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《优选整合》人教版高中英语必修2 UNIT 2 THE OLYMPIC GAMES PERIOD 2 教案1 .doc

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1、Unit 2 the Olympic Games learning about language导学案1 what 引导名词性从句 (主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句)1.1. 引导主语从句What we need is more time. 我们所需要的是更多的时间.What really matters is the way of solving the problem rather than the answer. 真正重要的是解决问题的方法,而不是问题的答案。1.2. 引导宾语从句They have done what they can to help me. 为了帮助我,他们

2、做了他们能做的事。I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ( Voltaire )我不同意你说的话,但我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。(伏尔泰)1.3. 引导表语从句That is what I want to tell you. 那就是我想告诉你的事儿.Knowledge and wisdom are what I have lived for. 知识与智慧是我平生所追求的。1.4. 引导同位语从句They have no idea at all what he is w

3、orking on. 他们一点儿都不知道他正在做什么.You have no idea what I suffered. 你不知道我所遭受的痛苦.通过以上例句及解释我们可以得出:what常用来引导名词性从句,即主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句.what在引导名词性从句时有两个重要的特点:一是它在相应的名词性从句中一定有含义,常表示“什么”,“所的”,“的样子”等.二是它在相应的名词性从句中一定做成分,而且常做主语,宾语或表语.练习:1) 你的所作所为深深伤了你父母的心。 2) 我根本不知道老师在讲些什么。 3) 这个小女孩不再是过去的样子了。 2. howoften howlong h

4、owsoon howfar howmany how much 用法比较How often有“多久一次”的意思。是就做某事的频率提问。对其回答一般是:Twice a year/ Three times a week 等How long表示“时间多久或物体多长”。表示时间侧重指“一段时间”。回答一般是时间段,如“forthreedays”,“threeyears”How far 是提问“路程有多远”,询问距离的。How soon表示 “多久之后”,侧重某人某事能多快时间完成。回答一般: “ in + 时间段”,如 “ in two days”How much/ many 分别针对不可数名词和可数名

5、词数量进行提问 练习:1) A: do you go home? B: Usually, once a month.2) A: have you studied English? B: For 10 years.3) A: Lucy, your cell phone looks very nice, is it. B: Only 998 yuan.4) A: is it from your house? B: It is 5 kilometers.5) A: workers took part in the strike yesterday, do you know? B: It is rep

6、orted that 12,000 .3. 每隔的一些表达3.1 “every基数词(大于或等于2)复数名词” 意思是“每”。 The old man went to hospital every . 那老汉每五天每隔四天就去看一次病.There are buses to the station every ten minutes.每十分钟每隔九分钟就有公共汽车去火车站.3.2. “every序数词(大于或等于2)单数名词”意思是“每第”The Olympic Games are held every fourth year. 奥林匹克运动会每四年每隔三年举办一次。He comes to se

7、e his uncle every .他每三周每隔两周来看望他的叔叔。3.3. “every other 基数词(大于或等于2) 复数名词” 意思是“每隔”I had to sit down and take a rest every other four minutes. 我每隔4分钟就得坐下休息。3.4. “every other 零基数词(等于1)单数名词” 意思是“每隔一”。 Take this medicine every other day. 这药每两天每隔一天服一次。Please write down these new words on every other line. 请把

8、这些生词隔行写下来。3.5. “every few 复数名词” 意思是“每隔几” He came to see me every few days. 他每隔几天来看我一次。He stopped and turned around every few meters. 他每走几步就停下来向四周看一看。注意: 在表达“每隔”时 every 不与 a few , some , many ,several 也不能用each来替代every。4. 表语从句中 why because that选用Why为疑问副词,其所问的是某事之所以发生的原因.Because为表示原因的连词,其引导的从句表示原因。主语是r

9、eason 时,表语从句只能用that引导练习:1)It rained heavily yesterday. Thats we didnt have the football match2)We didnt have the football match. Thats it rained heavily yesterday.3)Believe it or not, the reason for my coming late was I was caught by a UFO.4)This is the reason she told me 5)This is the reason she fe

10、els so happy. 5. 强调句归纳例如:Jack, together with Anny went to the zoo by bus on May 1st.1.陈述句的强调句型:It is/ was + 被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+ that/ who+ 其它部分。It was that Jack, together with Anny went to the zoo on May 1st . (强调方式)2、一般疑问句的强调句型:先变陈述句,再把is/ was提到it前面。 , together with Anny went to the zoo by bus on M

11、ay 1st. (对主语疑问强调)3、特殊疑问句的强调句型:被强调部分(通常是疑问代词或疑问副词)+ is/ was + it + that/ who + 其它部分? was it that you came to Zhangjiang. 你是什么时候来湛江的。not until 句型的强调句为It is/ was not until + 被强调部分 + that + 其它部分It was not until his wife came back he went to bed.Not until his wife came back he go to bed. 强调谓语要用助动词do/ doe

