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人教版新课标高中英语选修7单元检测:UNIT2 ROBOTS WORD版含答案.doc

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1、 单元检测2答题栏12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940.阅读理解AAs civilization proceeds in the direction of technology, it passes the point of supplying all the basic essentials of life food, shelter, clothes and warmth. Then we are faced with a choice between using technology

2、 to provide and fulfill needs which have now been regarded as unnecessary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of living. In other words, we either raise our standard of living above that necessary for com

3、fort and happiness or we leave it at this level and work shorter hours.I shall take it for granted that mankind has, by that time, chosen the latter alternative. Men will be working shorter and shorter hours in their paid employment. It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have

4、more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living. It also follows that human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist. Yet the great majority of the housewives will wish to be relieved completely from the routine operations of the home such as scrubbing the floors or th

5、e bath of the cooker, or washing the clothes or washing up, or dusting or sweeping, or making beds.By far the most logical step to relieve the housewife of routine is to provide a robot which can be trained to the requirements of a particular home and can be programmed to carry out half a dozen or m

6、ore standard operation, when is switched by the housewife.1As civilization develops in the direction of technology, _.Athe basic essentials of life must be suppliedBit is important to supply the basic essentials of lifeCit is no longer so important as it was in the past to supply all the basic essen

7、tials of lifeDit is not necessary to supply the basic essentials of life2According to the author, we are faced with _.Athe choice of providing and fulfilling our needsBthe choice of using technologyCthe choice of earning a standard of livingDa choice between using technology to provide and fulfill n

8、eeds to reduce the number of working hours3What alternative will mankind have chosen in future?ATo leave our standard of living at this level and work shorter hours.BTo raise our standard of living.CTo fulfill needs which have been regarded as unnecessary.DTo lower our standard of living and work sh

9、orter hours.4It can be inferred that robots will be invented _.Ato take the place of housewivesBto help manage a familyCto do the routine of housework instead of humanDto provide the daily necessities for manBI log onto a computer at the doctors office to say I have arrived and then wait until a voi

10、ce calls me into the examination room.There, a robotic nurse directs me onto the scales and then takes my blood pressure. Some time later, in steps the doctor, who is also a robot. He notes down my symptoms and gives me a prescription. I pay for my visit using a credit card machine and return home w

11、ithout having encountered another human being.This scenario (场景) is my nightmarish (噩梦般的) vision of the future, which hasnt come to pass at least not yet.I should say I really do like many aspects of technology. I am a big fan of air conditioning in the summer and heaters in winter. But I am writing

12、 this because I dont want machines to take over.When I call my dentists office and actually get a human being on the line, I am thrilled. And when I see the introduction of yet more selfservice checkout stations at the grocery store, I feel like shouting: “When it comes to cashiers (收银员), make mine

13、human, please!”After all, human cashiers sometimes give you a store coupon (优惠券) for items you are buying but you didnt realize were on sale. Even more than that, real life cashiers often take an interest in particularly cute children, which can brighten a young mothers day. A cashier may also show

14、compassion for an elderly person struggling to get that last penny out of her purse.What technological device would do any of this? I dont want to go back to the Store Age, but Im also worried about a world run by machines. Sometimes when youre chatting with someone, you discover things you need to

15、know. Maybe a receptionist needs prayers said for a sick child. Maybe a sales person can offer a bit of encouragement for a customer who is feeling tired.Machines can be efficient and costeffective and they often get the job done just fine. But they lack an element so crucial to everyday life.It is

16、being human that prompts (促使) us to smile at others, which may be what they need at that moment. Call it the spirit, the soul or the heart. It is something no machine will ever have.5Whats the authors purpose in writing the first two paragraphs?ATo indicate high technology can make our future life v

17、ery efficient.BTo warn readers of the possible dangers of robotic nurses and doctors.CTo describe a possible future scene where robots take control of our life.DTo predict how technology can affect the way we see a doctor in the future.6What is the main reason that the author prefers being served by

