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四川省成都树德中学2020届高三二诊模拟考试 英语 PDF版含答案.pdf

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1、高 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 1 页共 10 页 树德中学高 2017 级二诊模拟考试英语试题 第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.1.H

2、ow does the man like to begin his lecture?A.With an introductionB.With a smile.C.With a funny story.2.What will the woman probably do?A.Wait for the airport bus.B.Go to the airport by taxi.C.Take a taxi and go home.3.When will the man have a meeting?A.In a minute.B.Tomorrow.C.In a couple of hours.4.

3、What is the man doing?A.Making a phone call.B.Making a visit.C.Making an appointment.5.What might have happened?A.An earthquake.B.A fire.C.A gas accident.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍

4、。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.Where does the man most probably live?A.In the countryside.B.In a big city.C.In America.7.Why does the woman think that New York is the only place to live in?A.It has a large population.B.It offers a colorful and exciting life.C.Its not only interesting but also quiet.听第 7 段材料,

5、回答第 8、9 题。8.Where will the woman have her sailing holiday?A.In Italy.B.In Sweden.C.In Norway.9.How much will the woman pay for her sailing holiday?A.450.B.380.C.370.18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:23564

6、9790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角巷18号华润峰锦2303(九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元205(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙19年文理科省前五名各一个高 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 2 页共 10 页 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10.What are the two speakers talking about?A.Air pollution.B.Transportation.C.Road connecti

7、on.11.Why does the man think laws of car use will be made?A.Because road traffic has to be controlled.B.Because therell be new ways of travelling.C.Because too many people enjoy air travel.12.What does the woman think of travelling by train under the ocean?A.It is exciting.B.It is frightening.C.It i

8、s unimaginable.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13.What does the man probably do?A.A ticket collector.B.A jeweler.C.A policeman.14.Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.On a train.B.In the street.C.At the mans office.15.Why does the man stop the woman?A.She stole something.B.She was too rude

9、to him.C.She smoked in public places.16.Where will the speakers probably go?A.The police station.B.The train station.C.The womans office.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17.How long is the English Coffee Shop open to customers a day?A.For 24 hours.B.For 8 hours.C.For 12 hours.18.What can we learn about the r

10、adio station?A.It is owned by the English Coffee Shop.B.It is on Montana at Seventh Street in Santa Monica.C.It sells advertising time.19.What is the weather like in the morning?A.Cloudy.B.Cold.C.Fine.20.What can we learn about Santa Monica Beach?A.Its used for parking cars.B.Its a good place for su

11、rfing.C.Its a good place for skating.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Sunrise Hike Saturday,October 21 6:45 AM-7:45 AM 18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优

12、径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:235649790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角巷18号华润峰锦2303(九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元205(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙 19年文理科省前五名各一个高 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 3 页共 10 页 Enjoy sunrise from the hilltop as you learn about wildlife,plants,history and forest.Ages 8

13、and up;under 18 with an adult.To register by phone instead,call 630-933-7248.Meet in the parking lot on the west side of Greene Road south of 79th Street.Dress for the weather,wear comfortable shoes and bring water.Trick Or Treat Saturday,October 28 9:00 AM-11:30 AM You and your family are invited t

14、o join the YMCA for a Halloween hike up Badger Mountain!Make sure to wear your Halloween costumes!Free shirts for the first 200 kids registered.*You must take away your shirt by 11:30AM or it will be given away.Cost:Trick or Treat is a Free Event Discovery Hike:In Search of the Great Pumpkin Thursda

15、y,October 26 1:00 PM-4:00PM Ages 3-8 Fall is pumpkin time.Listen to a pumpkin story and learn how pumpkins grow.Then we will head out on the path in search of a little pumpkin just for you and maybe,just maybe,we will find the great pumpkin along the way.$7 per child.Harvest Day Camp CAP Monday,Octo

16、ber 31 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Harvest Camp is an opportunity for children aged 5-13 to find the wonder of autumn at Keystone Science School and enjoy all the fun the Halloween season offers.Well explore the ways our natural environment has changed from summer to fall.As always,our programming is focused on

