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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx

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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第1页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第2页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第3页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第4页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第5页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第6页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第7页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第8页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第9页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第10页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语北师大版选择性必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 5 SECTION A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1 WORD版含答案.docx_第11页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家UNIT 5EDUCATIONSection ATOPIC TALK & LESSON 1课后篇巩固提升必备知识基础练.单词拼写1.She could not (理解) why I could not help him.答案grasp2.Can you jump across the (水流)?答案stream3.(很严重的) brain damage turned him into a vegetable.答案Severe4.Just follow the signs to the townits very (简单的).答案straightforward5.M

2、odern inventions (使便利) housework.答案facilitate6.A l flows freely and has no fixed shape.答案liquid7.She showed the (技巧) to her students.答案technique8.Scientists have made a b in their treatment of that disease.答案breakthrough9.It was a t piece of work,but he finished it at last.答案troublesome10.Your frien

3、dship is most p to me.答案precious.单句语法填空1.She held the baby (gentle).答案gently2.I am willing to admit that I do make (mistake).答案mistakes3.She tried not to show how (disappoint) she was.答案disappointed4.Hes very (enthusiasm) about dancing.答案enthusiastic5.The weather,even for January,was (exceptional) c

4、old.答案exceptionally6.Truck drivers at large dont like the new speed (restrict) on the highway.答案restriction7.I accepted her (analyse) of the situation.答案analysis8.It must have been very (pain) for you to tell her about the accident.答案painful9.I am eager (learn) how to ride a bicycle.答案to learn10.He

5、has a weak heart,and should avoid (excite).答案excitement11.I (vivid) remember the day we first met.答案vividly12. (gradual),the children began to understand.答案Gradually13.The news leads me (believe) that they will come.答案to believe14.In recent years,there is a growing (tend) for people to shop online.答

6、案tendency.用适当的介词或副词填空1.Hold your right hand.答案up2.We can play Father Christmas.答案with3.It came to me a flash of inspiration.答案in4.Did he give up or keep trying?答案on5.His remarks didnt relate the topic under discussion.答案to6.Mary found that people were willing to open to her.答案up7.Hes always been ver

7、y enthusiastic sports.答案about8.Every sentence should start a capital letter.答案with9. the help of them,people dont need to spend much time on housework.答案With10.All the signs point a successful year ahead.答案to.短语填空allow sb to do sth,adapt to,pass on,have great influence on.,have great significance,wi

8、th the help of,devote to,be consistent with,provide sth for sb,enable sb to do sth1.May I trouble you to a message to her?答案pass on2.Studying modern women will in studying marketing.答案have great significance3.Still,the results the evidence.答案are consistent with4.Can you food thirty people?答案provide;

9、for5.His parents wont him smoke.答案allow;to6.Finally,a great deal of practice her succeed.答案enabled;to7.Parents behaviours their children.答案have great influence on8.Think about how much time you have to volunteering.答案devote to9.Human beings will continue to the changing climate.答案adapt to10.He made

10、himself understood gestures.答案with the help of.完成句子1.既然她明白了,她的怒气就消失了。(now that) ,her anger faded away.答案Now that she understood2.有些人认为询问别人的年龄是不礼貌的。(it作形式宾语)Some people to ask someones age.答案think it impolite3.这是我第一次在公共场合发言。(It was the first time that.) in public.答案It was the first time that I had sp

11、oken4.她已经开始将时间投入到教学而不是表演中。(devote.to)She had started to rather than performing.答案devote her time to teaching5.我想接近那些和我们用户相关的人。(relate to)I like to be close to the people who .答案relate to our customers关键能力提升练.阅读理解A主题语境:人与社会语篇类型:说明文The advancement of human civilisation is possible just because of enor

12、mous contributions made by scientists.They are one of the most influential people of todays world.With practical advantages in engineering,medicine and technology,they have helped us to grow better understanding about the world and different working phenomena that govern us.Their names are remembere

13、d in the sands of time for their work in the welfare of mankind with different inventions that has made our modern lives easy.Here is a list of the four great scientists weve ever seen who changed the world.Louis Pasteur (18221895)Pasteur contributed greatly towards the advancement of medical scienc