18、 humans rather than by robots?ARobots dont offer to give store coupons.BRobots are indifferent and emotionless.CServices from robots cost less time and more money.DRobots cant do a job as well as humans do.7What does the underlined word “element” mean in the eighth paragraph?AHumor.BThe ability to s

19、peak.CMethods. DEffective communication.8Whats the main idea of the text?AThe opinion about using man or machine.BMachines give people a lot of convenience.CBeing human service is better than service from machines.DBeing human service cost little money.CWhen he was just 19, Michael Dell started the

20、company that would dominate the industry.At the time, IBM personal computers sold in stores for about $3,000. After taking them apart and rebuilding them, Dell realized the components (零部件) could be bought for onefourth the price. Soon he was buying components to reduce the cost. A good business dec

21、ision, but it meant his room was starting to look like a mechanics shop.“I was quite excited about the possibilities for personal computers and how they could change society. I had this idea to sell the products directly to the user over the phone.” he said. College plans and his parents expectation

22、s bothered him a lot. But Michael Dell was determined. He drove off to the University of Texas at Austin in August 1983 in a car hed bought with earnings from selling newspapers. He was surprised that his mother wasnt suspicious about the three computers in the backseat. By November, news reached hi

23、s parents that he wasnt attending classes. On a surprise visit to Austin, they caught their son on spot. Michael Dell told dad that he wanted to compete with IBM.Although Michael agreed to focus on his studies, the business chances and the timing couldnt have been better. The public was becoming mor

24、e interested in computers, but no one was producing them. In early May, a week before his final exams, Michael started Dell Computer Corporation with $1,000. He took his exam, and then dropped out of college at the end of his freshman year. It was time to try out his directtocustomer business model.

25、“Three years later,” Dell says “we had already achieved annual sales of about $150 million. I was 22 years old then.”9What does the underlined word in paragraph 1 mean?AAffect.BDevelop.CSupport.DLead.10Which of the following is TRUE according to paragraph 2?ADell discovered a good chance to make mon

26、ey.BDell could buy a computer at onefourth the price.CIBM made little money from personal computers.DDell rebuilt computers in a mechanics shop.11When Dells parents learned about his absence from class, they _.Atried to help with his businessBwere too suspicious to accept itCwanted him to go back to

27、 classDencouraged him to compete with IBM12It can be inferred from the article that _.ADell was tired of his college lifeBDell was not devoted to his study at collegeCDells college life helped him greatlyDDell didnt finish his final examsDStarting high school life can be extremely exciting and at th

28、e same time nervewracking. You may worry about all these things: what classes to take, what to wear on the first day of school and what will everyone think of you? But so far high school has been the best experience for me ever.On my first day of high school, I asked a senior where my class was, and

29、 he told me it was on the fourth floor, next to the pool. I found out five minutes later that we didnt even have a fourth floor and had no pool either! Besides that event, I didnt have any trouble with the older kids.I think the biggest difference between middle and high school is the homework load

30、and the size of the school. I went from fifteen minutes of homework a night to several hours, so I had to learn time management pretty quickly! Our class size was around 550, so being exposed (暴露) to so many new people was a big change. Getting involved in clubs, sports, music and other activities a

31、t school makes it easier to get to know people in every grade its always useful to have an upperclassman friend!The best suggestion I can give about the four years you spend in high school is to learn things for the sake of learning, not just to get a good grade. There have been so many tests that I

32、ve crammed (突击式学习) on the night before and got an A, but now I dont remember anything. Ive changed that this year, and I enjoy school so much more. Relating to academics, dont take easy classes just to have a simple year. If you have a choice between “AP Chemistry” and “Racquet Sports”, the first wi

33、ll prove to be more useful!13On the first day of high school, the author _.Afailed to adapt himself to a new environmentBfound it was hard for him to get on with new classmatesCwas teased by a senior studentDlost his way in the schoolyard14Which of the following is TRUE about the authors advice on h

34、igh school life?AMaking as many upperclassmen friends as possible.BTaking an active part in various afterschool activities.CTrying to obtain useful knowledge instead of getting good grades.DChoosing easy but useful courses instead of practical ones.15In writing the text, the author intends to _.Atel

