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2020-2021学年北师大版英语选修7课时分层作业4 UNIT 20 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、课时分层作业(四)语言知识练习固基础.单句语法填空1He couldnt make himself heard (hear)above the noise of the traffic.2This street is four times the length (long)of that one.3If so,your points of view are bound to conflict with his.4He assisted in designing (design)the new bridge.5This kind of new woollen sweater wears (wea

2、r)well.6I do not use the computer for student assessment (assess)7It is evident that he is not equal to the job.8He was among the few who managed to live through the enemy prison camp.9He was found out before he could carry out his plan.10Besides for fun,hiking is a good way to exercise.单句改错1I hope

3、that youll have a fun and play safely.去掉a2The plane flew ten times as higher as the kite.higherhigh3The workers are made work ten hours a day.made后加to4A gardener hired to assist in the gardening last year.hired前加was5He presented two solutions,and the later seems much better.laterlatter高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解

4、Amazon,the worlds largest online retailer (零售商),is testing unmanned drones (无人机) to deliver goods to customers,according to Chief Executive Jeff Bezos.The drones,called Octocopters, could deliver packages weighing up to 2.3 kg to customers within 30 minutes after they placed the order, he said.Howev

5、er,he added that it could take up to five years for the service to start.The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is yet to approve the use of unmanned drones for civilian purposes (民用)“I know this looks like science fiction, but its not,”Mr Bezos told CBS televisions 60 Minutes programme.“We ca

6、n do half hour delivery.and we can carry objects,we think,up to five pounds (2.3 kg),which covers 86% of the items that we deliver.”Ready to enterThe service will be called Prime Air and comes as Amazon is looking to improve its efficiency to boost (提高) growth.Amazon also posted a video on its websi

7、te showing a drone picking up a package from one of its warehouses (仓库) and delivering it to the doorstep of a customers house.However,it still has to wait for permission from US regulators.The US Federal Aviation Administration has approved the use of drones for police and government agencies, issu

8、ing about 1,400 permits over the past several years.Civilian air space is expected to be opened up to all kinds of drones in the US by 2015 and in Europe by 2016.Amazon said,“From a technology point of view,well be ready to enter commercial operations as soon as the necessary regulations (规定) are in

9、 place.”The FAA was “actively working on rules for unmanned aerial vehicles”,the company said, adding that it hoped the green light would be given as early as 2015.“One day, Prime Air vehicles will be as normal as seeing mail trucks on the road today.”【语篇解读】近日,亚马逊CEO杰夫贝佐斯在接受采访时透露,亚马逊正在试验一个无人机送货上门的项目

10、,大大缩短消费者从下单到签收货物等待的时间。1According to the passage, which one is NOT true?AAmazon is the largest online retailer in the world.BAmazon has started this service.CThe drones could deliver packages to customers within 30 minutes.DAmazon should get permission from US regulators.B细节理解题。根据文章前两段可知A、C正确。根据第三段“H

11、owever,he added that it could take up to five years for the service to start.”可知B错误。2Why will Amazon use unmanned drones to deliver goods to customers?ATo save money.BTo show off itself.CTo ensure safety of goods.DTo improve its efficiency to boost growth.D细节理解题。根据第七段的句子“The service will be called P

12、rime Air and comes as Amazon is looking to improve its efficiency to boost(提高)growth.”可知亚马逊这样做的目的是提高运送效率来促进业务增长,故D为正确选项。3When will civilian air space be opened up to all kinds of drones in Europe?ABy 2015.BBy 2016.CBy 2013.DBy 2014.B细节理解题。根据倒数第四段的“Civilian air space is expected to be opened up to al

13、l kinds of drones in the US by 2015 and in Europe by 2016.”可知B为正确选项。4Whats the best title of the passage?AThe worlds largest online retailerBUnmanned dronesCAmazon testing unmanned drones for deliveriesDHow to deliver goods to customersC标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了亚马逊世界上最大的在线零售商正在测试使用无人机向顾客运送货物。.阅读七选五Everybody get

14、s angry,but outofcontrol anger isnt good for you or those around you. So here are five simple strategies to help you learn how to manage your anger:Relax.Breathe deeply,from your stomach. 1 Repeat it to yourself and visualize a relaxing time and experience.Change the way you think.When youre angry,y

