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2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Reading (II)教案 牛津译林版选择性必修第二册.doc

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1、Unit 1The mass mediaReading (II) 内容分析:本单元的话题是“大众传媒”,Reading板块以两篇新闻报道为例,论证分析了导致新闻信息差异的原因,并对如何批判性地阅读新闻报道提出建议,旨在培养学生的批判性思维能力和独立思考能力。 教学目标:By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. understand the usage of the key words and expressions:2. use the above words and expressions in new situation

2、s;3. have a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet; 教学重难点:1. Understand some new words and expressions.2. Be able to use the new words and expressions correctly. 教学过程:Step 1 Lead-inListen to the passage and underline the following key words and expressions.Step 2 Bu

3、ilding vocabulary1. Word study: release Introduce the meaning of release.v. to let sb/sthcome out of place 释放;放出v. to express feelings such as anger or worry 发泄v. to free sb from a duty 免除,解雇v. to make sth available to the public 公开,发布n.释放;发行;排放;解除;解脱a sense of release 解脱感;轻松感The factory keeps _rele

4、asing_(release) smoke, making the air dirty.Recently the bands latest album_ has been released_(release).These are the new products _released_(release) onto the market last month.She felt _a_ sense of release after the exam.2. Word study: estimate Introduce the meaning of “estimate” v. to make an ap

5、proximate judgment or calculation of it估价;估算n.估计;判断;估价estimated 估计的It is estimated that.据估计.as a rough estimate 粗略估计.1. _It_ is estimated that the project will last three years.2._As_ a rough estimate, the total cost for the treatment will probably go to 10,000 yuan.3. The satellite will cost an _es

6、timated_(estimate) 100 million yuan.4. At least the number of deaths could reach 6 and that is _a_ conservative estimate.3. Word study: critical Introduce the meaning of “critical” a similar expression.adj. saying what you think is bad 批评的;挑剔的adj. extremely important 极为重要的adj. serious and possibly d

7、angerous 严重的;有危险的adj. involving making fair and careful judgements 有判断力的be (highly) critical of.(强烈地)批评.be critical to .对.至关重要critical-critically-criticize-criticism-critic(评论家,爱挑剔的人)1. The teacher was highly critical _of_the student who failed to hand in the homework in time.2. Vocabulary is _of_ c

8、ritical signifance.3. Diligence is critical _to_ ones success.4. One of the _victims_(victim) of the fire remains in a critical condition.5.试译第四句话。大火的一位受害者依然病情危急。4. Word study: choke Introduce the meaning of “choke” together with relevant expressions.v. to be unable to breathe(使)窒息,哽噎v. to make sb f

9、eel too emotional to speak normally (尤指感情激动而)说不出话来in a choked voice 哽咽地choke on sth 吃.被噎住choke back sth 强忍住;抑制1. The baby was choking _on_a piece of toast.2. “I cant bear it any more.” he said in a _choked_(choke) voice.3. I stood there trembling and _trying_(try) to choke back the tears.5. Phrase s

10、tudy: go off Introduce the meaning of “go off”. go off 爆炸;突发巨响;停止运作1.A few minutes later the bomb went off, _destroying_(destroy) the whole building.2.As the fire alarm_went_(go) off, I grabbed my clothes and ran out.3.Unfortunately, all the lights went off all of _a_ sudden.6. Phrase study: come ab

11、outcome about 发生,产生come across 偶遇;被理解come up 出现come up with 想到(主意、建议、答案等)come down with 染上(疾病)come out 出版;开花;显现1.How did it come _about_ that he knew where we were?2.No one has come up _with_ a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs died out.3.The boy has come _down_with influenza.4.The truth about

12、 what happened is beginning to come _out_.5.The same problems come _up_ every time.6. He spoke for a long time, but his meaning did not really come _across_.7. Word study: priority Introduce the meaning of “priority” . n. sth. that you think is more important and should be dealt with first 首要事情n. th

13、e most important place among various things 优先权give priority to. 对.优先考虑take/have priority over.比.有优先性1.Nowadays the priority for travelling is shifted from shopping _to_ food and scenery.2.He always gives priority _to_ other people rather than himself.3.The search for a new vaccine will take priorit

14、y _over_ all other medical research.4.试译:Safety should always be the top priority wherever you are.无论我们身在何处,安全永远是头等大事。8.Word study: conclusion Introduce the meaning of “conclusion” together with relevant expressions.n. something that you decide when you have thought about all the information connect

15、ed with the situation or the end of sth.结论;结局conclusion-concludein conclusion/to conclude最后,总之draw/come to/reach a conclusion that. 得出结论jump/leap to the conclusion that.贸然断定1.When he brings his speech to a nice _ conclusion_(conclude), the teacher invites the rest of the class to praise him.2.We can

16、 safely draw a conclusion _that_ failure is the mother of success.3._In_ conclusion, its advantages outweigh the disadvantages.9.Word study: constantly(1) bring sth to light 揭露,披露10.Phrase study: sum upto sum up 总之similar expressionsall in allin a wordin short/briefin conclusion/to concludein summar

17、y/to summarize11.Word study: committo promise sincerely that you will definitely do sth 承诺,保证commit-committed-commitmentcommit a crime 犯罪commit suicide 自杀commit oneself to (doing) sth 承诺/致力于做某事commit . to . 把.送交/托付给.commit sth to memory 把.学好记牢1.He has committed _himself_ to the cause of education.2.

18、There are unconfirmed reports _that_ he tried to commit suicide.3.Without doubt, he is a _committed_(commit) member of the team.4.To be a good actor requires one hundred percent _commitment_(commit).12.Word study: discriminationn. the practice of treating sb less fairly than others 歧视n. the ability

19、to judge what is good 辨别力 ,鉴赏力discriminate-discriminationdiscrimination against the elderly歧视.discrimination in favor of the young厚待.learn discrimination between right and wrong 学会辨别是非1.Discrimination _against_women in the workplace would only prevent companies from high efficiency.2.试译:He showed gr

20、eat discrimination in his choice of friends.他在择友方面颇具慧眼。Step 3 Text review1.Firefighters quickly put _ out_ the Henderson Tower fire last night.2.The fire, which is thought_to have started_(start) from the 8th floor.3.A terrible fire broke out _on_ Sunday night, _ leaving_(leave) the Henderson Tower

21、seriously damaged.4.The fire has also left dozens of people _ injured_(injure), 5 of _ whom_ are in a critical condition.5.The automatic fire alarms did not go _off_quickly enough to prevent the disaster.6. We rely on news _to learn_(learn) about what is happening in the world around us.7. We usuall

22、y find that reports on the same events contain different or even _ contradictory_(contradict) information.8. It is _ advisable_(advise) to remember that journalists may have different priorities.9. Lets take the two news reports _on_ the Henderson Tower fire _as_ an example.10.When we come_ across_

23、such factual differences, we should not rush to the _ conclusion_(conclude) that one of the news reports gives false information.11.News reports written at different stages of an event could contain different information as new facts _are brought_(bring) to light.12. Therefore, checking different so

24、urces enables us to draw a more _ informed_(inform) conclusion.13. Though journalists are committed to_ presenting_(present) the truth, it is better to use our own judgement than rely _ entirely_(entire) on news reports.14. With great discrimination, every one of us has the potential _to be_(be) a critical news reader.Step 4 Consolidation1. Exercises to review the knowledge learned2. Finish B1 on P 5 教学反思


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