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2016-2017学年高中英语外研版选修6学案:MODULE 6-SECTION Ⅳ WORD版含解析.doc

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1、Section Grammar & Writing虚拟语气()阅读下列句子,体会黑体部分的用法1I wish I knew the answer to the question.2We wish we had studied harder when at school.3I wish I could fly to the moon one day.4Id rather you paid the money yourself.5Id rather she hadnt done that then.6The workers demanded that their wages (should) be

2、 increased.7The boss ordered the staff that they (should) finish the task before this Friday.8He gave the advice that we (should) do the work carefully.一、虚拟语气在宾语从句中的应用1动词wish后的宾语从句在wish后的宾语从句中,表示与现在的事实相反用一般过去时;表示与过去的事实相反用过去完成时;表示与将来事实相反用 could/would/might动词原形。I wish I were ten years younger.我希望能年轻10

3、岁。(对现在的虚拟)I wish you had come to the lecture.但愿你当时来听报告了。(对过去的虚拟)I wish all my classmates would come to the gettogether next month.我希望下个月所有的同学都来参加聚会。(对将来的虚拟)2表示主张、命令、建议、要求等词后的宾语从句中的谓语动词通常使用虚拟语气,即should动词原形,should可以省略。He demanded that he (should) be told everything.他要求将一切告诉他。名师点津当 insist 表示“坚持认为;坚持说”,

4、suggest 表示“暗示,表明”时后面的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。The girls pale face suggested that she was ill and I suggested that she go to see the doctor at once.这个女孩苍白的脸色表明她病了,我建议她马上去看医生。二、虚拟语气在主语从句中的应用1It is strange/necessary/natural/important/impossible/surprising/funny/right/ wrong/better.that.从句中用“shouldv.”,should 可以省略。It

5、is necessary that we (should)focus on developing the childrens creative ability.我们有必要着重培养孩子们的创造能力。2It is suggested/proposed/ordered/commanded/requested/required/demandedthat.从句中用“shouldv.”,should 可以省略。It is advised that the meeting(should) be put off until next week.有人建议会议推迟到下周举行。It is strange that

6、such things (should)happen in our school.奇怪地是,这样的事情竟然会发生在我们学校。It is suggested that you (should)attend the opening ceremony.有人建议你出席开幕典礼。三、虚拟语气在表语从句/同位语从句中的应用表示要求、命令、建议、意图、决定、推荐等意义的名词,如suggestion,proposal,advice,order,request 等后面的表语从句和同位语从句中,谓语动词(should)动词原形。My request is that you should apologize to

7、your teacher.我的要求是你向你的老师道歉。English teachers give advice that we should make good use of every chance to speak English.英语老师们建议我们充分利用每个机会说英语。四、虚拟语气在as if引导的从句中的应用在as if引导的方式状语和表语从句中,如果从句的动作指现在的情况,则用一般现在时;如果表示过去的动作,则用过去完成时;如果表示将来的动作,则用could/would/might动词原形。He looks as if he were an artist.他看起来真像个艺术家。He

8、 spoke English as if he had studied it in England before.他英语说得宛如他以前在英国学过一样。五、虚拟语气在if only引导的感叹句中的应用if only引导的感叹句,谓语动词要采用虚拟语气,其谓语构成与wish后的宾语从句中的谓语相同。If only the banks would lend money without limit!但愿银行能无限地贷款!.单句语法填空 【导学号:38300041】1I wish he (be) with us at this special moment.2How I wish I (follow)

9、my parents advice.3She wishes she (admit) to a famous university this year.4She treat the orphan very well as if he (be)her own child.5It is suggested that the meeting (put)off till next Monday.【答案】1.were2.had followed3.would be admitted4.were5.(should)be put.单句改错1My suggestion is that we would go t

10、o Yunnan for sightseeing. 2How I wished I studied hard last term. 3He failed in the exam again.If only he has worked harder. 4I would rather he finished the work yesterday. 5He talks as if he knows everything in the world.In fact he knows little. 【答案】1.wouldshould2.第二个I后加had3.hashad4.he后加had5.第一个kno

