词做状语。句意:传统英语口语教育只是强调把信息表达出来,与此同时忽视了这些信息的接受者观众。此处为状语从句的省略,省略了it is,其完整形式为:while it is ignoring the receiver of these messages the au


101、或填写谓语部分,或是填写非谓语动词;比如第8小题,句意:传统英语口语教育只是强调把信息表达出来,与此同时忽视了这些信息的接受者观众。此处为状语从句的省略,省略了it is,其完整形式为:while it is ignoring the receiver of these messages - the audience.。故填ignoring。(二)、给出词语,词性的变化,如名词、动词、形容词、副词之间的转化,名词的复数形式,给出形容词,需要填写比较级、最高级,或词性词形转化,转化为副词,或是填写反义词(前缀);如:小题4,句意:用一门国际语言演讲需要演讲者把知识和内容做到精神上的统一。此处用副

102、词修饰动词integrate。故填 mentally。(三)、给出副词,填写比较级、最高级,或是填写反义词;如第10小题,句意:为了更好地讲述中国故事,我们首先需要培养更为全面的英语技能。根据句意及后半句中的more可知,此处应使用比较级。故填better。(四)、不给词语填写限定词的时候,很可能是填冠词、人称代词主格宾格形式,物主代词、反身代词的单复数形式。形容词性物主代词或some、any、other、another等限定词;有的名词前有限定词,比如:序数词,形容词的最高级等,其前用定冠词。第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)61.假

103、定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Mr. President,I am writing to express my concern about the sports facilities in campus. I have noticed

104、 that our school has very limited resources in term of students opportunities to do sports.It is known to all what sports are very important to young people. If they have an access to good sports facilities, young people can adopt a healthy lifestyle and become more confident.I suggest build a new p

105、layground, where should be designed for students with different interests. They should have a different section for each activity and available to students all year round. I believe so a sports area will meet our sporting needs.Thanks for your readingYours faithfully,Li Ming【答案】1. in on2. term terms

106、3. what that4. 去掉an5. healthy healthier6. build building7. where which8. They It9. 在available前加be10. so such【解析】【分析】本文是一封建议信。作者表达作者对校园体育设施的担忧及自己的一些建议。【详解】1.考查介词。短语on campus“在校园里”是固定搭配。故将in改成on。2.考查名词。短语in terms of“依照,依据,在方面”是固定搭配。故将term改为terms。3.考查主语从句。根据句子分析可知,本句使用it代替主语从句做形式主语,主语从句sports are very

107、important to young people“对年轻人来说,运动是非常重要的”结构完整,表达一个事实,应用只起连接作用、无实意的连接词that引导从句。故将what改为that。4.考查固定搭配。句意:如果他们能使用到好的运动设施,年轻人会有更健康的生活方式也会变得更加自信。短语have access to“使用,接近,可以利用”是固定搭配,an是多余的。故将an去掉。5.考查形容词比较级。句意:如果他们能使用到好的运动设施,年轻人会有更健康的生活方式也会变得更加自信。根据下文的more confident以及句意可知,healthy也应该用比较级。故将healthy改为healthie

108、r。6.考查动名词做宾语。动词suggest意思是“建议”时,其后直接接动名词做宾语,即suggest doing“建议做”。故将build改为building。7.考查定语从句的关系词。句意:我建议建设一个新的操场,操场为不同兴趣的学生建设。根据句子结构可知,这里构是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是playground,在定语从句中做主语,应用which引导。故将where改为which。8.考查代词。句意:操场应该为每种活动设置不同的区域,学生们全年可用。根据句意可知,代指上文提到过的名词a new playground,名词是单数形式,所以要使用it,注意首字母要大写。故将They 改为I

109、t。9.考查系动词。根据句子分析可知,在本句中情态动词should后是由and连接的两个并列动词原形与其一起构成并列谓语,available是形容词,要使用其短语be available to“可被利用或得到的”。故在available前加be。10.考查固定搭配。句子area是名词,要使用such修饰,即such a sports area“这样的一个运动场所”。故将so改为such。第二节 书面表达(满分25分)62.假如你是新华中学的学生李华,你的外籍教师Mr. Smith征求你们对他所授的英语课的意见。请你用英语给他写一封信,内容包括:1. 感谢老师的付出;2. 指出老师教学的优点;3

110、. 提出一至两条建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2.包括所有要点,内容可适当发挥。Dear Mr. Smith,Id like to take this opportunity to _Yours sincerely,Li Hua【答案】Dear Mr Smith,Id like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you for your generous help, without which I wouldnt make such rapid progress.In my eyes, you are a qualifie

111、d teacher as well as a close friend. Being patient, humorous and energetic, you are always making the class lively and interesting. It was your devotion and enthusiasm that inspired us and aroused our thirst for English. Meanwhile, if possible, I wonder if you can introduce more western culture, whi

112、ch can enrich our life and broaden our horizons. Besides, I would appreciate it if you could organize some after-school activities, for example, the English speech contest, through which we can make better use of what we have learned.Best wishes and hopefully these suggestions will be practical.Your

113、s sincerely,Li Hua【解析】【分析】这是一篇提纲类写作。【详解】第1步:根据提示可知,假如你是新华中学的学生李华,你的外籍教师Mr. Smith征求你们对他所授的英语课的意见。请你用英语给他写一封信,内容包括:1. 感谢老师的付出;2. 指出老师教学的优点;3. 提出一至两条建议。第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):express my gratitude (表达感谢);qualified(合格的);as well as (而且);make rapid progress (取得进步);the English speech contest (英语演讲比赛)等。第3步:根据提示

114、及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要应用一般现在时和一般过去时。第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。【点睛】范文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级表达方式,如Id like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you for your generous help, without which I wouldnt make such rapid progress.运用了定语从句;It was your devotion and enthusiasm that inspired us and aroused our thirst for English.运用了强调句。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。


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