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2012届福建人教版学海导航新课标高中总复习(第1轮)英语课件:PART3 训练9——12.ppt

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2012届福建人教版学海导航新课标高中总复习(第1轮)英语课件:PART3 训练9——12.ppt_第1页
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2012届福建人教版学海导航新课标高中总复习(第1轮)英语课件:PART3 训练9——12.ppt_第2页
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2012届福建人教版学海导航新课标高中总复习(第1轮)英语课件:PART3 训练9——12.ppt_第3页
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1、1.拥有美德 _ 2.依我看 _ 3.承担责任 _ 4.没责任心 _ 5.摆在首位 _ 6.很有价值 _ 7.追求学业成绩 _ 8.同甘共苦 _ 9.专心工作 _10.指出错误 _11.与相处得好 _12.向他人学习 _1.uphold the virtues 2.in ones eyes/opinion 3.take the responsibility for 4.escape from responsibilities 5.on the top 6.of great value 7.pursue the academic performance 8.share pleasure(joys

2、)and sadness(sorrows)with 9.focus on the work 10.point out the mistake 11.get along well with 12.learn much from the partners by1.信任将给予我们自尊和友谊。(as well as)_ 2.要肩负这些重任,我们必须要保持朴素和艰苦奋斗的精神。(to shoulder)_3.有责任感的人绝不是一个懒惰的人。(with)_4.许多学生埋头在他们的网上游戏是不对的。(It iswrong for sb.to do sth.)_5.每个人都必须承担自己的责任并忠于职守。(be

3、devoted to)_1.Trust will give us selfrespect as well as socialcompanionship.2.To shoulder some heavy responsibilities,we mustkeep a style of plain living and hard struggle.3.A person with a sense of responsibility can never be alazy one.4.It is wrong for many students to plant themselves inonline ga

4、mes.5.Everyone must take on his own responsibilities andbe devoted to his/her own position.一个好的学生应该具有许多优秀品质(如下图所示),你认为哪个或哪两个是最重要的呢?为什么?请分析原因,并结合自己的生活实际,写下你的感悟。提示词:Passion(热情)、Self Discipline(自制力)、Perseverance(毅力);注意:1.文章连贯,条理清楚,详略得当;2.分析原因,结合实际,写出真情实感;3.词数:120左右。_One possible version:Being responsib

5、le,honest and hardworking is ofgreat importance to a good student.Personally speaking,I strongly believe that honesty is the most importantamong dozens of good qualities.As the proverb says,“Honesty is the best policy”The most important element in human relationships,whether business or personal,is

6、honesty.Here is one of my secrets.I once lied to myparents because of my poor scores.Having known thefact that I failed to pass the exam from teachers,theydidnt scold me but pointed out my mistake.Theyencouraged me to study hard,showing their deep love.Later I choose to be frank.It is better to stic

7、k to thetruth!From then on,I have kept the following in my mind:If it is not true,dont say it.If it is not right,dont do it.Honesty is not only the best policy,but also a principle,which is absolutely essential for the good and happyliving of life.1.热烈的讨论 _ 2.从早到晚 _ 3.进行课间休息 _ 4.消除疲劳 _ 5.与随意的聊天 _ 6.

8、到户外散步 _ 7.平衡学习和业余时间 _ 8.充分利用时间 _ 9.受他人打搅 _10.参加更多的课外活动 _11.表格所示 _12.享受更健康的生活 _1.a heated discussion 2.from early morning till late afternoon 3.take a tenminute break 4.get rid of tiredness 5.have a free chat with 6.take a walk outside 7.balance ones spare time and studies 8.make full use of time 9.g

9、et disturbed by others 10.go in for more outofclassroom activities 11.be shown in the chart 12.enjoy a healthier life1.这是调查的结果。(here)_2.我们所需要的是好好地休息,而不是变得更疲劳。(主语从句)_ 3.同时,还有15%的学生对这个问题没有给出明确的回答。(at the same time)_4.我做了一个关于我们班学生在校午休活动的调查。(定语从句)_5.对我们学生而言中午好好休息以便于精力充沛进行下午的学习是很有必要的。(it 的用法)_1.Here is t

10、he result according to the survey.2.What we need is to have a real rest,instead of gettingmore tired.3.At the same time,still 15 percent of the students donthave a clear answer to the question.4.I had a survey about the activities the students of ourclass did at noon at school.5.Its necessary for us

11、 students to have a good rest atnoon so that we will be energetic to attend lessons in theafternoon.你的外籍老师想要了解中国学生的午睡情况,为此你在同学中进行了一次问卷调查。请根据下表中的内容(打的选项为大多数人的选择),用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍调查结果,并就此谈谈你的看法。注意:1.对所给要点不要简单翻译,可以有适当发挥。2.词数120左右。短文的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。3.参考词汇:午睡 take a nap after lunch午睡情况调查表1.你有午睡习惯吗?A.有 B没有2

12、.你大约何时开始午睡?A.12:00 B.12:30 C.13:003.你通常午睡多久?A约15分钟 B.约30分钟C约60分钟4.你通常在什么地方午睡?A教室 B.家中 C.宿舍5.你认为午睡有好处吗?A.有 B.没有 C.不确定_One possible version:Recently I have conducted a survey on taking a napafter lunch among my classmates.Most of them are in the habit of sleeping for a while atnoon as they believe it