11、wsknew如何写影视评论1概念:电影评论简称影评,属于夹叙夹议的议论文。是对一部电影的导演、演员、摄影技术、剧情、环境进行分析和评论。2内容安排:(1)第一段对电影的名称、特点、导演等做简单的介绍。(2)第二段主要是情节概述。(3)第三段选择性地从不同角度对电影的主题、情节、人物形象的塑造等方面有针对性地发表个人的看法。(4)最后对电影进行总的评价。亮点句式.引入话题的常用句式Last weekend I watched the film.It is a sad(love/thriller/wuxia/adventure.) film.is a film which was directed

12、 by.The film is set in.The movie mainly tells us a story that.The main characters are.is widely considered the greatest film ever directed in any language.发表自己的感想的常用句式After watching the movie.,Im deeply impressed by., because.is a film which is an unforgettable one and a story of courage and sacrifi

13、ce.He/She has never made one with such a strong message.In a word, the film is a success/failure.After all, I think.is(not) worth seeing.Do you want to have a try?.靓句必背1There is no doubt that war is cruel.毫无疑问,战争是残酷的。2Only in peace can people enjoy a happy life.只有在和平中人们才能幸福地生活。3As is known to all,pe

14、ace is the goal of the whole world.众所周知,和平是全世界的目标。4In conclusion,the international agreement should be made to prevent the world from the war.总之,应该制定阻止战争的国际约定。5The war lasted for a month before the big country occupied the whole country.战争持续了一个月,大国最终占领了整个国家。6Everyone should take on his responsibilit

15、y for his family and his country.每个人都应该担负自己对家庭和国家的责任。【写作任务】根据以下信息,写一篇关于电影勇敢的心的影评:电影名Braveheart导演Mel Gibson主要演员Mel Gibson饰演William WallaceSophie Marceau饰演Princess IsabellePatrick Mc Goohan饰演King Edward 剧情13世纪晚期,英王爱德华一世自称苏格兰国王。威廉华莱士为苏格兰的自由而战,挥舞宝剑,利用影响力打败英王的军队。公主伊莎贝拉多次拯救威廉华莱士于危难,两人因此相爱。评价虽然有血腥的场面,但这是一部

16、反战影片。电影表达了主人公纯洁的爱情、无畏的勇气。其优秀的演员、波澜起伏的情节、壮观的动作和爱情场面都深深地吸引着观众。注意:词数100左右参考词汇:壮观 spectacle审题谋篇体裁影评话题关于电影勇敢的心的评论时态一般现在时和一般过去时人称第三人称遣词造句.词汇1match with与匹配2Its worthwhile to do.值得做3fight for为而战4. fall in love with爱上5freedom自由6defeat打败.句式1这部电影值得一看。Its worthwhile to see the film.2最后他们相互爱上了对方。Eventually,they

17、fell in love with each other.3总之勇敢的心给了我们一次精彩的、感动的体验。In conclusion,Braveheart offers us an exciting and touching experience.妙笔成篇 Braveheart directed by Mel Gibson is a success for its grand actions and scenes of romantic.Its worthwhile to see the film.William Wallace (Gibson),a hero of Scottish histo

18、ry,fought for the freedom in the late 13th century.He defeated King Edward (Patrick Mc Goohan) using his sword and influence.In the film Princess Isabelle (Sophie Marceau) helped William many times to avoid danger.Eventually,they fell in love with each other.Despite some bloody scenes, it is an anti

19、war film.The film expresses the character of pure love,fearless courage.In addition,the excellent actors,the ups and downs of the film plots,the splendid actions and love scenes make it a success.In conclusion Braveheart offers us an exciting and occasionally touching experience.学业分层测评(十八).完成句子1医生建议

20、我们多注意自己的身体。Doctors gave us some advice that our health.2我希望昨天见到那个影星了。I wish(that) yesterday.3那个人坚持说他没有偷钱。The man insisted that the money.4如果上周我听从她的建议就好了。If only I last week.5我真希望他们没有听到这个消息。I would rather the news.【答案】1.we (should)pay attention to2.I had met that film star3.he had not/never stolen 4h

21、ad taken her advice5.they hadnt heard of.阅读理解AThroughout July, 1945, the Japanese mainland,from Tokyo on Honshu northward to the coast of Hokkaido,was bombed as if an invasion were about to take place.In fact, something far more threatening was at hand, as the Americans were telling Stalin at Potsda