17、 building skills,knowledge,and confidence.Day Camp$0.00 21.What can we know about these activities?A.Only children can take part.B.They are held in a mountain.C.They are held in the same season.D.They are to celebrate Halloween.22.In which activity can children get free shirts?A.Sunrise Hike.B.Trick

18、 Or Treat.C.Harvest Day Camp CAP.D.Discovery Hike.23.What can children do on October 26?A.Hike with their parents.B.Protect wildlife and forest.C.Enjoy the fun of Halloween.D.Learn the growth about pumpkin.B For years going home for the holidays has been bittersweet.I appreciate the opportunity to s

19、pend quality time with my mom but it is painful for me to see her house littered with stuff.Clothes 18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:235649790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角巷18号华润峰锦2303(

20、九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元205(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙 19年文理科省前五名各一个高 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 4 页共 10 页 bought but never worn,and new items in their original packaging carelessly purchased and never used.Its evident that seeing the stuff on a daily basis reminds my mom of a time wh

21、en shopping was her way of spending money.I didnt fully understand the extent to which my mom was suffering until this week,when I saw piles of clothes on her bed.“How do you manage to sleep every night with all that stuff,Mom?”I asked.To my horror,she replied,“I do it because I know I have to get r

22、id of all this stuff eventually;I am punishing myself by sleeping with them until I dothat.”Shocked and upset,I gently explained to her that punishing herself was only to make things worse,and that everybody deserves a place to sleep in peace,no matter what mistakes theyve made.I suggested she move

23、all the stuff upstairs,leaving her room comfortable to sleep in.With patience and her slow but steady guidance,I helped her go through some of the piles and move them upstairs.For the rest of the week I stayed there,she was in a better mood and was excited about going through the rest of the house t

24、o finally get rid of her stuffpast mistakes and painful times.The items brought back painful memories as we inspected and moved them,but I kept reminding her that removing them would allow her to move on and heal.We finally sold so many things and took bag after bag to charity.The stuff is just a si

25、gn of the destructive patterns of self-hatred on past mistakes.Only through the act of self-forgiveness can we bring about a chain reaction of reorganizingboth of the house and heart.24.What made the author feel bitter?A.She couldnt understand her moms sorrows.B.Her mom was stuck in the painful memo

26、ries.C.Her mom was always left alone at home.D.Her mom wasted money on useless things.25.The underlined word“that”in the second paragraph refers to_.A.getting rid of the stuff B.buying the stuff C.opening the stuff D.moving the stuff 26.We can infer from the passage that_.A.the author never bought h

27、er mom anything B.the authors mom has no money to purchase now C.the authors mom regrets buying so many things D.the author knows her moms suffering only this week 27.Whats the best title of the passage?A.How to do shopping wisely?B.The importance of self-forgiveness C.Keep an eye on the elderlys be

28、havior D.Clearance helps remove suffering 18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:235649790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角巷18号华润峰锦2303(九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元205(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18

29、-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙 19年文理科省前五名各一个高 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 5 页共 10 页 C In a career that lasted more than half a century,Tom Wolfe wrote fiction and nonfiction best-sellers including The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and The Bonfire of the Vanities.Along the way,he created a new type of journalism and coine

30、d phrases that became part of the American vocabulary.Wolfe began working as a newspaper reporter,first for The Washington Post,then the New York Herald Tribune.He developed a literary style in nonfiction that became known as the“New Journalism.”“Ive always agreed on a theoretical level that the tec

31、hniques for fiction and nonfiction are interchangeable,”he said.“The things that work in nonfiction would work in fiction,and vice versa.”“When Tom Wolfes voice broke into the world of nonfiction,it was a time when a lot of writers,and a lot of artists in general,were turning inwards,”says Lev Gross

32、man,book critic for Time magazine.“Wolfe didnt do that.Wolfe turned outwards.He was a guy who was interested in other people.”Wolfe was interested in how they thought,how they did things and how the things they did affected the world around them.In 1979,Wolfe published The Right Stuff,an account of

