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本文(2020年人教版高中英语必修五课时作业:UNIT 5 FIRST AID SECTION Ⅱ 课时作业 WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020年人教版高中英语必修五课时作业:UNIT 5 FIRST AID SECTION Ⅱ 课时作业 WORD版含答案.doc

1、Unit 5 Section Warming Up & ReadingLanguage Points课时作业.单句语法填空1Can the world become so unbearable (bearable) to someone after years of loneliness?2If you add too much liquid (liquid) the mixture will not be thick enough.3Evidence shows that smoking harms nearly all the organs (organ) of the body.4Hig

2、h fever is one of the symptoms (symptom) of this kind of disease.5Various (variety) means have been tried to save him, but in vain.6The injured (injure) passengers were rushed to the hospital.7Hes the mildest (mild) man I have ever met.8Are our children being poisoned (poison) by lead in the air?9I

3、squeezed (squeeze) an orange and drank the juice.10He looked up and saw water pouring (pour) down from the top of the mountain.单句改错1Dont eat the food that has gone bad,or you will be ill.befall2With aid of a compass the traveler can find the land.With后加the3There is a wide variety of flowers in the p

4、ark.isare4To squeeze more juice out of, youd better cut up the apples before you put them in the machine.去掉of5Dont take anything away. Mother likes everything to be in the place.去掉the.阅读理解Meet Liam Mills, the first aid specialist who provides lifesaving support at festivals and events, and hes just

5、16 years old.A bit young to be a first aider, arent you?You might think that, but in fact Ive been doing this for almost a year now. I already have a huge amount of valuable experience.Why did you join the British Red Cross?Ive always been interested in first aid, so when I saw some Red Cross volunt

6、eers at a local event I went over for a quick talk. After hearing what they had to say, I jumped_at the chance of joining. Whats the big attraction?As soon as youve treated an injured man, you will never look back. Ive treated many types of injury now, from cut fingers to even heart disease cases. I

7、ts endlessly challenging and interesting.What have you learned?Im now a skilled volunteer, which means I have additional qualifications (资历) on top of my standard first aid certificate (证书). For example, Im qualified to use Entonox (laughing gas) for pain management. First aid with the Red Cross is

8、a whole lot more than just cleaning and dressing wounds.Any standout memories?Once, my colleague and I attended a call. As we approached the scene, all I could see was someone lying perfectly still on the floor. When you realise that someone is helpless and completely depending on you to do the righ

9、t thing, you feel this sudden rush of responsibility. But fortunately, our training means we have the confidence and knowledge to deal with such situations.Best thing about being an event first aider?You get to help people, while also enjoying the chance of going to lots of great events. It really i

10、s a winwin situation.【解题导语】本文是一则访谈。文章是对急救小专家Liam Mills的采访。1The underlined phrase “jumped at” can be replaced by “_”AmissedBwaited forCtook Dturned down解析:选C词义猜测题。由画线处上文中的问题“Why did you join the British Red Cross?”可知,Liam Mills抓住机会加入了英国红十字会,由此推断,jumped at the chance意为“抓住机会”。2What does Liam Mills thin

11、k of first aid?ABoring. BDangerous.CEasy. DAttractive.解析:选D推理判断题。 由Whats the big attraction?回答部分中的“Its endlessly challenging and interesting.”可知,Liam Mills觉得急救工作是很有吸引力的。3What can we infer from the text?AAll first aiders can use Entonox.BFirst aiders just do some simple work.CLiam Mills still lacks c

12、onfidence in his work.DLiam Mills benefits from his first aid experiences.解析:选D推理判断题。由最后一段可知,Liam Mills从急救中也获益颇多,他认为这是一个双赢的局面。.完形填空First aid is emergency care for a victim of sudden illness or injury until more skillful medical treatment is available. First aid may save a _1_ or improve certain vita

13、l signs including a pulse, temperature, an unobstructed (畅通无阻的) airway, and breathing. In _2_ emergencies, first aid may prevent a victims condition from worsening and provide relief from _3_. First aid must be performed as _4_ as possible. In the case of the critically injured, a few minutes can ma

14、ke the difference between complete _5_ and loss of life.Firstaid measures _6_ a victims needs and the providers level of knowledge and skill. Knowing what not to do in an emergency is as _7_ as knowing what to do.Improperly moving a person with a neck injury, for example, can _8_ permanent spinal in

15、jury and paralysis.Despite the variety of possible injuries, several principles of first aid _9_ to all emergencies. The first step is to call for professional medical help. The victim, if _10_, should be reassured that medical aid has been _11_, and asked for permission to provide any first aid. Ne

16、xt, _12_ the scene, asking other people or the injured persons family or friends about _13_ of the injury or illness, any care that may have already been _14_, and preexisting (早先存在的) conditions such as diabetes or heart trouble. The victim should be _15_ for medical bracelet or card that describes

