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2020-2021学年外研版高中英语必修5学案:MODULE 2 A JOB WORTH DOING 词汇 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、Module2 Book Word Study使用说明:1.认真研读学习目标,严格按照学法指导自主学习。2.及时上交学案供老师批阅,相关知识点及时整理到笔记上。 Learning Objectives1. To be able to read and write all the compulsory words in this module and know their variations.2. To memorize the meanings and usage of the following key phrases and important sentences and finish

2、all the exercises that follow independently.【Self-study自主学习】学法指导: 熟读Module2单词,用红笔标注出来不会读的单词两用区Task I. 词性转换v.n.adj.adv.satisfaction令人满意的:感到满意的:stress令人有压力的:感到有压力的:volunteervoluntaryrespect受尊敬的:体面的:恭敬的:各自的:freezeravailabilityavailablesignapply/appliedanalystanalyzeddemandTask II. 单词拼写1. Interest is e_

3、 (important) in language study.2. Many Chinese students from normal universities v_ to be teachers in remote and poor areas.3. I o_ $300 for the new bicycle.4. The proposal sounds fin in t_, but would it work in practice?5. You may a_ for the post in person or by e-mail.6. Nowadays, skilled workers

4、are still in great d_.7. I am writing in r_ to your advertisement for a temporary position as a waiter.8. He tried his luck to see whether there were any seats a_ in the lecture hall.9. Many companies are s_ from a shortage of skilled s_(workers).10. What accounts for a childs further development is

5、 not simply his school grades, more importantly, his p_.11. The settlers were g_ to God for they survived the cold winter.【Cooperative Learning 合作探究】1.Someone will_ (出价)20,000 yuan _ your house.2._ a higher position at IBM, he quitted his previous job. (offer)3.志愿者活动是一种你主动要求做的工作。Volunteering is a ki

6、nd of work that you _ to do.4.Thank you for_ to help, but I can manage it myself. A. providing B. supplying C. giving D. offering5. You cannot accept an opinion _ to you unless it is based on facts. A. offeringB. to offer C. having offered D. offeredoffer vt. 提供;出价offer sb sth= offer sth to sb 提供off

7、er sb money for sth 出价 vi (主动)提出(愿意做某事)offer to do sthn. 提议,建议,出价a good offer 好提议provide, supply, charge用法:_1. 他向“Teach Future China”组织申请在农村地区教英语的工作。He _ _ “Teach Future China” _ a job as an English teacher in rural areas.2. Scientific achievements _ _ _ (运用于) industrial processes.3. The poor man_ t

8、he boss _the job, but he failed.A. applied; for B. applied for; to C. applied to; for D. applied at; ofapply vt. 申请;应用;适用apply to sb for sth 向某人申请apply A to B 把A 应用于B 中apply to sb/sth 适用于某人/物application n. 申请,应用applicant n. 申请人1.The teacher demanded that all the students_(上交)their homework after cla

9、ss.2. He demanded _ (do) the work by himself. 3. His records are always_ (畅销).demand v.& n. 需要;要求,请求 demand to do sth.坚决要求做某事demand that sb (should) do sthin demand 被需要1.我昨天本要去参加Monica的生日聚会,但是我没时间。I _ _ _ to Monicas birthday party yesterday, but I was not _.2. Electricity is available _most villages

10、 in our country3. -Shall we go for a drinking at one oclock this afternoon? _.Will two oclock be OK? A. Sure ,its up to you B .Sure, no problem C .Sorry, I cant make it D. Sorry, Im not available today available adj. 可利用的;有时间的be available to 对来说是可用的make sth available to/for 使为所用根据句意总结respect 用法1. He

11、 is a much loved and highly respected teacher.2. In practice, few drivers respect the traffic rules.3. He has no respect for others feeling.4. In this respect, we are fortunate.5. The two groups are similar in respect of income.6.那些做志愿者工作的人很应该被人们尊重。(翻译)Those who do volunteering work should _.respect