15、our thinking can get exaggerated (夸大的) 2 For instance,instead of telling yourself,“Oh, its terrible!Everythings ruined,”tell yourself,“Its understandable that Im upset about it,but its not the end of the world.” 3 Statements like “This never works.”or “Youre always forgetting things.”will make you f

16、eel your anger is justified (情有可原的)and theres no way to solve the problem.They might upset people who might be willing to work with you on a solution.Have a better communication.Angry people tend to jump to conclusions.If you are in a heated discussion,slow down. 4 And take your time before answerin

17、g.Instead of saying the first thing that comes into your head,think carefully about what you want to say.Use humor.Psychologists say that highly angry people tend to think “things ought to go my way!”“Silly humor”can help you get a more balanced perspective.So,when you feel that anger coming the nex

18、t time,picture yourself as a king or queen,walking around,admired by everybody,and getting your own way in every situation.The more detail you can get into your imaginary scenes,the more likely it is to put a smile on your face. 5 ABe careful with words like “never” or “always”BListen carefully to w

19、hat the other person is saying.CTry replacing these thoughts with more reasonable ones.DAvoid using these strategies when youre in a tense situation.EThen slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as “take it easy”FTry changing the topics so your talks wont turn into arguments.GThat will help you rea

20、lize that the things youre angry about are really not very important.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了五条控制易怒情绪的方法。1EE项中的“phrase such astake it easy”与本段小标题Relax相呼应。2C下文的“tell yourself,Its understandable that Im upset about it,but its not the end of the world.”是对C项“replacing these thoughts”的举例。3A由下文的“Statements.migh

21、t upset people”可知,本段作者建议人们谨慎使用带有never或always的话语。4B由小标题Have a better communication和文中的“slow down”以及下文的“take your time before answering”可知,作者建议人们在激烈的讨论中,不要轻易下结论,认真倾听,良好沟通,从而避免怒气的产生,故选B项。5G本段作者建议使用幽默化解怒气。由本段的“The more detail.the more likely it is to put a smile on your face.”可知,幽默可以让人意识到令人生气的事其实并没有那么重要

22、,故选G项。.语法填空Online shopping is coming into fashion in most cities,where people are able to make full use of the rapidlydeveloped Internet technology.Nowadays,can we find a person 1._hasnt experienced online shopping?Definitely not.Online shopping 2._(welcome) by most people due to various reasons.Fro

23、m the perspective (视角) of the consumer,it can save some time for people who dont have much spare time. Just click the mouse,they can get 3._they want while staying at home. For the retailers (零售商),it can cut some costs for those who dont have much circulating funds.4._(compare)with the traditional t

24、rade mode (风格),it saves them the need to rent a house.5._,there are still some 6._(disadvantage) in online shopping. First, no facetoface deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. Second, people will lose the fun of bargaining.7_is undeniable (不可否认的) that shopping on the Internet has

25、 become an irresistible (无法抗拒的) trend in modern 8._(social). Its of great urgency that we need to make the relative laws with the rapid 9._(grow) of online shopping. Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without the concern of 10._(cheat)【语篇解读】本文主要讨论了网购如此受欢迎的原

26、因。1who/that先行词为a person,引导词在定语从句中作主语,指代人,故用who或that。2is welcomed动词welcome与online shopping是动宾关系,且此处表示现在的情况,故用一般现在时的被动语态。3whatever/what所填词引导宾语从句,表示“(任何)的东西”,故填whatever或what。4Comparedcompared with.(与相比较)作状语,compare与it为动宾关系,故用过去分词形式。5However根据语境分析,前面阐述了网络购物的好处,下面介绍的是缺点,所填词表示转折关系,再根据空格后面的逗号分析,此空应该填However。6disadvantages根据some可知,此处填名词disadvantage的复数形式disadvantages。7It根据句子结构可知,句子的真正主语是that引导的从句,故空格处应填形式主语it。8society根据语境分析,此处指现代“社会”,故填名词society。9growth根据空格前的“with the rapid”和后面的介词of可知用名词growth。10being cheatedof为介词,其后接动名词,且cheat与we为动宾关系,故填being cheated。


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