14、es developing cures for rabies(狂犬病),anthrax and other infectious diseases.He also invented the process of pasteurization(加热杀菌法) to make milk safer to drink.He probably saved more lives than any other person.Otto Hahn (18791968)Hahn was a German chemist who discovered nuclear fission(裂变) in 1939.He w

15、as a pioneering scientist in the field of radio-chemistry,and discovered radioactive elements in 1921.He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1944.Nikola Tesla (18561943)Tesla worked on electro-magnetism and AC current.He obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions from electric

16、ity to radio transmission,but many inventions developed by Tesla were not put into patent protection.He played a key role in the development of modern electricity.James Clerk Maxwell (18311879)Maxwell made great progress in understanding electro-magnetism.His research in electricity and kinetics lai

17、d the foundation for quantum(量子)physics.Einstein said of Maxwell,“The work of James Clerk Maxwell changed the world forever.”【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了四位伟人,他们都是社会的重要贡献者,为社会变革做出了巨大的贡献。1.What contribution did Louis Pasteur make to society?A.The development of medicine.B.Radio-chemistry.C.Modern electricit

18、y.D.Quantum physics.答案A解析细节理解题。根据Louis Pasteur部分中的“Pasteur contributed greatly towards the advancement of medical sciences developing cures for rabies,anthrax and other infectious diseases.”可知,Louis Pasteur促进了医学的发展。2.Who was thought highly of by Einstein?A.Louis Pasteur.B.Otto Hahn.C.Nikola Tesla.D.

19、James Clerk Maxwell.答案D解析细节理解题。根据James Clerk Maxwell部分尾句“Einstein said of Maxwell,The work of James Clerk Maxwell changed the world forever.”可知,爱因斯坦对James Clerk Maxwell的评价很高。3.What can we infer about the four people?A.They are medical pioneers.B.They are Nobel Prize winners.C.They are great contribu

20、tors to society.D.They are founders of modern physics.答案C解析推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,他们四个人都是社会的重要贡献者,为社会变革做出了巨大的贡献。B主题语境:人与社会语篇类型:说明文Researchers from France and Italy discovered that Canadian parents are less strict with their children than mothers and fathers in France and Italy.“Our most important finding wa

21、s the difference between Canadians and the others,” said Professor Michel Claes,the lead author of the study.“Canadians focus on independence and negotiation(商议;谈判).On the other hand,Italians,for example,exercise more control.We found Canadians seem to focus on negotiation in case of a conflict.”Cla

22、es said Canada,France and Italy were selected for the study because they share important cultural and social factors.“We chose French-Canadians because they share the same language as France,and originally came from France and share certain values.Italy was included because it was considered to have

23、 similar,strong and important family values,” he explained.The researchers examined the emotional ties between parents and their children by questioning 1,256 students aged 11 to 19.Canadian students reported less control and more free actions,according to the study.Italian parents were stricter and

24、 French parents were somewhere in the middle.Claes explains that the differences lie in education in Canada,France and Italy.“North America has its own educational values,which promote individualization.Tolerance and comprehension are encouraged.Italy,on the other hand,promotes respect of authority,

25、control and the need for permission,” he said.Children from all three countries described their mothers as warm and communicative.Italian and Canadian children had similar feelings about their fathers,and reported high levels of emotional ties.But French fathers were generally thought by their child

26、ren to be more distant and cold.“We were surprised by this,” Claes admitted.“It seems as though the relationships between French mothers and their children were becoming closer over time,while fathers maintain a form of distance and coldness,which is more of a source of conflict in France than in th

27、e other countries.”【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了在加拿大、法国和意大利这三个国家父母与子女的关系的差异,而产生这种差异的原因是教育观念的不同。4.Professor Michel Claes believes that Canada,France and Italy .A.have the same family spiritB.have some similar cultural traditionsC.have experienced some similar social changesD.have experienced similar cultural

28、developments答案B解析推理判断题。根据第三段的第一句“Claes said Canada,France and Italy were selected for the study because they share important cultural and social factors.”可知,这三个国家有相似的文化和社会因素。5.How did the researchers carry out the study?A.By collecting answers of parents from Canada,France and Italy.B.By collecting

29、answers of children from Canada,France and Italy.C.By questioning parents and their children from Italian-Canadian families.D.By questioning children from French-Canadian families.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第四段“The researchers examined the emotional ties between parents and their children by questioning 1,256 stu

