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2020-2021学年外研版英语必修3教师用书:MODULE 4 英美文化欣赏 WORD版含解析.doc

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2020-2021学年外研版英语必修3教师用书:MODULE 4 英美文化欣赏 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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1、【导读】双城记是英国作家查尔斯狄更斯所著的一部以法国大革命为背景的长篇历史小说。故事中将巴黎、伦敦两个大城市连结起来,围绕着马内特医生一家和以德法日夫妇为首的圣安东尼区展开故事。A Tale of Two Cities(excerpt)In Monsieur Defarges wineshop in Saint Antoine customers came and went all the time.They came to drink the thin,rough wine,but more often they came to listen and to talk,and to wait

2、for news.One day there were more customers than usual.Defarge had been away for three days,and when he returned that morning,he brought a stranger with him,a man who repaired roads.“Madam,”Defarge said to his wife,“this man,who is called Jacques,has walked a long way with me.”One customer got up and

3、 went out.“This mender of roads,”continued Defarge,“who is called Jacques,is a good man.Give him something to drink.”A second man got up and went out.The man who repaired roads sat down and drank.A third man got up and went out.“Have you finished,my friend?”said Defarge.“Then come and see the room I

4、 promised you.”They went upstairs,to the room where Dr Manette had sat making shoes.The three men who had left the wineshop were waiting.Defarge spoke to them:“No names.You are Jacques One,Jacques Two and Jacques Three.I am Jacques Four.This is Jacques Five.He brings us news of our poor friend Gaspa

5、rd,whose child was killed by the Marquiss coach a year ago.”“I first saw Gaspard,”said Jacques Five,“holding on under the Marquiss coach as it drove into our village.He ran away,but that night the Marquis was murdered.Gaspard disappeared and was only caught a few weeks ago.The soldiers brought him i

6、nto the village and hanged him.And they have left his body hanging in the village square,where the women go to fetch water,and our children play.”,双城记(节选)在圣安东尼德法日先生的酒店里,顾客们来来往往络绎不绝。他们来这儿喝点清淡的粗制葡萄酒,但他们更多的是来这儿聆听和交谈的,还有等候消息的。一天,店里的顾客比平常要多。德法日已经出去3天了。当他那天早上回来时,他带回来了一个陌生人,一个修路工。“夫人,”德法日对他的妻子说。“这个人叫雅克,他已经


8、晚上侯爵就被暗杀了。加斯珀德失踪了,几星期前才被抓到。士兵们把他带到村子里绞死了他,而且他们把他的尸体吊在了村里的场地上。那是妇女们打水以及我们的孩子们玩耍的地方。”知识积累1rough adj.不是精制的;未经加工的2customer n. 顾客,客户3promise v. 允诺;许诺4murder v. 谋杀5hang v. 绞死文化链接双城记创作于19世纪50年代。当时正处于英国资本主义经济快速发展时期,资本主义发展带来的种种罪恶和劳动人民生活的贫困化,导致下层群众中存在极端的愤懑与不满,英国社会处于爆发一场社会大革命的边缘,这与18世纪末法国的社会现状极为相似。狄更斯通过对两个城市的对比,给当时的英国社会以借鉴及警醒。


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