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2016-2017学年高中英语人教版新课标必修八(浙江专版) UNIT 3-SECTION Ⅲ WARMING UP & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含答案.doc

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2016-2017学年高中英语人教版新课标必修八(浙江专版) UNIT 3-SECTION Ⅲ WARMING UP & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2016-2017学年高中英语人教版新课标必修八(浙江专版) UNIT 3-SECTION Ⅲ WARMING UP & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2016-2017学年高中英语人教版新课标必修八(浙江专版) UNIT 3-SECTION Ⅲ WARMING UP & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2016-2017学年高中英语人教版新课标必修八(浙江专版) UNIT 3-SECTION Ⅲ WARMING UP & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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2016-2017学年高中英语人教版新课标必修八(浙江专版) UNIT 3-SECTION Ⅲ WARMING UP & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含答案.doc_第5页
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2016-2017学年高中英语人教版新课标必修八(浙江专版) UNIT 3-SECTION Ⅲ WARMING UP & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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2016-2017学年高中英语人教版新课标必修八(浙江专版) UNIT 3-SECTION Ⅲ WARMING UP & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含答案.doc_第7页
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2016-2017学年高中英语人教版新课标必修八(浙江专版) UNIT 3-SECTION Ⅲ WARMING UP & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含答案.doc_第8页
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2016-2017学年高中英语人教版新课标必修八(浙江专版) UNIT 3-SECTION Ⅲ WARMING UP & READING-LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含答案.doc_第9页
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1、Section Learning about Language & Using Language根据提示写出下列单词1 n鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明2 adj.清白的;无罪的;天真的3 vt.忍受;忍耐;负担4 n.堵塞;果酱;阻塞5 vt.&vi.轻打;轻拍;轻敲 n.轻轻地敲击(声);(水)龙头6 adj.稳固的;稳定的;安定的7 vt.联想;联系 n.同伴;伙伴8 adj.实际的;实践的;实用的9 adj.清白的;无罪的;天真的【答案】1.identification2.innocent3.bear 4jam5.tap6.stable7.associate8.practical 9inn

2、ocent根据提示补全下列短语1beaten 被踩出来的路;常规;惯例2dive 迅速把手伸入;一心投入3set (to do)开始(做)4ring 回复电话5be associated 和有联系6hang 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住7 order次序颠倒;发生故障8get 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过【答案】1.track2.into3.out4.back5.with 6on7.out of8.through根据提示补全下列教材原句1 you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen be

3、fore.每次你这样做的时候,你一定会发现你从未见过的东西。2. before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得你思考的东西占据着你的头脑。3. The patent was given in 1876,but Bell sent his first telephone message to his assistant Watson.授予专利是1876年,但五天之后贝尔才向他的助手华生发了第一个电话信息。【答案】1.Ever

4、y time2.Follow it up,explore all around it,and3.it was not until five days later that阅读P2526课文,选择最佳答案1Alexander Graham Bell invented the microphone because Ahe was interested in the microphoneBhe liked inventing anything he likedChe wanted to help deaf people like his mother to communicate with othe

5、rsDhe had nothing to do but kill the time2. What was not included in Alexander Bells experiment mentioned in the passage?AA straw.BA microphone.CSmoked glass.DA deaf mans ear drum.3. Which of the following is WRONG?ABells exploration and dynamic spirit led to his invention of the telephone.BBell inv

6、ented the first telephone in searching to improve the telegraph.CBell was always aimed at improving the quality of everyones life.DBell sent his first telephone message before he got his patent.4From the whole passage we can see that Alexander Graham Bell was a(n) person.ApoorBcreativeCrichDkind5.Wh

7、at is the main idea of the passage?AAlexander Graham Bells life.BAlexander Graham Bells life and inventions.CAlexander Graham Bells inventions.DHow Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.【答案】15CBDBB bear vt.&vi. (bore,borne)忍受;忍耐;负担(教材P24)I cannot bear the smell of burnt sausage on the barbecu

8、e.我忍受不了烤肉架上烤香肠的焦味。(1)cant bear doing/to do sth.不能忍受做某事cant bear sb./sb.s doing/to do sth.不能忍受某人做某事(2)bear a heavy burden肩负重担bear responsibility/the blame承担责任/受责备(3)bear/keep sth.in mind记住bear/keep in mind that.记住He couldnt bear to leave and cried all the way to the airport.他忍受不了离别之苦,去机场的路上一直在哭。We sh

9、ould always bear/keep in mind that many traffic accidents arise from drunk driving.我们应该牢记,很多事故都是由酒后驾驶造成的。He cant bear being laughed/to be laughed(laugh) at.他不能容忍被嘲笑。 【导学号:62320014】名师点津(1)bear 作“忍受”解时,常与can,could连用,用于疑问句或否定句中,近义词有tolerate,stand,endure等。(2)borne与born是bear的两个过去分词。表“出生”时用born,且仅用于被动语态;表

