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1、人教版必修201课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修22Unit 4 Wildlife protection 01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修23Section Learning about Language&Using Language 01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修2401课前自主预习01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修25单词识记1.inspect(vt.)检查;视察inspector(n.)检查员;视察员inspection(n.)检查;视察2expected(

2、adj.)预期;预料的unexpected(adj.)没料到的,意外的3dust(n.)灰尘;尘土;尘埃dusty(adj.)满是灰尘的4disappearance(n.)消失disappear(vi.)消失appear(vi.)出现;到场appearance(n.)出现;外表5fierce(adj.)凶猛的;猛烈的fiercely(adv.)凶猛地;猛烈地;激烈地6ending(n.)结局;结尾end(vt.&vi.)结束;终止/(n.)结束;末端;尽头01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修26短语完形1.as usual 像平时;像往常一样2long befor

3、e 很久以前3come into being 形成;产生4for sure 肯定地;确切地5according to按照;根据所说6in the last 500 years 在过去的 500 年里7so that以致于;结果01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修27句型搜索1.After a while she saw some zebra with black and white lines going beneath their stomachs.(P28)信息提取 with宾语宾补,可以充当宾补的有:不定式、分词、介词短语、形容词、副词等。例句仿写 我把座位

4、让给了一个抱孩子的妇女。I gave my seat to a woman _.2They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.(P30)信息提取 long before“在之前早就”。例句仿写 在时间未到之前,我早早完成了所有问题。I finished the questions _ the time was up.with a baby in her armslong be

5、fore01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修283There were many different kinds of dinosaur and a number of them used to live in China.(P30)信息提取 There be.,be 由临近的名词确定单复数。例句仿写 课桌上有一支钢笔,一支铅笔和两本书。_ a pen,a pencil,and two books on the desk.4It is a pity that in the story nobody helped the dodo.(P31)信息提取 It is a

6、 pity that.“很遗憾/可惜”,固定句型。例句仿写 真遗憾你错过了那次聚会。_ you missed the party.There isIt is a pity that01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修29语篇理解A.Choose the best answer according to the passage.1According to the passage,what can we know about the dinosaurs?ADinosaurs were once the kindest animals on the earth.BThe

7、y lived on the earth together with humans.CThey died out for some unknown reasons.DIt was the temperature that caused them to die out.解析 从文章第二段最后一句话:没有人确切地知道恐龙是由于什么原因,又是怎样在这么短的时间内从地球上消失的,可推出答案。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修2102The birdlike dinosaurs were discovered in_.AXixia County,Nanyang,Henan

8、 ProvinceBChaoyang County,Liaoning ProvinceCXixia County,Nanyang,Liaoning ProvinceDChaoyang County,Henan Province3How did scientists know that the birdlike dinosaurs could run as well as climb trees?ABy studying their eggs.BBy studying their teeth.CBy studying their bones.DBy guessing only.解析 从文章第一段

9、第六句话可知,在辽宁省的朝阳县新发现一种形状像鸟一样的恐龙。解析 从文章第一段最后两句话可知,根据恐龙骨骼的连接方式得出这种恐龙可以跑,也可爬树。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修2114When did dinosaurs die out?AAbout 65 million years ago.BAbout 70 million years ago.CTens of millions of years ago.DAbout 500 years ago.5How many animals and plants have disappeared in the la

10、st 500 years according to a UN report?ASome 844.BSome 500.CTwentyfive D65.解析 从文章第二段第一句话可知,恐龙大约在 6500 万年前突然灭绝了。解析 从文章第三段第二句话可知,有大约 844 种动植物在过去 500 年里消失。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修212B课文浓缩ANIMAL EXTINCTION01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修2131._ 2._ 3._ 4._5_ 6._ 7._ 8._9_ 10._Dinosaurscame into

11、beingdisappearingspeciesincidentdustlive onAbout/Somepast/lastfriendly01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修21402课堂师生共研01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修215重点词汇词汇 1bite vt.&vi.咬 n吃一口;随便吃点东西;被咬的伤口教材原句What should you do if you are being bitten by mosquitoes?(P29)如果蚊子正在叮咬你,你该怎么做?They had to bite the rope to

