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2013年高二英语上册电子题库:UNIT7WARMING UP & READING双基达标自测 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、.品句填词1Well send you a copy as soon as it becomes a_.答案:available2At the end, the whole audience stood up clapping and c_.答案:cheering3He is a f_ friend. You shouldnt trust him.答案:false4Tom is suffering from health problems for he l_ of exercise.答案:lacks5Well have a meeting at the p_ time.答案:proper6He

2、 gave us q_(小测验)on the reading every other day.答案:quiz7We took the direct _(路线)and arrived at the tourist site early.答案:route8How _(令人泄气)it is that we missed the chance.答案:discouraging9My father is under medical_(治疗) in hospital.答案:treatment10At present,a computer_(病毒)attacked the system of the comp

3、any.答案:virus.用所给词的适当形式填空1Dewey has been in hospital for several weeks _ cancer.答案:suffering from2The farmers are working in the hot weather,_ against the strong sunshine.答案:defenceless3Please put the book in its _ place.答案:proper4Only a little money is _ for the trip.答案:available5Many people _ cold

4、and hunger during the war.答案:died of6You must learn to _ the situation.答案:live with7Dont be _ if you come across difficulties.答案:discouraged8He _ the courage to admit his mistake.答案:lacks9The new machine is easy _.答案:to manage10He _ to give up smoking, thus becoming healthier.答案:was persuaded.单项填空1A

5、s long as their car doesnt _ on the road,they will be able to get there on time.Abreak downBbreak inCbreak up Dbreak out解析:选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:只要他们的车在路上不坏,他们将按时到达那里。break down出故障;抛锚;break in打断,插嘴;闯入;break up 结束;解散;break out 爆发。2Despite _ of advanced knowledge, the old worker did well in the job by his e

6、xperience and skills.Atreatment BstrengthCillness Dlack解析:选D。考查名词辨析。句意为:尽管这位老工人缺乏先进的知识,但是通过他的经验和技能,在工作中仍然做得很好。lack of缺乏,符合题意。3Will you be _ this afternoon, Samuel?It depends. Im afraid Ill watch NBA.Asuitable BconvenientCaccurate Davailable解析:选D。考查形容词。句意为:“你今天下午有没有空,Samuel?”“根据情况定,我恐怕要看NBA。”availabl

7、e可使用的,方便的,符合题意。suitable合适的;convenient便利的;accurate精确的,准确的。4Has he changed his mind?Yes, after some hours of discussion,I _ to talk him into accepting the new plan.Ahad managed Bwould manageChave managed Dmanaged解析:选D。考查时态的用法。第一句用现在完成时提问,现在时表示一个动作在过去发生,同时说话者强调动作的影响和结果。5Every member tries his best to f

8、inish the important work,_ they arent permitted to go home on time.Atherefore BmeanwhileCotherwise Dsomehow解析:选C。therefore因此;meanwhile同时;otherwise否则,不然;somehow由于某种原因。6Trapped by mountains and _ the money to build a bridge, the poor village, one river of which stands in the way of progress, is in a d

9、ifficult position.Alacked Blacking ofClacked in Dlacking解析:选D。考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:因为这座贫穷的小山村位于大山之中和没钱建桥,在建设中的小河处境困难。the village和lack是主动关系。7A big population in northern China are suffering a great dead _ the dry weather across the area in early spring this year.Afrom BtoCof Din解析:选A。考查介词的用法。suffer from是固定

10、搭配。8It was late. He wondered whether it would be _ to knock at the door of her room.Aproper BbetterCinteresting Ddisappointed解析:选A。考查形容词的用法。句意为:天已晚了。他怀疑敲她的门是否合适。.完形填空If you do anything unique,people will attack you for it.Selfmotivation(自我激励) depends on having a thick skin (厚脸皮),persisting _1_ criti

11、cism.But equally important is the ability not to let praise _2_ you,either.Because,praise and criticism are just _3_ of each other.The solution,both to prevent the _4_ of praise and the humiliation (丢脸)of criticism,is to stop _5_ what other people think of you.Take what is practical from their feedb

12、ack and _6_ the rest.Since you are the _7_ captain of your life,dont allow others to _8_ the ship.If I write an article,I _9_ receive a mix of positive comments and negative comments.For criticism,I _10_ any actionable suggestions from their comments._11_ some notes that I made have a grammatical mi

13、stake in an article,Ill happily correct it._12_,if someone feels the logic of my argument was _13_,I can make efforts to correct it in a future discussion of the topic.For praise,I take a _14_ approach.I thank the person for their comments,and see if there is anything practical from their suggestion

14、s.If several people _15_ a topic,I will know it is something readers are interested in and worth _16_ again.What I try not to do,_17_ both praise and criticism,is to let it get under my skin.If someone writes a(n) _18_ on my writing,Ill remind myself that this comment is just a small pebble(鹅卵石) on

