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《优选整合》人教版高中英语必修一 UNIT 2 ENGLISH AROUND THE WORLD PERIOD 3 教案2 .doc

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1、人教新课标版必修1 Unit 2 English around the worldThe Fourth Period从容说课This is the fourth period of Unit 2 which focuses on listening. In this lesson,there are two parts. One of it is to consolidate the sentence structure of indirect speech and direct speech. The other part concerns listening in which two pa

2、ssages are included. Both of them are about the topic of English.Listening is becoming more and more important. Teaching students to listen in proper way is the aim of this part. A good listener should be able to predict according to some hints such as the topic,the questions listed,etc.,to listen w

3、ith the purpose of finding useful information and to summarize. So this part should be taught according to the aim.In it,well first have a revision. It deals with the exercise talking on page 48.Thought the usage of the sentence patterns in daily life,students can master this grammar part much bette

4、r. Their ability of using language will be practiced as well in this part. And then well listen to two passages. In this part,to train students listening skills,I will design some questions about the passage so that students can listen on purpose of finding useful information. Besides,students can p

5、ractice the ability of predicting what will be heard in this part. At last,a discussion will be organized. This is to train students ability of using language and reading critically.三维目标1.Knowledge:Review the sentence patterns by using them.2.Ability:Get more information on English dialect.3.Emotion

6、:How to help students improve listening skill.教学重点 Use the sentence patterns in life.Understand the listening material.教学难点 How to improve students listening skills教具准备cassette recorder教学过程Step 1 Greetings and RevisionGreet the whole class as usual.T:Yesterday we learnt the sentence patterns which e

7、xpress commands and requests. Who can tell me something about it?S:To express commands,we can use “Do.;Do not do.”.S:To express requests,we can use “Do.please;Do not do.please;Will you do.?Would you do.?Can you do.?Could you do.?”T:Yes,you are right. Then how can we change them into Indirect Speech?

8、S:If it is a command,we can use “sb. told/ordered sb. to do.;sb. told/ordered not to do.”.S:If it is a request,we can use “sb. asked sb (not) to do”.T:Please tell which one is the right answer.“_,”Li Ming said to his teacher.A.Can you buy me a new watch?B.Give me that book,C.Lend me your bike,D.Coul

9、d you help me with my English?S:I think D is the right answer.T:Could you tell me why?S:Because A is not logical. B and C are commands.In last period we learnt that commands should be made by people who have authority. So I think here D is right.T:Your explanation is perfect.Step 2 Talking (Workbook

10、 P48) T:Great. Now lets practice the sentence patterns by making up dialogues. So please turn to P48 and look at the part of talking. Please work in groups of four. And choose one situation to role-play.(5 minutes for preparation)T:Now lets begin.Possible version:Group 1:A.(foreigner):Excuse me,coul

11、d you give me a hand?B:Sure. You seem to be looking for someone.A:Yes. My Chinese friends and I promised to meet at the exit of the subway.B:Could you speak a bit slowly. I cant quite follow you. I guess you are looking for your Chinese friends.A:Im sorry. I wasnt noticing it just new-Year,we said t

12、hat we would meet herethe exit of the subway at 2 p.m.And it is 2:15,but I still can not find them.B:Exit 1 or Exit 2?A:What do you mean?Therere 2 exits?B:Yes. Here are two exits. So you should be sure which one is where you promised to meet.A:I see.I am sure that they must be waiting for me at the

13、other exit. Thank you very much!Group 2:(P:parents;W:waitress;Y:you)P:Excuse me,could you tell me where the toilet is?W:Er.the restroom?Well,go straight ahead,and it will be at the end of the corridor.P:But we do not need rest. We are just looking for a toilet.Y:I mean we want to go the WC. W:WC?We

14、dont have one.Y:No WC! How can a restaurant have no WC?W:Im sorry! But what do you really mean by saying WC?Y:Its a place where we can wash hands.W:Ah,I see. Well,go up to the second floor.Y:Thank you so much!(You and your parents go up two floors but only find empty rooms there.)W:Have you found it

15、?Y:No,we went up two floors,but we didnt find a toilet but empty rooms.Group 3:A:Excuse me,could you help me?B:Sure?Whats it?A:Our English teacher is telling us something important,but I can quite follow her. Shes speaking so fast.B:Yeah,shes really speaking fast. Then how can I help you?A:Could you

16、 ask the teacher to speak a little bit slowly?B:Of course I can,but why dont you do so?A:Er.B:I see.(Student B puts up his hand)T:Yes?B:Im sorry,but would you speak a little slowly?Step 3 Listening ()T:Yesterday,we have learnt something about dialects in the US. Today let us listen to the dialogue s

17、poken with an accent. Please turn to the listening part on P14.First listen and find out how many people there are in the dialogue and who they are.S:.T:Great! Now please listen to it again,and answer the questions on the text book.(after listening) Have you got the answers?Now compare notes with yo

18、ur partner.T:Are you sure about your answers now?Lets check together.T:You did a very good job. Now we will listen to it again. After that,you should retell the story to your partner. See?S:.T:So you see,there is some difficulty for people to understand the dialects. Right?So what we do while learni

19、ng English?S:We can learn standard English. S:I dont think so,because we have learnt that theres no standard English actually. So I think what we should do is to pronounce better,and use the correct words and grammar.Step 4 Listening ()T:By reading the passage “ the road to modern English”,we have k

20、nown English is a world language which is spoken in many countries and areas. In this period we will listen to native speakers from different English-speaking countries. Please move to P51 and look at Listening Task. Now several students in an international high school in Shanghai are describing whe

21、re they come from. What do you think you will hear in their introduction?S:I guess they will talk about the location,climate,people,custom,specific things,and so on.T:You are very clever. We are introducing some place,most of time we will give some description of the climate,people,custom,people,his