22、m.In 1939 physicists in the United States had learned of experiments in Germany demonstrating the possibility of atomic power and understood the potential damage of an atomic bomb.On August 2,1939, Albert Einstein warned President Roosevelt of the danger of Nazi Germanys advances in development of t

23、he atomic bomb.Eventually, the US.Office of Scientific Research and Development was created in June 1941 and given combined responsibility with the war department in Manhattan Project to develop a nuclear bomb.After four years of intensive research and development efforts,an atomic device was set of

24、f on July 16,1945,in a desert area at Alamogordo, New Mexico, generating an explosive power equal to that of more than 15,000 tons of TNT.Thus, the atomic bomb was born.Truman, the new US.president, believed that this terrible object might be used to defeat Japan in a way less costly of US.lives tha

25、n a conventional invasion of the Japanese homeland.Japans unsatisfactory response to the Allies Potsdam Declaration decided the matter.On August 6,1945, an atomic bomb carried from Tinian Island in the Marianas in a specially equipped B29 was dropped on Hiroshima, at the southern end of Honshu.The c

26、ombined heat and blast destroyed everything in the explosions immediate neighborhood,generated spontaneous fires that burned out almost 4.4 square miles completely, and killed between 70,000 and 80,000 people,in addition to injuring more than 70,000 others.A second bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August

27、 9, killed between 35,000 and 40,000 people,injured a like number, and ruined 1.8 square miles.1What is the main idea of the passage?AAfter intensive research and development efforts,an atomic device was born.BThe birth and use of the atomic bomb to end the Second World War.CAn invasion was about to

28、 take place with the use of the atomic bomb.DAn atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.【解析】主旨大意题。文章第一、二段讲的是原子弹的诞生,第三段讲的是原子弹的使用。【答案】B2Albert Einstein warned Roosevelt Athat Nazi Germany was about to succeed in making an atomic bombBof the possibility of atomic power from Nazi GermanyCof Japans unsatisf

29、actory response to the Allies Potsdam DeclarationDof destruction of everything from the explosion of the atomic bomb【解析】细节理解题。由文章第二段“On August 2,1939,Albert Einstein warned President Roosevelt of the danger of Nazi Germanys advances in development of the atomic bomb.”可以看出选B。【答案】B3What made the US.de

30、cide to drop the atomic bombs over Japan?ATruman became the president of the United States.BThe atomic bomb had a great destruction power.CThe US.wanted to reduce the cost of its lives.DThe US.was not content with Japans response.【解析】细节理解题。由文章第二段“Japans unsatisfactory response to the Allies Potsdam

31、Declaration decided the matter.”可以看出选D。【答案】D4How many people were killed by the two bombs dropped in Japan?ABetween 70,000 and 80,000 people.BBetween 35,000 and 40,000 people.CBetween 105,000 and 120,000 people.DBetween 140,000 and 150,000 people.【解析】细节理解题。由文章第三段“killed between 70,000 and 80,000 peo

32、ple”与“killed between 35,000 and 40,000 people”可以得出C。【答案】CBHow far would you be willing to go to satisfy your need to know? Far enough to find out your possibility of dying from a terrible disease? These days thats more than an academic question, as Tracy Smith reports in our Cover Story.There are no

33、w more than a thousand genetic(基因的)tests, for everything from baldness to breast cancer, and the list is growing.Question is, do you really want to know what might eventually kill you? For instance,Nobel Prizewinning scientist James Watson,one of the first people to map his entire genetic makeup, is

34、 said to have asked not to be told if he were at a higher risk for Alzheimers(老年痴呆症)“If I tell you that you have an increased risk of getting a terrible disease, that could weigh on your mind and make you anxious, through which you see the rest of your life as you wait for that disease to hit you.It

35、 could really mess you up.”said Dr.Robert Green, a Harvard geneticist.“Every ache and pain,” Smith suggested,“could be understood as the beginning of the endThats right.If you ever worried you were at risk for Alzheimers disease,then every time you cant find your car in the parking lot,you think the

36、 disease has started.”Dr.Green has been thinking about this issue for years.He led a study of people who wanted to know if they were at a higher genetic risk for Alzheimers.It was thought that people who got bad news would, for lack of a better medical term, freak outBut Green and his team found tha

