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1、2012届英语一轮精品复习导学案:Unit2Language(译林牛津版必修3)一、知识复习 (一)词汇部分1.【原句再现】The language they created is what we now called Old English .(P22)【知识要点】create/invent/make/produce/discover【诊断练习】用create/invent/make/produce/ discover的适当形式填空。It was Edison who _ the electric light lamp.A hundred pence _ one pound.Female s

2、heep _ one or two lambs at a time.Shakespeare _ many comic characters and made his characters alive. Who first _ America?2.【原句再现】This is because many pairs of words and phrases have similar meanings in English, for example, pick up and lift up. (P22)【知识要点】pick up的用法【诊断练习】给出划线部分的汉语意思。I bought a radio

3、 to pick up English programs.Please pick up all these pieces of paper in the room.Where did you pick up this lovely vase at such a low price?My son picked up some French while he was staying in Paris.At the second corner the bus stopped to pick up three people.To our joy, our business is gradually p

4、icking up.3.【原句再现】Many factors contributed to the development of this new type of English.(P22)【知识要点】contribute to的用法【诊断练习】给出划线部分的汉语意思。Poor food contributes to her illness.How much did you contribute to the Red Cross?The Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions to the world civilization.This

5、professor has contributed many articles to magazines and newspapers. 4.【原句再现】By the later half of the 14th century, English was adopted by all classes in England.(P23)【知识要点】adopt与adapt的用法辨别【诊断练习】用adopt, adapt的适当形式填空。Many people want to _ homeless children from Sichuan.She had to _ herself to local c

6、onditions.This play has been well _ from the original.After careful discussion, they finally _ my suggestion. 5.【原句再现】After the Normans took control this was replaced by the French way of making plurals: adding an s, for example, house/houses and shoe/shoes.(P23)【知识要点】replace的用法【诊断练习】用replace的适当形式填空

7、。The old white-black TV has been _ with the new color TV in the last ten years.When you have finished the book, please _ it on the shelf.We need a _ for the secretary who left.6.【原句再现】At this point, many English people worked as servants who raised animals and cooked for the Normans.(P23)【知识要点】raise

8、与rise的用法辨别【诊断练习】用raise, rise的适当形式填空。 He _ and left the room.Its difficult to _ a family with a small income.The price of oil has been _ .There will be a _ in unemployment next year.7.【原句再现】Today, the spread of borrowed words is due to easily accessed television and radio programs from across the wor

9、ld, and the Internet.(P29)【知识要点】spread/ expand/ extend/ stretch【诊断练习】用spread, expand, extend, stretch的适当形式填空。Metals _ when they are heated and contract when cooled.The road being built will _ to the port.Flies, mosquitoes and mice _ diseases.Actually, a gentleman should wait for the lady to _ out he

10、r hand first.8.【原句再现】The English language is made up of the rules and vocabulary each group of people brought to Britain with them.(P22) The language consisted of an Anglo-Saxon base plus words from the languages of Denmark and Norway. (P22)【知识要点】consist of和be made up of 的用法辨别【诊断练习】选出能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。H

11、e was absent for weeks, so he had a lot of homework to_.A . make out B. make up C. make of D. make over As the national exam is approaching, what we need now is a mixture _ basic knowledge and courage.A. making of B. making up of C. consisting D. consisting of The whole book he wrote _ three parts.

