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2022四年级英语下册 Unit 4 At the farm Part A 第一课时教案1 人教PEP.doc

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1、Unit 4 At the farm1.能理解对话大意,并能以正确的语音语调朗读对话。2.能在情景中运用句型Are these? Yes, they are.What are these? They are询问物品名称并作答。3.运用They are good/so big!描述物品特点。4.结合语境理解单词carrot, tomato的意思。能在情景中运用句型Are these? Yes, they are.What are these? They are询问物品名称并作答。掌握are引导的一般疑问句,名词变复数的规则及读音。 教学挂图、教学光盘、人物头饰、教学课件1.学生们自由讨论喜爱的蔬

2、菜,为下文的正题做准备。2.围绕单词red做头脑风暴游戏。板书单词red,出示一支红色钢笔,板书 a red pen。教师问:What else can be red?引导学生说词组,如:a red bag,a red apple等。最后教师说:I know a kind of red vegetable.Its round.Its juicy. It looks like apples.What is it?教师在黑板上贴上有一个西红柿的图片,说:Look!Its a tomato.板书tomato并教读。 1.What are these?Theyre .的呈现与操练。(1)完成Lets

3、talk。教师拿出有两个西红柿的图片,对比学习,问:What are these?引导学生说:They are tomatoes.板书句子:They are tomatoes.提示tomato一词复数的变化,帮助学生理解Its a tomato.和They are tomatoes.两个句子的不同含义。(2)教师让学生结合日常生活实际,思考西红柿的特征。引导学生运用句型Theyre来描述。小组讨论,汇报交流,教师补充,教师手指西红柿描述:These are tomatoes.They are red.They are good.They are yummy.(3)同桌两人一组练习运用They

4、are描述一种水果,让大家猜一猜是什么。(4)教师继续描述:They are yellow.They are small.They are yummy,too.What are they? 教师出示黄色西红柿图片,说They are tomatoes,too.They are yellow tomatoes.(5)呈现胡萝卜的图片,教学carrots,引导学生说They are so big! 同桌结对用What are these?对red tomatoes,yellow tomatoes和carrots进行提问,并用 TheyreTheyre so!回答。2.学生呈现与操练对话。T:Are

5、 these carrots?S:Yes, they are.3.教师出示幼苗图片,问:What are these? Can you guess?引导学生用Are these?进行猜测。教师适当回答:Yes,they are.或No,they arent.4.教师播放对话的教学光盘,学生观看、跟读并分角色表演。1.完成Lets play。三人一组,完成猜一猜游戏。S1提出疑问What are these?S2负责运用句型Are they? S3回答问题。如:S1:What are these? S2:Are they tomatoes?S3:No.2.课件呈现水果图片,如苹果、梨、橘子等,问

6、Are these?请学生用Yes,they are.或No,they arent.进行判断。 将Lets talk部分对话读给家长听。Unit 4 At the farmAre these carrots?Yes, they are./No, they arent.What are these?Theyre tomatoes.Theyre red/yellow. 本课时主要学习句型Are these? Yes, they are.What are these? They are询问物品名称并作答。教师在引入课题的时候采用猜一猜游戏引出tomato。通过对比一个西红柿和两个西红柿,引出What are these? Theyre tomatoes. 和Its a tomato.的区别。然后教师通过让学生描述特征,大量练习Theyre句型。最后利用本课时另一个话题carrot,来引出句型Are these? Yes, they are. No, they arent.在巩固阶段教师利用猜一猜来复习巩固重点句型。


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