22、tory,places of interests,and so on.T:Listen carefully,then tell which topics are mentioned.S:.T:Good. Then I will play the tape again. This time you should try to guess the name of each students country.S:.T:Good job. This time,you should pay much attention to each students description. After listen

23、ing it again,you should describe the country using your own words.S:.T:Well done! Now work in groups of four and discuss with your partners why English is spoken in so many places around the world. Make a list of the reasons and then report your group work with other groups.Step 5 SummaryThis class

24、we have review the grammar part by using it in daily life. We have practiced reading as well. We learn the language in order to use it. So I advise you practice using what we learnt daily so that they can be part of your knowledge.Step 6 HomeworkLook up the words left in the vocabulary in the dictio

25、nary.板书设计Unit 2 English around the world The Fourth PeriodSentence patternsGuessing the topics mentioned in the tape活动与探究This activity is to do some research on the listening skills. Students are required to surf the internet to search for some information on advice on improving listening.备课资料Colors

26、Americans have used colors to create many expressions they use every day.We say we are “in the pink” when we are in good health. It is easy to understand how this expression was born. When my face has a nice fresh,pink color,it is a sign my health is good. If I look gray and ashen,I may need a docto

27、r.Red is a hotter color than pink. And Americans use it to express heat. In English,the small and hot peppers(辣椒) found in many Mexican foods are called “red hots”,for their color and their fiery(火辣辣的).We say that fast,fiery music,especially the kind called “Dixieland Jazz” is “red hot”.Blue is a co

28、oler color. The traditional blue music of American blacks is the opposite of the red hot music. It is slow,sad and soulful. Duke Ellington and his orchestra (管弦乐队) recorded a famous song,Mood Indigo(深蓝的情调),about the deep blue color,indigo. In the words of the song,“You arent been blue till youve had

29、 that Mood Indigo”.To be “blue”,of course,is to be sad.While the color green is natural for trees,it is an unnatural color for humans. When someone does not feel well,someone who is sick for example,we say he looks green. When someone is angry because he does not have what someone else has,we say he

30、 is “green with envy(忌妒)”.Some people are “green with envy” because someone else has more dollars,or “greenbacks”.Dollars are called greenbacks because thats the color of the back side of the money.The color black is often used in expressions. People describe a day in which everything goes wrong as

31、a “black day”.A “black sheep” is the member of a family or group who always seems to be in trouble. A “blacklist” is illegal(非法的) now,but at one time,some employers shared blacklists of people who should not be given work. Not all the “black” expressions have bad meanings. A business “ in the black”

32、,for example,is one with profits(利润).A company “in the red” is losing money. Red ink is used to show losses in a financial report. Profits are written in black. If someone tells you to put something “in black and white”,they want you to write it down.In some cases,colors just describe a situation. A

33、 “black out”,in World War Two,was when all lights were turned off to make it difficult for bomber planes to find their target(目标) at night. A “brown out” is an American expression for reduced electrical power which makes electric lights dim.American women use the French word for red as the name of t

34、he colored cosmetic(化妆品) which they sometimes use to brighten their cheeks. Its just called “rouge”.They use it especially when they are going out for the evening,or as Americans say “to paint the town red”.The color yellow is sometimes used to describe a coward(胆小鬼).A person who is “ yellow” has no

35、 courage. A persons skin may become yellow as a result of diseases that attack the liver(肝).Yellow fever is one. In the past,ships carrying fever victims raised a flag called the “yellow jack”.In the United States,an activist organization of old people calls itself the “gray panthers”(灰豹).The name c

36、omes from the gray hair of its members and from the panther,a fierce animal of the lion or leopard(豹) family.Words and IdiomsTo eat crow乌鸦肉根本没法吃,因此要一个人吃乌鸦,那肯定是非常难受的。这也正是to eat crow这个俗语的含义。to eat crow的确切意思是一个人把自己弄得很丢人,因为他犯了一个很难堪的错误,而又不得不承认:That man running for mayor went around bragging hed win the e

37、lection by a big 50000 majority. But he had to eat crow when the woman running against him won by more than 60000 votes.那个竞选市长的人到处吹嘘,说他肯定能以5万张选票的票数赢得选举。可是,现在他很丢脸,因为那位和他一起竞选的女候选人最后以6万多票的多数当选市长。可是,爱夸口的人似乎到处都有。下面的一个例子更是可笑:Our neighbor had to eat crow yesterday. Hes been telling us what a good tennis pl

38、ayer he is. Well,he took my 12-year-old son out to play and the kid beat him three straight sets.我们的邻居真是丢尽了脸。他老是在我们面前吹嘘,说他网球打得很好。他昨天带着我那12岁的儿子去打网球,结果我儿子直落3盘把他打败了。To put all ones eggs in one basket.鸡蛋也是一些美国俗语的组成部分。要是一个人把他所有的钱都当作赌注,想冒险发财,这在中文里是“孤注一掷”,在英文里就是:to put all ones eggs in one basket.把所有的鸡蛋放在一

39、只篮子里,这样是很冒险的。If you want to play the stock market,its smarter to divide your money and buy three or four different stocks instead of putting the whole amount into just one stock and putting all your eggs in one basket.要是你想玩股票,最好把你的钱分开来买三、四种不同的股票,这是比较聪明的做法。千万不要把所有的钱都用来买一种股票,把所有的鸡蛋放在一只篮子里。“To put all ones eggs in one basket”不仅可以用在经济方面,还可用于其他方面,例如:Going steady in high school with only one member of opposite sex is a mistake. Go out with several peopledont put all your eggs in one basket.在中学里只交一个异性朋友是错误的。应该多交朋友,而不要把自己局限在一个人身上。


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