12、Its mainly about Ming Dynasty. A. consists in B. makes up C. consists of D. is consisted of9.【原句再现】There are many different dialects of English depending on where people live.(P25)【知识要点】depend on的用法10.【原句再现】I always wondered when I would get the English novel my parents had promised to give me.(P28)

13、【知识要点】promise的用法11.【原句再现】The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.(P38)【知识要点】differ的用法12.【原句再现】In 1066, the Normans conquered England and took control of the country.(P22)【知识要点】含有control的词块(二)句型部分1.【原句再现】Howe

14、ver, the Norman Conquest did not have the same result that the Germanic invasion had had about 600 years earlier.(P22-23)【知识要点】the same. that引导的定语从句【诊断练习】选出能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。Tom did not take away the camera from the Lost and Found because it was not the same camera _ he lost last week.A.as B.that C.whic

15、h D.whose He went back to the same place _he had found the ring. A.where B.as C.which D.that 2.【原句再现】Despite this fact, French still had an impact on the English language.(P23)【知识要点】despite引导的让步状语 【诊断练习】选出能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。_ high price, demand for this new type of family cars is still very high.A.Thanks

16、 to B.Because of C.In case of D.Despite _ I admit that the problems are difficult, I dont agree that they cant be solved.A. AsB. When C. While D. Despite_ scientists know where a storm will happen, winds will suddenly change, carrying the storm to a new direction.A. Even if B. Since C. Despite D. Un

17、less3.【原句再现】I understand now, but the question is what if I still cannot understand the meanings.(P28)【知识要点】What if?【诊断练习】将下列句子译为英语。 如果他不同意该怎么办呢?要是我把这幅画移到那儿怎么样?如果这是真的又该如何呢?二、词汇识记(一)单词部分1.最后,最终,终于_ 2.官方的,正式的_3.接近,使用;接近的机会,享用权 _ 4.简化_5.标准;标准的_ 6.反映;反射_7.贯穿;遍及_ 8.(汉)字;(书写或印刷)符号_9.相反的事物,相对立的事物_ 10. 场合,机

18、会_11.最初,原先,起先_ 12. 代表_13.词汇_ 14.显示,表示;象征,暗示_15.近代的,当代的;现代化的_ 16.发音,语音(n.)_17.欧洲(人)的;欧洲人_ 18. 符号;象征_(二)词块部分1.作为整体,总体上 _ a _ 2.母语,本国语_ _3.(使)变成_ _ 4. 拿起,举起_ up5.关注(心);在意,担心_ _ 6.(在字典或参考书中)查找look _7.对有巨大的影响have an _ on 8.考虑_.into _9. 把和结合起来_. _ 10.代表_ _ 11.与谈话 have a _ _ 12.分类,整理_ out 13.为制定标准_ a stand

19、ard _ 14. 起作用,充当_ as15.从一边到另一边_ _ _ _16.言归正传;进入正题get _ _ _三、巩固练习(一)单项填空:选择能填入题干空白处的最佳选项。(20分)( )1. As he reached _front door, Jack saw _strange sight. (11全国II) A. the;不填 B. a; the C.不填a D. the; a ( )2.For professional athletes,to _ the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history book

20、s.A.access B.attachment C.appeal D.approach( )3.The clear sky _ fine weather. Lets go swimming.A. promises B. wants C. expects D. allows( )4.Many difficulties have _ as a result of the changeover to a new type of fuel.A.risen B.raised C.around D.arisen( )5.The news of Chinese great scientist Qian Xu

21、esens death _ like wildfire.A.extended B.spread C.stretched D.developed( )6.Thoughts of westerners differ much _ Oriental(东方人)in a number of ways.A.between B.between thoseC.from D.from those of( )7.World Expo 2010 Shanghai China, a grandscale global event, has _ the significant theme “Better City, B

22、etter Life”.A.abandoned B. adopted C. advocated D.adapted( )8.Six players can _ a volleyball team while a football team _ eleven players.A.make up;consists of B.be made up of;is consisted ofC.consist of;is made up D.make up of;consists of ( )9.Another training centre on computer will be _ in the tow

23、n.A.sent upB.put up C.set up D.put on( )10.Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interests.A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who( )11. _ turned out twenty passengers had been killed in the accidents.A.ThatB.Which C.It D.What( )12. -I dont think its good to hang the drawing here.