33、the military test pilots who became Americas first astronauts.Four years later,the book was adapted as a feature film.“The Right Stuff was the book for me,”says Grossman.“It reminded me,in case Id forgotten,that the world is an incredible place.”In The Right Stuff,Wolfe popularized the phrase“pushin

34、g the envelope.”In a New York magazine article,Wolfe described the 1970s as“The Me Decade.”Grossman says these phrases became part of the American idiom because they were accurate.“He was an enormously forceful observer,and he was not afraid of making strong claims about what was happening in realit

35、y,”Grossman says.“He did it well and people heard him.And they repeated what he said because he was right.”All those words started a revolution in nonfiction that is still going on.28.The“New Journalism”is a style of journalism that .A.changes its news writing techniques frequently B.popularizes new

36、 American idioms in a literary way C.combines novelistic techniques with traditional reporting D.reports various news events from a theoretical perspective 29.It can be learned from the passage that The Right Stuff .A.is a film directed by Lev Grossman B.is an influential book by Tom Wolfe C.account

37、s for popular American phrases D.deals with incredible places in the world 18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:235649790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角巷18号华润峰锦2303(九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元20

38、5(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙 19年文理科省前五名各一个高 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 6 页共 10 页 30.According to the passage,Tom Wolfe .A.was good at reporting news from a realistic perspective B.preferred making claims about events to writing books C.was fond of commenting on other peoples thoughts

39、 D.liked analyzing social problems from the outside 31.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.Tom Wolfe:A Professional Phrase Coiner B.Tom Wolfe:A Forceful Observer and Novelist C.Tom Wolfe:A Theoretical Creator in Literature D.Tom Wolfe:An Innovative Journalist and Writer D If y

40、oure a book lover,you have a pile of books on your bedside,or a bookshelf in your library with a“to read”sign on it.Yet you cant stop yourself from adding to the pile.This can lead to feelings of guilt over your new purchases.But Im here to tell you to stop worrying.What you have is an antilibrary,a

41、nd its a very good thing.The term comes from writer Umberto Eco.He is the owner of a large personal library.He separates visitors into two groups:those who react with“Wow!What a library you have!How many of these books have you read?”and the others who get the point that a private library is not som

42、ething to show off but a research tool.Read books are far less valuable than unread ones.Indeed,the more you know,the larger the rows of unread books.Let us call this collection an antilibrary.If you think you already know everything about a subject,youre cutting yourself off from a stream of inform

43、ation at an artificial point.So a growing library of books you havent read means youre consistently curious about the unknown.And that attitude is a great foundation for a lifelong love of learning.So dont feel guilty over your unread books.Those books will be there for you when you do want them,and

44、 as you build your library of read and unread books,you can start using it as you would use a bigger library.Certain books may become references more than read-throughs.Or you may find that a book you bought five years ago has special relevance today.Letting the role of books evolve in your life is

45、a healthy sign of curiosity.Thats good for you and good for the world around you.32.What does the underlined word“antilibrary”in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.Feelings of guilt over new books.B.A pile of books on the bookshelf.C.The collection of unread books.D.A large personal library.33.According to the

46、author,more unread books mean_.A.your wrong lifelong learning attitude B.you limit yourself from the unknown 18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:235649790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角巷18号

47、华润峰锦2303(九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元205(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙 19年文理科省前五名各一个高 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 7 页共 10 页 C.your have no interest in the new world D.your strong desire about new information 34.Whats the authors attitude towards having an antilibrary?A.Favorable.B.Doubtful.C.

48、Ambiguous.D.Contradictory.35.What can we know from the last paragraph?A.Curiosity is a sign of high IQ.B.Books are the ladder in our life.C.Unread books are surely relevant to the present.D.We should read through every book.第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Much of

49、the work in todays world is accomplished in teams.Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most talented individuals.36 Companies spend millions hiring top business people.Is their money well spent?37 They focused on football,basketball and baseball.The resu

50、lts are mixed.For football and basketball,adding talented players to a team proves a good method,but only up to the point where 70%of the players are top talent;above that level,the teams performance begins to decline.Interestingly,this trend isnt evident in baseball,where additional individual tale