12、escape.他们得把绳子咬断才能逃脱。I was bitten all over by mosquitoes.我浑身都被蚊子叮了。He took a bite(bit a piece)out of the apple.他咬了一口苹果。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修216拓展含 bite 的常见词组:bite back 回咬;抑制;急忙收回(想说的话)bite off 咬掉take a bite at.朝咬一口【即景活用】用括号内单词的正确形式填空(1)Just now,a snake _(bite)him in the arm.完成句子(2)Please

13、protect ourselves _ by mosquitoes.请保护好自己,不要被蚊子咬了。解析 句意:刚才一条蛇咬了他的胳膊。bite 的过去式 bit。bitfrom being bitten01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修217词汇 2inspect vt.检查;仔细查看;视察;检阅教材原句When scientists inspected the bones,they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also cl

14、imb trees.(P30)科学家们观察它们的骨头时,惊奇地发现它们不仅跟其他恐龙一样可以跑,而且还可以爬树。You should inspect the car well before you buy it.在买车之前你应该仔细检查一番。The Minister of Education inspected our school.教育部长视察了我们学校。The general arrived to inspect the troops.将军来检阅部队了。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修218辨析:inspect 与 examineinspect表示“调查,

15、检查,视察”,尤指为裁定质量好坏或判定对错而进行详细的检查或视察。examine是个普通用语,表示“检查”,指为了发现某种事物或情况而对某事物或人作仔细的检查或考查,这个动词使用范围很广,从人到物,从小到大,其检查或审查的对象特别广,如成绩、问题、数字等。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修219【即景活用】用括号内单词的正确形式填空(1)After _(examine)the evidence,I can find no truth in these claims.(2)He carefully _(inspect)the china for cracks.解析

16、 after 是介词,后跟 v.ing。examininginspected解析 句意:他仔细检查瓷器看有无裂纹。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修220词汇 3incident n事件;事变教材原句Some scientists think it came after an unexpected incident when a huge rock from space hit the earth and put too much dust into the air.(P30)有些科学家认为恐龙灭绝是发生在一件意外事故之后,当时宇宙间一块巨石击中地球因而空气中扬

17、起太多的尘土。His father died in“the July 7th Incident of 1937.”他的父亲在 1937 年的“七七事变”中牺牲了。He told me some of the funny incidents that happened during the journey to Europe.他告诉了我一些去欧洲旅行时发生的趣事。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修221辨析:accident 与 incidentaccident指未曾预料到的不幸的“事故”“事件”。A traffic accident happened at th

18、e crossing.在十字路口发生了一起交通事故。incident指偶然“事件”,也可指引人注意的并在政治上产生影响的“事变”。There were several incidents on the frontier.边境上发生了几起事件。【即景活用】完成句子Being late for school is an _,not an _.上学迟到是小事情,不是大事故。incidentaccident01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修222重点短语短语 1long before 早在之前很久,很久以前教材原句They lived on the earth tens

19、 of millions of years ago,long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time.(P30)千百万年前,恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多,他们的未来在那时看来很安全。She went to New York long before.她很久以前就去了纽约。I had finished the work long before you started.在你开始之前我早就把工作干完了。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修223拓展sth

20、.wont be long 某事很快会发生sb.wont be long 某人马上就准备好(回来等)before long 很快,不久(常与将来时连用)It wasnt long before.很快(不久)就【即景活用】在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)(1)It will not be long _ we meet again.完成句子(2)It looks like its going to rain _.看来马上就要下雨了。before解析 It will not be long before.“很快(不久)就”。before long01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人

21、教版 英语 必修224短语 2come into being 产生;形成;开始存在教材原句They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago,long before humans came into being.(P30)千百万年前,它们(恐龙)就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多Do you know when the new government came into being?你知道新政府是何时成立的吗?The organization came into being in 1936.这个组织诞生于 1936 年。拓展come in

