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2015-2016学年高一英语北师必修3单元训练:第七单元过关检测 WORD版含答案.docx

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1、第七单元过关检测.阅读理解AMany people believe sharks are dangerous and will always try to hurt or even kill humans.In fact,94 percent of the worlds species are harmless to humans.A shark exhibition at the National Aquarium(水族馆) in Baltimore,US proves this.Visitors can touch young sharks,see their eggs develop a

2、nd watch a dozen different species swim smoothly around a huge tank.Most people fail to realize that shark attacks dont happen very often.Humans are more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark.And to make this point clear,the museum has set up a special touching pool for children.There,kid

3、s can learn,from an early age,not to fear sharks.They can watch them develop inside the eggs and feel the skins of them.“People fear what they dont know,”said Nancy Hotchkiss,an organizer of the exhibition,which runs till December.“Sharks have been around for 400 million years and play an important

4、role in the oceans food chain.We want people to discover that sharks are amazing animals that need our respect and protection.”Its shocking that 100 million sharks are killed every year by humans around the world.A study,published in January in the US magazine Science,found that almost all recorded

5、shark species have fallen by half in the past eight to fifteen years.Thousands of sharks are hunted in Asia for special foods,such as shark fin soup.And many others get caught in nets,while fishermen are hunting other fish.More than half of all sharks are smaller than one metre long.“Some fishing me

6、thods are actually cleaning out the ocean,”said Dave Schofield,the manager of the aquariums ocean health program.“The fishermen threw them away like rubbish.”It is a worrying situation and some areas have taken measures in place to protect these species of fish.1.The main purpose of the shark exhibi

7、tion is to .A.show how sharks are born and develop in the oceanB.let people know more about sharks and protect themC.let children learn not to fear sharks from an early ageD.show how shark species have fallen in the past few years提示:推理判断题。从文章的第二段和第四段可以推出答案。答案:B2.In the last paragraph but one,the und

8、erlined word “them” refers to .A.small sharksB.fishing boatsC.fishing netsD.fishing methods提示:词义推断题。从倒数第三段的“More than half of all sharks are smaller than one metre long.”和倒数第二段的“Some fishing methods are actually cleaning out the ocean,”said Dave Schofield,the manager of the aquariums ocean health pr

9、ogram.“The fishermen threw them away like rubbish.”可以得知答案。答案:A3.What does Dave Schofield mean by saying “Some fishing methods are actually cleaning out the ocean”?A.Large sharks cannot be caught by some fishing methods.B.Only small sharks can be caught by some fishing methods.C.The ocean is being ma

10、de cleaner by some fishing methods.D.Too many sharks are being killed by some fishing methods.提示:推理判断题。从后三段可以看出:渔民使用的猎捕方法,使得无论大小的猎物他们都能捕获出,这种情况让人担忧。答案:D4.It can be inferred from the passage that the writer is .A.surprised to know sharks always hurt peopleB.happy to know sharks are harmless to people

11、C.worried about the present situation of shark speciesD.pleased to know the ocean is becoming much cleaner提示:推理判断题。从短文最后一段“It is a worrying situation and some areas have taken measures in place to protect these species of fish.”可以推测出答案。答案:CB(2015湖北,A)“I see youve got a bit of water on your coat,”sai

12、d the man at the petrol station.“Is it raining out there?”“No,its pretty nice,”I replied,checking my sleeve.“Oh,right.A pony(马驹) bit me earlier.”As it happened,the bite was virtually painless:more the kind of small bite you might get from a naughty child.The pony responsible was queuing up for some

13、ice cream in the car park near Haytor,and perhaps thought Id jumped in ahead of him.The reason why the ponies here are naughty is that Haytor is a tourist-heavy area and tourists are constantly feeding the ponies foods,despite signs asking them not to.By feeding the ponies,tourists increase the risk

14、 of them getting hit by a car,and make them harder to gather during the areas annual pony drift(迁移).The purpose of a pony drift is to gather them up so their health can be checked,the baby ones can be stopped from feeding on their mothers milk,and those whove gone beyond their limited area can be re

15、turned to their correct area.Some of them are also later sold,in order to limit the number of ponies according to the rules set by Natural England.Three weeks ago,I witnessed a small near-disaster a few miles west of here.While walking,I noticed a pony roll over on his back.“Hello!”I said to him,ass

