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1、1Who are making so much noise in the garden?_the children.A. It isB. They areC. That is D. There are解析强调句型 It is the children who are making so much noise 之省略。 答案A2. It is_he often fails in exams_makes his parents worried about him.A. what; that B. that; whatC. that; that D. / ; that解析为强调句型,被强调成分为主语

2、从句 that he often fails in exams。 答案C3. It is the protection for the trees_really matters, rather than how many trees are planted.A. what B. thatC. 不填 D. which解析为强调句型,句意为“真正重要的在于保护树,而不在于种多少树”。 答案B4. It is_my father worked_I work now.A. where, that B. where, whenC. that, where D. that, that解析整个句子为 it

3、was. that.格式的强调句式,即第二空要填that;第一空填where,where my father worked 为地点状语从句,为强调句的被强调部分。句意为“我现在在我父亲曾经工作过的地方工作”。 答案A5. What she says and does_nothing to do with me.A. was B. wereC. has D. have解析 what当整体,是单数,she says and does是个省略了that的定语从句。答案C6. There_a dictionary and several books on the desk.A. are B. must

4、C. have been D. is解析 there be句型要求用“就近原则”,谓语动词须和邻近的名词一致。答案D7. Nobody_seen the film. Its a pity.A. but Tom and Jack haveB. except Tom and Jack haveC. but my friends hasD. but I have解析 主语是nobody,此时强调个体,用单数。答案C8. No teacher and no student_.A. are admitted B. is admittedC. are admitting D. is admitting解析

5、 句意:“每个老师、每个学生都不被允许进入。”因teacher和student都是单数,强调个体,所以谓语动词须用单数。答案B9. The writer and singer_coming to give us a presentation.A. is B. areC. were D. do解析 作家兼歌手,实际上指同一个人,须用单数。答案A10_had the bell rung_the students took their seats.A. Hardly;when B. No sooner;whenC. Hardly;than D. No sooner;then解析 Hardly.whe

6、n.,No sooner.than.,为固定搭配,若它们放句首,前面的从句用过去完成时且用半倒装,主句用一般过去时,用正常语序。答案A11_the baby fell asleep_the room.A. After;did the mother leaveB. Not until;did the mother leaveC. Not until;the mother leftD. Soon after;the mother had left解析 Not until放句首,主句倒装,从句用正常语序。答案B12It was_his mother came in_to prepare his le

7、ssons.A. not until;did the boy beginB. until;that the boy beganC. until;did the boy beginD. not until;that the boy began解析 Not until不放句首,主句、从句用正常语序。答案D13Busy_he was,he tried his best to help you.A. as B. whenC. since D. for解析 as引导让步状语从句,被强调、突出的部分必须前置。答案A14. (2011河北石家庄一模)Cheer up!_things as they are

8、and you will enjoy every day of your life.ATaking BTo takeCTake DTaken解析 考查“祈使句and陈述句”结构。答案C15(2011唐山市摸底)Wed say that never before_so moving a film as After Shock.Awe had seen Bhad we seenCwe have seen Dhave we seen解析 考查倒装句。此处never before置于句首,其后的主句部分倒装。答案D 读写同步加强专栏读书之法,在循序而渐进,熟读而精思阅读理解AAMSTERDAM (AP

9、)Shes not afraid of pirates(海盗). Shes packed plenty of school books. And shes going to miss her family and her dog, Spot.Fourteenyearold Laura Dekker jumped onto her boat Wednesday and sailed off from the Netherlands hoping to become the youngest person to make a voyage around the world by herself.A

10、bout 100 supporters waved as Laura and her father Dick Dekker left the southern Dutch harbor of Den Osse in her 11.5meterlong sailing boat Guppy, for Portugal where she plans to leave her father and begin her attempt to travel around the world.Last week, Laura won a legal battle when a court release

11、d her from the guardianship(监护) of Dutch child protection agencies. They had blocked her initial plan to depart at age 13 over fears for her safety and psychological health during the trip, which will likely take around a year.“I can be sailing now, and thats great!”she told reporters Wednesday.Laur

12、a raised the black Jolly Rogerlike flag of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society above the two red masts(桅杆) before sailing out.Laura, who was born on a sailing boat off the coast of New Zealand, has been working to counter objections to her voyage since the authorities stepped in last year. She got

13、 a bigger, stronger boat, took courses in first aid and practiced coping with sleep deprivation(缺乏)She also made at least one trip by herself across the North Sea to England.The Dutch court ruled that Lauras preparations were adequate and it was up to her parents, who are divorced, to decide whether