17、special medical conditions. _16_ the accident scene becomes unsafe or the victim may suffer further injury, do not _17_ the victim.Once obvious injuries have been evaluated, the injured persons _18_ should be kept in a neutral position in line with the body. If no _19_ exists to suggest potential sk

18、ull (颅骨) or spinal injury, place the injured person in a comfortable position. Positioned _20_ ones side, a victim can vomit without choking or obstructing the airway.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了急救的重要性,并详细地介绍了一些急救方面的知识,比如在不同的紧急情况下,应该采取哪些急救方面的措施等。1A.chanceBdisasterClife Dfamily解析:选C结合常识和后面的“improve certain v

19、ital signs including a pulse,temperature,an unobstructed(畅通无阻的)airway,and breathing”可知,急救可以拯救一个人的性命。2A.minor BsevereCunique Dcertain解析:选A根据空后的“first aid may prevent a victims condition from worsening”可知,急救可以阻止受害者的状况变得更加严重,也与“In the case of the critically injured”中的critically形成对比,因此应该是相对来说受伤不太严重的紧急情况

20、下。3A.pressure BpainCguilt Dinjury解析:选B由前面的“provide relief from”可知,急救可缓解受伤者的痛苦。4A.carefully BcorrectlyCmildly Dquickly解析:选D结合语境可知,此处表示急救应该尽快进行。5A.success BrecoveryCdanger Dattention解析:选B与后面的“loss of life”形成对比,这里指急救可以使得一个人康复,也可以使一个人失去性命。6A.depend upon Bcontribute toCconsist of Dapprove of解析:选A根据前面的“Fi

21、rstaid measures”和后面的“a victims needs and the providers level of knowledge and skill”可知,急救的措施,取决于一个受害人的需要和提供者的知识技能水平。7A.temporary BbasicCimportant Dfortunate解析:选C结合空前的“Knowing what not to do in an emergency”和后面的“as knowing what to do”可知,此处表示知道在紧急情况下不该做什么与知道做什么同等重要。8A.result from Bsuffer fromCtake on

22、Dlead to解析:选D由空前面的“Improperly moving a person with a neck injury”和后面的“permanent spinal injury and paralysis”可知,错误的急救措施会导致永久性的受伤或者瘫痪。9A.apply BreferCturn Drespond解析:选A根据空前面的“several principles of first aid”和后面的all emergencies可知,几个急救原则适用于所有的紧急情况。10A.considerate BconsciousCpainful Dskeptical解析:选B结合语境可知

23、,如果这个受害者还有意识的话,应该让他放心。11A.needed BselectedCrequested Drefused解析:选C此处与前面的reassured呼应,指告诉他已经要求了医疗救助。12A.examine BenjoyCprotect Djudge解析:选D由后面的“asking other people or the injured persons family or friends about _13_ of the injury or illness”(问问其他人或者受伤人的家人或者朋友关于受伤或患病的详细情况)可知,此处表示要评估现场。13A.details Broots

24、Cresults Deffects解析:选A参见上题解析。14A.asked BgivenClimited Dpermitted解析:选B由空前面的“any care that may have already”可知,要了解已经给予的照顾。15A.recorded BmeasuredCchecked Dobserved解析:选C结合空前面的“The victim”和后面的“for medical bracelet or card that describes special medical conditions”可知,此处表示受害者应该被核对描述特殊医学状况的医疗手镯或者卡片。16A.Alth

25、ough BWhenCBecause DUnless解析:选D结合后面的“the accident scene becomes unsafe or the victim may suffer further injury”可知,此处表示除非受伤现场变得不安全或者受伤者可能遭到进一步的伤害。17A.move BsaveCtouch Ddefend解析:选A此处指除了一些特殊情况外,不要移动受害者。18A.leg BheadCarm Dface解析:选B结合后面的“be kept in a neutral position in line with the body”可知,要使受害者的头部位于中间

26、,和身体保持在一条直线上。19A.analysis BexplanationCexperience Devidence解析:选D根据语境可知,此处表示如果没有证据表示(受伤者有)潜在的颅骨或脊椎伤害。 BwithCon Dat解析:选Con ones side此处表示“侧身躺在一侧”。.短文改错It has been three months before I left my junior high school. Besides, there is one thing Ill never forget about it. It was my turn to give an Eng

27、lish speech in class. I felt worried because my poor spoken English. So I went to Miss Lee for help. She not only encourages me, but gave me some valuable advices. And then I spent nearly two hours practice it at home every day. To my great joy, my speech was the great success. It was the teachers e

28、ncouragement who helped me get courage. Through the experience, I know when we have difficulty we should never be afraid to ask other for help.答案:It has been three months I left my junior high school. , there is one thing Ill never forget about it. It was my turn to give an English speech in class.

29、I felt worried because my poor spoken English. So I went to Miss Lee for help. She not only me, but gave me some valuable . And then I spent nearly two hours it at home every day. To my great joy, my speech was great success. It was the teachers encouragement helped me get courage. Through the experience, I know when we have difficulty we should never be afraid to ask for help.

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