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1、Lesson 3Living Abroad一、根据句意和首字母提示完成句子1.He said it in a w,so I couldnt hear.答案:whisper2.If the economy gets worse again,investors a for buying shares will disappear.答案:appetite3.The sick old man does nothing but s at the ceiling all day long.答案:stare4.The d believed the missing gun was the key to the

2、 mystery.答案:detective5.Youre all doing a s job;keep up the good work!答案:splendid6.Just as the famous e Confucius said,there is no class discrimination in education.答案:educator7.An active volcano may e at any time.答案:erupt8.They have helped me learn about trust and the importance of being c when talk

3、ing to whom you open your heart to.答案:cautious9.Though it was cold outside,he i on going swimming.答案:insisted10.His a brings lots of laughter to their family.答案:arrival二、用适当的介词或副词填空1. his arrival Vienna,he was surprised not to find his friend.答案:On;in2.Please dont stare me like this;you make me nerv

4、ous.答案:at3.I insist your taking immediate action to put this right.答案:on4.You need to have a good knowledge of the industry before you buy stocks,or youre asking trouble.答案:for5.The song sounds a variation of a very old and familiar tune.答案:like6.She is curious to know everything and has an amazing

5、appetite knowledge.答案:for7.A report said that Madges house was broken last night.答案:into8.As I came in and out I passed him every time,and my eyes were caught by his face.答案:by三、仿照例句,用现在分词改写下列句子例:She was talking to her friend and forgot everything around her.Talking to her friend she forgot everythi

6、ng around her.1.Since we watch the news every day we know whats going on in the world.答案:Watching the news every day we know whats going on in the world.2.They are vegetarians and dont eat meat.答案:Being vegetarians they dont eat meat.3.While she was tidying up her room she found some old photos.答案:T

7、idying up her room she found some old photos.4.He was a good boy and helped his mother in the kitchen.答案:Being a good boy he helped his mother in the kitchen.5.As they didnt have enough money they spent their holidays at home last year.答案:Not having enough money they spent their holidays at home las

8、t year.6.The man was sitting in the cafe.He was reading a paper.答案:The man was sitting in the cafe reading a paper.7.Since I didnt feel well I didnt go to the cinema.答案:Not feeling well I didnt go to the cinema.8.She walked home and met an old friend.答案:When walking home,she met an old friend.四、单项填空

9、1.A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, all four people on board.A.killedB.killingC.killsD.to kill答案:B解析:考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。句意:一架小型飞机撞到城东五英里处的一座山坡,机上四人都丧生了。此处用现在分词短语作结果状语。2.When we visited my old family home,memory came back.A.floodingB.to flood C.floodD.flooded答案:A解析:考查非谓语动词

10、。句意:当我们参观我老家房屋的时候,种种(美好)的回忆又浮现(于脑际)了。这里应用动词的-ing形式作伴随状语。3.The government plans to bring in new laws parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.A.forcedB.forcingC.to be forcedD.having forced答案:B解析:本题考查非谓语动词。“new laws”与非谓语动词之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生,故用现在分词的一般式作定语,相当于定语从句

11、“which force parents.”。句意:政府计划推出强迫父母为子女的教育承担更多责任的新法律法规。4.(2014福建,27) the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong,Linda appears more mature than those of her age.A.SpendingB.SpentC.Having spentD.To spend答案:C解析:考查非谓语动词作状语。句意:作为交换生在香港待了一年,琳达看上去要比她的同龄人更成熟。分析句子结构可知,所填部分在句中作状语,且与句子的主语之间是主动关系,排除B项;根据

12、句意可知,非谓语动词表示的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,故选C项。5.My sister,an inexperienced rider,was found sitting on the bicycle to balance it.A.having triedB.tryingC.to tryD.tried答案:B解析:题干的谓语为“was found”,因此此处需要选择的是动词的非谓语形式。“try”和句子的主语“my sister”是主动关系,而且是与“was found sitting.”相伴随的一种状态,因此用现在分词的一般式。6. their hats into the air,the

13、fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.A.To throwB.ThrownC.ThrowingD.Being thrown答案:C解析:题干的谓语为“let”,所以此处应选用非谓语动词形式。“throw”与主语“the fans”是主动关系,所以用现在分词形式。7. that he was in great danger,Eric walked deeper into the forest.A.Not realizedB.Not to realizeC.Not realizingD.Not to have realize

14、d答案:C解析:没有意识到处于险境之中是进入森林深处的原因,“Eric”与“realize”是主动关系,用现在分词的否定式表示原因。8. around the Water Cube,we were then taken to see the Birds Nest.A.Having shownB.To be shownC.Having been shownD.To show答案:C解析:先去水立方,后去鸟巢,所以去水立方用完成时;又因“show”与句子的主语we是被动关系,所以用现在分词的完成被动式。五、翻译填空1.我在给别人我的电话号码时总是很谨慎。Ive always giving peop