16、uming he was just rolling for fun,but he was very still and,as I got closer,I saw him kicking his legs in the air and breathing heavily.I began to properly worry about him.Fortunately,I managed to get in touch with a Dartmoors Livestock Protection officer and send her a photo.The officer immediately

17、 sent a local farmer out to check on the pony.The pony had actually been trapped between two rocks.The farmer freed him,and he began to run happily around again.Dartmoor has 1,000 or so ponies,who play a critical role in creating the diversity of species in this area.Many people are working hard to

18、preserve these ponies,and trying to come up with plans to find a sustainable(可持续的)future for one of Dartmoors most financially-troubled elements.5.Why are tourists asked not to feed the ponies?A.To protect the tourists from being bitten.B.To keep the ponies off the petrol station.C.To avoid putting

19、the ponies in danger.D.To prevent the ponies from fighting.提示:细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二句“By feeding the ponies,tourists increase the risk of them getting hit by a car,and make them harder to gather during the areas annual pony drift(迁移).”可知,游客私自喂食小马驹会增加它们被车撞的风险,同时也会使得它们在每年的大迁移中难以聚集,因此只有C项符合原文。答案:C6.One of the

20、 purposes of the annual pony drift is .A.to feed baby ponies on milkB.to control the number of poniesC.to expand the habitat for poniesD.to sell the ponies at a good price提示:细节理解题。根据文章第四段可知,每年的大迁移目的是把它们聚起来然后检查身体状况,让小马驹断奶,同时也让那些越界的重新回到它们原来的区域。它们当中的一些也会被卖掉,目的是控制马驹的数量。因此只有B项正确。答案:B7.What was the author

21、s first reaction when he saw a pony roll on its back?A.He freed it from the trap.B.He called a protection officer.C.He worried about it very much.D.He thought of it as being naughty.提示:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段第三句中的“.assuming he was just rolling for fun.”可知,作者最初以为这个小马驹只是在玩儿。故选D项。答案:D8.What does the author imp

22、ly about the preservation of Dartmoors ponies?A.It lacks peoples involvement.B.It costs a large amount of money.C.It will affect tourism in Dartmoor.D.It has caused an imbalance of species.提示:推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Many people are working hard to preserve these ponies,and trying to come up with plans to f

23、ind a sustainable(可持续的) future for one of Dartmoors most financially-troubled elements.”可知,保护小马驹是达特姆尔最受资金困扰的项目之一,由此可推知这项活动势必会耗费大量资金。答案:BCHave you ever taken a test that you thought you could have passed easily,only to make some silly mistakes that really hurt your grade?More than a few students have

24、 done that.And some seem to do it over and over again.There are several problem areas that can cause students to goof up or do poorly in a test that they could have passed.Some students can become overconfident in their knowledge of the subject matter.They think they know the material better than th

25、ey actually do.It is easy for students to misjudge their own knowledge,and when they realise that they dont know the material,it is too late.What happens more often,though,is that some students feel that they are smart enough to be able to guess their way through a test.So they dont bother studying

26、the material.They are overconfident in their ability to understand things.In either case,overconfidence can result in lower grades in tests.Does this apply to you?Another thing that can happen is that students underestimate the difficulty of the test.They expect an easy test,but the teacher throws i

27、n a real tough test that they havent prepared for.Sometimes the teacher may cover material in the test that students werent expecting.That can happen,especially if they werent paying attention in class.Finally,there are students who dont feel that getting a good grade is important to them,so they do

28、nt bother to study or even try to do well.Such students may be trying to punish their parents,have a poor image of themselves,or are just plain foolish.Hopefully,you are not one of these students.9.The writer believes that many students .A.are afraid of examsB.make careless mistakesC.hate homeworkD.

