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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语译林版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION B GRAMMAR AND USAGE& INTEGRATED SKILLS WORD版含答案.docx

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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语译林版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION B GRAMMAR AND USAGE& INTEGRATED SKILLS WORD版含答案.docx_第1页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语译林版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION B GRAMMAR AND USAGE& INTEGRATED SKILLS WORD版含答案.docx_第2页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语译林版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION B GRAMMAR AND USAGE& INTEGRATED SKILLS WORD版含答案.docx_第3页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语译林版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION B GRAMMAR AND USAGE& INTEGRATED SKILLS WORD版含答案.docx_第4页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语译林版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION B GRAMMAR AND USAGE& INTEGRATED SKILLS WORD版含答案.docx_第5页
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《新教材》2021-2022学年高中英语译林版必修第二册课后巩固提升:UNIT 2 SECTION B GRAMMAR AND USAGE& INTEGRATED SKILLS WORD版含答案.docx_第6页
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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家Section BGrammar and usage& Integrated skills课后篇素养形成必备知识基础练.单句填空1.Through the years,Id run into former students who would provide (update)on old classmates.答案updates2.Encourage readers to use the library.Share library (announce) on your social media.答案announcements3.The public health

2、 emergency (respond) was lowered to Level 2 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.答案response4.Determined to be (me),move forward,free of shame and worldly labels(世俗标签),I can now call myself a “marathon winner”.答案myself5.All of us wonder how you can fit everything your busy schedule.答案into.用所给动词的适当形式填空

3、1.They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house (rebuild).答案is being rebuilt2.Many interesting experiments (carry) out these days.答案are being carried3.These children (look) after by an old man now.答案are being looked4.Scientists will produce plastic materials from beans,bu

4、t right now the new product (develop) in the lab.答案is being developed5.Mum,is the pair of gloves(wash) mine?Yes.You have to wear another pair.答案being washed6.With the help of high technology,more and more new substances (discover) in the past few years.答案have been discovered7.Large areas of the jung

5、le now(threaten) with destruction.答案are;threatened8.A 90-year-old (award) “Woman of the Year” for being Britains oldest full-time employee.答案has been awarded.完成句子1.那个小男孩最近进步很快,总是被他的老师表扬。The little boy has made rapid progress recently and by his teachers.答案is always being praised2.最近正在制订勘探南极的计划。The p

6、lan to explore the South Pole these days.答案is being made3.由于成绩不好,吉米此刻可能正在挨父亲打。Because of bad scores,Jimmy by his father at the very moment.答案may be being beaten4.男孩们已经被多次告知不要在湖里游泳。 not to swim in that lake.答案The boys have been told many times5.听说李涛因在数学比赛中获得高分已经被复旦大学录取,我们很高兴。We are glad to be told th

7、at Li Tao for his top score in the Maths Contest.答案has been admitted to Fudan University关键能力提升练.七选五Football T-shirts are more commonly connected with boys than girls.This can often cause a problem when you want to find a cool shirt for a girl.1 The problem is that they are often harder to find than

8、the ones for boys.2 Of course you have to make sure that they are legally allowed to use the logos (商标) and colours of the team you want to support.3 The official channels will generally be the large sportswear stores or the official stores of the teams.These stores will be able to use the colours o

9、f the teams and even put the name of the person who the shirt is for on it.If you do not feel like you have to try the T-shirts on,then an online store may be your best choice.4If you want to see what the T-shirt looks like in real life,then going to a store is the best choice.Large sportswear store

10、s often have football shirts.5 And these stores usually have lower prices than the official stores.A.These shirts cost much more than ordinary ones.B.These are the best places to go if you do not live close to an official store.C.It is cool for boys and girls to wear football T-shirts.D.You can also

11、 go through official channels to get the shirt you want.E.That is not to say that there are no cool shirts out there for girls to wear.F.The reason for this is that you can visit various stores and find the best ones.G.You can get custom (定制的) shirts printed for girls from a number of custom print s

12、tores.答案与解析【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。男孩和女孩都喜欢球衣,但是对于女孩来说,选择酷的球衣很难。文章主要讲述了女孩选择球衣的几种方式。1.E根据下句句意“问题是比起男孩的球衣来说它们很难找到”可知,上文应谈到与女孩的球衣有关的内容,E项符合语意。2.G根据下句句意“你需要确保他们被允许使用你想支持球队的商标”可知,这里谈到的是定制球衣,所以选G项。3.D解答本题的关键是“The official channels”,D项有“official channels”且语境与此相符。4.F本部分谈论的是从网上购买球衣。F项“原因是你可以逛不同的商店,选择最好的”与上文句意“逛网店是最好的

13、选择”语境相符。5.B上文谈到“Large sportswear stores often have football shirts.”,B项中的These指的就是Large sportswear stores。.完形填空When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team.That meant beating out Miller King,who was the best 1 at our school.Football season started in September and all su

14、mmer long I worked out.I carried my football everywhere for 2.Just before September,Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm.I went to see him after he came back from 3.He looked very pale,but he didnt cry.That season,I 4 all of Millers records while he 5 the home games from the bench.We we

15、nt 10-1 and I was named the most valuable player,but I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame for Millers 6.One afternoon,I was crossing the field to go home and saw Miller 7 going over a fencewhich wasnt 8 to climb if you had both arms.Im sure I was the last person in the world he wanted to