35、l others his firstday experience at high schoolBexpress his opinions on high school educationCdescribe what can be learnt at high schoolDshare his life and thoughts at high school.任务型阅读Many people experience feelings of sadness, and depression in winter. 16._ Make a planThe winter months can often s

36、eem quite dull, many of us spending the majority of our time indoors. A good way to get rid of this feeling is to break out of your routine and create something to look forward to. 17._ Whatever your plan, make sure it is something you feel excited. Get creative about fitness18_ However, many of us

37、find our workout routine takes a hit when the cold weather sets in. To stay inspired to exercise, try searching for something new like an unusual sport.Cheer up your social lifeAs people retreat more indoors to the warmth of their homes, it can feel as though your social life has gone into hibernati

38、on (冬眠). 19._ If you want to improve your social life, its time to get active. Pick up the phone and make plans to spend time with friends and family.20_To improve your happiness over the winter, it is important to make time for those little things that improve your mood. Make a list of the daytoday

39、 things that make you happy such as having a catchup with a friend, or listening to your favorite song. Planning regular treats not only gives you something to look forward to, it can also improve each day.ATreat yourselfBGet an indoor hobbyCDifferent people have different hobbies, so try to find on

40、e everyone can join in.DExercise is a great way to beat the blues as it will leave you looking great.EHowever, spending time with others can be one of the greatest mood supporters.FThis could be a night out or weekend away, or something ongoing like a new fitness challenge.GIf the winter blues are s

41、tarting to set in, check out these ways to improve your happiness this winter. .完形填空During Hurricane Sandy last year, the garage and basement of Christine ODonovans house in New York were flooded, and two cars, years of paperwork, and photos were _21_. Still, her husband, five children (ages 2 to 12

42、), and an adopted dog named Buster remained _22_. Six months earlier, shed taken Buster _23_ after finding the sixmonthold puppy (小狗崽) left _24_ to a telephone pole.Just a month later, _25_, as construction workers repaired the house, Buster dashed through the open front gate and _26_ .“I was extrem

43、ely sad,” ODonovan says. All the searches for him were _27_. Weeks later, ODonovan got a text from a friend, _28_ her to look at a Facebook page that lists _29_ scheduled to be killed at New York City shelters the next day. _30_ enough, when ODonovan visited the website, there was a picture of Buste

44、r, who was apparently to be put to sleep eight _31_ later, early the next morning. The shelter was closed for the night and wouldnt _32_ again to the public until 8 am.“Im thinking how am I going to get him _33_ they do this?” says ODonovan. The next morning, she drove to the _34_ with all five kids

45、. She asked the woman at the front desk if Buster was still there. When the woman replied yes, “it was like a thousand pounds _35_ my shoulders,” says ODonovan. To _36_ her ownership, she told the assistant, “_37_ me to the back where he is, and you will see hes my dog.” When Buster spotted his _38_

46、, he went wild, barking, jumping and licking ODonovans face. She burst into _39_. The shelter worker needed nothing _40_ and Buster went home.21A.destroyedBinjuredChurtDexposed22A.dead Blucky Csafe Dhealthy23A.away Bhome Cout Dup24A.stuck Bfixed Cjoined Dtied25A.however Bbut Ctherefore Dnevertheless

47、26A.died down Bshowed up Cran off Drushed in27A.in place Bin vain Cby design Dby chance28A.wishing Bpreventing Cstopping Dtelling29A.people Bchildren Canimals DBuster30A.Strangely BSadly CWell DSure31A.days Bhours Cminutes Dweeks32A.open Bclose Cwork Dgive33A.after Bsince Cbefore Dwhen34A.dog Bshelt

48、er Chouse Dwebsite35A.lifted off Bput on Cwent away Dcame to36A.make Bgave Cprove Dproduce37A.Tell BTake CHelp DBring38A.mother Bfriend Cbaby Downer39A.laughter Btears Cflames Dlove40A.better Bbest Cmost Dmore.语法填空W:Hello, Bob. Long time no see. How are you getting along 41._ our preparations for th