24、-_ I move it over there?Do you think itll look better?A.What about B.What if C.How about D.What with( )13. It is a rule that the students are banned _ computer games in our school.A.to play B.from playing C.of playing D.on playing( )14.We should take medicine according to the _ on the bottle.A.diffe

25、rences B.choicesC.directions D.connections( )15. Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names _ them which turn us _ walking advertisements.A.attached to; into B.attaching to; to C.appealed to; into D.contributed to; to( )16.-How long are you staying?-I dont know. _.A.Thats OK. B.Never

26、mind. C.It depends. D.It doesnt matter.( )17.Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house _ his personality. (10湖北)A. resembles B. strengthens C. reflects D. shapes( )18.Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others worki

27、ng on it. (10山东)A. brought up B. looked up C. picked up D. set up( )19.It is uncertain _ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. (10浙江)A. that B. what C. how D. whether( )20. -Have you finished the book? (10全国) -No. I have read up to_ the childr

28、en discovered the secret cave.A. who B. where C. that D. what(二)完形填空:根据短文内容选择能填入短文空白处的最佳选项。(30分)Just as you imagine, studying in new environment is difficult. Though I had _1_ a preparation for my study in the United Kingdom, I _2_ met many difficulties when I arrived in Britain. These difficulties

29、_3_ almost every side of your life, including language, daily _4_, feelings and study._5_ the fact that I have studied English for quite a long time, I was well _6_ to learn that the British people speak seemingly _7_ English from what I have learned at home. When I picked up my luggage in the airpo

30、rt, I _8_ a long crack on my suitcase. Anxious and a little bit angry, I rushed to a man in uniform and told him my suitcase was _9_ . With a smile on his face, he seemed to be explaining something to me. But I was totally puzzled by what he was saying _10_, the suitcase was still OK to use. I manag

31、ed to pull it to the train station. To my surprise, after more than two hours, there was still not a _11_ train coming into the station. Finally, I was told that all trains had been cancelled that day due to the _12_ of the railway workers who were demanding a pay rise. After a good deal of bother,

32、I finally reached Liverpool. _13_, I found it even harder to understand the local English. I even _14_ whether the local people were really speaking English. _15_, they could hardly understand what I was saying though I had tried my best to pronounce right. I could never really _16_ how to be the pl

33、ace I supposed to go _17_ they told me the way. However, the good thing is that most British people are friendly and eager to help. They usually _18_ me to the bus stop where I could take the bus to the places I wanted to go. It takes time to be used to the local accent. What I want to emphasize her

34、e is that you should hold on to talk with the local people even if there are difficulties in _19_. Before you go anywhere, write down the _20_. Remember a dictionary around you could also be helpful.( )1. A. made B. kept C. got D. set ( )2. A. even B. still C. yet D. almost( )3. A. contain B. mean C

35、. cover D. reach( )4.A. matters B. events C. business D. troubles( )5. A. Except B. Though C. Despite D. Besides( )6.A. satisfied B. shocked C. glad D. worried( )7. A. advanced B. strange C. same D. different ( )8. A. watched B. recognized C. found D. knew( )9. A. robbed B. broken C. destroyed D. lo

36、st( )10.A. All right B. Not at all C. Never mind D. No problem( )11.A. single B. only C. alone D. just( )12.A. fight B. strike C. break D. march( )13.A. Luckily B. UnfortunatelyC. Honestly. D. Personally( )14.A. guessed B. puzzled C. doubted D. considered( )15. A. However B. Similarly C. Even so D.