37、t there was “no significant difference” between how people handled good news and possibly the worst news of their lives.“In fact, most people think they can handle it.People who ask for the information usually can handle the information, good or bad,”said Green.5The first paragraph is meant to Aask

38、some questionsBintroduce the topicCsatisfy readers curiosityDdescribe an academic fact【解析】推理判断题。通过两个问题引出话题。【答案】B6According to Paragraphs 3 and 4,if a person is at a higher genetic risk,it is Aadvisable not to let him knowBimpossible to hide his diseaseCbetter to inform him immediatelyDnecessary to r

39、emove his anxiety【解析】推理判断题。根据这两个自然段可知,如果你提前被告知将来可能患某种可怕的疾病会使你精神崩溃。【答案】A7The underlined part “freak out” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “ ”Abreak downBdrop outCleave offDturn away【解析】词义猜测题。根据下文But的转折,以及no significant difference可知,freak out的意思是A(精神垮掉)。【答案】A8The study led by Dr.Green indicates

40、 that people Aprefer to hear good newsBtend to find out the truthCcan accept some bad newsDhave the right to be informed【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段“In fact,most people think they can handle it.”可知答案选C。【答案】C.语法填空 【导学号:38300056】Years ago,when I was a poor artist trying to sell my paintings in local galleries,I 1.

41、 (live)in the heart of a city.The rent for my apartment was really cheap 2. it was in the middle of one of the busiest neighborhoods in town.People who visited me used to ask me 3. I could sleep.“Doesnt the sound of the traffic bother you?How can you get used to 4. much noise?” You see,there were al

42、so rows and rows of shops and bars playing loud music day and night and my apartment was above a really loud and noisy 5. But I found it all fascinating.If I were ever short 6. cash and couldnt afford to do anything much,which in those days was usually the case,I could always go outside and take 7.

43、look around.You see,there were always a great number of tourists visiting the shops,so I could always find someone 8. (interest)to talk with.And Joe,the owner of the bar below me,could always give me a little money to survive on in exchange for 9. (do) a few odd jobs for him.At the time,I suppose,I

44、thought I was poor.Sometimes,we dont realize how 10. (fortune)we are,do we?【语篇解读】作者是一个穷困潦倒的画家,住在嘈杂的闹市区。难以继日时,Joe会施以援手,这让作者感到非常幸运。1【解析】考查一般过去时。本文描述的是多年前的事,因此用一般过去时。【答案】lived2【解析】考查连词。“我”的公寓的房租很便宜,因为“我”住在最繁忙之一的街区里。【答案】because3【解析】考查引导词。根据语境可知,此处表示“拜访我的人常问我是怎样睡着的”。【答案】how4【解析】考查固定结构。“so much不可数名词”意为“如此

45、多的”。【答案】so5【解析】考查代词。“我”住的公寓在一个很吵闹的商店/酒吧上面。one代指商店或酒吧。【答案】one6【解析】考查介词。be short of意为“缺少/短缺”。【答案】of7【解析】考查固定短语。take a look意为“看一看”,是固定结构。【答案】a8【解析】考查形容词。根据语境可知,此处表示“我找到某个有趣的人去交谈”。【答案】interesting9【解析】考查非谓语动词。介词“for”后应跟动词ing形式。【答案】doing10【解析】考查词性转换。根据语境可知,此空应填其形容词形式。【答案】fortunate.短文改错Tina and I had been

46、good friend for years.We often did things together,so one day Tina didnt talk to me and just sat by herself.I dont know what was wrong.I thought about what I had done and said recent.Was Tina upset because I had done well in the history test than her?No,she was happy that I did well in school.I deci

47、ded find out what was the matter.I walked over to there Tina was sitting.“Tina,”I said softly,“is anything wrong?”He answered sadly,“Yes,my cat died on last night.”I finally knew the reason what she didnt talk to me and comforted her.【答案】Tina and I had been good for years.We often did things togethe

48、r, one day Tina didnt talk to me and just sat by herself.I know what was wrong.I thought about what I had done and said .Was Tina upset because I had done in the history test than her?No,she was happy that I did well in school.I decided find out what was the matter.I walked over to Tina was sitting.“Tina,”I said softly,“is anything wrong?” answered sadly,“Yes,my cat died on last night.”I finally knew the reason she didnt talk to me and comforted her.


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