30、dents aged 11 to 19.”可知,研究人员是通过对1256个学生的调查询问得到答案的。6.According to Michel Claes,what mainly leads to the differences in parent-children relationships among the three countries?A.Educational opportunities.B.Traditional ideas.C.Educational values.D.Historical events.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第六段“Claes explains that

31、the differences lie in education in Canada,France and Italy.”及第七段中的“North America has its own educational values.”可知,这三个国家之间的差异主要是因为教育的价值观不同而引起的。7.Which of the following is NOT a finding of the study?A.French children have troubled relationships with their parents.B.Canadian children have close rela

32、tionships with their parents.C.Italian children have good relationships with their parents.D.Kids from Canada,France and Italy have closer ties with their moms.答案A解析推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的第一句“Children from all three countries described their mothers as warm and communicative.”可知,A项的表述与此句的意思不同,表述有误。C主题语境:人与自我

33、语篇类型:说明文Luis Reynoso says hes always tried to get involved in his childrens education:attending meetings on school-improvement projects and providing classroom food.But when his youngest daughters school invited families to attend a nine-week programme Lets Change the Course organised by a leading e

34、ducation advocacy group here to learn about parenting and school participation,he realised his past efforts barely scratched the surface.Each weekly session touched on different parenting themes,like setting up a special space at home for kids to do homework,and the importance of confidence.One of t

35、he most helpful sessions,he recalls,focused on what a child should know academically in each grade and how to talk to teachers about his daughters performance.“The workshops really woke me up,” says Mr Reynoso.Levels of parental participation in Mexican schools have long been low.Many people commonl

36、y believe a childs education is the schools job to get involved.In some parts of the country,a mothers or fathers own lack of education can play into a sense that they have nothing to contribute.And even in private schools,where there might be more adults with fixed jobs,the participation is very ra

37、re,with some parents viewing their tuition bill as their educational contribution.There are also cases where the schools themselves ignore the potential of parents in a childs education,discouraging communication between families and schools.But the importance of family participation is something ma

38、ny non-profit education advocates and recently the government are starting to home in on Mexico.Part of Mexicos 2013 national education reform stresses the importance of parents playing a more active role in their childs education,encouraging an increase in parental-participation programmes,includin

39、g Lets Change the Course.Susana Castellanos,headmaster of a school in Mexico City,says,“People are recognising you have to work together to create happy successful citizens.Its no longer acceptable to set apart the roles of teacher vs.parent vs.school headmaster.”【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。Luis Reynoso参加最小的女儿所在

40、学校的一个为期九周的项目时收获匪浅,要想让孩子快乐、成功,教师、家长和校长的作用已经不能再分开,必须共同努力。8.What does Reynoso mean by the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?A.His previous efforts were in vain.B.He missed the key point of participation.C.His daughter disagreed with what he did.D.He failed to catch the importance of school.答案B解析句意猜测题。

41、根据第一段的后两句话可知,他的小女儿所在的学校邀请一些家庭参加一个为期九周的Lets Change the Course项目。这个项目是由当地一个领先的教育集团倡导、组织的,旨在了解家长教育和学校参与的情况,这让他意识到他过去的努力只触及了表面。再结合第二段的内容可推知,画线部分的意思是“他没明白参与的关键点”。9.What did Reynoso find most beneficial about Lets Change the Course?A.The necessity to set up a space for kids to do homework.B.The academic r

42、equirements for kids in different periods.C.The importance of knowing childrens performance.D.The ways to increase students confidence.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第二段第二句可知,Reynoso认为Lets Change the Course项目最有价值的地方是让他了解到不同时期孩子的学业要求。10.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A.How to contribute more to childrens educati

43、on.B.How to know the levels of parental participation in Mexican schools.C.Why schools failed to provide chances for parents to get involved.D.Why parents played less active roles in school education in Mexico.答案D解析段落大意题。根据第三段的首句和末句可知,长期以来,墨西哥学校的家长参与度一直很低。还有一些情况是,学校本身忽视了家长在孩子教育中的潜力,阻碍了家庭和学校之间的交流。由此可

44、知,本段主要讲述了为什么在墨西哥的学校教育中家长扮演了一个不那么积极的角色。11.What influence did Mexicos education reform have?A.The number of parental-participation programmes rose.B.Many non-profit educational organisations were set up.C.Teachers roles in school education started to get increased.D.Parents began to attach importance