37、Therefore( )16.A. take out B. figure out C. give out D. bring out( )17.A. even if B. as if C. only if D. when ( )18.A. took B. pointed C. sent D. showed ( )19.A. communication B. touch C. understanding D. greeting( )20.A. direction B. number C. address D. route(三)阅读理解:根据短文内容选择能回答所提问题或完成句子的最佳选项。(20分)

38、I am a writer. I spend a great deal of my time thinking about the power of languagethe way it can evoke(唤起) an emotion, a visual image, a complex idea, or a simple truth. Language is the tool of my trade. And I use them allall the Englishes I grew up with.Born into a Chinese family that had recently

39、 arrived in California, Ive been giving more thought to the kind of English my mother speaks. Like others, I have described it to people as “broken” English. But feel embarrassed to say that. It has always bothered me that I can think of no way to describe it other than “broken”, as if it were damag

40、ed and needed to be fixed, as if it lacked a certain wholeness. Ive heard other terms used, “limited English,” for example. But they seem just as bad, as if everything is limited, including peoples perceptions(认识)of the limited English speaker.I know this for a fact, because when I was growing up, m

41、y mothers “limited” English limited my perception of her. I was ashamed of her English. I believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to say. That is ,because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect. And I had plenty of evidence to support me: the fact that peo

42、ple in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.I started writing fiction in 1985. And for reasons I wont get into today, I began to write stories using all th

43、e Englishes I grew up with: the English she used with me, which for lack of a better term might be described as “broken”, and what I imagine to be her translation of her Chinese, her internal(内在的) language, and for that I sought to preserve the essence, but neither an English nor a Chinese structure

44、: I wanted to catch what language ability tests can never show; her intention, her feelings, the rhythms of her speech and the nature of her thoughts.( )1. By saying “Language is the tool of my trade”, the author means that _.A. she uses English in foreign tradeB. she is fascinated by languagesC. sh

45、e works as a translatorD. she is a writer by profession( )2. The author used to think of her mothers English as _.A. impolite B. amusingC. imperfect D. practical( )3. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?A. Americans do not understand broken English.B. The authors mother was not r

46、espected sometimes.C. The author mother had positive influence on her.D. Broken English always reflects imperfect thoughts.( )4. The author gradually realizes her mothers English is _.A. well structuredB. in the old styleC. easy to translateD. rich in meaning( )5. What is the passage mainly about?A.

47、 The changes of the authors attitude to her mothers English.B. The limitation of the authors perception of her mother.C. The authors misunderstanding of “limited” English.D. The authors experiences of using broken English.(四)完成句子:根据所给汉语完成下列句子,词数不限。(30分)1. 北京奥运会的成功举办促进了中国经济的增长。 The success of Beijing

48、 Olympic Games _ in China.2. 在长时间考虑之后,这对夫妇决定领养一个孤儿。 After a long time of consideration,_.3. 比赛中他受了伤,因此我们不得不用另一位选手代替他。He was injured in the game so_.4. 这个年轻人向他的父母许诺,毕业后他会通过努力自己来谋生。 The young man _.5. 他提高音量以便大家都能听清楚他的话。He _.6. 根据世界卫生组织的报告,大城市都需要制订医疗规划以阻止艾滋病的蔓延。 According to the report of the World Hea

49、lth Organization, health care plans _.7. 在跟着车子跑了很长时间之后,车子停下来让他上车了。 After he ran after the car for a long time, _.8. 你应该清楚你无法控制他人,但可以控制自己。 You should be aware that _.9. 警察赶到后,人们便向四面八方走开了。 When the police arrived, _.10. 国家必须照料阵亡军人家属的生活。 The state _.一、知识复习(一)词汇部分1.【参考答案】invented makes produce created d

50、iscovered【点拨拓展】discover是“发现”的意思,发现可以是偶然的,也可以有一个过程,发现的对象原来就存在,只是一直未被认识; invent 是“发明”的意思,发明的东西原来是不存在的; create 是“创造”、“产生”的意思,它指创造独特性的东西; produce 指通过劳动加工而生产产品,尤指工农业产品生产; make表示制作,制造;建造;构成,等于. 2.【参考答案】收听 捡起来 买到 学会 搭载 好转【点拨拓展】pick up表示捡起;中途搭载乘客,接人;间接学会(语言,技能等);(从电台,收音机)收听节目;加快(速度);便宜地买到;(天气,健康等)好转;重提(话题),