15、le my phone number.答案:been cautious about2.古代英语在语法上与现代德语在很多方面相似。Old English in many ways grammatically Modern German.答案:is;similar to3.为了给我送行丹尼尔第二天日出时就起来了。Daniel was up the next day at sunrise .答案:to see me off4.在进行了几个月的准备工作后,他们做好了徒步穿越罗布泊的准备。After several months preparation,they travel through Lop N

16、or on foot.答案:have got ready to5.她丈夫拿着一束花走进屋内。Her husband came into the house .答案:with a bunch of flowers in his hand6.即使经验丰富的老师也很难解释清楚这个概念。Even an experienced teacher explaining this concept.答案:has a hard/difficult time六、完形填空Every country has its own dining customs.Americans feel that the first rul

17、e of being a 1 guest is to be on time.If a person is invited to dinner at six thirty,the hostess2 him to be there at six thirty or3 a few minutes after.Because she usually does the cooking,she has to time the meal4 the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at their best when the guests come.I

18、f they are late,the food will not be so5,and the hostess will be6.7 the guest cannot come on time,he should call his host or hostess on the phone,give the reason,and tell8 what time he can come.9 the situations,guests sometimes bring a box of candy,a bottle of wine or a bunch of flowers to give to t

19、he hostess as a10 of appreciation.As guests continue to arrive,it is usually considered polite for the11 in the group to12 when a woman enters the room and continues to stand until she is seated.13,most young people and some groups of elder people14 stress equality of the sexes no longer observe the

20、 custom.A visitor should be 15 to each situation and follow the lead of the Americans present.When the guests sit down at a dinner table,it is a 16 for the men to help the ladies by pushing their chairs under them.However,some Americans17 do this,so the visitors must notice what others do and do the

21、18.19 the meal is under way and if the dinner is in a private home,a guest20 avoid embarrassment by leaving talk to someone else.1.A.politeB.elegantC.honouredD.serious答案:A解析:由第一段首句“Every country has its own dining customs.”可知,美国人认为成为有礼貌的客人的第一准则是准时赴宴。2.A.tellsB.expectsC.asksD.hopes答案:B解析:根据合理的逻辑,请人吃饭

22、,主人自然期望客人能准时到达。注意hope后不能接复合宾语。3.A.at mostB.less thanC.at leastD.more than答案:A解析:主人希望客人能准时到或至多晚几分钟。4.A.in caseB.as long asC.so thatD.on condition that答案:C解析:根据上下文之间的语义关系可知,空格后表示结果,所以用so that引导结果状语从句。5.A.tenderB.nutritiousC.goodD.enough答案:C解析:根据“the hot rolls and the coffee and the meat can be at thei

23、r best when the guests come”可推测,如果客人来晚了,食物味道就没有那么好。6.A.angryB.nervousC.shamefulD.disappointed答案:D解析:根据上文内容以及逻辑关系可知,主人会对此感到“失望”(disappointed)。7.A.IfB.WhetherC.UnlessD.Although答案:A解析:根据语境可知这里表示假设情况。8.A.atB.inC.onD.about答案:A解析:表示时间点的名词前用介词at。9.A.Looking atB.Combined withC.Depending onD.Related to答案:C解析

24、:根据后文可知客人带什么礼物取决于当时的情况。10.A.matterB.heartC.senseD.sign答案:D解析:客人给女主人礼物是为了表示对她的感谢,即这些礼物是感谢的“标志”(sign)。11.A.hostB.menC.hostessD.women答案:B解析:根据常识及后面的内容可知此处为men。12.A.smileB.standC.applaudD.nod答案:B解析:根据下文“and continue to stand until she is seated”可知这里应该是“站着”(stand)。13.A.As a resultB.MoreoverC.In additionD

25、.However答案:D解析:上下文为转折关系,所以用however。14.A.whoseB.whatC.whoD.which答案:C解析:分析句子结构可知,这是一个含有定语从句的复合句,先行词为“most young people and some groups of elder people”,引导词在从句中作主语,所以关系代词用who。15.A.awareB.similarC.activeD.sensitive答案:D解析:be sensitive to是固定搭配,表示“对敏感”。similar也可与介词to连用,意思是“与相似”,但不符合题意。16.A.customB.regulati

26、onC.habitD.principle答案:A解析:根据文章中心内容及常识可知,这里应选用custom。17.A.evenB.no longerC.stillD.no more答案:B解析:根据句意“然而,有些美国人已不再这样做了”可知,no longer符合题意。18.A.followingB.sameC.deedD.example答案:B解析:根据本句中表示并列关系的and以及与the连用,可以确定此处应该用same。19.A.UnlessB.UntilC.WhileD.After答案:C解析:“under way”意为“进行中”,所以用while表示“当的时候”。20.A.shouldntB.mustC.needntD.may答案:D解析:根据句意可知,这样做就有可能避免尴尬。


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