45、to childrens education.答案A解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的第二句可知,墨西哥2013年的全国教育改革强调了家长在孩子教育中的重要性,鼓励增加家长参与的项目,其中包括Lets Change the Course。由最后一段可知,人们正认识到,要想让孩子快乐、成功,教师、家长和校长的作用已经不能再分开,必须共同努力。由此可推知,墨西哥的教育改革使家长参与项目的数量增加了。.七选五主题语境:人与自我语篇类型:说明文Tips on Learning a New Language Before TravellingWhenever you travel to a foreign

46、 place,it is helpful knowing a bit of the local language.1But speaking the local language shows you care and it will help you mix with the locals easily.To learn a language,you do not have to take full-time classes.You can follow some of the tips to pick up some basics quickly before that trip.Pract

47、ise.The more you study the language,the better.2 Think of it like learning an instrument.The amount of time youll need depends on the language youre learning,how often you practise and your learning style.3 One good way to practise is to use the language youre learning.And who is better to speak a l

48、anguage with than a native speaker who can train you better and correct your mistakes?Find one on the Internet or in real life and strike up a conversation with them.There are some free language exchange websites where you can find native speakers to practise with.4Download a language app.Your app s

49、tore offers a vast amount of options for language learning.Apps like Duolingo,Bilingual or HiNative can help you to learn languages quickly.5 But they are not necessarily the best choice if youre short on time and trying to master the basics.They can also help a lot when youre struggling to communic

50、ate while on vacation.A.Speak to native speakers.B.Constantly use the language.C.You can also find a private class to attend.D.Trips can help make the process fun and easy.E.Learning a language doesnt happen overnight.F.Those apps can help you learn the language effectively.G.You may not know how to

51、 pronounce the words correctly.答案与解析【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了旅行前学习一门新语言的相关建议。1.G根据空后一句中的“But”以及空后一句介绍的讲当地语言的好处可知,空格处说的是讲当地语言时可能会遇到的困难,与空格后形成转折关系,因此G项符合语境。2.E根据下文“Think of it like learning an instrument”可知,空处讲的是学习语言要多付出时间和精力,因此E项符合语境。3.A本空是段落主题句。结合本段内容,尤其是“And who is better to speak a language.correct y

52、our mistakes?”可知,本段说的是与讲本族语的当地人交流是学习语言的好办法,因此A项符合语境。4.C根据上文可知,可以通过上网和当地人交流来学习一门新的语言,结合选项可知,C项“你还可以上私教课(来学习语言)”符合语境。5.F根据本段首句以及空前一句可知,该段主要讲利用app学习语言,选项中只有F项提及app,故F项符合语境。.完形填空主题语境:人与自我语篇类型:记叙文My teacher Mr Bush is the most positive person Ive ever met.He has the ability to 1 positiveness to young stu

53、dents.He always smiles and never gets 2 at students.Once I met some 3 because I felt overshadowed by my brother,who seemed to be doing great in every way.Hopelessness 4 me whenever I was in a classroom.But that all 5 when I met my teacher for life,Mr Bush.Having found out about my problems,he just k

54、ept 6 me.Because of Mr Bush,my world was filled with 7 and power.A few weeks ago,everyone in my class was feeling a bit 8 because of a bad day at school.But things got9 after a close of Mr Bushs class.He drew a picture on the whiteboard that 10 a half-full glass of water.He then said,“Class,the poin

55、t of view in which you look at things will 11 your feelings.Like this glass of water;some people see it and think What!Only half a glass of water.How 12 I am.Whereas other people think Wow,Im so thirsty.Great!Half a glass of water for me!It all is in the13 you think.”Mr Bushs 14 way of thinking alwa

56、ys makes me feel glad and 15.I will always remember him.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的老师是一个极其乐观的人,他有能力把积极的一面传递给年轻学生,他乐观的思维方式总是让作者感到高兴和充满希望。1.A.pass on B.apply forC.consist ofD.give up答案A解析pass on“传递”;apply for“申请”;consist of“组成”;give up“放弃”。分析下文可知,Mr Bush总是会让沮丧的学生高兴起来,故应是他有能力把积极的一面传递给年轻学生。2.A.strictB.pat

