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2013届新课标高考一轮复习(英语) 浙江专版课件:PART1 选修7 UNIT4.ppt

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1、 relevant adj.有关的;切题的根据语境感悟其用法(1)For further information see the relevant chaptersin the users booklet.阅读使用手册的相关章节可以得到更多信息。(2)These issues are directly relevant to the needs oflearners.这些问题与学习者的要求有直接关系。短语be relevant to 和有关 relevant adj.有关的;切题的链接表示“和有关”的相关短语:be related tobe connected withbe linked to

2、be associated withbe involved inhave something to do with relevant adj.有关的;切题的活用用适当的介词填空(1)Are there any special traditions associated _different seasons in your country?(2)The police arrested three young men involved_ the murder.(3)Here you should have a goal for the year related_ your life purpose

3、.relevant adj.有关的;切题的答案(1)with(2)in(3)to答案 (4)to(5)to relevant adj.有关的;切题的活用用适当的介词填空(4)Nonspeech activities are relevant _ speech.You teach the necessary movements,and practicethem,and then put them together for speech.(5)The study which comes after a report suggested thata third of all cancers are

4、linked _ diet and weight.adjust v.调整,校准;适应,习惯根据语境感悟其用法He cant adjust himself to the busy life of modern lifein this big city.他无法适应这个大都市的现代生活的忙碌。adjust v.调整,校准;适应,习惯链接adjustment n.调整;适应adjustable adj.可调整的短语adjust sth.(to sth.)调整(以适应/适合)adjust to(doing)sth.适应(做)某事adjust oneself to sth.使自己适应make an adj

5、ustment 作出调整,作出调节 adjust v.调整,校准;适应,习惯活用根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)我的表快了,我得把它校准。My watch is too fast.I have to _ it.(2)一个人很难使自己适应他人的习惯。It is difficult for someone to _othershabits.答案(1)adjust(2)adjust to adjust v.调整,校准;适应,习惯(3)她花了很长时间才适应了在美国独自生活。It took her a long time to _alone in America.(4)动物能使自己适应生存环境。Anim

6、als can _ the environment.活用根据汉语意思,完成英文句子答案(3)adjust to living(4)adjust themselves to participate v.根据语境感悟其用法(1)Not everyone who enjoys sporting events likes toparticipate in them.并非每位热爱体育赛事的人都喜欢参与其中。(2)Welcome to participate in the English SpeechContest.欢迎参加英语演讲比赛。短语participate in参加participate in s

7、th.with sb.同某人参与某事 participate v.链接participant n.参加者;共享者participation n.参与;参加 purchase vt.&n.买,购买Airline personnel can purchase flight tickets atreduced prices.航空公司的职员可以优惠价购买飞机票。链接purchasing n.购买,采购purchaser n.购买人,采购人员,买主 purchase vt.&n.买,购买短语purchase cost进货成本,购货成本purchase order订购单purchasing power购买

8、力 purchase vt.&n.买,购买活用根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)购买力指购买货品及服务的能力。_ means the ability to purchasegoods and services.(2)我得付一笔押金,这样会占压我的资金,因而会增加购买成本。I have to pay a deposit.Thatll tie up my money andincrease my _.Purchasing powerpurchase cost donate vt.捐赠根据语境感悟其用法(1)If I had one million dollars,I would donate it

9、tothe charity.(2)What would you give to keep a smile like this?To receive a smile so great,please donate!短语donate sth.to sb./sth.把某物捐给donate blood to a blood bank向血库献血链接donation n.捐赠,捐赠物;捐款donator n.捐赠者,赠送者give/make/present a donation to捐赠给send a donation to把捐款寄至 donate vt.捐赠 donate vt.捐赠活用单项填空(1)Lo

10、cal people are lining up to _ bloodfor the badly burnt girl in yesterdays big fire.A.abandonB.arrangeC.donateD.handleC donate vt.捐赠活用单项填空(2)If we all save a little money every day to_to the Project Hope,thenmanydropouts can return to school again.A.sendB.donateC.presentD.giveB operate v.根据语境猜词义(1)Mo

11、re important,it could improve the skills tooperate the computer.(2)A playgroup operates on the campus.(3)The whole tax system is now operating moreefficiently.(4)He did this although he only had permission tooperate on the right ear.根据语义找匹配A.(企业,团体)经营,营业B.(机器或设备)操作;操纵C.(系统或过程)运作;运行D.动手术;开刀答案(1)B(2)A

12、 (3)C (4)D operate v.短语operate on/upon sb.给某人动手术operate a business经营一家企业come/go into operation开始工作/运转;生效put/bring into operation实施,施行do/perform/carry out an operation实施行动be in operation在运转中,在行动中,在实施中 operate v.活用完成句子(1)What skills are needed to _(操作这台机器)?(2)The new rules _(开始生效)from next week.operat

13、e v.答案(1)operate this machine(2)come into operation(3)The system _(已经运行)for six months.(4)We will have to _(给他的眼睛动手术)operate v.活用完成句子答案(3)has been in operation(4)operate on his eyes be dying to 极想,渴望根据语境感悟其用法He is dying to be the next star in Hollywood.他渴望成为好莱坞的下一个明星。短语(1)be dying to do sth./for sth

14、.渴望得到某物类似词组:be anxious to do sth./for sth.be eager to do sth./for sth.be thirsty for sth.long to do sth./for sth.desire to do sth./have a strong desire for sth.be dying to 极想,渴望(2)有关“die”的短语die off相继死亡die away消逝;静下来die out灭绝,废除;绝迹die down平息;变弱die for ones country为国家捐躯 be dying to 极想,渴望短语活用用die的适当短语填

15、空(1)You may _ know what your new lady thinksabout you and your behavior.(2)The deer in the forest are all _ from disease.(3)The noise of the car _ in the distance.(4)Those species inadaptable to changing conditionsmay _.be dying to 极想,渴望答案(1)be dying to (2)dying off(3)died away(4)die out be dying to

16、 极想,渴望活用用die的适当短语填空 get through根据语境猜词义(1)Lets start;theres a lot of work to get throughtoday.(2)I finally managed to get through my driving test.(3)I tried ringing you several times but I couldnt getthrough.(4)dont know how were going to get through thewinter.根据语义找匹配A.通过 B.接通 C.熬过;度过 D.完成答案(1)D (2)A

17、 (3)B (4)C get through活用单项填空(1)Readers can _ quite well without knowing theexact meaning of each word.A.get overB.get inC.get alongD.get through(2)When I was very young,I was terribly frightened ofschool,but I soon _ it.A.got offB.got awayC.got acrossD.got over get throughCD活用用适当的介词填空(3)The governme

18、nt managed to get the new law _.(4)Our new manager is easy to get along _.(5)The farmers are busy getting _ cropsthese days.答案(3)through(4)with(5)in get throughShe was dying to see him again but what if hedidnt want to see her?(P32)她渴望再见到他,但是如果他不想见到她会怎样?what if在此意为“倘使将会怎样”,还有“即使又有什么要紧”之意。也可以表示建议、想法或要求。What if we won the lottery?我们要是中奖了怎么办?


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