14、 to let her make the attempt. Her mother, Babs Mueller, recently withdrew(撤销) her opposition to the plan.Dekkers case has fueled a global debate over the wisdom of allowing everyounger sailors to take on the great risks of sailing the high seas alone.荷兰14岁少女Laura Dekker将独自驾驶帆船环球航行,挑战全球最年轻独自环球航行纪录。1H

15、ow did Laura feel when she was setting off?AEmbarrassed.BSurprised.CExcited. DAnxious.解析推理判断题。根据第五段的“I can be sailing now,and thats great!”一句可知,Laura出发时非常激动和开心。 答案C2Which statement is true about Lauras mother?AShe thinks highly of Lauras adventure.BShe no longer shows concern about Laura.CShe decide

16、s to disapprove of Lauras voyage.DShe opposed Lauras attempt at the beginning.解析推理判断题。根据文章的倒数第二段可知,Laura的母亲最近撤销了对女儿独自航行计划的反对,可见最初母亲反对女儿孤身去环球航行。 答案D3What is the text mainly about?ALauras love for nature.BA family that loves sailing.CWhether young children should travel alone.DA 14yearold Dutch girl a

17、ttempts to set a sailing record.解析主旨大意题。根据全文的内容可知,本文主要讲述了14岁的荷兰姑娘Laura Dekker想孤身环球航行,成为世界上最年轻的孤帆环游世界的人的故事。 答案D4What does the last paragraph suggest?AIt is unwise to allow young children to take risks.BMany young children are fond of exploring nature.CPeople have different opinions about Lauras attem

18、pt.DMore young children may follow Lauras example.解析推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Laura Dekker的案例激起全世界人们的讨论让这么小的孩子独自驾船环游世界是否是明智的做法。可见人们对这一做法持不同的意见,故答案为C。 答案CBMany Asian carp (鲤鱼) feast on plants and plankton (浮游生物) that make up the base of the food chain.They could do serious harm to the Great Lakes ecosystem.The

19、following four species are causing the most concern:Grass carp:The first of the modern carp to invade America, grass carp were brought to Arkansas and Alabama in 1963 from China and Malaysia. They were introduced in the hope that theyd control pond weeds and other unwanted vegetation at fish farms.T

20、hey did,and for years their introduction was considered a success. But as more and more got loose and wound up in the Mississippi and Missouri rivers,they began to lose some of their good quality. They can eat up to 100 percent of their body weight or more in plant matter every, daydenying that food

21、 to native fishbut they only digest about half,leaving the rest as waste.And some may carry parasites (寄生虫) that infect native fish.Bighead carp:An Arkansas fish farmer first brought bighead carp to the US from China in 1972 to clean out algae from fish farms. By the early 1980s,a few began appearin

22、g in open waters of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers after escaping from fish farms.Bighead carp are now found in at least 18 states,but their desire to eat algae hasnt always been that strongthey prefer zooplankton (small animals present in the water) to phytoplankton (small plants present in the wa

23、ter)Silver carp:Introduced in the 1970s,most likely via another Arkansas fishfarm escape,silver carp are now legendary for launching themselves into the air when scared, often at the sound of motorboats.Their forceful leaps can injure any people on the water. If youre a skier, you cant ski where the

24、re are a great many silver carp. That just wouldnt be smart.But it isnt the only threat from silver carptheir main food is phytoplankton,the tiny algae that mussels (河蚌) need to survive.Black carp:Although black carp arent officially established in the US, many fishermen from the Gulf Coast to Illin

25、ois and Missouri have reported catching them more often lately. While their relatives feed themselves on plants and plankton overhead,black carp stay low to hunt snails and mussels,causing a great danger to Great Lakes mollusks (软体动物) that are already hurt by other invaders.亚洲鲤鱼会对北美五大湖的生态系统造成严重破坏。本文

26、介绍了四种亚洲鲤鱼。5Which of the following swim lowest in the water?AGrass carp. BBighead carp.CBlack carp. DSilver carp.解析细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句While their relatives feed themselves on plants and plankton overhead,black carp stay low to hunt snails and mussels可知,青鱼喜欢生活在水的底层。 答案D6According to the text, grass carp _