49、e entrance exam?M:Well, I really cant tell. 42._, Im doing my best, 43._ (work) day and night.W:44._ am I. Sometimes I feel very tired, both physically and mentally.M:I feel 45._ same. I often suffer from headaches and general weakness. Not enough time for sleeping. I dont know 46._ will become of m

50、e if it goes on like this for long.W:And 47._ time for sports, even music, not to mention films and TV programs. All we can see is exercises, exam papers and this sort of things.M:It seems that to go to college is the only choice of our future life. W:48._ (certain) not. Even if we cant go to colleg

51、e, we can take up many other jobs and do our best for the society as well.M:Quite right. But well get more knowledge after studying several years at college. That means we can work 49._ (well) for our country and people after graduation. In addition, our parents lay great hope on us. We shouldnt mak

52、e them 50._ (disappoint). 41_42._43._44._45._46_47._48._49._50._.短文改错Two years before, I traveled to Brazil and rented for a car. Unfortunate, I had an accident and hit another car, which made me staying in a hospital for at least two weeks. I called my parents, but I did not tell them what happened

53、. I knew that they will be worried about me because I was so far away, and my mother would not sleep if she knew the accident. Therefore, I told them interested stories and how I was enjoying Brazil. As a result, nobody knew truth. I still think that it was right to do so.书面表达电影哈利波特受到人们的普遍欢迎,创造了很高的票

54、房纪录,成为电影业的奇迹,全世界的孩子都为哈利波特的魔力着迷。现在假设你是哈利波特,你将怎样用你的魔法对付以下问题?1残酷的战争;2.濒危动物;3.环境污染。注意:1.词数100左右;2.充分发挥自己的想象力,注意行文连贯。_答案1选C细节理解题。由第一段的第一句“.it passes the point of supplying all the basic essentials.”可知选C。2选D细节理解题。由文章第一段第二句可知,我们面临的选择是:或者用技术提供和满足需求,或者应用技术缩减工作时间。3选A推理判断题。从文章第一段最后一句和第二段第一句判断,人类所选择的是使我们的生活水准停留

55、在这种水平并且使工时缩短。4选C推理判断题。通过最后一段及全文可推知,机器人将来会帮助人们做家务,但它们也不是万能的。语篇解读:这是一篇议论文。作者通过前两段的事实,提出自己的观点:非常喜欢科技带来的生活便利和舒适,但是她不希望机器占据她太多的生活,人性化的人工服务,更令人感到舒服。5选C推理判断题。从第三段“This scenario (场景) is my nightmarish (噩梦般的) vision of the future, which hasnt come to pass at least not yet.”可知,前两段是作者以看病为例表达对将来的担忧,她担心机器人将掌控人类的

56、生活。6选B细节理解题。从第六段与人相比较,可以得此答案。机器服务是“indifferent”冷淡的和“emotionless”没有感情的。7选D词义猜测题。从第七段所举的例子“Sometimes when youre chatting with someone, you discover things you need to know . Maybe a sales person can offer a bit of encouragement for a customer who is feeling tired.”以及最后一段的“Call it the spirit, the soul

57、or the heart. It is something no machine will ever have.”可知,机器人没有灵魂,无法和人进行有效的交流,故选D。8选A主旨大意题。文章中作者通过前两段的事实,提出自己的观点:非常喜欢科技带来的生活便利和舒适,但是她不希望机器占据她太多的生活。是说作者对机器和人工服务的看法。9选D词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段“we had already achieved annual sales of about $150 million. I was 22 years old then”可知戴尔电脑公司起着领头的作用。10选A主旨大意题。 根据第二段的

58、“A good business decision”可知戴尔找到了赚钱的商机。11选C细节理解题。 从文章第三段的“On a surprise visit to Austin, they caught their son on spot.”可知戴尔的父母是想让戴尔回到学校读书的。12选B推理判断题。 根据文章中提到的戴尔忙于创建戴尔电脑公司,可知戴尔在上学期间没有把全部的精力用在学习上。13选C文章第二段主要讲述了作者入学第一天被一位高年级同学搞了一个小的恶作剧的经历,故选C。14选C根据最后一段中第一句“The best suggestion I can give about the fou