12、s/ did 来完成.Look, so many spelling mistakes in your writing. be careful next time. finish your papers today. We will check them tomorrow. 6. 表示某人也是/不是如此小结.6.1 So+be/助动词/情态动词+主语 表“也如此”My sister has gotten a new MP5, so I. 6.2 Nor/neither+be/助动词/情态动词+主语 表“也不”Lina cant sovle this problem in 3 minutes, h

13、er deskmate.6.3 当陈述内容不是一种行为,为至少两个句子。通常谓语动词类型不同或者肯否定不同时。用 it is/was the same with sb或者是so it is/was with sb.句型。Li Lei is 15 years old and he doesnt like talking too much. It is the same with Xiaohua. 但如果so强调前面所说的情况的真实性时,其结构是“so主语助动词系动词情态动词”,这里的主语同前一个句子的主语指的是同一人或物。练习:1)She knows little Chinese,so she

14、does 她汉语懂得不多。她的确如此。2)Wang Xiaomings father and mother are both doctors, (李明也一样)3)A: Li Hua is poor at English. B: So . He doesnt know how many letters there are in English.4)They will not go to school on Sunday, (我们也一样)5)Rose got married to a foreigner and had a son,. (她的双胞胎姐姐也一样)7. not only but als

15、o ”是一个并列连词词组,其意思基本等于“both and ”,但侧重点放在“but also”上,另外该词组使用时须遵守一定的规则,如要求对称,倒装及主谓一致等。The place was not only cold, but also damp. 连接表语She likes not only music but also sport. 连接宾语We have to study not only on weekdays but also on Saturday. 连接状语He not only read the book, but also remembered he read. 连接谓语N

16、ot only you but also I am hungry. Not only I but also you wrong. 连接主语与此相似就近一致的还有 eitheror. neithernor whetheror 和 there be 句型 Either you or Tom going to send this letter to the post office. not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构练习: 1)Not only rich, but she is also pretty and wise.2)Not only has our society change

17、d, but the people in it have changed.8. As well as 连接主语时,谓语根据前一个主语确定。类似还有with, along with, together with, as well as, besides, like, without, except (but), including等练习:1)Tracy, like many girls, (love) singing and dancing.2)No one except (but) me (know) about this news.3)All the students, including

18、Tom, (buy) a personal computer by now 9. 倒装句子总结9.1. Here, there, now, then, thus, out, in ,up, down, away,等副词置于句首, 谓语动词(谓语动词通常不带助动词或情态动词), 常用be, come, go, lie, run。Here comes the bus. Here it comes.Away went the boy. Away he went.9.2. 地点状语置于句首On the hill stands a big tree.In the front of our class i

19、s a China map.练习:Under a big tree _, half asleep. A. did sat a fat man B. a fat man sat C. did a fat man sat D. sat a fat man9.3. 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, hardly, not until, at no time, by no time, few, little, scarcely, in no way, no longer, nowhere, not frequently, not often, on no account(决不

20、), rarely, seldom, Not onlybut also等.Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.Nowhere can you buy such a cheap dictionary. Not until the child fell asleep the mother leave the room.9.4. so, neither, nor 表.也一样-Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?-I dont know, _.A. nor dont I careB. nor do I c

21、areC. I dont care neitherD. I dont care also9.5. only加状语放在句首要倒装的情况Only by reading more can we improve our English. 练习:1) 只有星期天她才有空。 2) Little_abouthimwhenIfirstmethiminthatcompany. A) haveIknown B)hadIknown C)doIknow D)didIknow3) Atnotime,andundernocircumstances_thefirsttousenuclearweapon. A)Chinawi

22、llbe B)willbeChina C)willChinabe D)shallChinabe 4) OnlywhenDaviddiditasecondtime_. A)herealizedhismistake B)hewasrealizinghismistake C)didherealizehismistake D)hedidrealizehismistake 5) Factoryworkershavetoworkveryhard,_. A)farmersdoso B)farmersworkso C)sohardfarmers D)sodofarmers10. As.as 用法总结 表示 和

23、.一样 10.1 asso形容词或副词原级as “和一样”。This book is as as that one. He runs as as Liu Xiang. 10.2 As much +a/an +单数可数名词 或者 as much +不可数名词Teaching is as much art as sculpture. 教学与雕刻一样,是一门艺术。John takes as much responsibility as you do. 约翰和你承担一样多的责任I havent got much money as I thought. 我没得到我所想象的那么多钱。10.3 As man

24、y + 可数名词复数+as 或者 As much +不可数名词+asI have as fiends as you. I wish I can own as money as Bill Gates.10.4 times as +adj/adv +as 表达是的几倍 (倍数必须放在计较结构之前)The price of cooking oil is 5 times as expensive as it was 10 years ago.Your house is twice as big as mine. A car runs 12 times as fast as a man walks.11

25、. use to do sth 用.来做 used to do sth 过去常常做某事 be used to do sth 被用来做某事 be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 练习:1) Tom, as well as other boys in his village (go) swimming in the river . 2) We money (buy) whatever we need. 3) I am still not (get) up at 6 oclock in the morning. 4)Bricks are often used to (build) house, but they can (protect) ourselves sometimes.


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