27、.Aare hunted mainly for food at presentBwere kept to clean fish farms at firstCwere introduced to America in the 1970sDappeared in the Mississippi River in the 1980s解析细节理解题。根据第二段第二句They were introduced in the hope that theyd control pond weeds and other unwanted vegetation at fish farms可知,美国人最初引入草鱼是

28、为了清理鱼塘。 答案B7We can learn from the text that _.Agrass carp consume too much food that native fish rely onBbighead carp are a species of Asian carp that only feed on algaeCsilver carp were the first kind of Asian carp to invade AmericaDblack carp can now be found in most American states解析细节判断题。根据第二段末句

29、They can eat up to 100 percent of their body weight or more in plant matter every daydenying that food to native fish可知,草鱼会吃掉很多本土鱼赖以生存的食物。deny此处是“拒绝给予”的意思。 答案A8The purpose of the passage is most probably to _.Alist the food chain of Asian carpBdraw peoples attention to the Great Lakes ecosystemClist

30、 the species of Asian carpDintroduce four species of Asian carp that do harm to ecosystem解析写作目的题。本文主要介绍四种亚洲鲤鱼,它们会对北美五大湖的生态系统造成严重破坏。故文章的写作目的是D。 答案D1. Was_that I saw last night at the concert?A. it youB. not youC. you D. that you解析为强调句的一般疑问句形式,其相应陈述句为 It was you that I saw.。 答案A 2. It was ten oclock _

31、he came back home.A. when B. thatC. since D. after解析when 表示“当的时候”,句首的 it 表示时间,全句意为“当他回到家时,时间是10点钟。” 答案A3. It was not until he came back _he knew the police were looking for him. A. which B. sinceC. that D. before解析为 He didnt know the police were looking for him until he came back 之强调形式。注意,not.until.

32、 的强调句式通常为 It was not until.that.的形式。 答案C4. “How was _they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?” “Totally by chance.”A. it that B. he thatC. it when D. he which解析 为强调句的特殊疑问句形式,其相应的陈述句形式为:It was totally by chance that they discovered the entrance to the underground palace.答案A 5. “Was it

33、under the tree_you were away talking to a friend?” “Sure. But when I got back there, the bike was gone.A. that B. whereC. which D. while解析 做好此题的关键是正确理解上下文的语境。在此句中,it 是代词,指代 the bike,句意为:“当你离开去同朋友谈话的时候,你的自行车是在这树下吗?”“当然,但当我回来时,自行车就不见了。”现在反过来分析一下,假若选A,将此句判为强调句,句子即为 Was it under the tree that you were a

34、way talking to a friend? 若进一步转换为非强调句,句子则为 Under the tree you were away talking to a friend,句意显然很荒唐。答案D6. Its more than half a century_my grandfather joined the Party and became a servant to the people.A. when B. thatC. since D. while解析 假若选B,将此句分析为强调句,那么若将此句还原为非强调句就应该是My grandfather joined the Party

35、and became a servant to the people more than half a century. 很显然, 句中的 more than half a century 是一段时间,然而它修饰的谓语动词 joined.became 却是两个终止性动词,这显然不合适。其实,此题应选C,属于“It is一段时间since 从句”句型,句意为“我爷爷加入党组织成为人民的公仆已有半个多世纪了”。此句的主句谓语也可以用现在完成时态(has been),但在口语中多用一般现在时代替。答案C7. It was lack of money, not of effort,_defeated

36、their plan. A. which B. asC. that D. what解析 整个句子为强调句,被强调成分为 lack of money, not of effort。由于句中插入 not of effort 这一结构,干扰了许多同学对 it was lack of money that defeated their plan 这一强调句的认识和理解。考生有可能受空格前逗号的影响,误认为这是一个非限制性定语从句,从而误选了A。答案C8. It was what he meant rather than what he said_annoyed me. A. which B. asC.

37、 what D. that解析 此题为一个强调句型,空格处应填 that,被强调成分为 what he meant rather than what he said。句意为“让我生气的不是他说的话,而是他话中的意思”。答案D9(2011浙江温州十校联考)Never before _to_what his parents expect of him more than it is today .Ahe has failed; live up toBhe failed not; come up withChas he failed; live up toDdid he failed; come up with解析 考查倒装句。此处never置于句首,主句用部分倒装。答案C10. The number of people invited_fifty, but a number of them_absent for different reasons.A. were; was B. was;wasC. was; were D. were;were解析 “the number of可数名词复数”作主语,表“的数量”,谓语动词用单数;“a number of可数名词复数”作主语,表“许多”,谓语动词用复数。答案C


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