29、lack confidence提示:根据第一段的第一句话可知答案。答案:B10.What does the underlined phrase “goof up” mean?A.Be overconfident.B.Be nervous.C.Make silly mistakes.D.Make wrong choices.提示:此段承接上一段的内容,分析学生为什么会在考试中犯一些较傻的错误。由此推断该词的意义应为make silly mistakes。答案:C11.According to the writer,who will be most unwilling to try his bes

30、t in a test?A.Edward,dissatisfied with his parents.B.John,expecting an easy test for him.C.Dobby,believing he is the smartest in the class.D.Peter,being overconfident about his ability.提示:文章最后说“Such students may be trying to punish their parents.”,即不满意父母的学生会不努力考试,以此来惩罚其父母。答案:A12.What would be discus

31、sed in the paragraph that follows?A.The causes of overconfidence.B.The causes of a poor self-image.C.Ways to prepare for a test.D.Ways to avoid goofing up a test.提示:整篇文章重点说明了学生在考试过程中会出现一些较傻的错误这一现象,并分析了原因,接着可能要说明如何去避免这种现象的发生。答案:DDOne type of fish is named the salmon(大马哈鱼).There are many different kin

32、ds of salmon,but almost all of them mate(交配) in a very strange way.They are born in small,fresh water rivers.They live in the river for a year,and then swim downstream to a bigger river and eventually to the ocean.In the salt water,they eat constantly and grow very quickly.While they live in the oce

33、an,salmon are silver colored.After several years at sea,the salmon grow very long and heavy.Then,as if by magic(魔法),they all begin to swim home.Each salmon somehow remembers where it was born and swims to the very same area in the small river.It is a long,difficult journey home.Once the salmon enter

34、 fresh water,they stop eating.They also change colors.Some salmon turn red,others brown and grey,and some turn pink.Some salmon grow a large bulge on their back,called a hump.These salmon fight to swim upstream against the current(水流) of sometimes very powerful rivers.They jump over waterfalls and h

35、ave to avoid bears,birds,and fishermen.Finally,the salmon that survive mate in the same river in which they were born.Then,after all that work,they die!These salmon still play an important role.Their dead bodies help to provide nutrition to the animals that live in and around the river.When their eg

36、gs hatch,the cycle will start again.13.In Paragraph 2,the underlined words “as if by magic” suggest that.A.a magician helps salmonB.nobody knows how salmon find their way homeC.the author doesnt know much about salmonD.salmon are magic提示:猜测词义题。as if by magic意为“似乎被一种神奇的力量指引”,即作者对大马哈鱼能准确无误地游回自己的出生地感到不

37、可思议。答案:B14.Which of the following do not salmon do when they reenter fresh water?A.They change colors.B.They stop eating.C.They grow bulges on their backs.D.They grow teeth.提示:细节理解题。根据第三段前半部分可知前三项都是大马哈鱼历经艰辛重新回到淡水后的变化,第四项在本段中没有信息支持。答案:D15.Inferring from the passage,why do salmon eat a lot while they

38、are in the ocean?Because.A.they need to have enough energy to return homeB.they never stop swimmingC.they are afraid of bearsD.the different water makes them hungry提示:推理判断题。第三段第二句提到大马哈鱼进入淡水后就停止进食,本段后半部分则是它们在回家途中需要逆流而上,而且还要跳过瀑布,由此可推测它们在海洋中大量吃东西的原因是为以后返回出生地积聚能量。答案:A.七选五It is reported that although our

39、 genes and environment play an important role,how happy we are largely depends on our choices and activities.The following are just several areas that tend to make a big difference to peoples happiness.Take a positive attitudePositive emotionslike joy,gratitude,satisfaction,inspiration and pridedont

40、 just feel good when we experience them.16So although we need to be realistic about lifes ups and downs,it helps to focus on the good aspects of any situationthe glass half full rather than the glass half empty.Accept who you are and what you are17 Learning to accept ourselves and being kinder to ou

41、rselves when things go wrong will increase our enjoyment of life.It also helps us accept others as they are.Ask a trusted friend or colleague to tell you what they think your real strengths are.1819Caring about others is fundamental to our happiness.Helping other people is not only good for them;its

42、 good for us too.It makes us happier and can help to improve our health.Giving also creates stronger connections between people and helps to build a happier society.Take part in something biggerPeople who have meaning and purpose in their lives are happier.They also experience less stress,anxiety an

43、d depression.20 It might come from doing a job that makes a difference,or spiritual beliefs,or our family.The answers may be different for each of us but they all involve being connected to something bigger than ourselves.A.Our broader social networks bring a sense of belonging.B.Nobody is perfect.C

