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1、英语知识复习 拓展精练 (31)高考资源网高考资源网英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 语法和词汇(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. We all hold _ belief that those who have _wonderful sense of humor are more popular.A. the, aB. /, /C. the, /D. a, the2. I get _ in this difficult situation and dont know what to do. A. stuck B. affected C. held D. concerned 3

2、. I plan to go back home to visit my family during the Spring Festival, but if I cant get the train ticket, I still have an_ plan: to visit the museums.A. accessible B. alternative C. absolute D. available4. _ for the fire! Its OK. Ill be careful enough. A. Look out B. Watch over C. Put out D. Look

3、up5. We met an old friend in New York _our expectation. She waved at us _ the street when she saw us.A. with, inB. out of; next toC. in; out of D. beyond, from across6. With the development of science, more new technology _ to the fields of IT.A. has introduced B. is being introduced C. is introduce

4、d D. was introduced 7. It never occurred to humans until the mid1990s _ some animals can be cloned.Awhere Bwhen Cthat Dwhat 8.You will see this product made in this factory _ wherever you go.A. to be advertised B. advertised C. advertise D. advertising9. The world thinks highly of China and its peop

5、le have achieved in the last year.A. that B. which C. what D. how10. -Did you take the coat finally? - No, it was beautiful, but was out of my price _. A. control B. reach C. aim D. range11. Her question was so difficult that I could hardly make any _ of it at all.A. explanation B. difference C. sen

6、se D. impression12. Dont be so naughty! Be your _.Got it. Amanners BageCbehavior Dpoliteness13. The course normally attracts 20 students per year, up to half will be from abroad. Ain which Bfor whomCwith whichDof whom14. He took pity on the people in the flooded areas and_his clothes and quilts to t

7、hem.Agave away Bgave offCsent out Dthrew away15. -Mr. Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon. Dont you forget it!-Ok, I _. A. wont B. dont C. will D. do 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)I can honestly say it was the best of times and the worst of timesI was joyfully expecting my first

8、 child at the same time that my mother was 16 her battle with a brain tumor(瘤)For ten years, my fiercely independent and 17 mother had fought, but none of the treatments had been successful 18 , she never lost her ability to smileBut now, finally, she became totally 19 unable to speak, walk, eat or

9、dress on her ownAs she grew closer and closer to death, my 20 grew closer and closer to life inside meMy biggest 21 was that their lives would never connectI was sad not only at the 22 loss of my mother, but that she and my baby would never know each otherHer doctor did not 23 any hope; they told us

10、 her time was upWe brought Mother 24 to her own bed in her own houseAs 25 as I could, I sat beside her and talked to her about the baby moving inside meOn February 3, 1989, at about the same time my labor(分娩) _26_, Mother opened her eyesWhen they told me this at the 27 , I called her home, Mom, list

11、enThe baby is coming! Youre going to have a new grandchild!Yes! Yes! I know!Four beautiful words! The first 28 words shed spoken in months!When I 29 again an hour later, the nurse at her house told the 30_message : Mom sat up, smiling, with her oxygen tubes removedWhen I brought Jacob homeMom was si

12、tting in her chair and 31 to welcome himTears of joy blocked my vision as I 32 my son in her arms and she clucked (发出咯咯声)at himThey 33 Then she quietly clipped hack into a coma (昏迷) and 34 peacefullyMemories of my sons birth will always be 35 for me, but it was then that I learned love has the power

13、 to overcome any worries and any sorrowAnd love can last forever16Aattending Blosing Cdefending Ddefeating17Acourageous Binteresting Cfunny Dlucky18ASo BAgain CInstead DStill19Atired Bblind C. disabled Ddepressed20Asorrow Blove Cbaby Dbody21Aproblem Bdream Csurprise Dfear22Acoming Bdisappearing Cfal

14、ling Dunexpecting23Aadmit Bhold Cdrop Dpermit24Aup Baway Cabout Dhome25Asoon Bfast Cearly Doften26Astarted Bfailed Cended Dcontinued27Aoffice Bhospital Chouse Dstation28A, common Bcaring Cclear Dcorrect29Agot up Bwoke up Ccalled up Dlooked up30Aimpossible Bpossible Cnecessary Dterrible31Alikely Bready Cfree Dnervous32Ahugged Bthrew Ctook Dlaid33Ajoined Bknew Cnodded Dcried34Apassed away Bturned over Csettled down Dgave out35Aproud Bfrightening Cbittersweet Dexciting 高考资源网高考资源网 高考资源网参考答案高考资源网高考资源网单选答案; AABAD BCBCD CBDAA高考资源网完型答案: BADCC DABDD ABCCA BDBAC高考资源网高考资源网高考资源网


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