13、does good to them.Themajority prefer to do so around 12:30 and the napusually lasts for about 30 minutes.They often chooseto sleep at home instead of in their classroom ordormitory.Hopefully,the result of my survey can draw theattention of our parents and school.Since moststudents are in need of a n

14、ap,proper arrangementsshould he made so that students can have a good restafter a whole mornings hard work.Students shouldnot be asked to do extra schoolwork during this periodof time.After all,with a nap after lunch,one can feelrefreshedandenergeticenoughtostudymoreefficiently in the afternoon.1.更重

15、要的是 _2.开创事业 _3.随着人们健康意识的提高 _4.学会必修的知识和技能 _5.一生中最美好的日子 _6.对表示感激 _7.在过去的三年时间里 _8.目的是 _9.最后但同等重要的是 _10.高收入的人群 _11.起重要作用 _12.与交谈 _1.more importantly 2.start a career 3.with peoples awareness of healthy life raised 4.get the required knowledge and skills 5.the best time of ones life 6.show ones gratitude

16、 to 7.in the past three years 8.for the purpose of 9.last but not least 10.highlypaid people 11.play an important part 12.have a talk with1.虽然我有了更多的自由,但同时我意识到作为成人不仅意味着这一点更意味着责任。(although)_2.我一直梦想大学毕业后成为一名优秀的医生。(dream of)_3.做完这些事,我的高中生活就不会留有遗憾了。(with 独立结构)_ 4.还有一些我特别珍惜的事。(定语从句)_5.为了不留遗憾,我会征求我的同学给我提些有

17、价值的建议。(in order to)_1.Although I can enjoy more freedom,at the same timeI realize that being a grownup not only means this,but also more responsibilities.2.Ive been dreaming of becoming an excellent doctorafter graduating from university.3.With these things done,I will have no regrets in myhigh scho

18、ol life.4.Theres something more that I especially treasure.5.In order to leave school with no regrets,Ill ask myclassmates for some advice which may be of great valueto me.从学校毕业,或上大学,或步入社会,毕业意味 着 前 进,意 味 着 选 择。请 以 Graduation andMoving on为题,写一篇120词左右的毕业感言。首句已经给出,不计入总词数。要求:1.毕业前活动:照相、留言等;2.心情(依依不舍,又要前

19、进)及原因等。Graduation and Moving onGraduation is a time when we move on,fromschool to university,or out into the real world._One possible version:Graduation and Moving onGraduation is a time when we move on,fromschool to university,or out into the real world.Before graduating from school,We usually have

20、 avariety of activities,like taking pictures,leavingencouraging words to one another in memory of ourfriendship,or giving presents to our teachers toexpress our thanks and show respect.However,I have mixed emotions about moving on.I want to stay and have more fun with my friends,but Ihave to move on

21、.Graduation means taking a stepforward moving onward and upward.Thus I canlearn more and will be more skilled and experienced.Graduation is coming whether we are ready or not.Lets make efforts so that our dream will come true.1.太多压力 _2.有更好的理解 _3.促使我们做某事 _4.属于我们自己的 _5.创造更好的环境 _6.进行面对面的交谈 _7.投入到学习当中 _

22、8.愉快的环境 _9.在智力和体力上得到发展 _10.有助于我们性格的培养 _11.只有这样 _12.有影响,起作用 _1.too much stress 2.have a better understanding 3.push us to do sth.4.of ones own 5.create a better environment 6.have a hearttoheart talk 7.throw oneself into study 8.an enjoyable environment 9.develop mentally and physically 10.help ones

23、character building 11.only in this way 12.make a difference1.我们希望他们不要给我们施加太多的压力和一些我们不喜欢的东西。(lay)_2.作为父母他们应该信任我们就像我们信任他们一样。(as much as)_3.大多数的学生在遇到困境的时候会选择向同龄的人求助。(of the same age)_ 4.有困难时我们最好求助于老师、父母、朋友或同学。(when in trouble)_5.给予我们更多自己思考的时间是更妥当的做法。(Its better to do sth.)_ 1.We wish them not to lay to

24、o much stress on us andwhat we dont enjoy.2.As parents,they should trust us as much as wed liketo trust them.3.Most of the students will turn to their friends almostof the same age when in trouble.4.When in trouble wed better ask our teachers,parents,friends or classmates for help.5.Its better to be

25、 given more free time to think forourselves.假如你校最近就家长应该如何对待孩子的问题进行了调查,结果如下:请根据图表1中提供的信息描述调查结果,并针对图表2的其中一个数据所反映的情况写出你的看法。注意:1.文章的开头已经给出。2.词数120字左右。参考词汇:图表 chartRecently our school has conducted a survey amongthe students about how parents treat their children._One possible version:Recently our school

26、 has conducted a survey amongthe students about how parents treat their children.According to Chart 1,three behaviors from parentsare considered most welcome among the students.33.5%of the students feel happy that their parents trustthem,layingabasicfoundationforfamilycommunication.31.7%are content

27、to be in the equalposition with their parents.Whats more,22.7%feelhappy to receive constant praise or encouragement.As is shown in Chart 2,32%of the students thinktheir parents expect too much of them,especially intheir studies.While all parents love their children andwant the best for them.With too much pressure,however,some children will feel they have failed ifthey are not accepted at a top school or university.I think parents should have practical expectationsfor their children.This way,the children will feelmore confident and really make a difference in thefuture.


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