22、to sight/view 进入视野;看得见come into existence 开始存在come into effect 开始生效come into fashion 开始流行come into use 开始被使用01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修225【即景活用】在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)(1)How words came _ being is unknown.完成句子(2)These animals _ on the earth long ago.这些动物很早就在地球上存在了。(3)The lake_as we arrived at the vi

23、llage.到达那个村子时,我们看见了那个湖。解析 句意:语言是怎么形成的不为人所知。intocame into existencecame into view/sight01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修226短语 3according to 根据;按照教材原句According to a UN report,some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years.(P30)根据联合国的一份报告,在过去 500 年里,有 844 种动植物消失。According to our rec

24、ords payment of$56 is now overdue.根据我们的记录,有 56 美元的款项逾期未付。According to George,shes a great player.据乔治说,她是一个优秀的运动员。名师点睛according to 常用来表示信息来自他人,不能与 me,my opinion 等连用。如:“依我之见”可译为“in my opinion”,但不可译为“according to me/my opinion”。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修227【即景活用】在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)(1)According _

25、him,we should set out immediately.完成句子(2)_Tom said,Jack told a lie.按汤姆说的,杰克在撒谎。解析 句意:他认为,我们应该立刻出发。toAccording to what01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修228难句解析 (1)they were surprised to find 是“主语be形容词to do”结构。Im so glad to meet you here.我很高兴在这儿遇到你。Your parents will be pleased to receive your present.收

26、到你的礼物你父母将会很高兴。1.When scientists inspected the bones,they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb trees.(P30)科学家们观察它们的骨头时,惊奇地发现它们不仅跟其他恐龙一样可以跑,而且还可以爬树。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修229John was pretty surprised to have received such an invitation

27、.收到这样一份请柬,约翰感到十分惊讶。注意:用于这一结构的形容词有 surprised,moved,disappointed,pleased,happy,sad,delighted,sorry,interested,glad,worried,eager,anxious,angry 等。(2)not only.but(also).“不仅而且”,强调的是 but also 之后的部分。可用来连接名词、代词、动词,甚至是两个句子。The cellphone is not only a useful tool but also a way to have fun.手机不仅是一个有用的工具,而且还是一种

28、娱乐的方式。He not only read the book,but also remembered what he read.他不仅读过这本书,而且还记得内容。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修230注意:(1)当 not only 连接句子位于句首的时候,要求该句使用主谓语倒装的结构。Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.太阳不仅给我们光也给我们提供热。(2)连接两个名词或代词作主语时,遵循就近原则。Not only the students but also the t

29、eacher was against the plan.不仅学生而且老师也反对这个计划。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修231【即景活用】在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(1)We were astonished _(find)the temple still in its original condition.(2)The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only _teachers energy saved but students became more interes

30、ted in the lessons.解析 句意:我们惊讶地发现那座寺庙还是原来那个状况。“主语beadj.to do sth.”为固定句式,不定式在句中作原因状语,该句式中的不定式通常用其主动形式。to findwas解析 not only.but(also).结构中,若 not only 位于句首,其后的分句要部分倒装。save 和主语是被动关系,且根据前、后句可知应用一般过去时。01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修2322.It is a pity that in the story nobody helped the dodo.(P31)很可惜,在这个故事

31、中,没有人帮助渡渡鸟。Its a pity(that).“很可惜;真遗憾”。Its a pity the weather isnt better for our outing today.我们今天出去游玩天气不见好,真遗憾。Its a pity that he didnt accept the job.他没有接受这份工作很可惜。也可以用感叹句形式:What a pity(that).!What a pity that you cant come to the theatre with us tonight!你今晚不能和我们一起去看戏,真可惜!01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修233【即景活用】在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)It is a pity _ he didnt pass the test.解析 It is a pity(that).“真遗憾”。that/不填01课前自主预习02课堂师生共研03课后演练提能人教版 英语 必修23403 课后演练提能


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