44、.Give them a call or offer your support.D.Try to make more use of these.E.They also help us perform better,and improve our physical health.F.But where do we find meaning and purpose?G.Do things for others.答案:1620 EBDGF.完形填空When I was 12 years old,I went with my dad to his worka car showroom.I was wa

45、ndering around and 21 a poor woman with a child in her arms standing 22 the showroom.I saw that she was 23.My 24 went out and asked the woman to 25 to the showroom.He offered her some water and then 26 her what was wrong.The woman said that her 27 had died some months ago and that she didnt have any

46、one else in her family who could 28 her.She did some manual labor to 29 some money to take care of her daughter but her daughter was 30 for the last three days and she was 31 to go to work.Now she didnt have a grain of food to eat.While she was relating(讲述) her story to my father,she was unable to 3

47、2 her emotions and started crying again.My father and I were 33 moved by her story.We got some 34 for her and her daughter to eat.My father then took them to the nearest 35 for her daughter to be treated but her daughter did not seem to be very well.On the way,we 36 her a 5 kg bag of wheat from the

48、market.My father gave her some money before we left.The woman was so 37.It is eight years later,but that event is still so 38 in my mind.My fathers 39 to this woman inspired me deeply and since then,I have decided to walk a similar path and 40 others.21.A.saw B.heard C.feltD.looked提示:从下一句中的“I saw th

49、at.”可知此处是指“我到了”。see是及物动词,表示看的结果;look是不及物动词。故选A项。答案:A22.A.insideB.besideC.inD.outside提示:从下文作者的父亲让这位妇女进入展室可看出,那位妇女是在展室的外面。24空后的“went out and asked the woman”也是提示。答案:D23.A.sayingB.cryingC.laughingD.thinking提示:从第二段倒数第二句中的“she was unable to 32 her emotions and started crying again”可看出,那位妇女在外面哭。答案:B24.A.m

50、otherB.friendC.sisterD.father提示:根据第一句中的“I went with my dad”可知,是作者的父亲走了出去。答案:D25.A.go outB.enterC.come inD.reach提示:由下文可知,此处表示父亲让那位妇女到展室里来。come in“进入”,后面可跟介词,再加宾语;enter也是“进入”的意思,是及物动词,可直接跟宾语;reach“到达”是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语;go out“出去”,不符合语境。答案:C26.A.askedB.toldC.requestedD.required提示:从下文的“what was wrong”可知,是作者的

51、父亲询问那个妇女怎么了。ask“询问”,符合语境。tell“告诉”;request“请求”;require“要求”。答案:A27.A.daughterB.husbandC.relativeD.brother提示:从下文的“she didnt have anyone else in her family who could 28 her.She did some manual labor to 29 some money to take care of her daughter”可推知,是她的丈夫去世了,家里没有人帮助她了。答案:B28.A.loveB.helpC.begD.pity提示:由于丈

52、夫去世,家里再没有别人能帮助(help)她了。答案:B29.A.borrowB.saveC.earnD.lend提示:从本句的“She did some manual labor to 29 some money to take care of her daughter”可以看出,她是通过干体力活来赚钱照顾女儿的。earn money“赚钱”,符合语境。答案:C30.A.wellB.healthyC.pleasedD.sick提示:从第三段中的“My father then took them to the nearest 35 for her daughter to be treated b

53、ut her daughter did not seem to be very well.”可以看出,她的女儿生病了。故选D项。答案:D31.A.aboutB.busyC.unableD.able提示:因为女儿生病了,所以她没法去工作了。unable“无法”,符合语境。答案:C32.A.stayB.controlC.keepD.remain提示:从下文的“and started crying again”可以看出,她控制不住自己的情绪。control “控制”,符合语境。答案:B33.A.deeplyB.graduallyC.finallyD.lately提示:作者和父亲被深深地感动了。dee

54、ply“深深地”,符合语境。gradually“逐渐地”;finally“最后”;lately“最近”。答案:A34.A.drinkB.clothingC.booksD.food提示:从本句的“for her and her daughter to eat”可以看出,作者和父亲给她们了一些吃的。故选D项。答案:D35.A.grocer shopB.hospitalC.supermarketD.showroom提示:从下文的“for her daughter to be treated but her daughter did not seem to be very well”可以看出,作者的父