51、继续等意思。pick out : 挑选,辨认出3.【参考答案】导致 捐款 对作贡献 投稿【点拨拓展】contribute(sth.)to,表示给捐款;向投稿;作贡献;促进,有助于,导致(lead to, result in),名词形式为contribution,常用于 make contributions to4.【参考答案】adopt adapt adapted adopted【点拨拓展】adopt表示收养,领养;采纳,采用.如:adopt an idea, adopt measures, adopt methods, adopt a child. 名词形式为adoption. adapt表

52、示(使)适应(to);改编(from/for),名词形式为adaptation.5.【参考答案】replaced replace replacement【点拨拓展】replace vt.替换,代替,取代;把放回原处 n. replacement(for sb./sth.)替代的人或物replace sth./sb.=take the place of sth./sb.(take ones place) 取代某物、某人replace sth./sb. with sth./sb. 用替换in place of=in ones place 代替,取代 例:Nothing can replace a

53、mothers love and care. 没有什么东西可以代替母亲的爱和关心。He will replace a broken window with a new one. 他要用新窗户更换破了的窗户。I gave her a watch in place of the one she had lost. 我给她一块手表,代替她丢失的那一块。6.【参考答案】rose raise rising/raised rise【点拨拓展】raise vt. 举起;抬高,提高(音量);种植,饲养,抚育(子女);提出(问题)例:raise ones voice提高声音 ; raise money for为

54、筹款 ; raise a question提出问题 ; raise a family养家糊口; raise ones hand 举起手raise 和rise的比较:原形词性过去式过去分词v.-ingraisevt.raisedraisedraisingrisevi.roserisenrising这两个词都有“提高,上升,增加”的意思,但其用法不同。 1.raise及物动词,发出此动作的通常是人,可用于被动语态,意为“举起、提高”,如抬头、举手(目、帽、石头、重物等),还可用作比喻,如提高政治觉悟(生活水平、地位、名誉、声音等)。 rise 不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,,意为“上升”、“升起”

55、、“起身”、“起立(此时主语是人)”、“上涨”,以及“(日、月星等)升起到地平线上”。rise作为名词表示(数量、程度等)增加,上涨C(+in);上升;兴盛;发迹;提升U;高地,岗C;【英】加薪等意。例:Please raise your hand if you know the answer.(请举手,主语是你) The sun rises in the east.(太阳升起,主语是太阳)2.raise 和rise 用于同一事物时含义不同。例: 最近电视机提价了。 The price of TV sets has been raised recently.(政府和厂家主动行动,提高价钱) T

56、he price of TV sets has risen recently.(市场自动调节导致提价,与销售商无关)7.【参考答案】expand extend spread stretch【点拨拓展】spread (spread, spread ) vt.& n. 使伸展;使延伸;张开;展开;散布;伸展;延伸;传开;蔓延;流行spread out散开;伸展 spread over 遍布在 spread to 传到,波及 spread oneself out 舒展四肢(躺下)spread, expand, extend, stretch辨析:spread:“伸开,传播”,一般指向四面八方扩大传播

57、的范围,如传播(疾病)、散布(信息)等。 expand: “展开、扩大”,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。 extend: “伸出,延伸”,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度、宽度的朝外延伸,也可指时间的延长。 stretch: “伸展,拉长”,一般指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展,不是加长。8. 【参考答案】B D C【点拨拓展】consist of 表示“整体由部分组成”,引申为“包含有”,不能用于被动语态例:Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.make up组成 表示“部分构成整体”,用于主动语态;如果用整体作主语,必须用被动结构be made up

58、of,这时可以和consist of互换。例:Eleven players make up the football team.The football team is made up of eleven players.=The football team consists of eleven players.9.【点拨拓展】depend on/upon依靠;依赖;取决于 depend on/upon sb. to do sth. 指望某人做某事 depend on/upon it that指望 depend on/upon+wh- 从句 It/That (all) depends.(口语)