16、 accept 9 from.But even that challenge he accepted.I 10 him move slowly over the fence.When we were finally 11 on the other side,he said to me,“You know,I didnt tell you this during the season,but you did 12.Thank you for filling in for me.”His words freed me from my bad 13.I thought to myself,how e

17、ven without an arm he was more of a leader.Damaged but not defeated,he was 14 ahead of me.I was right to have 15 him.From that day on,I grew bigger and a little more real.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者喜欢踢足球,并且崇拜校足球队的最佳球员Miller King,但他因为车祸失去了右臂不能参加比赛了。作者代替了他,并且取得了骄人的成绩。作者感到内疚,但是Miller King的话让他深受感动。1.A.coachB.stud

18、entC.teacherD.player答案D解析联系前文“my only purpose was to become the star on our football team.That meant beating out Miller King”可知,他是学校最好的球员(player)。2.A.practiceB.showC.comfortD.pleasure答案A解析联系前文“all summer long I worked out”可知,整个夏天“我”都带着足球不断练习(practice)。3.A.schoolB.vacationC.hospitalD.training答案C解析联系前

19、文“Miller was struck by a car and lost his right arm”可知,他出车祸,住院了,此处是说他从医院(hospital)回来后“我”去看望他。4.A.heldB.brokeC.setD.tried答案B解析break ones record“打破某人的纪录”。5.A.reported B.judgedC.organisedD.watched答案D解析联系空后的“the home games from the bench”可知,他坐在凳子上看(watched)比赛。6.A.decisionB.mistakeC.accidentD.sacrifice答案

20、C解析联系空前的Millers以及前文讲述的Miller因为车祸致残不能参加比赛的情况可知,“我”总是感到自责,因为Miller遭遇意外事故(accident)自己才有机会。7.A.stuckB.hurtC.triedD.lost答案A解析联系后文“which wasnt to climb if you had both arms”可知,因为现在失去了右臂,他过篱笆时被卡住(stuck)了。8.A.steadyB.hardC.funD.fit答案B解析联系空后的“if you had both arms”可知,现在他卡住了,如果有两只胳膊,过篱笆对于他来说,不是件难(hard)事。9.A.pr

21、aiseB.adviceC.assistanceD.apology答案C解析联系下文“I him move slowly over the fence.”可知,“我”帮助了他,但“我”是他最不想接受帮助(assistance)的人。10.A.hadB.helpedC.gotD.went答案B解析联系前文可知,他卡在那里,再联系空后的“him move slowly over the fence”可知,“我”帮助(helped)他从篱笆上下来。11.A.droppedB.readyC.trappedD.safe答案D解析由前文的“move slowly over the fence”和空后的“o

22、n the other side”可知,最后“我们”安全(safe)了。12.A.fineB.wrongC.quicklyD.normally答案A解析联系前文“We went 10-1 and I was named the most valuable player”可知,他说“我”做得很好(fine)。13.A.memoriesB.ideasC.attitudesD.dreams答案D解析联系前文“I often had crazy dreams in which I was to blame”可知,他的话让“我”从这些不好的梦(dreams)中摆脱出来。14.A.stillB.alsoC

23、.yetD.just答案A解析联系空前的“Damaged but not defeated”可知,Miller尽管受伤,但是没有被打败,他仍(still)在“我”的前面。15.A.challengedB.curedC.invitedD.admired答案D解析联系前文“Miller King,who was the best at our school”可知,“我”崇拜(admired)他。.语篇填空The Olympic Games rooted in ancient Greece.People gave the Olympic Games to the God Zeus.The origi

24、nal games 1.(hold) on the plain of Olympia.The Greeks held the 2.(one) Olympics in the year 776 BC and had only one event,a short run that was called the “stade”.A wreath(花环) 3.(make) of olive branches was placed 4. the winners head.Women were neither allowed to take part in the games nor to watch t

25、hem,because the games were given to Zeus and therefore meant for men.Every four years,for 1,170 years,the Greeks held the Olympics,5. continued to grow and change.Many other sports were added,such as other races,boxing,wrestling,discus throw and so on.The modern Olympic Games took place in Athens in

26、 1886.Nowadays,the Games are held in different countries in turn.The host country provides vast facilities,including stadiums,6.(swim) pools and living accommodation,but competing countries pay their own 7.(athlete) expenses.Since 1984,when China took part in the Olympic Games again,Chinese players

27、8.(win) hundreds of medals in different 9.(field).As is known,the 32nd Summer Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo,Japan.Its 10. great honour and a challenge for the Japanese people.答案与解析【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了奥林匹克运动的起源及其发展壮大的过程。1.were held考查动词时态和语态。本句的主语与hold之间是被动关系,又由于这是描述古代奥运会,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。2.first

28、考查数词。前面有定冠词the,所以填序数词,表示“第一届奥运会”。3.made考查非谓语动词。make与A wreath之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。4.on考查介词。根据句意可知,此处表示“戴在头上”,所以用介词on。5.which考查定语从句。先行词是the Olympics,从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词which。6.swimming考查非谓语动词。swimming pools意为“游泳池”,说明所修饰名词的用途,应该用动词-ing形式。7.athletes考查名词所有格。根据句意“但参赛国自己支付运动员们的费用”可知,此处要用athlete的复数形式的所有格,表示“运动员们的”。8.have won考查动词时态。根据时间状语“Since 1984”可知,此处要用现在完成时,故填have won。9.fields考查名词复数。根据前面的修饰词different可知,此处要用复数形式,表示“不同的场地”。10.a考查冠词。a great honour 在此处意为“一件非常荣耀的事情”。- 6 - 版权所有高考资源网


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