15、my course,and not to allow it to _19_ me.Similarly,if I get a piece of praise,Ill remind myself that this is just one _20_,and not to let it disturb me from the bigger goal.1A.in terms ofBinstead ofCin spite of Dexcept for解析:选C。自我激励依靠厚脸皮和坚持,尽管伴随着批评。2A.consume BassumeCrenew Doverlook解析:选A。但同样重要的是也不让表

16、扬毁了你。3A.reflections BcontradictionsCinteractions Dpredictions解析:选A。因为表扬和批评正好是彼此反映的。4A.rates BpartsCoverload Dspeed解析:选C。应对表扬过度和丢脸的批评的办法是不要去在乎别人说什么。5A.caring BcomplainingCcomparing Dcorrecting答案:A6A.identify BdescribeCremember Dignore解析:选D。吸取精华,去其糟粕。7A.single BonlyCordinary Dregular解析:选B。因为你是你自己生活的唯一

17、主人。8A.process BreviewCcontrol Dsurf解析:选C。不要让别人控制你的人生。9A.generally BdeliberatelyCoriginally Dparticularly解析:选A。如果我写一篇文章,一般来说,肯定和否定的评论我都会收到。10A.run out Bturn outCwear out Dseek out解析:选D。对于批评,我会从中挑出一些能付诸实施的建议。11A.While BIfCUnless DThough解析:选B。如果文章里我做的注释有语法错误,我会很高兴去改正它。12A.Or BHoweverCTherefore DBut解析:选

18、A。或者,如果有人感觉我在论证上欠缺说服力,我会尽力修正。13A.slight BweakCprecise Devident答案:B14A.critical BcasualCsimilar Drelative解析:选C。对于表扬,我采取类似的方法。15A.disliked BcriticisedCagreed Denjoyed解析:选D。如果几个人都欣赏某个话题,我将知道这是读者感兴趣的并值得以后再讨论的话题。16A.discussing BinspiringCsearching Dadvising答案:A17A.for BonCwith Dto解析:选C。对于表扬和批评, 我尽量不让自己生气

19、。18A.range BattackCextention Ddetail解析:选B。从本句中的just a small pebble(鹅卵石)可知答案。如果有人抨击我的文章,我会提醒自己这个评论只是我生活进程中的一粒小小的鹅卵石。19A.include BneedCsurround Ddisturb解析:选D 。不让它打扰到我。20A.view BreportCsignal Dquestion解析:选A。同样,如果我得到了一份表扬,我也会提醒自己那只是一种看法而已,我也不会让它阻碍我追求更高的目标。.阅读理解Its school time again! Youre probably feeli

20、ng excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over.Some kids feel nervous or a little scared on the first day of school because of all the new things: new teachers,new friends,and even a new school.Luckily,these “new” worries only stick around for a little while.Lets find out more about going to

21、a new school.Most teachers kick_off the new school year by introducing themselves and talking about all the stuff youll be doing that year.Some teachers give students a chance to tell something about themselves to the rest of the class,too.When teachers do the talking on the first day,they often go

22、over classroom rules and school rules so youll know whats allowed and whats not.Please pay close attention.You might already know a lot of people in your classes on the first day,but its a great day to make a new friend,so try to say hello to kids you know and new ones that you dont.Make the first m

23、ove and youll be glad you did,and so will your new friends!Seeing friends you havent seen in a while can make the first day a good one.You can make the day feel special by wearing clothes that you really like.Maybe you got a great Tshirt on one of your vacations,or a pair of sneakers (运动鞋)It also ca

24、n make you feel good to be prepared and have all the things you need,such as pencils,folders,and whatever else youll be needing.But make sure that you pack them the night before in case you dont have time in the morning.1. The underlined phrase “kick off” in the second paragraph probably means“ _ ”A

25、startBstudyCfind Dteach解析:选A。词义猜测题。第二段叙述在新生开学时教师向学生作自我介绍及介绍学校员工等,据此可推知答案为A。2. The last paragraph mainly tells us about _.Awhat to know about a new schoolBhow to prepare for a new schoolCwhat to do on your first day of schoolDhow to spend your first day of school解析:选B。推理判断题。本文第二、三段主要介绍的是新生开学第一天的情况,最后

26、一段讲述为此应做的准备。3. According to the passage you usually do everything on the first day of school except _.Aintroducing yourselfBlearning about the school rulesCmaking new friendsDgoing over your new lessons解析:选D。推理判断题。在文中第二、三段中提到了introducing themselves;go over classroom rules and school rules;its a great day to make a new friend,但D项复习新课程却没有提及。4. If you happen to see an old friend on the first day of school,from the passage we know that you will feel _.Anervous BluckyChappy Dexcited解析:选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句话可知看见一个你很长时间没见过的朋友会让第一天变得很好。版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()


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