59、视情况而定。dependent adj.依靠的,依赖的 be dependent on 例:All living things depend on the sun for their growth.万物生长靠太阳。You may depend on it that he will join our club.=You may depend on him to join our club.你可以指望他加入我们俱乐部。Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.我们的成败取决于每个人是否努力地工作。10.【点拨拓展】promi

60、se n. 承诺; 诺言; 前途; vt. 许诺, 答应; 给人以的指望;预示promise sb. sth.=promise sth. to sb. 答应给某人某物 promise (sb.)to do sth./that clause答应(某人)做某事give/make a promise许下诺言keep/carry out a/ones promise遵守诺言break a/ones promise违背诺言 promising 有前途的;有希望的11.【点拨拓展】differ vi. 有区别,不一样 differ from和不同 differ in在方面不同 例:English diff

61、ers from Chinese in many ways.英语和中文有很多不同。difference n.差异,不同点 make a difference 有影响,产生差别 例:It makes no difference to me whether you go or not.你去不去对我没有什么影响。12.【点拨拓展】take control 操纵;控制 lose control of 无法控制 in control of 控制;掌控;管理 in/under the control of sb. 在的控制下 under control 受控制 beyond/out of control

62、无法控制(二)句型部分1.【参考答案】A A 【点拨拓展】the samethat指同一个 the sameas指同类非同一个例:Have you bought the same book as I referred to yesterday?你有没有买我昨天说的那本书啊?( as在定语从句中作宾语,先行词是book) 这里指的是同一类书,而并不就是同一本。Have you brought the same book that I gave you yesterday?你有没有把我昨天给你的那本书带来啊?( that在定语从句中作宾语,先行词是book)本句中所指的书是同一本。the same

63、 where/when(where/when是关系副词,在从句中作状语):例:Yesterday I visited their village in the same year when they did ours. Put the book in the same place where it was.2.【参考答案】D C A【点拨拓展】despite prep.尽管 后接名词,代词,动名词或名词性从句,相当于in spite ofdespite与although(though)意思相同,但后者引导让步状语从句。例:尽管天气恶劣,工人们还是在热火朝天地干着。Despite the bad

64、 weather, the workers were working hard outside.或Although the weather was bad, the workers were working hard outside.3.【参考答案】What if he doesnt agree? What if I move the picture there? What if it is true? 【点拨拓展】What if后面接句子,结构相当于:What will or would happen if?常用于表示建议或疑虑,意为:如果将会怎么样。例:What if you dont p

65、ass your exams?要是考试不及格怎么办?二、词汇识记(一)单词部分1. eventually 2.official 3. access 4.simplify 5.standard6. reflect 7. throughout 8. character 9. opposite 10. occasion 11. originally 12. represent 13.vocabulary 14.indicate 15. modern16. pronunciation 17. European 18. symbol(二)词块部分1. as a whole 2.mother tongue

66、 3. turn into 4. lift up 5. care about 6. look up 7.have an impact on 8. takeinto consideration9. combinewith 10. stand for 11. have a word with 12. sort out13. set a standard for 14. function as 15.from side to side 16. get to the point三、巩固练习(一)1-5 DAADB 6-10 DBACC 11-15 CBBCA 16-20 CCCBB(二)1. A 2.

67、B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.C 11. A 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.C (三)1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A(四)1. contributes to the growth of economy2. the couple decided to adopt an orphan.3. we had to replace him with another player.4. made a promise to his parents that he would try to earn his o

68、wn living after graduation.5. raised his voice in order to be heard clearly6. are needed in all big cities to prevent the spread of AIDS.7. the car stopped and picked him up8. you cant take control of others but you can control yourself.9. the crowd walked away in all directions10. must care for the families of soldiers killed in the war.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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