55、亲带她们到了医院(hospital)。答案:B36.A.foundB.boughtC.soldD.gave提示:从下文的“her a 5 kg bag of wheat from the market”可以看出,是从市场上给她们买了五千克的小麦。find“发现”;buy “买”;sell“卖”;give“给”。答案:B37.A.gratefulB.excitedC.gladD.amused提示:从上文可知,作者的父亲给她们买吃的,带她们去医院,还送给她们钱,所以这位妇女很感激。grateful“感激的”,符合语境。答案:A38.A.oldB.shortC.longD.fresh提示:已经过去八

56、年了,那件事情在作者的脑海里依然像刚刚发生的一样。fresh“新的”。答案:D39.A.actionB.calmnessC.kindnessD.effect提示:父亲的善良深深地鼓舞着作者。从前面父亲帮助那位妇女这件事可看出父亲的善良。kindness“善良”,符合语境。答案:C40.A.encourageB.inspireC.serveD.need提示:作者受父亲的影响,也去帮助别人。serve“服务”,符合语境。答案:C.语法填空Zheng He,one of Chinas most famous 41(explore),led his fleet to countries very fa

57、r away at the end of the fourteenth century.The ships carried some treasures to give to the rulers of the 42(neighbour) countries as gifts in addition 43 the necessary supplies.On Zheng Hes first voyage,they 44(hit) by a storm.The fleet was going to sink 45 a strange light appeared at the top of the

58、 ships masts.Then the storm disappeared.The strange light was 46(probable) electricity from the thunderstorm.But the sailors in Zheng Hes fleet considered it as a sign of 47(protect) from the gods so they were willing to follow Zheng He wherever he went.From 1405 to 1433 Zheng He completed seven wel

59、l-known voyages.Zheng He brought back many gifts from the countries that he visited,the most famous ones of 48 were a giraffe and a zebra.Zheng He was 62 years old when he returned from his 49(seven) voyage.He managed 50(share) the glory of China with many different countries.He became one of Chinas

60、 most famous sailors because of the stories of his travels.答案:41.explorers42.neighbouring43.to44.were hit45.when46.probably47.protection48.which49.seventh50.to share.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下

61、划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear editor,In the past my hometown was used to be a beautiful place.Thick trees and green grass could be seen in everywhere.In order to build house and grow more crops,people cut down more and more trees.With time went on,the whole fore

62、st was almost destroyed.Gradually the green hills have changed into wasteland.As a result,sandstorms struck us now and then,which we suffer a lot.But I do hope all the people should realize the terribly result of not caring about our environment.Whats more,they should take good care of the forests a

63、nd plant trees instead cutting them down to improve our living conditions.答案:Dear editor,In the past my hometown was used to be a beautiful place.Thick trees and green grass could be seen in everywhere.In order to build househouses and grow more crops,people cut down more and more trees.WithAs time或

64、 wentgoing on,the whole forest was almost destroyed.Gradually the green hills have changed into wasteland.As a result,sandstorms struckstrike us now and then,from which we suffer a lot.ButSo I do hope all the people should realize the terriblyterrible result of not caring about our environment.Whats

65、 more,theywe should take good care of the forests and plant trees instead of cutting them down to improve our living conditions.书面表达假设你叫李华,你的英国朋友Crown写信说他打算汉语,让你帮他推荐一本汉语词典,请你根据以下提示给他回信。1.推荐现代汉语学习词典,商务印书馆出版(定价68元)。2.推荐理由:外观设计精美;大字号,方便查阅;词例丰富实用,适合初级学习者。3.希望对方满意。写作要求:1.词数100左右。2.开头已写好,不计入总词数。3.可适当增加细节,

66、以使行文连贯。参考词汇:商务印书馆 The Commercial Press现代汉语学习词典Contemporary Chinese Learning Dictionary词例,词条 entryDear Crown,Im so glad to learn that you are going to study Chinese.Yours,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Crown,Im so glad to learn that you are going to study Chinese.First of all,I will recommend you the Contemporary C

67、hinese Learning Dictionary,which is published by The Commercial Press.Because it is intended for Chinese learning beginners and it will suit you fine.Its beautiful design in big letters makes it convenient for you to look up the words.More importantly,the entries are abundant and practical.Last but not the least,it is cheap at a price of 68 yuan.I hope the Contemporary Chinese Learning Dictionary will meet your need and be of great help to you.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua


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