10、“生育”时用borne。 associate vt.联想;联系n.同伴;伙伴(教材P26)Although he is most often associated with the invention of the telephone,he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everybodys life.虽然人们常把他和发明电话联系起来,但是他的确是一位永不停息的探索家,不断寻求着改善人们生活质量的途径。(1)associate.with.把与联系起来be

11、associated with.与有关associate with sb.与某人交往/共事(2)association n.联合;联想;交往;协会;团体in association with.与合作/合伙I dont like you associating with such people.我不喜欢你和那些人混在一起。To some people,happiness is associated (associate) with money.对于一些人来说,幸福是与钱联系在一起的。I dont associate him with energetic sports.我不把他和剧烈的体育运动联系

12、在一起。 hang on 别挂断,坚持(教材P26)Hang on,please.请别挂断。hang on to.抓住hang up挂断电话hang around闲荡;逗留hang back (from sth.)犹豫;畏缩Dont hang back in the face of difficulties.不要因为困难而却步。Walking here after drinking can kill.Dont hang around酒后在这儿闲逛容易出人命,别闲逛了。Its hard work but if you hang on youll succeed in the end.这是件困难的

13、工作,但如果你坚持不懈,最后是能成功的。 out of order 发生故障;次序颠倒(教材P26)Im sorry,but this phone is out of order.对不起,这部电话坏了。(1)in order整齐;状况良好;适宜;按顺序(2)由out of构成的其他短语:out of breath 上气不接下气out of control 失去控制out of danger 脱离危险out of place 不合适的;不在适当位置上out of question 毫无疑问out of reach 够不着;力所不能及的out of sight 看不见;在视野之外Some of t

14、he pages in this book are out of order.这本书的一些页码次序颠倒了。When the boy returned from the race, he was already out of breath.那个男孩跑步回来时,已经上气不接下气了。Ill make sure that everything is in order when the guests arrive.客人到来时,我会确保一切都摆放整齐。 get through设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;用完;通过(教材P26)I cant get through.我没法打通电话。写出下列句中

15、get through的汉语意思I couldnt get through to him because his telephone was out of order now and then.打通电话Ive got through a lot of correspondence today.做完Its going to be hard to get through the next couple of days.度过Im afraid your daughter failed to get through her midterm exams.通过get across被理解;被传达;把讲清楚g

16、et away with做(坏事)而未受惩罚get down to 着手;开始(认真)做某事(to为介词)get over 克服get in 收获;收割How can I get it across to you people how important this is?我怎么做才能让你们这些人理解这件事的重要性呢?Its time I got down to thinking(think) about that essay.我该认真思考一下那篇论文了。 【导学号:62320015】 ring back 回电话(教材P26)Can I ring back later?我可以过会儿回电话吗?ri

17、ng up打电话ring off挂断电话ring round给(许多人)打电话ring out(声音、铃声等)响亮;下班What surprised me was that he rang off when I rang him up.让我吃惊的是我给他打电话的时候,他挂断了。 Have you paid the phone bill? Or you cant ring back.你付清话费了吗?否则不能回电话。.语境填词1I find his rudeness is so that it is almost more than I can (bear)2She protested her a

18、nd soon she was found of any crime.(innocent)3We need more ,but this computer is out of date so it is not at all.(practise)4The Chinese people are longing for and try their best to build a society so that they can live (stable)5We are working in with a local company which is with raising money for t

19、he homeless.(associate)【答案】1.unbearable;bear2.innocence;innocent 3practice;practical4.stability;stable;stably 5association;associated.选词填空set out;get through;out of order;ring back;hang on;ring off;dive into1He to do a lot of things,but didnt succeed.2Please You werent in when Jack called you.3He wo

20、rks hard and the exam.4He met some bad friends and crime.5My computer is and I have to have it repaired.【答案】1.set out2.ring back3.gets through4.dived into5.out of order(教材P25)Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind.

21、跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得你思考的东西占据着你的头脑。【要点提炼】此句属于“祈使句and陈述句”句型。(1)祈使句破折号陈述句(破折号起and的作用,从正面预测结果)(2)名词词组and陈述句(名词词组中通常含有more,another,further,earlier等词)(3)祈使句or陈述句(or表示“否则、要不然”,or可用or else或otherwise替换)Study hard and your efforts will surely pay off sooner or later.努力学习吧,你的努力迟早会有回报的。It is really very da

22、ngerous.One step,and the child will fall into the well.真危险,再多迈一步,这个小孩就会掉进井里。Take my advice,or you will regret.听我的建议,要不然你会后悔的。名师点津以上结构后面的陈述句多用表示将来意义的时态结构。句型转换1If you come in time, you will see your favorite star. and you will see your favorite star.2. We had so much homework to do that we had no time

23、 to take a rest.So much homework that we had no time to take a rest.3Call me tomorrow,and Ill let you know the lab result.If ,Ill let you know the lab result.4They didnt start until the rain stopped. the rain stopped they started. did they start.【答案】1.Come in time2.did we have to do3you call me tomorrow4.It was not until;thatNot until the rain stopped Every time you do you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before.【句式分析】【翻译】 【答案】每当你这么做的时候,你一定会发现你从未见过的东西。


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