51、nt keeps improving the teams performance.To explain this phenomenon,the researchers explored the degree to which a good performance by a team requires its members to coordinate(协调)their actions.38 In baseball,the performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates.They conclude that whe

52、n task interdependence(互相依赖)is high,team performance will suffer when there is too much talent,while individual talent will have positive effects on team performance when task interdependence is lower.If a basketball star is,for example,trying to gain a high personal point total,he may take a shot h

53、imself when it would be better to pass the ball to a teammate,affecting the teams performance.Young children learning to play team sports are often told,“There is no I in TEAM.”39 Another possibility is that when there is a lot of talent on a team,some players may make less effort.Just as in a game

54、of tug-of-war,whenever a person is added,everyone else pulls the rope with less force.40 An A-team may require a balance-not just A players,but a few generous B players as well.A.Its not a simple matter to determine the nature of talent.B.Sports team owners spend millions of dollars attracting top t

55、alent.18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:235649790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角巷18号华润峰锦2303(九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元205(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙 19年文理科省前五名各一个高

56、 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 8 页共 10 页 C.The group interaction and its effect drew the researchers attention.D.Stars apparently do not follow this basic principle of sportsmanship.E.Several recent studies examined the role of talent in the sports world.F.Building up a dream team is more complex than simply hir

57、ing the best talent.G.This task interdependence distinguishes baseball from football and basketball.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。13-year-old Madison was studying at home when her mother burst in.She said a boy h

58、ad fallen into a septic tank(化粪池)and made an urgent 41 for Madisons help.They ran to a neighbors yard,where the 42 adults surrounded the septic tank opening 43 wider than a basketball.The boy,aged only 2,had slipped in and was 44 .Madison quickly 45 the situation.She was the only one who could 46 th

59、rough the small opening.Without 47 ,she got close to the opening and said,“48 me in.”Some people held her waist and 49 .She wiggled(扭动)arms and shoulders until she 50 the opening.Inside,the tank was dark and the air smelly.When she stuck her arms into the dirty water,she jammed her left wrist agains

60、t a hidden stick,51 it severely.52 tend to her injury,Madison scanned the surface of the dirty water,hoping to 53 the underwater boy.Suddenly she saw his little toes stick out.When spotting the vague 54 of his foot again,Madison shot out her 55 hand,grasped the foot tightly and shouted,“Pull me up!”

61、As they nearly reached the surface,the boys other foot got stuck.She wiggled his foot until it was 56 .Eventually they were lifted out.57 ,the kid wasnt out of trouble.Having suffered from lack of 58 that long,he wasnt breathing.He was then given hard hits on the back until he coughed up water.At th

62、e sight of this,Madison sighed with 59 .Madison received months of treatment for her wrist,which made her 60 actions more impressive.41.A.appointment B.attempt C.choice D.request 42.A.anxious B.curious C.annoyed D.merciful 43.A.partly B.previously C.slightly D.dramatically 44.A.floating B.weeping C.

63、trembling D.drowning 45.A.controlled B.examined C.took part in D.gave up 46.A.look B.jump C.fill D.fit 18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:235649790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角巷18号华润峰锦23

64、03(九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元205(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙 19年文理科省前五名各一个高 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 9 页共 10 页 47.A.time B.permission C.hesitation D.judgment 48.A.Throw B.Lower C.Force D.Push 49.A.legs B.arms C.head D.hands 50.A.adjusted to B.got through C.tore down D.held on to 51.A.t

65、ouching B.trapping C.injuring D.striking 52.A.In an effort to B.Rather than C.Likely to D.Ready to 53.A.feel B.smell C.follow D.attract 54.A.skin B.gesture C.picture D.outline 55.A.left B.single C.good D.clumsy 56.A.frozen B.free C.flexible D.bare 57.A.However B.Instead C.Therefore D.Personally 58.A

66、.protection B.oxygen C.gravity D.energy 59.A.flight B.cold C.relief D.respect 60.A.unselfish B.thoughtless C.unconscious D.random 第 II 卷第三部分 英语知识运用第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。When someone has deeply hurt you,it can be very difficult to let go 61 your anger.But