59、r years you spend in high school is to learn things for the sake of learning, not just to get a good grade.”可知,作者认为高中学习的目的应该是为获得知识而学习而非考高分,故C正确。15选D本文主要讲述作者回忆自己高中生活的一些经历和感悟,希望和读者分享,故D符合题意。1620GFCEA语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了主人通过网络找到遗失的宠物狗,及时救了它的性命,使其免于被屠宰。体现了宠物和主人之间真挚的情感。21选A根据第一句话中的“During Hurricane Sandy la

60、st year . were flooded, and two cars, years of paperwork, and photos”可知破坏性很大。destroy“破坏”;injure“损伤;伤害”;hurt“使受伤;使疼痛”;expose“使曝光”。22选C由句首“still”可知,上文说到东西被毁了,而此处与之相反的,这些(东西和人)还安全,因此选safe。23选B语境:六个月前发现一个六个月大的小狗崽被绑在电话杆上,就把它带回了家。因为上文提到Buster是收留的。故选B。24选D语境:小狗崽是被绑在电话杆上的。tie . to .“把绑在上”,符合语境。25选A根据上文可知此处是

61、一种表示转折的含义:小狗被领回家,但是一个月后走失了。因此选however。however“然而”;but“但是”;therefore“因此”;nevertheless“然而;不过”。26选C从下文的“I was extremely sad”可知“小狗跑掉了”。run off“逃跑”,符合语境。27选B语境:到处找都没有找到,所以寻找是徒劳的。in place“适当的”;in vain“徒劳的”;by design“故意地”;by chance“偶然的”。28选D根据句中的“ODonovan got a text from a friend”可知是得到的消息告诉她。故用telling。29选C

62、根据文章可知网站上登出了一些动物的照片,这些动物要第二天被屠宰。因此选animals。30选Dsure enough“果真;果然”,表示不出所料里面有那只小狗Buster。31选B根据句意,此处是预计8个小时以后,小狗就要被屠宰。因此选择hours。32选A根据句中的“The shelter was closed for the night”可知“直到第二天的上午8点才对公众开放”。be open to“向开放”,符合语境。33选C为了解救Buster必须在他们杀它之前想办法。所以用before。34选B该句话意思为“她开车带着孩子去动物收容所。”因此选shelter。35选A听说小狗还在那里

63、,我如释重负。lift .off表示“将移去;抬起”。put on“穿上;上演”;go away“走开;离开”;come to“总计”。36选C从下文的she told the assistant, “ _37_ me to the back where he is .”可知她这样做是为了证明她是小狗的主人。prove“证明”,符合语境。37选B句意:带我去后面看看,那是我的小狗。take“带走”,符合语境。38选D从下文的“he went wild, barking, jumping and licking”可知是见到了自己的主人。owner“主人”,符合语境。39选B前一句话中提到“小狗见

64、到ODonovan非常的兴奋,又叫又跳”,ODonovan找到自己的小狗,所以激动得哭了。 burst into tears 表示 “大哭起来”。40选D工作人员再不需要任何更多的东西去证明我是小狗的主人了,因此选more。41with42.Anyhow43.working44.So45.the46.what47.no48.Certainly49better50.disappointed短文改错:第一句:beforeago;去掉for第二句:UnfortunateUnfortunately;stayingstay 第三句:happenedhad happened 第四句:willwould;a

65、nd 后加that第五句:interestedinteresting 第六句:truth前加 the第七句:thinkthought参考范文:I am Harry Potter, a boy with magical powers. I regard myself as a guard of the earth. To create a peaceful and friendly world for human beings is my duty.First of all, I will make use of my magic to bring all the cruel wars to a

66、n end. Let all the people no longer suffer from the wounds and death caused by wars. Let peace ring at every corner of the world.In addition, I will raise peoples awareness of saving endangered animals. As long as we learn to protect animals, we will understand how to give our love to others.Finally, I will rely on my magic to solve the environmental pollution. The earth is the only home of us human beings. Only by making great efforts can we make the earth a better place to live in.Please join me in this action. Lets work together to build a bright future!版权所有:高考资源网()


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