12、 v. 尊敬,遵守; n. 尊重;方面a highly respected_respect the rules _have/show respect for_in this respect _ in respect of _-1.志愿者活动会给你一个改变生活的机会,包括你自己的生活。_.volunteer n.志愿者,自告奋勇着 v.自愿做,无偿做volunteer to do sth 自愿做1.Losing my job taught me never to take anything for granted.(英译汉) _2.许多人认为工作就理应得到报酬,志愿者们不这样想。Many peo

13、ple _ the one who works must be paid, however, _.take sth for granted 认为理所当然take it for granted that认为理所当然1.照看孩子占据了她的大部分空闲时间_.2. 对环境的影响取决于我们使用了多少资源,占用了多少空间The impact on the environment is determined by how much resource we use and how much room _ _ _.3. Bears _ fat stores throughout the summer and f

14、all to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep. A. pack up B. build up C. bring up D. take uptake up 占据;从事;拿起(武器);继续;提出The manager wants to see changes in the company, and I an sure he will_.A. in particular B .in turn C. in charge D. in timein particular 尤其;特别in theory 理论上in prac

15、tice 实际上in charge (of) 负责in turn 依次;轮流;反过来in time 及时;适时【Practice and Consolidation 巩固练习】翻译短文学法指导下面是一篇题为To Be a Volunteer演讲稿的要点,结合中文给出英文翻译写一篇文章首先要确定时态加粗的字体应使用本节课的短语或句型注意结束一句话的时候用句号,另起一句首字母大写或用and连接出现动词的时候,注意动词是否有人称和时态的变化。众所周知,志愿者工作就是你主动要求去做的工作。没有人给你工资。从学校到商场,从奥运会到战争,志愿者的身影随处可见。许多人认为工作就理所应当得到报酬,但是志愿者们

16、不这样想。我的一个朋友向“Teach Future China”组织申请在农村地区教英语的工作。他这样做不是为了钱,只是想为了给社会做一点贡献。志愿者工作会给了他一个改变生活的机会,当然也改变了他自己的生活。在我看来,那些做志愿者工作的人很应该被人们尊重。_ _ _ _答案:【Self-study自主学习】Task I. 词性转换v.n.adj.adv.satisfysatisfaction令人满意的:satisfying/satisfactory感到满意的:satisfiedstressstress令人有压力的:stressful感到有压力的:stressedvolunteervolunte

17、ervoluntaryvoluntarilyrespectrespect受尊敬的:respected体面的:respectable恭敬的:respectful各自的:respectivefreezefreezerfreezingfreezingavailabilityavailableavailablysignsign/signatureapplyapplication/applicantappliedanalyzeanalystanalytic/analyzeddemanddemanddemandingTask II. 单词拼写1. essential 2. volunteer 3.offe

18、r 4. theory 5. apply 6. demand7. response8. available 9. suffering; staffs/staves 10. personality 11. grateful【Cooperative Learning 合作探究】Offerprovide sb with sth; provide something for sbsupply sb with sth; supply something to sbcharge sb money for sth1. offer for 2. Offered 3. offer 4. D 5. Dapply1

19、. applied to ; for 2. are applied to 3. Cdemand1. (should) hand in 2. to do 3. in demandavailable1. would have gone, available 2. to 3. Crespect极受尊敬的; 遵守规则; 尊敬; 在这一方面;关于、涉及be respected greatlyvolunteerVolunteering/Volunteer activity gives you a chance to change lives, including your own.take for gra

20、nted1.失业这件事教会了我不再想当然。2. take it for granted that; volunteers dont think that way/ dont think so.Take up1. Looking after her baby takes up most of her spare time.2. we take up 3. Bin particularD【Practice and consolidation 巩固练习】As is known, volunteering is a kind work that you offer to do and no one p

21、ays you. From schools to stores, from Olympics to wars, volunteers are everywhere. Many people take it for granted that the one who works must be paid, however, volunteers dont think that way. One of my friends applied to “Teach Future China” for a job as an English teacher in rural areas. He didnt do it for money but simply wants to make a contribution to the society. Volunteering/Volunteer activity gives him a chance to change lives, including his own. In my opinion, those who do volunteering work should be respected greatly.


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