67、forgiveness is possible,and it can be surprisingly 62 (benefit)to your physical and mental health.So far,research 63 (show)that people who forgive can have more energy and better sleep.So when 64 (hurt)by someone,cool down first.65 (take)a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you plea

68、sure:a beautiful scene in nature,or someone you love.Dont wait for an apology.“Many times the person who hurts you may never think of apologizing,”says Dr.Frederic Luskin,66 wrote the book Forgive for Good.“They may have wanted to hurt you or they just dont see things 67 same way.So if you wait for

69、people 68 (say)sorry,you could be waiting a very long time.”Next keep in mind that forgiveness does not 69 (necessary)mean accepting the action of the person who upsets you.Instead,learn to look for the love,beauty and kindness around you.Finally,try to see things from the other persons position.You

70、 may realize that he or she was acting out of 70 (careless).第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:235649790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角

71、巷18号华润峰锦2303(九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元205(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙 19年文理科省前五名各一个高 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 10 页共 10 页 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改

72、均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。In December 30th,after two weeks training,we finally began our work as volunteer guide in a museum.During the first two weeks,I was learnt a lot about the stories behind the artworks.In order to do good in the work,my teammates and me made full preparations.We firs

73、t worked out a careful plan.Then we practiced use proper body language to explain the artworks better.The month-long volunteer work has now come to end,from what I understand that it isnt easy to be a good guide.Besides,I also realized how important teamwork is.I believe that I will get lifelong ben

74、efits from the short and meaningful experience.第二节书面表达(满分 25 分)假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Mark 希望向你了解国画的有关知识,但原定见面时间因故需要推迟,请给 Mark 写一封邮件,说明情况。要点包括:1.表示歉意并说明原因;2.重约见面讨论的时间;3.推荐先参观国画展览。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.参考词汇:国画 traditional Chinese paintings Dear Mark,Yours,Li Hua 18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:

75、18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:235649790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角巷18号华润峰锦2303(九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元205(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙 19年文理科省前五名各一个高 2017 级二诊模拟英语试题 第 1 页共 1 页 树德中学高 2017 级二

76、诊模拟考试英语试题参考答案 第一部分 听力 听力 1-5 CBCBA 6-10 ABACB 11-15 ABCBA 16-20 AACAB 阅读 21-23 CBD 24-27 BACD 28-31 CBAD 32-35 CDAB 阅读七选五 36-40 BEGDF 完形填空 41-60 DACDB DCBAB CBADC BABCA 语篇填空 61.of 62.beneficial 63.has shown 64.hurt 65.Take 66.who 67.the 68.to say 69.necessarily 70.carelessness 短文改错:1.InOn 2.guidegui

77、des 3.去掉 was 4.goodwell 5.me I 6.use-using e to an end 8.whatwhich 9.realizedrealize 10.and-but 书面表达 Dear Mark,I hate to say sorry,but there is a change in my school arrangements.So I am afraid I wont be able to keep my appointment to discuss traditional Chinese paintings with you.I sincerely apolog

78、ize to you for any inconvenience caused by the unexpected change.I suggest we put it off from 3 pm this weekend until the same time next Thursday.Will that be fine for you?Good news is that an exhibition of Chinese paintings is to be held this weekend.Works by some nationwide famous painters will be

79、 included in the exhibits.A visit there will definitely help better your understanding of the paintings.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua 18届涨100分学生达21人,19届涨超100分达36人 咨询热线:18215571552(罗老师九宁校区)13678094618(晁老师七林校区)周末班、寒暑假班、全日制 中学小班教学、一对一教学,针对性布局书山有路勤为径 优径皆在为学溪为学溪高考家长一群:235649790 为学溪高考家长二群:553268333 20届为学溪高考家长群:608947208 成都西城角巷18号华润峰锦2303(九宁校区)成都百草路186号英伦二期四幢3单元205(成外校区)武侯区一环路南一段22号嘉谊大厦3楼(七林校区)18-19年高考为学溪考出8清6北6交5复3浙 19年文理科省前五名各一个


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