57、ientC.madD.curious答案C解析strict“严格的”;patient“耐心的”;mad“生气的”;curious“好奇的”。根据上文“He always smiles and never gets.”可知,Mr Bush总是微笑,从不会生学生的气。3.A.friendsB.needsC.realitiesD.difficulties答案D解析friend“朋友”;need“需要”;reality“现实”;difficulty“困难”。根据下文“because I felt overshadowed by my brother,who seemed to be doing gre

58、at in every way.”可知,作者遇到了一些困难。4.A.drownedB.resistedC.curedD.relaxed答案A解析drown“淹没”;resist“抵抗”;cure“治愈”;relax“使放松”。根据上文可知,作者一直活在兄弟的阴影之下,故应是绝望淹没了作者。5.A.happenedB.changedC.solvedD.included答案B解析happen“发生”;change“改变”;solve“解决”;include“包括”。下文中,Mr Bush鼓励作者,最后作者振作了起来,因此当见到Mr Bush时一切都变了。6.A.forgivingB.calming

59、C.encouragingD.calling答案C解析forgive“原谅”;calm“使平静”;encourage“鼓励”;call“呼叫”。根据下文“Because of Mr Bush,my world was filled with and power.”可知,由于Mr Bush的鼓励,作者的世界充满了阳光和力量。7.A.sunshineB.fearC.surpriseD.disappointment答案A解析sunshine“阳光”;fear“害怕”;surprise“惊讶”;disappointment“失望”。根据下文的“power”可知,Mr Bush的鼓励让作者的世界充满阳光

60、和力量。8.A.cheerfulB.downC.eagerD.afraid答案B解析cheerful“高兴的”;down“沮丧的”;eager“渴望的”;afraid“害怕的”。根据下文“because of a bad day at school”可知,大家在学校度过了糟糕的一天,所以感到沮丧。9.A.warmerB.higherC.betterD.happier答案C解析warmer“更温暖的”;higher“更高的”;better“更好的”;happier“更高兴的”。下文提到,Mr Bush画了一张半杯水的图,告诉同学们思维方式不一样,看问题的角度就不一样,同学们又都高兴起来。由此可知

61、,Mr Bush的课结束后,情况有所好转。故选C项。10.A.servedB.filledC.boughtD.showed答案D解析serve“服务”;fill“充满”;buy“买”;show“显示”。根据下文“Like this glass of water;some people see it and think What!Only half a glass of water.How I am. Whereas other people think Wow,Im so thirsty.Great!Half a glass of water for me!”可知,Mr Bush的画上显示的是

62、半杯水。11.A.hurtB.care aboutC.give awayD.affect答案D解析hurt“伤害”;care about“关心”;give away“分发”;affect“影响”。根据下文的“It all is in the you think.”可知,Mr Bush想要告诉同学们:你看事情的角度会影响你的感受。12.A.pleasedB.unfortunateC.brightD.perfect答案B解析pleased“高兴的”;unfortunate“不幸的”;bright“明亮的”;perfect“完美的”。根据下文的“Whereas other people think

63、Wow,Im so thirsty.Great!Half a glass of water for me!”可知,此处表示一个对比,有的人认为只有半杯水是不幸的。13.A.wayB.directionC.endD.past答案A解析way“方式”;direction“方向”;end“结束”;past“过去”。分析上下文可知,Mr Bush给同学们画了一幅半杯水的图,告诉他们有的人对此持积极的态度,有的人对此持消极的态度。故应是想告诉同学们:你看事情的角度会影响你的感受,一切都取决于你怎么想。14.A.differentB.optimisticC.specialD.important答案B解析d

64、ifferent“不同的”;optimistic“乐观的”;special“特殊的”;important“重要的”。根据上文“My teacher Mr Bush is the most positive person Ive ever met.”可知,Mr Bush是一个乐观的人,故他乐观的思维方式总是让我感到高兴。15.A.proudB.carefulC.lonelyD.hopeful答案D解析proud“骄傲的”;careful“小心的”;lonely“孤独的”;hopeful“充满希望的”。分析上下文可知,Mr Bush总是用他积极的思维方式影响着作者,故应是让作者感到高兴和充满希望。- 11 - 版权所有高考资源网


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